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36.74% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 176: 211-220

Chapter 176: 211-220

Chapter 211: 80-Win Streak!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Congratulations! Player Sword Genius defeated keeper The Final Fortress on the sixth floor of the arena and won 80 consecutive battles!"

The online players were not the only ones to receive the notification, but all registered players who were offline also received a notification too. The last person who managed to achieve 80 consecutive wins in Division7 Hunter Arena was 118 years ago. Without a doubt, Lin Huang had broken the ice that formed more than 100 years ago!

The 12 senior executive officers in the Hunter Association were shocked. When they saw the notification, they looked for the shared video of the battle. All of them shook their heads after they watched the video without saying a word. However, Old Li and Xu Tianyu were in distress. Old Li blamed himself for underestimating and excluding Lin Huang from the focus training list by judging him too fast. Meanwhile, Xu Tianyu blamed himself for asking for Mr. Fu's help. If not for Mr. Fu, Lin Huang would be on the list of Hunter Association's focus training and be trained as a candidate for the senior executive officer role.

Unfortunately, everything was too late now…

The news of Lin Huang's 80 consecutive wins caught the dark organization's attention. They were trying to find out who this Sword Genius was. They knew very well that if Lin Huang were found and trained by the Hunter Association, he would be a transcendent one day and become a nightmare to the dark organization. Therefore, they were eager to find out Sword Genius's identity so that they could get Lin Huang into their organization before it was too late.

Many of the registered players who had yet to enter the arena were shocked when they saw the notification. All of them knew that the last person who got 80 consecutive wins was more than 100 years ago. Many players logged into the game on purpose just to see who this Sword Genius was. He became a hot topic in the arena as he managed to get 60, 70 and 80 consecutive wins within a single day. With all the time taken added up, he had taken less than one hour to achieve that.

The sixth floor of the arena was the most crowded place inside of the Hunter arena as all of the players were discussing Lin Huang with each other. It was a miracle that that had happened on the sixth floor. Moreover, everyone was familiar with the keepers who fought Lin Huang.

"Has Sword Genius really won 80 battles back to back?"

"Not only that he even defeated The Final Fortress, even Yu Moli had never defeated that fella before."

"The ability of Sword Genius is too terrifying. Since he defeated The Final Fortress, does that mean he's even more powerful than Yu Moli?"

"Let's see if he can achieve a miracle and continue to 90 consecutive wins…"

It was very crowded outside venue No.1 on the sixth floor of the arena. However, there was nothing but complete silence in the venue as everyone was shocked at the announcement. They had no idea what just happened. The golden flame in the ring faded after the announcement came over the system. After The Final Fortress had disappeared, it was only then Lin Huang realized that he had broken the wall in the ring. Before the golden glow had entirely faded away, Lin Huang retracted his blood spirit wings, immediately concealing them from the crowd but soon after he started to feel the exhaustion in his body from the battle.

Using the Worldly Purification form twice had drained four circles of his Life Power with more than half of his last Life Wheel exhausted.

The Hunter Arena was a simulation of what happened in real life; therefore, any Life Power exhaustion in the arena was real, preventing players from refilling their Life Power after every battle. Even if a player died in the ring, their bodies would be rebuilt by the system on the same day but their Life Power would remain the same without being refilled. The setting was to prevent players from getting too addicted to the game and reduce the risk of people dying in cyber cafes in the real world.

If a player had drained too much Life Power in a day, they could only come back on the next day to refill their Life Power. If they logged-in on the very same day, their Life Power would not be refreshed.

It was evident that Lin Huang's body was not ideal to continue to battle. He was not worried about the opponents from the 81st to the 89th fight. However, even if the keeper of the 90th battle might be easier to defeat than The Final Fortress, he would be anything but weak. With his condition, he thought it would be disrespectful to his opponents.

"Would you like to continue to battle?"

After staring at the notification with some thought, Lin Huang chose to leave the battle. As his body was breaking into pieces and disappeared, the audience just managed to open their eyes from the golden glow that had faded away as he left.

"He's not fighting anymore?" Many of them were disappointed.

"Perhaps the last battle was too much for his body and he must rest now. After all, The Final Fortress was not an easy fight."

"Guys look! There are cracks in the arena's defensive wall…" Someone shouted.

A guy who was sitting very close to the wall looked at the wall and realized there were cracks. He stood up and pressed against the wall. A cracking sound was heard as the guy touched it and the wall broke into pieces. Everyone was shocked at the scene.

"It's not me! There were cracks before I went there, all I did was give it a light push…" The guy explained.

Of course, the rest knew it was not the guy's fault. They knew it must be Sword Genius who did that as The Final Fortress stayed in his defensive mode throughout the entire battle without attacking. As the ball completely blocked the previous attack of Sword Genius, the only thing that could happen was the sword that pierced through the ball and penetrated straight into the wall.

Everyone thought it was terrifying, all of them knew that the arena wall was unbreakable even with a gold-level weapon from a gold-level rank-3 hunter.

When the man in a black robe, who hadn't been rooting for Lin Huang saw the broken wall, he said, "I underestimated him, this Sword Genius really is something."

"Hehe… The best of him and Yu Moli…" The young man in golden robe smirked.

"I believe he would be fighting Yu Moli the next time he logs into the game." The man in a black robe nodded.

Standing outside the ring on the sixth floor, the silver mask on Lin Huang's face faded away. Seeing the battle clips of his battle with The Final Fortress, made Lin Huang smirk. He then looked at his scoreboard.

"Nickname: Sword Genius"

"Combat Strength: Silver-Level Rank-3"

"Battle Count: 80"

"Accumulated Points: 10138"

"Winning Percentage: 100%."

"Honor: 80th winning streak!"

"I have finally accumulated more than 10,000 points! After I finish the keeper tomorrow, I will have completed the mission that master gave!" Lin Huang was confident. He smirked as he heard everyone around him discussing Sword Genius. Soon after he logged out of the game to let his Life Power regenerate.

Chapter 212: Level-2 Sword Power Realm

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After exiting the Hunter Arena, Lin Huang saw that the top news on the game's page was about him - Player Sword Genius has broken the ice that lasted a hundred years and achieved 80 consecutive wins!

Posted just a couple of minutes before; there were more than a million views on the news with more than 50,000 comments. Lin Huang turned off the page after taking a look.

It was past 10 in the morning, he dropped by the wet market and bought some food to take home and it was past 11 when he got back. After cooking grilled meat for Lin Xuan on the third floor, he got down to the kitchen to make lunch for himself and Lin Xin. Although ordering takeaway food would save a lot of time, nothing could beat a good home cooked meal. Since he was not busy, he chose to prepare lunch himself.

It was almost noon when he finally finished the cooking. After placing the food he cooked and the grilled meat on the dining table, Lin Huang got both kids to come to the dining table. After lunch, he got back to his room and downloaded his battle videos. He played all the videos of him fighting the keepers while writing notes to look for ways to improve himself. All of the videos taken were from Lin Huang's point of view, the audience could not see everything that had happened, but the official videos were clear to him.

He was surprised as he watched the battle with The Final Fortress where he used the Worldly Purification form twice. He managed to upgrade the sword skill to its ultimate form. The feeling was completely different than before. However, Lin Huang could not tell what exactly was different. He almost got it after repeating the video a couple of times, but he did not manage to grasp what it was.

With doubt, he called Mr. Fu.

"What's wrong? You've accomplished the mission already?" Mr. Fu was surprised that Lin Huang called. Lin Huang last consulted Mr. Fu during New Year's Eve, when he was only at his 50th winning streak. It had just been four days since New Year's Eve and also the first time the Hunter Arena had reopened since the new year, and this surprised Mr. Fu.

"Not yet, I'm on No.13 now. I've exhausted my Life Power and needed to log out of the game. I have something to ask you, master." Lin Huang told the reason why he called.

"Sure, do tell." Mr. Fu nodded and put down his stuff in his hand. Lin Huang told Mr. Fu his struggle while Mr. Fu listened carefully. As he finished, Mr. Fu laughed and said, "If I'm not wrong, your power realm should be nuance now, am I right?"

"Nuance?" Lin Huang was puzzled.

"The first level of the sword power realm is called nuance. Once you enter that level, you'll have full mastery of your sword where all forms will be under your control. You'll have full control of everything you can see with your naked eyes."

"The unique sense that you mentioned earlier should be the second level of the sword power realm. The second level of the sword power realm is called consonance. It is the resonance you have with your sword. When you reach this level, the sword is no longer a tool but a partner or friend. You can even sense the emotion of your sword."

"The feeling that you mentioned about the two sword attacks that you performed earlier could have meant that you've arrived at the nuance level. With the trigger from the outside world as well as your heightened focus, it caused you to enter the consonance stage temporarily. However, you could take this opportunity to enter the second level of the realm. Don't go back to the arena for a couple of days. Take this time to train and see if you can break through." Mr. Fu suggested after listening to Lin Huang's problem.

"This is what I thought of as well. If I could grab the feeling properly, my skill would be a level higher than before." Lin Huang wanted to study the feeling before it disappeared to see if he could level-up his sword skill.

"I will send you a few videos about the consonance stage. Maybe they could inspire you."

Mr. Fu hung up the phone later on. Soon after, he sent more than ten videos to Lin Huang, who downloaded the videos and watched them one by one. After watching the videos, Lin Huang watched his battle videos repeatedly. He had a clear picture in his mind now. Taking out a wooden sword, he leaped from the balcony of the second floor and started training the different forms of Wildfire Sword at the courtyard on the first floor. One… Two… Three times...

He trained until five in the evening before he finally managed to grasp the unique feeling that he felt in the arena. Just like what Mr. Fu said, he could feel it in the sword. It seemed to be different than before and it felt like he was not holding a weapon as it felt more and more like a part of his body. The sword also felt like an individual creature. It was a contradictory condition.

"Is this the consonance state?"

After grasping the feeling, Lin Huang immersed himself into it and started training without stopping. He trained until past ten at night without noticing. When Lin Huang finally snapped out of the zone, he realized that it was late - 10:28 p.m. He went back into the house immediately thinking that the two kids had yet to have dinner.

"Brother, are you done with your training?" Lin Xin was in the living room.

"Yes, I bet you guys haven't eaten?" Lin Huang asked.

"I saw you training when it was past six in the evening, so I made Lin Xuan grilled meat and heated up the leftover lunch. There's some in the oven, go eat it." Lin Xin smiled at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang went into the kitchen and ate the leftovers.

"Is there any news today?" Lin Huang asked while eating as he had not read the news since noon.

"There's a big one. It said that there's a person who accumulated 80 consecutive wins in the Hunter Arena in Division7. Everyone on the network is talking about this." Lin Xin nodded and said, "They say the last person who managed to get 80 wins was more than 100 years ago…"

Lin Huang nodded without saying anything. He knew that the winning streak would make big news in Division7. Now the news had circulated in the hunter community as well as the Heart Network. It was almost 11 at night when Lin Huang finished eating, he got Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to go to bed. After cleaning the cutleries and bowl, he showered and went to bed alone. In the following days, Lin Huang would start training at seven in the morning right after his breakfast until it was after 11 at night, training for more than 16 hours each day.

Since he managed to grasp the feeling of the consonance stage on the first day, he now had to train with the feeling to perfect the form in the following days. He could clearly feel that he was mastering the consonance stage as time passed. Soon, five days had passed. At midday, Lin Huang stood in the middle of the courtyard and kept a firm grasp on his sword while smirking.

"I have finally mastered the second stage of the sword power realm. Tomorrow I shall continue to battle in the arena. I wonder who my keeper will be, could it be Yu Moli or Ebonella?"

Chapter 213: Unbelievable Fate Changer

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the next morning, Lin Huang went to the Hunter Arena page in his room after having breakfast. The top news on the main page was still the news of his 80 consecutive wins where the views were up to 100 million with 800,000 comments. If Hunter Arena was opened to Regular Hunters that were below bronze-level, perhaps the views would be 10 times more. After reading the next page and failing to find anything worth his time reading, Lin Huang logged into the game.

He noticed that he had more than five million followers now and still counting.

"I'm an influencer now…" Lin Huang was shocked when he saw the number of followers that he had. He only had 300,000 followers five days ago and it had been less than a week and his followers were now 17 to 18 times more. Just as he logged into the game, a notification was sent to everyone who followed him.

Many of them logged into the game early in the morning as they wanted to wait for Lin Huang's entrance. They wanted to see Sword Genius live in action.

Just like what happened on earth where people would buy a plane ticket to fly to another country just to watch a football or basketball match. It was different watching a live battle than one on the television and people hoped to see Sword Genius creating more miracles.

Lin Huang checked his body condition, it was good as new with full Life Power. After confirming, he pressed the challenge button. Soon, he was sent to the No.1 ring on the sixth floor. Theoretically, the No.1 ring was meant for players who ranked top 10. It was the first time the system allowed this to happen as Lin Huang defeated Explosive Female Demon who ranked 5th in his 70th battle. Now that he was sent to the No.1 ring, it was clear that the system did some restructuring and gave Lin Huang the privilege like other players in the top 10.

Lin Huang was familiar with this ring, but this time when he entered the room there was nobody inside.

"Did I come too early?" Lin Huang thought it was strange.

"Please hold on, the system is expanding the venue…"

Seeing the notification, Lin Huang realized that the venue was expanding. When Lin Huang pressed the challenge button earlier, all of his followers who were online received the same notification.

"Player Sword Genius has entered the ring No.1!"

Many of them wanted to enter the venue but they then received another notification that said 'the venue is under maintenance, please enter later…'.

The seats available in the venue were increasing from 300,000 to one million within one minute.

"The expansion is completed, the audience can now enter venue No.1."

Seeing the notification, many clicked to enter the venue. Within half a minute, the one million seats were taken.

Most of the audience was watching Lin Huang's battle live for the first time. Seeing Lin Huang with a silver mask on, many of them were curious about what he really looked like.

"Please wait while the system matches your opponent…"

A notification appeared on top of the ring. Lin Huang did not think it was odd that the system had yet to match him an opponent as he had accumulated more than 10,000 points now, there were not many people who were eligible to fight him.

What he did not know was, a sleepy young man received a message from the arena. He looked at the message and thought it was a mistake.

"I haven't even logged into the game, why did they give me a match!" He did not even bother to read the full message. Just when he was attempting to delete the message, the arena called. It was the voice of a robot.

"We're sorry to interrupt you, Unbelievable Fate Changer , you have been matched to fight Sword Genius . This is a special mission from the arena, if you defeat Sword Genius , you'll be rewarded with 10 times more for whatever points you accumulate during the match. If you'd like to accept the challenge, please log in within three minutes."

"Failure to log in within three minutes results as the player surrendering and losing the match. Declining the challenge will not result in any punishment, you have the freedom to choose if you'll battle or not."

"10 times more?! Doesn't that mean I could get to rank No.2 straightaway!" Unbelievable Fate Changer sat up immediately.

"But my opponent is the one who defeated Explosive Female Demon and The Final Fortress five days ago…"

"Damn it, I shall give it a try! Since I won't lose anything even if I do get defeated." Unbelievable Fate Changer put on his slippers and entered the arena.

After waiting for more than two minutes, Lin Huang's opponent finally appeared. It was Unbelievable Fate Changer in his pajamas and slippers, the audience was speechless at his attire. He seemed to have just got out of bed as there was still gunk at the corner of his eyes. It was obvious that he entered the arena before he got the time to clean himself.

However, Lin Huang was not surprised at the random opponent he'd been given. Unbelievable Fate Changer ranked No.10 on the sixth-floor leaderboard with more than 12,000 points. Encountering such powerful opponent in his 81st battle, Lin Huang could foresee who was going to be his next opponent.

"That means I'll have to fight those who ranked No.10 to No.1 during my 81st to 90th battles then? If I defeat Yu Moli, who would be my opponent after my 90th battle?"

Lin Huang was thinking of that, the audience was thinking the same thing too. Unbelievable Fate Changer stood across from Lin Huang and tossed his slippers aside while digging his ears. "You must be thinking who will your opponents be after me, am I right?"

"Yeah, I was guessing." Lin Huang nodded.

"However, looking at your condition, I supposed you were not online before you were sent here, am I right? What did the arena offer you that you are willing to give up your sleep to fight me?"

"The arena is generous…" Unbelievable Fate Changer laughed when he heard what Lin Huang asked.

"They said I would get 10 times more of my current accumulated points if I defeat you, I don't think anybody could reject such a sweet temptation."

"Oh really, thanks." Lin Huang was surprised. The audience finally understood that the arena treated Sword Genius as the ultimate boss in the game so they came up with a matching reward. It was normal that many would be willing to try their luck since they would not lose anything anyway. The countdown was ending, the fight between Sword Genius and Unbelievable Fate Changer would start in a nick of time!

Chapter 214: All The Best to You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unbelievable Fate Changer was ranked No.10 on the sixth floor of the arena. He was also the first player that Lin Huang studied as his battle method was unique. Lin Huang had researched his family too. His name was Ji Qingyang, a member of royalty. The Ji family was a special family who was an expert in predicting the future, including Ji Qingyang himself. He could always predict what his opponent was going to do next and he would react before his opponent could attack. Such predictions were even more powerful than the times when Lin Huang encountered the gunmasters. It was like mind-reading.

However, Unbelievable Fate Changer had an obvious flaw in his body physique because it was just slightly stronger than an ordinary silver-level rank-3 player. He was much weaker than Lin Huang and Yu Moli. If his opponent was fast, even with his prediction, he would not have enough time to react. The easiest way to fight him was to be so fast that he couldn't avoid the attacks.

As the countdown ended, Lin Huang took out his silver-level battle sword. He was like lightning when he lunged towards Unbelievable Fate Changer who was 15 meters away within seconds. It was so fast that the audience could not catch him. In reality, Unbelievable Fate Changer had predicted that, but before he could react, Lin Huang had already passed by him.

"I'm sorry, I needed to do this quick." Lin Huang kept his sword. Blood spilled from Unbelievable Fate Changer's waist, his body had been sliced into half.

"Congratulations, you have won the battle!"

"You managed to kill your opponent in one hit, you have obtained 2 points!"

Seeing the body of Unbelievable Fate Changer disappear and the notification from the system, left the audience shocked.

"How could Sword Genius have managed to kill Unbelievable Fate Changer who ranked No.10 in one hit?!"

"I thought this match would take a while, it ended so quickly."

"Sword Genius's attack was too fast, so fast that Unbelievable Fate Changer had no time to react at all."

"This Sword Genius is even more terrifying than before…" The man in black robe said.

"It's just the Thunder Sword form but it seems like he was in a state where his speed and attack power was multiplied. This kid is really something!" The man in golden robe exclaimed.

Lin Huang who stood in the ring was stunned as a notification popped up after he killed Unbelievable Fate Changer.

"You have learned a new form of Thunder Sword by yourself. Would you like to upgrade Thunder Sword ?"

"Will it exhaust an Advance Card if I upgrade it?" Lin Huang asked Xiao Hei in his mind.

"There's no need for an Advance Card since you learned it yourself, there won't be any need for cards."

"Upgrade it then!" After hearing what Xiao Hei said, Lin Huang upgraded his Rare Skill Card - Thunder Sword immediately.

"Are you sure you would like to upgrade your skill card Thunder Sword ?"


"Upgrading… Upgrade has been completed!"

"Congratulations, you have received an Epic Skill Card - Thunder Sting ."

Lin Huang looked at his new skill card immediately.

"Skill Card"

"Skill Card Name: Thunder Sting"

"Rarity: Epic"

"Type of Skill: Sword skill"

"Skill Level: Unknown"

"Status: Available"

"Description: This is a sword skill that gives ultimate speed before ending with an explosion."

"Remarks: Life Power is needed for the skill's activation."

"Card Remarks: Not bad"

When he was done checking the card, Lin Huang realized that he was sent back to the original spot in the ring and his second opponent was there across him. It was Salt36 who ranked 9th! Seeing his appearance, Lin Huang was now sure that the system had arranged for him to fight the players ranked from 11th to1st! He was familiar with Salt36 as well. His real name was Yan Xuan. Coming from a big royal family, there were 36 of them in his generation with himself being the youngest. He gave himself that nickname from the sound of his family name Yan.

"Salt36 has great ability, he's an expert in close-quarter combat and fire combat skill. He's known as a mini Yu Moli in the arena as he always gave people the impression that he's the weaker version of Yu Moli but he's not weak at all. He's actually considered very powerful or else he wouldn't be ranked No.10 on the leaderboard. However, he's definitely weaker than Yu Moli in all aspects. Since Yu Moli is also an expert in fire combat, that was the reason why he gave people such an impression to begin with."

Encountering Salt36, Lin Huang thought he wouldn't be difficult to defeat as long as he did not use his sword.

"Are you here to have your accumulated points multiplied ten times as well?" Lin Huang raised his eyebrow.

"Of course. Maybe I'll get lucky today." Salt36 grinned.

"That's true…" Lin Huang had nothing to say to his comeback.

As the countdown ended, Salt36 lunged towards Lin Huang with silver Life Power burning in both his palms. Within seconds, he appeared before Lin Huang. Lin Huang did not seem to move at all and a thunder-like silver glow flashed in the air right before his silver battle sword pierced into Salt36's chest in the blink of an eye. Salt36 was shocked as he looked at his chest, he had no idea how Lin Huang did it. All he saw was darkness in his eyes.

"Congratulations. You have won the battle!"

"You managed to kill your opponent in one hit, you have obtained 2 points!"

As Salt36 fell to the ground, his body disintegrated into pieces and disappeared. After the consecutive wins, South Palace Laugh who ranked 8th failed to appear in the third battle so Lin Huang won that match automatically.

On the fourth battle, Lin Huang encountered Hunter Killer who was ranked 7th. Hunter Killer was a killer who was an expert in camouflage. However, with Lin Huang's sense circle, he managed to kill Hunter Killer in one hit. On the fifth battle, Lin Huang was matched with Lord of Falling Petals who was ranked 6th. He was a young man who was an expert in illusions. However, with Lin Huang's Kaleidoscope skill which was very resilient against illusion skills, he managed to kill Lord of Falling Petals in one hit as well.

Finally, Lin Huang had arrived at his sixth battle to fight Explosive Female Demon, the same one that he had encountered before. Many of them in the audience whistled when they saw Explosive Female Demon, who had appeared in a black uniform. However, the both of them could not hear anything that was coming from the audience.

"So we meet again…" Lin Huang recalled her saying that she had wanted to get her revenge after the last time.

"Yes, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Explosive Female Demon grinned.

"Do you remember what I said the last time?"

"You said you surrender." Lin Huang pretended that he did not remember.

"Not that! The last thing that I said!" Explosive Female Demon stomped her foot.

"Oh, I don't remember." Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders.

"You…" Explosive Female Demon knew for sure that Lin Huang had not forgotten what she said as it had just happened five days ago

"I said I would get my revenge on you!"

"Oh, that, now I remember." Lin Huang nodded.

Explosive Female Demon was furious at Lin Huang's attitude, "Sword Genius, your illusion will not work on me anymore. What I said to you five days ago shall become a reality! I shall take my revenge on you!"

"Oh, all the best to you then." Lin Huang encouraged her in a calm tone.

"I…" Explosive Female Demon had nothing to say to Lin Huang's comeback.

Chapter 215: Besides Her Face and Body, Which Part of Her Looks Like A Lady?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soon, the countdown ended. Explosive Female Demon activated the two modified Silver Phoenix16 on her hands to the automatic rifle mode and aimed at Lin Huang and pulled the triggers at the same time. Fires were shot, silver bullets were raining towards Lin Huang's direction. Seeing what was happening in the ring, the first impression the audience had of her was, "This lady is violent!"

Meanwhile, Lin Huang decided to change his plan. Instead, he activated Blood Spirit immediately. The four bloody wings extended from his back where the bottom two wings became a two-hemisphere defense layer, blocking all the bullets. The other two wings on top were transformed into whips striking towards Explosive Female Demon. The power of his Blood Spirit wings were much stronger than a gold-level weapon. The defense ability of his shield was no weaker than The Final Fortress', it managed to block all the bullets that were coming from the rifles of Explosive Female Demon.

Under the attack of the whips, Explosive Female Demon had to hide instead of attacking Lin Huang. He then transformed his shield into whips and proceeded to attack. The match was turned around in an instant. Initially, it was Explosive Female Demon who attacked Sword Genius without mercy but now that Sword Genius was attacking Explosive Female Demon with four whips it was Lin Huang who showed no mercy.

"Sword Genius is definitely more powerful in this match!"

"Four whips, this Sword Genius must have some fetish…"

"How could he bully a lady like this?"

"Besides her face and body, which part of Explosive Female Demon looks like a lady?"

Although Explosive Female Demon was trying her best to avoid the rapid attack of the four Blood Spirit wings, it was tough for her. Soon her left leg was caught by one of the Blood Spirit wings. As she struggled, another three Blood Spirit wings were transformed into sharp blades that pierced through her chest. Explosive Female Demon didn't have much to say about her loss this time as she knew that she was far behind Sword Genius. As she was dying, she gave Lin Huang a deathly stare without saying a word.

Seeing that the body of Explosive Female Demon was fading away, Lin Huang recalled his Blood Spirit wings as her bloody eyes returned to normal.

"Congratulations. You have won the battle!"

The audience cheered as they heard the notification. Lin Huang had managed to win 86 battles consecutively, nobody doubted his ability now. Even some of them who criticized him for beating Explosive Female Demon with illusion forms earlier now agreed that Lin Huang was powerful.

Soon, his opponent for the 87th battle was sent to the ring. As expected, it was Handsome Imperial Censor who was ranked 4th on the leaderboard. Handsome Imperial Censor wore a white suit with his hair properly combed, he looked like he was on a date. Although he was quite good looking, giving himself such a nickname and dressing like this had backfired. Many of them gave him another nickname, Narcissistic Imperial Censor.

Lin Huang did not think that he was a tough competitor as he had killed more monsters than humans and monsters usually had flaws that were usually more obvious than a human's flaws. Besides, new types of monster weaknesses could be found in the monster encyclopedia. Lin Huang was familiar with Handsome Imperial Censor's summoning monster.

After checking out Lin Huang, Handsome Imperial Censor said, "Sword Genius, you're in bad luck today as I just obtained my second mutated gold-level rank-3 summoning monster a few days back. I didn't expect to receive a notification from the arena where I would receive 10 times the amount of my accumulated points. I would like to apologize and thank you. Sorry, your winning streak will end here and thank you for the multiplied points, I shall be No.1 on the leaderboard!"

The audience was irked by Handsome Imperial Censor's attitude.

"It's too early to tell that he will win."

"He's just waiting to be killed."

"A gold-level rank-3 mutated monster is powerful, but why do I have a feeling that it's just an appetizer for Sword Genius?"

"You're not the only one, I have the same feeling too…"

Although Handsome Imperial Censor's summoning monster was powerful, none of the people in the audience thought that he would win. Lin Huang was speechless at his arrogance. As the countdown ended, Handsome Imperial Censor summoned both his monsters. Lin Huang knew both of the monsters, one of them was the Gold-Armored Ape that Handsome Imperial Censor had been using, while the other was the newly obtained monster, a Crimsonhorn Python.

The Gold-Armored Ape was a monster with immense strength, speed, and explosive force. Besides its slightly weak agility, it was flawless. In the eye of an Imperial Censor, such a monster was not worth training as there was nothing too outstanding about it. Meanwhile, the Crimsonhorn Python was also a monster with great strength. However, it was just a mediocre monster that was even weaker than the Gold-Armored Ape. Putting them both together would not be any help.

Lin Huang frowned as he saw both of the monsters. It was not because they were powerful, but because of the messy combination. Seeing the gold-level rank-3 mutated monster punting to him, Lin Huang stepped out and avoided the Gold-Armored Ape's punch and landed on the head of the Crimsonhorn Python. He leaped and landed before Handsome Imperial Censor before he took out his sword and slicing through his neck. It only took a single second and the battle had ended.

"I'm sorry that you cannot realize your dream of being No.1 on the leaderboard…" Lin Huang then kept his sword into the scabbard. As Handsome Imperial Censor died, the two summoning monsters that were coming towards Lin Huang disappeared too. It was the rule in the arena when the Imperial Censor was killed, the battle would end and the summoning monsters would disappear together with the dead Imperial Censor.

"Congratulations, you have won the battle!"

"You managed to kill your opponent in one hit, you have obtained 2 points!"

Since the death of Handsome Imperial Censor, many were anticipating the 88th battle as most of them did not see the battle between Sword Genius and The Final Fortress the first time. The battle between the most powerful spear and the toughest shield would definitely be exciting. Moreover, since his loss five days ago, The Final Fortress should be wanting to challenge Lin Huang again to win his pride back. That was what the audience thought.

However, a notification was heard.

"The opponent matched by the system The Final Fortress has rejected the challenge, Sword Genius has won the battle!"

Nobody saw that coming although the audience had expected something like that to happen as the most powerful strength The Final Fortress had was his defense and since Sword Genius managed to break it once, that meant he would be able to break it again. Without strengthening his defense or coming up with another new tactic, he would probably lose the second battle so choosing not to fight was wise.

With The Final Fortress's decline to challenge, Lin Huang managed to win the 88th battle with the 89th battle about to start. Soon, the matching was done and as expected the opponent was a tall, gorgeous lady…

Chapter 216: Ebonella

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"So you're Sword Genius? You don't look like you're anything special." The young lady commented as she checked Lin Huang out.

"I'm just an ordinary person, there's nothing special about me." Lin Huang nodded.

"Can you take off your mask?" The young lady asked.

"Sorry, I can't do that." Lin Huang rejected directly.

"Why not?" The young lady did not give up.

"Because I'm ugly, I don't want to scare people away." Lin Huang came up with an excuse.

"Nevermind then!" The young lady knew that it was just an excuse to mess with her.

Although it was the first time meeting Ebonella, Lin Huang knew her well. She had a variety of combat styles so Lin Huang spent more time studying her videos.

"Are you here for the points as well?" Lin Huang was curious as she did not look like a greedy person. Ever since she entered the top 10, she hardly challenged anymore and most of the time, she was invited to battles by the system instead.

"Of course not, I'm not interested in points or rankings," Ebonella said.

Just when Lin Huang wanted to ask her the actual reason she accepted the challenge, she spoke again.

"I'm interested in you."

It was chaos among the audience as she said those words.

"The beauty is confessing her love in public!"

"Sword Genius is so lucky!"

"Is this love at first sight?"

Ebonella seemed to realize that what she said might be misleading so she added, "I'm just curious about the person who managed to break The Final Fortress' defense."

"His defense was powerful but there was an obvious flaw. Since long as my attack was stronger than his defense, it was not difficult to break through it. There was no skill needed." Lin Huang said.

"Tell me what are my flaws then." Ebonella smiled at Lin Huang.

"Do you really want to know? What I'm going to say might not be something you want to hear." Lin Huang smiled.

"As long as it's reasonable, there's nothing that I can't accept." Ebonella crossed her arms.

As they spoke, the countdown ended. However, they did not have the plan to attack anytime soon.

"Alright, I shall tell you then." Lin Huang nodded.

"You are similar to the Gold-Armored Ape that the Imperial Censor summoned earlier."

"You…" Ebonella became furious as she listened to what Lin Huang described her. However, she wanted to let him finish so she tolerated, "I'll kill you if you don't give me a reasonable explanation!"

The audience gasped as Lin Huang compared Ebonella with the Gold-Armored Ape.

"The Gold-Armored Ape isn't weak at all, no matter how you slice it. Its strength, explosive power, and speed were immensely powerful. However, among all the summoning monsters, it's hard for it to climb to the top. Since it was good in all aspects, it caused the ape to not reach its peak."

"Just like you, you have strong strength, speed and explosive power with rich combat experiences as well as the mastery of the battle rhythm. You have many combat styles so nobody can foresee which weapons you're going to use. There seems to be no flaw. However, that's your biggest problem. You can never peak."

"Unlike the defensive ability of The Final Fortress, the attack ability of Yu Moli and the speed of Explosive Female Demon, their combat style was structured by their biggest advantage. You have no advantage in your combat style so you're easily affected by those who have superior combat strength during battles. As soon as your rhythm is affected, the only thing you can rely on is to change your weapons to adjust your rhythm. When you encounter opponents who can adapt to the battle rhythm quickly, you'd have to change weapons many times to defeat your opponent. A simple battle would then become difficult and drain all your energy…"

Lin Huang's analysis made many in the audience realize that the Ebonella would always change her weapons rapidly in battles. Although Ebonella knew Lin Huang was right, she did not want to admit it.

"Hmph, I don't accept your explanation. How dare you say I'm similar to a Gold-Armored Ape… You are the one who's like a Gold-Armored Ape. Your and your entire family are Gold-Armored Apes as well!" A white paper umbrella appeared on in Ebonella's hand. She pointed the umbrella at Lin Huang and opened fire.

Her attack speed was much weaker than Explosive Female Demon. Lin Huang did not even activate his Blood Spirit wings as he walked towards her with Cloud Steps . Seeing Lin Huang approaching her, Ebonella attempted to change the form of her weapon. The umbrella rotated and transformed into a spear. The spear was long and seemed like a dragon lunging towards Lin Huang. She attempted to get Lin Huang away from her with the length of her spear.

However, it was a naive thought. Lin Huang avoided her attack easily and walked towards her again. Ebonella was shocked, she pulled out a short sword from the middle of the umbrella and stabbed it towards Lin Huang's chest. Suddenly, a sword appeared in Lin Huang's hand and before the short sword managed to reach him, a purple glow flashed in the air. Ebonella stopped moving. As she looked at her waist, blood continuously came out of it.

"How did this happen…"

"Your sword is slower than mine." Lin Huang put his sword away and explained. Ebonella was sliced in half and disappeared from the ring.

"Congratulations. You have won the battle!"

"You managed to kill your opponent in one hit, you have obtained 2 points!"

Many of them did not expect the battle to end so fast, including Lin Huang himself. If this happened five days ago, the battle between him and the Ebonella would be dreadful. However, since Thunder Sword was upgraded to Thunder Sting , his speed was more than three times faster than before which allowed him to kill her in one hit.

"It's the 89th battle now, my next opponent should be Yu Moli!" Lin Huang was excited as Yu Moli was a powerful opponent. Moreover, as long as he managed to defeat him, the multiple of points from the 90-win streak would allow him to accomplish the mission that Mr. Fu assigned him.

Everyone in the audience was anticipating the last match. After the body of Ebonella disappeared, Lin Huang was sent back to the original point in the arena. His opponent, Yu Moli appeared as expected…

Chapter 217: Lin Huang Versus Yu Moli

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As expected, the keeper of the 90th battle was Yu Moli who was ranked first on the sixth-floor leaderboard. The crowd became excited when Yu Moli was sent onto the arena. It was the match that everyone had been waiting for. As the glow on Yu Moli's body faded, the ladies in the audience screamed.

"Nickname: Yu Moli"

"Combat Strength: Silver-Level Rank-3"

"Battle Count: 3618"

"Accumulated Points: 153926"

"Winning Percentage: 99%"

"Honor: 60-win streak!"

After checking Yu Moli's scoreboard, Lin Huang began to check him out in person. It was the first time he encountered Yu Moli in the arena. Although he had seen many of Yu Moli's battle videos, Lin Huang was still impressed as he stood before Yu Moli who seemed like he was only 16 or 17 of age. However, he looked much more mature than people his age. He was not only almost 1.8 meters tall but his face looked like that of a grown-up as well and he gave off a royal aura.

If he was on earth, he would be labeled as the tall, rich, and handsome as he had was tall, had a rich family and had good features. No matter where he was, people would be attracted to him. He would always stand out from the crowd. Yu Moli was known as a genius by the Hunter Association and was enlisted in intensive training during the first half of the year. Within half a year, he managed to level-up from bronze-level to silver-level rank-3. He did not only have a strong family background but even managed to own a powerful monster skill, which was Violetflame .

As Lin Huang was checking him out, Yu Moli did the same to him as well.

"I've seen your battle with The Final Fortress. Since I couldn't see that last attack of yours from the official video, I've asked from The Final Fortress for the video that was taken from his point of view. That was a terrifying attack, I admit that I wouldn't be able to perform something like that." Yu Moli said calmly to Lin Huang with a voice that did not sound like that of a teenager. He sounded more like a 20-year-old, matured man.

"Although you are powerful, that does not mean that you'll be able to defeat me." Yu Moli did not sound friendly when he said that. Many of the people in the audience began to compare the both of them since Lin Huang defeated The Final Fortress during his 80th battle. Some of them said Sword Genius managed to achieve an 80-win streak but Yu Moli was not even able to achieve a 70-win streak. It was the first piece of evidence that showed how Yu Moli was weaker than Lin Huang. Some even said that Sword Genius could kill The Final Fortress but Yu Moli was not even able to break through The Final Fortress' defensive layer. That was the second piece of evidence that showed how Yu Moli was weaker than Sword Genius. Aside from that, the people even made up stories to belittle Yu Moli.

This made Yu Moli furious. Although he knew that those rumors were not spread by Sword Genius, he was a hot-blooded young man after all. It was only normal that he was angered as he was belittled and compared to another. Lin Huang did not know about this because he did not even look at the comments in the news, let alone gossip on the network. Since he logged out of the arena, he had been occupied with his training and did not have the time to read all those gossips.

However, Lin Huang could sense that Yu Moli was unhappy but he could not care less.

"I've seen most of your battles, I know you didn't give it your all when you were fighting The Final Fortress. That's why I'm eager to know what your real ability is."

What Lin Huang said was a hot topic in the arena. Most of the people from the audience had seen Yu Moli's battles but it was the first time they heard something like that. They had always thought that Yu Moli had given his all during the few battles he had with The Final Fortress.

"Don't worry, as long as you're strong enough, I will give my all." Yu Moli did not deny what Lin Huang said.

"Let's fight then!" The silver-level ring on Lin Huang's finger transformed into a battle sword. Yu Moli put on his silver-level glove as well. Soon, the countdown ended and both of them charged towards each other. To compensate for his lack of speed, Lin Huang used Thunder Sting this time around. A purple glow came out of his silver sword as he activated Thunder Sting . It looked like lightning was streaking through the air. Meanwhile, Yu Moli who was across him punched into the air and along with his silver Life Power was also a purple glow. The air was distorted from his punch, causing a strange visual effect.


The sword and fist collided in the air. The glow from Lin Huang's sword did not manage to hurt the punch at all. It was a draw! Lin Huang was shocked as he watched, Yu Moli's combat skill was obviously on epic-level. A ripple was created as their attacks collided. The both of them were shaking and was forced to step back. As they stood still, they charged towards one another again and the sword collided with the punch once more, shaking the entire arena…

Every time they launched their attacks, there would be a tremendous bang in the arena. Even the wall was shaking. The audience did not dare to breathe as they watched. The both of them have not even unleashed their full power. Lin Huang did not use his Blood Spirit wings while Yu Moli did not use his Violetflame . The battle that was easy on the both of them was exciting to the crowd.

"Is Yu Moli's combat skill is so terrifying? How is it possible that it's comparable to Sword Genius?"

"I have seen many of Yu Moli's battles, he used Violetflame most of the times. It's the first time I'm seeing him fight like this!"

"I haven't seen him fight like that either. I've always thought that he's not so good at close-distance battles. It seems like the past opponents were not worth him fighting them in close-combat."

"They've yet to unleash their true power and it's already so intense, I can't even see what they're doing clearly…"

"I agree with you… This battle has exceeded the standard of a silver-level…"

Lin Huang and Yu Moli could not hear the discussions going on outside the arena. The collisions were getting more and more vigorous with the both of them continuously upgrading their attacks to test their opponents. Before they revealed their true power, they wanted to determine the limits of their opponents . After hundreds of collisions, Yu Moli stepped out of the battle circle. He shot a deadly stare at Lin Huang and said, "Let's end our warm-up now."

"Let's start then!" Lin Huang looked at the time and realized it had been two minutes since the battle started. If there was no win or lose within half an hour, the battle would be considered a draw. That was not what he wanted.

"The real fight is finally starting!" The audience held their breath while staring at the arena, they did not want to miss a thing.

Chapter 218: Destruction Pursues The Great

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the ring, Lin Huang and Yu Moli stood at opposite sides across each other. Lin Huang activated Blood Spirit . His eyes turned a bloody red while four Blood Spirit wings extended from his back like they were struggling out of a cage. Meanwhile, purple flames came out of Yu Moli's palms and were about one foot tall.

The crowd became excited as they finally saw them using their true power. After activating their monster skills, they glared at each other and attacked right away. Since Lin Huang activated Blood Spirit , the force within his body changed. His speed was affected by Bai as well, making him fast. Without the help of Thunder Sting , he would not be any slower than Yu Moli. As he charged towards Yu Moli, his Blood Spirit wings transferred into four ferocious blades, leaving a trail of white flame in the air. Yu Moli's flame was then transformed into two gigantic fire snakes slithering in the air, distorting the air around them.

The swords and fire snakes collided in the middle of the arena.

"Bang! Bang!"

Lin Huang reacted by thrusting two of his blades towards Yu Moli's chest. With the power of his Blood Spirit wings that could pierce through The Final Fortress' defense, it would not matter how powerful Yu Moli's defense was as it would be impossible for him to stop the power of Lin Huang's Blood Spirit blades.

The two Blood Spirit blades were like snakes approaching Yu Moli's chest at lightning speed. Suddenly, two gigantic purple arms grew out of Yu Moli's waist and collided with the blades.

"Bang! Bang!"

A shockwave was created from the collision, causing the ground and the walls to shake. The audience who were watching could feel the tremors as well.

After a couple of failed attempts, Lin Huang turned his gold-level ring into a gold-level sword. His Blood Spirit wings expanded and he charged towards Yu Moli with Thunder Sting . He aimed at Yu Moli's throat, causing his opponent to be shocked as he saw Lin Huang's sword closing in on him in an instant. He opened his mouth and retaliated with a purple flame that collided with Lin Huang's sword, foiling Lin Huang's attempt again.

After the collision, the both of them stepped back to the sides of the ring. The audience excited from watching the battle. A hit from the attacks they performed earlier could easily kill 90% of the people in the audience. As they went to their corners, two gigantic flame arms grew out of Yu Moli's waist, adding to the existing two.

Yu Moli smiled at Lin Huang, "It's four versus four now. A fair fight!"

Lin Huang shrugged his shoulders without saying anything. It was obvious that Yu Moli was imitating his combat style. Perhaps he did not have any solutions go against four of Lin Huang's Blood Spirit wings. However, Lin Huang managed to confirm that Yu Moli's monster skill came from a double mutated monster as well or else Violetflame would not be able to go against his Blood Spirit wings.

"I have a question." Lin Huang said to Yu Moli after they clashed.

"If you want to know how I obtained Violetflame , don't bother your time because I'll never tell you." Yu Moli did not want anyone else to obtain the same monster skill he possessed so he stopped Lin Huang right in his tracks.

"That's not what I want to know. Why did you lose to The Final Fortress on purpose?" The reason Lin Huang asked this was because he was almost certain that Yu Moli could definitely break through The Final Fortress' defensive layer.

"From what I can tell, it'd be easy for you to break through his defenses."

The crowd was shocked at what Lin Huang asked. However, many of them believed what he was saying. He definitely had the right to say something like that especially since he had defeated The Final Fortress himself.

"The reason was simple. I don't want a 70-win streak." Yu Moli said with his arms open.

"Why?" Lin Huang was puzzled.

"Someone told me that during ancient times, there was an idiom - Destruction pursues the great . Nothing good will come to the person who went after fame without first obtaining true power." Yu Moli explained.

"I'd advise you not to continue with your battles after you defeat me. If you manage to achieve a 100-win streak, there'll be more people watching you and they won't only be from Division7…"

"Thanks for the reminder." Lin Huang heard about something similar in the past.

As long as someone in the arena achieved a 100-win streak, the Hunter Association division would report to the headquarters and in turn, the headquarter would notify other divisions. By then, everyone would know that such genius existed and he'd be targeted by all the underworld organizations…

Although the Hunter Association would keep his identity a secret, it was still possible that there would be an identity leak. Moreover, there were many brainwashing techniques in the underworld organizations. If he was captured, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Since Yu Moli reminded him, Lin Huang gave up his intentions of continuing further. He was curious about the kind of opponents the system would assign to him if he defeated Yu Moli. However, it seemed like he had to give up on that thought and keep his life in one piece.

"However, I think it's a little too late now. I think you've already been targeted by the underworld organizations. Although your identity is sealed, some of them will always be able to find ways to get to you. It's just a matter of time." Yu Moli looked at him with pity.

"The methods that the underworld organization uses are unimaginable…"

"I'll worry about that later. The battle between us hasn't ended yet." Lin Huang did not want to talk further.

"Let's fight!" Lin Huang charged towards Yu Moli and Yu Moli did the same. Soon, the Blood Spirit blades and fire snakes collided in the middle of the arena…

Chapter 219: Flame King

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the arena, Lin Huang and Yu Moli clashed again and again. Each time they clashed, an immense tremor would be spread through the arena and the walls. The tremors began to spread to the seats as their battle grew more intense. Both their shadows flashed through the arena and most people in the audience could not even see their movements clearly. Only several gold-level rank-3 hunters managed to keep track of their attacks. The hunters were shocked as their abilities were comparable with the standard of gold-level rank-3. No matter their speed or strength, combat experiences or techniques, they were no less powerful than an actual gold-level rank-3 hunter.

"Those are real geniuses…" Some of the gold-level rank-3 hunters exclaimed. Yu Moli was not familiar with Lin Huang's combat style in the beginning and Lin Huang managed to suppress him most of the time because his defense was quite clumsy. However, he adapted over time and before long, he grew less passive as he adapted to Lin Huang's combat style and began to attack before Lin Huang did.

Lin Huang's Blood Spirit wings were flexible but compared to Yu Moli, the latter had more powerful attacks. However, Yu Moli was not as agile as Lin Huang but he could always turn it around with his battle experience. After they have been fighting for almost 20 minutes, Lin Huang's attacks were getting more intense because he had to defeat Yu Moli within 30 minutes or the battle would be considered a draw, an end to his 90-win streak. He was now ranked No.13 and in order to be in the top 10, he would have to go through another 60-win streak just to achieve that if this battle ended up in a tie.

As the blades that transformed from the Blood Spirit wings collided with the fire snakes, an intense spark was created. Seeing that Yu Moli had slowed down, Lin Huang transformed one of his wings into a whip and slithered it up the fire snake to Yu Moli's chest. Yu Moli shouted and spat purple flames from his mouth in order to stop Lin Huang and backed off immediately.

Seeing Yu Moli panting from his Life Power that was seemingly growing more unstable, Lin Huang could tell that he had the advantage in terms of physique. With the help of his immense strength, Lin Huang physique was comparable to a gold-level rank-3 person. His tolerance and physique was much stronger than Yu Moli's. Although he had almost exhausted the first of his five Life Wheels in his body, he still had four Life Wheels to back him up. The monster skills did not drain much Life Power but under such intense conditions, the exhaustion of Life Power was multipled several times compared to when they used their monster skills under regular circumstances.

Lin Huang was left with less than one-tenth of his first Life Wheel. He could tell that Yu Moli did not have much Life Power left. Noticing that Lin Huang was checking him out, he said, "You've such a monstrous body… If I'm not mistaken, you do not only have superior physique and tolerance but you also must have at least two Life Wheels in your body, right?"

Many of the audience were puzzled at Lin Huang when they heard what Yu Moli had said. They realized that Sword Genius was still exuberant, seemingly unfazed by the battle while Yu Moli was panting hard.

The audience could not see the amount of Life Wheels they possessed as they moved too fast in the arena, making it impossible for them to observe them in detail. Only a couple of people in the audience who were on gold-level rank-3 realized that the Sword Genius' Blood Spirit blades were stable from the start of the battle till the current stage. Meanwhile, Yu Moli's Violetflame was not as strong as it started.

Lin Huang smiled without saying anything and did not answer Yu Moli's question. However, nobody could see him smiling as he was wearing a mask. They could only see him holding his tongue. Lin Huang then looked at the time and noticed that they were only left with 10 minutes. Lin Huang knew he should not delay this any further. Without waiting for Yu Moli to attack, Lin Huang charged towards him.

Yu Moli frowned and extended his four gigantic Violetflame arms towards him. They clashed again and Lin Huang pulled out his sword to charge towards Yu Moli using Great Sword Scripture . Within seconds, Yu Moli felt like he was drowning in the sword that was coming in his direction like waves in an ocean. Soon, a bang was heard as Yu Moli took countless punches with his Violetflame arms and managed to make Lin Huang take a step back. Lin Huang stepped back until he reached the edge of the arena. This time, he did not take the initiative to attack but watched Yu Moli instead.

The four Violetflame arms went back into his body and even the flame on his palms disappeared. He performed a complex hand seal immediately and his body burned in purple flames. The flames was so high that it was more than 10 meters tall. As he changed his hand seals, the flame formed itself into a giant torso that covered Yu Moli's entire body.

Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing.

"A Life Power construct? Am I seeing this right?" Someone in the crowd said.

Under normal circumstance, such a complicated construct would only be possible for transcendents. Although Yu Moli was only mastering a monster skill; it was much simpler for him than controlling Life Power as such a complicated objectification would be difficult. Even Lin Huang could not control his Blood Power to unleash something like that.

A giant torso made of purple flames appeared before Lin Huang. It looked like a hunk with hard muscles and it had realistic features which included its eyes, beard, eyebrows as well as other details. It looked like a sculpture that was sculpted by a master. However, it only took two to three seconds for Yu Moli to come up with this.

As the giant torso formed, Yu Moli stopped his hand seals and looked at Lin Huang.

"I don't have much Life Power left, I believe you can see that. This will be the last card I have up my sleeve, it's called... Flame King . It's my ultimate shield and is almost my ultimate skill. If you can defeat this giant, you will be able to defeat me in this battle. I'm exhausting my Life Power, I don't have the strength to fight anymore." Yu Moli admitted.

Just as he was done talking, the Flame King seemed activate. Its eyes opened and without missing a beat, it shot a deadly stare at Lin Huang…

Chapter 220: 90-Win Streak!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was stunned with Yu Moli's ability to summon a giant torso with his Life Power. This level of Life Power mastery was not the most impressive. What surprised Lin Huang the most was the giant torso that was looking at him like an actual human. Theoretically, the giant torso was an undead creature that was constructed using Violetflame and should not have been able to exhibit humanlike qualities. However, Lin Huang could feel that the giant was staring at him with anger but soon, the feeling faded away.

"Perhaps it's just an illusion…" Lin Huang did not dwell on it. As the giant torso shot a deadly stare at Lin Huang, it punched him all of a sudden. The air surrounding the punch was pressurized under the high temperature and formed a vacuum. In the absence of air pressure, it resulted in a silent punch that was headed towards Lin Huang's direction. Lin Huang then transformed one of his Blood Spirit wings into a giant hand, and it collided with the punch from the giant.

After the collision, the giant torso remained motionless while Lin Huang stepped further away, only stopping once he reached the edge of the arena. Fortunately, his Blood Spirit had isolated the high temperature of Yu Moli's punch; if it was not for that, Lin Huang would have turned into a pile of ashes.

"The force in that punch has surpassed gold-level rank-3. Even though isn't on the level of a transcendent, it's not too far away. I'll be in trouble if the flames touch my body…" Lin Huang frowned as he looked at the giant torso. It was a tough fight.

Without giving Lin Huang a chance to catch his breath, the giant punched him again. Lin Huang did not avoid the punch. Instead, he extended the arm that was transformed using Blood Spirit . The giant's punch sent Lin Huang smashing into the wall and breaking the wall in the process. However, the giant's punch that collided with the Blood Spirit wing shot into the air, forming a giant web that covered the entire giant arm that was made from Violetflame .

Since one of its arms was locked, the giant waved its other arm at Lin Huang. Lin Huang used his second Blood Spirit wing to tackle the punch. Similarly, the punch got caught in the giant web above. Both of its gigantic arms were struggling in the web like fishes trapped in a net. Lin Huang was pulled right up into the air as the intense shaking made it difficult for him to stand still.

However, Lin Huang did not panic as he transformed his last two Blood Spirit wings into two blades and aimed it at the giant's head with the help of Thunder Sting . Since the giant's arms were trapped, it prevented it from retaliating. Frustrated, it opened its mouth and spat out purple flames at Lin Huang that did not only block off his blade but also headed in his direction like waves in an ocean.

Helpless, Lin Huang recalled his two blades and transformed them into half-spheres as a defensive layer to block the Violetflam e that was headed his way. Under the spitting flame, the entire arena looked like a purple sea of fire. Many of them had their vision blocked by the Violetflame , they were concerned that the Sword Genius would be defeated facing such a wide area of attack. However, after the flames died down, Lin Huang remained standing in the arena.

"Let's try attacking it from behind then!" With the help of the pull, Lin Huang leaped into the air and landed behind the giant. He transformed his two wings into blades and aimed them at the back of the giant's head. Suddenly, the giant's turned its head 180 degrees and spat Violetflame at Lin Huang. Everyone was speechless with what they saw. Only undead monsters and spiritual monsters could make a 180-degree head turn. However, it made sense as the giant was not alive but a structure that was formed by force.

Lin Huang frowned, "Since the usual attack could not break it, it seems like I must use this then…"

As Lin Huang was coming up with a plan, the giant roared as the flames on its body burned more intensely. Yu Moli who was in the giant felt odd; his Life Power was leaving his body and moving into the giant's body. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and looked like he had completely lost his strength. Then giant grew a couple of meters taller and its hands broke free from the Blood Spirit web.

"Life Seed Engulf…" Lin Huang frowned. Many of them in the audience could tell what was happening as well.

Life Seed Engulf was a situation whereby the monster's consciousness takes over the human body before it's able to completely purge. Under normal circumstances, the Life Seed would be absorbed into the human body as the human leveled up while the monster's consciousness would clear up without any side effects. However, when a player does not level up the Life Seed in their bodies, it will result in a Life Seed Engulf.

The host would not notice what had happened because once the monster's consciousness enters the human body; it will hide from its host. The monster's consciousness would grow as time passed and eventually, it would wipe out the host's consciousness before taking over the body once the host became weak. It was the Life Seed Take Over. It was a soul parasite, but it would be harder to track as the parasite does not exist physically.

"It must've taken advantage of Yu Moli's weak body…" Lin Huang spent days studying the scenarios when a human obtains a Life Seed under normal circumstances so he was familiar with what Yu Moli was experiencing at that moment.

"I must get rid of the monster right now before it takes over his body…"

Although Lin Huang did not know Yu Moli very well, he was a good opponent after all. Lin Huang did not want to see such a genius taken over by a monster.

A golden glow sparked on the Blood Spirit sword. Everyone was excited again, and they knew Lin Huang was going to unleash something powerful. As the giant torso grew bigger, it released a purple flame from its mouth once again. The flames covered the entire arena and Lin Huang. Lin Huang immediately transformed three of his wings into a sphere and covered himself with it. Meanwhile, Lin Huang transferred all his Life Power from the four Life Wheels into his Blood Spirit Sword. He would lose if the attack failed!

The giant continued attacking even after the flames fade. Its two gigantic fists were heading towards Lin Huang. Lin Huang recalled three of his wings and dodged the giant's punch. He landed in front of the giant and leaped high up with his golden glowing Blood Spirit sword. After it saw what just happened, the giant spat Violetflame again in an attempt to push Lin Huang back.

This time, Lin Huang's blade was like a meteorite hitting the ground. The force was invincible; it broke the flames that were coming out of the giant's mouth. Things that came into contact with the blade flew away. A bright golden glow shot everywhere and many in the audience had to close their eyes from the bright glow.

"Bang!" It made a loud thud. The entire arena collapsed along with its walls. Many of them who were in the front row were affected but Lin Huang ignored what was happening around the arena. He looked up and saw the blade had pierced through the giant's open mouth and went through the back of its head. Its head began cracking with a spiderweb pattern and eventually the crack spread through its entire body. Before long, the Violetflame body broke into atoms.

As the giant disappeared, Yu Moli who was in the giant was faded away as well.

"Thank you…" Yu Moli managed to thank Lin Huang before completely disappearing from the arena.

"Congratulations. You've won the battle!"

As Yu Moli's body disappeared, Lin Huang saw the battle notification. In just a second, a notification came through the sound system and echoed in the arena.

"Congratulations! Sword Genius has defeated keeper Yu Moli on the sixth floor of the arena and has won 90 consecutive battles!"

The notification could be heard in every corner of the arena before the golden glow in the arena even managed to fade away, and the audience had yet to see what had happened.

"Would you like to continue to battle?"

Lin Huang hesitated when he saw the notification, he was thinking about Yu Moli's advice. He looked at the leaderboard; he was now ranked No.3 with 20,308 points.

After confirming that he had accomplished the mission, he pressed 'No' on the notification. His body faded from the ring. As the golden glow faded, the audience only managed to see Lin Huang disappearing from the ring...

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