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36.32% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 174: 190-200

Chapter 174: 190-200

Chapter 190: Two Packages

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was past 12, midnight when Lin Huang turned off the videos. As he was ready to take a shower, he noticed the bed not far away from him. There was a light silver glow flowing on Lin Xuan's body. The glow was insignificant, and it could not be seen when there was light. If Lin Huang did not look correctly, he would have missed it.

"Is that Life Power?" Lin Huang thought it was unbelievable as he had just checked on Lin Xuan during the day, which he found out that there was no Life Power in Lin Xuan's body. However, the Life Power was growing on the surface of his body when he was sleeping. In fact, it was the silver Life Power of a silver-level player.

Lin Huang could even sense that the Life Power was similar to his. He then recalled that the exhausted feeling he got from his Life Power when he was checking on Lin Xuan was a little odd.

"Perhaps this kid absorbed a portion of my Life Power and is cultivating his own?" Lin Huang guessed. If he were not a traveler, he would not have imagined such possibility.

After washing himself, Lin Huang didn't head straight to bed. Instead, he was looking at some videos while watching Lin Xuan occasionally. Lin Xuan was in a deep sleep that night, the Life Power on his body was growing stronger. It finally stopped building when it was on the same level as the silver-level. It then faded away as if it had never appeared before.

On the next morning, Lin Xuan saw that Lin Huang was up when he got out of bed. He did not know that Lin Huang had not slept at all that night.

Seeing that Lin Xuan had woken up, Lin Huang immediately asked: "Did you feel any discomfort last night?". Lin Xuan shook his head in doubt. He did not understand why did Lin Huang had asked such a question.

"Come here, give me your hand." Lin Huang waved to him.

Although he was doubtful, Lin Xuan walked to Lin Huang in his pajamas. He then put his hand on Lin Huang's palm. Soon, Lin Huang's Life Power flowed into Lin Xuan's body. This time, once the Life Power entered, Lin Huang could sense that Lin Xuan was now a silver-level rank-3 with a mighty Life Power. His Life Power was neither weaker nor stronger than Lin Huang's.

"I knew it!"

After releasing Lin Xuan's hand, Lin Huang confirmed that Lin Xuan had cloned his Life Power and cultivated it on his own. Lin Xuan was gifted; if a traveler's Goldfinger was a conduit in this world, then Lin Xuan's body itself would be a powerful conduit.

"If he could clone my Life Power, he might be able to clone the Life Power of a gold-level person. Not sure if he had any skills in cloning, if he did, he could level-up to transcendent or even demigod from an ordinary person…"

Lin Xuan's origin was getting more and more mysterious, and Lin Huang was concerned.

"We must move away as soon as possible!"

It was the weekend, and Lin Huang went to the Credit Bureau early in the morning to transfer 1,500 Life Crystals to Yang Ling. When he got home, he called out to Lin Xin.

"Xin Er, shall we move to a B-grade foothold?" Lin Huang asked while smiling.

"But the accommodation rights of a B-grade foothold…" Lin Xin knew without the right permissions. She would not be able to continue her studies.

"I have my way to obtain the accommodation. We will leave during the winter holiday. Let's decide on which B-grade foothold we would like to live in. The safety is much higher than D-grade footholds such as Wulin Town. I won't be as worried whenever I need to leave home." Lin Huang kept quiet about the real reason he wanted to move.

"Then I'll do the school application with my headmaster in a couple of days." Lin Xin did not ask further. The sudden request surprised her but she knew Lin Huang had his reasons and she decided to trust him. She looked around the house, "Brother if we move away, must we sell the house?"

"We're not selling the house since we won't be able to sell it off in such a short period, we don't need the money anyway. The house will stay, it could be our holiday resort." Lin Huang never planned to sell the house.

"Sure!" Lin Xin felt better again when she heard they were not selling the house.

"However, you won't be able to see your friends at school anymore." Lin Huang empathized with her.

"It's alright. It's not like we are never coming back to this town." Lin Xin had an open mind, "Besides, even if we didn't move away. After I graduated in half a year, everyone would leave anyway. We wouldn't be able to see each other often, so it really doesn't matter."

"Alright then. Let's settle your school application within these few days before the winter holiday. I will book the ticket, and we shall leave during the holiday. Let's not go to Snow Ridge City, let's go to Winter City in the B-grade foothold. If we like it, we shall stay there. If not, we could see other B-grade footholds after watching the snow." Lin Huang had done up the preliminary arrangement. Lin Xin nodded immediately; she was a girl who loved snow. Winter was her favorite season, and she was excited when she heard they might be staying in Snow City.

For the following days, Lin Huang gave Lin Xuan his Gun Masters account. Lin Xuan did not have any opponents anymore in the normal zone, many of his battle videos were uploaded to the network as learning material. Now that he had Life Power, he could enter the exclusive zone for a hunter. That was why Lin Huang gave him his personal account. Meanwhile, he proceeded to evaluate 'Master White's' battle videos to come up with a strategy to combat opponents who were expert in speed like him. Through the videos, he had learned many battle experiences and concluded some strategies that were suitable for him.

Five days soon passed by, with the Silvertongue Bird arriving at their doorstep in the morning.

"There are packages for you, Mr. Lin Huang!"

After feeding the bird a bunch of sweets, the bird dropped two packages from its feather. There was a package that was the size of a fist; Lin Huang figured that must be the Emperor's Heart Ring that was sent by Yang Ling. Meanwhile, the other box was 30 centimeters tall and wide.

After moving two boxes into the room, Lin Huang opened the box that was the size of a fist first. It was covered with layers of shockproof materials. It was a silver-colored Emperor's Heart Ring. He called out to Lin Xuan immediately and passed the ring to him. He then taught Lin Xuan how to activate the ring as well as creating an account for him in the Gun Master.

After Lin Xuan went back upstairs, Lin Huang looked at the unfamiliar box. Skeptical, he opened the top of the box. He was surprised to see what was inside. It was a black jar, the pattern on the jar was simple. Lin Huang recognized it was the jar which Scarface used to contain his ashes when he was watching as the Specter in the Purple Crow. He opened the cover of the jar; it was empty. The deceiving effect from the card had worn off. Lin Huang frowned and broke the jar. He then carried the box out and tossed them into the rubbish in together with the jar pieces.

Chapter 191: Danger Is Coming

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the 50-win-streak, Lin Huang had not been to the Hunter Arena for a couple of days. During that few days, the Hunter Arena was crowded. It was close to the New Year, and Lin Huang was the fourth person who managed to win 50 consecutive battles this year. Not only that, he had completed all 50 fights in one hit. The name 'Sword Genius' had spread around.

In the Hunter Arena, there were only a couple of them who managed to achieve 50 consecutive wins every year. However, the last person who managed to kill all 50 opponents in one hit was 11 years ago. The person was now a transcendent as well as the executive office of a major organization. Another unique point was that it was the first time the Hunter Arena had someone in top 20 to be the keeper of the 50th battle. The most powerful keeper they had from the first floor all the way to the ninth was the person ranked 33rd, none of them were before No.30. What Lin Huang had encountered was a first time even for other players.

The name 'Sword Genius' was now a hot topic. Many were trying to guess who Sword Genius really was. Many of them speculated that Lin Huang was a member of the military in the Union Government as most of them could tell that he was using Fatal Tactics . The combination of Fatal Tactics and Army Attack Tactics was a movement skill often used by the military. It was common for people from the Union Government's military to battle in the Hunter Arena as many of them held a hunter license.

Some of them figured Lin Huang could be a member of royalty and he used Fatal Tactics to cover his real identity. For his sword skill, as he had only used it once, the people could not tell which sword skill he was using. All they knew was, his sword skill was ridiculously good. They could not get any clues from that one attack. However, not everyone was happy to see Lin Huang's fame, including 'Master White' who was defeated by Lin Huang a couple of days ago.

Many in the Hunter Arena knew who 'Master White' was, he was the third son of a royal family. He was also one of the heirs of the throne. 'Master White' had lost more than once in battle before. However, he was oddly unhappy to be defeated by Lin Huang. Master White was not only defeated, but the scene of him being killed was repeatedly played on the big screen on the sixth floor. Although he managed to get the video to stop playing on the days he was around, but many had seen the video as well as spent money to download the video. There were a couple million downloads so far.

"Show me who this kid is." 'Master White' had found an information trafficker on the arena hall. Soon, the trafficker came back, "His personal details were locked by the Hunter Association management. All I know is that he is a Gold Hunter."

"Gold Hunter?" Master White thought it was strange. Of course, he knew that Lin Huang was not a gold-level as he could sense his aura. Besides, everyone here entered the arena with their conscious, where there was no way that they could cover their abilities. Nobody could escape the system scanning you, and since Lin Huang was sent to the sixth floor, that meant he was only a silver-level rank-3.

To be able to get a Gold Hunter license with silver-level rank-3 ability, it meant the Hunter Association had confirmed that he had the ability to kill gold-level monsters. The Hunter Association had a basic standard for evaluating hunters. They would not give out a license just like that.

"There's no way at all? I could pay you more." Master White said to the trafficker.

"There's no way, even an executive officer could not see his personal details, we can't even get his real name." The trafficker shook his head, "It would be the same even if you look for someone else, his identity has been covered on purpose."

"Does that mean this Sword Genius knows the executive officers of the Hunter Association?" Master White frowned.

Lin Huang did not know what happened in the arena. He had no idea that Mr. Fu got Old Li to lock Lin Huang's details. Old Li did what he said, which made it impossible for Master White to find out who Lin Huang was. However, Master White's appearance as a keeper kept Lin Huang alert.

"They sent No.18 as the keeper on the 50th battle, that means the keeper in the future would rank even higher. If the system wanted to, it could even give me a keeper in the top 10…"

Lin Huang had decided to watch all battle videos of the top 10 battles before going into the fights again. He did not want his winning streak to end, as once it ended, everything had to start from scratch again. He was only given two months to finish his mission, he did not have much time. For the following days, besides eating and sleeping, Lin Huang spent his time evaluating the videos. What he did not know was that danger was coming to him.

Two young men in gray coats left the spaceship at the central plaza of Baqi City.

"Hong Ming, this is our first mission ever, since we left the training camp. If we had any misunderstandings in the training camp, we have to let it go. Focus on completing the mission together. We shall talk about that in the future!" The shorter man said to the taller man.

"What could happen? We're just here to get a girl that was not even an iron-level, how could we fail?" The tall man who was named Hong Ming glared at the shorty.

"Ren Yan, weren't you all heroic in the training camp? Why are you such a sissy now?"

"What sissy, it's called being cautious!" Ren Yan shouted at him.

"How is that necessary, we're both gold-level reserve members of the Purple Crow. The girl, Lin Xin is only 14 this year, she hasn't even graduated Hunter Reserve College. She couldn't even be an iron-level. Do you think it would be difficult to get her?" The mission was nothing to Hong Ming.

"If we complete the mission quick, we would have one week to relax around this foothold. The girl is the perfect age to…" Hong Ming licked his lips.

"Please don't mess around if you don't want to die, the seniors want the girl. If something goes wrong, it's you who will take the blame, don't involve me." Ren Yan frowned while looking at Hong Ming.

"Behave yourself, or else I would chop off your dick!"

"Why are you angry? Oh yeah, what is the name of the town, the girl is staying again?" Hong Ming asked.

"Wulin Town." Ren Yan had stopped a passing monster car.

Hong Ming followed too.

"Where are the both of you heading to?" The old man driving the monster car asked.

"The Eagle Station!" Ren Yan said.

"Sure!" The old man could tell that they were both unfriendly. He did not talk further, instead drove straight to the Eagle Station in silence. After they were dropped off, Ren Yan and Hong Ming rented an eagle each and headed to Wulin Town…

Chapter 192: Reason For The Purple Crow's Presence

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

While Lin Huang was taking down notes from the videos on the couch, someone knocked on the door.

"Who could it be?" Lin Huang frowned. As he and Lin Xin were orphans, nobody had ever visited their home during the six months they had arrived in this world. He had only seen his neighbors, but they had never visited each other before. Lin Xin's friends had visited once or twice. However, Lin Xin was at school, and it was impossible that it was her friends.

With much doubt, Lin Huang opened the door. Seeing the two men in gray coats, Lin Huang had his guard up. They were obviously not Lin Xin's friends. He could smell the blood from their bodies, a smell people had when they killed many others. Lin Huang had officially joined the Purple Crow. He could tell that both of them were reserve members in an instant. However, all the gold-level staff were wearing this uniform in the training camp, that was why he could not tell who the two men were.

"Who are you looking for?" Lin Huang asked.

Both of them were stunned, as they were expecting a girl but a young man opened the door. They could even sense that Lin Huang was silver-level. Ren Yan snapped out of it at an instant and asked, "May I know if Lin Xin stays here?"

Lin Huang heart sank when he heard they were coming for Lin Xin.

"I think you guys are at the wrong house. She stays in the house at the next unit." Lin Huang pointed at a block that was not far away.

"Isn't this the address? Could I have mistaken the address?" Ren Yan searched for the address in the note that he jotted down in his Emperor's Heart Ring. Just when the both of them looked down, Bai appeared behind them. When they found out, Bai's wings transformed into two blades strangling their necks. Lin Huang smirked, "Let's talk inside my home."

"Hey, you must know that we're from the Purple Crow. We don't know who you are, but if you offend the Purple Crow, you would be in great trouble!" Hong Ming yelled.

Ren Yan gave a deadly stare in Hong Ming's direction. They should not be revealing who they were.

"Purple Crow?"

Lin Huang frowned, he did not expect the Purple Crow to come here for him. He thought he had covered everything up, nobody from the Purple Crow should know that he was still alive. It was strange that the both of them were here for Lin Xin.

"Come in. I have some questions for you." Lin Huang opened his door.

As they were held hostage by Bai, they had to obey what Lin Huang said. Lin Huang shut his door, sat on the couch while looking at both of them, who stood in front of the coffee table. Bai was standing behind them, as soon as he used even the slightest of force, both of their heads would be chopped off in an instant.

"Don't waste your time. We will not tell you anything." As Lin Huang was checking them out, Ren Yan took the lead and said that. He did not want Hong Ming to reveal anything more about them.

"Really? I'll show you how I make people tell me things then." Lin Huang smirked.

Suddenly, the Ghastly Clown appeared next to him.

"This clown…" The both of them were shocked when they saw the Ghastly Clown. The Ghastly Clown appeared in Daxi City earlier. It was the same territory of the Purple Crow. The regular members were not the only people who knew but many reserve members knew about this incident and what the clown looked like as well. Although the gold-level Ghastly Clown seemed slightly different now, they could still recognize it.

"Ghastly Clown, let's ask this big guy first." Lin Huang said. The Ghastly Clown grinned while nodding. A mask of Hong Ming's face formed in its hand. As it placed the mask on its face, Hong Ming's eyes went blank.

"Your name, age?"

"Hong Ming, 21 years old," answering without any expression.

"Which organization are you from? What's your identity?"

"I'm from the Purple Crow. I just graduated from the training camp a month ago. I'm a Purple Crow reserve member."

Ren Yan was shocked, "Hong Ming, what are you doing? Wake up!"

Bai's wing transformed into a hand and covered Ren Yan's mouth to stop him from talking.

"There's no use if you yell. Even if we killed him, he wouldn't wake up." Lin Huang glared at Ren Yan. Lin Huang then looked at Hong Ming again, "Tell me a secret that nobody knows."

"When my sister was 13, I raped and killed her. After I dismembered her dead body, I buried her body parts in my neighbor's yard. Nobody knew I did it. After the body parts were found, my neighbor was sentenced to death by the Union Government…"

Lin Huang frowned as he heard the dark story. Hong Ming was obviously not someone good. Ren Yan found that unbelievable. Not the fact that Hong Ming killed his sister, but that Lin Huang managed to ask something like that. That would mean Lin Huang could be able to get everything and anything he wanted to know from Hong Ming.

"What is your mission this time?" After confirming that the Grimace Clown had absolute control over them, Lin Huang asked what he wanted to ask.

"To bring back a girl named Lin Xin from Wulin Town." Hong Ming answered expressionlessly.

"Why is that so?" Lin Huang could not understand.

"It was said that Lin Xin's brother is a powerful Imperial Censor who has a double mutated monster. He used to be one of us. However, he died in an accident. As Imperial Censor genes were inherited, the Purple Crow suspected that Lin Xin had the genes of an Imperial Censor as well so they wanted us to bring her back to train her."

Lin Huang did not know that Hong Zhuang asked Lu Xuan and Scarface to find another Imperial Censor within a year. They could not find any while Scarface recalled Lin Huang having a sister. So both the men were sent here to bring Lin Xin back.

"What do you guys know about Lin Xin's brother?" Lin Huang asked.

"We don't know much, we only know that the management loves him and he's a genius who can control a double mutated monster. However, he was killed in an accident." It was obvious that Hong Ming did not know about Lin Huang.

"What do you know about Lin Xin?" Lin Huang was concerned.

"She's just an ordinary person, she's means almost nothing to the organization." Lin Huang frowned at Hong Ming's answer. After a couple more questions, Lin Huang nodded to Bai.

A red glow flashed and Hong Ming's head was chopped off. However, no blood came out of the wound at all and it seemed like it was being absorbed by something. Meanwhile, the wings glowed.

Ren Yan was shocked at what he just saw. Seeing that Hong Ming's dead body fell on the ground, Lin Huang then looked at Ren Yan. Bai let go of his wing that was covering his mouth.

"You… You are Lin Xin's brother… You didn't die!" Ren Yan could tell that Lin Huang's identity from the conversation he had with Hong Ming.

"You are right, but there's no reward for you." Lin Huang nodded at the Ghastly Clown.

A new mask appeared on the Ghastly Clown's hand, and it was the face of Ren Yan.

"It's the one that invaded Daxi City…" Ren Yan looked at Lin Huang in fear, "How is this possible, who are you?"

The Ghastly Clown put the new mask on its face, Ren Yan's eyes became blank.

"Your name and age?"

"Ren Yan, 19."

"Which organization are you from? What is your identity?"

"Purple Crow, reserve member…"

"How many family members do you have?" Lin Huang would always ask something private to make sure that he had the full control of the person.

"Mother and brother…"

Lin Huang asked the questions that he asked Hong Ming and got the same answers from Ren Yan. However, he added a couple more questions.

"You believe you have a due date for this mission, when is the due date?"

"We arrived much earlier than expected, and we still have a week left. We have to capture Lin Xin within a week and contact our senior that we have captured Lin Xin." Ren Yan explained.

"What happened if you do not report after the due date? What will Purple Crow do to you?" Lin Huang asked.

"That'll mean the mission has failed. If our senior cannot get in touch with us, it would mean that we're dead and the mission difficulty has been upgraded. The organization would then send more reserve members to join the mission in order to figure out what had happened. They would then know when they should send the official members."

Lin Huang frowned. Soon, the mask on the clown faded. Just when Ren Yan was gaining conscious, there was another mask appeared on Lin Huang's hand. He then placed the mask on his face. Ren Yan was only a gold-level rank-1, Lin Huang could still control him with the mask. After the mask faded from the clown, Lin Huang took over.

"Call your senior!" Lin Huang instructed immediately. Ren Yan did what he asked. After the phone was connected, Lin Huang heard a voice that he was familiar with. It was Scarface.

"Ren Yan, has the mission been completed?"

"Yes, it's been completed and I've booked a ticket back next week." Lin Huang got Ren Yan to reply exactly the way he wanted.

"You managed to complete your mission a week ahead of schedule. That's great!"

"You trained me well, master." Ren Yan said.

"Alright then. Come back immediately, don't waste any of your time!" Scarface seemed to be impatient.


After the phone hung up, Lin Huang was still upset although the phone call gave him one more month. He then nodded to Bai and the red blade chopped off Ren Yan's head. His head separated from his neck without so much as a single drop of blood. Lin Huang then summoned the Viridian Wolf to eat both of the corpses. Once the Viridian Wolf finished eating, Lin Huang quickly recalled it…

Chapter 193: Leaving Wulin Town

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After settling the two dead bodies of the Purple Crow members, Lin Huang frowned. Lin Xin could not use her identity anymore or else the Purple Crow would come to look for her again if the both of them did not return after a month. No matter which foothold they were going to, Lin Xin couldn't use her identity to book tickets. If she did, the Purple Crow could easily discover her.

Lin Huang then called Yang Ling. Yang Ling picked up his call while yawning. He looked tired.

"So have you decided on which foothold you're going to stay at?"

"No, I'd like to order a new Emperor's Heart Ring from you." Lin Huang wanted to get Lin Xin a new identity.

"Helping your friend again?" Yang Ling did not find that odd.

"I guess you can say that." Lin Huang nodded.

"No problem, which one would you like?"

"The one that costs 100 Life Crystal will be alright." Lin Xin would still have to study at the Hunter Reserve College for half a year and take the graduation assessment before furthering her studies in the prestige school. There was no need for her to use a hunter identity, she only needed the one suitable for an ordinary person.

Yang Ling nodded, "Same thing. Send me the name, age, and photo." "Do I send it to the usual address?"

"No, please send it to Snow City, I'll pick it up myself." Lin Huang had his own arrangement.

"I will send you the details later, after five o'clock."

"Sure." Yang Ling did not ask further.

"Oh yeah, can you make fake school transfer applications as well?" Lin Huang asked.

"Hardly, but it's a simple process. Let me know which school you want to transfer to and I'll make one for you for free since it's cheap." Yang Ling was generous.

"Thank you then. I will send both sets of information to you t around five o'clock."

After some hesitation, Lin Huang decided to ask Yang Ling about something that was on his mind, "There's something that I'd like to ask you…"

"Do tell." Yang Ling frowned before nodded.

"I escaped from the Purple Crow by faking my death. If they found out that I'm still alive, will they have ways to find me?" Lin Huang decided to tell Yang Ling the truth.

"Theoretically, I'm not supposed to intervene in the personal problems of my customers. I'm just the one creating fake identities for them. However, since your question is within my field of professionalism and you're my regular customer, I'll answer you this one time. As long as you do not guard the privacy of your personal details, they can find you in many ways. There are only two ways to prevent that.

One is to avoid from appearing in places that require you to scan your identity. Another would be to tighten the security settings for the privacy of your personal details.

Lin Huang frowned as he listened but decided to ask, "Which level of privacy is safe enough?"

"You'll need at least a senior executive officers rank or be on the intensive training list with the Hunter Association because the privacy setting is the same setting that senior executive officers use."

"Can you do that from your side?" Lin Huang asked while he frowned.

"I can't do it…" Yang Ling shook his head. "There's only a limited number of ways to get into intensive training or become a senior executive officer in any division. The Hunter Association's system would conduct spot checks every year. You'll be exposed easily. I suggest you use your fake identity after you've moved away."

"Is there no other way?" Lin Huang did not want to give up.

"From my experience, there's no other way." Yang Ling shook his head while he opened a page in front of Lin Huang, "Let me show you. Your identity is ranked under the regular rank in the Hunter Association. I could easily hack into the system or the Union Government's system to get your personal details…"

Just when Yang Ling was ready to show Lin Huang, he realized that he could not find anything about him, "Eh, what happened?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Huang did not understand what Yang Ling wanted to show him with the blank page.

"Hold on…" After a couple of attempts, Yang Ling still could not find anything about Lin Huang. Later on, he finally found Lin Huang's details after using a unique technique. He then looked at Lin Huang, "Hey, were you listed in the intensive training list?"

"No." Lin Huang shook his head, "I'm just a Gold Hunter, I did not pass the final review for intensive training."

"That means somebody did something to your privacy settings." Yang Ling was sure, "Your privacy has been upgraded to that of a senior executive officer's rank. People below that rank will not be able to access your details. It has been done officially as well and the person who applied this setting for you was Li Mingzheng. I didn't know that you had such a powerful background."

"Who is this Li Mingzheng? Why did he upgrade my privacy rank?" Lin Huang thought it was strange, but soon, he thought of his master Mr. Fu, "Perhaps master got somebody to do it?"

Lin Huang thought about it again, that was the only possibility. Although Mr. Fu was not a member of the Hunter Association, from the assessment, it was apparent that he was close to the Hunter Association. To protect Lin Huang, he got the association to protect his privacy. He was the only one who would do that.

"That means I don't have to be worried that the Purple Crow could find me?" Lin Huang asked.

"That right. With your privacy rank now, there's no need to worry. In the Hunter Association, only senior executive officers or people who're ranked higher than them could gain access to your details. Outsiders, Union Government included, cannot get access unless they get an approval from Li Mingzheng." Yang Ling nodded.

"You got through, are you sure others will not be able to get access?" Lin Huang was skeptical.

"Heh. It's different for me, my case is unique. Don't worry, outsiders won't be able to access your personal details unless the Purple Crow has a spy who's ranked at the senior executive level or higher. Else, they'd never find you." Yang Ling gave Lin Huang a firm answer.

Lin Huang had no idea that his privacy ranking was so high. "Alright then, I'll trust you. Thanks!"

"If that's all, I'll hang up now. Send over the details of the new identity and school transfer application as soon as you can."

"That will be all. I'll send both to you later." Replied Yang Ling.

Lin Huang felt a deep sense of relief after the phone call ended.

It was after five o'clock in the evening when Lin Xin came back from school.

"Xin Er, bring your stuff. We're leaving Wulin Town tonight." Lin Huang said to Lin Xin just as she entered.

"I thought we'd only leave a week later? I didn't even have a chance to speak to my teacher yet…" Lin Xin was shocked.

"I have gotten my friend to apply for the school transfer for you. We need to leave today." After some hesitation, Lin Huang told Lin Xin, "I offended the Purple Crow earlier. They sent somebody here looking for us, and I killed them. If we don't leave now, there'll be more people coming for us…"

"Purple Crow... From the underworld?" Lin Xin was shocked when she heard what Lin Huang said.

Lin Huang nodded, "That's the real reason why we need to move away, I didn't expect them to come so soon."

"I'll go upstairs to pack my stuff then." Lin Xin sensed the urgency and went upstairs. Lin Huang headed to his room as well. After briefing Lin Xuan, he began to pack his belongings up. He spent half an hour to get things done and managed to bring along Lin Xuan's stuff as well. Lin Xuan didn't have a lot of things to pack. It was mainly clothes and shoes as well as toys and gifts given to him by Lin Huang and Lin Xin.

Lin Huang then went to the balcony on the fourth floor and took the barbecue machine with him. As he walked down, he shut all the doors and windows. When he arrived on the first floor, he grabbed everything he needed. 10 minutes later, Lin Xin had finally finished. Seeing Lin Xin coming down, Lin Huang said, "Xin Er, transfer all your stuff into my Emperor's Heart Ring. You can't use your ring anymore or the Purple Crow will be able to track you."

"But there are so many credit points I could spend…" Lin Xin didn't want to waste any of the credit points she had.

"That's nothing, silly. The Purple Crow will find out know if you do a transfer, I can make that small amount of credits in your account in just one day." Lin Huang shook his head and smiled.

Lin Xin then placed the stuff on the couch and coffee table and Lin Huang put them away into his storage space. After everything was stored, Lin Xin took off her Emperor's Heart Ring with a heavy heart and gave it to Lin Huang. After all, she had been wearing it since the day she came to this world. Lin Huang, on the other hand, did not have any feelings towards the ring. He tossed it on the floor and crushed it.

After throwing the pieces away into the rubbish bin, the three of them left the house. Lin Xin took a good last look at their home while Lin Huang closed the door, shaking his head. He then threw a couple of trash bags into the rubbish bin at the entrance. Lin Huang turned around to look at the luxurious four-story house. He then summoned the Viridian Wolf, and the three of them headed to the east gate.

"Brother, where are we going?" Lin Xin just realized that she had no idea where they were heading.

"Let's head to Li City in foothold No.7C88." After contacting Yang Ling, Lin Huang had made all the arrangements.

"Li City? I know it's not safe in Baqi City, but this foothold is even further away from foothold No.7C86 and No.7C89!" Lin Xin could not understand.

"Yes, it's further but safer. It'll take us three days to fly there so we'll have to stay in the wild for two days." Lin Huang explained briefly.

Minutes later, they arrived outside the east gate. Lin Huang unloaded their belongings and recalled the Viridian Wolf and summoned the Alexandrian Eagle. He placed two seats on the eagle's back and got Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to ride on it. They headed Li City's direction...

Chapter 194: Arriving In Snow City

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After spending three nights in the wild zone, Lin Huang finally brought Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to foothold No.7C88 - Li City. Lin Huang used Lin Xuan, Ye Xiu and his own identity to purchase the tickets. He even chose rooms on different floors. The Purple Crow did not know about the existence of Lin Xuan and Ye Xiu was still unknown to anyone. Meanwhile, outsiders could not even identify Lin Huang. Even if the Demonic Crystal Spaceship's network got hacked, they could not gain access to Lin Huang's identity and purchase history. They wouldn't be able to find Lin Huang's name.

Their spaceship would depart three days later, the three of them could take a good rest during that period. It was torture for Lin Xin to stay in the wild zone earlier. After picking a hotel near the plaza where the spaceship docked, Lin Huang used Ye Xiu's identity to register the room. He then brought the both of them in.

It was a suite with three bedrooms where each of them could get one bedroom of their own. Lin Huang was relieved. While staying in the hotel, he finally got the time to reevaluate the battle videos. Meanwhile, Lin Xin and Lin Xuan tried not to head outside and they would only order takeaway food. During the three days in Li City, they only went out with Lin Huang twice.

On the fourth morning, the spaceship landed on the plaza. After breakfast; Lin Huang brought the both of them to board the spacecraft. He passed Ye Xiu's Emperor's Heart Ring to Lin Xin, the three of them boarded the spaceship successfully. The non-VIP rooms in the spaceship only had one living room and one bedroom. Lin Xin slept in the bedroom on her own while Lin Huang moved the small bed for children out for Lin Xuan; Lin Huang slept on the couch in the living room.

It would take 16 days to arrive in Snow City from Li City, and it would be New Year's Eve when they finally got there. During the 16 days on the spaceship, Lin Huang immersed himself in the battle videos. However, he didn't enter the arena. Concerned about Lin Xin and Lin Xuan; he couldn't get into the mood for a battle.

Meanwhile, Lin Xuan did not know what was happening while he immersed himself in Gun Master. Ever since he gotten his account access into the exclusive zone for hunters; he was even more enthusiastic in playing the game as he would always encounter a professional that he could learn from.

Besides eating and sleeping, he spent all his time in the game. Although Lin Xin was aware that trouble was coming to them, she chose to trust Lin Huang. She spent most of the time on her homework as she knew the learning standard in a B-grade foothold would be higher than a D-grade foothold. Her result in the Hunter Reserve College was outstanding, but it would not be easy to attain the same results at a school in a B-grade foothold.

During the 16 days; Lin Huang managed to watch all the battle videos of players ranked from 6th to 3rd. He could have observed and learned more, but the spaceship landed safely in Snow City as expected even when it was snowing outside. After getting off the ship; Lin Huang brought the both of them to the delivery company to pick up the package from Yang Ling before checking into the hotel. Lin Xin's new identity was Ling Xue; she gave herself that name. Coming up with the backstory of being an aboriginal from Snow City.

Lin Xin was cheerful wearing her new Emperor's Heart Ring while watching the snow falling from the sky. Lin Xuan looked just as happy watching the snowflakes fall to the window. It seemed like it was his first time seeing snow.

"Alright, stop blocking the way you two. If we stay here, there will still be many chances in the future for both of you to look at snow." Lin Huang got them to walk faster to the hotel.

When they entered the hotel room, the both of them ran straight to the balcony and refused to go back in.

"You guys can stay here to watch the snow, just don't catch a cold." Lin Huang then placed a sweater on both of them and returned to the living room. Looking at the falling snow from the transparent window, Lin Huang was stunned. It had been years since Lin Huang had last seen snow like this. He studied at the Northeastern University; had never returned to the place since he graduated.

The sound of boiling water woke him up from his nap. "Are you guys done? Come inside and drink some hot tea!" he told the two kids.

He took three cups from the side along with the tea leaves; making three cups of tea. The two of them ignored Lin Huang and remained on the balcony; gazing at the snow. "If the both of you refuse to come in, I'll have to make you! Three, two…"

Lin Xin and Lin Xuan returned to the living room almost immediately, taking the tea from Lin Huang and sitting on the couch warming their hands with the hot drink.

Moments later, Lin Xin took a sip of the tea when it was not so hot anymore. "Brother, I like it here. Let's stay in Snow City!"

Lin Huang smiled, he did not expect Lin Xin to have such a great impression on the city and decide so quickly.

"Xiao Xuan, your sister likes it here. What about you?" Lin Huang then looked at Lin Xuan.

"It's good." Lin Xuan nodded immediately. He seemed to be mesmerized by the snow.

"Alright then, so this is it. We shall stay in Snow City!" Lin Huang nodded.

Seeing that Lin Xin and Lin Xuan ran to the balcony again after sipping their tea, Lin Huang went into the room and called Yang Ling. He was the same man who looked like he had not slept for days with bed hair and clothes that resembled a homeless person.

"So have you received the stuff that I sent you?" Yang Ling asked while yawning.

"Yes, I just got it thanks!" Lin Huang nodded.

Although Yang Ling looked clumsy, he was trustworthy.

"What else do you need from me? Have you decided on which foothold you'd like to stay at?" Yang Ling asked.

"I've decided yes, Snow City it is." Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"How much would that be?"

"Snow City is good. It's considered one of the hottest tourists spots during the winter season. It'll be 16,000 but if you can pay me the full amount, I can give it to you at 15,000. If you'd like to pay by installment, you'll need to pay the full amount but there won't be any interest." Yang Ling told Lin Huang directly without beating around the bush.

"I'll pay for it by installment then since I don't have much on hand." Lin Huang felt helpless as he had never bought anything by installments before. Even when he had a credit card on earth, he would always pay whatever he'd spent at once without any delay. However, he had no choice this time.

"Sure, I'll send it to you once I get it later. Since the sum is quite significant, try to pay me every month and I'll give you 12 months to pay it off." Yang Ling did not even bother to come up with a contract with Lin Huang and hung up the phone.

Three to five minutes later, Lin Huang received a message without any words but only an attachment. Lin Huang downloaded the attachment immediately. It was a three-dimensional white token. It was the residential token which represented one's right to claim residence in Snow City. He tapped on the token, Ye Xiu's identity was displayed along with the residential area Snow City.

"It'll be New Year's Eve two days later. I'll pick a house today and purchase it tomorrow then move in straight away for New Year."

After making the arrangement, Lin Huang called out to Lin Xin and Lin Xuan.

"It'll be New Year's the day after tomorrow. The both of you have a mission today - which is to choose a couple of houses from the network. You'll have to get it done by today as we'll be looking at the houses tomorrow. If any of them are suitable, we'll buy it and live there. We can't be staying in a hotel on New Year's Eve. We should be staying at our house!" Lin Huang said to the both of them.

They nodded and started browsing the Heart Network. Lin Huang was browsing too; he told the both of them that their mission was to see what kind of houses they liked. A couple of hours passed and all three of them were still looking at houses on the couch. Lin Huang had picked a couple of them that he liked, he then asked the both of them, "So have you guys found anything yet?"

"They're all so expensive…" Lin Xin was upset. She saw some that she liked but she did not pick them as they were too expensive.

"Don't look at the price, just show me those that you like." The cost of houses in a B-grade foothold was considered expensive to ordinary people. However, it was nothing to hunters.

Lin Huang then looked at Lin Xuan, "Xiao Xuan, show me those that you picked."

Lin Xuan nodded and showed Lin Huang the houses that he picked. He didn't consider factors such as price; he only chose those that he liked. While Lin Huang looked at the pictures, Lin Xin join too. She was stunned to see that all of the houses Lin Xuan picked were all above 100 million credit points.

Lin Huang nodded as he was satisfied with the houses that Lin Xuan picked, two of them were to his liking.

"Xin Er, is there any that you like from what Lin Xuan picked?" Lin Huang asked Lin Xin and added, "Don't worry about the price."

"They all seem so good, but these two houses are my favorite!" Lin Xin pointed at the two that she liked, Lin Huang picked one of them as well. The other was similar to the house that they stayed in Wulin Town. It was a three-story single resort which was much larger with an extra courtyard.

"Sure, we'll take a look at these three houses tomorrow!" Lin Huang picked the house that looked like a resort and another two that he liked.

Chapter 195: Buying A House

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After picking three houses, Lin Huang brought Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to the real estates riding on the Alexandrian Eagle. It was one of the houses that all three of them had chosen, located in the far north of Snow City. As they rode on the eagle, Lin Huang frowned; he thought the location was too remote. He noticed on the map that the house was away from the city center, but he did not expect it to be so far away. It was at least 20 kilometers away from the city. The further they traveled north the fewer buildings there were.

There were not many houses in the area as there were less than 40 units. The eagle landed at the entrance of the sales building. "Brother, this location is a little too far away…" Lin Xin said to him.

"I think so too but since we're here, let's take a look anyway." Lin Huang smiled.

A man in a suit approached them as they talked. Seeing the Alexandrian Eagle, the man had a big smile plastered on his face.

"I believe you guys are here to see the house?" The man said, "We don't have many of them here, there are a total of 36 houses of nine different styles with different decorations…"

The man did not stop talking and he managed to convince Lin Xin with his flamboyant words.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang listened quietly. He had to admit that the man was good at persuading. After the man was done talking, Lin Huang said, "Bring us to the one with the best environment then."

"Sure please give me a minute, I'll get a couple of camel monsters here." The man said.

"No need for that, we have our own." Lin Huang then summoned the Viridian Wolf.

The man noticed that Lin Huang did not use a monster taming token when he recalled the Alexandrian Eagle. When Lin Huang summoned the Viridian Wolf without a taming token, the man was sure that Lin Huang was an Imperial Censor.

The three of them rode on the Viridian Wolf while the man took out a monster taming token and summoned a Camel Monster. The Camel Monster was a common monster which was not even iron-level. It looked like a camel but was more prominent in size without a hump. This beast was slow but it was strong. Usually, people would use them as transport. The Camel Monster had golden hair and was quite glorious but when it saw the Viridian Wolf, it was shaking in its knees.

The Viridian Wolf glared at the Camel Monster. Lin Huang noticed that too and said to the man, "You can lead the way, we'll follow behind."

The man apologized and led the Camel Monster to walk in front of them. Only when the Camel Monster lost sight of the wolf did it return to normal. The man then got on the Camel Monster and Lin Huang followed the man on the Viridian Wolf with his family.

The Viridian Wolf was playful, so it started to chase after the Camel Monster. Seven to eight minutes later, the man attempted to stop the beast from running but the Camel Monster refused to listen. Instead, it started running even faster.

"Stop! Stop right now!"

Seeing that shouting did not work, the man turned around and said to Lin Huang, "You guys should stop here. This is the unit you're looking for; please give me a minute and I'll be back soon!"

Lin Huang then patted the Viridian Wolf to get it to stop running. The three of them got down from the wolf and looked at the villa. From the outside, it looked quite unique. A short while later, the man came back to the villa with his clothes in a mess. "I'm so sorry for the delay. My Camel Monster can be easily frightened sometimes…"

"Don't worry about it, let's take a look at the house." Lin Huang nodded and smiled.

The man tucked in his shirt and brought the three of them into the villa.

"This unit located in the middle of all the villas is among our four best units that we have, which also happens to have the best environment. There's a garden in front and behind the environment. The main building was a triple-story building attached to a double-story building on the other side. There was an open-air garden on the third floor..."

After a simple introduction, the man opened the door with his ID card and brought the three of them into the house.

"It's such a big living room!" Lin Xin exclaimed as she walked in. The living room was not spacious, it had a porch with an overhang that was more than 10 meters high.

"We have taken the solidity of the building into consideration, so we designed the porch to be 15-meters high. There are two parts to the living room which includes the front portion, and when you walk further in you'll see the main living room. The height of the living room will be 3.5 meters…"

The man explained as they looked at the villa. When they arrived at the balcony on the third floor, they were amazed by the glacial mountains facing the balcony.

"There are two balconies in this house. As we are located in the north, we can see the north glacial wall directly…"

The north glacial wall referred to the glacial mountains that they were looking at. The mountains were divided the north and south zones of Division7. At the north side of the glacial wall, winter would last at six months while the south had the usual four season.

Although the glacial wall was tens of thousands of kilometers long, it only occupied a small part of the east side of Division7. The weather on the northeast side was different from other areas which meant that the glacial walls were unique to this area, making it a unique view. Standing on the balcony, Lin Xin seemed to be convinced. However, Lin Huang was being realistic when he said, "I guess this is more like a holiday villa. If we were to stay here permanently, it would not be ideal."

"We have thought of that as well, which is why the amenities are complete. However, as a whole, this is indeed, more like a holiday villa. Of course, it'd perfect for those who enjoy peace and quiet." The man said.

"The environment outside, the style and design inside including the view of the glacial mountains are perfect but… It's just a little too remote." Lin Huang voiced his concern. He was satisfied with the house, but it was too far from the city.

Lin Huang did not enjoy noise but living in solitary was not ideal as well. After all, humans were social animals; it would not be healthy for them to avoid social contact for extended periods of time. Lin Huang had no problem with that as he would not be staying at home most of the time but he was concerned about Lin Xin and Lin Xuan.

They then left the place on the Alexandrian Eagle to the second location. The second house was chosen by Lin Huang and Lin Xuan. Located in the middle of the foothold, it was front and center in the busiest area in the city. However, it was not a villa but a high-rise condominium instead. The unit was huge; measuring about 1,200 square meters and it came fully furnished with a variety of amenities.

Lin Huang and Lin Xuan were satisfied with the house, but not Lin Xin.

"This is good but something seems to be lacking... It doesn't feel like a home… It feels more like a hotel room." Lin Xin commented. Lin Huang thought about it and agreed with Lin Xin.

"Let's take a look at the last one then!"

They left the second house and headed to the third location. It was a villa located in the east of Snow City. There were more than 80 villas in the area but the size of this unit was much smaller than the one they saw in the first location. Arriving at the sales building, they were treated warmly by the sales person was a lady in her late teenage years. She seemed to be a sweet lady.

"This area is considered to be the second most popular location in the city. There are many other luxurious areas around and the area is quite safe. That aside, we have everything close by which includes the Credit Bureau, hospitals, a garden, supermarkets, delivery companies and street food. They're all within two kilometers and you'll be able to get there by feet..."

"It's pretty busy here, have many people purchased the units already?" Lin Huang smiled and asked.

"Yes, we've just started selling the units a few days back. We've already sold more than 60 units so there aren't many left available." The salesperson smiled.

"However, the price for the units isn't cheap at all. Are most of the buyers... Hunters?" Lin Huang asked.

"Some of them are hunters and some of them are businessmen. Since there are hunters here, it would be safer, that's one of the reasons why more businessmen are willing to pay a premium to stay here." The sales person said.

"I understand now. Please bring us to your best unit." Lin Huang did not want to look for more houses anymore. Since this place was complete with amenities, he planned to purchase it on the spot if it was suitable.

Soon they arrived at the villa, it was a triple-story villa with a courtyard. There were balconies on the second and third floor. There was nothing to shout about as it was much smaller than the first villa they saw. However, Lin Xin seemed to like it a lot. They entered the villa and saw the living room which was at least three times bigger than the house they used to stay in Wulin Town. It gave Lin Huang a good impression.

"The floor, wardrobes, cabinets, dining tables and chairs were made from Pandora trees while the rest of the furniture was designed by a celebrity designer…"

"There are three floors in this villa. It's 180 square meters on the first floor. The most spacious floor would be the second floor which is 230 square meters as there's a huge balcony and the third floor has two mini balconies, measuring the entire floor at about 200 square meters…"

Soon they had seen the entire villa. Lin Huang realized that the house was not as small as he thought, just that it wasn't as glamorous as the first villa that they saw. It was much more homey than the second condominium.

"What do you think?" Lin Huang looked at Lin Xin and Lin Xuan.

"I love it!" Lin Xin nodded and smiled, she would prefer a house that was smaller like the one they used to stay in. Lin Xuan nodded too.

"Alright then, this is it!" Lin Huang made up his mind.

Chapter 196: New Year's Eve

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Someone on Earth once said that a man's ultimate goal would be to live in a big house, drive big cars and marry a beautiful woman! Holding the key to his new house, Lin Huang had achieved one of them, which was to live in a big house! The house was 510-meter square and it cost 110 million credit points, which was almost 220,000 credit points per square meter. It was considered a luxurious house and even a rich man would have to think twice about it. However, such a price was nothing for a hunter.

100 million credit points were equivalent to 1,000 years of Life Crystal pieces, which were only 10 complete Life Crystals. A hunter such as Lin Huang could make that money back anytime he wanted. He was worried that the residential permit would not be approved when he purchased the house but it was. He registered the house under Lin Xin's new identity - Ling Xue.

They moved into the house right away after the payment was done. They did not even return to the hotel as Lin Huang checked-out from the hotel online. He booked the hotel room for three days but they only stayed for a day, the hotel refunded him immediately. On the first floor of the house was a living room, an open kitchen, and two bathrooms. There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor. One of the bedrooms was bigger, it was for Lin Huang while the two bedrooms were of the same size. Lin Xin and Lin Xuan each got a room. Lin Xuan finally had a room to himself.

The balcony on the second floor was spacious, it was connected to the three bedrooms. It was Lin Xin's favorite. On the third floor was a huge study room and two guest rooms with mini balconies. There were also a small storeroom and a bathroom. The floor was empty at the moment. After moving all the stuff out from his storage space, it officially became their new home.

"It'll be New Year's Eve in two days, let's clean up the house today and buy the stuff tomorrow morning! Give me a list of what you guys would like to eat and buy or you might forget by tomorrow." Lin Huang said to the both of them.

New Year's Eve was the biggest festival in this world. There were two calendars in the world, one was the Gregorian calendar which was commonly used, while the other one is the ancient perpetual calendar. The Gregorian calendar was the calendar that was modified after the new era while the perpetual calendar was inherited since the ancient era.

Since the new era, many things were changed in this world. Even the cultivation system was different than before. However, festivities such as the New Year's Eve remained. The festival was similar to the New Year that was celebrated on Earth. The families would prepare snacks such as dried fruits, candies, as well as meat, fish and other foods. The kids were allowed to not eat vegetables during the festival and they would not be punished by their parents.

Besides that, there would be all sorts of red items sold on the streets including lanterns and knitted goods. The color red represented a brand new year and hoping for new breakthroughs in life. During the New Year's Eve, the elders would buy gifts for the kids while adults would buy gifts for the elders. It was not a friendly gesture but rather as a form of appreciation. Kids were the happiest during this festival. However, the adults would have to spend…

It was the first New Year's Eve that Lin Huang would be celebrating ever since he arrived in this world. Although he had fond memories of the festival, it was not the same in this world. At night, after churning out a list of his own and receiving Lin Xin and Lin Xuan's list, he went to bed.

In the morning, Lin Huang brought them both out shopping. The streets were filled with the ambiance of the festivity where red lanterns were hung on the doorways of shops as well as calligraphy. The calligraphy was similar to the couplets on Earth. However, in this world the calligraphy functions as a decoration with no symbolic meaning

It was the first time for Lin Xin and Lin Xuan to do New Year's shopping, they were excited. Although it was Lin Huang's first time shopping in this world too, he was calm since he had done it numerous times on Earth.

"Brother, that lantern is so pretty!"

"Let's buy that!"

"Brother, that calligraphy is so pretty!"

"Let's buy that!"

"Brother, that doll is so pretty!"

"Let's buy that!"

For the things that she wanted, Lin Xin would say, "That … is so pretty," whereas Lin Xuan would hint to Lin Huang the things that he wanted, by standing in front of the shops. After shopping for the entire morning, Lin Huang only managed to buy presents for the two. Not much on the list was crossed off. The good thing was, everything could be kept inside the storage space, which made shopping easier.

After lunch, the two were excited and wanted to shop again. Lin Huang shook his head.

"We should buy everything on the list first before we start buying the other stuff. New Year's Eve would be the day after tomorrow, we have other stuff to do tomorrow."

The two nodded, they knew they could always come back to do more shopping as the shopping streets were just a kilometer away from home.

In the afternoon, Lin Huang spent a couple of hours purchasing all the items on the list. After dinner, Lin Huang accompanied the both of them to shop. They returned home at night after 10. Lin Huang went straight to bed after his shower, he thought shopping for the entire day was even more tiring than fighting monsters in the tower during the Purple Crow training camp.

The next day, Lin Huang woke them both up early in the morning. It was a day before New Year's Eve. After breakfast, Lin Huang took out all the decorations that they bought yesterday and started decorating their rooms. They managed to finish by noon. Lin Huang placed some snacks and fruits on the living room's coffee table. They went shopping again in the afternoon. Lin Huang did not want to go initially but he did not want them to go on their own.

A day passed just like that. It was New Year's Eve. In the morning, Lin Huang made a dinner reservation at a highly recommended hotel nearby. He then placed the gifts for Lin Xin and Lin Xuan at a side in the living room. When they woke up, they neither brush their teeth nor washed their faces. They began opening their presents. These were all the stuff that they had wanted from shopping, there were 50 to 60 items.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang sat on the couch and watched them open the presents. He did not have any siblings on Earth, it was pure bliss for him to be able to do this. With his maturity, they could even be his own children. He was not worried that he might spoil them as he could be strict with them when necessary.

It started snowing as they were opening their presents. Lin Huang got up and lit up the black rock in the furnace. He bought that two days ago, it was similar to charcoal on Earth. As it was pure mineral, it would burn slowly in the fire to release heat and emit a red glow. Seeing that the furnace was fired up, both of them moved their presents in front of the furnace and continued unwrapping. When they were done, they were asked to wash up before breakfast. As they were brushing their teeth, they noticed that the snow was getting stronger.

After breakfast, the both of them played with the snow in the courtyard. As Lin Huang leaned on the door with his cup of tea, Lin Xin threw a snowball at him. Lin Huang smiled and dodged it, Lin Xuan followed Lin Xin as well. They started a snowball fight where Lin Xin and Lin Xuan threw snowballs at him while Lin Huang dodged all of them. Soon, Lin Huang noticed that the snowballs that were tossed by Lin Xuan were getting faster and faster. He seemed to apply the skill he obtained from Gun Master onto the snowballs.

Half an hour later, Lin Xuan's snowball managed to hit Lin Huang.

"Alright, I surrender. You guys should go in now." Lin Huang raised his hands and got them both back into the house. The both of them sat on the floor before the furnace while eating snacks. Lin Xuan did not want to eat any nuts or fruits, he did not even want to eat candies. Lin Huang prepared dried meat for him.

At night, dinner was served. The three of them sat together on the dining table with a delicious meal to celebrate the end of the year. Snow was falling, the fire was bright in the house. The shiny rock reflected onto the ceiling like a starry night…

"This New Year's Eve isn't that bad at all…" Lin Huang smiled as he watched the both of them enjoying their dinner.

Chapter 197: Yu Moli

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After finishing up some minor errands, Lin Huang could finally focus on the mission that was set by Mr. Fu. A month had passed and Lin Huang did not have much time left as he was supposed to complete the mission in two months. Everything would go as planned if he managed to maintain his winning streak, but if he were to lose one battle or meet a draw, he would have to start from square one.

He was only left with battle videos from two individuals. One was the person who ranked No.1, Yu Moli and the other was ranked No.2, Ebonella. As Lin Huang played the video, he found out that Ebonella was a lady. She was not only a lady, but a gorgeous young lady. She looked like she was only 16 or 17, but she was at least 1.7 meters tall. She had a unique weapon, it was a black umbrella.

After watching a couple of her battles, Lin Huang noticed that it was a special weapon which could morph into different things including a defensive item, a firearm, a spear, a sword and even a short blade. It was the most versatile weapon which could morph interchangeably into different forms that Lin Huang had ever seen. The lady was outstanding as she professionally mastered all the five forms. The change from one form to another was flawless.

"This lady really is something!" Lin Huang spent a couple of days watching all of her videos, he could not find any flaws in them. It was not because it was flawless but was because she managed to cover up her flaws as she switches between the different forms of the umbrella. She could trick her opponents with her flaws and lures them into her traps. However, with Lin Huang's vision skills, he could not tell if those were her actual flaws or traps that she had set up.

"She's only No.2, what could No.1 be?"

From the videos, Lin Huang knew very well that he might not be able to win if he encountered an opponent like this lady. However, Yu Moli who ranked No.1 had accumulated more than 160,000 points, five times more than No.2. This made Lin Huang curious, wanting to find out more about this person.

"Why does this nickname sounds like a real name?" Lin Huang activated the arena and looked for the person. He then found out that the guy was using his actual name in the game.

Yu Moli was royalty from the Yu family. He was the most outstanding one among the younger generation in his family and possessed the abilities of a genius. Although he was only silver-level rank-3, his abilities were even more powerful than someone who was gold-level rank-3. He did not even bother to use a nickname in the game.

"He looks like an obnoxious person. Everybody calls him a genius, he must be really powerful." Lin Huang proceeded to watch the first video of Yu Moli.

Lin Huang was stunned as Yu Moli launched his first attack. There was a purple flame coming out from his hand and it looked like a real flame. To be able to create such a realistic flame with Life Power meant that one would have to at least be holy fire-level. No matter how powerful one's Life Power was, people on holy fire-level would not be able to do such a thing.

"How does he do that?" Lin Huang watched curiously.

His opponent was immediately killed with the flame. Lin Huang was shocked at what he just saw.

"How is that even possible! Although Life Power contained elemental attributes, it'll still be limited by the nature of Life Power if one is only at holy fire-level. It's impossible to manifest the full elemental attribute. Fire element Life Power should only give out heat and it's impossible to kill someone with flame like that!"

Still in doubt, Lin Huang logged onto the Hunter Info Network to look for information about Yu Moli. It was much more detailed than the one he saw on Hunter Arena. After reading everything, Lin Huang finally understood how Yu Moli manage to do something like that. When he was killing a monster, he obtained an additional Life Seed monster which granted him the monster's purple flame ability. Under usual circumstances, the possibility of such an occurrence was low as the Life Seed would usually go into one's body together with Life Light when one leveled up. When a monster was killed, the Life Seed in the monster would fade away together with its Life Light instead of entering the human body.

However, there were people with unique body types which could absorb the Life Seed from certain monsters. After killing the monster, the Life Seed would be absorbed into the human body. Such Life Seeds would not transform into one's talent and instead, the person would obtain a random monster skill. It was similar to Lin Huang's skill extraction but it was rare, as only 1% of the people would have this ability. Yu Moli was one of the few lucky ones who could obtain a monster skill from a Life Seed.

Lin Huang did not know that others could obtain monster skills as well. He would always avoid letting others know about his skill and he did not even dare to use Blood Spirit as he did not want them to think that he was a monster. After reading about Yu Moli, Lin Huang knew that he did not have to hide any longer. He would only be labeled as a lucky person by everybody else.

"Seems like I can use my Blood Spirit wings since others would think its Blood Power anyway." Lin Huang inherited the Blood Spirit wings from Bai, a powerful ability. With the help of the wings, he was even thinking of attempting to challenge someone on gold-level rank-3.

Lin Huang spent the following days watching all of Yu Moli's battle videos. After evaluating his own, Lin Huang realized that Yu Moli's battle strategies were the least useful ones among the top 10. He only relied on his flames to kill his opponents and did not display any other abilities at all. The flame could be activated with just a slight amount of Life Power, which was about the same amount as what Lin Huang's Blood Spirit wings would need. This was the benefit of a monster skill; it drained only minimal amounts of Life Power. That was the reason why Yu Moli was able to use his flame like it was nobody's business. He mastered the ability and was able to bring the flames up to high temperatures which allowed him to kill his opponents easily no matter who they were.

"It's no wonder he managed to accumulate so many points. With such an ability, no ordinary person could even think of defeating him." Lin Huang finally knew how Yu Moli accumulated the points - He never lost!

Lin Huang spent another two days to conclude and digest all the information that he managed to get.

Later, Lin Huang logged onto Hunter Arena again…

Chapter 198: The Second Keeper

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Since his 50 winning streaks, Lin Huang did not log into the Hunter Arena for almost a month. Many noticed that he signed in again. There was a [Follow] button in the arena which would notify you if the person you're following came online. The same thing would happen if the person you were following entered the arena, you would receive a notification and you could choose to watch the battle immediately.

Ever since his win-streak, his followers had increased from less than 500 to more than 300,000 people. Most of them were the people of silver-level rank-3 on the sixth floor. Besides those who were in battles at the moment, the 100,000 followers who were online received the same notification.

"The person 'Sword Genius' that you are following is online now!"

It started a discussion.

"Sword Genius is online?! I thought he would quit after his 50-win streak!"

"Finally! He's making a comeback after so long!"

"I knew he wouldn't stop at his 50-win streak. Even if he didn't manage to #1, he'd at least want to be top 10!"

"He must be here to challenge further. I must watch him live this time!"

Standing in the sixth floor in the arena, Lin Huang was stunned at the number of his fans. He knew that came from his 50 winning streaks.

"330,000 fans, seems like I'm not that far away from getting a blue tick…" Lin Huang teased himself and pressed the challenge button. Soon, he was send onto an empty arena. The moment he entered the arena, tens of thousands of people entered the room within seconds and ithin three seconds, the room was filled with 50,000 people.

Lin Huang just noticed that the room was much bigger than the previous one. The challenge room Lin Huang was sent before he achieved his 50-win streak could only contain 10,000 people, it was the standard arena. After the 50-win streak, the arena got an upgrade. Fortunately, the size of the ring remained the same or Lin Huang might not be able to adapt in such a short period of time.

His opponent was sent at an instant, it was a young man who dressed like an ancient scholar with an ink-painted fan in his hand.

"Is this cosplay…" Lin Huang was speechless when he saw his opponent's attire. Meanwhile, the opponent was shocked at the amount of people who were watching. He was so shocked that he dropped his fan.

Soon he noticed that he was unfortunate that he was randomly sent to fight a powerful opponent. He then looked at Lin Huang's scoreboard.

"Sword Genius?!" The man finally knew who he was encountering. The name had been a hot topic since a month ago.

"I never expected to be sent to the genius who managed to achieve a 50-win streak, this is his first battle after disappearing for a month…"

The man was in great pressure. Lin Huang was stunned when he looked at his scoreboard.

"Nickname: Great Pressure From A Mountain of Books"

"Combat Strength: Silver-Level Rank-3"

"Battle Count: 1502"

"Accumulated Points: 1321"

"Winning Percentage: 71%"

"What's with your nickname?" Lin Huang asked.

"I wanted to call myself Scholar but it was already taken. So I changed it to 'Scholar In Great Pressure' but the system mistaken it as 'Mountain of Books'. I pressed the confirm button too fast and that's how my name came about." The man seemed upset.

"Ahh okay…" Lin Huang thought he met another traveler.

As they finished talking, the countdown ended.

"You go first." Lin Huang said to him as he knew the opponent would not have a chance to attack him if Lin Huang was to attack first.

"I surrender!" The man raised his hand and surrendered. It was the first time Lin Huang encountered someone who surrendered at the first moment, he did not expect him to do that.

Soon, the man's body disintegrated and disappeared from the ring. Lin Huang's second opponent was sent onto the wrong arena; his name was 'Sword In-Training'. Even after he was picked to fight Lin Huang, he was not afraid. Instead, he was excited. However, he was killed within the first three seconds and was sent out from the ring. The crowd was quite chaotic as most of them watching Lin Huang fight live for the first time, which proved the rumors they to be true. Many of them imagined themselves as Lin Huang's opponents and figured they would have died too.

After revealing his ability in the second battle, most of the people no longer doubted his abilities any longer. As the third and fourth opponents were killed with one hit, nobody dared to doubt Lin Huang.

"He's so powerful!"

"He's killing people like he's cutting vegetables…"

"Marry me, master!" A hunk with beard shouted.

"You sure about that?" A bunch of people glared at him.

Nine battles in, Lin Huang had won all of them without even breaking a sweat. Aside from the first battle where his opponent surrendered, he managed to kill the other eight opponents with just one hit. He was already at a 59-win streak. Who could be the keeper of the 60th battle?! Many were anticipating that answer. Although the arena did not reveal information regarding the 60th keeper, everybody knew that the keeper after the 50th win-streak would get increasingly more powerful. It was an unspoken rule.

When Lin Huang was on his 50th battle, his opponent was 'Master White' who ranked No.18. Now that it was the 60th battle, it was likely that he would face someone who was ranked even higher than 'Master White'.

"Who would it be?" Everyone had the same question.

After the 59th challenger's body disintegrated from the ring, the crowd went silent. There was not even cheering for Lin Huang's win. Everyone stared at the ring without blinking, waiting for the appearance of the keeper.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang remained standing, without any expression on his face. He knew very well that the keeper would be much more powerful than 'Master White' and soon, a person was sent onto the ring.

The person was covered in an intense white glow which made him look like the main focus of the ring. That was the usual entrance gimmick of the keeper.

The crowd could only tell that it was a man. Nobody could see his face clearly due to the intense white glow. Soon, as the glow faded away, the features of the keeper were finally showing…

"It's Feng Wu!" Someone among the crowd recognized him in an instant.

Chapter 199: Feng Wu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Feng Wu ranked No.11 on the sixth floor of the arena and was a sword expert like Lin Huang. It was unsure if it was arranged by the system on purpose but the battle was between two sword experts. Before Feng Wu appeared, many in the crowd knew that the keeper of the battle would not be anyone from the top 10. Instead, it would be someone from No. 11 to No.17. Many of them had guessed that it would be Feng Wu. If Lin Huang achieved a 60-win streak, the keeper would have to be one of the people in the top 10. The appearance of Feng Wu implied that if Lin Huang managed to defeat him, it would be more difficult for Lin Huang to win in the future.

Lin Huang looked at Feng Wu's scoreboard.

"Nickname: Feng Wu"

"Combat Strength: White Silver-Level Rank-3"

"Battle Count: 4208"

"Accumulated Points: 10569"

"Winning Percentage: 93%"

Lin Huang did not know Feng Wu. However, there were only 12 people who managed to obtain more than 10,000 points on the leaderboard. He saw Feng Wu's name ranked at No.11. However, Lin Huang neither knew what weapon Feng Wu nor did he know his combat style but he was not afraid of him. In reality, when Lin Huang saw Feng Wu's name, what crossed his mind was not his name, but the fact that his nickname actually sounded like an actual name.

As expected, Feng Wu was his real name. The reason why he decided to use his actual name was different from the obnoxious Yu Moli. He tried using four to five nicknames unsuccessfully when he was registering. After several tries, he did not bother to come up with a nickname anymore so he decided to use his real name instead. Feng Wu had battled with Master White at least once. Although he had never lost, he knew Master White's ability very well.

Knowing that Master White was killed by Lin Huang in one hit during his time as a keeper, he downloaded the battle video immediately. He was surprised to see how Lin Huang used his sword. As a sword expert himself, Feng Wu could see that Lin Huang was a true sword master. That was what Feng Wu had been dreaming of before he leveled up to transcendent. A normal sword expert could usually master a sword skill after he was at holy fire-level. One who managed to master it before getting to transcendent would be a great talent while those who manage to master it before even getting to gold-level like Lin Huang would be considered to be a genius.

In the name of researching Lin Huang's sword skills, Feng Wu downloaded all Lin Huang's battle videos. He then realized that Lin Huang did not use his sword at all before his encounter with Master White. He wasted his points downloading those videos. However, Feng Wu did not give up. He had been following Sword Genius in the arena so that he would be able to watch him live as soon as he started a battle. Nobody knew Lin Huang would not even log into the arena for a month. He was excited to see Sword Genius not only sign-in but start a battle as well. However, he failed to enter the ring as there were no seats remaining…

Just when he was thinking of ways to get himself in, Feng Wu was sent into the ring as the keeper of Lin Huang's 60-win streak. He was over the moon. Lin Huang had chills going down his spine when he saw Feng Wu looking at him passionately, "He's not gay, is he…."

"Erm… Sword Genius, could we please be best friends?" Feng Wu asked before the countdown ended.

Lin Huang had his guard up and declined, "I don't swing that way."

Although people in the ring could not hear the sound outside, everything that happened in the ring could be heard loud and clear outside. The crowd heard everything that they were saying in the ring and most of them were puzzled.

"Feng Wu humbled himself to show kindness, this Sword Genius is arrogant!"

"Who does he think he is? How dare he said that to Feng Wu?!"

"He could totally do that. It's not like Feng Wu had never battled with Master White in the past but has he ever killed Master White in one hit like Sword Genius did?! Feng Wu probably knew that he could not defeat Sword Genius so he wanted Sword Genius to show him mercy."

"True powerful men are all weird. Perhaps Sword Genius has poor social skills because he only focused on training his swords. It's normal that he rejected Feng Wu."

Many thought Lin Huang was arrogant for rejecting Feng Wu offer to be best friends with him. However, some of them supported Lin Huang. Feng Wu was stunned at the rejection. He thought about it and it was truly an absurd move. It was normal that Lin Huang had his guard up and rejected him. He smiled awkwardly and shook his head, the silver-level weapon ring on his hand transforming itself into a battle sword.

Seeing the battle sword, Lin Huang recalled that he had seen Feng Wu's battle with Master White before. He noticed that Feng Wu's sword was unique as the sword's body was long and thin. From that, Lin Huang could tell that he was a sword expert that focused on speed. However, when Lin Huang was watching the video, he did not notice the name of the person nor his appearance. He only managed to connect the dots when he saw the sword.

"This is the guy…" Lin Huang was impressed by Feng Wu's sword skill because he was one among the few people who actually managed to defeat Master White. Master White had the advantage in speed which allowed him to launch his attack before his opponents in most battles. However, Feng Wu's speed was not much slower than his. Master White's speed did not affect Feng Wu much. Rather, it was the other way round as Master White was affected by Feng Wu's attack rhythm, causing him to lose.

"Stunning sword skills, lightning speed, amazing rhythm." That was Lin Huang's comments for Feng Wu when he watched the video. However, now that he was standing in the same arena as Feng Wu, he had the confidence to win. He smirked as he transformed the silver weapon ring on his middle finger into a silver-level battle sword. The sword seemed ordinary, like it was something readily available on the market.

The countdown ended.

Feng Wu leaped and plunged towards Lin Huang at a terrifying speed…

Chapter 200: Sword Genius Versus Feng Wu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Feng Wu launched his attack like a lion attacking a rabbit. Feng Wu was taught since young never to underestimate his opponents. Not only that, Lin Huang regarded him as a ferocious beast instead of a helpless little lamb. Lin Huang was ready as he was more alert than ever. What was happening in the ring was nothing like what the crowd had expected.

Feng Wu was the keeper that was supposed to stop Lin Huang's progress. Theoretically, Lin Huang should be attacking. However, it was the other way around. As the countdown ended, Feng Wu seized the opportunity to attack first. It looked like Feng Wu was the fighter while Lin Huang was the keeper…

It was nothing out of the ordinary for the both of them in the ring. Feng Wu's attack was quick; it was comparable with Master White's who Lin Huang encountered a month ago. As the silver sword ripped out, it created a wave in the air. It looked like something that was flying on the water's surface. A deadly aura that felt like the grim reaper's scythe was heading for Lin Huang's neck.

Lin Huang stood at where he was while waiting for Feng Wu to come to him, his eyes looking fearless. He suddenly raised his sword. There were shadows in the air moving in slow-motion. However, the tip of the sword managed to meet Feng Wu's sword that was coming to him at lightning speed. Feng Wu felt such an intense force that he almost dropped his sword onto the ground, causing his initial attack to miss.

Lin Huang smiled as plunged his sword towards Feng Wu's right arm. Feng Wu moved his body aside and dodged Lin Huang's sword. He leaped away from Lin Huang. Feng Wu finally realized how powerful Lin Huang was and began to sweat. The attack from Lin Huang felt like he had activated a spiritual creature that could identify Feng Wu's flaws.

"Is this what one is capable of when he had mastered the sword? I'm still far away from achieving that level."

Feng Wu Knew how much he lacked when it came to his sword skills compared to Lin Huang because he was still limited by his fighting style. However, Lin Huang was at another level. Seeing that Feng Wu was getting away from him, Lin Huang did not go after him. Instead, he stood at where he was like nothing happened while looking at Feng Wu.

"Your skill isn't that bad." Lin Huang said after looking at Feng Wu for a while.

He had seen his skills before in the video where Feng Wu was fighting Master Bai. He could see that his sword skill was epic-level. However, he did not use much of the styles during the battle. Lin Huang was not in a rush to kill Feng Wu as he wanted to see more of his sword styles so that he could learn.

"Thank you for the compliment, yours isn't that bad as well." Feng Wu complemented Lin Huang in return. What he meant was not Lin Huang's sword skill but his own. The attack earlier was not a sword skill, but was a tactic that he came up by himself. However, that was sufficient to know that Lin Huang's mastery of sword was much better than himself.

Feng Wu was not afraid at all to face a powerful opponent like Lin Huang. Instead, he was exhilarated. He knew that no matter what the result of the battle would be, his would learn something about swords from Lin Huang.

"Come, let me see how much you have mastered your sword skill." Lin Huang waved at Feng Wu; he looked like a senior who was coaching a junior. Most of the audience in the crowd were shocked to see this.

"Is the Sword Genius provoking Feng Wu?"

"Why does it look like a master instructing his apprentice."

"Sword Genius is the real keeper here!"

People were discussing among themselves outside the ring. However, Feng Wu was not offended at all. Lin Huang was more skillful than he was, it was normal that he wanted to see what he has so that he could point out his mistakes. Furthermore, he was there to learn from Lin Huang.

"The sword skill that I'm practicing is called Thunder Touch, it's a transcendent level combat skill. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified, yet so I've yet to master this sword skill…" Feng Wu raised his sword again and looked at Lin Huang intensely," Here goes nothing!"

Feng Wu dashed towards Lin Huang again. This time he was faster than before. He was so fast that he cracked the ground of the ring. They were initially more than 10 meters apart from each other but now they were then less than a meter apart . This time, Feng Wu had his sword pointing straight at Lin Huang's heart. The tip of the sword looked like it was distorted from a high temperature which also caused the air around the tip to be distorted. It was silent.

Lin Huang stood motionlessly as Feng Wu attacked. He raised his sword again with slow-motion shadows in the air, pointing towards Feng Wu's sword that was heading towards him. Suddenly, Feng Wu's became twice as fast as he was. The rhythm of the air around him was messed up as he aimed at Lin Huang's heart at lightning speed.

A strange pattern appeared in Lin Huang's eyes. Soon, his sword became two times faster as well. A silver glow flashed in the air; his sword clashed with Feng Wu's sword again. Feng Wu was shocked and took a few steps back immediately while Lin Huang remained standing. It was obvious that who was more powerful among them, even a person who has no clues about sword would be able to come up with a conclusion easily.

"The Sword Genius is just too powerful. From the beginning, he had never moved a step while Feng Wu had already stepped back twice."

"That's right; Sword Genius is like an unmovable mountain compared to Feng Wu."

"That's skill right there. With Feng Wu's terrifying speed, Lin Huang still managed to defend himself effortlessly."

"You are attempting to use speed to cover up your flaws but what you don't know is, no matter how fast you are, your flaws would still be there." Lin Huang gave his opinion on Feng Wu's attack.

"It wouldn't be a problem if your opponent is slow. However, for a person who is fast like me, no matter how fast you are, your flaws will always remain."

Feng Wu flushed as Lin Huang revealed his flaws. He hesitated and asked, "So what should I do?"

"Your flaws have nothing to do with your sword skill; it's about you. You have yet to master the skill, your attack seemed powerful but you become exhausted when you are using the skill. It feels like you're riding on a monster that you have yet to tame. It would be alright if you're using it just for a stroll but if it were to run at full speed, it would definitely escape your grasp." Lin Huang pointed out Feng Wu's problem.

"There are two solutions. One is to spend some time to master your sword skills and another is to train in another sword skill that's not as powerful."

Feng Wu smiled awkwardly and shook his head as he listened to the solutions that were given by Lin Huan, "I'm not gifted, even if I spend my time training, the results would be minimal. Forget about switching to another sword skill. If I gave up on a powerful sword skill and go for a lower level skill instead, I'm afraid I'd become weaker in the future…"

Seeing that Feng Wu did not want to take his advice, Lin Huang did not bother to continue to say any further.

As their conversation ended, Feng Wu attacked Lin Huang again while he remained standing in the same spot. The more he attacked, the less powerful his attack was but more of his flaws were showing through. After displaying all of his skills, Lin Huang decided that it was unnecessary for him to waste his time any further. Instead of standing where he was, he ran towards Feng Wu. Although he was not as fast as Feng Wu, Feng Wu knew he could never escape from his attack. The sword emitted a purple glow. Feng Wu was shocked by what he saw, Lin Huang passed by, and the purple glow slashed through his neck.

A trail of blood appeared along Feng Wu's neck; his head fell to the ground followed by his body. Lin Huang stood behind Feng Wu while transforming his silver-level battle sword into a ring, "The best thing has to be something that suits you most, it has nothing to do with what it's worth."

"Congratulations, you have won the battle!"

A notification appeared before him. Soon, an announcement came from the sound system in the arena.

"Congratulations! Sword Genius defeated keeper Feng Wu on the sixth floor of the arena, winning 60 battles consecutively!"

"Congratulations! Sword Genius defeated keeper Feng Wu on the sixth floor of the arena, winning 60 battles consecutively!"

"Congratulations! Sword Genius defeated keeper Feng Wu on the sixth floor of the arena, winning 60 battles consecutively!"

Lin Huang remained in the ring and checked his scoreboard as Feng Wu's body disappeared.

"Nickname: Sword Genius"

"Combat Strength: Silver-Level Rank-3"

"Battle Count: 60"

"Accumulated Points: 2516"

"Winning Percentage: 100%"

"Honor: 60-win streaks!"

Many players who were online heard about Sword Genius' 60th winning streak. Many of them remembered that he managed to get his 50-win streak a month ago. Now that he got his 60-win streak, some of them who underestimated him were shocked. There were a couple of them who managed to get 50-win streak annually. However, there were only one or two players who would achieve 60-win streaks yearly and sometimes even none. As the keeper would become increasingly stronger each time, the one that was sent during the 50-win streak was considered to be the weakest while the keeper for the 60-win streak would be much more powerful. That was the reason why some of them did not expect Lin Huang to win.

However, the 60-win streak had shocked many as they had expected Lin Huang to disappear for a while after this round. Lin Huang was still standing in the ring

"Would you like to continue to battle?"

Just as the notification popped up, Lin Huang pressed the button on the left.


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