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35.07% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 168: 131-140

Chapter 168: 131-140

Chapter 131: Unspoken Rules Of The Training Camp

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the first day of familiarization, Lin Huang headed straight to the training tower right after breakfast the next morning. To him, the accumulation of points nothing as he was not lacking equipment or combat skills. At most, he would need a minimal amount of points to get some food but most importantly, he only had one goal when he entered the training tower - obtaining more Life Power.

The training tower was a giant tower located in the middle of a small foothold. Aside from Scarface's office on the top floor, there was a total of 12 floors with training areas beneath it. The first to third floor contained monsters from iron-level rank-1 to rank-3. The fourth to sixth floor contained monsters from bronze-level rank-1 to rank-3. The seventh to ninth floor contained monsters from silver-level rank-1 to rank-3 while the 10th to 12th floor contained monsters from gold-level rank-1 to rank-3.

Lin Huang got up to the sixth floor using the stairs and looked for a room that was unoccupied. He chose the sixth floor because accumulating Life Power by killing bronze-level monsters was not much different from killing silver-level monsters. At the same time, Lin Huang could focus on his training as well. With Bai's ability, he could totally go straight to the ninth or tenth floor but to Lin Huang, the monsters on the ninth and tenth floor would be too strong for him to handle alone and all he would be able to do was watch Bai do all the killing.

There were 300 doors on each floor, each of them leading to a training room. If the training room was occupied, there would be a red light above the entrance. If it was vacant, there would be a green light above the entrance. They would have to scan their identity tags before entering. It took Lin Huang awhile to find a door with a green light and he entered it immediately after scanning his identity code.

Once he stepped in through the door, he was teleported into the wild. In his field of vision, there were groups of bronze-level rank-3 monsters of all forms. He was stunned.

"Is this real life or virtual reality?" Lin Huang thought but he could not tell at that moment. He had never seen so many monsters at once in any of the wild zones in the safe zones. As he summoned Bai, the Blood Spirit wings sliced the first monster's head and Life Light was transferred from the monster to his Life Wheel, he realized that this was real life.

"Where is this place?" he wondered. Without a moment's hesitation, Lin Huang and Bai began killing. Participants would usually stay in the training room for two to three hours as their Life Power would be drained from such intense battles. However, since Lin Huang's Life Wheel was connected to Bai's, his Life Power was replenished continuously so he would be able to stay there for extended periods of time - easily up to eight hours.

Lin Huang got out of the training space at five in the evening. Within eight hours, Bai and himself managed to kill up approximately 1,000 monsters. He leveled up from bronze-level rank-1 to rank-3 and the Life Power had filled up the sixth circle in his Life Wheel. He was close to filling up his Life Wheels. For the next couple of days, he spent most of his time in the training tower. Three days later, the three Life Wheels in his body were all filled up. Lin Huang and Bai managed to kill almost 4,000 bronze-level rank-3 monsters, allowing him to accumulate more than 160,000 points within three days.

The accumulated points would reset every 100 days. With the points he had accumulated, he would be able to rank top 10 on the leaderboard. However, he only managed to make it to No.297 on the leaderboard. He had garnered attention from many for the number of points he managed to accumulate in such short period of time. Ever since he completely filled up his Life Wheels, he stopped going to the training tower. He stayed in his room to practice his Life Skills as well as stabilize his Life Power. He hardly left his room after that.

His ranking had been dropping during the next couple of days but he did not care at all. On the third day he stopped going to the training tower, he had planned to take a breather outside after breakfast before practicing his Life Skills. However, just when he stepped out of the residential area, he was stopped by a young man with blonde hair.

"Are you Lin Huang?"

"Can I help you?" Lin Huang had no idea who he was.

"I want to challenge you!" the man shouted. Lin Huang thought the man was being absurd.

"Not interested," Lin Huang said and turned away. He could tell that the man was bronze-level rank-2 and fighting him would be a waste of time.

"I think you meant you don't have the guts to challenge me?" The man instigated.

"Whatever," Lin Huang replied. He did not bother and walked towards the residential area.

"If that's the case, I shall start a deathmatch then," the man yelled at Lin Huang.

A notification box popped up before Lin Huang from his Emperor's Heart Ring.

"Li Zihao has requested to carry out a deathmatch with you."

"Deathmatch will start in 10, 9, 8…"

"What the hell?" Lin Huang thought. Could the man be really that ridiculous?

"You forced me to do this. If you accepted my challenge, the most I would get was half of your points. Now that you have forced me to initiate a deathmatch, the only thing I can do is to kill you and take all your points," the man shouted at Lin Huang while transforming two equipment rings into two short blades.

Lin Huang finally understood what was happening. He was quiet as he took out his bronze-level battle sword. A crowd had surrounded them to watch the show. Once the countdown was over, the man ran towards Lin Huang. He moved amazingly fast and he was before Lin Huang in an instant. His blades were aimed at Lin Huang's throat and his heart. Many cheered for his tactics.

However, with a slight evasive move, the man missed his hit. Nobody saw Lin Huang's attack but there was a cut that was more than 40 centimeters long on the man's chest, extending from the side left of his waist to his upper chest.

"You lose," Lin Huang said as he now stood two steps behind the man. The man fell on the ground, blood pouring out of the wound on his chest. It was too late when he realized that his abilities were far beneath Lin Huang's.

Lin Huang did not care and attempted to leave. A boy who looked 13 or 14 came to him and said, "Hey, you must kill him to end the battle. That's the rule of the battle."

"Rules are made by people, and I will not conform to this barbaric behaviour," Lin Huang glared at him and walked away.

The boy walked pass Lin Huang and stood next to the blond haired man. He then grabbed his head and snapped his neck. The young man fell to the ground, in his own blood and guts.

"I've killed him for you, you don't need to thank me. Since you're new here, I will forgive you for not knowing the rule. However, I hate people who don't follow the rules. I won't let you go next time!" The boy shouted at Lin Huang. A notification popped out after the battle ended, Lin Huang obtained 43,000 points. He turned around to glare at the boy and left with the crowd.

"How dare he offend Gong Sunning!" People exclaimed around him. The crowd discussed the incident among themselves. Lin Huang had no idea who that boy was. He walked straight to his room to continue with his practice.

Xiao Mo saw Lin Huang was back, and he asked nervously, "Did you offend Gong Sunying?"

"That guy is Gong Sunying?" Lin Huang was surprised. He had heard of the name before but he had never met the guy. Now he knew who the guy was after Xiao Mo mentioned it. Gong Sunying was ranked second on the leaderboard. He was silver-level rank-3 - one of the strongest in the training camp.

"He's not a boy. His growth was stunted for some reason. He is actually 21 years old," Xiao Mo explained. "How did you offend him?" He continued.

"Nothing, I just bumped into him but, the news travelled so fast that even you already heard about it," Lin Huang said. He was speechless and how fast gossip traveled around here.

"I saw it on the forums," Xiao Mo said.

Although the network connection on the Heart Network was blocked, there was a forum on the division network for discussions. The latest gossip was usually posted there. Gong Sunying was one of the strongest in the training camp. Anything that was related to him would naturally be posted on the forum as soon as possible. The news about Lin Huang offending him was posted too.

"What's with the deathmatch? Why didn't I find this in the rule book?" Lin Huang asked Xiao Mo.

"The deathmatch was not created by the training camp. It was started by participants in the training camp. Initially it was a bet where the management staff would be the judges. The one who won would take all the points in the bet while the one who lost would lose their points. It created a gambling trend so it had to stop," Xiao Mo explained.

"Later on it became a battle where the one who won could take the loser's points right away, but only up to 50% of his points. After that, it became a deathmatch where the winner would have to kill the loser to end the battle. The winner could take all of the loser's points. It was not in the rules because it is an unspoken rule. The management realized that this would benefit them in finding superior participants so it was allowed," Xiao Mo concluded.

Lin Huang finally understood why such things existed in the training camp after Xiao Mo's explanation.

"How many points have you accumulated now?" Lin Huang asked.

"Better than before but it's still not good enough," Xiao Mo replied with an awkward smile. "From what you said, I should have killed monsters until all my Life Power got drained before getting to a safe place where I can replenish my Life Power with Life Crystals. If I could stay for eight hours in the training room within these couple of days, I'd take exactly two and a half hours to kill the monsters," he continued.

"Take it one step at a time. With your pace, it's very possible to be out of the last three places on the leaderboard. Do you still have Life Crystals?" Lin Huang asked.

"I still have enough for tomorrow," Xiao Mo nodded. "Thank you for all your help. I will return these Life Crystals three times over... No, 10 times over to you!"

"We will talk about money when we are out of here. Just focus on killing monsters now," Lin Huang said and patted his shoulder.

Chapter 132: I Want To Challenge You!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soon, four days had passed. Xiao Mo was upset, although he had been killing monsters with Lin Huang's help for the past few days, he only managed to move up from being the last ranked recruit to being the third from the bottom. In less than half an hour, the final score was to be announced. He was 2,000 points away from the forth last person, it was impossible to make up the difference in points.

Lin Huang redeemed food from the staff members with his points. Since he saw food that looked like vomit on the first day, he never stepped foot in the canteen again. Xiao Mo was lucky that he did not have to get food with the others in the canteen.

"Eat something," Lin Huang passed him a bento box. Xiao Mo took the bento box and put it aside.

"I will be executed tomorrow… I thought I'd at least make a name for myself if I joined the Purple Crows. I couldn't even pass the first hurdle…" Xiao Mo mumbled.

"Why would you want to join the Purple Crows? You're already an iron-level, you could totally join the Hunter Association and become a reserve hunter. Although there's no benefit over there, you could take it one step at a time by killing monsters and make a name for yourself later on," Lin Huang told him, but he knew that Xiao Mo would not divert from his goal.

"If I could, of course, join the Hunter Association but I don't get to choose where to go…" Xiao Mo then took off his t-shirt showed Lin Huang his skinny body. He pointed at his left side of his chest where there was a black, complicated sigil.

"This is why I must join the Purple Crow," he said.

"Descendants of the Sin…" Lin Huang said aloud and frowned.

In the beginning of the new era, some of the humanoid monsters would capture ladies for procreation. Many were killed while some were rescued. Many of the rescued ladies were pregnant with the seed of the monsters. Those children were called sinners. Most of the first generation sinners were killed by humans when they were born while some of them were saved by the Union Government's amendment policy. However, they were marked with the sinner's logo and it would be passed on to every generation. Everybody that had this logo was labeled as the Descendants of the Sin.

Although the Union Government stopped people from killing the descendants, they were prohibited from joining the government sector as the government was worried that they might grow up to be monsters and harm humans again. Xiao Mo wanted to be stronger, he had no choice but to join the dark side, the underworld. Only underworld organizations could groom him to make him stronger. Lin Huang finally understood why Xiao Mo would always avoid the others whenever he was in the bathroom. He was afraid to reveal that he was one of the Descendants of the Sin. Now that he was going to be executed the next morning, he decided to tell his closest companion, his secret.

"The sinners have been victims since the beginning, same goes to their descendants like you…" Lin Huang said. He then let out a sigh and patted Xiao Mo's shoulder, "Come eat something."

He realized that the topic was too heavy, and he did not say a word anymore as he ate his food. Xiao Mo was solemn for awhile, but then he started eating too. It was almost six in the evening when Xiao Mo finished his food. He looked at the time and said to Lin Huang, "Three minutes to go… Thank you so much for taking care of me, unfortunately, I can't return to you the Life Crystals that you have lent me…"

Lin Huang took his empty bento box from him and said with a smile, "You should challenge me. As long as I surrender, you would get a portion of my points."

"No, surrendering in challenges on purpose would be breaking the rules. Gong Sunying and the rest would come after you," Xiao Mo said and shook his head.

"Rules are set by people. He could have made that up, and I can break it too like I did the last time," Lin Huang smirked. "If he comes after me, I will welcome him with open arms. Troubles are my favorite past time," he said proudly, and laughed.

"Gong Sunying would level up to gold-level anytime now since he is already silver-level rank-3. I know you're powerful, but you won't be able to beat him," Xiao Mo said softly, still shaking his head.

"I know someone in the management. He cannot do anything to me," Lin Huang said. Although he did not know what to say anymore, he thought revealing this fact might be what Xiao Mo needed for a little motivation.

"The person who sent me to this training camp was a lady called Hong Zhuang. She is an elite member of Purple Crow. She is coming back for me in three months. By then, I will be a reserve member of the Purple Crow," Lin Huang said.

"I didn't want to tell anyone about this, so now, can you please challenge me?" Lin Huang said as he placed his hand on Xiao Mo's shoulder.

"Really?" Xiao Mo's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's the truth. We don't have much time, stop hesitating!" Lin Huang nodded.

Xiao Mo then challenged Lin Huang. A notification box popped up before Lin Huang.

"Xiao Mo is challenging you, do you want to accept the challenge?"

"Challenge accepted!"

Lin Huang pushed the button immediately once he saw the notification box. Once the countdown ended, Lin Huang shouted, "I surrender!" The system announced Xiao Mo's win in the challenge. Soon, Lin Huang was notified that 5,000 of his accumulated points were taken by Xiao Mo.

"Why don't you take more and make your ranking higher?" Lin Huang said. He knew that Xiao Mo had always been very careful and being so close to the edge was still not a comfortable place for him.

"5,000 points is enough, thank you. The one before me was 2,000 points ahead of me. Moreover, if my points are too high, people would start challenging me. If my points are low, nobody would want to challenge me. This amount is enough for me," Xiao Mo said, gratefulness clear in his eyes. He did not reveal that he did not want to take too much of Lin Huang's points so that his friend would not despise him. He did not know that Lin Huang had never cared about the points.

It was six o'clock soon after the challenge ended and Xiao Mo's ranking improved. The new execution list was out and Xiao Mo had managed to escape the execution. Although, the sudden 5,000 points that Xiao Mo gained got the attention of many other recruits. Soon, someone found out the source of the 5,000 points. Since Lin Huang's points did not change for the past week and his ranking had been dropping, aside from the points that he used to redeem food, it basically remained unchanged. However, the 5,000 points drop gave away the fact that he cheated in the challenge so that Xiao Mo would win.

Within minutes, the news got to Gong Sunying.

"Lin Huang! I have warned you not to ignore our rules! Now you're just asking for it, don't blame me for not showing mercy! I shall kill you before the 10,000 people here!" Gong Sunying roared. He was furious when he heard the news and went straight to the courtyard a floor beneath the dorm. Minutes later, he stood in the middle of the courtyard where Lin Huang's room was and shouted, "Lin Huang, come here right now. I challenge you to a deathmatch!"

Chapter 133: Almighty Imperial Censor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gong Sunying's voice could be heard all around from two blocks away. Lin Huang and Xiao Mo heard it too.

"It's Gong Sunying…" Xiao Mo whispered with a shiver. He was terrified.

"It's okay," Lin Huang said.

He then stood up and walked to the corridor outside his room. He stood in the corridor and looked down. Gong Sunying was standing at the courtyard downstairs, furious. He shouted at Lin Huang again, "I warned you not to break our rules. How dare you break the rules of battle openly and surrendered on purpose just to let Xiao Mo win. Since you want to save him from getting executed, I'll take your life as a replacement!"

The balconies of both dormitories were filled with people. The same happened in the courtyard, the crowd surrounded them to watch their fight. After hearing what Gong Sunying said, they knew exactly what had happened. The crowd did not scare Lin Huang at all, he looked at Gong Sunying and said, "Your so-called rules are just unspoken rules of this place. You set it up to benefit yourself. It was never the rules of this training camp, and there's no need for me to obey them."

"If you would like to challenge me, I'm here for you. However, I advise you to think twice or you might regret the consequences. You have finally ranked second on the leaderboard, and the most you'd have to wait for would be two months before you can join the Purple Crows as an official member. It's not wise if you were to do something stupid such as getting yourself killed," Lin Huang said calmly. What Lin Huang said shocked the people who were watching.

"This new kid has balls!"

"How dare he speak to Gong Sunying like that? He must be crazy?!"

"He's only bronze-level, how dare he say something like this?"

"Does he want to die?"

The people discussed among themselves, and they thought Lin Huang was asking for it.

"How dare you talk to me like that when you're only bronze-level. If I don't kill you today, I swear I'm not called Gong Sunying!" Gong Sunying bellowed at the top of his lungs. While everyone was waiting for the show to start, a shadow shot down from the sky.

"What's with this crowd?" Scarface landed in his black coat. Everyone was quiet as they knew that the man was the manager of the camp. He would only appear when serious incidents happened or he would never have shown himself. All matters would pass through him before they reached the guys in black uniforms.

However, Scarface appeared before Lin Huang and Gong Sunying. Many found that odd.

"It seems like this Lin Huang has strong support... Even the manager is here…"

"Master, this kid called Lin Huang is deliberately breaking our rules," Gong Sunying said respectfully. He was not stupid as he could tell that the man was here to help Lin Huang, so he spoke first to get his word in.

"Lin Huang, I told you on the first day when you arrived. You will have no special treatment here, and you must obey the rules. Did you not take me seriously?" What the man said made everyone realize one thing - Lin Huang knew the manager personally.

Most of the people here had not even seen the manager in months but Lin Huang managed to meet him as soon as he arrived. He even got to speak to the manager, and it was obvious that the manager was siding Lin Huang. Hearing what the manager said, Gong Sunying's heart dropped. He could tell that the manager was telling everyone here that Lin Huang had someone behind him. Gong Sunying was mad that Lin Huang was going to get away with this.

"Master, I have always been obeying your rules, I have never once disobeyed you. I believe that you know that yourself. However, this is a rule that was set by them personally, so there's no need for me to obey those as well. Am I right?" Lin Huang said politely. He knew very well that the man was here to get him out of the trouble. From the outside, he knew that his ability was far from Gong Sunying's. The man was afraid that Lin Huang would be killed by Gong Sunying and that would put him trouble with Hong Zhuang.

"Setting up their own rules?" The man turned around and looked at Gong Sunying.

"Gong Sunying, is it true that you've done such a thing here?"

"Master, there's no such thing. Lin Huang must have misunderstood us, how would we dare to do such thing in this training camp?" Gong Sunying said and waved his hands in bewilderment.

"I believe you've heard that, Lin Huang. Since it's a misunderstanding, stop messing around. Go back to your room," the manager said firmly.

However, Lin Huang started speaking.

"No, this is not over. Gong Sunying, didn't you say you wanted to challenge me?"

The man was shocked at what Lin Huang said.

"Lin Huang, didn't he say this is a misunderstanding? Why are you still messing around?!"

Gong Sunying was furious but as the man was around, he did not dare to say anything.

None of the people around expected Lin Huang to dwell on it since the manager had spoken.

"Is this kid stupid? Perhaps he wants the manager to punish Gong Sunying? This is too much!"

"Master, although the misunderstanding has been solved, we have yet to solve our personal issues," Lin Huang turned the incident into a personal grudge so that the man would not step in.

"Lin Huang, what are you trying to do?!" The man did not expect Lin Huang to get rid of him after he managed to get him out of trouble with Gong Sunying.

"Since this is regarding our personal issue, then we shall do it our way," Lin Huang looked at Gong Sunying, "Gong Sunying, do you accept this deathmatch with me?"

Gong Sunying was in a pickle. He looked at Scarface. The man did not expect Lin Huang to step back into square one, making all his efforts go to waste. He did not know what to do.

"There's no need for a deathmatch. Since it's something personal, a normal battle would suffice," the man said as he made the decision.

"Master, since this is personal, the solution has to be life or death. It would be unfair if you continue to side with him," Lin Huang said, which the manager thought was uncalled for.

"What's wrong with this kid? Why would he think that the manager is siding Gong Sunying?"

"He must be joking. How could he not know that the manager is obviously siding him?"

"The manager must be in a bad position now?"

The man was furious at what Lin Huang said. It was obvious that he was siding Lin Huang but he managed to turn it around, saying that he was siding Gong Sunying instead. Since Lin Huang said that, there was nothing that the man could do. He thought to himself, "I have tried my best. Since you are so eager to be killed, there's nothing I can do."

He took a deep breath with his eyes closed and said, "Since you insist on a deathmatch, deathmatch it is then."

Gong Sunying was glad to hear that, and he shot a deadly stare at Lin Huang. Lin Huang then made his way down the stairs and arrived in the middle of the courtyard minutes later. He stood less than 10 meters away from Lin Huang. 10 meters was the furthest distance for an effective attack. Any further and the attack would be pointless for a normal battles or a deathmatch.

"I, Lin Huang, would like to have a deathmatch with Gong Sunying," Lin Huang requested.

Seconds later, a deathmatch began.

"You have requested a deathmatch with Gong Sunying."

"Deathmatch will start in 10, 9, 8…"

When it was the last three seconds, Lin Huang waved his hand suddenly and a man in a black mask and silver hair appeared beside him. The crowd was shocked to see a vampire there.

At the very last second, Lin Huang lifted his right hand and pointed at Gong Sunying who stood across from him. He uttered three words, "Kill him now!"

Bai's eyes turned red and his Blood Power wings grew larger. Next, there was a red glow that flashed through the air. Bai appeared behind Gong Sunying and he did not even see it coming. Before he could even lift his blade, Bai had completed his attack. It was so fast that nobody could have seen anything with the naked eye.

The crowd was stunned at what they saw. Soon, Gong Sunying's head fell from his neck to the floor. There was no blood coming out of the cut on his neck. His headless body stood still on the ground. What happened was out of Scarface's expectation. He thought Gong Sunying would kill Lin Huang but it was the other way round instead. In reality, he had seen Lin Huang fight in the training room and had noticed that Lin Huang had a vampire as his monster. As he was killing bronze-level rank-3 monsters, Bai did not show the speed and strength he had just exhibited. He thought Bai was just a mutated vampire. Now that he had seen Bai's strength at a close range, he confirmed that Bai had gone through mutations, twice.

"No wonder Master Hong Zhuang recommended him to join the organization…" Scarface finally understood the true reason behind Lin Huang's recruitment.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a Skill Card - Mountain Blade."

"Congratulations, you have obtained a Talent Card - Superhuman Strength."

Lin Huang was stunned at the notification. He did not only contain a Skill Card from killing Gong Sunying but also a Talent Card. He thought that was strange.

"Alright, go back to your rooms!" Scarface shouted at the crowd. He then turned around and looked at Lin Huang with a complicated facial expression, "Lin Huang, go back to your room. Stop causing trouble."

"I will be back in a short while," Lin Huang said and he did not leave immediately. He walked to Gong Sunying and searched his dead body right in front of Scarface…

Chapter 134: Modified Gun

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Lin Huang walked back to his room on the 11th floor from the courtyard, everyone shot respectful glances in his direction. What happened earlier was shocking to all as Lin Huang killed Gong Sunying who ranked second on the leaderboard within seconds. Everyone knew although Gong Sunying was a silver-level rank-3, his ability was comparable with a gold-level rank-1. He might be not have been able to fight gold-level rank-2 hunters but not to the point that he would be dead in an instant.

Even Fang Wen who ranked the first on the leaderboard was just slightly stronger than Gong Sunying. It was not possible for Fang Wen to kill him, let alone instantly. It was not Gong Sunying who was weak but Bai was too powerful for him. His ability now was powerful enough to handle all the participants in the training camp. Lin Huang wanted to keep a low profile in the camp as he gathered insider information before running away. If Gong Sunying did not insist on a battle, he would not have revealed his strength, which was only the tip of the iceberg.

When he returned to his room, Xiao Mo came to him in excitement. He saw everything from the balcony, and he was in admiration of Lin Huang. He had always thought that Lin Huang was just slightly more powerful than himself and would never have any significant rank on the leaderboard. Now he knew that Lin Huang was something like the ultimate boss in a video game. Moreover, it was proved that Lin Huang had someone supporting him since Scarface sided with him earlier.

Lin Huang had the ability with a strong background, anyone would have wanted to ride on his coattails. However, as Xiao Mo had low self-esteem issues, he realized that he was no use to Lin Huang anymore. He could explain to Lin Huang about the rules of this training camp but now that he was popular, many people would want to be his apprentice.

Just when he was thinking, he heard Lin Huang was speaking to him.

"Xiao Mo, find a Life Seed monster that you want within these few days and level-up to bronze-level. By then, you should be able to kill monsters on the fourth floor of the training tower. It's okay if it takes longer to accumulate points, you can take the points from me. After your point collections are stable on the fourth floor, even if I'm not around anymore, you won't be the few people on the bottom of the leaderboard anymore," Lin Huang said. He thought that such an arrangement with Xiao Mo would not only benefit the skinny boy but also motivate him to do better.

Hong Zhuang said she would come for Lin Huang in three months, that meant Lin Huang would have to leave this place within three months or else he might not be able to escape once he was taken away from Division7. Moreover, he was still not interested in joining the Purple Crows.

"I will do my best," Xiao Mo nodded. He did not think too deeply about what Lin Huang had said. He thought Lin Huang meant he would leave the camp within three months to join the Purple Crows as their reserve member.

Lin Huang pitied Xiao Mo from the beginning, and he saved him as he too needed guidance as well as information about this place. In the process of doing that, Lin Huang found out that Xiao Mo also had a good personality. He was much better than most of the people in the training camp. He did not want to see him die in an execution, therefore he decided to break the rule which allowed him to escape the execution at the expense of his own anonymity.

"I will protect you whenever I'm here, but I can't be doing that anymore when I leave. In a nutshell, you'll still have to make yourself stronger," Lin Huang said. He did not want Xiao Mo to get into trouble after he left.

"I understand, I'll definitely become stronger," Xiao Mo nodded hard. "One day I will follow in your footsteps and become a reserve member of the Purple Crow."

Lin Huang did not respond to what Xiao Mo said. He laid on his bed and looked at the two cards that he just obtained.

"Skill Card"

"Skill Card Name: Mountain Blade"

"Rarity: Rare"

"Type of Skill: Sword"

"Skill Level: Gold-level"

"Status: Available"

"Remarks: Suitable for use with heavy weapons. The more powerful the user's strength, the more powerful that skill is."

"Card Remarks: Passable"

"This is an exclusive combat skill for heavy weapons. It's suitable for large groups of monsters. The skill is not unique but under certain circumstances, its power could possibly surpass Thunder Sword ," he thought.

Lin Huang squeezed the card immediately so that he could get the new combat skill.

He had 10 monster skills - the maximum he could have already but that did not affect his personal combat skills. Soon, the new combat skill was added to his exclusive card. Then, he looked at the Talent Card that he had just obtained.

"Talent Card"

"Name: Superhuman Strength (Beginner)"

"Rarity: Rare"

"Type: Intensification"

"Talent Effect: Strength will be multiplied 10 times (Passive)"

"Level-up Effect: With every upgrade, the effect will be multiplied by tenfold"

"Card Remarks: Passable"

Lin Huang was doubtful when he saw the card, and he contacted Xiao Hei in his mind.

"Xiao Hei, what's with this Talent Card? I thought I could only obtain talents from killing Life Seed monsters?" he asked.

"The talent from the Talent Card does not come from a Life Seed. It was inherited by a human or for some other reason which caused one to have the talent when they were born," Xiao Hei explained in response.

"So if I were to use this card to obtain a new talent, does that mean I would have one less opportunity to obtain a Life Seed talent?" he asked again.

"No, the talent from a Talent Card does not clash with talents from Life Seed kills. You can obtain four Life Seed talents in total," Xiao Hei replied.

"Does that mean this Talent Card allows me to obtain a free talent?" Lin Huang raised his eyebrow.

"You can say so."

Without hesitation, Lin Huang squeezed the card, adding it to his exclusive card. He then looked at his exclusive card.

"Host: Lin Huang"

"Gender: Male"

"Age: 15"

"Combat Strength: Bronze-level rank-3"

"Talent 1: Superhuman Strength"

"Life Seed 1: Sly Hands (Rare)"

"Life Seed 2: Substitute (Normal)"

"Combat Skill 1: Great Sword Scripture (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 2: Thunder Sword (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 3: Mountain Blade (Sword Skill)"

"Combat Skill 4: Spectral Snowsteps (Movement Skill)"

"Combat Skill 5: Cloud Steps (Movement Skill)"

"Monster Skill 1: Blood Spirit"

"Monster Skill 2: Form Changer"

"Monster Skill 3: Super Robust (Intermediate)"

"Monster Skill 4: Supreme Breath (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 5: Immense Strength"

"Monster Skill 6: Magic Eye Deterrence (Intermediate)"

"Monster Skill 7: Absolute Defence (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 8: Blood Hunt (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 9: Boundless Vision (Beginner)"

"Monster Skill 10: Third Eye (Beginner)"

"Summon Authority: Activated"

"Available Number of summons: 3"

"Remark: Passable"

Not only did he get an additional talent, skill and managed to upgrade his combat strength, he also had an upgrade in his number of summons available too. It was upgraded from two to three summons. Lin Huang could not help but smirk when he thought about how he could summon Charcoal, Bai, and Tyrant at the same time in the future.

He then looked at the stuff that he took from Gong Sunying. As he could not retrieve the items from Gong Sunying's storage space, he still managed to find a couple of gold-level equipment from his body. Among them were heavy and light armor, an explorer class armor and a blade. There were all in the form of rings which Lin Huang could not activate with his current Life Power. He kept them in his storage space after admiring them.

The next morning, Lin Huang walked to the redemption counter after breakfast. He accumulated 2.2 million points from killing Gong Sunying. His main purpose here was to redeem his breakfast and check if there was anything else that he wanted. The lowest redemption was one point which bought a piece of bread or a bowl of white rice. The more dishes you ordered, the more points it would cost.

That was the reason why Xiao Mo would rather starve himself than use his points to redeem food as he would spend quite a bit on food if he did that every day. In reality, besides food, the price of the other items was quite ridiculous as well. They could only redeem Iron-level equipment with 1,000 points while killing an iron-level rank-3 monster would only get them four points. They would need to kill 250 iron-level rank-3 monsters to redeem any piece of iron-level equipment. They could have gotten other iron-level equipment with just three to five Iron-level rank-3 monsters when they were outside the camp walls.

Iron-level equipment aside, bronze-level equipment would require 10,000 credit points, 100,000 credit points for a single silver-level piece of equipment and one million credit points for gold-level equipment. For relics, they would need one billion credit points and they were limited to one relic. Lin Huang was speechless when he saw the price.

However, the points would go to waste if he kept them. After redeeming breakfast, Lin Huang picked up a bronze-level gun. It was a CopperSparrow23, a product from the Eagle Company. However, he frowned at the price of the gun.

"Isn't 10,000 credit points enough for a bronze-level piece of equipment? Even if you raised the price here, it's alright if you're selling it at 20,000 credit points. How dare you sell it at 80,000 credit points?" He asked, furiously.

"You can get a normal one at 10,000 credit points but this has been modified. It is at least three times more powerful than the original version. That's why it's priced at 80,000," the staff at the redemption point explained.

"Three times or more…" Lin Huang never expected to find a modified gun. Although a modified gun was less stable than the original version, its power would be significantly higher. Since he would not be staying on each level for too long, this modified gun would be great for short periods of time.

"Give me two!" Lin Huang did not hesitate for even a moment. He then asked, "Do you have any modified silver-level SilverPhoenix16s?"

"Yes. That'll be 980,000 credit points, its power is at least three times or more as well," the staff member said with a nod.

"Great, give me two of that," Lin Huang confirmed his order.

"The total would be 2.12 million points," the staff looked at him with a puzzled look as he recalled Lin Huang only having 100,000 points when he came to redeem his food yesterday.

Lin Huang nodded and scanned his identity code. The staff was shocked when he saw the payment was successful, he then packed the four guns for Lin Huang immediately. Although Lin Huang lost 2.2 million points in just one transaction, he was not upset at all. A modified gun was not easy to find on the market and the only place one could go was the black market. The prices there would be sky-high and its quality was not guaranteed. The items that were sold at the Purple Crow Facility were surely not faulty and that was the reason why Lin Huang bought the guns without hesitation. After getting the guns and breakfast, Lin Huang left the redemption counter happily. However, he was shocked when he arrived at this room…

Chapter 135: Wildfire Sword

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

People flooded the entrance of Room 1121. Lin Huang who just got back from redeeming breakfast was soon noticed by the crowd.

"Boss Lin Huang is here, make way for him!" A person shouted.

Heads were turned, seeing Lin Huang blocked by the crowd, a path was cleared for him.

"Boss Lin Huang. Were you headed out for breakfast?"

"…" Lin Huang was speechless.

After passing through the crowd to his room, he finally found out what the hype was about. Fang Wen who ranked first on the leaderboard and Li Li who ranked third was in his room. Those who ranked fourth to 10th were all outside his room. Xiao Mo was sitting with both Fang Wen and Li Li, and upon seeing Lin Huang arrive, the three of them stood up immediately.

"Bro Lin Huang, my name is Fang Wen," he said. The boy looked like he was only 17 or 18, and soft-spoken. He shook Lin Huang's hand.

"My name is Li Li," the boy next to him said. He seemed like he was over 20. He was more matured and much taller, as he stood at 1.8 meters. The top-ranked recruits were here to worship him after seeing what he did yesterday.

"Bro Lin Huang, we are here to get to know each other better. It was fate that we are sent to the same training camp, and perhaps we have the opportunity to collaborate after we join the Purple Crows. Please accept my humble gift," Fang Wen said and placed a space storage ring in Lin Huang's hand.

"Thank you, Fang Wen," Lin Huang smirked and accepted the gift without hesitation.

After he killed Gong Sunying, Lin Huang searched his dead body for stuff on purpose so that people would have an idea that he was greedy and they would send him gifts. It would be perfect if he could get something from the people in the training camp before he left the place.

"I heard that Bro Lin Huang loves sword skills. I obtained a great one earlier, and it would be a waste if I use it. I feel it's better if you have it," Li Li said as he gave Lin Huang a combat skill crystal. Hearing that it was a sword skill, Lin Huang kept the gift immediately. The both of them then left after a short chat. The people outside his room left their gifts too. Lin Huang did not reject any of them. The crowd left half an hour later.

"My breakfast is cold now…" Lin Huang muttered to himself. After sending everyone off, Lin Huang shook his head and sighed.

"I'll get a new one for you," Xiao Mo said immediately. He wanted to get Lin Huang a gift as well but he had nothing valuable to offer him.

"It's alright, let's eat," Lin Huang passed the bun that he bought to Xiao Mo.

After accepting the bun, Xiao Mo hesitated and said, "Let me get you breakfast and dinner from today onwards."

"Sure, you can take some of my points later," Lin Huang nodded. He thought that he could save his time by getting Xiao Mo to run those simple chores for him.

"It's not necessary, food doesn't cost much," Xiao Mo waved his hand.

"I refused to buy the last time as I was at the bottom in the leaderboard, it's alright now," he continued.

"The points are useful for you, but not me. I'm not at a lack of combat skills or equipment, and I don't care about my ranking. Besides, with the points that I accumulated, I could even consume tens of thousands a day. It's a different story for you, each point is important to you. You should use it to get a blade," Lin Huang explained.

"You use my points for food. If you are embarrassed, you could treat me a good meal when we get out," Lin Huang said to him and patted him on the back.

"Sure!" Xiao Mo did not reject the offer anymore since Lin Huang had said so.

Just when they were eating, the loudspeaker shell announced about the public execution. Both of them left their room immediately and followed the crowd to the arena. The three people were then pushed to the middle of the arena. The last one was staring at Xiao Mo. He never shifted his eyes away from Xiao Mo. He was the person who ranked the last fourth on the leaderboard. As Lin Huang cheated for Xiao Mo, he became the person who would be executed. He held a grudge for Xiao Mo now.

Lin Huang noticed that the person was staring at Xiao Mo so he put his hand on his shoulder and asked, "Are you alright?"

Xiao Mo shook his head and looked away from the person. Soon the execution started, after the first two people were killed, it was time for the third person to be executed.

The man in sunglasses placed the loudspeaker shell next to his mouth, and he was supposed to say his name and way of execution.

Instead, he smiled, "Xiao Mo, don't ever forget that you owe me my life!"

The man in sunglasses frowned and nodded at the executioner. The executioner covered his mouth and sliced his throat so that he could not speak anymore. Blood shot out from his neck, and he was breathing like a wind box being pulled. Everyone could feel the suffocation from the sound that was amplified through the loudspeaker shell.

The person stared at Xiao Mo's direction until he died. After the execution ended, Xiao Mo was quiet all the way back to his room.

"The guy is dead now, don't mind what he said," Lin Huang said.

"He's right, I should be dead. I owe him his life," Xiao Mo shook his head.

"You were just lucky that you escaped, you don't owe him anything," Lin Huang said firmly as he tried to console him. "If you hold this in your heart, your life would be affected by it. Now that he's dead, no matter how sorry you feel, he will still be dead. So I suggest that you put this behind you. When you leave and became a reserve member of the Purple Crows, you can check out who that person was to see if there's anything you can do for him then," Lin Huang continued.

Xiao Mo was quiet for a while before he nodded.

"Also, keep yourself busy so that you will not be thinking of such nonsense. Let's battle in the training tower. It'll be good for you to release those pent-up emotions," Lin Huang said.

"I shall head to the training tower then," Xiao Mo said as he stood up. He then waved goodbye to Lin Huang and left.

Lin Huang sat by his bed to look at the gift from Fang Wen and the rest. The space storage ring was not big, it was just about 1,000 square cubic meters but there were 3,000 Life Crystals within it. One Life Crystal was equivalent to 100 years while the 3,000 Life Crystals could be traded for three billion credit points!

"Wow! That was so generous of Fang Wen! Perhaps he's royalty, and surely not from a small royal family either…" It was not easy for him to just guess Fang Wen's family background as only royalty could have been this generous.

After keeping Fang Wen's ring, Lin Huang looked at the sword skill given to him by Li Li. He then looked at the details of the skill crystals. Wildfire Sword was created by a sword master 300 years ago from combining a variety of sword skills over a span of seven years…

"Xiao Hei, how's this sword skill?" Lin Huang knew that there would be nothing good about what Xiao Hei was going to say as he had yet to start training with it.

"Are you messing around with me?" Xiao Hei replied. Lin Huang did not expect to hear that. He sat up straight in an instant. The only combat skill that was on an Epic level was his Great Sword Scripture, he could not believe it when he heard Xiao Hei say that this new sword skill could be upgraded to an Epic soon.

"I have never lied to you. This sword skill has yet to be completed, but it has great potential. I suggest you train with it immediately," Xiao Hei said.

It was the first time Lin Huang heard Xiao Hei giving such a positive comment about a combat skill.

"If this became Epic, and compared to the Great Sword Scripture, which is more powerful?"

"I can't compare it before you obtained the skill card," Xiao Hei said, almost mockingly.

After some thought, Lin Huang figured that this sword skill would need card pieces and he would not be able to accumulate them in such a short period of time. He would need massive amounts of energy and time once he got into the flow of training. However, what was more important now was to find a way to escape within the remaining two and a half months.

He then kept the combat skill crystal and looked at other gifts one by one. With the amazing sword skill, none of the gifts excited him anymore. After a rough look, Lin Huang laid on his bed and started thinking about ways to escape. Although his life at the training camp was good and people of the Purple Crow organization liked him, Lin Huang did not like the way they operate. It was impossible for him to be a part of such an organization.

"Scarface must be watching me now. As soon as I use the transformation card, he will notice that my vibe disappeared. There's no way that I can escape…"

"Also, there are no blind spots in the entire foothold since there are cameras all around. We don't even have the privacy when we use the toilets and when we shower. We're being watched 24 hours a day. They were even monitor birds in the training space…"

"It seems like there are only two ways to escape. One is to become a reserve member of the Purple Crow and be taken away by the staff. Another way is with my dead body being sent out of the foothold…"

"Which means, to escape this place, the only possible way is to fake my death!" Lin Huang concluded.

"However, I must know where they will send my dead body to and how they will handle my corpse. If something goes wrong, I might then be dead, for real…"

After some thought, Lin Huang started to plan his escape. He walked out of his room and looked at the courtyard from the balcony. Gong Sunying's dead body was no longer there. He smirked and walked into the room next door. He knocked on the metal door, "Do you know which room is Fang Wen staying in?" he asked his neighbor.

Chapter 136: Fang Wen's Information

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Wen stayed in Room 1801 in the building across. Lin Huang got to his room number easily. Although they were supposed to be training now, as long as they did not enter the training tower, they were allowed to move around within the residential area but they were not allowed to leave. Although the dormitory did not have an elevator, it was still a breeze for Lin Huang to get up to the 18th floor.

As he walked on the corridor, he noticed that Fang Wen's door was opened.

"Luckily he's here."

Just when Lin Huang was making his way to his room, he hears a woman's voice. Not one, but two voices. Lin Huang did not expect that Fang Wen would do something so inappropriate.

"Who is that?!" Somebody shouted from the room. Fang Wen walked out with a white robe. It was awkward but Lin Huang turned around and waved at him, "Oh, good morning…"

"Lin Huang?" Fang Wen did not expect him to come but he wanted to talk to him so he said, "Give me a minute, let me clean up."

"It's alright, you seem busy. I'll come by tomorrow." Lin Huang knew he was interrupting the fun.

"It's alright, I can have that anytime I want. You're more important, just give me two to three minutes." Fang Wen then returned to his room.

A moment later, two tall ladies sprinted out from his room with their pajamas and left. Fang Wen dressed up appropriately and nodded to Lin Huang, "You can come in now."

Lin Huang was stunned by the size and decor of the room, "Your room is so big and luxurious!"

"I renovated it myself. If you wanted it, I believe the manager would do the same for you." Fang Wen knew very well that Lin Huang must have even someone even stronger supporting him from the shadows.

"That won't be necessary; I won't be staying here for long you see." Lin Huang shook his head and followed Fang Wen into his room.

There was a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen in Fang Wen's room. The four partitions took up the space of ten regular sized rooms. It was at least ten times bigger than Lin Huang's room and there was still a feminine scent lingering in the living room. However, it was really clean. At least Lin Huang could not see anything that was messy or dirty.

"Come, come, have a seat." Fang Wen said, pointing at the couch.

Lin Huang hesitated as he was not sure if the couch was where Fang Wen had intercourse earlier.

"Don't worry, I didn't do it on the couch today. I have done that before but I would always get someone to clean the covers." Fang Wen explained.

Lin Huang shook his head while he got himself a chair. Fang Wen did not say anything as proceeded to sit on the couch. He smiled at Lin Huang, "Bro Lin Huang, is there anything that I could do to help you?"

"This is what happened. I realized that I have lost one of my storage rings this morning. I couldn't find it anywhere in my room. I thought about it and figured I must have lost it in Gong Sunying's clothes when I was searching his dead body yesterday. However, his dead body is gone now. I know you must know more than I do, so I'd like to know how they handled his corpse? Is there any way that I could get my ring back?"

"I think it's a difficult task. Is there anything valuable in the ring?" Fang Wen bought Lin Huang's lie.

"There's nothing valuable, just some equipment and Life Crystals. However, it was a gift from a girl. This would upset her." What Lin Huang said was not a complete lie because the ring was indeed given by Leng Yuexin.

"Ahh... It's a gift of love…" Fang Wen teased.

"Is there any way to get it back?" Lin Huang continued to ask. He did not want to give too much information.

"I don't think so, I bet you have no idea how they handle dead bodies here." Fang Wen then explained the process to Lin Huang patiently.

"If someone died in the training camp, a truck would pick up the dead body on the day itself and toss it from the cliff outside the camp and monsters will feed on it. This area is practically a graveyard. Since Gong Sunying's body was collected yesterday, your ring was either taken by the staff or its already in the monster's stomach, bro. Either way, it's impossible to retrieve it."

"If the girl who gave you the ring is really important, I have an idea for you. Once you get out, get a ring that looks exactly the same, possibly with the same amount of storage space. She won't know the difference." Fang Wen said to Lin Huang.

"That's a great idea." Lin Huang nodded. Fang Wen knew so much more than the rest, he even knew the exact location of the training camp. He had gotten the most important information from Fang Wen, which was how the camp handled corpses.

"It's a pity that Gong Sunying doesn't have a proper grave." Fang Wen sighed, "If he had the same background as we did, at least his body would not be thrown away like a piece of trash."

Lin Huang was stunned, he then asked, "Would the treatment be different if the background is different?"

"Of course. Those who come with a good background would have their dead body kept for their family to collect. The camp doesn't want to offend anyone, keeping the dead body is for the family or person-in-charge to do as they wish, probably an autopsy to find out the real reason of death if that's what they want." Lin Huang was concerned after hearing Fang Wen's explanation.

"What's wrong, you don't look too good." Fang Wen noticed Lin Huang's became fidgety.

"I ate something cold this morning, my stomach doesn't feel too well. I need to go back now." Lin Huang lied.

"If you cannot hold it, you can use my bathroom here." Fang Wen was generous.

"It's alright, I will go back to my room." Lin Huang bid him farewell.

Lin Huang was frowning all the way back from Fang Wen's room. If he faked his death, he could successfully leave the camp. However, Scarface would definitely keep his dead body and inform Hong Zhuang. Even if he managed to escape before Hong Zhuang's return, she would know that he faked his death if there was no body. By then, the trouble would be even more serious. That was not what he wanted, he wanted to disappear and leave no trace behind.

"What should I do?" Lin Huang squatted on the toilet bowl and mumbled to himself. Since he told Fang Wen that his stomach was not well, he had to continue his act or Scarface man might find out that he was up to something. After half an hour, Lin Huang could not think of anything. However, he recalled that he had yet to accumulate the 10 cross-ranking rewards.

"I shall get the 10 bronze-level cross-ranking reward cards and hopefully I can get something that could help me escape…" After cleaning himself, he then pressed the flush button and put his pants on. He headed to the training tower. He entered a vacant door on the sixth floor. This time, he did not summon Bai. Instead, he took out his bronze-level battle sword and started killing the monsters.

An hour later, two circles of Life Power were consumed. He then left the training room and proceeded to the seventh floor. There were silver-level rank-1 monsters on the seventh floor, it was his first time on this floor. He chose a vacant room and summoned Bai.

"Xiao Hei, disconnect my Life Wheel from Bai's temporarily."

"Life Wheel has been disconnected."

When his Life Wheel was disconnected, Lin Huang could not obtain Life Power from Bai. It was what he wanted. He consumed his Life Power on the sixth floor on purpose to prevent himself from having his Life Power getting filled and the Life Light Baptism from happening. After all, he had just broken through bronze-level rank-3 not long ago and the Life Power in his body was not stable yet. If he were to receive the Life Light Baptism under such conditions, his Life Power might go haywire and possibly break his Life Wheel or cause death.

"Bai, block the other monsters. Give me two at once." Lin Huang instructed Bai.

Since he was a bronze-level rank-3, he could handle silver-level rank-1 monsters. However, there were too many monsters here. If they were to attack all at once, he would have to run away. That was why he had Bai control the number of monsters he would fight. Bai nodded and extended his Blood Power wings. Standing right in front of Lin Huang, a pair of wings were transformed into an arena that measured 50 meters by 50 meters while the other wings were transformed into two long vines to tie up two monsters. He then tossed the two monsters into the arena that Lin Huang was in.

"Great job!"

Lin Huang did not expect Bai to create an arena just for him, he gave Bai a thumbs up. The ring on this right middle finger was then transformed into a bronze-level battle sword. He lifted the sword and plunged towards the two monsters…

Chapter 137: Obtaining Cross-Ranking Rewards Again!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A sword glow flashed in the air, there was a stream of blood beneath the silver-level rank-1 Giant Horned Rhino's neck. At first, the flowing blood was as thin as a strand of hair but soon, it gushed out like a waterfall when the wound tore open. The Giant Horned Rhino fell to the ground and dust filled the air.

"10th monster…" Lin Huang sheathed his sword in the scabbard and stood nearby the monster.

"You have completed a cross-ranking kill, you are rewarded with a Deception Card x1!"

"You have completed a cross-ranking kill, you are rewarded with a Mission Card x1!

"10 cross-ranking rewards and 20 reward cards…" Lin Huang spent less than five minutes to complete 10 cross-ranking kills. With the Double Card, he had received 20 reward cards.

After obtaining all the reward cards, he did not leave the training room immediately. Instead, he got Bai to kill the silver-level rank-1 monsters with him until the effects of the Double Card ran out after one hour. He managed to accumulate more than 600 silver-level monster card pieces. It was 11 a.m. when he left the training tower. As it was the training period, there was nowhere else that he could go so he headed back to his room.

Lying on the bed, Lin Huang took out the modified CopperSparrow23 from his storage. While checking out the gun, he secretly contacted Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, take a look at the 20 cross-ranking reward cards that I just got."

"You have obtained cross-ranking reward cards as follows: Skill Combination Card x1, Seal Card x1, Deception Card x1, Advance Card x2, Life Power Storage Card x2, Double Card x2, Healing Card x2, Provisional Transformation Card x2, Mission Card x3, Item Card x4."

Lin Huang took a look at the new cards that he had never seen before.

"Skill Combination Card"

"Function: User can combine skills of the same type with a chance of upgrading it to a higher level."

"Remarks: Consumable, each card can only be used once."

"I can use this since my monster skills are full. By combining my skills, I'll have empty slots for other skills." Lin Huang had his monster skill slots filled for quite some time now, the only way to obtain more monster skills was to either combine them or delete them. He had been hoping to get this Skill Combination Card for a long time now.

"Seal Card"

"Function: User can seal a monster within the user's mastery level and transform it into a Monster Card."

"Remarks: The sealed monster has to be within the user's field of vision. Monsters with a rarity beyond the user's mastery can't be sealed. Consumable, each card can only be used once."

"Xiao Hei, I can seal a monster into a monster card directly?" Lin Huang wanted to be sure.


"I should be able to seal an epic-level monster, am I right? Does that mean I can seal any epic-level monsters with no limit to its combat strength?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"What if I encounter a demigod?"

"There's no limit to the monster's combat strength, there's only limit to its rarity. As long as its rarity is within the user's mastery, a demigod-level could be sealed as well. However, the combat strength of the sealed monster depends on the combat strength of the user."

Lin Huang smirked as Xiao Hei explained. This card was too good to be true. He put the card down and looked at the last card that he was unfamiliar with.

"Deception Card"

"Function: After this card has been activated, the user can create a fake incident trick everyone into believing the user."

"Warning: The success rate is not 100%, it depends on the credibility of the fake incident."

"Tips: Increase the credibility of the fake incident by linking it to a real-life event."

"Remarks: The user can set the activation time and affected area for this card."

Lin Huang thought he could totally use this card to escape from the camp but he was not sure of the exact effect it could cause. He proceeded to ask many questions regarding the card. A few moments later, Xiao Hei concluded in two sentences.

"Put simply, this card allows you to become a temporary film director and you get to direct whatever it is that's on your mind that you want people to believe as the truth. The quality and credibility of the film depend on you."

Xiao Hei's conclusion gave Lin Huang a solid idea of the function of the card.

"It seems like I'll have to plan how I want my film to be…"

After checking out the three cards he was unfamiliar with, he looked at the remaining cards and the three extra mission cards. He frowned.

"Activated two Life Power Storage Cards." Lin Huang activated the Life Power Storage Cards without hesitation.

"Life Power Storage Cards activated."

Soon, there were two additional Life Wheels added to Lin Huang's body. However, the columns were empty, without any Life Power in them. Later on, he looked at the Skill Combination Cards that he had never seen before. After some thought, he instructed Xiao Hei again.

"Activate Skill Combination Card!"

"Skill Combination Card activated"

"Choose from the below four combinations."

"1. Combine Sword Skills: Great Sword Scripture, Thunder Sword, Mountain Blade"

"2. Combine Movement Skills: Spectral Snowsteps, Cloud Steps"

"3. Combine Vision Skills: Magic Eye Deterrence, Boundless Vision, Third Eye"

"4. Combine Disguise Skills: Supreme Breath, Form Changer"

"Please choose one."

"Combine Supreme Breath and Form Changer ." What Lin Huang needed the most now was disguising skills, he chose the fourth one without hesitation.

"Skill Combination Card activated. Monster skills Supreme Breath and Form Changer have been combined. New skill card is progress…"

"Congratulations! You have obtained new skill card - Advanced Disguise "

" Advanced Disguise : By using this skill, you can alter your features, body and even aura. You could even deceive a transcendent within a certain distance."

"Remarks: You can't disguise yourself as anything that is not in human form."

"This is exactly what I need." Lin Huang was satisfied with what he had obtained. Although he could not alter his human form, altering his aura was what he needed.

"Take a look at all my other cards that are not Monster Cards." Lin Huang instructed Xiao Hei again.

"You have a total of 30 cards: Seal Card x1, Deception Card x1, Small Destruction Card x1, Flawless Card x2, Treasure Card x3, Advance Card x3, Double Card x3, Mission Card x3, Healing Card x4, Item Card x4, Provisional Transformation Card x5."

Lin Huang stared at the Advance Card.

"Xiao Hei, can I use the Advance Card to upgrade my Substitute Life Seed into the secret skill, Scapegoat?"

"No, you can only upgrade to a higher level Life Seed."

"What is the effect of the upgrade?"

"The first upgrade will be an enhanced Substitute Life Seed and it would increase the number of times you can use the skill each day from three to nine times."

"The second upgrade will be Cheating Death Life Seed, it allows you to cheat death one time."

"Upgrade my Substitute Life Seed twice!" Lin Huang did not hesitate at all.

"Consuming three Advance Cards."

"Upgrading Substitute Life Seed twice… Congratulations, you have received a new Life Seed card - Cheating Death Life Seed."

"Life Seed Name: Cheating Death ."

"Talent Effect: You can cheat death one time in the form of a faux body (Effects you can be saved from includes but is not limited to curses, mind-control, and death). You can only use it once a year."

"Acquisition Method: Unknown"

"This card is too good to be true. Not only can it cheat death from a physical attack, it can also save him from other unfortunate events…" Lin Huang's jaw dropped when he saw the new Life Seed that he had just obtained.

"The only downside is that I can only use it once a year…"

Although he was not happy with the frequency he can use Cheating Death , he was satisfied with the card.

"Since I have the ability to fake my own death now, it's time to rewrite the script. What story do I tell to make it more credible?" Lin Huang thought to himself.

Chapter 138: Chain Mission

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was in his room for the entire day to plan his escape. When it was five in the evening, Xiao Mo returned with dinner. Although was wounded, he looked happy.

"Boss Lin, here's your dinner." He said loudly once he got into the room. Lin Huang did not know if Xiao Mo was younger or older than him. However, according to his age on earth, it was inappropriate for Xiao Mo to address him as uncle. He did not want to correct Xiao Mo.

Lin Huang got up from his bed and had his dinner. He then asked, "Do you know which room Li Li stays in?"

"He's staying on the 18th floor, Room 1803." Xiao Mo nodded, "Are you looking for him?"

"He has good sword skills, I thought of dropping by for a chat with him after dinner." Lin Huang nodded, "How have you been today?"

"I chose my Life Seed and submitted it to the management. They said they would send my Life Seed monster in a couple of days and they also told me to prepare myself." No wonder Xiao Mo was in a good mood, he was ready for his breakthrough.

"That's great, which Life Seed did you choose?" Lin Huang was curious.

"Since I don't have enough strength, I chose the robust Life Seed." Xiao Mo scratched his head.

"It's good to choose what suits you the best. Do not care about what others say." Lin Huang nodded. With Xiao Mo's ability, it was not easy for him to kill the Life Seed monster so it was not practical for him to get a Life Seed that was beyond his control.

After dinner, Lin Huang headed to the 18th floor. Li Li's room was 1803 but 1801 and 1802 were vacant. Li Li was having dinner when Lin Huang arrived at his door, he was alone in the room. He was stunned to see Lin Huang, he then waved at him, "Come in."

"Why did you decide to skip two rooms and stay in 1803 instead?" Lin Huang smiled and asked as he walked into his room."

"I was the third one who moved into this floor when the other two left, I was too lazy to move." Li Li explained in all seriousness.

"Is that so…"

"Is there anything that I can help you with?" Li Li put down his chopsticks.

"Nothing important, we can talk after you are done eating." Lin Huang shook his head.

"I can eat anytime, do tell." Li Li kept his bento box.

"I checked out the sword skill you gave me this afternoon and I have to admit it's pretty good. I would like some advice as to how you obtained it?"

"I am glad to hear that. I was worried that you may not like it." Li Li then began to tell the story of how he obtained the sword skill.

"I love this sword very much and I had trained with it for two to three years. Wildfire Sword was a gift from my father when I was 14. He said that if I could master the skill in half a year, I would be able to master all the sword skills. If I failed, it would mean that I am mediocre in my sword skills and I should not waste my time trying. Half a year later, I failed to master the skill. Knowing that I'm not gifted enough, I listened to what my father said and started to train in the gun skills of my family and that was the last time I ever used a sword…"

Lin Huang was shocked because it was obvious that Li Li was cheated by his father. After some research, Lin Huang noticed that Wildfire Sword was as difficult than the first chapter of the Great Sword Scripture . Even if a person was gifted with the sword, it was quite impossible to master it within half a year. Li Li's father must have known that but Li Li was too young to understand so he thought he really was not gifted with swords. However, Lin Huang did not want to interfere in their family affairs so he kept quiet.

"I see that the sword skill was created by a sword master 300 years ago by combining a variety of sword skills. Do you happen to know who the master is? I thought maybe I could speak to him on the techniques." Lin Huang revealed why he asked the question.

"I have no idea but I could ask my father once I get out, he might know." Li Li shook his head, he had no idea who was the founder of the sword skill as well.

"It's okay if we can't find out, I'll just spend more time to master the skill." Lin Huang laughed, "Oh yeah, how long until you get to the 100th day?"

"63 days more and I should rank on first three." Li Li was confident with himself. He had accumulated more than 500,000 points than the person who ranked fourth. It would not be easy for the person to catch up.

"I still have more than 70 days before someone comes for me…" Lin Huang revealed his situation.

"You have a good background so you don't have to worry about your ranking. It's a different story for us because we have to follow the rule." Li Li laughed.

"I'm just thinking that the person who is coming for me would take a couple of days to arrive here from the headquarters so I might need to wait another 80 days…" Lin Huang silently thought to himself.

"That won't happen. They have a designated person in each division, they will arrive within seconds. Even if there's a delay from the division to the training camp, it would only take a couple of minutes." Li Li smiled as he explained.

Lin Huang smirked, this was what he wanted to hear from Li Li. He beat around the bush just to find out how long Hong Zhuang would take to arrive at the training camp from the headquarters. Now that he got what he wanted, he proceeded to make some small talk with Li Li before leaving. He felt his plan was getting more and more concrete.

"If I fake my death, Scarface would definitely inform Hong Zhuang. If Hong Zhuang was not busy at the moment, she would be here within minutes. Since the traffic isn't too bad from the headquarter to Division7, she would still take a couple of minutes to come here. So, the possibility of her picking up my dead body on the day itself is pretty high… If that came true, I would not have to worry about the time limit of the Deception Card."

Lin Huang had checked with Xiao Hei earlier and found out that the time limit for the Deception Card was one month. That was the reason why he visited Li Li to ask how long it would take from the headquarter to the training camp. If the journey took one month, when Hong Zhuang arrives, the effect of the Deception CArd would disappear. After he got a rough idea of the escape plan, Lin Huang planned to make it more concrete by adding more details to his ultimate plan. He spent most of his time 'sleeping'.

However, his behavior upset Scarface. Finally, one fine afternoon, the man spoke from the loudspeaker.

"Lin Huang, come to my office now!"

Lin Huang thought that it was ridiculous that the man requested to see him. Everyone in the training camp thought it was strange too, it was the first time the manager requested for someone to see him.

"He really does have an outstanding background…" Many of the participants thought.

Lin Huang then headed to the training tower, a man in black uniform had been waiting for him at the bottom of the tower.

"Follow me." Lin Huang followed him into the elevator and arrived at the top floor of the training tower. Arriving at the huge office, the man had his feet on the table with a cigar in his mouth. Lin Huang walked towards him.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

"You slept for the entire day? Your ranking dropped to third, you are now behind Li Li." The man put down his cigar and stared at Lin Huang with crossed arms.

"The points are useless, I would rather let someone rank higher." Lin Huang said.

"Why can't you change your mindset to get to the top instead? Hong Zhuang would be proud of you if that happens." The man advised him.

Just when Lin Huang wanted to say 'Hong Zhuang would not mind the ranking', a notification box popped up before him.

"Chain Mission activated due to special circumstances."

"Chain Mission 1: Rank #1 on the Purple Crow training camp leaderboard and maintain for three days. Mission Time Limit: 7 days."

"Chain Mission 2: After the first mission is completed, escape the training camp without anyone noticing. Mission Time Limit: 3 days."

"Mission Reward: Advance Card x2"

"If you fail the mission, one Skill Card and one Monster Card will be taken away."

"The mission will fail if you only manage to complete one mission. There would not be a reward but a punishment instead."

"Alright then, I shall get to the top."

"That's right, young people should have that attitude! You know that you have the ability but you don't do it, wouldn't it be a shame to let your talent go to waste?" The man was happy to hear what Lin Huang said.

"Is there anything else, master?" Lin Huang asked.

"That would be all, you can leave now. It's just that you have been sleeping these few days, I didn't want you to get left behind, that's why I called you here. Now that you understand what I want for you, you can leave." The man continued smoking his cigar as he gestured for Lin Huang to leave.

"I shall make a move then." Lin Huang then turned around and headed to the elevator…

Chapter 139: Deception Card - Activated!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The first chain mission was to rank first on the leaderboard within seven days and to maintain the ranking for three days. That being said, Lin Huang was only left with four days to achieve that. Lin Huang frowned when he realized that he was 1.3 million points away from Fang Wen who ranked the first and more than 500,000 points away from Li Li who ranked the third. After he arrived on the first floor by elevator, he then walked all the way up to the 10th floor of the training tower.

There were gold-level rank-1 monsters on the 10th floor. Scarface noticed that Lin Huang was getting serious about his ranking. Most of the doors on this floor were vacant and so Lin Huang randomly picked one and entered. After summoning Bai, Lin Huang asked Xiao Hei to disconnect his Life Wheel with Bai immediately. As Bai's four Blood Power wings were opened, he entered his battle mode. Every slash would decapitate a monster's head. Although he was only white silver-level rank-3, the gold-level rank-1 monsters were nothing to him.

After five hours in the tower, it was already five in the evening. Lin Huang had obtained almost one million points. He had surpassed Li Li and was only 400,000 points away from Fang Wen. He then left the tower, had dinner and entered the tower again when it was seven at night. He stayed until 10 p.m. and managed to obtain 600,000 points within three hours and surpassed Fang Wen. He was now top-ranked on the leaderboard.

However, his points were merely 100,000 more than Fang Wen. Nevertheless, the news soon caught the people's attention. Lin Huang's points were stagnant for many days but now, because it had skyrocketed, people guessed it was due to the manager.

"Maybe the manager gave Lin Huang something in return so that he would do what he asked?" There were many speculations among the people. Even Fang Wen was skeptical as he knew from Lin Huang that he did not care about his ranking. However, he started to think that it was related to the manager who asked for him in the afternoon.

When Lin Huang arrived in his room, Xiao Mo looked at him in admiration, "Boss Lin, you're now No.1."

"Yup," Lin Huang nodded, "I will have to head to the training tower again tomorrow to maintain my ranking."

Lin Huang slept early that night. The next morning, he headed straight to the training tower right after breakfast. He bumped into Fang Wen while he was on his way, Fang Wen called out his name from far.

"Lin Huang, you have been extra hardworking these two days."

"Yea, same goes for you." Lin Huang nodded and smiled.

"Did the manager say something to you?" Fang Wen walked closer and lowered his voice.

"I think so." Lin Huang nodded. Since everyone was speculating, that would be the most reasonable excuse he had. Fang Wen did not ask further. Now that Lin Huang wanted to be the first, he would have to give in as nobody could beat him in the training camp.

On the next day, Lin Huang spent all his time at the training tower. He spent 11 hours and gained 2.2 million points, he was now far away from Fang Wen; about two million points ahead of Fang Wen who was ranked second. He had now gotten himself a new nickname in the training camp - Point Accumulation Maniac. On the third day, he managed to obtain another two million points.

On the fourth afternoon, a notification from the first accomplished mission popped up.

"Chain Mission 1: Rank first on the Purple Crow training camp leaderboard and maintain the rank for three days. (Completed)"

"Chain Mission 2: After the first mission is completed, escape the training camp without anyone noticing. Mission Time Limit: 3 days. The countdown has begun…"

Lin Huang did not stop killing monsters. He stayed in the training tower until 5:30 p.m. and obtained another 1.6 million points. He then left the training tower. After dinner, Lin Huang headed to the point redemption counter and redeemed a modified gold-level equipment called the GoldEagle11 for 7.2 million points with his 7.5 million points. He then went back to the training tower after that.

This time, he went to the sixth floor instead of the 10th floor. On the sixth floor, he began training Wildfire Sword . Whenever monsters approached him, he would use his other sword skills to kill them before he continued training Wildfire Sword and because of the occasional monster attacks, he noticed that he obtained skills card pieces much quicker. Lin Huang was quite gifted in the sword department and had managed to master quite a few styles. He could even kill one or two monsters with Wildfire Sword .

After three hours, it was already 10 at night. Lin Huang managed to accumulate 11 skill card pieces. As the training period had ended, Lin Huang headed back to the residential area, took a shower and headed to his room. He lay on his bed and thought to himself, "Two and a half days more…"

On the next morning, he headed to the sixth floor of the training tower to train Wildfire Sword . Although he still did not manage to master it, after a day of practice, he was close to mastering Wildfire Sword .

At night, he chatted with Xiao Mo.

"Xiao Mo, have you ever thought of what to do when you became a transcendent one day?"

"I… Have never thought of that… It should be… difficult to become a transcendent…" Xiao Mo was stunned at Lin Huang's question, "Boss Lin, how about you? I think there wouldn't be a problem for you to become one!"

"Being a transcendent isn't my ultimate goal, my goal is to become a demigod. First I'll be a demigod... I'm not sure if I can become a real god one day." Lin Huang revealed his ambitious goal and said immediately, "However, it's a difficult path. Perhaps I would die halfway through my journey… If I really do die, I don't want my dead body to be left in public for people to gawk at. The best scenario would be burning into ashes, it's clean-cut and nothing would be left behind…"

"Boss Lin please don't say that. You are a good person, you will live long." Xiao Mo said immediately. They chatted until 1 a.m. before heading to bed. On the third day, Lin Huang smirked as he headed out.

"Xiao Hei, activate the Deception Card."

"Once the Deception is activated, you will have to complete the fake incident within a day. Are you sure you want to activate the card?" Xiao Hei said.

"Confirm activation." Lin Huang did not hesitate at all, he was only left with one and a half day before the mission ended. He did not have much time.

"Deception Card activated; please complete the fake incident as soon as possible."

"Please set the starting point of the fake incident at my moment of death." Lin Huang set the starting point.

"Starting point has been set"

Lin Huang headed to the training tower. This time, he headed to the seventh floor. There were silver-level rank-1 monsters on the seventh floor. Lin Huang entered a vacant room. This time, he did not summon Bai but instead, killed all the monsters on his own. To Lin Huang who was already bronze-level rank-3, silver-level rank-1 monsters were quite manageable but it was not as relaxed as the sixth floor. No matter speed or strength, silver-level monsters were incomparable with bronze-level rank-3 monsters.

However, with Lin Huang's amazing movement, he managed to kill many monsters but it was less efficient. As he stayed in the training room, different varieties of monsters appeared more and more often. Lin Huang leaped and landed on the back of a Giant Horned Rhino and stabbed his sword into its neck. The Giant Horned Rhino fell to the ground in an instant.

Suddenly, a grayish-black shadow plunged from his back. It was a Ruinshade Wolf, a monster that was an expert in sneak attacks. Lin Huang did not see it coming, he fell to the ground and it bit the back of his neck. A crack was heard, he knew that his neck was broken. He used his backhand and sliced the Ruinshade Wolf into half as he attempted to stand up. At that moment, the Giant Horned Rhino stomped at him with its front hoofs.

Lin Huang's spine and ribs were broken from the stomp, even his organs were mushed up. With one hit, Lin Huang fell to the ground. He was dead…

A notification came from Xiao Hei.

"You are dead, initiating fake incident now…"

Chapter 140: Faking Death

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It felt like the time stopped in the training room. The Giant Horned Rhino who was stepping on Lin Huang's body froze. Other monsters that were coming to Lin Huang froze too. The monitor bite that was not far away paused in the air. The entire room was frozen. It felt as if someone pushed a pause button.

A body appeared nearby Lin Huang's corpse, it was the body would be used to fake Lin Huang's death.

"The Ruinshade Wolf came just in time. I thought I'd need to lure more monsters to attack me later on, but that one wolf surprised me. It had saved much of my time." Lin Huang did not expect the Ruinshade Wolf to attack him. If he did not fake his death, he could have summoned Bai to save him when his neck was bitten and things would not go this way. However, since he was faking his death, Lin Huang just allowed things to happen. Seconds later, he was dead under the Giant Horned Rhino hoof.

"Please create the fake incident."

"Now I need to create a fake corpse to replace my corpse and I'll use the Deception Card to make everyone believe that it was my real corpse. I want everyone to know that I died in the training room and never regained consciousness."

The replacement corpse will disappear within seconds so Lin Huang needed a prop for his corpse. The Deception Card would follow the story he created and come out with a variety of deceptive items.

"The corpse needs be an exact replica of mine. It must also have the same rings I have such as the Emperor's Heart ring. The color and size must also be the same. If the Giant Horned Rhino proceeds to attack, let it attack me even more to cause even more damage to my body."

"All the items created by the Deception Card would be exactly the same as the real thing until the time limit is exceeded and everything disappears."

"It's okay, in one month's time, they will lose my equipment rings. With the way Scarface's is, he will not allow other people to touch my stuff and Hong Zhuang would not want my stuff anyway. I emphasized this just to make sure everything goes well." Lin Huang nodded.

"Please select the target to deceive."

"That would be all the creatures that saw my corpse. The monitor bird, surveillance cameras, videos taken from the Emperor's Heart Ring, mirrors and everything that has a trace of my corpse."

"Faking death isn't complicated; all I need is to let people think that I'm dead." Lin Huang smirked, "As long as the Purple Crow things that I'm dead, they won't look for me anymore."

"Is there anything else?"

"I need to cover my tracks from the time I fake my death so that nobody can sense my presence; Hong Zhuang and other hunters included." Lin Huang added.

"Items and effects in progress…"

"Items have been created…"

Lin Huang used a Provisional Transformation Card and transformed himself into the Specter. He dove underground. Now that his aura was wiped away, nobody would know that he was hiding under the corpse in the form of Specter. Soon, a notification popped up.

"Deception Card will be effective for one month.'

"Time will resume, inserting fake incident now…"

Frozen time returned to normal in the training room. The monitor bird flapped its wings and captured Lin Huang's death.

Soon, Scarface saw the video clip. He was shocked because he had been watching Lin Huang these days and felt puzzled when he did not summon Bai on the seventh floor. He did not expect this to happen at all. The Ruinshade Wolf came out of nowhere and plunged onto Lin Huang. Lin Huang fell to the ground and it seemed like he broke his neck. Although he managed to kill the Ruinshade Wolf, a Giant Horned Rhino came and stomped on him.

Lin Huang did not die on the first stomp but he stopped moving completely after a few stomps and in the end, his body was deformed. The man rushed to the seventh floor and found the training room Lin Huang was in. He forced the door to open and found Lin Huang's corpse in an instant. He clapped once and all the monsters that were present died on the spot.

Lin Huang saw him and immediately entered the corpse in his spectral form. He needed to follow the fake corpse or the room would still show that there were people in the training room. The man flipped Lin Huang around. His body was deformed by the stomping of the Giant Horned Rhino. All of his bones were crushed and his organs were destroyed.

"How did this happen?!" The man could not believe what he was seeing although Lin Huang's body was right in front of him and he saw what exactly happened in the video clip. After some investigating, the man figured out how Lin Huang died. After some thought, he picked up Lin Huang's body and ran out of the training room. He headed back to his office and placed Lin Huang's body on the ground as he called someone.

Lin Huang left the body and dove into the ground while watching the story unfold.

"Get me a coffin and send it to my office." The man said directly after the phone was picked up.

"Do you mean a coffin for a corpse?" The person who picked up the phone thought it was a mistake.

"If a coffin is not for a corpse, what would it be used for?!" The man was already angry and upon hearing the person asking something stupid, he shouted at the person.

"I… I understand, I'll send it right away!" The staff dared not ask further.

The man took a deep breath and looked at Lin Huang's corpse, he was frowning. Six minutes later, the man in sunglasses who was responsible for public executions came into the office. He was shocked to see Lin Huang's corpse.

"Put him in the coffin." The man said.

The man in sunglasses did not ask any further as he put Lin Huang's corpse into the coffin carefully.

Just as he was attempting to cover the coffin, he was stopped by the man.

"It's alright, you can leave now." The man in sunglasses nodded and left. The man then called another number. After two rings, the video call was connected.

"Why are you calling me? Did something happen?" It was the middle-aged transcendent Lu Xuan in the video call.

"Something happened to the kid that you sent." The man looked at Lu Xuan in all seriousness.

"It's alright if it's something small as long as you don't kill him." Lu Xuan waved his hand. He thought Lin Huang broke the rules in the training camp.

"The kid is dead…" The man said helplessly.

"What?!" Lu Xuan's eyes were opened wide, "What happened?"

The man then told him the story, "There's nothing that I can do, everything happened too fast. When I went to him after seeing the video clip, he was already dead…"

"I already told you that you need to watch after him and now he's dead under your watch… It's not that you don't know about Master Hong Zhuang's temper, we're in big trouble now." Lu Xuan did not know what to do.

"What should we do, we can't cheat our way out." The man was in a pickle.

"We can't hide this from her, we must let her know immediately. If she found out that we hid the truth from her, the consequences would be worse." Lu Xuan said, "I'll inform her now. You try to get someone who is more powerful than Lin Huang from the camp and recommend it to Master Hong Zhuang."

"More powerful than Lin Huang? I don't think there's anyone in the entire Division7 training camp that could be more powerful than him." The man said, "You didn't know that the kid was an Imperial Censor, am I right? He even had a vampire that went through two mutations…"

"No wonder Master Hong Zhuang recommended him…" Lu Xuan finally got some context.

"Stop talking nonsense, what should we do now!" The man did not know what to do.

"We can only tell her the truth. I'll inform her and get her to see the corpse. You get the video clip from the camera so that you can show her when she comes by." Lu Xuan thought that was the only way.

"It's our fault, after all... We'll have to bear her temper…"

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