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32.56% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 156: 151-160

Chapter 156: 151-160

Chapter 151

It was morning when the three returned and both Sandra and Misty had wide smiles on their faces and their second cores filled up. I was happy for them, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of envy. I understood that I had an impossible core as Zirani put it, but what was the point of it if I couldn't even use it?

"Are you ok?" Misty asked as she walked up to me. "I didn't take too much did I?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine, just eager to get started. We're finally going to be doing some interesting training."

"We are," Zirani confirmed. "And it's a perfect time."

She looked up to the sun and breathed in deeply. "It's bright, and there is plenty of clear space. You two—" She pointed at Misty and Sandra. "—Should continue with the regular exercises and get sued to your cores while I work with Aiden. I will be focusing on him for most of the day and then the two of you tomorrow."

As the two walked off to train, chatting as they did, Zirani walked over to me with a wide smile on her face. "We've got a lot to learn today, Aiden. I've been promising this for a while. I know you're excited but remember to take things slow if needed and not too rush, ok?"

I nodded, full of energy.

"Well, we're going to focus on three major things today," Zirani raised a finger for each as she spoke. "First are solar techniques, second are techniques focused on the changing of your aether, and lastly is the spatial aspect."

I understood two of what she had said, but the first had me stumped. "Solar?"

"Yes." She smiled. "Solar. This is going to change a lot for you and play a big part in how your fight. It is a technique that was created by my mother and granted to those of high position or who have proved themselves in green court. She created it by studying a very common process that many plants go through. Photosynthesis."

Zirani raised a hand and multiple patterns of aether began to form before weaving together into a large whole. Strings of aether worked their way through her body along with other patterns. It was overwhelming to see so much aether being used so precisely, but what happened next left me in absolute shock.

Her skin seemed to glow faintly as a golden light shone around her hand. She aimed her hand, palm facing forward, towards a nearby rock, and then the pattern that had been forming in her hand, was released, and a beam of white light shot from her palm and I was forced to shield my eyes for a moment but I managed to clear my vision just in time to see the sunlight strike the rock and blast it apart.

"That, Aiden, is a solar technique." Zirnai turned back to me. "A technique which utilizes the energy of the sun. The energy is combined with aether which is changed. There are many solar techniques, but to use any you must first learn solar absorption. You need to learn how to absorb the energy, and how to store and channel it. How to combine it with aether. It is not easy, and many have died attempting to use solar techniques. The energy of the sun is no little or simple thing and if you take more than you can handle then you burn up from the inside. It is easier for beasts of the green but I have seen humans accepted by the green court, utilize it before. There are many aspects to it from the burning heat which can match the flames of fire arcanists, or its pure destructive force, its life-giving properties, and more. If we did not share a bond and I was attempting to teach you normally this would take months if not years."

She smiled. "But we do, and a very close bond at that."

I was still glancing over at the rock which was now lying in bits and pieces. That beam of light had moved so fast and struck with so much power. The power of the sun itself, and I could potentially wield it. How the hell had I ever thought the nature affinity was weak? Pa nda

Novel "I'm ready," I promised.

"I can tell." Zirani chuckled. "Now, this next part will be somewhat difficult. I know you can handle it, but you might want to lay down for this. Remembered what happen last time? I'm going to be sending you everything, the patterns, the methods I use, but also my instinctual memory. You will essentially be receiving my skill in Solar absorption, and it's going to hurt and overwhelm not just your mind but your body."

I remembered what had happened when I had first learned green scan, and so I followed her advice and lay down, taking a deep breath and bracing myself for the flood that was about it. It wasnt the pain I was worried about, but the feeling of not being able to even think to focus on anything. That was the worst part of it.

"Zirani, if you can send me your skill and experience then why have me doing these exercises for changing aether?"This chapter upload first at

It was a question that had been bugging me for a while.

"Because it isn't safe," Zirnai answered. "I have thought about it, and we will be doing something similar, but I need the three of you to have a solid foundation and understanding at least. There have been many arcanists who have tried to go down such a route and usually it doesn't end well. The best path has always been your own. Learning from others is encouraged, and something we all do, but taking their skill and experience completely without any self-growth or without ever having done anything? Negative effects on the soul have been recorded and even mental problems as some forget who they are or their minds are overwhelmed or internally fight themselves. It's a dangerous thing and the only reason I'm so confident is that our bond is incredibly close, and you have the arch-bein bloodline, not to mention the boost your divine bloodline gave us. Even so, I want the three of you to have a good understanding and foundation before that. I'm doing this because as I just said, I'm confident in our bond and as you said, you don't want to wait years."


"That's it, oh?"

I shrugged. "Not much else to say. You are once again the most knowledgeable of us."

"Glad to be your walking library," She said with mock hurt.

"And my lover, don't forget that," I said with a smile.

Zirani tried to hide it, but I could see her smile wanting to break through her stern face.

"Ok enough of that, let me focus." She took a seat and placed my head on her lap. "Just relax and don't panic."

"I don't think you have to worry about that," I replied. "Last time I wasnt about to do anything because I couldn't think or focus on anything."

I waited, trying to calm myself down, as Zirnai closed her eyes and focused in on our bond. I could feel her attention on our link and the reassuring feelings she was sending me. It helped me to calm down which was a good thing too, as a moment later, the flood began.

It was worse than last time as my mind froze and I became nothing more than a passenger watching as thought after thought, information after information, and now instinct entered me and was processed by my mind at a speed that would not have been possible at level one or probably even level two. Patterns, methods, secrets, and certain tips on using the technique flooded the deepest parts of my mind, each being replaced by the next too quickly for me to ever focus on one. It was like flipping through a book. I only got the briefest of glances at each new page, before it moved on to the next and then the next and on and on it went for what felt like hours, but in reality, must have been only minutes since when it came to a stop, and I was able to open my eyes, I saw that the sun hadn't moved much.

My mind was hazy and random bits of information kept popping up until I was finally able to get a grip on things. I cleared my mind and just took long deep breaths for a minute.

"Is it over," I said in a tired voice. "Please tell me it's over."

Zirani leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my brow. "It is, and it went better than expected."

"How long is my head going to feel like this?"

"It should only be a few more minutes, but here, drink this." She held up the lip of a glass vial to my lips and I eagerly gulped down the odd tasting liquid. It was like orange juice but more bitter and with a medicinal aftertaste. "It's something to help with headaches and migraine but it should work for what you've got."

"Once you're ready we can finally begin our training on your solar absorption and then try out of of the two basic solar techniques I sent over before moving on to aether change techniques and the spatial aspect of our core."

Despite the mental fatigue, I smiled, images of me of sunlight coming to mind. I couldn't wait until I got to test this out.

Chapter 152

Once my mind was clear and I could once again think clearly without pain or dizziness, Zirani began to walk me through everything she had sent over, starting with the patterns which wove together. It was the first time I'd truly seen something like this. I had seen her use technique patterns that combined but none that wove together so seamlessly, and that were functional by themselves but together created something just as functional and as though it was meant to be like that.

"I want you to form each of the patterns first," Zirani said. "Just so that we can confirm it worked correctly."

I nodded and focused. It was easy to bring up the knowledge since it felt like it had always been there, as though it was mine. I began with the first and though it was hard, I was able to get it done in just a minute, which was sower than she had down, but she assured me that I would get there and that the transfer didn't completely make training unnecessary as one's body and mind did need a certain amount of time to get used to everything, although she did say that at a higher level and with a greater bond such a thing would be possible as we would almost be one, which was sort of crazy to think about.

"That's not the plan, Aiden." Zirnai chuckled, having ready my mind. "We want to stay separate beings but be as close as possible. We don't want to fuse."


She shook her head. "A topic for another time."

She frowned. "I find myself saying that a lot whenever we talk. Oh, well, it's to be expected. Come on, onto the next pattern."

I went from pattern to pattern, forming each correctly on the first try, if slowly, but it was far better than what would have happened if she would have tried to teach them normally. There was no way I could form even one of these patterns correctly within a day. They were different from regular technique patterns.

Once I had gone through each multiple times and Zirani had confirmed the transfer had worked, she had started to weave them together. It was extremely odd, moving the patterns as a whole into one at the center of my body right next to my cores. The pattern seemed to solidify in a way I'd never seen before, and an orb, similar to a core formed right next to my two normal cores. It was empty, but the shell was made up of multiple thick layers and covered in patterns. It lay at the center of the main pattern which hadn't dispersed when the core had been made. It was like the pattern had made a pattern

"Zirani, what's this?'

"That is where you will store the energy?" Zirani explained. "It takes a lot of aether to create and is similar to how you create cores. Actually, it is essentially a core, though this one is temporary and will not store essence, only the energy you absorb from the sun. It will last for an indefinite amount of time if you are careful with how much energy you absorb into it and as long as you don't damage it. This is an advanced technique, and only the highest-ranking within the green court learn it. Most are only able to use solar energy during the day and are unable to store it in such a way. I did send over the required pattens and methods to forgo storage so in a fight, if it's day and you don't need to go through extra steps if you don't already have solar energy stored."

"But you said it's like making a core, and well that doesn't seem too hard?"

"If someone tried to store solar energy within a normal core, the shell would shatter," Ziranii replied. "A normal core is meant for essence and aether. You wouldn't form a fireball in your core so why try and store pure solar energy within it? It's like how an old-world battery can store only electricity and trying to store heat or aether would just destroy it."

"You lost me at old-world battery, but I think I get what you mean," I replied. "so what do I do now?"

"You already know what to do, Aiden?"This chapter upload first at

She was right, and a moment later, I began to weave the last part of the solar absorption technique. The part of the pattern that dealt with the solar absorption activated and energy entered my body. If not for the experiences Zirnai had sent over, I would have likely broken the main pattern in my core because of shock as the feeling of solar energy being absorbed into me and then coursing through my veins was unusual, to say the least. It was like the feeling of my divine energy, but whereas that had been wholly euphoric, this carried a different sort of weight to it and a heat, unlike anything I'd felt. It was like trying to guide a raging inferno of pure power. It would have damaged me without the main pattern which had aether branching away from it to form layers of aether around my internal organs, flesh, one just beneath my skin and one above. It was clear that one of the pattern's main functions was to protect the arcanist and make sure they could safely absorb the energy.

The part of the main pattern which actually caused the absorption of solar energy had only been active for a short span of time, but even then I felt like I had absorbed too much.

I now understood what Zirani meant when she'd said people had died trying to use solar techniques. If I hadn't been given Zirani's instincts and information regarding the technique then I would have most likely been burned alive from the inside, or just blown apart.

I guided the energy into the storage core, and a string of aether branched off from the main pattern and formed a smaller pattern around the outermost layer of the storage core, and the solar energy seemed to settle down.

I let loose a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "That was… intense. Is going to be like that every time?"

"You'll get used to it and it'll get easier," Zirani replied. "Now that you have some solar energy stored it's time to combine it with some nature aether and turn it into what is called, solar aether, which is essentially just a sub form of nature aether."

"Give me a few seconds." I took a few long deep breaths. "Ok, what's next."

"You already know," she said. "Combine the nature aether with the solar energy using the pattern I transferred to you. Take it slow. You don't want a volatile reaction occurring within your body and especially not with solar energy. It will not end well."

I nodded, and just like with the main pattern, it was like the information had always been there, and slowly I formed small patterns and like needles, slowly pierced the storage core. I released the patterns when they were fully into the core, and thankfully one of the layers of the storage core had a pattern that regenerated any damage, so the small holes were gone in seconds. I really hoped it worked as I wouldn't be able to do this that many times. The speed at which I could generate aether and the amount I could store in my nature core was great, but not unlimited.

"Ok, it's done." I sighed. "Now should I try solar beam first?"

"Solar beam or flare is fine, they're both very simple solar techniques."

Zirani had sent over the pattens for two solar techniques. The first was a simple flash of light that was bright enough to blind even high-level arcanists and could damage the sight of lower and mid-level arcanists. The second was the one I had the most interest in. It was the beam attack that Zirani had shown. A short beam of pure destructive solar energy made up of force and heat.

I raised my hand and focused. Compared to the patterns for solar absorption, the pattern for solar beam was simple, and in less than a few seconds, I had the pattern ready. I aimed a hereby boulder and fired. The beam shot forward in a flash and the sound of the blast echoed in the forest as the boulder was blasted into pieces that scattered everywhere. Smoke rose up from more than a few, and many definitely looked burnt to say the least, if not ash.

I smiled. With this sort of power, I could do a lot, and would no longer be lacking when it came to raw destructive force. It did take a lot of aether, but in my opinion, it was well worth it to wield the energy of the damn sun, and it wasnt like I couldn't increase the speed of my aether generation and the amount I could store when it came to mine and Zirani's core.

I turned to Zirnai with a grin. "I think I've got the basics down, and we can continue this as we travel to the border. So, what's next?"

Chapter 153

[Short timeskip after next chapter.]

Compared to the solar absorption technique and the patterns it involved, the aether change techniques were simple. Zirani wanted me to learn a few simple techniques such as a poison and paralytic cloud, and a technique that would allow me to create edible food such as fruit just in case of an emergency. It wasn't like I needed much food, but as she said, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"This shouldn't be too complicated," Zirani explained. "I don't need to transfer this to you since you are at a stage where this should be relatively easy for you to understand and replicate."

She wasnt wrong. I had been practicing for two weeks using the exercises she had taught and had been using green scan since my time in the tower. Combined with my deeper understanding of aether and techniques, it was time to follow her actions, and only seconds after she was done, I too had the pattern formed. It was pretty basic as far as aether change techniques went, but effective.

She nodded and sent me a mental message to release the technique.

We both blew out and a thick blackish-purple cloud of smoke poured from our mouths. It was a form of poison that would cause severe pain and extreme damage to the lungs. It was primarily meant for humans, but any beast who had lungs could be affected.

The next technique was a yellowish smoke that would paralyze anything that came into contact with it, at least anything made of flesh and at lower to mid-level. After a certain point, weaker poisons just wouldn't work against arcanists of a higher level.

Zirani actually had me stick a hand in paralytic smoke just to test it, and I confirmed that it did indeed still affect me, though it didn't last for that long once I took it out and was more like a feeling of pins and needles and muscle cramping rather than an electric surge as I'd expected.

"Is there any smoke techniques for a quick getaway?" I asked. I didn't have a form of dark vision yet, but even without that, the ability to obscure someone's vision would be a great ability even if I already had the solar flare technique. Having two of something was usually never bad, and there might very well come a time where I didn't have any solar energy stored, and it wasnt day. There was also the fact that solar flare was to blind while a smoke screen would be to obscure

Zirnai agreed and taught me a simple smoke technique that actually muffled sound as well, though I could take that aspect out. It wasnt like I had been back at the steel heart camp when she had first tried to teach me a technique involving aether change. Now I actually understood what she was showing me and could make adjustments.

"Alright, now onto the food." Zirani knelt and placed a hand on the ground. "You don't need to be around fertile land to do this, but it cost less aether if you are. I'll teach you both ways.:"

To her surprise and joy, she only needed to teach me the first as I managed to figure out the second by myself. I couldn't hold back the smile. Seeing the training pay off always lifted my mood.

"This must be amazing for the green court," I pointed out. "Able to grow crops so easily."

"You've no idea," Zirani replied."We grow and export the most food out of all the lands beyond the great scar. Usually for trade."

A wistful smile came to her face. "I can't wait till you see it. Fields of bright red apples, modified and changed to be the perfect blend of flavors. Fruits and other crops were made by the court for different purposes from simple great taste to healing, combat, and even more sensual reasons. There so many different types, that we'd been here for a while if I tried to go over them all."

"It sounds amazing." I smiled. "I take it as the daughter of a prominent member, we shall have access to such things."

"Prominent is an understatement, more like queen."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well that doesn't put any pressure on me to impress now does it. She won't behead me if I displease her will she?" p and a

Novel Zirani rolled her eyes. "You read too many old-world fantasy books. She's more the grind your body and turn you into fertilizer type."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comI waited for her to laugh, but she kept a straight face. Not to self, do not piss off her mother.

After we were done with those techniques, we moved on to something that I had been looking forward to ever since the tournament back in West Vale. Zirani had gone on and on about the importance and benefits of the warp seed but in the months since we had used it, I hadn't really seen any of its power, apart from recently when she had teleported us out of the labyrinth, but that wasn't what I wanted to see.

"I know you're eager, but there's just one last thing before we move on, ok?"

"I'm all ears," I answered.

"I need to teach you the pattern sets I use when it comes to wood manipulation."

I blinked, not having expected that, although now that I thought about it, she hadn't said she was going to teach me any more conventional nature techniques, not that she really needed to. There were dozens of techniques I could create with the patterns sets I already knew, and the knowledge Zirani had taught me. I had just been holding off since she had said I shouldn't make too many.

"I know I said that," Zirani said, reading my thoughts. "But this is different. When it comes to wood manipulation, the higher-level methods are a lot more free form in nature, no pun intended, and with the sets you already have, when you get what I'm about to transfer over, you won't need to create wood techniques like shield or wall. The manipulation of wood as a whole will become more and more natural to you. When it comes to most arcanists, there is a point where they let go of more simple techniques. A higher-level fire arcanist will not care for a fireball technique as his manipulation of fire as a whole will allow him to make any kind of simple fire attacks such as a fireball or a flaming lance or arrow. We, arcanists at the higher levels, are able to weave origin patterns in such a way that we no longer need the static patterns as some say, that you currently use. Normally, you would learn this at such a young age, but as you said you don't want to wait years, and you are talented enough that it won't be impossible as it would be for the average arcanist. Don't misunderstand though, it will take time, and I won't be transferring anything involving it over as there is too much and it is too big of a risk. Start off simple and work your way up. With time, it will become easier and I predict you will get the hang of it even sooner than I did, though I suppose it's like that in all regards. You three have been progressing at a ridiculous speed that is only seen in the upper echelons."

"Like you?"

She nodded with a roll of her eyes. "Yes like me, but don't think I'm some sort of coddled princess."

I snorted. "As if. I know you, and you don't fit that picture, although you did say for your first three hundred years you were sort of a pacifist. I'd loved to see some memories of that."

She suddenly grew very quiet and her smile faltered as a sad expression appeared in her eyes.

"Zirani." I walked closer to her. "I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."

She shook her head. "It's not that. I enjoyed those times, it's just the ending and what caused me to pursue becoming a jungle queen that causes me grief."

"Well you know I'm always here if you want to talk about it," I said.

She smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips before taking a few steps back. "Now, brace yourself. This won't be anywhere near as bad since it's just a few sets, but it won't be pleasant either."

"I'm ready whenever you are. Oh, and what about everything else, like plant matter?"

"That's not as simple," Zirani said. "And when it comes to that it's a lot more complicated and as I've explained creating different plants and parts of plants involves changing the aether. Simple plant matter like that which makes up a lashing vine or the shell of an impact seed is easy to create and you probably could learn free from manipulation of them if you wanted to. Remember I was at the seventh level, but I don't know everything. What I can tell you is that once you reach a high enough level like them things such as this become no less easy than breathing or so I've been told."

"As easy as breathing huh, perhaps one day."

"We won't reach that day if you keep talking to yourself." Zirani chuckled.

I coughed. "Sorry. I'm ready, go ahead."

Chapter 154

[Short time skip after this chapter.]

The wave of information Zirani sent over regarding the patterns sets for freeform wood manipulation was small in comparison to the flood that had occurred with the solar absorption technique, and I was able to remain standing on my feet, and this time only experienced a minor amount of mental pain and a short headache which quickly receded, leaving me with the knowledge.

"There are other pattern sets, but as I said earlier I'm going to be leaving training up to you there for a while," Zirani said. "Many discoveries are made by those who are testing things and figuring out new ways. Who knows what one of you might discover and gaining some proper experience is always a good thing. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean I won't ever train you again, just that I want you three to have some independence instead of completely relying on me."

"You're still going to teach me the spatial techniques, right?"

She chuckled. "Yes, yes. It shouldn't take too long, although let me explain things first."

She used a small amount of aether to form a chair which she took a seat in. "When I first explained the warp seed, I told you that it mutated our core, and added a spatial aspect to our core, but wasn't like a normal space affinity. It was linked to the nature affinity, an aspect of it, meaning we could only use it via nature, with the green. It's not actually that difficult to use."

She raised a hand, and let some aether seep from it. The nature aether, normally a vibrant green, was now a cyan and felt far different than the normal nature aether. It moved oddly and seemed to ripple. "To pull this sort of aether you must only focus on the spatial aspect of our core while you pull nature aether from it. Then like any other form of aether you form it into patterns to create techniques or augment techniques with it. This type of aether combines with normal nature aether very easily since they are parts of the same whole. I'm going to teach you a few basic techniques and send over a few patterns sets I've created for it. After that, it will be up to you to explore."

I was practically vibrating with excitement as I focused on the aether in her hand. With the solar power, improved wood manipulation, and this, I would have far more at my disposal, not to mention that Zirani had essentially told me that it would be up to me to discover new things. I was glad that she was taking my worry about becoming too dependent on her, seriously. It was clear that this was the last time, for a while at least, that we'd be doing this sort of training lesson. I needed freedom and she was obliging. I really was lucky to have run into some so intelligent and understanding.

I would prove to her that I was worthy of everything she had taught and more.

"You already have," She said with a sigh."But I won't argue, now I want you to try and pul some of the mutated aether from your core and just get a feel for it. Once that's done, try and follow my actions."

I did as she said, and slowly pulled a small amount of aether from my core normally while focusing on the spatial aspect which I knew was there. It had always been there since the warp seed, I'd just been ignoring it up until now. The aether that was pulled from our core was not vibrant green but a bright cyan, and slowly I moved it up to my hand.

I looked to Zirani who smiled and then began to form a simple pattern.

It was easy enough to follow and once it was done, I released it out of curiosity, and for a moment thought I had messed up, but Zirani looked unbothered. The effect the pattern produced was odd. There was a ripple in the air like an invisible drop of water onto an invisible lake, and bluish shapes appeared for a second before vanishing.

"I'm guessing that was just a test and not a proper technique?"

"Correct." She nodded. "How did it feel?"

I frowned. "Odd. I never noticed before, but normal nature aether has a weight and sort of feeling of freshness to it while this felt weightless and like it was moving but not moving if that makes sense."

"It does," she replied. "Space is a complex thing, and heavily intertwined with time. In truth, I was going to try and have you absorb the essence from a time core for our second core before her. Space and time, or space-time, are linked in a very deep way. Almost anyone who gets a time or space core eventually tries to go for the other as well."

Her words made me feel sour as I thought of what I could have done with such a core. Instead, I was stuck with some unknown being who was unwilling to cooperate and would most likely try and kill me the first chance she got. Then there was my divine bloodline which was, for some reason, also unwilling to work with me. Two amazing powers that I couldn't use. The damn irony was not lost on me.

Zirani must have been reading my thoughts as she smirked.This chapter upload first at

"It's not funny.'

"I never said it was," she replied. "Now, let's move on."

The next few hours passed by quickly as she sent over the patterns sets and taught me basic techniques and augments for my other abilities.

The first was something I'd hoped for. It was a teleport using nature and worked just like she had said all those months ago. By focusing on a large enough piece of the green like a tree or large bush, I could enter it as though it was a portal and exit nearby. It had a very good range and I could enter a tree and appear half a mile if not more away, depending on how much aether I used. Zirani did inform me that using the mutated aether drained the overall aether in our core faster, but it was well worth it in my opinion. There was also the fact that I could make some changes, and I knew it. I would develop different ways to use it. thoughts of seeds that sprouted into trees mid-fight on a large battlefield then teleporting from each, allowing for great movement. Who knew what I could do if I learned to teleport from smaller plants.

Next was an augment which was essentially bending space. She demonstrated it with a vine whip and at first, showed how a vine of a few minters couldn't reach a nearby tree. Of course, she could extend it, but with spatial aether, she could bend or shorten the space between the vine and the target. In a fight, it would be immensely helpful as an attack, and an enemy who thought they had dodged an attack would suddenly find themselves struck.

Finally was the last technique which I hadn't been expecting. She taught me how to bend and compress space in a very simple way.

She stood a few meters away from a tree and raised a hand. I saw her form a simple pattern for an impact seed but then the nature aether entered the picture and changed the technique. At first, when she released it, it looked like it was just a simple impact seed until it hit the tree, and a thunderclap broke the relative silence of the forest

The tree burst into splinters and the nearby ground cracked and shook.

"What did you do?"

"I kept adding more and more force while compressing the space whiting the seed so I didn't need to change the outside shell to be bigger. What results is… That."

She pointed at the now-destroyed tree.

I paid close attention as she taught it to me, and just like the others, my mind whirled with possibilities. In a single day, I'd been given a very powerful set of abilities and more knowledge to add to everything she had already taught me.

As she was teaching the last of the spatial techniques, I came to understand why had been putting this off for so long. Without the knowledge she had taught me about aether and all the experiences since leaving West Vale, I would not have been able to form even one of the spatial patterns since they were very different from the normal nature patterns and even the solar patterns.

"Remember, Aiden, do not try and create basic spatial techniques that do not link to the green." She shook her head. "It will not work. Every spatial technique you create must in some way link to the green. It doesn't have to be an integral part of it, take the bending of space for example. An arcanist with a space affinity could do that to anything, but we are limited to the green."


She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."

When night fell and the others returned, I cooked up another dish from my aunt's recipe book before Zirani headed off with Misty and Sandra to train. They didn't need sleep and I waved them away when they asked if I wanted to watch.

I formed a sunlight orb and sat by it as I thought about the future. It was time to focus on my independence and try to learn as much as I could. I would continue to push myself using the weights, baths, and any other resources she provided all while experimenting and testing out my new abilities. By the time i reached the border I wanted to be ready, I wanted to be one step ahead of the curve.

I would not be content with being average or second best. The lands beyond the great scar would be a challenge, and not one I wanted to get passed with luck and chance as I had so many other encounters. I wanted my own strength, skill, and power to determine my fate.

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

"I don't think this is a good idea."

I sighed. "Sandra you've been saying that for the past hour. If you're not going to jump then let's head back to the others."

"No, I—" She paused. "I can do it."

I held back another sigh as a strong wind blew against the mountain top we were on. Clouds partially covered a dim sky that had just moments ago been bright. The weather seemed to be far more erratic, which must have been due to our proximity to the great scar. I glanced around at the wet rock and spare tree still dripping with dew from the rainfall that had occurred a few hours ago. From cold and rainy, to bright and sunny, and now to this depressing tone.

"Sandra you've been practicing this for weeks," I assured. "You can do this, and even if you panic it's not like you'll get hurt."

Sandra's use of gravity had evolved quite a bit during the month of travel to the edges of the border cities, and simple techniques like floating and simple movement of objects had changed into the limited flight, and control of repulsive and attractive forces. Along with the jumps in her bloodline and dark techniques, she was far more powerful and versatile than she had ever been.

There was only one thing that was holding her back. I had found it immensely funny when she had told me and the others of her fear of heights. It was she had and was still working on, though it hadn't completely gone. Although she had tested her flight before, it hadn't really been in the air, just a few feet off the ground so I'd come up with the idea to scale one of the nearby mountains.

The land closer to the great scar was far rockier and perilous, with fewer flatlands and forests and more mountains and valleys, not to say there weren't any, just that the majority of the land was extremely difficult for non-arcanists and low-level arcanists to traverse if they weren't using the main roads and paths.

For us, it only took minimal effort.

Before I could assure her once again, she took a step of the edge, and her scream split the air before fading as she fell.

I casually walked and peered over to see how she was doing. A normal person might have thought me heartless but falls didn't matter to Sandra anymore when she could manipulate gravity.

In this case, she had stopped halfway and was rising back up.

"There we go," I said mentally, knowing that she probably wouldn't hear my voice over the wind and distance. "Now try and move about."

She stabilized, and then began slowly moving through the air. I knew she could go much faster, but it was better for her to take it slow. Her form of flight was different than what a wind arcanist would be using. She flew by changing her personal gravity and the gravity around her. Zirani had taught her much and I'd picked up a few tidbits here and there. One such tidbit was that Sandra had multiple ways of flight via gravity, most of which she could use in tandem for increasing speed and maneuverability in the air.

"Why don't you try and use another technique??"

I could feel her nervousness through our bond, but also her resolve to succeed. She focused and then shot up in a blur of motion. I didn't know what her exact techniques were, but she had a huge variety of different things she could do from decreasing and increasing gravity, gravitational pulling and pushing, attractive and repulsive forces, manipulating her own personal gravity, and more. I understood why people valued gravity cores so highly. They were perfect for everything from combat to utility. She still had a long way to go, but she was getting there, and the Sandra of a month ago wouldn't stand a chance against Sandra as she was now.

The same went for me and Misty who had also grown tremendously in the past month.

I watched Sandra fly around for a while longer before she landed next to me with a shaky smile. "I think I'm getting used to it.'

"You'll need to," I replied. "Imagine how much of a pain you'll be when you learn to control it."

"Speaking of pain," Sandra said. "How are the new weights?"

I shrugged. "Fine, and you?'

"They're annoying, but not too bad." She shook her head. "I can't wait until we can take them off though. It's only a few more days till we reach Evenord, right?"This chapter upload first at

I nodded. "It is, now let's get back. I got food to prepare, and I'm sure Misty's bored by now. There is only so much she can gain by hunting weak beasts."

"Weak, huh." Sandra had a wistful smile on her face. "It's not that they're weak, just that we're far too strong now, for them at least."

She wasn't wrong, and as we walked over to one of the trees, I thought about just how different things were. There was no more danger to be had in the plains, not from the beasts or the arcanists and we had run into a few bandits, surprisingly enough. They hadn't posed much of a threat, but it had been a shock. It turned out that many such groups lived in the valleys near the border cities, and would raid caravans as they passed. There was plenty of cover around and tight spaces so I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised.

Once we were at the tree, I wrapped an arm around Sandra and gave her a kiss as I pulled some mutated nature aether from our core, and began to form a pattern. It was much like the original except with changes to allow for others to be brought along. I also had other versions, but this one was for group travel.

"Stop it." Sandra smacked me playfully.

I smiled and then together we vanished into the tree. The sensation was a lot less unpleasant than the circle Zirani had used back in Bullrock, and felt like accelerating at a rapid pace for a moment before stopping. One moment we were at the top of the moment and the next we were at the bottom, right next to the camp. When I had first learned the technique, I hadn't used markers so, in areas like this where the ground wasn't completely dirt, I often lost the original tree I'd teleported from so I had developed markers, sort of signals that I could focus on. There was a range limit to them, but it was a few miles, even though I could currently only travel a mile and a half at max, and the aether it cost was no small amount at all. The longer the distance the more aether needed.

"Finally." Misty looked worn out, and she dragged herself over to me. I simply bent my head and exposed my neck to her.

"I'm going to go see what Zirani's up to," Sandra said. She didn't care that Misty was a vampire anymore, but the sight of Misty feeding still unnerved her somewhat, though she was trying to get over it.

Misty fangs piercing my skin didn't muster any reaction from me. Compared to all the other pain I'd dealt with, this was nothing. A drop compared to the ocean of pain I'd endured in the tower.

"Thank you." Misty let out a breath. "I needed that. How did things go with Sandra, did she chicken out?"

"Nope," I replied, walking over to the camp and pulling my cooking equipment out. "She was nervous but she managed it. How about you, did you get your draining technique to work properly?"

She smiled, her fangs visible and a single drop of blood dripping down one of them. "It did, and it's better than I thought."

Misty use of life had shown me just how stupid I had been in thinking it could only be used for healing. Zirani had spoken much about it, from empowering oneself, to flesh shaping, and other darker and more brutal techniques. She spoke of one arcanist who had made organic explosives within living targets, and another who could shapeshift with ease, not to mention the animation aspect of it. Apparently, life was one of the most popular affinities due to its sheer versatility. It also played a major part in golem creation, and while none life arcanists could make golems, and constructs, it was far easier for those with a life affinity.

She had begun to teach us more about the lands beyond the great scar over the past month, and at this point, I could tell that Sandra and Misty were both very eager, not that I was any different. The plains had nothing left for us anymore, apart from my aunt who I would have taken with me if I could. Who knew, maybe when I returned I would take her with me. Westvale had more healers now so it wasnt like she needed to stay there.

"What are you making tonight?" Misty asked. "Please tell me it's not that pie again, what did you call it shepherd pie?"

"It wasn't that bad," I protested. "Sandra and Zirnai loved it, and no I'm not making it tonight. It's a southern common dish, it's called burritos, or at least that's what my aunt wrote in the book. Those merchants we helped into provided me with a ton more ingredients."

"Burritos?" Misty tested the words. "Odd name."

"And shepherds pie isn't?" I raised an eyebrow. "I mean what does it have to do with a shepherd?"

"No clue, but I hope I never have to eat it again."

"You won't be eating anything if you don't let me focus," I said, trailing my gaze over her half-naked body. Since we hadn't been running into many people, and no longer needed our weak armor, Sandra and Misty had taken to wearing more comfortable clothes, which also meant fewer clothes. Misty was in a pair of very short jeans, and an odd bra that was basically just a wide strip of cloth that wrapped around her chest. She had said it was called a sports bra, not that I cared about that.

She smirked at my look and then strutted off, swaying her hips purposefully in a way she knew drove me mad.

I shook my head and got to my cooking. I'd have time for fun later.

Chapter 156

Chapter 156(18+)

"What is that amazing smell?"

"Burritos," I replied to Zirani as she walked over with Sandra who had a slight bruise on her face. "Do I want to ask what happened?"

Sandra grumbled something which I couldn't make out, then she sighed. "I sped into a… a tree."

"She was testing a technique," Zikrani explained. 'She overshot the power. She'll get it next time."

"I have some cream if you want," Misty said and headed over when Sandra nodded. While she helped Sandra, Zirani walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

In the past month, Zirani had benefited a lot from being able to relax more and take a backseat in our training. She still helped and provided us resources, but she left the rest up to us, and spent most of her time simply enjoying the peace of plains and simplicity of the plains, though she had also been trying to communicate with the lost queen who had been less and less talkative as of late. In fact, sometimes I could feel hints of depression coming through the bond. It seemed she was finally realizing that she wasnt going to be getting out anytime soon, if ever, and it had hit her hard.

Zirani was trying her best and had talked some with her, but the majority of the time, the lost queen just remained quiet or dormant. She didn't even bother shouting, cursing, or threatening me wherever I tried to talk to her. She just ignored me. Despite everything she had done, I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for her. I had a suspicion it was due to the fact she was bonded with me, and that was why because as much as I said it was her prison, it was in fact, a bond just like Zirani.

It was bad, not just because I couldn't use the ki, but also because at times it caused negative reactions in me if I had the bond open. It was like when Zirnai was in pain or discomfort. There was a part of me that immediately redacted, and despite my dislike and downright hatred for the slot queen, that part of me still reacted, even to her. We were bonded, for better and for worse, mostly worse in my opinion. I couldn't help but think of what I could be doing right now with a gravity core or a life core.

It wasn't that I hadn't grown, I certainly had in both martial and weapon skill, and the arcane, not to mention the growth of my physical body. The continuous baths had made me incredibly stone when it came to raw strength and durability, though Zirani said that was common for richer arcanists and that they used more methods like eating certain types of food or beast meat. The green court grew and sold many types of them. Their monopoly on arcane products, ingredients, and more, was very large.

"Alright, it's all done!" I called over to Misty and Sandra as I warped the last of the burritos in some paper.

As we dug into the amazing food, I focused on my cores. My nature core with Zirani was still at the iron stage in density and though it had improved somewhat, the changes weren't that big, and I wouldn't see much improvement until we crossed the scar. The other core was exactly the same as it had been since it had formed, though the white essence no longer moved and swirled erratically. It was still and calm, not with peace I knew, but with depression and a sad acceptance. The last was the storage core which was currently half-filled with solar aether. I had been testing out a long-range attack yesterday. Working with solar energy was difficult and dangerous, extremely so, but the benefits were clear and in the sparring matches with the others, whenever it came to raw power, they could not match my solar techniques.

"Speaking of sparring," Zirnai said, reading my thoughts. "I want to get involved in training tomorrow, just for the day."

"What do you have in mind?" Sandra asked warily.

Zirani smiled. "You three against me."

We glanced at one another before turning back to her.

"Are you sure?" Misty asked. "We're not as weak as before."

"Do you think you could take me?" Zirani said with a raised eyebrow.

"No," I said before Misty or Sandra could speak. "You two haven't sparred against her, and just because we're stronger doesn't mean we could, though I think we could last for longer than you think."

Zirani scrunched up the paper from her finished burrito as she leaned back. "Is that so. Well, I look forward to it, but don't think I'll go easy on you. No holding back."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comAfter we were all finished, we headed to sleep, getting out regular few hours every week. It was very odd staying awake all day and night for six days of the week, but very beneficial as it allowed more time to train and do other things. I hadn't realized until then just how much time people wasted on sleeping, and just how much more efficient things could be, how much more efficient things probably were in Zirani lands.

Before I laid down, I moved away from the camp to dispose of the rubbish. As I was turning around to head back, I felt a warm body press up against my back, two frim mounds pushing into me. I had known she was approaching, what with the bond and my enhanced sense, but I'd let it happen. Why ruin the fun after all?

"No arguments from Sandra?" I asked.

"She was too tired," Misty replied, her fangs grazing my neck. "And Zirani is relaxing while she reads some of the books we got from the merchants. You know she hasn't read much old-world fantasy. Ever since she read lord of the rings, she has been dying for more."

"Well, when she's back home she'll probably be able to get whatever she wants," I replied as I quickly turned and met her lips with my own before she could stop me.

"I guess," Misty mumbled into my mouth before her tongue found mine, and began to swirl around each other in passion, trading our saliva back and forth. Her hand wrapped around me as my own trailed up her bare stomach towards her breasts contained within that bra.

"Take it off, before I rip it off," I growled to which she grinned before she reached back and undid the clasp. The piece of fabric fell down a few feet before she caught it and stored it in her spatial ring. Then she pulled off her jean shorts to reveal she wasnt wearing any underwear.

I wasn't fair behind her, and I quickly pulled off my shorts and t-shirt, before lowering my mouth to one of her perky nipples. She moaned and grasped the back of my head as I went to town on her beautiful breasts. Licking, sucking, and nibbling. I bathed them in attention.

"Yes, Aiden," she moaned. "Damn you know how to use that mouth."

I grinned against her chest before pulling back and wrapping my arms under her legs. She yelped as I lifted her up. "I'm good with my mouth but better with my tool."

Her response was cut off as the tip of my manhood brushed against her opening which was dripping with her wetness. I rubbed myself against her back and forth until she was shaking her head vigorously. "Aiden, don't tease me, put it in."

"What's the magic word?"


Her word broke off into a loud moan as I pushed myself into her with full force, not stopping until all of me was buried deep into her. Her tight passage wrapped around me luxuriously, and I spent a few moments just basking in her warmth before I pulled out until just my tip was left.

"Fuck, Aiden."

Her voice was like music to my ears, and I savored the sound of her next moan as I pushed her down while I thurst up into her at the same time. I bounced her on top of me, up and down, fullying sheathing into her every time. She shook and moaned loudly, not caring if we were heard. Thank god I'd blocked my bond to Sandra. I didn't want to disturb her sleep accidentally since she would most likely feel the pleasure if our bond was open. That was why Misty was so out of control because due to our bond, our pleasure was basically doubled.

I held back for what must have been an hour as I brought her to orgasm after orgasm but soon after her fifth, I grit my teeth and pushed myself all the way into her before releasing and letting my seed fill her.

My release triggered another from her and she moaned and shook with a sixth orgasm, increasing my own pleasure in return. We both panted as I held her and she placed her head on my shoulder after we had both finished.

"Now, I think I'm ready for bed," she said with a relaxing sigh, her body like jelly in my hands

I chuckled. "Me too, me too."

Chapter 157

All three of us were eager the next day to face Zirani even though I knew better than the other two just what sort of beating we were in for. I didn't think for a moment that we were going to be able to beat an aether beast that was over four hundred years old and with a hundred of those years dedicated to nothing but the arcane and combat. She had become a jungle queen after all, and you didn't get to that point by being weak. As far as I knew only the strongest could be Zigan's, though perhaps it was different. It wasn't like I had asked Zirani about it. I was impressed that she was a jungle queen but it's not like that was the reason I loved her. It wouldn't have mattered to me if she were a dryad or some other form of a humanoid beast.

"Don't think flattery will help you," Zirani said mentally, having read my thoughts.

I sent her the equivalent of a mental shrug. "It was worth a shot."

We were in fairly large clearly just next to one of the mountains, and the three of us were stood over fifty feet away from her, each of us, ready in a combat stance. We had talked for a few minutes and had decided that for this first match we'd wing it and see how long we'd last. We would communicate through our bonds and see how well we last without any form of planning because situations like that would occur.

"On one." Zirani raised three fingers, then began counting down.


I steadied my breathing and focused on my storage core. I had refilled it just for this match and was ready to let loose.


I glanced over to Misty and Zirani who both looked just as focused as I. Dark smoke was rising around Sandra and Misty's fangs were bared as she brought up the beast within her. Over the past month, she had gotten better control of it, and while it could be difficult at times, at least we no longer had to worry about her attacking us.


Sandra and I burst forward, each taking a different side to flank her. I took the left while she took the right. Her cloak formed around as my improved bark armor formed around me. I had made many changes to it, and now it was layered for extra defense and one of those layers was made up of fleet wood.

As Misty sped past us, I pulled solar aether from my core and shot a solar beam at Zirani who was still standing still, her eyes bored. Sandra's dark lance, its acceleration enhanced by gravity, followed my beam, but just before they struck along with Misty, Zirani made her move.

Two extra sets of arms appeared, and she tapped a foot upon the ground. Roots shot up, followed by a large four petals which wrapped themselves around her. Misty smashed into them, and instead of ripping through with her death claws, she bounced off.

My beam hit one and was absorbed, while Sandra's lance dispersed the moment it made contact.

"What the hell!" Sandra sounded confused.

The petals were white with streaks of bright pink and orange that glowed brightly.

"Be on your guard," I said. 'We have no idea what it is."

"Indeed you don't."

I spun around with a kick, but Zirani, who had teleported behind me, simply sidestepped and countered with a punch to my gut. My armor blocked it but I still felt the force reverberate through me. I struck out with a left jab, dodged a hook from her, and then sent a kick to her left shin.

She dodged and blocked all of my attacks easily, and after only a moment of going back and forth roots burst from the ground nearby to wrap around me and before I knew it, she turned and pulled me with her. Before I could do anything, I felt something hard and fast hit me.

"Shit, sorry," Misty apologized.

I gritted my teeth and formed two scythe thorns on my gauntlets to cut the roots. They were tough but I managed to free myself, but when I turned, Zirani was not there, and instead, I was being held up by a root. I cut it and then turned as I heard a shout from Sandra.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comI looked up to see her in the air, attempting to dodge a hail of seeds with seemed to be tracking her.panda novel

"Where is she?" I asked, glazing around.

"Here, there, everywhere."

Her voice came from above and I reacted just in time to dodge her heel kick, which slammed into the ground and sent a spiderweb of cracks spreading in all directions.

Misty shot towards her while forming a technique that created blackish and red strings that shot towards Zirani who snapped her fingers. The strings dispersed, and Misty shocked face was met by Zirani's knee.

I hadn't been idle and was preparing my own techniques. As Zirani backed away from the blonde, I used a solar flare, and then a solar wave. Somehow, Zirani wasn't affected by the light and she easily jumped up high to avoid the wave of destructive energy.

"To slow, and too predictable." Her face was like stone as she pointed a finger at me.

I waited for her attack, but it didn't come from her, and by the time I realized and sensed the roots, it was late. They rose from the ground and wrapped themselves around me before a few pierced my skin, and started injecting something into me. I struggled, but soon my body began to go numb, and even my ability to speak was impaired.

All I could do was stand there, and look up as I listened to the sound of ZIrnai and Sandra being beaten. Soon, it was over, and I felt the numbness retreating.

"How long was that?"

"Forty-three seconds," Zirani said. "Not bad."

"We got destroyed," Sandra said as she rubbed her head.

"That's an understatement," Misty grumbled. She had cuts all over her body, which were healing quickly thanks to her rapid regeneration.

Zirnai sighed. "You should have never expected to beat me. I mean, Aiden, anything you can do, I can do better, and far more. Misty, you're fast, but not fast enough, and your fighting style could do with some work. I understand your love of the claw, but some of your attacks are highly telegraphed. Sandra, you are not utilizing your techniques to their fullest and are lacking synergy. In fact, you are all lacking synergy. Don't get me wrong, against anybody of your level, I would say each of you would have a great chance, but there is still much for you to learn. That's why I wanted to do this. To show the three of you that there is still much to learn and do."

She smiled. 'That said. I am incredibly impressed. The speed at which you three have grown is incredible. In just a month you have made so much progress, and once we cross the great scar, I can't wait to see what you will be able to accomplish. Also, don't forget you are all still wearing the weights and have limiters active. I don't think having them off would have allowed you to best me, but just think how capable you'll be with them off."

Her words didn't sting me as they might once have. I had known there was no way to outmatch her. She had taught me everything I knew and had far more experience than any of us, not to mention her level of intelligence. If I could one day do that along with my other cores and abilities, just how powerful would I be? Would I be like one of them? I could only dare to imagine such a thing, and well, dare I would.

"All three of you get up," Zirnai commanded. 'We're going to go a few more times. Remember to take my words to heart and continue to improve yourselves as you have been doing. All three of you have great potential."

We sparred for hours, and though each time we lost, we learned from our mistakes. I learned that trying to beat her in an obvious way wouldn't work. She knew everything I could do. Against another arcanist near my level, I wouldn't have that problem and it might have worked, but against her, I needed to think tactically. I started using my techniques in ways she didn't expect and while I never managed to hit her, I got close, and there was a definite improvement after each match.

"I think that's enough for today." Zirani stretched as I panted on my back. This last match had been the best for the three of us, and through we had lost, compared to our first there had been big improvements. From forty-three seconds to a minute and though Zirani had she wouldn't, I knew she was holding back alot. After all there needed to be something for us to learn from. We wouldn't learn from her wiping the floor with us in ten seconds flat.

"We're probably going to reach Evenord tomorrow," Zinrai said. "We need to get ourselves into the expedition by wealth or by some other means. If they have representatives from the green court then I can easily get us in, though it will be a big shock."

Zirani looked over at Sandra who was leaning against a large rock. "There might also be servants from your family, Sandra, in which case we will need to be careful. We still have no clue who conspired against you and wiped your memories before leaving you here. I'm going to need to place masking arrays on all of you"

"Trouble?" Misty asked.

"When are we not in trouble," I replied. "We'll get through it like we always do."

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

The city of Evenord came into sight only a few hours after leaving the mountain valley we had been in. The terrain had flattened out somewhat, though it was still rocky and without grass or trees. There were odd green plants which Zirani said were cactuses and the dry bushes which looked dead. The sun shone high above and the temperature was far hotter than I had ever experienced even hotter than it had been on the last floor of the aether tower, then again that floor had cold sand. This place was less of a desert and more of a rocky wasteland, at least that's what it seemed like until we got to one of the roads to the city, and slowly began to come across people.

Almost everyone was an arcanist, and most caravan and merchants we came across had guards, not that they bothered us. Zirani had placed simple masking arrays on all of us, even though I didn't really need one. My bloodline seemed to be masking my second core just fine, though I guess it would be good to mask my storage core as it would undoubtedly draw attention. She had actually taught us the simple array and promised to teach us how to mask ourselves without the need of an array, though after the great scar and if we were all still together. I didn't ask what she meant but was worried about it.

The first thing I noticed about the city was the fact it had no walls or visible defense. It wasnt like there were any beasts around as far as I could tell, but it looked rather odd, especially since Evenord was the largest border city. It was where the expedition arrived every time and was also where most of the trade on the border was done. Then merchants would travel to the other cities and deeper into the plains to sell their goods. It was here that the explosives that had helped in the war against the twin horn had been bought

"First thing we need to do is find out if the expedition has arrived," Zirani said. "If it has then we need to get an idea of who arrived with it. Sandra, keep yourself covered, and Misty, keep the beast locked up. The arcanists of my lands are not the arcanists you're used to. They are far more skilled."

"What if they're not here yet?" Sandra asked as she pulled up the hood of her cloak. The girls had changed from their loose clothes back into their combat robes along with hooded cloaks. I had done the same, minus the cloak. Unlike Sandra or Misty, I didn't really have any visible features to hide that would get me recognized.

"Can we take the weights off now?" Misty asked.

Zirani thought about it then nodded. "Now is fine, there doesn't seem to be anybody nearby."

We stopped for a few minutes and when we began walking once more, it was with lighter steps and a more relaxed posture. I felt far more relaxed and energetic with the weights and limiters off. My outer and inner body felt at peace after the long months of none stop stress put upon them, not that I would have changed any of it. The weights and limiters had benefited me greatly, and I imagined this wouldn't be the last I saw of them.

As we drew closer to the city, I noticed that most of the buildings seemed to be made out of sandstone similar to the lower city of Bullrock, though these were more intricate, and the tallest was several floors high. People of all types walked about from armor-clad arcanists riding upon beasts like something out of a book to groups of robed arcanists, most likely from a local sect. There was also normal folk, though one thing was clear. Everybody was an arcanist. The only people I noticed without cores were children, and even then only the youngest ones. I saw kids of nine and ten with their first cores, which would have been a shock to me if Zirani hadn't already told me what to expect here. The resources the expeditions brought benefited these places greatly and the arcanists of the border were the strongest in the plains, of that there was no doubt.

We passed from the outer edges of the city into what I could only describe as the largest market district I had ever seen. Stalls, stores, and people with blankets of products on the ground were everywhere. We stuck close together, and our power allowed us more space than most, but unlike Bullrock, no one was shocked by us.

I noticed Misty's eyes light up as we made out way through the crowd. "You think we can take a loot?"

"Later," Zirani replied mentally. "First let's find a place to stay and ask around."

Misty nodded, though she gazed longingly at each stall and product we passed. I didn't blame her since there was plenty that caught my eyes. Essence cores, elixirs, meats, vegetables, armor, weapons, and everything else you could possibly want. I even saw one stall selling small tracking beasts that looked like a cross between a lizard and a dog. Next to it seemed to be some sort of auction for larger riding beasts that looked similar to the ones we rode back when we had traveled to the tower, except these looked more ferocious and like hostile beasts turned tame rather than already tame and placed beasts. It was the look in their eyes, along with their sharp claws and teeth that gave it away. These were predators and carnivores.

"Don't even think about it," Sandra said. "We are not buying one of those."

"I never said we were." I raised my hands. "Just browsing. Besides, I don't think I could take care of one, not to mention I don't actually need one. It's only a two-core beast. I think it would have trouble keeping up with us."

"You are correct about that," Zirani said.

It took over an hour to get out of the market which spoke to its size and the overall size of the city. It was huge, and it took asking a few people to find a high-end inn to say the night at. We had plenty of wealth that wouldn't do us much good in Zirani's land, so there was no point in not spending it.This chapter upload first at

"This is it," I said as we came to a stop in front of a large three-story building with a sign proclaiming it as the Roaring Dune Inn. "Well, let's go."panda novel

I pushed open the door and held it open for the others as it made a ringing sound. Instead of opening into a taproom, we were greeted with the sigh of a lobby and a small man sat behind a desk. I guess I should have expected no less from a higher-end establishment. It was nicely decorated and there was the distinct scent of some sort of perfume, which was mostly from an enchanted item. It was very different from the mix of smells that we had experienced in the market and the noise. It was quiet in the lobby with only the sound of shuffling paper as the man at the desk straightened as he spotted us.

"How may I help?" The small man stood and bowed.

ᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ɴ ᴏᴠᴇʟ "The best room you have," I said. "A suite preferably."

"Ah, well your in luck." He smiled then sat back down and leafed through some papers before looming back at me. "The top floor suite is available. For a deal, you can book the suite for a week, and gain access to as much food and beverages as you like."

"How much?" Misty asked as she stepped up beside me.

The man listed of the price and even as Misty winced, I handed over the crystals which earned me a very please grin from the man. "You won't be disappointed. This will be the perfect place to stay in while you wait for the expedition to arrive. That is why you're here, correct?'

I glanced over at the others then nodded. "It is, so they aren't here yet?"

"No," he answered. "But they will arrive in the next few days. I actually heard it'll be the largest seen in a very long time."

"And why is that?" I asked.

He shrugged apologetically. "I've no idea, I just heard it from one of the other patrons. Now if you would kindly follow me."

"Are you sure it's worth it?' Misty asked.

"Of course," I replied. "It's not like our crystals will be of much worth beyond the great scar, and even with the suite, we still have more than plenty left."

We were led through a side door, down a long hallway, and then up two sets of stairs. We came to a set of double doors which our guide opened using a metallic card which he pressed into a black patch where a doorknob would be on a normal door.

"This is your keycard." He handed it over to me. "We have spares, but do try and take care of it. Would you like me to take you on a tour of the suite?"

I shook my head as the girls entered the suite. "No, thank you."

"Very well." He bowed low. "Then thank you for choosing the Roaring Dune, I hope you enjoy your stay."

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

The suite was very luxurious and was by far the most expensive place I had ever stayed in. The main room was wide and full of comfy seats, a dining table on one side, and a few shelves of books on the clothes. There were three doors, one of which led into a large bedroom with a bed that dwarfed any other I had ever seen before. The others led into a large bathing room and what I could only describe as a game room. All in all, it was definitely worth the price, and Sandra and Misty both seemed very pleased.

"Happy?" I asked.

"Very." Sandra sighed as she leaned back on a pile of comfy pillows. "I just want to relax."

"I think that's fine," Zirani said as she manifested. "The expeditions aren't here so we can spend this time relaxing as things are going to be a lot more difficult when we get into the great scar."

I was about to argue when I realized that she was right and that there was no harm in taking a short break. Too much training would tire us out, and well we were heading into the great scar soon. I imagined we would have little time for relaxation when that happened.

"Then I'm going to go shopping," Misty said. "Do you guys want anything?"

"I do." I jotted down a list of ingredients I wanted on some paper and then handed it to her. "Gets these and any other ingredients that look interesting, oh and if you can buy a few higher-quality spatial rings."

"Don't," Zirani interjected. "Wait until the expedition arrives. They will have some high-quality products in stock, though if there are any from the green court then we won't have to pay for them."

"Your that high up?" Sandra asked.

ᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ɴ ᴏᴠᴇʟ 'My mother is basically queen," Zirani explained. "And I am jungle queen. There aren't so many of us."

Misty headed out with an eager smile on her face as I walked toward the bathing room.

"Wanna join me?" I asked Zirani.

She smiled and offered a hand which I took. "Lead the way."


All I got in response was a gentle snore. She must have been more tired than I had realized or she was taking this chance to sleep as much as she could. We didn't need much sleep, but that didn't mean we couldn't, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

The bathing room had basic enchantments to create water and heat it up which made things much easier. I stripped quickly and then sighed as I lowered myself into hot water. It was probably too hot for a normal person, but at level three, it was comfortable for me. The warmth seeped through my body that was more tired than I had realized. I allowed myself to go limp and simply relax. It had been so long since I'd had a normal baht, and it felt odd because my body kept expecting pain, but none came. Just pleasant warmth.

I closed my eyes and let all my thoughts and worries drain away until there was nothing but the warmth and silence. My life had been chaotic, to say the least ever since I had left West Vale and the only time besides moments of rest that I had been allowed to relax had been in moments of pleasure and sensual bliss, but even in those times, it hadn't really been like this.

I probably would have drifted off right then and there if not for the warm body that pressed against my side and the head that leaned on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and glanced over at Ziatni who had a gentle smile on her face

"Nice isn't it?"

I nodded. "I didn't realize just how simple and peaceful life had been back before all of this."

"Do you regret leaving?"

I shook my head. "Never. I'm beyond grateful I met you and the others, and while I do miss these moments, I wouldn't trade the time I had and will have with you for them."

"For someone who says he isn't good at talking, you sure do have a way with words."This chapter upload first at

"I just speak what I think," I said with a shrug. "And I never said that. I just said I'm not really good with most people or strangers. You are not a stranger, and I know you don't care how eloquent I am."panda novel

"True enough." She chuckled. "Are you nervous about crossing the scar?"

"Not really," I replied. "At least not in the way you think. I'm more worried about what your mother and people will think of me. What if she dislikes me and, as you said, tears you from me. Would I survive that?'

Zirani sighed. "My mother is an understanding and kind woman. She will give you a proper chance and I don't think she will be disappointed with what she finds. Just make sure you are honest with her. She despises liars and those who speak falsities. The green court prides itself on being united and those who would spread false rumors to try and break it are dealt with quickly. She has two sides to her. We need to make sure she sees you as family, then we will have no problems at all."

"And the others?"

"That will be more difficult," she said. "It's not that humans and the green court are enemies, in fact, there are members of our court who are humans who have joined or defected from other factions. It's just that a bond like ours is generally looked down upon and many see it as a form of slavery, not to mention there will an outcry of people asking for me to be freed even if I say I'm not trapped. We will get past together."

We spent what must have been a few hours in the baths as Sandra joined us at one point, looking refreshed and like she had just won a million crystals. "That was the best sleep I've had in a while."

"Don't get used to it," Zirani said.

"I won't" Sandra shook her head. "I've learned my lesson in that regard. You want to get something to eat after this."

"Sure," I answered. "I like cooking, but I cannot be bothered right now. I'll go call something up for us unless you want to eat downstairs?"

Both ladies shook their heads so I stood and dried off before heading out to the living room. There was a small bell and circular object which I could use to contact the reception. I pulled and order three servings of their most expensive meal up with two bottles of their finest wine and some dessert. If everything was on the house because of our deal then I was going to use it to its fullest.

Zirani and Sandra were dry and dressed by the time the food was delivered. I set it down on the dining table and filled three glasses up. We dug in and I had to admit that it was some of the best food I'd had. It was steak in some sort of gravy with egg-fried rice, roasted potatoes, and to my surprise, a side of potato skins covered in melted gooey cheese. Paired with the wine, we quickly devoured it and move on to the dessert which was a red velvet cake. I was on my second slice when the door banged open and Misty stormed in with a pissed-off look on her face.


"Those lecherous pigs!" She looked like she was about to explode so I sent camping and soothing feelings down our bonds.

"What happened?" Sandra asked.

Misty sighed and composed herself before walking over and taking a seat. Her eyes momentarily stopped on the cake, but she didn't grab a slice, instead, looking back up at us. "I was doing some shopping in the market when a group of sect arcanists walked up to me and started hitting on me. I ignored them and rejected their offers, but apparently, that wasn't enough and one of them got handy."

"Is that so," I growled.

"I took a few fingers from him," Misty continued. "And would have beaten him right then and there if some of the city guards hadn't intervened. What annoyed me though is that they took their side, and one of them even told me that I should be grateful to have the attention, I left before I could do something I would regret."

I set down my half-eaten slive and took a deep breath to calm and stop myself from heading to the market to find the bastards who had dared try and touch Misty. She must have noticed as she reached over and grasped my hand. "I'm fine, Aiden, just really pissed."

"Did they not see your cores?" Sandra asked.

"They did, but they didn't seem to care," Misty replied.

"Well they will next them," I said angrily. "They'd had better hope I don't run into them, because I don't care how many guards they send. I will beat them bloody, and we'll see how cocky they are when the expedition arrives. If someone from the green court is there then I don't imagine this city would risk angering an ally of theirs."

Even if there wasn't, they would be hell to pay if I saw them.

Chapter 160

Chapter 160(18+)

Misty ordered another velvet cake just for herself while I contemplated exploring the city, and not just to see if I could run into the arcanists who had bothered Misty. In fact, I was sure that she could find them herself via their scent. Misty ability to track and differentiate people via their scents was very useful and I wondered if she would help me.

Probably not considering that she was a quarter way through her cake and didn't look like she would stop anytime soon.

"I think I'm going to try out the game room," I said as I stood. "Anyone want to join me?"

Zirani stood. "I will. I saw a pool table and dartboard in there."

ᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ɴ ᴏᴠᴇʟ "Pool?" Sandra questioned.

"It's an old-world game," I explained. "I can teach you if you want?"

"Maybe later." She sighed. "I'm going to go take a nap."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."

It had been a while since I had played any sort of game, the last time being darts with Leyton and Thomas, and that had not ended well. We had gotten quite the scolding after Leyton had accidentally broken a window which had seemed impossible to do at the time, but leave it to Leyton to mess something up.

"How about some darts first?"

"Sure." She nodded. "Which rules."

"Let's do three rounds, three darts each round, and whoever has the highest score at the end."

Zirani agreed and then proceeded to blindfold herself. She must have sensed my confusion. "It would be unfair for you if I wasn't handicapped. I'm four hundred years old."

"All right, don't blame me when you lose thou—"

My sentence was cut off as her first, second, and third dart flew one after the other. The first hit the bullseye while the hit the innermost ring.

I looked back and forth from her to the board in shock. "how? Actually, never mind. My turn."

I took up my position and three darts. I steadied my hand and focused. Against Leyton and Thomas, I had always won and I wasn't going to give up just because of one impressive display.

My first dart hit the innermost ring whole my second and third hit the bullseye. I grinned at Zirani then stopped. She probably didn't see it considering she was blindfolded and wasn't focusing on our bond so as to not cheat.

The next two rounds proved that Zirani was better than me as she proceeded to get three bullseyes in both rounds.

"You know what, I don't know why I thought I could win."

Zirani took off her blindfold. "How about we play a game that you could probably beat me at."

"And what sort of game is that?"

She strutted over to me and leaned to whisper into my ear. "A game of the more sensual sort. It's been a while since we've had any fun, and I don't think you'll deny me this."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.comI felt myself harden at her words and moved my hands to her waist. "I won't but what sort of game?"panda novel

She smiled. "Simple, first to give in and… release. I'll go first."

Zirani dropped to her knees and I moved to help her, but she pushed my hands away with a tut. "Just sit back and relax. I'll be doing the same when it's your turn."

I wasn't going to argue with that and certainly not with this game she wanted to play. She was right that we hadn't had much time together as I'd been very much focused on training and the first two weeks had been especially difficult with the weights and the limiters. It hadn't been until the third week that we had started to truly get used to them, though even then they were a pain.

"He seems eager," Zirani purred as she pulled down my trousers and boxers to reveal my hard and ready erection. She leaned forwards and kissed the tip which sent a jolt of pleasure through me, then she wrapped a hand around me, and slowly began strolling me in a slow-motion before increasing her speed rapidly.

I stumbled back until my back hit a wall, and I swallowed heavily as Zirani glanced up with a grin before she winked. Leaning forward, she took the head of my manhood into her mouth and suckled on me for a few seconds, her tongue working the underside. I bucked and held back my groans at her ministrations, but it only got more intense as she slowly pushed herself down until the head of my shaft was pushing against the back of her throat. Her eyes watered slightly but she didn't stop and after a few seconds of connotation she managed to get me past and into her throat.

"Fuck, Zirani."

I covered my mouth and tried to think of other thoughts and focus on something else to hold back my release. I was going to last for a few minutes at least so that I would have enough time to get her to burst when it was my turn.

Zirani lowered a hand to my balls and began to fondle them as she worked my shaft with her throat, swallowing and sucking. Her tongue wasn't ideal and was licking any part of me it could get to. Soon I found myself on the edge, trying not to fall, but it was too much. She was sending all sorts of erotica feeling through our bond and combined with the pleasure I was feeling, I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Zirani, I'm coming!"

I groaned as I burst inside her, and what felt like a gallon of my seed spurted straight down her throat and into her stomach. I shook and bucked as I emptied myself into her, and Zirani just knelt there, taking everything I had to give, not stopping her movements at all. Her eyes bore into my own with smug satisfaction. Once I had nothing left to give, she pulled back, cleaning me with her tongue before releasing me with a contented sigh. "Six minutes and twelve seconds, not bad. I bet I can last longer."

I let loose a breath. 'We shall see."

I pulled up my boxers and trousers, before pulling Zirani up and leading her over to the pool table. "Sit down and spread your legs. I'll show you just how skilled I am in this regard."

She grinned expectantly. "I look forward to it. It's a win-win situation for me. Either way, I'm going to experience a wave of pleasure."

All it took was a single thought for her to get rid of her clothing, and I knelt down to gaze at her opening which was dripping wet. Her blowjob had definitely gotten her worked up and that worked in my favor. I slowly trailed my hands up her legs and toward her thighs as I leaned in.

The timer in my head began, and my tongue lashed out to lick a long trail up her folds before stopping at her clit to flick it with my tongue. She moaned as I moved back and forth, working her with my tongue. I started off simple but then as my hands reach her thighs. Since she had used both hands and mouth so would I. I pushed in a finger from my right hand while I used the others to roll her pearl. She shook and moaned wantonly as I lit up her most sensitive pleasure sensors, and just like she had I sent over every single feeling I had felt when she had been giving me the blowjob, increasing her pleasure.

"That not fair."

I only smiled in response and pushed another finger in as I increased the speed of my tongue, licking inside her passage, and gladly drinking down her nectar which was falling like a waterfall onto my tongue.

Then I found it, her sweet spot and she screamed as I began to push my fingers against it. The wave crested and came down. She shook and a flood of her nectar hit my mouth. I drank down all she had to give, enjoying the fruity taste, but even as I drank I kept moving my hands to give her pleasure.

Once she had stopped shaking, I leaned back and looked up at her. "Four minutes and fifty-eight seconds. I win."

She didn't seem unhappy in the slightest and leaned back on the pool table as she panted. "You win, this time."

I lifted her up in my arms and walked out of the room. Misty was still at the dining table and she gave me a coy look when she saw the state of Zirani, but she didn't comment. I grinned triumphantly and walked over to the bedroom. Sandra for some reason had chosen to sleep in a pile of pillows in the living room so the bedroom was free so Zirani and I cuddled together in the aftermath of blissful pleasure. Her body was warm and inviting and we probably would have had some more fun if she hadn't fallen asleep.

I smiled as I brushed a lock of her hair from her face. Soon, things would get harder, but for now, I was going to enjoy these peaceful moments.

"Goodnight, Zirani."

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