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31.1% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 149: 426-418-428

Chapter 149: 426-418-428

Chapter 426 - Side Story: Chaos' Eye

It happened after Silveria and Nyx were blasted away after the mysterious giant hands appeared and caught the mysterious lady before disappearing.

In a place where everything appears to be in perfect harmony with each other, a perfect paradise sat two men; their features could not be seen; it was blurred. These two men were playing chess; one of them had his arm on his back; this arm was dark, almost as if it could disintegrate at any moment. In this perfect heaven, this arm could be said to be the only thing imperfect.

''How is your hand?" Asked the one dressed in pure white.

''Not bad. Sigh! I was careless.'' The one in black sighed; however, there was a certain playfulness inside his voice.

''If I didn't know you better, I would have said you were careless. To think you will waste a body to seal that girl again. What were you thinking about opening the Pandora box so soon, Primodeus?"

.''Hahahaha! Don't know what you are talking about, Elemial.'' Primodeus said and continued to play as if nothing.

The one in white lifted his head, the mist surrounding his eyes got momentarily lifted, his eyes were rainbow, the universe seemed to revolve faster because of those rainbow eyes, the elements became chaotic, when suddenly, the mist-covered Elemial once again, the universe regained its calm.

''You know, everything has cause and effect. I thought we decided to only act like outsiders, nothing less. No intervention, have you forgotten what happened?'' Elemial asked. Having lived together for so long, longer than he could ever remember, it was easy to know when Elemial was angry; currently, indeed, he was.

''Sigh! Forgive me, brother. It's precisely because of that; I knew it was under my order others moved to separate them into a different world; it couldn't be helped. In the beginning, how many of us are there? However, what about now? Forget it, forget it. I know there is a balance, but it couldn't be helped. Without my intervention, the last of Asura, our-, forget it. Let's wait and see. Hopefully, this time it will be the end; it will be the good one.'' Primodeus said and stopped playing chess; he was not in the mood anymore. Also, it was time for him to switch bodies, for a supreme being such as him, even Nyx's ability could be dreadful.

Primodeus vanished, Elemial sighed, the chess in front of him disappeared to leave the place to a myriad of worlds, amidst these worlds, some were shining brightly than others, Mysthia's was one of them, in every world a reincarnated person was inside of, it would shine brighter. Sixteen worlds shining white while on the other side there was 16 dark world, it was like chess pieces.

''Why did it becomes like this?" Elemial asked and looked into a certain direction, in a completely dark dimension where no source of light ever reached.

A man was chained against a throne; somehow, the chains binding him increased.

''Hehehehe! So you couldn't stop yourself from intervening. It is a shame I didn't manage to get her. I have tried, though. Well, the plan shall continue. More worlds should be conquered as for where my little wife is. Things should be accelerated; he must grow stronger before being thrown into the deepest pit of despair. Hie~ Hie~ hie~ how exhilarating it is going to be. Chaos shall reign, everything will return to chaos, and I shall rule once more.''


Mysthia; unknown location, in the headquarter of the unknown organization.

In the highest throne hall, Lord Thanos sat on his throne. Zero could be seen kneeling; numerous black chains wriggling like worms pierced his body from all sides; not even his heart was spared. Blood drenched the ground, Zero's skin was paler, these chains wriggled nonstop and ate Zero flesh, gnawed his bones, the pain Zero was suffering was unimaginable, even so, he didn't even utter a single word, not even his expression changed even once, he was like calm water.

''The supreme lord wanted the thing in the deepest part of that dungeon. However, you failed; we failed our Lord. He is too merciful; however, a second failure will not be tolerated. We chaos are everywhere; failure is not chaos. Think about it.'' Lord Thanos said and sent Zero away, space twisted behind him, and he was dragged away; at the last moment, Zero was smiling, a crazy smile, the smile of a lunatic.

Shortly after Zero's disappearance, the vice guild master appeared, the same man that previously acted as the Golden Nugget manager until Maria fired him after Alex's acquired the restaurant.

''Kretos, you are here.'' Lord Thanos said.

''Yes, my lord,'' Kretos said and kneeled.

''Rise, sit beside him.'' Lord Thanos ordered, and Kretos obeyed.

''How is the human world? Everything is going according to the plan?"

''Yes, Lucifer will acquire that box sounds. The Eighth and the demon's princess seemed to have vanished; we are still searching for them. As you have said, they must be heading to the Demon's continent.'' Kretos roughly explained what was going on.

''I see. We mustn't let them succeed. It would be detrimental to ours. How are Lord Drakos preparations?"

''The preparations are underway. I heard that the Holy Crux would be making a move soon.'' Kretos suddenly announced.

''Oh? These fools that label us as Evil?" Lord Thanos asked with a smile.

''Yes, the Holy Daughter will be going on a mission soon.'' Kretos dropped another piece of news.

''I see. They treat us as Evil, and yet they covet someone else body. How hilarious. Those hypocrites gave the urge to puke, acting all righteous. Simply, "The church."

In the guise of helping people, the church controls whatever they can in secrecy. They use threats, bribery, and 'the word of god' (which they fabricate) to get their way. They teach the people of their society only the things that will eventually benefit them, sell admissions to heaven, and take in a lot of eager, young people who don't know they are being used. The king under the church is a figurehead for the head Priest, who has a number of Arch-Bishops, a number of bishops themselves, and so on down the line.

The Church is an example of an evil organization disguised as a place for good and healing. Bunch of hypocrites. We the Chaos's Eye shall corrupt this world, turning it into evil, Chaos shall reign!"

''Chaos shall reign!"

''Prepare for war. The world shall learn of our existence, what Chaos's Eye is.'' Lord Thanos declared the eyes under the hood turned darker like the most frightening abyss.

Chapter 427 - Side Story: A Certain Saintess 2

Armstrong asked his student to sit in front of him, and Luna did as she was told.

''Let's start with the lesson. Look closely and follow my instructions.''

"Channel Mana through your body to first active the Instant Strengthening,'' Armstrong instructed, and Luna immediately abides by his words.

''Instant Strengthening!"

Luna felt her body becoming filled with strength after the white light covered her body. She waited for her master's following instructions.

''I know you feel your whole body overwhelming with strength but to use this better and not to waste your mana because you don't have unlimited mana. Focus more Mana in one point to save up Mana.''

Luna carefully listened to Armstrong's voice, not to miss anything..

Armstrong stood up and activated Instant Strengthening.

''If I want to be faster, I just focus mana in my legs to momentarily increase their speed like this.''


Armstrong disappeared to reappear after traveling fifty meters in an instant. He was swift.

''If I want to punch faster if I want my punch to be hard as the hardest metal, to be destructive as well. I will pour more mana in my hands.''

Bang! Bang! Crack! Crack!

Each punch broke two adults trees.

''If I want to have a stronger defense focus your mana in one point.'' Armstrong lastly said.

''I understand, master. Previously, I was only wasting my mana. If I follow your instructions, I will save up more mana.'' Luna said, immediately she followed Armstrong's instructions, and as she had said, she felt the Mana consumption decrease as she only focused mana in one point.

''Great, I heard that you are also a Water mage?"

''Indeed, I can use the water element. Why do you ask master?" Luna responded but immediately raised a question to know if there was any implication behind Armstrong's question.

''Hohohoho! It's perfect. Although we can temporarily have a strong defense under instant strengthening, using the water magic, your defense will be doubled. A water armor above your body plus instant strengthening is like the perfect warrior. Starting from now on, you will try creating a thin water armor on your body and maintain it until the end of each training session. Understood?"

''I understand,'' Luna responded and immediately tried to create a thin water armor on her body, but she failed; it was only on her eleven tries she succeeded.

''Good, do you that the Light Element is the closest to the Time element?"

It was a sudden question; Luna had never thought of it; she could only shake her head.

''I knew you wouldn't know. Most people don't know. Our predecessor, the creator of our current skills, said Light is related to time. After analysis, I agreed to it. Healing is like we rewind time. She said at the highest level; we could heal even the world, rewind time to the past. So, I want you to one day be able to do as I don't believe that I can.'' Armstrong entrusted his dearest wish to Luna, and she accepted.

''I will do, Master, you have my promise.''

''Great. It's time to crack some skulls, no need to hold back. Light Element is about manliness; always remember this. Fight to your heart content.''

After Armstrong's words, Luna was sent into the depth of the forest.

Luna did not walk for even twenty meters, and she encountered her first monster; it was not a weak monster, a monster often seen in the deepest part of dungeons, a Minotaur.

The Minotaur was around 5 meters tall.

It is as big as a big Ogre.

The battle-ax that the Minotaur was holding in its hands was dyed in blood.


The Minotaur howls in anger, and with its battle ax overhead, it rushed towards Luna.

''Instant Strengthening!"

Luna immediately activated Instant Strengthening; she rushed forward after pouring mana into her legs; she had flashed next to the surprised minotaur, the battle-ax descended, Luna's fist was launched.


A collision happened, and unexpectedly it was the minotaur who got pushed a couple of steps back and,


The battle-ax made from the sturdiest rock found in the depth of the forest broke apart.


Swoosh! Bang! Bang!

Luna did not give the minotaur the chance to prepare before she punched its chest with her enhanced fists covered by thin water armor.


The minotaur's ribs cracked, its chest caved in, and its heart ruptured; it was instant death.

''Boring! I thought at least you could last few rounds.'' Luna was disappointed that the Rank 7 minotaur died with only one punch; she forgot that she was Rank 9. With the addition of the water armor, her punch had double their initial strength; no wonder the poor minotaur couldn't survive three punches.

Luna wished to fight to her heart content, unleash everything she had, to satisfy that hunger she had, so she walked deeper into the forest; she encountered monsters, orcs, red goblins, ogres (normal ones), but none of them managed to survive more than five punches, it was then Luna understood why the water armor combined with the instant strengthening was too overwhelming; however, she couldn't stop using the water armor, then she got an idea? Why not heal the monster after a few beatings? It would also serve as training for her healing art.

From that day onward, Luna would beat the monsters she encountered to the brink of death, heal them using her Gift, then beat them again; it was a bloody endless circle. Even Armstrong could only kneel in front of such beautiful art, he said. In the span of four days, no monsters wished to encounter Luna; they all hid, trembling in fear, nobody wanted to face the psycho healer.

''Bunch of cowards!" Luna spat, and the monsters accepted, better be a coward to keep your life than act brave and suffer hell before dying.

''I'm almost Rank 10. Time to fight the big boss of the forest. Maybe this boss won't be a coward and entertain me for a while.'' Luna decided to go into the core region.

''Umu! She is turning into a fine healer.'' Armstrong complimented from the sky.

''You succeed in turning her into another madman like you.''

Unexpectedly, there was someone beside him; Freya stood floating; she observed Luna massacre then heal and massacre again. She wondered what Maria would say if she were to see her sister right now. Well, guess she will laugh as she knows Luna better than anybody.

''Hohoho~ Thanks for the compliment. By the way, I heard that the elves became agitated recently. What happened?''

''Don't ask me.'' Freya refused to answer.

''Tch! Stingy Old ha-''

Before Armstrong could finish cursing, a thin blade exuding extreme chillness was held against his throat; he hadn't even seen it coming, he gulped.

''My bad, I had a slip of the tongue.''

''That's more likely. Take care, do train her well. Time is about to change.''

Leaving these words behind, Freya disappeared.

''Indeed, time is changing.'' Armstrong sighed and watched his student head deeper into the forest; it was time for her to graduate from this dungeon; she was about to face the strongest and toughest opponent.

Chapter 428 - Side Story: Elves

Mysthia's Western Part.

The Forest of Life, also known as Elfira.

This was the continent inhabited by the proudest mortal race in this world.

The Elves.

In the past, this same race had almost complete control of the world. It was when the ancestor of Elves first appeared in this world.

Despite how they were perceived nowadays, contrasting with the peace-loving exterior they now adorned, elves were quite the warmongers in the past, reveling in all prospects of war and spreading their influence on this world. At least, it was how the High Elves of the primitive age acted. This persona of the elves mainly originated from the way they perceived the world, a contrast with the other races. Maybe, the first High Elf came from a world where Elves dominated everything and everyone one, nobody knows..

Everything changed after the first empress ruled; elves stopped their conquest, they turned into a peaceful race, they became one of the protectors of Mysthia. Since the first empress's reign, Elven society turned into a matriarchal society where the only talented woman rules, the strongest rules. Typhania could be said to be the strongest of Elves of all time, the talent she possessed none other had it, her bloodline was the purest, the High Elves believe that she would be the one to open the pass to their hometown; however, after that battle, she vanished to complete a long-awaited prophecy. But their patience was running out, so Elves (High Elves mostly) prayed for the next genius with the purest bloodline to appear, they waited, and time had come; an opportunity had recently presented.



The infrastructure of the houses in Elfira, the Elven Empire, was fused with the beauty and presence of nature.

Elves did not cut their forest to create houses; instead, they put their magic to create special trees that were empty on the inside, spacious enough to inhabit themselves and whatever they might use to make it habitable.

The closer someone came to one of the five main settlements of the elves, the taller the trees were. It was to the extent that 30 to 40 meters tall trees were a common sight in the inner settlements, with trees that reached more than 70 meters or more also present.

In the center of the forest, where the high elves lived, stood the tallest tree in all of existence.

One so tall that it pierced the clouds, so high that no one could perceive just where the end of it lay.

The elves called it the world tree, a tree born from one of the seeds of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. The First High Elf planted it after he appeared in Mysthia by accident.

The world tree also housed the sanctuary where the high priestess and the empress gathered and made important decisions after long discussions.

Currently, deep in the sanctuary, a gentle and beautiful melody flowed, echoing in the silent surroundings, reverberating throughout.

In a room adorned with scarce and straightforward decorations, two women with an air of absolute authority sat opposite each other, locking their sights on one another.

The two of them were wearing robes, green in color and slightly transparent in their hue; the clothes left little to the viewer's imagination.

The two were High Elves judging by how longer and sharper their ears were. Naturally, they were beautiful, simply a work of art given life.

Sitting on one side was a pale-skinned high elf. She had a slim figure, modest curves adorning her lithe body, yet strangely she had no lack in feminine charms, seemingly being overabundant with the said trait. Though, because of her emotionless face and the long golden hair that was so long that it reached the ground, gently hanging and swaying with the gentle breeze.

The person mentioned above was none other than the current acting Empress of Elfira, the Queen of the entirety of the race of elves, Stefania Elvira Elfied.

Sitting opposite to her was a short-haired woman, the High priestess; in contrast to Elvira, this woman possessed a seductive body; the clothes she wore clung tightly to her body; thin straps held their gigantic breasts together. A coy smile adorned the High priestess's face as she stared at Elvira, Rhea Elfied, yes, Elvira's little sister, yet so dramatically different.

''So Rhea, you wish to say that the council wants to go bring the girl with the purest bloodline back?" Elvira asked in an emotionless tone.

''Sis, you should smile more.'' Rhea tried to lighten the mood but, as one could expect, failed miserably. She could only sigh.

''Yes, the council wish to bring Gracier back. Even though she is a half-Elf, she possesses the purest bloodline. She is Elder Faranal daughter; she should be here.''

''And what about the empress? Did you all think that she would stay still, letting you lots use a small kid for your benefits? You abandoned her when she needed the most attention, and now, because of some miracle, her bloodline increased, you wished to use her? Have you thought of consequences? Did you want to have his brother, Alexander as your enemy? He, who is the one in the prophecy? Tell me, Rhea, if others have gone nuts, have you as well lost the bit of brain you have?"

Elvira didn't hide her disappointment; she could see where they were going. While Typhania sacrificed everything, these fools wanted to change, to switch her for someone they could control; however, they didn't know that by targeting Gracier, only one outcome awaited them, disaster. Elvira was special among the High Elves; she had a certain ability, foresight, to foresight some part of the future; she saw only desolation if these foolish people continued in what they were doing.

''Sigh! Big sis, I'm trying; I will continue trying. Please get in touch with the empress and tell her to think about something. Elder Faranal is becoming more uncontrollable. I don't know how much longer I can hold for.'' Rhea said and stood up; she stopped at the door.

''I know what sacrifice the empress made, what you sacrificed, don't worry, I will try my best.''

Then she left, leaving only Elvira in the room.

''Sigh! Master, I'm tired.'' She said before taking a communication stone to contact a certain guild master.

Chapter 429 - Side Story: The Black Prince's Reverse Scale

It happened the day after the emperor Julius birthday after he had a short discussion with Alex.

~ Emperor's Room.

There was an enormous painting on the wall, and there were furnishings collected from all around the world adorning it.

They ate all works of art, no matter what you chose. It can be said that a luxurious and extravagant room is a symbol of power.

In that room was Prime Minister Kyle, and sitting before him, was 12th Emperor Julius Von Havens.

"Is there something you want to say?"

With wine in hand, the emperor looked at Prime Minister Kyle with eyes as sharp as a hawk's.

"Was it all right to tied the Third Princess hand in marriage so unexpectedly? If you are going, Mister Alexander, I believe there exists a better method.. Such giving him territory and-"

"That would create an obstacle for future plans."

"As you know, the boy didn't like politics. I must think of my daughter. Those all foxes think I have gone blind. They are trying to make Artemia race for the throne as they think she can be easily controlled because she always stayed indoors and has a gentle, they think they ride on her overwhelming popularity to turn her into the First Empress, their perfect puppet, only if they knew."


The prime minister wanted to know what the emperor meant by saying these words; unfortunately, the emperor had no desire to answer him.

''Nothing, Tell me, Kyle, what is your evaluation of Alexander?"

Seeing the emperor switching subject, not wanting to answer him, Kyle could only sigh and answer the emperor's question. Kyle's first impression when he saw the boy nicknamed Black Prince after he engaged with Artemia is the boy had an unusual amount of mana, that's all. Say he had king presence, he is too intelligent; Kyle could only shake his head as he not seen any of those traits in the boy. Although shocked by what he had done for his sister, for Kyle, a desperate man can accomplish anything; therefore, when being asked a question about the said boy, Kyle's answer was simple.

''He has a lot of mana, and he is a bit unusual.''

''An answer typically like you.'' Julius was not surprised by Kyle's evaluation of Alex as he knew better than anybody how his right-hand man thinks; if you don't have the ambition to rule, to do marvelous things, you're not worthy of Kyle's attention.

The emperor sniffed the scent of the wine, then took a sip of the exquisite wine before saying.

''Although not the smartest, he is smart enough to know where his priorities lie. Men like him are destined to do great things, things you and I can accomplish because we only see the narrow view before us, not what is after. Only a man like him deserves my daughter; I don't mind tying her to this type of man as I'm well aware of what she desires; Drexia is too small for it; no Mysthia in its whole is too small for her. Mark my word, that boy will keep shocking the world. Do you know what is goal is?"

Kyle shook his head, curious about what a boy like Alex would desire apart from reigning as emperor.

Julius chuckled and said, ''Becoming the strongest. Not just the strongest of this world but the strongest of all. This might sound childish to you, but I believe if it's him, he can do it. Have you seen his progress in just a few months? From a nobody to the strongest of the younger generation, not even our Princes and princesses with unlimited resources couldn't hold a candle to her. So, you should understand why I have to tie such man to my family, even if I can control him, I must have him somehow, everything is for the empire, for the sake of the future.''

Putting it like that, Kyle couldn't be dissatisfied anymore. He could only sigh that his son, who wanted to ask for Artemia's hand in marriage after coming back from abroad, could only dream and forget his plan.

''Sorry, I know your son's feelings, but to you than anybody, you should know that he didn't stand a chance since the beginning as he was nothing that childhood playmate in Artemia's eyes, as painful this may sound, it's the strict truth. Time will heal his injuries; we should focus on what is about to come. Time is fast changing; a storm is coming; war is looming. We should be prepared and use everything we can.''

''I understand, your majesty.'' The prime minister Kyle nodded and bowed.

Fews days later, Alex indeed was once again shocked as the emperor had expected; thanks to him, the empire was able to deal a blow to Chaos's Eye. From that day onwards, Kyle never underestimated the boy known as the Black Prince; he started paying attention to everything related to him; he even thought of befriending him; it was because he was on alert that he learned of the elves plan.

''So, the reason the Elves have become a little bit active recently was due to Gracier, Alex's adopted sister possessed the purest bloodline like that monster Typhania?" Julius asked as he sat on his bed.

''Yes, indeed, they wished to retrieve Gracier and make her the future emperor,'' Kyle responded.

''I see, those idiots. Don't they know what would happen if they kidnapped the girl? Because of the internal situation on their side, they can only resort to this method, and knowing the Black Prince's temper, only hell awaits them if they ever touch his sister, especially now that he was away on a mission, everyone knows that Gracier is his reverse scale. Sigh! I will deal with it somehow.'' Julius promised before clapping his hands.

As the emperor claps his hands, a man dressed in man kimono appears from behind him. It was Kamishiro.

''Your Majesty.'' Kamishiro kneeled.

''Orochi, you will secretly protect Gracier in the shadow, kill the first two individuals that will try to kidnap her. That's all you can leave.'' Julius ordered, and Kamishiro bowed before disappearing as if becoming one with the shadows.

Kyle looked questioningly at Julius, wondering what he was up to; the emperor smiled.

''I will let the boy own me. The reason I gave that kind of order is to let the girl experienced another setback to see if she grew, to see if she could defend herself. What would her decision be? Is she soft-hearted or ruthless one like her brother?"

''I see, the emperor is sure wise.''

''Stop it, just a child play. Let's wait and see.''

Unknown to him, the Black Prince had his special squad.

Chapter 430 - 418: Alice Nihil

Air moves in blossoming brilliant arcs within the sun rays of a new day. It was on the fourth day Alex was traversing the Endless Sea.

Gracier could be seen dressed in her training gear heading into her training ground, in one of the special forests owned by the royal family; Artemia had said to head; first, she would join her later.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 8」

Level 80

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 2000/37200

Magic Power: 3500 (+20) ➤ 3520/3520

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 1335 ➤ 1345

Defense: 725 ➤ 735

Agility: 875 ➤ 885

Intelligence: 825 ➤ 835

Luck: 725 ➤ 735

BP: 20

SP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor Level 1] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Flame Shield Level 5] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 8] [Fire Lotus Level 5] [Archery Level Max] [Blaze Steps Level 5] [Golden Arrows Level 1]

Special Abilities: [Dragon Eye Level 10 Max] [Flame Wings Level 3] [Dragon's Breath Level Level 2] [Lord of Hundred Flames] {Dark Mode (Sealed due to its instability)}

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent] [Lord of Flames]』

''Fufufu! Almost Rank 9, I wonder if big brother would be happy with my progress?'' Gracier said with a smile before suddenly shaking her head.

''I must at least become Rank 10 before big brother come back.'' She decided. Flame wings appeared at her back, and she started flying; today, Gracier wishes to venture deeper into the forest, fight stronger opponents to advance rapidly.

At the same time, several shadows traveled the forest.

In another part of the forest, two individuals stood before each other, one woman with pure white hair and a man dressed in black clothing. It was Kamishiro facing Alice, Gracier's bodyguard.

''Young girl, can you let me pass?" Kamishiro tried to make Alice let him pass. Never he would have thought, neither would have the emperor thought that Alex had already placed somebody to protect Gracier.

''I refuse, go back and tell the emperor that my master has everything under control.'' Alice calmly stated, her hand had never left the sword at her waist.

'Sigh! She even knew that the emperor sent me. I wonder where the hell the boy finds this unusual girl. I can't sense anything from her, not even the once of mana which is odd considering that mana dwells in everything. There is only one explanation; this girl is at a level where she could perfectly hide her mana. If it is true, then she would be a terrifying enemy to face.'

Kamishiro, also known as Orochi, quickly analyzed, then he caught sight of something; he was not the only one, though.


Katana and sword were both simultaneously unsheathed as if the two wished to take each other life. However, just as the blade was about to arrive near the other, it suddenly struck the opposite side, heads flew, blood danced in the sky, and the two passed each other and unsheathed their weapons again; another carnage happened.

In less than a minute, four bodies lay headless on the ground.

''You are not bad.'' Kamishiro complimented; he tried to sound calm; however, inwardly, he was shocked because the moved used by Alice couldn't be more familiar to him as it was the same move he performed god knows how many times to perfect it to what it was today. It couldn't be helped that Kamishiro was shocked; imagine the skills you have painstakingly performed to be perfectly copied by a stranger just in front of you at your first meeting? Everybody will be shocked, and also the moment Alice unsheathed her sword, Kamishiro felt something he had never felt before, a sensation of dreadfulness like never before, it like he was standing before an abyssal monster that could swallow every within its sight if angered, the man known as Orochi even back in the Far East, feared by many gulped and took the only logical decision he could think of at the moment.

''I shall take my leave,'' Kamishiro announced and started to blend with the surrounding; however, before completely disappearing, he asked.

''Young lady, what is your name?"

''Alice Nihil.''

''Nihil means 0 in one of your master's world languages, I think? Well, take care, Alice Nihil; I hope we never see each other ever again.'' These were Kamishiro last words before he vanished. He was extremely knowledgeable, almost as he was once an Earthling.

Left alone, Alice calmed her trembling hand; she might have appeared calm on the surface it was only because of her personality, her eternal emotionless face, to be able to copy a man of Kamishiro caliber sword skill perfectly, it took all she had, she almost failed, she could have used other sword techniques. Still, by copying Kamishiro skills, it would have struck fear deep into the man's heart, to make him wary of her, he would see how strong and dangerous she is and at the same time put a brake on the emperor ambition, he would think twice before messing with Alex from now after learning what his men are capable of.

''Sigh! I'm still weak. I must become stronger, not to fall behind as my master kept growing.'' Alice said as she touched her chest where that stone acting as the heart was, she could feel the connection between her and her master, even though faint because of the distance.

Then, Alice's cold face turned even colder as she glanced at the headless bodies on the ground. She turned into a shadow and disappeared; however, a small black flame appeared in the place where Alice was to land on the corpses; instantly, the four bodies were set ablaze and rapidly turned into cinder before disappearing into the wind.

Like the Grim reaper, Alice moved into the forest, reaping life as if cutting off some grasses.

The first batch of men sent by the Elves as they were getting desperate was annihilated, and Gracier didn't even know that a massacre occurred as she was happily slaughtering monsters to level up.

Chapter 431 - 419: Meteor's Fall

It was a clear day without a cloud in sight. The sun hanging in the sky beats down relentlessly on the earth, illuminating the forest on top of it.

Small animals were running across a lush plain in the depth of the forest, a place not far from a waterfall, and the scent of the flora was riding a gentle breeze; however, mixed in this scent was the scent of blood, unbothered a lone girl continued to do what she was doing, her beautiful white dancing following the wind's tune, it should have been a picturesque scene if weren't for what this girl was doing.

''Are you ready now to tell me what your goal is?" In an emotionless tone, Alice asked what remained of what was once a human.

The man who had turned into human daruma (limbless) fearfully stared at the monster before him; how many times has he wished to die but weren't authorized to do such a simple thing? As an assassin, one should always have a way to kill oneself in the case you unexpectedly get caught during a mission; however, this white-haired demon knew all the places an assassin could hide the said method, she disabled them all and slowly started to torture them, there were five of them, she had already killed four in the cruelest way ever possible, to deal huge psychological damage to the last one, assassins might have undergone the most terrible of training to ironize their wills, but they always exist a limit. Alice seemed to know this, whoever is her teacher, this person had instructed well, the assassin was about to crack, he only wishes for one, to be granted death and he knew what he must do to get what he desired, however, a proud assassin, he was still hesitating, he must not give in so easily, so his pride as an assassin was whispering to him.

''I will ask one last time, what is your goal after kidnapping my mistress?"

Alice's question was met with silence, she didn't say anything but tried to smile, imagine someone who had never smile trying to do, it was pretty terrible, the assassin was scared. Alice didn't give him the time to utter a word before the tip of her finger surged out and directly into his bones through the cut-off part then,


The assassin who had held up until now shrieked; the pain of having lightning course through one body, primarily through one's bones, was unimaginable.. Alice's face showed no emotions as she increased the lightning input she was sending into the assassin's body; she didn't forget to protect the heart and not to make the assassin die from a heart attack after receiving too much electric shock.

Two minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, before 10 minutes could pass, the assassin finally gave up; he was ready to talk; by now, he didn't look human anymore with some of his skin were burnt.

''I-I'll talk, we we have been ordered to kidnap the young woman and bring her to someone that would ship her to the Elfira. F-from what I know it's because she possessed a pure bloodline, as for what purpose the Elves wished to have her I don't know, I- I swear, p-please grant me swift death, I-"

The man didn't get the opportunity to finish his words as his head flew, blood gushed out of his headless body, dying the already soaked ground further red. In the flying head's eyes, one could see relief, relief to have been finally granted death after so long.

''Have long are you going to play the spectator for?" Alice said without turning around; from her palms, a flame appeared and landed on the bodies on the ground, soon they disappeared, leaving on cinder behind.

There was the sound of someone chuckling before a shadow manifested behind Alice.

''If you appear behind again, I might accidentally kill you,'' Alice warned, and Artemia smiled and took a step back.

''Relax, I won't do it again. You should smile more; you will be more beautiful this way.''

''I don't like it; I just have to carry my mission. That's all matters.'' Alice refused Artemia's suggestion; she had expected such a response, so Artemia was not disappointed, nor she would ever stop reminding the girl to try to live like a normal person, but not now as they have more pressing matters to handle.

Turning to look at what was once human beings, Artemia said, her expression was scary.

''So, some fools want to kidnap Gracier because she is the owner of the purest bloodline? How foolish can those long-eared be? Did staying too much holed in the green scenery turn them into retard?"

Alice offered no comment as none of what Artemia was saying had anything to do with her; she just needed to carry her mission, that's all.

Seeing the lack of interest on Alice's face, Artemia sighed and decided to change plans, if previously she came here to train Gracier, now that she knew some foolish Elves were after her, she needed to see someone to tell this person to keep her people in check, if not something bad might happen.

''Alice, tell Gracier that I'm sorry, we will report our match to a later date. There's somewhere I need to go, see you back in the mansion.'' After saying these words, Artemia vanished, and after making sure that no other assassins were lurking around, Alice also left.

In the depth of the forest, Gracier was happily fighting a group of orcs; leading them was one giant ogre of seven meters.

A single flame arrow left for the sky before transforming into seven arrows that struck the orcs.


Four orcs were set ablaze; they started rolling on the ground, then something astonishing happened; their leader, the ogre, swung his club four times and shut down the hailing orcs.

''You are pretty ruthless, aren't you?" Gracier asked with a smile and let go of her Gift that vanished, there was something she wished to test, and this monster would be done perfectly for the job.


The ogre shouted before raising its club and dashed toward Gracier, no he tried but soon found it impossible to advance as some flame chains were wrapped around its feet. Lifting its head, the orc saw the human girl smiling and raised her hand, then he became furious he tried to throw its club at the foolish human girl that thought that only restraining his feet would be enough; however, he couldn't because Gracier's following words had sealed his fate.

''Fire Goddess's Judgment: Meteor's Fall"

From the sky, a small rock appeared from outer space; it was moving at breakneck speed, even from afar, you could see the blazing rock like a miniature sun. Artemia, who was leaving, sighed and thought the girl couldn't wait; she left after glancing at the falling meteor. Soon the small meteor struck the helpless ogre.


A giant explosion occurred, the area of twenty meters around the ogre was flattened, trees erased, Gracier had protected using flame shield if not she would have been swept in the aftermath of the meteor skill.

A huge crater of twelve meters appeared on the ground; it was scorched; in the depth of this crater, the ground had turned into a small pool of lava.

''This skill is scary; I wonder what kind of damage the highest level of Meteor will do? Fufufu! I can't wait to test it.'' Gracier whispered, her eyes were shining; if it weren't for Artemia's strict instructions, she would have put all her SP on the meteor skill and immediately tested it. Just as Gracier was about to continue deeper into the forest, Alice appeared and told her they must return; although disappointed, Gracier still obeyed.

Chapter 432 - [Bonus ] 420: Old Acquaintances

Avalon, Adventurer Guild Headquarter, on the highest floor where only the guild master is allowed to live, currently, Elseria could be seen sitting cross-legged, and in front of her was a spinning green gem, it was the same crystal a certain man entrusted to Artemia during her trial to regain the second part of her Gift.

The spinning gem would emit green mist, which would later enter Elseria's body through her pores. It had been more than weeks since she started to assimilate this gem; she would have tried to swallow it whole to accelerate the process. Still, by doing such a thing, there was a risk of losing more than half of the essence condensed in the stone because of the curse on her body, the same curse that makes her power fall into the Demi-God level and maybe forever stuck there.

''Hah! How troublesome!" Elseria sighed; how much did she wish to have her whole strength back? How much she wants to lift the curse on Mysthia? But alone, it's impossible, maybe Alex would be able to do. However, it's only if the enemy let him live for long, they must prepare, and for this purpose, even the smallest increase in strength couldn't be more welcomed.

Elseria focused on refining the green stone in front of her when suddenly, her expression had changed; she had asked not to be disturbed; she even cut off all communication stones to be refined in peace. Still, now it seems that someone was trying to disturb her peaceful moment.

Artemia suddenly appeared on the highest floor; Elseria glared at her, among her acquaintances, only someone bold as Artemia could be the only to disregard the restrictions she put on this floor just for the sake of not being disturbed.

''What do you want, Eretria, for you to disturb me even when I purely made it intentional that I wish not to be disturbed? Even after reincarnated, your bad habits never change, do they?'' Elseria didn't hide her dissatisfaction; she caught the spinning gem and stored it away..

''Annoying as always. Even having your strength reduced didn't make your face less annoying, Typhania.''

Artemia said and sat across from Elseria; it was like she was sitting with an old friend. Indeed it was the case; those two are best friends, even reincarnation couldn't change this; they may love to bicker with each other, but they love each other as they went through a lot together, be it was during the happiest moments or the saddest moments, they stood together, so naturally their friends grew to the point where they could be considered sworn sisters.

''Tch! Whatever, I'm more beautiful than you, and I'm stronger as well.'' Like a child, Elseria responded, no Typhania, the disappeared Eleven Empress responded, and before that she changed, she became more beautiful, her beauty no ordinary gods could create it, heavy long white hair, eyes pure as gold, long sharp ears adorned with silver earrings, the moment Typhania reverted to her true self, the floor became more beautiful, flowers blossomed, trees turned greener.

''Tch! Favored as always.'' Artemia commented, as a woman herself, she could say without a doubt that Typhania was one hell of beauty, she was a little bit jealous; however, she was not too underestimated either with the flick of her finger, her natural appearance appeared, the one in the painting at the Avalon's museum.

The most beautiful blue hair in existence, blue eyes that shine like a perfect gem. Artemia was indeed a beauty. Not only was she beautiful, but she also possessed a body that could only be described as being sinful; devilish. Her satin-like robe, clinging tightly to her devilish body, was stretched so wide that it would burst any moment, not being able to hold the bombastic contents within and show the barely hidden spring sight in its full-blown glory. If Alex were here, he would whistle and pumped his fist into the air, shouting, 'I'm a winner.'

''It's good to be back.''

Muttered the two before suddenly Artemia reverted to her old appearance, Typhania smiled.

''I guess with your current level, it will be hard to maintain your past self?" Typhania asked; she had no trouble keeping up her real appearance, unlike Artemia because of low rank.

When Artemia momentarily switched to her real self made her body became close to the Demi-God level; however, because, with her current level, it would be too much of a burden, she didn't keep it for long.

''Indeed, it's as you said. I just became Saint a few days ago. Only when I will step into Rank 13 closing to Rank 14 can I freely switch between appearances, but you and I know that I am not here for that.''

From Artemia's words, Typhania could see that something wasn't right, instantly regretted to have cut off any communications, some people may have tried to contact her, well, there's no need to cry over a spilled milk.

''Artemia tell me what happened?" Typhania immediately inquired; she had the feeling that whatever Artemia would say next, she wouldn't like it.

''Your people are trying to kidnap Gracier because she got a pure bloodline like yours. I-"

And as Typhania expected, Artemia's words turned her furious, so she stopped her.

''Are have they gone mad?'' Typhania asked with a smile; however, underneath such a charming smile hid a terrific rage. Those who know her would stay far away from her, especially when they caused such a state.

''Calm down, Typhy, they must be a reason for Gracier's blood to suddenly became pure. As a half-elf, it's impossible without external assistance.'' Artemia tried to reason Typhania before she went to do something rash.

''Don't worry, I'm pretty calm right now. To answer your question, indeed, without external assistance, it's impossible, but have you forgotten who her brother is? Because of Alex's race, their blood mixed, increasing Gracier's elven blood.'' Typhania explained, the moment she heard that Gracier had a pure bloodline, she immediately connected the dots when remembering the ritual between Alex and Gracier when he adopted her.

''I see, we should-"

Artemia was stopped to stop as Typhania was gone.

''She's gone, huh!? Someone is going to suffer aiy!" She said before also leaving.

Chapter 433 - 421: The Empress's Fury

Somewhere in Elseria, in one of the highest trees of the Forest of Life, currently, a meeting was taking place, five male High Elves sat around an exquisite wooden table discussing.

''So you want to say that none of our sent have returned alive?" Asked a green-haired man, he had sharp features, naturally handsome as Elves are generally gifted when it comes to beauty, among the five, he had the most extended hair, reached till his waist, his hair was also the greenest. This man was the leader of this small gathering.

''Yes, Elder Faranal, the life plates of our men are all broken, meaning they are all dead; the mission is a failure.'' One of the remaining four-man answered; this man goes by the name of Duriaal, the Seventh Elder. Elder Faranal is the second Elder, meaning he was above Duriaal; he possessed the highest grade in this room.

''How come? From the information gathered, there shouldn't be anybody capable enough to deal with our men; after all, they have been carefully selected, not only for their strength but because of success rate when doing mission. If I do remember correctly, the weakest was Rank 8, while the strongest was Rank 11. How is such a group easily wiped out? Did the Eighth have some hidden Force we are unaware of?"

The Eighth Elder Fareel asked, a short man with a beard which was unlike Elves as they are known for being handsome, slender, and tall; however, this man was the contrary of all of that; although handsome, he looks like a human piggy.

''Sigh! I say we were too hasty.. We should have waited for a while before acting. However, you didn't listen to my advice simply because I'm a coward, see, the result is total annihilation of our precious force.'' the last man said, he was the most handsome after Elder Faranal, short light green hair, eyes of the same hue, his hair was tied in a ponytail, the Fifth Elder Garil, known for being the most cautious of ten elders. How Elder succeeded in taking in this cautious man into his faction was unknown.

''Tch! Stop acting so cowardly, Garil; everything is for the survival of our Holy race.'' The Eighth Elder Fareel admonished Garil, those two were known to like Fire and water, stopping at nothing to make fun of each other, and as expected, Garil glared at Fareel before snorting.

''Stop the childish acts; we must think of an alternative. That thing, cough, I mean my daughter must be brought back. Everything is for the sake of the Elven race; we are-"

''Oh? I'm more interested in knowing how your personal agenda have anything to do with the Eleven race wellbeing, dear Second Elder.''

Suddenly, an unexpected voice echoed through the meeting room, startling the five men; color drained from their faces as they couldn't be more familiar with the owner of this voice even when sleeping; it is someone they fired yet dare to plot against as they firmly believe that she would be too busy taking care of stuff on the human's continent; unfortunately, fate seemed to be toying with them as their worst nightmare came true, even the always composed Second Elder which always appears to have everything under control was currently trembling.

"We welcome the Eternal Empress!!"

The Five men said in unison as they kneeled, instead of reverence, what was inside their eyes were none other than fear, extreme fear, like the children that did something he should have but got caught and was scared of getting punished.

''Ohhh! So you lots do remember that I was still the empress and yet going behind my back plotting against me? You sure got a lot of guts; I wondered who gave you the courage to start this foolish little play?" Typhania asked she levitate in the air crosslegged; the moment she appeared, the always quiet gigantic tree started shaking like a child that just saw its mother after a long time, the tree of life leaves became greener, emitting a gentle fragrance that covered all the forest, gracing elves whenever they were a peace of mind, the strongest immediately knew that they empress was back, however, her mood was not the best. Hence, they wondered what made the always gentle empress angry? Those aware of the reason swallowed hard and waited for the empress to finish whatever she had planned.

Back to Typhania's location.

She waited for the five men to answer such a simple question, and yet none of them could answer; no, it wasn't that they couldn't, just that they didn't dare to answer for fear of engraving their already hopeless situation. If you knew that something was already beyond saving, would you still try to aggravate it? The answer is no.

''I see, even when faced with such question you're unable to answer. I never thought my men were such coward.'' Typhania said in a sarcastic tone; however, none of the men said anything, their heads remained lowered.

Typhania chuckled, not minding the five attitudes as even they said something, it wouldn't change anything; their fate wouldn't change, that is.

''When you do something, be ready to pay the consequences,'' Typhania announced, and the five men's faces turned instantly pale; one they tried to say something, it was the Fifth Elder Garil.

''My empress, please-"

''Who allowed talking? So, shut up. As the most cautious and the smartest, I expected you to act like one, yet you got swayed by the reward and forget your true nature, so die.''

Typhania ruthlessly declared before the fifth elder Garil exploded in a bloody mist that covered the other four, chills shot down their spines, and they started shaking.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Three elders exploded in turn; Typhania's cruelty knew no bounds as she killed them the most brutal way possible, only the second Elder was left alive. No colors could be seen on the once-proud man's face; all that was left was the will to live even though disgracefully.

Finger against her mouth, with squinted eyes, Typhania wondered.

"What should I do with you, little Faranal?"

Typhania asked nobody in particular before her eyes suddenly brightened, and she smiled, seeing this smile Faranal knew he was done for.

Chapter 434 - 422: Inside The Dream

At the same time that Typhania finally went back after more hundred years in Alex's location. After his battle against the Sea Dragon Leviathan, Alex directly fell into the sea.

Lilith was the first to understand that something wasn't right; she immediately stirred the boat in Alex's direction.

Meanwhile, Alex, who was falling deeper into the sea, had lost consciousness, and yet his unconsciousness didn't stop whatever was wrecking his body from inside. Cracks appeared all over his bones, almost as if they were going to turn into a fine powder; whatever skill he had used, his body seemed unable to cope with it, his skin cracked open, black blood spurted from the cracks. Deep inside Alex's body, an astonishing change was taking place; from his heart, crimson blood appeared each time his heart was surrounded by a faint black tattoo pulsated.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

.This crimson blood would travel through Alex's body and repair his broken body; his blood became more crimson, his body more robust after each strengthening.

Deep in Alex's consciousness, he had a dream.

An extremely vast world stood before him, the sky was dyed crimson, on the ground was an enormous black army of giants; and standing before this endless army was a lone girl, she had crimson hair floating on her back, behind him was a spinning wheel, what was inside this wheel couldn't be seen.

The crimson-haired stretched her arm, and a long sword appeared; she swung it. Million of men were slaughtered, she switched to another weapon, it was halberd this time, and like the last time millions of men were slaughtered, each time she changed weapons a lot of men would die, the endless army was reduced instantly in more than half of its initial number, then from the other side what seemed like a man appeared, the moment this man appeared, the crimson-haired beauty expression changed for the first time, even though she slaughtered more than millions of men, her expression never did it change, however, at the apparition of this man, everything changed, the emotionless girl suddenly spoke.

''***********, as I thought it was you, why did you do that?" Asked the crimson-haired lady with a hurt expression, she couldn't believe that this same man she used to play with would one do something so cruel.

The man in question smiled before flicking his fingers; immediately; the crimson-haired lady felt something pierced her body; she spun around to see her friend backstabbing her.

''Elenial, why?" She asked; however, she got a crazed expression on her always gentle friend's face followed by an unexpected answer.

''Everything is for his love; he promised me, eternal love. Sorry, as the last Asura kindly dies for my happiness.'' the crazed woman declared.

''I see, such pity." Declared the crimson-haired beauty before she took a drastic decision, as one of the original, she knew what her friend was capable of, why that trickster of man wanted her, so she decided never to let him have what he wants.

As if the man understood what the crimson-haired beauty goal was, he shouted.

''No good, stop her.'' He ordered a giant, the strongest among the giant stepped forward; he tried teleporting; however, before he could, it happened.

''Asura: Desolate Ending!"

The world turned crimson; the wheel behind the crimson-haired lady spun faster as she spun around to embrace her traitor friend; the latter did everything she could but couldn't get free. She could only plead with the man she decided to sacrifice everything for; it was then she saw something unbelievable, the same man who yesterday whispered sweet words as they make love, turning his head away as if giving up on her, no he did, he decided to sacrifice her. It was late to regret; she could only wish to govern over Life and creation.

'In my next, if it ever exists one, I want to be a weapon, to sacrifice myself to fight this Evil man, making him pay. Ô nothingness, grant me my wish.'

These were the woman's last world as the crimson light engulfed her and erased her from this universe; before the crimson-haired lady could disappear, her friends came and succeeded in rescuing her but could only seal her after making some preparations. The crimson-haired lady's last thought was, 'Primordeus and other I leave everything in your hands, you must never let him succeed, or only chaos will remain.'

As if understood what she wished to convey, a white-clothed man and a black-clothed man nodded as if to say leave everything to us, then the dream stopped there.

Outside, Lilith had just managed to drag Alex's heavy body up, never would have, she thought, the seemingly lean man to be this heavy. With Sakuya's help, they put Alex on one of the two boards; by now, Alex's complexion was back to normal, his skin healthy, he appeared more handsome with certain devilish mixed in.

Softly caressing Alex's hair, Sakuya asked with a concerned voice.

''Is everything right?"

''Don't worry, everything is fine. It must be because he overused his body to perform that ability. Don't worry; he is just tired; he will wake up soon.'' Lilith calmed down the anxious Sakuya; the latter heaved a sigh.

Looking at the sleeping man who had somehow conquered her heart before she even knew it, Sakuya marveled.

''You will never cease to amaze me, Alexander.'' She said as she flicked Alex's forehead; Alex slightly wrinkled his nose before resuming his peaceful sleep.

Lilith sighed as well and stared in a certain direction; she couldn't help but marvel at how unusual Alex's abilities are; he always manages to surprise her. This time with an ability she had never heard of—an avatar made of him holding a giant gun.

If only they knew that in the direction where the crimson bullet disappeared to was a small uninhabited island with a mountain; however, currently, this mountain had its upper part gone, parted into two, after killing the sea dragon Leviathan, the crimson bullet fired by Alex's avatar stopped here. This island will one day be known as God's Fury island.

Chapter 435 - 423: Typhania's Scheme

Back on Elfira.

Immediately after eliminating the four elders, Typhania only left the second Elder, Gracier's father, alive; the latter was trembling, he still did not dare to look up.

''You firstly abandoned them, she went through hell, yet you never appeared; however, now that she got a pure bloodline that could serve your greed, you want to take her back, but how? By kidnapping her. You have fallen too low, Faranal. Time to suffer from your greed.''

Typhania decided to punish the man before the rest of the elders could come as it would be troublesome if they decided to interfere. Flicking her fingers, vines appeared and wrapped around Elder Faranal like a cocoon before he was dragged to God knows where.

Immediately following Elder Faranal's disappearance, Typhania disappeared as well.

In the same room used by Stefania and Rhea in their last meeting, Typhania appeared; immediately, the siblings kneeled.

.''We welcome the Eternal Empress!!"

''Rise,'' Typhania ordered as she sat in the highest seat; the Elfied siblings stood and sat as well.

''Not bad, you two have grown up well,'' Typhania said as she seized up the two, the last time she saw them, they were little kids. 'Time sure past fast.' The empress thought.

Stefania and Rhea lowered their heads, feeling embarrassed; the playful Rhea became docile all of a sudden; only one person could make her behave like this, and it was none other than Typhania who adopted them, letting them use her family name.

''So mind you telling what you two are doing for the situation to escalate as it did?" Typhania's gentle tone changed to a harsher one.

''Mentor, more than half of the council, followed them; there's nothing we could do. By the time we noticed what was going on, it was already too late.''

Stefania was the one to talk, Rhea wished to say something as well, but unlike her sister, she was not well gifted when it comes to stuff like that.

''I see. If you were vigilant enough, you would have noticed. I shall deal with you two later. For now, let's take care of the annoying part first.'' Typhania said and looked past the door at the approaching elders, and soon five men and women entered; they bowed their heads.

''Welcome back, Empress-"

''Cut to the chase. Before you even started complaining that I was harsh in my punishment, I can only say, something you ought to be ruthless in letting the others know better not messed up with you. How dare you. When I sacrificed everything to your god damn prophecy and while I was suffering thinking of my people, you lots are calmly plotting behind my back.''

Facing Typhania's outburst, none of the five men and women could say anything. Typhania indeed sacrificed everything; people didn't know anything though she disappeared after that battle where humanity lost; however, the truth was that the first elder at that time, alongside some other people, prophesied the one capable of ending the war once for all. Only Typhania was the only one capable of doing the mission; she established a guild, created a lot of things just for the sake of her mission; it was no wonder she got furious that some asshole tried to plot behind her back.

''Although the empress's fury is legit, it's not a reason to slaughter five elders; high Elves are rare. We-" The third elder, an elderly man, tried to talk but immediately shut up after Typhania glared at him.

''I don't care about what you have to say as I had already taken my decision. I killed four elders while the main perpetrator was sent to Abyss Forest.''

The moment Typhania announced this, everyone inside the meeting room trembled as they couldn't be more familiar with this Abyssal Forest; it was the hell prison on the Elven continent, criminals who were sent there never came back. Rumor has it that prisoners of Abyssal Forest serve as nourishment to the Tree of Life. The tree of Life keeps them alive to constantly suck their blood; it was a nightmare-like situation. Nobody managed to escape from this prison.


It would have been better if Elder Faranal was killed than to be sent to this hellish prison. The Five elders couldn't help but pity him. Those among the five elders who had once thought of switching sides immediately changed their minds as none of them wanted to be sent down there.

''Relax, although the council has five free places, I have already selected qualified men to take over these positions. As you have noticed, time is changing; a war is slowly approaching. We must be united to face and overcome adversaries. I want what happened to be an example to learn from. The five I have selected will come from other Elves as well. It's time to change. Changes have never been wrong. Elves will be united as a whole and fight in the incoming fight. I hope you will support me or are there any objections?"


The First Elder, the eldest of the five elders, stepped forward, he curtsied.

''The empress is wise. We will follow your suggestion. I want to know if the Eighth is the man said in the prophecy?"

''He is. Don't worry. I have talked with him, and he promised to help us. You must know that Gracier, Elder Faranal daughter, is his sister. It's thanks to him taking her as a sister that her bloodline became purer. So imagine what would happen if you make that man your enemy? He is ruthless, especially when it comes to his sister. Be his friend, and you shall enjoy a peaceful life; however, turn into his enemy, and you shall suffer endless torment. Do not forget that he has a strong master whom even I can't see through; she's probably peak Demigod expert.''

Everyone gulped; demi-god existences are extremely rare, so hearing that the boy from the prophecy has one made them gulp firstly due to fear, secondary because this person they will have one helper in the incoming war.

''Alexander loves Elven culture. He decided to visit Elfira after graduation, so we must show him how united and great we are. Understood?"

''Certainly Eternal Empress.'' Everyone nodded, and Typhania smiled.

Stefania glanced at her mentor and, at the same time, mother and shook her head; she got them all. She planned everything from the start, indeed the wise and terrifying Eternal Empress, the greatest empress ever.

Chapter 436 - 424: Before Departure

Two days later, North East, few kilometers from the Dark Forest. Once you pass this forest, you will go to the Demon's continent; however, traversing this forest was not easy; some people never come back after going in.

Currently, Alex's group booked rooms in the ones of Cities' Inn you see before going into the Dark Forest.

Currently, the girls sat around Alex's bed. It has been two days, and yet Alex showed no sign of waking up, even Lilith was getting impatient as the closer they are to the Demon's continent, her hometown, the eager she was to make her brother suffer a considerable loss, also, she was feeling the call of something she was still unaware of what this thing could be. Still, she was sure once inside, she would find the answer.

Suddenly, Alex groaned and opened his eyes; at first, his eyes were crimson and blue in color before his right eye regained his original hue, green.

''Hi! Girls. How many days have I slept for?" Alex said as he raised his upper body to lean against the bed's head because his body was feeling weak at the moment.

''You slept for two days.. How are you feeling?" Sakuya was the one to talk.

''I'm fine. I guess we are close to the Dark Forest.'' Alex inquired as he could feel the evil energy in the air; it was too thick not to be noticed. The girls nodded.

''I see. Okay, don't worry, we will depart tomorrow. For now, can you please give some private time?"

''Sure!" Lilith said and dragged the reluctant Sakuya out of Alex's room.

''Sigh! What have I gotten myself dragged into? I don't like it at all.'' Alex rubbed his forehead as he remembered the dream he had and its implications.

〖Sure, even I'm shocked to see that there existed a civilization before us. The chaos race probably originated from there. Even though the feeling of being a mere chess piece is hard to swallow, it is temporary; once you are stronger, you get to decide which side to be on. So, the master never forgets what your goal is. As you never forget, one day you'll be the one to decide other fates, but currently, bear it as you are not strong enough. In every game they exist a loophole; I believe my sister and your unique constitution are one of them. Please keep trying, and you will one day win. Never let my sister go as the leader, the most terrifying existence on the chaos race side want to have her.〗As she had also seen that dream and understood few things, Silveria could not let Alex give up because he saw that everything was set up. She also didn't forget to tell him what he should never do.

'Don't worry; I have never once thought of giving up. I shall make everyone of them who thinks I'm mere chess piece pay. I must become stronger and find that lady. I believe she would be a boost to my strength. And believe me, I have no intention of letting Nyx go; she is mine and will always be.' Alex affirmed, Nyx, who was chained against the black throne, snorted but was pleased that Alex's determination didn't waver; she decided to quickly free herself to be there to guide him, to make him the greatest and the most feared of all.

''Status!" Alex decided to check out his status. And as though responding to his call, his status window appeared right before him.

[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human ????

「 Rank 12]

Level 113

Experience Value (XP): 150000/199900

Magic Power: 6000/6000

Magic: None

Attack: 2360

Defense: 1930

Agility: 2070 (+200)

Intelligence: 2090

Luck: 1710

BP: 180

SP: 10

Gift: Death Guns [???????]

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Synchronisation Level 4 ] [Crimson's Bullet] [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] [Aurora Bullet Level 1]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Stop] [Time Acceleration] [Eye of Truth Level 1] [Asura Form]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular]』

''Tch! As I have feared, even a Rank 11 monster could even fill my XP bar. I'm still quite far from the next level. No wonder they said ascending level in the Saint Realm it's harder than ascending to Heaven. Time to check out my Asura Form. That's one hell of ability; I'm in love with it.'' Alex said as he checked the description of the Asura Form.

[Asura Form: A lost Ancient ability that consists of creating an Asura avatar holder of destruction.

The current level is insufficient.

Consume all the user Mana, and there's a risk of falling into an unconscious state after using it. The stronger is the opponent, the stronger his avatar will be and the more forms he can use.]

''I see no wonder I fell unconscious shortly after using it. Well, I need to increase my MP to be able to use this ability without fainting afterward. I'm curious about what kind of ultimate form my avatar will have? Will he be like the one the crimson lady used? Letting me switch weapons as I wish?" Alex's eyes shined; he couldn't wait to see what his Asura ultimate form would be. He was getting more and more interested in the crimson lady known as the last Asura.

Alex was too focused elsewhere. If not, he would have noticed the question mark beside his race. It means his original race was changing as to what it would change to; only time could tell.

〖Your contract with this mysterious woman can be considered a blessing in disguise. You better make use of what she left you. I believe that only the type of the iceberg we have seen right now.〗

Although jealous of the Gift left to Alex by the crimson-haired lady, Silveria knew what was important. After discussing with Silveria their next actions, Alex joined the others; tomorrow, they will depart for the demon's continent.

Chapter 437 - 425: The Blackwater Bandits

The following morning, Alex and the girls departed toward the Demon's continent. Alex drove the beautiful magic carriage forward; they had left Blake's City and passed through several small villages; as one got closer to the Dark Forest, the fewer cities and people one would see.

''Come on, Lili, don't be a sore loser. It's my win again.'' Sakuya proudly declared as she showed her cards; it was a royal flush.

''Tch! I get it. You win. I will spare with you later.'' Lilith said in a depressed tone. Vexing as it could be, when it comes to Poker, Sakuya was extremely good, but not good as Alex. To kill time, the group loves to play different types of games; poker is one of them. The first time Alex saw the cards, he was surprised, but when he remembered that before them, people from Earth had come, it made sense.

.''Let's join Alex outside,'' Sakuya suggested, and Lilith nodded, opening the carriage door; the two joined Alex.

''Welcome, it seems that you have lost yet again,'' Alex said with a chuckle; Lilith shrugged her shoulders.

''So, what did you say to the girls now that some people are targeting your sister. Should their stop their training to look after her?" Lilith inquired.

Last night, Alex learned that some people tried to kidnap his sister; he was not worried that they could succeed as he had put a reliable bodyguard to look after her. Even so, he was furious that some Elves wished to take his sister back after they abandoned her, you discard the stone, and now that someone else picked it and polished it, turning it into a gem, you wish to take it back. As if it would be acceptable. Artemia had said she took care of the problem, that the Elves wouldn't try anything. Alex was happy; after giving his men some instructions, he told the girls what had happened.

''No, they must continue their training. Don't worry; nothing will happen. Gracier is strong and has a strong bodyguard. Artemia will look after her.'' Alex said and focused his attention on the road.

''I see. Don't worry; we are about to enter the demon continent; although it's a dangerous mission, we will succeed and quickly go back.'' Lilith said she was trying to comfort Alex because she was sure that he must be missing his loved ones, especially now that he learned someone tried to kidnap his sister.

Alex smiled while Sakuya chuckled.

''What was that for?" Lilith asked Sakuya.

''Nothing, it is just that the Lilith of a few days ago wouldn't have reacted as you did. Say what you just said. Don't get me wrong; it's nothing bad; it's just that you are changing, becoming more human. Previously, you were too cold, as if the world was against you, except few persons, you never interacted with others, but now it's different. Remember, that woman you helped in Blake's City?"

''Yeah, I do; she was having a hard time moving her luggage; she was too old, so I helped her,'' Lilith said as she remembered a confident old woman, thinking how many times the old woman thanked her brought a smile upon her Lilith's face, it was an unconscious gesture.

''See, you are smiling. The previous you wouldn't have done it. Well, I can say that I'm a good teacher.'' Sakuya declared with a smile; Lilith rolled her eyes at her. Everything would have been perfect if she hadn't ruined it with that last remark.

〖Indeed, she has changed. I thought that after losing her butler, she would have reverted to her old self, but I guess it was a needless worry. It's good, never let her. Do you hear me?〗

Alex frowned; he didn't like what Silveria was implying under that suggestion.

〖Don't get me wrong. I never say to make her yours, be her good friend, her confidant. I can't stop her if you wish to make her yours, though.〗

Alex ignored Silveria's words. Suddenly, he heard Lilith's voice.

''Alex, how long are you planning to ignore those people following us since a moment ago?"

''Hehehehe! I just thought it's fun to have bodyguards escort us.'' Alex replied.

''Humph! I bet these idiots can't wait and jump out to robe us.'' Sakuya harrumphed, like the other two, the moment she came out, she noticed people surrounding them. The eight at the back were using some concealment items; if not for his advanced Divine Sense, he couldn't have noticed them.

''Let's them try if they seek death,'' Alex said and continued to drive the carriage; he acted as if he had not noticed the twelve people surrounding them, moving further back were another eight men, making a total of twenty men.

''As the villager chief has said, thieves are indeed on this road. From his words, numerous carriages have been robbed, and women taken and sold to God knows where; it's why nobody likes to take this route anymore.'' Sakuya said while cracking her knuckles; she was ready for some action.

As Sakuya said, the last village the group visited, the villager chief warned them not to pass through here even after learning they are Adventurers, it was said that even B group adventurers lost to this group of bandits, The Blackwater bandits they called themselves, and because this is a remote region under any supervision, adventurers rarely come here. Hence, the guild stopped caring for what happened after few unsuccessful attempts.

The group had selected this route simply because it was shorter compared to other routes.

Suddenly, Alex felt some movement from the group surrounding them; it seemed that they were getting impatient.

Twelve people wearing black clothes appeared from the side of the highway in front of the carriage. The remaining eight kept hidden and were coming from behind.

"The carriage there, stop!"

It was unexpectedly a woman's voice. All of them held weapons in their hands.

Upon hearing that voice, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. Never would he have expected that woman would kidnap other women to sell. It was about to get interesting.

"Hello, sisters, the two of you are the best articles we have seen in a while!"

"Well, well ... Ho ho, they are going to be sold at a high price; I am pleased."

The woman and a guy who seems to be a follower seem to be evaluating Lilith and Sakuya. Although disguised as Elsa and Mio, they were still beauties.

''Are you so surprised that you lose your mouth, boy?" One of the men in the back asked Alex after seeing only foolishly stare at them; it mistook Alex's silence for being frightening; therefore, his ego skyrocketed.

''You know, even B Rank adventurers couldn't do anything before us, so better behave; we are the Blackwater gang.'' The man added.

''Boss, please let us entertain ourselves before we sell them." Another one of the men who was only thinking with his lower body said.

"You guys, talking around, if you want rewards, show it with actions."

The woman who seemed to be a leader reprimanded the minions that made the vulgar conversation.

"You have no luck being targeted by the Blackwater gang. Even if you're a weak adventurer, it is boring, can't you resist a little. You guys pick them up, catch the women! Kill the man! "

Five of their minions began to run toward the carriage. The eight people in the back are still hidden and didn't move.

"Sakuya, I think it is unsatisfactory. Can you take care of them?" Alex didn't bother using their codenames as he knew that none of the men would live here today alive.

"Okay, can I kill them?"

''Suit yourself; however, they're too weak. So you're not authorized to use your sword.'' Alex ordered and leaned against the carriage; this attitude annoyed the woman, the group's boss.

Sakuya jumped in front of the carriage; she seemed lazy and declared.

"Oh, I will fight you alone!"

"Beautiful girl, let me show you the joy to be a woman!"

The thieves had a vulgar expression on their faces as they competed to see who would take Sakuya.

"I refuse"

A body blow was delivered by Sakuya, who approached the bosom of the thief in the blink of an eye. The person who was hit was the thief who had made vulgar remarks previously. The fist sank deeply into his body, and a cracking sound soon followed. The thief was launched in the air as he flew a few meters away, and he fell on the head.

"Oh? I controlled fairly; was this useless?" Sakuya looked at her hand in bewilderment.

"Instant death," Alex muttered; he had thought that at least the man could have lasted a few punches; he was Rank 6, for god sake.


The remaining bandits widened their eyes in disbelief. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"What's the matter? Didn't everyone look like they were having so much fun just now? You guys wanted to play with me. Umm... Softwater gang, was it?"

The sadistic side of Sakuya awoke; she was smiling; however, her smile was extremely dangerous. The unlucky had finally met their match.

Chapter 438 - 426: It Was A Total Annihilation

'What kind of a sick joke is this?' Thought Selene, the boss of this group of thieves.

The scene before her eyes could only be described as the unstoppable rampage of an absolute predator. This woman, who they had thought to be nothing more than an easy target mere seconds before, was massacring her people right before her eyes as if they were cabbages.

The first one who died was Bobby. That woman, who had been standing in front of the carriage a second ago, suddenly appeared right in front of him and punched him once in the abdomen. How did that slim frame of hers manage to dish out so much power?

By the time Selene heard the gruesome sound of Bobby's bones shattering and his internal organs being crushed, the man was already flying through the air; he landed with a thud sound, he was dead, and his soulless eyes staring right into Selene's eyes.


Her other subordinates were as shocked as she was. They all froze in their previously frenzied dash towards what they had thought to be easy prey.

"Oh my, and I thought I had pulled my punch.. Guess that was still too much?"

'That was her pulling her punch?! You gotta be kidding.' Almost shouted Selene, but she managed to hold back. Her subordinates were by no means weak. In fact, they were stronger than the average adventurer. All of them were at least Rank 5, and if they worked together correctly, she was sure they could fight Rank 8.

Therefore, someone who could talk about pulling their punches while dealing with her subordinates would have to be Rank 8 or, worse, Rank 9. They have chosen the wrong target this time.

"What's the matter? Didn't everyone look like they were having so much fun just now? You guys wanted to play with me. Umm... Softwater gang, was it?" Sakura said provokingly, with a smile so bewitchingly beautiful that even Selene almost fell for her. Not only was she ultimately looking down on them, but she had also even gone to the extent of purposefully messing up the gang's name.

"Y-You bitch! Guys, how much longer do you plan on standing around like idiots! Forget about capturing her; kill her instead! I want her dead."

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore; Selene snapped her dumbfounded subordinates back to their senses and commanded them to attack. Normally, it was the wrong call.

However, in the whole gang, Selene was known for her short temper; she had never backed down when someone picked a fight with her, so Sakuya's provocation worked perfectly fine.

Selene should have recognized the difference in strength based on what had happened to the first man and ordered everyone to scatter and run away. If so, perhaps Sakuya might have let them leave with their lives. Perhaps they could have regrouped with the others who were hidden on standby close behind. However, it was too late by the time Selene came to her senses.

"Oh...I guess..." murmured Sakuya after shooting a quick look behind her.

Misinterpreting that as an opening, Darn and Paul resumed their sprint towards her. Both of them were equipped with daggers. These two, who were acknowledged for their high Agility stats,

pulled off the perfect surprise attack with flawless teamwork.


When Sakuya noticed Darn and Paul's approach, their daggers were already mere inches away from her neck and heart.

'Got her!

Surely the two-man had thought the same thing.

It didn't take long for them to change their minds.


Paul thought it strange that he couldn't feel any feedback from his dominant hand. Normally, this would be the moment when the heavenly feeling of slicing through flesh flooded his brain make him feel exhilarated. This time, however, he wasn't feeling anything.

In fact, he couldn't even feel the handle of the poisoned dagger that he was so proud to wield.

"Hey, this is a pretty well-maintained dagger that you're using. Well, I mean, for a bandit, that is. Judging from your eyes, you love the feeling of slicing through flesh, don't you?"

Inadvertently looking up at the source of that voice, Paul found the woman that he had thought he'd killed nonchalantly holding his dagger up and evaluating it.

'Why is she still alive? Her throat should be sliced open, and my knife should be buried in her heart!'

It was only then that the figure of his partner, Darn, arm snapped and head twisted around at an impossible angle, came into Paul's view. He suddenly understood that, in all likelihood, he was in the same state.

'What the hell...just happened...?'

With no one to answer his unvoiced question, Paul's consciousness sank into eternal darkness. Like Darn, he died.

Both Paul and Darn had been killed within seconds.

'But how?' Even Selene could not comprehend what had just happened, even when it happened right before her eyes. One moment she was convinced that they'd struck the woman

down, but the next, they were the ones lying on the ground, arms, and necks wholly crushed. Did that mean she had attacked each of them twice within a split second?

Held in the woman's hands were Darn's and Paul's daggers. Perhaps she had

not even considered their approach to be an attempt on her life.

'When did she snatch the daggers? When did she break her two subordinates' arms, and when did she snap their necks? Selene was ashamed to admit that she had not caught a single second of what had happened. How strong, how fast someone can be for her who boasted to the strongest of the bunches, who had never failed in any mission since that man joined them to fail to see what happened? Doesn't this mean this woman was stronger than that man?

The mere thought that this was right sent a shiver down Selene's spine; if this woman was this strong, then how about to other two? Are they strong as this woman? There is no way, right?

Selene was lost in thought, so she hadn't seen when her next subordinate moved.

Chapter 439 - 427: The Leader's Appearance

Selene was lost in thought, so she hadn't seen when her next subordinate moved. By the time she took notice of this, her subordinate was winding up an attack. It was the most strong after her; he had strong build, two meters tall with bulging muscles, he had the nickname the strongman or Iron body. The man was so powerful that he needed only a single hand to

swing his solid iron hammer around. In addition, despite being a strongman, he was also fast enough to keep up with Darn and Paul. All in all, he was a competent member of this fighting force.

Taking advantage of the brief moment during which the woman was occupied with the daggers, Rowan lifted his hammer as high as he could before slamming it down with every ounce of strength he could muster. The blow had

.enough power to shatter armor and pulverize shields.

Even so, Sakuya showed no sign of panic; calmly, she said while green light covered her arm.

"Oh, are we perhaps doing a strength competition this time?" The amusement in her tone couldn't be hidden; it was like a game to her.

The hammer, with all its supposed destructive power, was easily stopped by the woman, with nothing more than a single one of her thin, shapely arms, no less. Selene was too shocked to have noticed the small green light covering Sakuya's hand.

"Not that I mind, though. All right, I'll play along."

There wasn't a single bead of sweat on her forehead when she said this; on the contrary, the corners of Sakuya's mouth lifted into a smile.


On the other side, Roman roared at the top of his lungs while pressing the hammer down so

hard that his veins were visible on his bulky arms. Even so, the hammer would even not budge as if gripped by an iron claw.

Selene couldn't help but blurt out her surprise.

"That's impossible. Roman's Rank 7 with 800 ATK points meaning his strength is strong enough-"

Selene didn't even finish what she was saying before Sakuya stopped her and said.

"Is that so? Hmm, so this is what an 800 ATK can do, huh?"

''Well, mine is about 1000. Time to wrap things up; I'm getting tired of this.'' Sakuya added, the last part was muttered inaudibly.

As she said that, fissures spidered across the surface of Roman's huge hammer. They spread quickly, cracking loudly as they went. An instant later, the entire weapon crumbled into pieces. The only thing left behind was Sakuya, who still had her right hand lifted, and Roman, who was still holding onto the handle, now reduced to nothing more than a mere stick.

As Selene watched, it slowly slipped from Roman's grip, after which his huge bulk also crumpled to the ground. With him lying not too far from her, she could see that his chest had completely caved in, his heart crushed.

Selene had not gotten over her shock before Sakuya, who had now turned into devil's moved; she quickly passed through the remaining men.

Bang! Bang! Crack! Crack!

Every time she moved her slender ar,m a bang sound was heard,d followed by the sickening sounds of crushed bones and hearts rupturing; it was instant death.

Finally, Selene started to tremble violently; she dropped her ax and took a step back.

''Wh-Who are you...?!" She fearfully asked. She was the only one left; elven men were dispatched in an instant.

''Well, I'ma simple weak woman with the hobby of crushing ants, I guess?"

"Why is your answer a question?! You've got to be fucking with me. No, I have not lost; I still have my hidden force, my Mages hiding in the dark. Although you are strong, you will die once they make a move, yeah, I-I'm sure of it. Hehehehe!"

It seemed that fear had broken something within Selene's mind, and she started laughing. If she were in a rational state of mind, she would have thought that there was no way the other two would nonchalantly sit back and watch; however, fear had erased any rationality from Selene's mind, she had become too desperate, she lost eleven men, she decided to sacrifice everything, she didn't care if what they once thought as merchandise was destroyed, she must avenge her slaughtered men.

''Rain fire on them.''

Selene threw her arm down, signaling for the descent of hell on earth.


However, no matter how long she waited, nothing came, so she was forced to blurt out.

"How much longer am I supposed to wait?"


'That's strange. I repeated the signal several more times, but no spells came flying from behind. Don't tell me they all left us here to die and ran away by themselves?' Selene thought, she started sweating, it was then, someone she had utterly forgotten about appeared like a ghost beside her and whispered into her ear.

''If you are waiting for the eight hiding, then you should stop waiting because they died, all killed by the second girl beside me. In your next life, better be a good girl; I will not kill you right as you still have a use for me. For now, sleep.''


Immediately after Alex was done talking, he gave the girl a huge chop in the neck, making her unconscious.


Alex didn't care if Selene hit her head hard on the ground after losing consciousness, as this type of person deserves worse.

''Well done, Sakuya. Time to finish things and depart.'' Alex said and looked in a certain direction; it was the west of their current position.

''How long are you planning to stay hidden for?" Alex raised his voice; Sakuya waited silently beside him while Lilith gripped her sword's sheath, ready to intervene at any moment if anyone tried something funny.

There was a silence; nobody answered Alex's question for five minutes before finally someone appeared.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

''You are sure something, to dispatch my men and to be able to see me even when I was concealed. You have quite some skills; why not come works for me?"

The person who said this was a man in his middle thirties, black hair and brown eyes, he had a sharp nose, he was holding a long spear. From the man's words, he must be the leader of the Blackwater Bandits.

Chapter 440 - 428: Devil's Smile

Alex ignored the man and looked past him; his eyes were focused behind the man, seeming to want to pierce through space; there was someone there, Alex couldn't say this person exact gender, but he was sure it was a demon and the one behind this clone who just showed up.

The man that appeared was enraged because Alex was ignoring him; he had the sudden of piercing his heart with his spear to show him who his place was. If it weren't because that person had said to try to buy her some time, Léonce would have killed Alex for his disrespect. He didn't dare to ask why that woman ordered him to buy her some time; the most rational answer should be she wants to use this chance to prepare a spell to catch this unusual boy before him, so Léonce wants to believe.

''Boy, one should listen and respond when your elder talk, like that you-''

''Stop it, please. I'm not interested in dogs; what I want is its owner. A dog that was once an Adventurer but decided to become a bandit instead. I don't care about what your story is; you shouldn't have turned your back and become what you once fought against, a bandit.'' Alex said and coldly stared at Léonce, who was fuming so much that his body started trembling.

'How dare this boy talk to him like that?' He would kill him. Léonce had forgotten the instructions he received; he tried to charge at Alex; however, he suddenly froze, time had stopped for him..

Alex appeared before the frozen Léonce and pierced his heart with a knife; at the same time, he winked at Lilith, who went after the woman hiding. Alex Time Stop was aimed at her, but somehow she was faster and ran away.

Alex let go of Léonce's body which fell on the ground, his eyes wide open as he couldn't believe that he would die like that; his strength was nothing compared to Alex's strength; the gap was too wide, Léonce was Rank 9 while Alex Rank 11. As Alex had said, Léonce was once an Adventurer, the leader of the group of adventurers that got almost annihilated; after that terrible loss, he killed the leader of Blackwater bandits at that time and took over his position with the mysterious woman intervention, however, everything ended, he died the group was no more.

''Sakuya, wake that woman up. We must go free the hostages and quickly leave the area.'' Alex ordered, and Sakuya nodded before slapping Selene twice.

Piak! Piak!

The slaps were so loud and strong that even a sleeping elephant would have woke up. Selene's cheeks became immediately swollen; however, she didn't dare to voice her dissatisfaction; she curled her body and answered the duo questions until Lilith came back with a disappointed expression.

''How'd it go? Did you get that person?" Alex inquired, however to his disappointment Lilith shook her head.

''No, but I managed to wound her, and I left a mark on her. It should activate in an hour or more. For now, let's finish your goal.'' Lilith said, and Alex nodded.

The group dragged Selene to the Blackwater hideout, and as Alex feared, the woman didn't come here; she must have gone into hiding somewhere else.

Shaking his head, Alex walked into the cave with Selene ahead; if they existed any traps, she would be the first to suffer from it, no that Alex feared some traps with his Divine Sense always on a full alert.

The group walked deeper into the cave until they came to an interception; Selene didn't dare to play any trick on the group as she knew her life was only hanging on a thin line; at the slightest mishap, she would be a goner. Therefore, she went exactly where the group wanted him to go, to the storehouse where they held the captives waiting to be sold as slaves.

Alex's expressions sank when he saw the kidnapped people; the women had dead eyes as they have constantly being abused, most of them were raped while the men were badly beaten up, there were even children among the captives.

''You beast!" Sakuya roared, she almost beheaded Selene on the spot, but she managed to control herself; she mustn't, not in the front of the hostages because it would frighten them, making them warier. Also, she must take into account Alex's plans before making a personal move.

''We are Adventurers who were passing by. Having been attacked, we retaliated and annihilated the bandits keeping your captives. We have come to rescue you.'' Alex's voice echoed in the room.

Instantly, some light returned to the captives' eyes.

''I-is that true?" One of the captives asked, a girl around seventeen; she had green hair, light brown eyes; she tightly held the cage's iron to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

''Yeah, it's true. You must know this woman behind me. You remember her, don't you?" Alex asked, and Sakuya pushed Selene forward; the latter was shaking, ashamed to even look at the same slaves she often spits on.

''Y-yeah, we know here.'' The green-haired girl pointed her trembling finger at Selene; how could she forget the same woman that lured her into this? She acted like the victim of an accident, forcing the girl carriage to stop; as a result, it was a massacre, her family was slaughtered, and she was captured.

''Yeah, let's kill her to avenge others and the numerous sufferings we went through!!!" Roared most of the captives.

Alex raised his hand and immediately all noise stopped, then he smiled, seeing this smile if Selene previously held any hope of surviving, then it's died because of Alex's smile, Selene was not dumb; if she were, she would not be the second in command, the moment she saw Alex's smile she immediately understood the reason she was kept alive, everything was this moment, and as she had expected Alex didn't disappoint her, his following words confirmed her worst fear.

''Calm down; I do understand your frustrations, but first, hear me out. For those who still remember where you came from and are sure to go back, you will be free; however, for those who have nowhere to go and are ready to accept a challenge, ready to suffer but get a great reward, you shall follow me. I will let you deal with this woman as you see fit. How is it? Will you take my hands?"

Lilith and Sakuya finally understood why Alex stopped and came here; it was to recruit some people. He didn't move without a goal in mind; Lilith was happy to see that he still prioritized his interest while Sakuya thought that Alex's smile looked like that of the devil luring a poor soul to sign a contract. She loves it; it sends a shudder down her spine, making her blood boil in excitement.

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