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28.18% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 135: 238-247

Chapter 135: 238-247

238: Encounter With The First Prince

The moment Chris, their teacher announced Alex as the winner. The whole stadium burst into a loud cheer.

"Beautiful fight."

Zero gave honest praise. Alpha acquiesced. After giving one glance in Alex's direction they left.

On the other side, Gracier and Co were cheering as well. While Maria was also feeling happy for Alex's victory, she was made aware of the painful difference between them, and being a competitive woman, she decided to compete for second place. Looking at Artemia, she decided to become the strongest of Alex's women. Seemingly, she had forgotten that Artemia wasn't Alex's woman.

''Alex has become stronger, stronger than any of us.'' Sakuya's sudden words brought Maria back.

''Indeed. How ironic. He was weaker than any of us. However, now he is the strongest. Looks at them, they thought they were the chosen ones mocking him. Never look down on anybody. I hope he will learn to be humble from now on and stop finding trouble with Alex.'' Maria said while looking at Leonardo, the latter was biting his thumb, probably unhappy that Alex won.

Sakuya couldn't help laugh,

''Stop your wishful thinking. Look at him, he won't stop. His hatred for Alex will cause his downfall.''

''I guess you're right.'' Maria couldn't help but acknowledge Sakuya's words. Leonardo was glaring at Alex. If gaze could murder Alex would have been dead. Even though he was trying to hide it, his hatred for Alex was visible.

''Sigh! I wonder why he hated Alex so much? To me, we should stick together in this foreign world as we know nothing about the end goal of those who gave us power. Together we are stronger.'' Sakuya said while wondering what is the real intention of Goddess Mea and others.

Shrugging her shoulders Maria respond, ''I don't know but I have the feeling that we will sound found out. What we need to do the most right now is to get stronger. Dungeons are here to help us.''

''I hope we will be put in the same group.'' Luna who had just joined them said this.

''I thought you would want to be with your fiancé.'' Sakuya teased Luna while looking at Alex who was coming towards them. Artemia has been evacuated. Lilith followed after her after giving Alex a thumb up. It was her way of saying 'You have done a great job.'

''I would have been happy if it was possible but it's not as Alex and Artemia will be sent to explore a special medium dungeon. It is what has been decided.'' Luna informed them about Chris's decision as the two were too focused on their talk to have heard him.

''Medium dungeon? Just the two of them?" Maria couldn't help but ask this.

''No, one person will follow them. However, it won't be among us, students.'' Luna explained.

While the girls were discussing Chris's decision, Alex who was walking toward them got stopped. When he turned around to see who was the person that stopped him, he was surprised to find out that it was the second princess.

''Congratulation on your victory. It was a beautiful match.'' Katherina said while trying to put on a warm smile.

Even she didn't know what got into her but when she saw Alex passing by, she decided to say a word, fully knowing that Alex may not respond as he doesn't like her.

Alex's face was cold as an iceberg, ''Thank you, your highness.''

He didn't want for her to say anything else before departing.

Looking at his departing back, those who followed her wanted to stop Alex as they found his behaviors disrespectful. While his status may be exceptional, it was not to the extent that he would not put the princess of the strongest empire in his eyes.

''Stop it. It's fine he must be tired after such a fight. Let's leave.''

Strangely, Katherina was not angry over what happened, on the contrary, she even stopped her subordinates from intervening. Reluctantly, Katherina's subordinates left.

While departing Katherina couldn't help but lament at how blind the past her had been.

''Hope isn't late.'' She mumbled.

On the other hand, Alex was having a chat with Silveria.

〖Master are you angry?〗Silveria asked.

Alex didn't answer. Silveria couldn't help but sigh, she finally noticed that her master was angry.

As proof of the anger that he was feeling at the moment, his lips curved upward slightly and a slight smile escaped from his mouth... Just like what happened to many people when their anger reached a certain level, Alex began to laugh softly as he walked.

He couldn't be blamed, someone considered you to be worthless, however, after some events the same person that insulted you want to use you as she found you useful. How can you not be angry? You will be a fool if you just laugh off.

''Lex who made you so angry?" Luna asked when she saw her man's face.

It was then it dawned on him that he had already arrived at where the others were.

Shaking his head Alex said, ''Forget it, it's not worth mentioning.''

''Welcome back Big brother. That was some nice fight.'' Gracier jumped on his back and said.

The others couldn't help but smile seeing this scene.

Suddenly, Alex held Gracier tightly and spun to punch the air.


He was pushed a couple of steps back. His hand feels numb. Looking at Leon who was rubbing his hand, Alex smiled and said,

''That was a nice punch.''

''I call it Fire Punch. To think that you would not have the slightest burn mark on your hand after taking my punch as expected your physical is not ordinary. I smell a little bit of dragon aura coming from your body.'' Leon announced. He just tested his newly created skill on Alex. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

When Alex heard Leon's words, he almost shouted 'Are you a dog?' However, he stopped himself.

And before he could say anything, they both feel a cold stare on their backs. The girls were glaring at them as if to say 'There is place and time for everything.'

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking and looked in a certain direction. Maria, Luna, and Sakuya's expression turned frosty.

Looking in that direction Alex said a handsome blue-haired coming toward them. Even though it was his first time seeing him, he could say with certainty who is this man.

The first prince, Adler Acres Von Havens.

Alex heard Leon's heavy sigh. Kuina was smiling, however, it was a kind of playful smile.

The first prince arrived before their group. Quickly scanning their group, his eyes lasted for a moment on Maria and Luna. When he was looking at Luna, his expression changed for a split second before going back to normal.

Normal people may have noticed this, however, with his sharp senses Alex noticed it. The first prince's eyes turned cold when he noticed the ring on Luna's finger.

Finally looking at Alex after giving others quick greetings, Adler said, ''Isn't it the famous Alexender the eighth. I have heard about you and indeed you didn't disappoint me.''

While saying so, Adler held out his hand, Alex caught it and both smiled while shaking hands.

''Nice to meet you.''

''Same here.''

The two didn't stop shaking hands after five minutes passed. Leon and others were looking at them strangely wondering what they were up to.

Finally, they stopped shaking hands as if nothing happened. However, those with a sharp sight noticed that Adler's hand was red as if swollen, he did his best to hide it, though.

Leon who had understood what happened couldn't help but chuckle.

''Something seemed funny Lionheart's crown prince?" Adler asked.

''Pff! No. I just remembered some funny event.'' Leon responded, doing his best to not laugh.

''Oh?! Care to share it?" Adler asked curiously.

Leon's lips twitched before he cleared his throat and explained.

''It was a scholar that wanted to act strong in front of a martial artist with his meager strength, however, he got crushed. A-"

''Pfff! Hahaha! We understood so there is no need to continue your story.'' Alex laughed hard.

How can he not understand what Leon meant? All of them understood what he meant, the bold one couldn't help but glance at a certain someone's hand.

Aware of the gazes on him, Adler did his best to not curse. While maintaining a smiling face, he said.

''That's some nice story, but remember martial artist may be strong but a country will not work without a scholar. I shall take my leave. See you later. Miss Maria, miss Luna have a nice evening.''

Adler departed after leaving these words behind.

''How about me dear prince. You seem to have forgotten about me. Are you afraid of me?" Sakuya asked with a naughty smile.

Adler who was walking ahead faltered almost falling face first, he quickly controlled his body and scurried away as if running away from a nightmare.

''I wonder what you did to make him so afraid of you.'' Alex couldn't help but ask seeing Adler's pathetic back.

Sakuya smiled mysteriously w ''Who knows.''

Before she added, ''However, I must say Leon that was some good job you did there. I haven't noticed anything.''

Leon scratched his head while laughing.

''I never appreciated him. He is too foul of himself. He is worst than Katherina.'' Leon said.

''Indeed. I was trying to tease him but you beat me to it.'' Kuina announced.

The others couldn't help but laugh. Thinking that Adler has been lucky.

After chatting and joking for a while, the group separated. Alex left accompanied by Luna and Gracier.

Dungeons exploration will start in three days.

239: An Unexpected Meeting

Late in the night in the First Prince's villa.

In one of the bedrooms, Adler could be seen sitting around a table while tapping repeatedly on it. Kneeling not far from him was a man dressed in black.

The man in black hand over something to Adler, it was paper.

After reading it Adler threw it away, there was a frown on his face.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

''So this all information you found on Alexander?" Adler asked.

''Yes, your highness.'' the man in black answered, his head lowered as he didn't dare to look at the angered Prince.

''Sigh! There is nothing to use against him. While it pains me how well guarded he is. I can't help but postpone my plan. He can't be used as he had already offended me. Putting his hands on something he shouldn't have.''

When Adler was talking he couldn't help but grimace as he recalled that his angel was taken. 'How dare he that lowly scum to put his hands on his property.' He shouted inside his mind.

The man in black couldn't help but shiver when he sensed an overwhelming amount of hatred coming from the prince. He knew the reason for this hatred. The prince had tried courting both Maria and Luna, not only for their beauty but also because they will help him win the crown, he had seen further than that, one them would control the Imperial academy while the other would become the empire angel guardian due to her class.

However, he never succeeds in his courtship until he was sent on a diplomatic mission. Eager to return as he had found a new way of approaching the girls on his travel, to his dismay he learned that one of them got engaged while the other girl seemed close to the same guy. If his self-control wasn't strong he would have ordered the death of the guy. However, he didn't do such a thing as he understood the consequence of acting rashly, not even his father will protect him if he were to make a mistake. Openly touching or foolishly moving against Alex in the shadow may result in a bloodbath as angering Elseria is like angering the whole world. She possesses the strongest army, (Adventurers), while not every one of them will move, the strongest ones will respond to her call.

Thus Adler's dilemma, he ought to carefully plan. No, the truth is that he didn't know what to do. Not only Alex has strong backing he seemed to be surrounded by powerful individuals from all over the world.

''How can one be this lucky? Friend with the crown prince of the Lionheart Empire. The others Princes and Princesses seemed to favor his as well. If he was a prince with so many strong characters surrounding him he will become the next emperor. Even that self-centered blondie isn't it this popular.'' Adler sighed again and again.

Alex was like his worst nightmare, he had no way of dealing with him. At least for now.

''How my foolish sister doing?" Adler switched to another subject.

''Her highness hasn't made any move lately. She seemed to be focusing on how to make Alexander works for her.'' The man in black explained after remembering what their spy told him.

''I see, what foolish move. I doubt she would ever succeed. How about my troublesome little sister?" Adler asked about Artemia.

''Well sh-" The man in black hesitated to continue as he knew what he was going to say wouldn't please the first prince.

''What? Talk it's an order.'' Adler shouted.

Sighing the man explained what happened, what they knew. It was because of Alex that his sister came of her reclusive life. She even invited him to her mansion.

Adler's face kept twitching nonstop when he heard what happened. His forehead was throbbing, he could feel a terrible headache that was about to assault him. As he was out of the empire and just came back today, he wasn't aware of everything that happened. His men didn't inform him about information related to his dear sister. If not he would have known.

''That fucker even want to add my sister? What a gal. I finally understood why they got that reward, it must be Artemia's doing. I can't let her fall into his claws. I must see father, he would be able to do something about it.''

''Yeah, he will be able to do something. Dungeons are dangerous nowadays, we should postpone their exploration for an extended period.''

Adler mumbled while pacing back and forth.

'What a lame excuse.'

The man in black was dumbfounded by Adler's reaction. He knew he loved his sister, the Third princess more than his other siblings, however, he never thought it was to this extent. While others were afraid of the Third princess if she ever decided to compete for the throne, it was not Adler's case as he knew Artemia is not interested in such a thing.

''Treize, go back and keep an eye on my sister. I will go see my father.'' Adler ordered before dismissing Treize (13).

After bowing, Treize disappeared.

When Adler imagined his cute little sister falling into Alex's claws, his face twisted into an unrecognizable shape.

'There is no way I will let that happen. My innocent sister will not be tainted.' Adler swore while walking to his father's study.

If only he knew that his so-called innocent sister wasn't that innocent.


At the same time, elsewhere an unexpected meeting was taking place.

Leonardo was looking at the unexpected visitor in front of him.

''So, Damien, the Holy son what brings you to my humble abode tonight?" He asked.

While leisurely sipping his black tea, Damien answered.

''You and I have one common enemy,'' Damien said.

''And so?" Leonardo did not bother to play the fool card. It was too boring and it's a waste of time.

''Smart as you are, you have already understood what I meant,'' Damien said before adding.

''Alexander is our common enemy. We ought to deal with him or not he would take everything from us.''

'Hehehe! Sure he has already taken everything from you. I bet he had already tasted the sweet fruit. She isn't pure any longer.'

Leonardo inwardly thought this while outwardly his expression remained impassive as he questioned Damien.

''It's good that you want to deal with him but you know he is stronger than us by a large margin. Even though it hurts to admit this, he is stronger than us, not even the third princess hailed as the strongest of the new generation was his match, she got bested. So, I'm curious about how you plan to deal with him. Let's not forget that he possesses a frightening backing as well.''

Even though Leonardo's words were painful, it was the truth. Shaking his head to discard any hesitation, Damien started to explain.

''Everything you said it's true. However, I'm not planning to attack him head-on, it will be a foolish thing.-"

''Then send some assassins?" Leonardo asked.

Damien's expression turned unnatural, ''That wouldn't work either.''

''Oh?! From your expression, it seems that you have tried and it ended up in failure.'' Leonardo mocked.

Ignoring Leonardo's mockery, Damien continued.

''Alexander has something he cares about more than anything. W-"

Once again Leonardo interrupted Damien and asked.

''You can't be seriously saying what I'm thinking right?''

Damien stayed silent. Leonardo clicked his tongue and continued.

''While it's true that the guild master said she was backing Alex, this doesn't mean it was only him. Did you forget about her race?''

Once again a silence.

Unbothered Leonardo continued. ''She is an Elf. While Alex's sister is a half-Elf, she is still elve nevertheless. So imagine what gonna happen if she learned that we made a move against one of them? Straight guillotine. I don't know if you are dumb or not.''

''Sigh! You should have let me finish what I was planning to say. I wouldn't have proposed an alliance, a solution for dealing with Alex without a proper background check. What you said held some truth, however, I never said we will be directly involved. We just have to act as if we have not seen anything while others did the job.'' Damien explained after Leonardo finished.

''Oh? I'm interested. Please do share your plan.'' Leonardo whose curiosity got picked demanded.

Damien stood up and went to whispers something into Leonardo's ears, the latter smiled at the start before his smile transformed into a mad laugh.

''Good, we shall follow your advice. I know what you are after I promise that I will not touch her you may have her, however, Maria is mine. I'm not interested in Sakuya as that one is too dangerous, you may have her.''

Leonardo started talking as if he was already seeing Alex's miserable end and his women becoming his.

''Sorry, I'm not interested in her either. I shall take my leave. See you on the day of the dungeon's exploration.'' Damien said before leaving.

Leonardo didn't even accompany him outside.

Leaning against his chair, he was laughing like a third-rate villain.

Camilla who just entered couldn't help but frown.

''Is it worth it? Why not let it go? They will no turning back if you proceed with that plan. You will become an irreconcilable enemy. Is that really what you want? You don't need to do that to surpass him. Y-"

''Shut up Camilla. I don't want to hear any more words coming from you.'' Leonardo bellowed.

Camilla sighed heavily. Sometimes she wondered if she was not blind to have fallen for this guy. Well, Love is blind after all.

Without saying any more words, she left the room even while Leonardo asked her not to.

She knew if she stayed she couldn't be able to reason him as the current Leonardo seemed to have become mad as if he had lost his sanity because of what? Some worthless pride.

'Men are more unreasonable than women.' The leaving Camilla thought. She must prepare some backup plans just in case.

''Ah! A woman in love certainly struggles.'' Camilla mumbled.

240: Discussion With Elseria

The next morning, after freshening up, Alex left the Blue Haven Villa, his destination was the Guild headquarter.

A few minutes later he was already inside the Guild, as usual, it was bursting with activity.

After a quick chat with Ella, the Elf receptionist that resembles Elseria. Alex was sent to the seven-floor, Elseria personal space.

Just as the teleportation light faded, Alex was greeted by the same beautiful scenery that is the seven-floor. He couldn't help but marvel at how well done the whole floor was.

And as usual, Elseria was sitting in the pavilion sipping tea. She was alone. Today she was dressed in a casual summer robe, even so, she was still breathtaking. Every action of her spoke elegance as if it was innate.

Alex couldn't help but wonder if she was still hiding another identity. Shaking his head to discard this thought as now wasn't the time to dwell on such a subject, he approached her and greeted her.

''That was a beautiful match. I have never doubted you, I knew you would win. Strong as she may be, she was still lacking, still incomplete to truly overwhelm you.'' Elseria said after greeting him back.

Alex's eyes narrowed as from Elseria's words he was able to understand something, she was incomplete and how so, this will need a bit of thinking.

Suddenly, it dawned upon him that Silveria had said something about Artemia's Gift being in an incomplete state. He couldn't help but wonder what her complete Gift look like, how strong she would be armed with a complete Gift?

Alex's blood boiled in anticipation, he quickly calmed down as another realization hit him. Maybe the goal of this expedition had something to do with Artemia's Gift because the dungeon they are about to raid was said to be special.

''Why did you say such a thing?'' Alex probed. He had more or less guessed why she said that, though.

Chuckling Elseria took a sip of her tea and said, ''Boy, do not ask a question to which you already have the answer.''

Alex's expression turned dark and Elseria couldn't help but giggle.

''What? Dissatisfied with my words?" She asked.

''Yeah, I do not like being called Boy,'' Alex told her.

Elseria was surprised at first before smiling.

''I see, Noted, I will stop calling like that. Well, from now on I will call you Kael as I prefer this one to Alexander or Alex.''

Even though he found it weird to be called Kael as it was only his grandfather who called him such, Alex couldn't only accept as Kael is one of his names, it's better than being called Boy. It was like she was putting a distance, a gigantic wall between them and he had the feeling that if he did not do anything about it right now, it may never change.

Unaware or she chooses not to talk about it, Elseria continued.

''Smart, as you are you, have understood what I meant when I said Artemia was incomplete, not her, her Gift, though. Your dungeon's raid will be related to finding out how to complete her Gift. They exist an inheritance altar in the depth of the dungeon. Whether or not it contains something that can help her complete her Gift is yet to be known. Be aware that it wouldn't be easy.''

''I see. Thanks for the information. I heard about disappearances inside the dungeons. Should you not postpone the dungeon's raid until the culprit is found?" Alex asked.

Elseria heaved a sigh while leaning deeper into her chair she answered.

''Well, normally yes. However, we will lose a lot if I were to order to seal off the dungeons as dungeons are essential for the economy. We can't bring ourselves to do such a thing. Adventurer's life is full of danger, you may die today in search of wealth and fame, so disappearances or not adventurer life continues. I know you are concerned about your sister, don't worry nothing bad will happen to her.''

She knew why he asked that question, it was because he feared the possibility of his sister getting targeted as they won't be in the same group, the same dungeon.

Alex couldn't help but smile as his intention was seen through, and before he could place one, Elseria teased him.

''Don't worry, nothing will happen to your women as well. Not after you just get engaged, congratulations by the way. I never knew you were the fast type.''

Unsure if she knew what her last words meant or not, Alex was hurt, therefore he decided to tease her in turn.

''Shall we test out? You will see whether I'm fast or not.''

Not immediately understanding what Alex meant, Elseria wanted to raise a question when abruptly she finally understood it. The dignified Guild master, the one feared across the world blushed. If this news were to be known, it would flip the world upside down.

Seeing such an unexpected reaction, Alex was surprised beyond words, at the same time he was momentarily smitten and he couldn't help but said as he touched her cheek.


A powerful pressure bore down on him almost making him coughed up the tea he just drunk.

''Now, now, little Else. No need to act so unreasonably just to hide how embarrassed you are. Don't you think?''

Silveria who had not spoken a word since Alex left the villa came out and shielded Alex from Elseria's power.

Elseria quickly gets control of her emotions. She couldn't help but sigh as finally learned that she still has a long way to go before totally having control over her emotions. Just a casual touch and she almost becomes crazy. Well, the truth was that Alex's finger, his touch sends an electric jolt down her whole body, an unknown emotion coursed through her body. Something she had never experienced. Afraid of this unknown emotion she released a bit of her power, if not she had the feeling that she would sink without the power to fight against this emotion, this truly scared her.

Looking at Alex's fingers Elseria couldn't help but find them dangerous. Well, if Luna was here she would have nodded at how dangerous Alex's fingers are.

''My bad Alex, I wasn't myself,'' Elseria said looking apologetic.

While scratching his head Alex waved his hands,

''No, no, it was me who should have not done what I did. I didn't know what got into me for me to act like that. Truly sorry.''

Seeing Alex like this, Elseria couldn't help but chuckle a little finding the current him cute. Well, there is no she was going to tell him that.

Looking at them being in their world and act as if she didn't exist pissed her.

''I say you two. Go find a room will you.''

Both Alex and Elseria rolled their eyes at Silveria.

''Elseria I want to know where Sera is at the moment?''

Finally remembering his last goal, Alex asked.

''Ah! It seems that she went out to buy some material for her father. Maybe she is already back I don't know. Why do you ask? Finally missing her?"

To Elseria's question, Alex nodded, not hiding the fact that he indeed missed her.

''The truth is that he can't wait to start his second conquest,'' Silveria said while eating the ice cream one of the maids brought.

Alex wondered why someone would eat so much Ice cream. As for what Silveria said, he chose to royally ignore it.

Looking at Elseria he thought about his plan.

Having noticed his stare Elseria knew he had something to say, curious about what it was she probed.

''Do you have something to say?"

Alex nodded before asking her to lend her his ears, though confused she still did it.

Leaning forward, Alex whispered something into Elseria's ears. The latter eyes couldn't help but widen until she started laughing.

She found Alex's plan, calling it a deal will be more accurate, she found it interesting.

''Interesting proposition. While I'm inclined to accept it, I will fully acknowledge it only when the other party accepts. Do you understand my point?" Elseria asked with a smile, she was curious about how Alex came to such a conclusion, and more importantly how he plan to make it works.

''Of course, I do.'' Alex's answer brought Elseria back to reality.

''Good, we have a deal then.'' She said.

Too busy to care about what those who were saying, Silveria was eating her fourth serving.

After spending another hour talking with Elseria, Alex decided to head back.

Looking at the leaving Alex's back Elseria couldn't help but chuckle wondering if that little girl knew what this man planned. Her expression would be priceless, too bad she would be busy here, if not she would have secretly tailed him to see how he plan to do it.

''Time to get to work,'' Elseria mumbled and the scenery around her shifted.


On his way back, Silveria couldn't help but ask him,

〖Master how do you plan on checking-〗

Cutting her off before she could finish Alex said.

''You will soon find out.''

Chapter 245 - Side Story: Her Struggle

It's hurt!

This was the only thought floating in her head.

Everything in her body hurt.

"Number 007 is showing adverse reactions."

"Incredible! For her to only show such a reaction now, how is it possible? No matter, adjust the operations. This seed is special for her to not break so easily, the other three caught with her are trash."

Her hazy consciousness slowly woke up as pain flooded in.

*Beep !* *Beep ! *

"She is waking up too soon! Who is the bastard that gave the anesthetic!?"

'What is happening? Why there are stuff attached to my body?'

She tried to speak but she felt as if her mouth was too heavy to even open. She tried to move but all her limbs were bound by heavy black chains that seemed to sip all her strength, her mana.

"Send more dose! Now!! We can't afford to lose a specimen that reached the adaptation phase on the first operation." Shouted one of those who were operating on her.

'It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Please! I beg you! Stop this!'

Her plea, unable to be voiced, came out as a guttural scream as she began to thrash around uselessly while trying to free herself.





All those feelings mixed in her mind and made her delirious.

Because of the blindfold covering her eyes, she was unable to understand what was happening.

She just wanted everything to stop.

'Please, someone, anyone, please make it st..'

On those last thoughts, her mind fell back in slumber.


When she opened her again, she was inside a cell, the scenery around could be described as black and white.

Around here she could hear some guttural screams that could make one shiver uncontrollably.

'Where am I?'

'No who am I?'

A lot of questions started to run through her mind, when she looked down she was astonished to see black hands.

'This is mine?' She couldn't help but ask this.

And no matter how many times she checked again, the result was still the same, black hands, around her hands were blacks handcuffs.

Suddenly, her body convulsed as if something was moving inside her, a violent pain assaulted her from inside forcing her to start coughing.

Cough* Cough* Cough*

And when she checked she was startled to see that it was black blood that seemed to wiggle on the ground, it looked filthy, so disgusting that she distanced herself from it.

'What is this? What happening?' She shouted but nobody answered her only some guttural screams and scratching sounds.

In that night she couldn't sleep, couldn't remember who she is. Where she came from? And most importantly why this was happening to her. Did she commit some kind of crime to deserve this?

Nobody answered her as she falls asleep.

In the morning she would be subjected to the torturous experiment.

She simply wished to put an end to her misery.

Sadly, even death was being refused to her.

After she tried to suicide for the third time, they put her into another cell, a special cell, and made sure that she would be unable to harm herself.

"I want to die. I want to die. I want to die. I want to die."

''Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!!!"

Like a broken marionette she kept chanting like an unending curse.

However, her wish wasn't granted. She had already stopped eating in the hope to die from hunger, but they still found a way to keep her alive by feeding her that disgusting black thing that corrupts her body.

She had long since stopped hoping for anyone to help her. All hope in her had died long ago. As she was now, even a doll had a more colorful expression than her. Hell, she even wondered if she had a proper face any longer.

Closing her eyes as fatigue swept her fragile mind, she went into a sleep full of pain and agony, awaiting a new hellish day.


The hellish days continued.

She wondered how long it has been?

Will it end one day?

By now her consciousness has been corroded by something sinister, something that wished for nothing but destruction.

She was in process of becoming the tool of that thing that wished destruction.

One day, her usual routine changed without warning, after the hellish experiment she was forced to fight against other numbers (it's how they call them).

Only one outcome was possible during this fight, you kill your opponent if you don't want to be killed and she was good at killing others as if it has become a natural thing to her.

During one of those fights, her opponent struck her head, she had some flashbacks of what seemed to be her past.

A forest, a bursting place, a carriage, a campfire, a promise.

Unknown emotions started to emerge from the depth of her core, trying to refuse a total corruption, a total submission to the unknown entity that wanted nothing but destruction.

Even though she couldn't recall anything more than those flashbacks she still cherishes them. They were her treasures, nobody has the reason to own them, not even that thing.

With a little bit of sanity regained, she started pretending to be a fool like others but a useful fool. She had the feeling that something will change and indeed it did change.

One that day,

''007, we are going out.'' One of the men responsible for her tragedy said.

She followed and she saw him, even though she didn't remember him she knew he was related to her, he might know something about her. Overwhelmed with emotions she tried to reach him, however, they were some obstacle on the road, therefore she tried eliminating to reach what she thought was her salvation.

And yet she was forced to retreat, unable to reach him. She didn't care if she made a blunder by acting on her own, she just wants to reach out to him.

Back in her cell after being beaten up, 007 vowed to reach him, that black-haired man, she must and she will.

If there was a glass in front of her, she would have been astonished to see that she was smiling, even though with her appearance it was creepy, it was a smile.


Elsewhere, two men were talking, one of them was the same man that brought 007 out, the man that Zero and Alpha said that night, the one that goes by the name of Maddog.

Sitting across Maddog was another familiar face, the one behind the girl's assassination attempt, the one that wants Gracier's dragon eye.

''007 will be needed in the next operation. Everything is already in place.'' The golden-haired young man said.

Maddog nodded, his eyes filled with madness, he couldn't wait and acquire that sample, even though it was not really what he wanted.

On the other hand, the golden-haired young man couldn't wait to acquire that eye.

Each one had his thought unaware of the variable.

241: Nothing Will Happen

In the Drexia Imperial Palace's majestic throne hall, huge braziers encircling each of the twelve obsidian columns light up every part of the throne hall and cover the hall in warm oranges and dancing shadows. The unadorned stones on the domed ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the limestone floor of this royal hall.

A golden rug splits part of the room in half from the throne to midway down the hall while burgee banners with adorned lacery droop from the walls. Between each banner stands a large candlestick, none but a few have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic portrayals of folk heroes and legends below them.

Huge windows were enclosed by veils colored the same gold as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and gold leaves.

A grandiose throne of sapphire sits in front of a giant painting of the previous ruler and was adjoined by two almost identical seats for esteemed guests.

The throne was covered in textured and layered emblems and fixed on the wide backside was a lavish lantern. The comfortable pillows were a dark golden and these too have been adorned with gilded edges.

Those expecting an audience with their royal highness can do so on the few impressively carved mahogany benches, all of which are facing the throne. Those of higher standing can instead take a seat in the humble-looking balustrades overlooking the entire hall.

And sitting on such a grand throne was the emperor of the Drexia empire, Julius Von Havens.

He wore a gentle smile on his face, from his expression you could see that he was expecting someone's arrival, someone dear to him.

Soon enough, a gentle voice filled with respect traveled to Julius's ears, "Royal father, you asked for me?''

Julius slowly moved his eyes towards the large door and saw Artemia coming in with a smile and respectfully bowing before him.

''Come closer my daughter, come give daddy a kiss,'' Julius said with wide-open arms.


Even though she grunted she still hugged her father.

''Tch! I thought I asked for a kiss?"

Like a child that was throwing a tantrum, the emperor said.

Artemia rolled her eyes at her father. Taking sit not too far from her father, she asked.

''Father, why did you call me? Surely not because you want a kiss?"

''Ugh! Well, not entirely. Sigh! You have grown up and started to behave as if I'm a bother.'' Julius couldn't help but lament.

'Not as if but you are a bother.' Artemia inwardly, she didn't dare to voice out this thought or else her father would start weeping like a child, he was capable of doing it. He loves her too much, much than his others children.

Surely because she resembles her deceased mother whom the emperor loves more than anything. She couldn't even remember who her, not even her face.

Artemia couldn't help but sigh.

''What is it?" The emperor asked seeing his daughter sigh.

''No, it's nothing. Tell me father why did you call me?'' She asked once again.

Julius's expression changed, becoming serious he asked.

''You have heard about the disappearances don't you?"

''Yeah! I have my subordinates look into it, unfortunately, nothing was found.'' Artemia responded with a serious expression.

Sighing Julius said, ''Indeed, the investigation teams didn't found any useful information.''

Artemia's eyes widened, to think that the joint teams of the strongest empire and Elseria couldn't find anything. She wondered how resourceful those behind the kidnapping are.

'Another headache to think about. We already have that thing to deal with. But now another troublesome thing just popped out. Sigh! How tiring. We lack men, hope we will be prepared before that beast woke up. I must quickly complete the awakening.'

As she was thinking about the incoming dungeon's exploration, she lost track of time.

''I was thinking about postponing dungeon's exploration for you and other students,'' Julius announced.

Breaking free from her formulating thoughts, Artemia frowned.

''And why would you do that? Because of fear that some of us being captured? No, I bet you have decided to do this because of me.''

Julius couldn't only sigh at how fast she found out the reason for this decision. However, his surprise did not end up there, Artemia next words shocked him.

''This must be that Bro-con of mine's doing. He must be jealous of Alex to have suggested this.''

While saying this Artemia looked toward her father, the latter refused to look at her, he started whistling.

''I know it's dangerous but life is dangerous, only coward will stay hidden just because there's a little bit of danger. You know that I need to go in that dungeon. I can delay it any longer. While only three-person are going, none of us is weakling, you know my knight, you know my strength and more importantly, you know how strong Alex is. So there is no need to worry. Nothing will happen to us.''

When Artemia was talking about Alex, how strong he is there was a smile on her face this startled Julius, he misinterpreted Artemia's smile as a sign of her beginning to fall for Alex's devious scheme.

If Alex was here he would have fallen face-first while claiming his innocence, Artemia is indeed beautiful, more beautiful than Maria and others, however, he has never had a design on her, never thought of courting her must less plan for her to fall for him.

Unaware that her father had labeled Alex as dangerous, that he had already put Alex on the 'mustn't approach my daughter's list', Artemia would have facepalmed.

''I do understand your point but I still think it's dangerous you should wait-"

''Enough, father my decision is already taken. Like brother you don't fear me being kidnapped but you fear Alex making move on me.'' Artemia cut her father off and said.

''Ugh!" Julius grunted as Artemia had hit the bullseye.

''Don't worry nothing will happen,'' Artemia announced before standing up and said,

''I shall take my leave. See you soon father''

Before leaving the throne hall she stopped and said, ''Better not send someone to monitor us. I will know.''


''And better stop that little game of yours, now that it was still not late. Your children will commit the irreparable if you keep up.''

Leaving these words behind she left the throne hall, Julius couldn't help but sigh while thinking 'You talk as if you are not one of them. While you are not interested in the throne, the others are, and succession war is not a game.'

''Sorry Adler, your little scheme did not work. She still refused even if I suggested not going. Sigh!"

242: Unexpected Encounters 1

After Alex left the Guild headquarter he decided to visit his restaurant whose name had been changed to Golden's Spoon. Well, it lacks originality but it was the name they came up with after a long discussion.

Maria was left in the charge of the restaurant as Alex didn't have time nor knowledge concerning how to deal with it. Her family seems to possess few restaurants to help them deal with the illegal stuff more easily.

Just as Alex was about to enter his restaurant he stopped right in his track because walking in the opposite direction of the restaurant was Lilith. She was walking alone seemed lost in thoughts.

Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed that someone was looking at her, lifting her head she turned it in Alex's direction for her eyes to widen in surprise as she didn't expect to encounter Alex here.

Wait, come to think he possesses a restaurant in this street, no wonder he was here. It quickly dawned on Lilith the reason for Alex's presence here.

''Hello Lilith, never thought that I would encounter you here. Come on let's have dinner and talk.'' Alex invited Lilith over to his restaurant.

Not seeing a reason to refuse Alex's invitation, Lilith joined him.

Soon, they were inside the restaurant, going to a private room on the highest floor of the restaurant. While they were passing the golden-haired middle man, Lilith couldn't help but give the man another second glance.

Alex did not seem to have noticed this, nor Lilith did anything even though she felt a sense of incongruity coming from the man.

The two entered a VIP room specially reserved for Alex's use and soon they ordered their food.

After finishing Alex observed Lilith, the latter didn't seem to mind his stare. Her face was still impassive as always.

''You should smile more. It's a waste to have an emotionless expression on such a beautiful face.'' Alex couldn't help but comment.

''Thank you for the advice but I'm fine this way.'' Still, with the same expression, Lilith responded before raising a question shortly after.

''I do not think you invited me just to say that do you?"

Being stared at by those purple eyes, Alex smiled before saying,

''Indeed. I think it's time for us to have a proper conversation after what happened back then. Don't you agree?"

With the same expression, Lilith responded, ''I do not know what you are talking about. Care to be more explicit? Or else I will leave as I have something more important to take care of.''

Sighing heavily Alex stared at her for a moment, green and blue eyes clashed against purple eyes.

''Eleonora, don't play the fool with me. I'm not in the mood because someone from your house sent some assassins after me and my sister. I'm pissed just by remembering how close we were to lose our lives just because of some sort of stupid prophecy.'' Alex said in a bad moon as he recalled the absurd reason behind their assassination attempt.

Lilith couldn't help but sigh as she hadn't thought Alex would know so much. It was to be expected when she remembered that Alex has a powerful Master backing him, the one Sebastian feared and warned her not to mess with.

Loosening her expression a little, Lilith asked,

''What do you want?"

Smiling Alex asked a question, ''I want to know the person behind our assassination attempt name. I'm already aware of his gender. What I want to know right now is gender and you better be frank and not play with me as I know you are being referred to as a Traitorous bitch. You partially at blame because of what happened to us. The one who is after us has a relationship with you I'm sure of it.''

While he may be smiling, Lilith knows that he was not joking.

She couldn't help but sigh, Alex's deduction was right on the mark.

'You don't have to do this.' Sebastian who was hiding somewhere said this.

'Do I have the choice? I don't think so. Better be frank and gain an ally than playing the hypocrite and gain another enemy, especially someone like him. He would be too much trouble to deal with.' Lilith responded.

Although Sebastian understood what she meant, he couldn't help but disagree with the way Alex formulated his question, she is a victim like them. Why blame her? How can she be the reason for their assassination attempt?

If only he knew the whole truth he wouldn't be behaving this way. Just as Sebastian was about to talk he was forced to shut up because a powerful killing intent was locked on him. He could feel his body trembling, a pair of silver appeared that almost made his soul flew out of his body.

Being a rare Space element user, Sebastian used it to conceal his presence to protect his master. Today was the same, he had forgotten about Alex's mysterious master, the silver-haired beauty after not sensing her presence in the vicinity.

'Stay obediently where you are and do not run your mouth unnecessarily. Got it?' A lazy voice said to him. The owner of this voice was going to take no for answer.

Sebastian nodded his head fearfully. Pleased with his response, Silveria concealed her killing intent and went back to sleep.

Unaware of what just happened in the background, Alex kept staring at Lilith waiting for her answer. He was not particularly in a hurry, he could wait a little bit more.

Finally, Lilith opened her mouth.

''Indeed, you are right. The person behind the assassination attempt is related to me. He is my brother, the crown prince, the usurper, Lucifer Kain Asmodeus.''

When he heard that name, Alex had the feeling that like the biblical Lucifer, this one rebelled as well. It was like a curse, never name your children Lucifer or Kain. While he didn't know how this Kain was written, he was sure of one thing, it's not a name a parent should give his child.

''So, it is your Big brother the one responsible? Well, I'm happy to have learned this news.'' Alex said before staring at the silent Lilith, she seemed to be struggling, to be hiding her emotions. However, sharp-eyed as he is, Alex noticed it, therefore he said.

''I'm said to be a good listener. Let it out, you will feel better that way.''

Some may think that what Alex is doing was unnecessary, however, he didn't think it was the case. He needs an ally in his quest for revenge against the culprit of the previous assassination attempt, and who will be better than Lilith who knows the other party? Besides, her being here must be because she didn't share her brother's goals, whatever they are. She was even labeled as a Traitorous bitch by her people. All of this points out a rather obvious truth, they are not in the same faction, same side and Alex needs someone to help him destroy the other party.

Thinking about it now it was rather ironic, Lucifer was the one that pushed them to come together, to form a team. He should have killed himself, like that the prophecy he feared would not be realized.

Lilith stayed silent for a moment, probably weighing the pro and cons of her revealing everything. After a moment she decided to tell Alex some truths as she believes that he would make a good ally.

Thus she started.

The story was like this. Lilith's father the previous emperor was a peaceful lover, unlike the previous emperor who called himself The Demon King with the ambition of governing Mysthia's world, Lilith's father could be said to be rather pretty simple. He wanted peace with other races, he even planned to sign a peace treaty with the other races. While everyone did not agree with his decision, they didn't oppose it as they knew if they wanted to survive they should comprise.

However, soon a problem arises, the emperor was assassinated. The news shocked the whole demon's continent, startling the eighth Dukes.

''Let me guess it's your brother responsible for this tragedy.'' Alex stopped Lilith and said.

The latter glared at him forcing Alex to scratch his head, embarrassed.

''My bad, do continue with your story.'' He said.

''It's as you have guessed, it's my brother who assassinated my father, not only him, he killed some of my siblings and my mother,'' Lilith said, her expression was ice cold, the room temperature dropped to extreme due to the killing intent coming from her body.

Alex couldn't help but feel pity for her, while he may never have experienced what she went through, he knows she must be deeply hurt.

What will you feel if one day you wake up and find out that your brother just murdered your entire family? It's pretty simple to answer: you will be overflowing with hatred, hatred for the one responsible for this tragedy. You will want nothing but to kill the culprit.

It was exactly Lilith's feeling. She will never forgive her brother for what he did no matter what twisted reason he gave. There are some things one should never do.

Alex waited for Lilith to calm down before continuing her story.

243: Unespected Encounters 2

Alex waited for Lilith to calm down before continuing her story.

Indeed after few minutes, she had calmed down.

''Nobody expected such tragedy to occur. While my brother was a little bit rebellious, it wasn't serious.'' Lilith said.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle while thinking, 'As thought, never give your child that name or else you will be signing your death warrant.'

Unaware of Alex's thoughts, Lilith continued as if she could read Alex's mind.

''Normally after having committed such tragedy my brother should have been detained, worst killed, however, this didn't happen as somehow he became stronger than anyone. Nobody could beat him and you can't then how can you detain him? While he could have been apprehended if all Dukes worked together heavy praise would have been paid if they did it. It was how strong my brother has become.'' Lilith explained, confusion written all over her face as if she couldn't understand how her brother could become so strong out of blue.

''Nobody noticed that something was amiss? That your brother may not be your brother anymore after his sudden gain of strength?" Alex couldn't help but raise these questions.

Lilith heaved a long sigh, ''We did but the result was that he was still himself, nobody was controlling him.''

Alex wasn't convinced that nobody was amiss, nobody gain strength out of blue like that without any conditions attached to it, even though he made a deal with the devil, someone must have noticed something.

Wait, maybe killing his family was part of the condition? Alex couldn't help but think this.

Once again as if she could read his mind, Lilith answered.

''We thought like that too, however, when I questioned him do you know what he said?"

She asked with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Alex shook his head. Lilith's smile disappeared to be replaced by hatred.

''He said, 'They couldn't understand my goal what I want to accomplish so I eliminated them. It's simple as that.''

Alex's heart turned cold, how can he simply eliminated his family just because they didn't agree with his viewpoint? He must be sick, sick beyond cure.

''That wasn't all, he said 'I hope you will understand.' Too overwhelmed by what I just heard I blanked out and when I woke up I found myself chained inside a cell, in the darkest and most ruthless prison on the demon continent. I couldn't believe it, I cried until they were no more tears. I thought I was in a dream, no I hoped that it was a dream, that I would wake up to find my family back, my cold yet gentle brother. However, the reality was cruel as you can guess, no matter how many nights passed the cold truth was still there. I spent five years in captivity, while I did not receive the worst treatment it was still not good. Imagine ten years old kid spending five years in captivity? Her personality would undergo a certain change. It was what happened, the me you saw at adventurer guild is just a facade. The current me is the real me.''

Alex couldn't help but feel pity for this girl, pity for what she went through.

〖What a pitiful little girl.〗Lilith who had woke up at some time said.

Alex nodded his head, however, he did not think that Eleonora's persona was fake, she couldn't be more real, it could be said that personality was Lilith's wish, the past her mixed with the future her, what she wants to be.

''You are alive.'' He said.

Lilith's eyes widened. Alex continued.

''Doesn't matter which personality you use, It yours you are free to do as you wish. Nobody is forcing something upon you. Even if there is smash it and live your life, live for yourself. Do what you want, be anything you want to be. You are free, you are not in a cell any longer. No need to restrain yourself. Live a life those who left will be proud of. Do not live because of some mission, live and do what you want because it's really what you want, what you desire.''

Each Alex's word struck Lilith like a bolt of lightning, her heart trembled violently and a single tear escaped from her eyes.

Sebastian who was hiding looked at Alex with admiration. Silveria simply smiled.

''Heh! It seems that something entered my eyes for me to shed a tear.'' Lilith said half-jokingly half embarrassed.

Scratching his head Alex said couldn't mutter,

''It seems so.''

Lilith smiled when she heard Alex's answer, a genuine smile, Sebastian couldn't help but look at Alex again. Because Alex had his head down he wasn't able to see such a beautiful smile.

Silveria who had seen it couldn't help think that it was a waste for Alex to miss such an opportunity, maybe he would have been smitten and maybe he would try to add Lilith to his Harem.

If Alex knew what this shameless divine weapon was thinking he would have spanked her bottoms until they were red swollen while he would say 'What do you take me for? I'm not that easily swayed and I'm not a Cassanova.'

Lilith stopped smiling, her expression had reverted to her cold one, however, compared to the past it was less cold and a little bit more friendly.

''Thank you.'' She said.

Alex waved his hands to say that there was no need. It was just him saying whatever came to his mind.

What he didn't know what that his words struck chords in Lilith's sealed heart. She had been living for the sake of others, until now it was a life of expiation as she was the sole survivor (she didn't consider her brother a part of her family any longer), she must accomplish her father's goal, peace between demon race and the rest, even her revenge was part of expiation.

The only time she felt like she had lived a little bit for herself would be when she was using Eleonora's persona when she encounters Alex.

So, Alex's words open her eyes, his words told her that she must live for herself, not for someone else not for something, it must be a wish not an imposed one, it must be what she truly desired, what she truly wished and one thing is sure, she wished for the destruction of the man known as Lucifer Kain Asmodeus.

''I want him dead,'' Lilith said.

Alex's lips curved up, and he said,

''I do too. This makes us allies then.''

For the second time, Lilith smiled, however, unlike her previous gentle smile this one looked more wicked, more sinister.

''You must know that thing is strong, really strong, so strong that it frightening,'' Lilith warned.

''I see, as I thought it was not your brother any longer,'' Alex said he had expected Lucifer to not be himself any longer.

'Maybe the one in control has some relationship with that enemy Silveria told me about?' Alex couldn't help but wonder this.

However, now wasn't the time to dwell on such a subject, he needs more information, to prepare against such an enemy.

Unaware of what going through Alex's mind at the moment, Lilith nodded her head and proceed to explain.

''After numerous investigations, I concluded that my brother was being used. I do not know if he was aware of this, though. It was the person using him that gave him strength. At first, some people thought that his sudden gain of strength was related to our lineage. You know unlike other demons we are not from this world, we are related to the Angel race, though we are considering as demons here the more correct answer should be Fallen, Angel.''

''As thought,'' Alex mumbled, he had thought Fallen Angel fit more to Lilith's race than demon when he first laid his eyes upon her beautiful black wings.

''What did you say?" Lilith asked him as she hadn't heard his words.

''No, nothing. Do continue what you were saying.'' Alex said not repeating what he had said.

Understanding that Alex doesn't want to talk about it, Lilith continued with her explanation.

''Our lineage has a special ability, only those special have it, my brother has this ability, my father, mother and some of my siblings have it. I have as well, however, for an unknown reason it seems that mine was mixing I don't know what happened so do not ask.''

Alex couldn't only sigh and continued to listen to Lilith's explanation.

''Once awakened we will become powerful, we will gain few ranks. We keep it as insurance for unforeseen situations. While it was true that he had used that ability, that alone couldn't have made him so strong, there was another power mixed with it, something sinister. I have noticed it during his visits when I was held captive. After my great escape two years passed, he must have gotten stronger again. I don't know if he is already at the Demigod stage or even above.''

To Lilith's words, Alex sucked in a breath of fresh air. 'He is indeed one of the last Boss.' he couldn't help but mutter this.

Then he became lost in thoughts and after some bit of thinking, he said.

''I don't think he is past the Demigod stage or else he would be dominating the world right now. Well, I don't know if the one controlling him has a way of bypassing the restriction put on Mysthia's world. I doubt it.''

''I also think the same.'' Lilith seemed to share the same feeling as him. Silveria didn't say anything, however, her silence was a tacit agreement that Lucifer had not advanced beyond Demigod level.

''Well, at least he is stronger than a normal Saint. We need strength as to how we are now we would be courting our death if we were to make a move. We need strength, it's important thus it must be said many times.'' Lilith said.

Alex nodded. She continued.

''And we need a plan. I have a way to make him suffer, I know something he wants and he has not acquired yet. We can snatch it.'' Lilith said with a beautiful smile.

Alex's eyes shined like a pair of beautiful gems in the darkness.

''Oh?! I'm all ears. Let's start the operation 'Fuck You'.''

244: Unespected Encounter 3

Two hours passed, Alex and Lilith discussed their little plan. Although it sounds a bit dangerous Alex couldn't deny the thrill one would feel if they accomplish their goal.

Snatch the tiger's food right under his nose.

How exciting that gonna be. Alex thought as the corners of his mouth perked up. He couldn't wait but go over there, however, he knew that now wasn't the time. He needs a little bit of strength and he had the perfect opportunity for it.

''You looks like you can't wait to storm his courtyard,.'' Lilith said with a wry smile.

Since Alex's advice, she has been smiling a lot, more than she used to. It could be said that she decided to follow his advice and leave for herself. She feels free as if a huge load had been removed from her shoulders.

Upon hearing Lilith's words, Alex couldn't help but scratch his head feeling a bit embarrassed because he was seen through.

To change the subject he said, ''In my hometown after forming an alliance we celebrate it. As we had already eaten let's just drink.''

Clap! Clap!

After hearing his words, the corners of Lilith's mouth lifted into a smile. She extended her hands, clapped twice, and soon after, like a ghost, Sebastian dressed in butler uniform drifted toward them. In his hands was wine, an old-aged one.

After bowing to the two, he served them and waited at the side.

Alex and Lilith exchanged glances before they drunk the wine.


He couldn't help but praise the wine the moment it's entered his mouth.

After spending another half of an hour chatting, Lilith excused herself and left with Sebastian.

Alex also left shortly after and just as he was about to go to check Smith's store he encountered someone he was not expecting but wished to see. Unexpectedly he encountered Sera. Both wore a surprised expression on their faces.

〖Fufufu! The Gods seem to be helping you today Master. 〗Silveria said the moment she saw Sera.

Ignoring her Alex looked at Sera.

''Long time no see.'' She said with a smile.

''Indeed. I never thought I would encounter this. How have you been?" Alex asked.

''I'm fine. I just came back from an errand. How about you? Do you like the capital? Where is your sister?"

Hearing Sera's questions Alex didn't immediately answer, he first invited her to his restaurant. Sera was not surprised when she heard that he has a restaurant as she had already about from her father's mouth, the latter kept praising Alex nonstop, he even urged her to consider becoming his woman when it's still time.

When she recalls all these things she couldn't help but smile wryly.

Looking at the smiling woman in front of him Alex couldn't help but think how beautiful she is.

''I'm fine, the capital is not bad. Gracier is fine as well she often asks about you. She often asks me when I will bring you home.'' Alex lied through his teeth while secretly apologizing to his sister.

Of course, Sera knew he was lying as she was, well only she knows the reason.

Not hiding her amusement she said, ''I wonder about that, she must be busy taking care of her new in-law after all her brother has just gotten engaged.''


As if he had received a critical hit Alex groaned, he hadn't thought that Sera would learn about his engagement, somehow he felt guilty as if he had cheated on her, however, while he felt like that at the same time he was smiling inside as Sera's words just confirmed one of his speculations, he just has to test her as he had decided upon.

Shaking his head Alex said with his most serious expression.

''Well, I can't deny what you said but what I said is the truth. I miss you very much, it's good to see you. I owe you a date. Pick a date we will go on date. I want to spend some time with you.''

''What about your fiancée? Won't she feels jealous if she learned that you are going on a date if another woman?" Sera probed.

''Don't worry she will not. She knew what type of man I am. Truth be told, I told her about you.''

Another lie, well that was not entirely true, well I didn't come from his mouth, Luna and the others did learn about Sera think to a certain someone.

Gracier who was talking with the girls in the villa couldn't help but sneeze.

''I think someone is thinking about this princes,'' Gracier said.

Luna and the others girls refused to comment and continued to play their game.

~Back to Alex's location.

Hearing Alex's words, the corners of Shira's mouth lifted into a smile as she asked.

''I'm curious about what you said to her. Care to share it with me?"

Without a once of shame Alex said, ''I told her that there is a girl I like back when I was still in Eria's city. I want to pursue her and soon I will present you to her.''

Sera's eyes widened, she hadn't thought that Alex would feel any shame and immediately admit that he likes her. She wanted to say something, however, Alex was faster.

''You know there is a saying: When a woman was curious about a man, it was only a matter of time before she fell in love with that man. It's the same for men too. It's curiosity at first but unknowingly it got transformed into me starting to like you. I want to know more about you, I want you to know who I am, I want you to stand alongside me till death part us. I want to know the 'you' you hide, to know everything about you.'' He said, from his eyes, you could feel his sincerity.

Sera felt it too, however, she was more concerned about a word Alex said.

''What do you mean by 'Want to know the 'you' you hide' ?" She asked.

''It's literally what it means. I want to know the other you', the one you're hiding.'' Alex explained with a smile.

If previously she had thought he was joking, this time however she knew he isn't it. She couldn't help but start to question herself. Since when? And how?

However, while inwardly she felt troubled about what Alex might know, outwardly her expression didn't change.

Putting on a confused expression, Sera asked,

''I don't know what you are talking about?"

Seeing Sera trying to pretend, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up.

''Sure you do.'' He retorted.


Sera's words got caught inside her throat as in the next instant Alex's figure vanished and when he reappeared he was standing in front of her a silver knife held against her neck. Everything happened too fast, so fast that even she was caught off guard.

Heterochromia eyes were locked against brown eyes, time seemed to have stopped for the two, neither said anything. They just looked at each other in silence.

Suddenly, both smiled Alex retrieved his knife and sat back in his chair.

''How do you know?" Sera asked. While she was still smiling her expression was different from her previous.

If previously she was like your gentle neighborhood girl, then currently she was like a deadly sword ready to harvest people's life.

Feeling the pressure Sera was unconsciously emitting, Alex gulped.

〖She is really that girl.〗Silveria said after a long silence.

Alex ignored her sarcastic comment as there's no way she didn't know that Sera and that girl who was protecting him weren't the same people. She stayed silent, letting him find out on his own. Well, he was not angry at her as he believes that he must acquire everything he wants by himself. Heavily relying on others will not help him as he may become dependent on others.

Sighing while leaning comfortably into his chair, Alex explained.

''I started to have my suspicions when I couldn't check your status even with my Advanced Appraisal. A daughter of smith couldn't block my skill no matter how famous and talented your dad is. I had probed your father about the fact he might have an artifact that could block appraisal skills. He said he has never produced one, that he didn't own any.''

Sera couldn't help but curse her father for being a loose mouth.

Ignoring the frowning Sera, Alex continued.

''That only wouldn't have made me suspicious of you. Do you remember that time you came to check on me after my first time killing another human being? Do you remember what you had said?"

To Alex's questions, Sera couldn't only smile bitterly as she remembered pretty well. How can't she not? It was a big mistake she made.

In a normal situation, she wouldn't have made that mistake.

''I see, that's good. Don't worry you will get used to it pretty soon.'' It what she said. {A/N: Chapter 94: Back to the Inn]

This could be interpreted as her being familiar with killing.

Heaving a sigh, Sera finally responded. ''I do.''

245: Sera's True Identity

''I see, that's good. Don't worry; you will get used to it pretty soon.'' It what she said. {A/N: Chapter 94: Back to the Inn]

People could interpret Sera's words as her being familiar with killing. If not, she couldn't have said these words.

Heaving a sigh, Sera finally responded. ''I do.''

Alex nodded and continued, ''I was shocked; your words further confirm that you are hiding something. I wanted what it's. I wanted to uncover the mystery known as Sera. I imagined many possibilities; maybe you were an adventurer. However, I didn't see the adventure vibe from you no matter how many I observed you. You do not look like a mercenary either, so what are you? I pondered, but I couldn't find the answer, so I just decided to postpone the matter for another time.''

Stopping for a moment to breathe in the fresh air, Alex continued afterward,

''You know, while I'm clueless about your real identity, I knew it was somehow related to Elseria. And I got to confirm last time when those assassins attacked me, and I saw a purple-haired beauty holding a brown-haired woman; the latter was probably injured, I'm not sure. The moment I saw that hair, I immediately thought of you, and before I could check if it was really you, that woman was faster she disappeared. It was all I need to understand that it was you. You have been protecting me in the shadow on Elseria's orders. I'm grateful for it. It's because you were protecting that you know I got engaged. After all, you had been there, concealed somewhere.''

Sera didn't say anything at first after Alex had done talking; she observed him as if to burn his image deep into her retina before suddenly chuckling.

''I must admit it, while I have imagined this day to come, I never thought it would be this soon that you were suspecting me for a while already. As things are now, there's no need to deny it any longer. Openly I'm the daughter of a talented blacksmith, while in reality, I'm a master class assassin. My codename is Zero, and as you have guessed, I work for the Guild master, I work for Elseria.''

Seeing that there was no need to hide who she is after Alex figure out pretty much everything, Sera told him her real identity.

When she said her codename, it was as if she had become a whole other person. The chilly air that exuded from her body almost turned into a substantial cold breeze that froze the entire world around her.

Alex gulped audibly; he almost retreated as he knew the identity of that chilly air, it's killing intent. He wondered how many people Sera, no Zero, have killed, to possess such deep and at the same time frightening killing intent that could twist reality.

''So, now that you know my identity. It's time to tell me what you want. What you have in mind exposing everything. I'm listening.''

Sera's voice rang in Alex's ears, bringing it back to reality.

Alex couldn't help but gulp audibly because the Sera in front of him had lost all her gentleness; it got replaced by a coldness that almost reached the degree of indifference.

〖Moment of truth.〗Silveria commented. She was sat on a black velvet chair, sipping a glass of wine. She seemed to be enjoying what was happening outside.

If Alex knew what she was doing, he would have spanked her bottoms hard.

Looking at those emotionless eyes, Alex smiled before saying.

''I want you to work for me.''

His words were direct; he didn't like to beat around the bush. As Sera guessed, he didn't expose her identity to play the detective that finally succeeds in cracked a case, he exposed everything with a clear goal in mind, and he had just proclaimed it.

Sera's eyes widened in disbelief; she hadn't thought Alex's goal would be this. At the same time, she found his words amusing because nobody had said something like that to her after knowing she really is. They all became scared. Well, they were dead as nobody knows her real identity aside from her father, master, colleagues, and now Alex.

Observing Alex, Sera knew he was not joking; he was deadly serious.


Alex stopped her, he declared,

''Elseria is already aware of this goal of mine.''

Sera's brow twitched; she could more or less guess what her Master said. Despite that, she still asked, ''What did she say?"

Smiling, Alex responded, ''She said it okay if I can make you accept. You are free to do as you wish. If I manage to convince you, then she will not say anything, just wish us good luck.''

'That woman.'

Sera was compelled to massage her forehead.

''I want you to work for me because you are the best. I want someone who can work in the shadows, someone who can collect information for me. I want to have my little special force, and you will be the head. You will form the members of this group. I know it's must be sudden, but I will appreciate it if you could accept. I have money, so no need to fear that I can't pay you. You may be thinking, is it worth it for me to work for someone weaker than my current master? The answer is yes because I believe I'm more talented than her. I will show you things you have never expected, I will show you a bigger world. My destination is not here; I will go higher. I will stand at the top of all things. Won't it be exciting to be beside me at that time? I think it is.''

〖You sounds like some shady business person that wanted to sell his goods at any cost.〗Silveria decided to tease her master.

Alex ignored her and continued.

''While I may not know your current strength, I believe that soon I will be stronger than you.''

Sera's mouth lifted into a smile; she almost shouted, I don't think so, but when she recalled how few months again, Alex was so weak that her killing intent could have killed him on the spot, but now he became stronger enough not to be called a weakling. His potential is absurd; with intense training, he will be strong as she is in no time.

Alex waited for Sera to give him her answer; while he believes that he has a chance, seeing her remain silent after everything he said made him anxious. He needs a special force; he wants to put his future woman (he was sure of himself.) in charge of it; like this, he was sure not to be betrayed.

Finally, after some time, Sera opened her mouth,

''I understand what you said. Frantically speaking, I'm not convinced, but I'm thrilled. I want to see how far you will go. To do this, I must be beside you, not knowing where Elseria will end; better chose my side in the case you two became separated.''

Sera's words brought joy to Alex's face. However, he knew he mustn't celebrate too fast as the actual show was about start.

And as he thought Sera's following words confirmed it,

''I will only work for you only after you become Rank 9 in one month. I believe it is not too hard with the occasion in front of you.''

Alex's lips twitched when he heard Sera's words; 17 levels are considered not too hard? What a joke. Once at higher Ranks, it became harder and harder to level.

'Sigh,' Alex sighed; Sera's condition was not unreasonable. It's good she didn't tell him to become Rank 10 before accepting. As for the occasion she was talking about, Alex believes she referred to his next excursion to the dungeon with Artemia. Well, he can use this occasion to increase his strength as dungeons provide an endless amount of monsters for one to level up.

''I accept,'' Alex announced; he couldn't let go of the occasion to get such valuable subordinates no matter how difficult the condition was.

''Good.'' Sera nodded her head, pleased with his decision.

Suddenly, as if remembering something Alex said,

''I want you to protect my sister while I'm inside the dungeon. I have the feeling that something will happen, so please look after her.''

''Sure I will,'' Sera promised.

Hearing Sera's promise, Alex heaved a sigh of relief. If you are wondering why he didn't include Maria and others, it was because he knew Gracier would be together with them; if Maria, Luna, or Sakuya were in danger, Sera wouldn't sit idly and watch them die just because she promised only to protect Gracier.

''I'm hungry. Let's eat.'' Alex said while rubbing his stomach. All that talk makes him hungry.

Sera nodded her head; she had reverted to her usual gentle persona, the deadly Zero was no more.

After eating the dessert, Alex suddenly said,

''When are we going on a date? After I come back from the dungeon?"

Sera twitched the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but ask.

''After learning who I am. Do you still want to date me?"

''I do. It doesn't matter how you are, how many people you have killed, how many more you will kill in the future. I like you and decided to make you mine no matter what. You may be the Death Goddess; I don't care. I have already made up my mind; Sera Wexon will be my woman one day.'' Alex proudly declared.

246: Birthday

''After learning who I really am. Do you still want to date me?"

''I do. It doesn't matter how you are, how many people you have killed, how many more you will kill in the future. I like you and decided to make you mine no matter what. You may be the Death Goddess; I don't care. I have already made up my mind; Sera Wexon will be my woman one day.'' Alex proudly declared.

Looking at the man who had not killed half of the people she killed, say these words made some unknown emotions rise inside her heart which in turn made her heartbeat quickened. She tried to calm down her emotions quickly.

〖Tch! When it comes to saying good words to trap women, Master, you are pretty good at it.〗Silveria commented.

'Well, it will be a waste on you.' Alex responded.

〖What that mean?〗Silveria asked, furious. It was clear that Alex's words hurt her pride.

'Better figure out by yourself.' Alex said, not continuing to entertain Silveria any longer. The latter couldn't only pout at her master's harsh treatment.

Finally, Sera talked, ''I see. I thought you would have given up after learning who I am, but I guess I underestimate your determination. It's good to be determined. However, I will only go on a date with you only after you become stronger than me.''

〖Pft! Hahaha...〗

Silveria burst into laughter just after Sera announced her condition.

Alex's complexion sank; he hadn't expected Sera to impose such a condition. It was only a date, not a big deal; it wasn't like he asked her to kiss him, so why such a condition was imposed? He couldn't understand, but he couldn't refuse either because he may lose the chance to walk into her heart further.

Gritting his teeth, Alex answered, ''I understand.''

Sera's eyes widened; she was caught off guard; she was not really serious. However, seeing Alex's determination, she decided to continue to pretend.

''That's good to hear. I shall be waiting then. It's getting late. I must go back.''

Sera said and stood up; however, just as she was about to leave, she stopped as if she just remembered something important; she tilted her head back and dropped a bomb.

''By the way, I'm Rank 12 a shy away from Rank 13. You have to do your best to catch up and surpass me. Fufufu! See you.''

Alex, who was standing, faltered, almost falling face-first to the ground.

''She's not serious, is she?" Alex tried to find solace through Silveria's denial. However, he was bound to be disappointed.

〖Pretty much serious, she is Level 119, 3 more levels, and she will become what they call Saint in this world.〗Silveria announced.

Alex sucked in a breath of fresh air. He sat down and slumped into his chair; he felt compelled to massage his forehead.

''I still have a long way to go to catch up. I wonder how older she is? I thought she is just older than me by one or two years. Guess I was wrong, maybe she is older than-"

Sera's voice cut off Alex's words; her voice rings directly into his ears.

''By the way, I was joking. We will go on a date after you come back from your excursion. It would be best if you used this opportunity to quickly get stronger as I believe that a storm is coming. You will need strength, strength to survive, to protect those dears to you. And one last thing, it's rude to talk about woman's age behind her back.''

Sera's voice disappeared after saying those words; Alex heaved a sigh of relief. Sera must have used an extraordinary method to send her voice directly to his ears; maybe this is related to the Wind element? Alex thought. His guess was pretty accurate.

Silveria, who manifested her body outside, sat across him.

''Happy, aren't we?" She teased him.

Alex refused to entertain her; he was lost in thoughts.

Seeing Alex not responding to her words, Silveria pouted before starting to eat an ice cream she had just summoned.

A few minutes passed, Alex decided that it was now time for him to return.

''Let's go back.''

''No, let wait a little bit.''

Surprisingly Silveria refused to go back, at least not yet. Confused, Alex was about to ask her what game she was playing; however, before he could open his mouth, Silveria had already raised her next question.

''What do you think Lucifer is after? I mean, what is the thing is after? Maybe a woman? Something to make him more powerful?"

Alex is no fool; he knew what kind of game Silveria was playing, she wants to keep him occupied. As for why he didn't know, however, he had the impression that soon he will find out.

In the meantime, he decided to play with her.

''I do not think what Lucifer is after is related to woman; however, I do think what he wants may help him increase his strength,'' Alex explained.

''I see. I can't wait to snatch that thing. I wonder how kind of face he would make after learning that we stole his thing?"

''Let's get that thing first.'' He said.

Silveria nodded, but her expression changed, becoming unsightly because Alex just stole her ice cream.

''I have noticed that when it comes to your ice cream, you don't like to share with others. How greedy can you be?''

''Indeed, delicious. Thank you, snatched food tasted better, I guess.'' Alex shamelessly proclaimed.

Silveria's eyes were bloodshot. If a look could kill, Alex would have been dead a thousand times already.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down her raging emotions; she secretly vowed to take her revenge on Alex later; if today weren't a special day, she would have-, 'Let's not think about it.' she thought.

Alex had been observing Silveria's reaction, seeing that she could restraint her anger, he chuckled.

After spending another hour chitchatting, the two departed.

Outside, Night fell.

The last radiance of the sun vanished underneath the horizon, only to be replaced by darkness that shrouded the world. The clouds drifting in the air were also smeared in a dark hue. However, the capital looked as if it was daytime.

Alex walked to his villa while admiring the scenery around him, and soon he was in front of his villa.

However, he soon froze because everything was dark as if all lights were switched off. If he were not sure that this was his house, he would have walked away.

Taking a deep breath, Alex proceeds to enter the dark villa; he knocked twice; however, there was no response. He then pushed the door open, and suddenly, the whole villa brightened.

''Happy birthday, Alexander.''

Alex was rooted on the spot. In front of him were his friends and employees; they all had a gentle smile on their faces. There was a giant cake in the middle of the hall, all types of food on the tables.

Leon approached his frozen friend and wrapped his arms around his shoulder, and dragged Alex with him.

''Happy birthday, my friend. May you live a long life filled with thrill, and I sincerely hope that I can stay beside you until the end as your brother, of course.''

Alex smiled, ''I sincerely hope so too.''

He had forgotten that today was his birthday if he follows Earth's calendar.

''Welcome back, Lex, and Happy birthday.'' Luna approached Alex; Leon hastily separated from him, tiptoeing. Luna kissed Alex in everyone.

Wrapping his arms around her slender waist, Alex reciprocated with a quick french kiss. Luna flushed red because she didn't expect Alex to be this daring.

Laughing heartily, Alex welcomed his sister in his free arm before greeting the others.

Naturally, Maria, Sakuya was present, Ferris, Eris, Kuina were also present. Surprisingly, Artemia was present as well.

''Happy birthday. May you celebrate a lot more birthday from now on, and may you never lose your smile.''

''Thank you, princess. I'm happy to have you all here today. It made me realize how lucky I am to have you all. May this friendship last as long it can. Cheers," Alex said and raised his glass.


The others also raised their glass and cheered.

After cutting and eating the cake, Leon and the others surrounded Alex; Leon was the first to tease him.

''I never expected Alex to be younger than us.''

''Me too.''

Eris, Ferris, and Kuina said in unison.

It was today that Alex learned that Leon and others were older than him by one year. Because they all had artifact on them that makes impossible to appraise them.

''Alex is now 18, isn't it?" Sakuya asked; from her tone, it was sure that she was drunk. However, when Luna and Maria wanted to drag her to sleep, she refused, saying she was not drunk.

'You are drunk, though.' Alex mumbled when he saw her.

After celebrating for a while, Artemia excused herself, followed by Kuina, Ferris, and Eris.

Leon was last to leave, and before leaving, he winked at his friend.

''I hope your waist is strong enough to take them on.''

If Alex couldn't understand what he meant, he would be a fool.


Alex bellowed while kicking the latter. Leon dodged Alex's kick and left while laughing.

247: Sakuya

After Leon teased and ran away, the latter returned inside to see Sakuya still refusing to go to sleep.

Maria and Luna had a helpless look on their faces as they don't know how to deal with a drunken Sakuya. Maria had tried several times to sneak behind Sakuya and knock her out, but strangely Sakuya could dodge Maria's strike at the last moment.

Gracier was brought to her room as she was feeling sleepy.

Luna and Maria noticed Alex's arrival, as well as Sakuya; she was wobbling on her feet.

Pointing into a random direction, she ordered,

''Alexander, come here. Don't you hear me? I said to come here.''

Maria and Luna facepalmed; Alex sighed and said,

''I'm not in that direction; I'm on your right. Please sleep already; you must be tired with everything you've done tonight.''

Sakuya pursued her lips; it was apparent that she didn't want to go.

Suddenly, Sakuya's eyes brightened, and immediately Maria had a bad feeling, she knew she must stop Sakuya before she said something she shouldn't have.

''You know Alexa said-"

The moment Sakuya opened her mouth to speak, Maria sprung forward and sent a deadly kick toward Sakuya's head. Everything happened too fast, and when Alex got a clear picture of what was happening, Sakuya had leaned backward, her back almost touching the ground. Gently, she let herself fall to the ground before rolling to the other side and stood up after sensing no more threat.


Maria clicked her tongue, visibly annoyed that her attack had missed its target.

Alex felt compelled to massage his forehead. He wanted to open his mouth; however, Sakuya spoke first.

''Ah! I forgot what I was about to say. Whatever, Alexender, where are you? Didn't I asked you to come over?"

Silveria was doing her best to hold back her laughter. However, you could see that she was almost at her limit because of her shoulders; they were shaking.

Like the others, she knew that today was Alex's birthday; they had planned a surprise for him; however, what Silveria hadn't thought was the scene happening right now. If previously you had asked her if, between the three, which one is likely to get drunk first, Silveria would have without pointed at Luna as she appears weak when it comes to alcohol. Yet, unexpectedly it was Sakuya who got drunk; first, she didn't even drink half of what the other two had drunk, especially Luna; she ended up being a heavy drinker than the other two.

''It's so fun to watch this scene. It makes one forgot everything, forgot about revenge, forget about all painful thing.'' Silveria quietly mumbled to herself. There was a smile on her face, and unlike all the previous times, this smile was a genuine one, free of any restraint.

Too focused on Sakuya, the others didn't take notice of Silveria's smile.

Rubbing his forehead, Alex approached Sakuya and tried to get to sleep; however, just as he was about to touch her, he heard the girl's warning.

''Don't touch her.''

However, it was already too late, before Alex's hand could touch Sakuya's shoulders, it got repelled by a strong wind and,


In the next moment, Alex found himself back against the ground.

''What the.''

He couldn't believe what just happened, one moment he was about to touch Sakuya, however, his hand couldn't even touch her clothes, and the next thing was him lying on the ground.

Like a child that succeeds in praying a prank, Sakuya giggled before lowering her body to look at Alex in the eyes. She seemed unbothered by the fact that because of the short skirt she wore, her purple panty was revealed.

'How mature and at the same time I see don't expect less from the mature looking Sakuya.' Alex had this irrelevant thought.

He quickly threw those nonsensical thoughts to the back of his head and locked eyes with the black-haired beauty that was looking down on him. He couldn't help but gulp up this close, and undoubtedly because of her current state, Sakuya appeared more beautiful than usual; her misty black eyes were captivating; it sucks you in.

Both locked eyes for a moment without saying a word, in that instant, it was as if the two had built a perfect link between them, silver and black got mixed with green to create new, something that made Alex's body shudder with excitement and before he could dwell further into that sensation the link got broken by Sakuya.

The corners of Sakuya's mouth lifted into a smile, a sadistic smile. The moment Alex noticed this smile, he couldn't help but shudder; he believes that whatever Sakuya would say, he wouldn't like it.

At the same time that Sakuya's opened her mouth, Luna was sneaking behind her.

''Lex, let's me step on you, okay?" Sakuya said, still wearing that sadistic smile on her lips; she was not joking.

''What?" Alex couldn't help but blurt out.

Maria closed her eyes and sighed while Silveria burst into laughter when suddenly,


Luna, who had sneaked behind Sakuya, gave the latter a hard chop on the back of her head just enough to knock Sakuya out; and it worked as Sakuya didn't sense Luna's presence at all. Luna was like a perfect assassin.

Sakuya, who got knocked out, fell on Alex's chest. Smiling, Luna caught the now unconscious Sakuya by the neck and dragged her out; halfway through the door, she looked back and said to Alex.

''Forget what just happened; it was because Sakuya was drunk.''

Maria, who had joined Luna to help her drag Sakuya to one of the free rooms, nodded toward him as if to say better follow Luna's advice.

Still lying on the ground, Alex shook his head while muttering, ''Like hell, I will believe that.''

By now, Luna and Maria had disappeared. After standing up, Alex stared at Silveria, who was still laughing.

''Laughing too much will hurts your stomach, you know?" Alex said, his head cocked to the side.

And instead of stopping, Silveria burst into laughter again; that gesture looks girly from Silveria's point of view.

After laughing hard for a while, Silveria stopped, and with a serious expression, she said.

''Sakuya is sure interesting. Don't you think too, Master?"

To Silveria's question, Alex chose to ignore her royally. While he was surprised by Sakuya's sudden behavior, he knew she was a sadist, but to what extent he doesn't know. He would need to find out.

'Hopefully, it's not too serious.' Alex hoped.

Seeing that Alex was not planning to respond to her, Silveria decided to drop the matter. While Alex might believe that Sakuya's case wasn't serious, he would soon find out how wrong he was.

Shaking her head, Silveria opened her mouth,

''Happy birthday, Master. May you never lose your gentle side no matter what happens.''

''Thank you. I have forgotten that it was today. Sincerely speaking with everything that is in my mind celebrating my birthday was the last thing to think about. Thankfully, I have you all with me; you remind me that I must celebrate this day no matter what. I appreciated it. By the way, where is your birthday?''

Silveria's expression became blank when she heard Alex's question; she wondered how long it has been? Fifty thousand years? Hundred thousand? Too many things happened, so much that she had forgotten if she had once celebrated her birthday.

Seeing the myriad of emotions that appeared on Silveria's face, Alex sighed and wondered once again, what is her story? Their story?

If one day he will have the chance to listen to their story? The full story of everything that happened since the beginning. He was fully aware that now wasn't the time. He could force her, but he was sure that the person who has put restriction on them had thought about such possibility, the possibility of him forcing them to reveal everything they know, and Alex believed that he must have prepared countermeasures against it.

'How bothersome.' Alex couldn't help but think inside his head.

''Forget it.'' He said to Silveria.

Silveria was brought back to reality due to Alex's voice. She knew that he must have decided to drop the matter by consideration for her, warmth feeling coursed through her chest.

Smiling, Silveria proposed, ''Master, will you choose a day that will become my birthday from now on?"

Alex's widened when he heard Silveria's words. His lips curled up to form a smile, ''Are you sure?"

Silveria nodded her head to indicate that she was okay with him selecting a new day to celebrate her birthday.

''Good, I will select a day, but you will have to call me Big brother first.'' Alex decided to tease her.

It was now Silveria's turn to widen her eyes as she hadn't expected such a condition; she crossed her arms and refused to acknowledge Alex as her Big brother. How can she acknowledge someone not even half of her age as her big brother? There's no she would do something like that, especially knowing what awaits her if she ever did something like that.

The two stayed in deadlock for a while before Alex chuckled and declared.

''Forget it; I'm joking anyway. Let's postpone the matter of selecting a new day for your birthday until I succeed in unsealing your sister. We will decide on a date if I succeed, until then, please wait.''

Once again, Silveria was surprised, but this time she was pleasantly surprised; she was not the only one, though, sitting chained against the black stone throne; Silveria's sister widened her eyes.

Outside, Silveria smiled and responded, ''Sure, I do not mind.''

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