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27.34% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 131: 199-209

Chapter 131: 199-209

199: On The Other Side 2

Bothered by Alex's behavior Leon asked, Ferris and Eris were also looking at him.

''Amy has already lost.'' He said.

''How so?" Ferris couldn't help but ask this question.

Meanwhile, Leon studied the platform and noticed something unusual going on.

''What is that?" He pointed his finger at the stage. There were small burnt holes all over the platform, however, if it was only that Leon wouldn't be concerned about it, it is because currently, those holes were emitting small amount of smoke.

''It seems that you've noticed them. It's a trap Gracier lay when they were fighting for the finale.'' Alex explained.

''A trap?" Leon was intrigued, he wondered what kind of trap this was. Ferris and Eris were also curious as they had finally noticed the holes emitting smoke.

''Don't worry you will see what kind of trap that it is soon.'' Alex chuckled.

~Back on the stage.

Amy started to feel that something was amiss. Gracier was too calm, so calm that it gave her chill, something was whispering to Amy that she was going to lose even with her strongest trump card deployed.

Amy ground her teeth and decided to finish the match, to not let Gracier execute an attack, it was to prevent any unforeseen circumstances. If she was not so focused on Gracier, Amy would have noticed the holes emitting smoke, it was the location where Gracier fireballs had hit.

''Devour her,'' Amy ordered and the water dragon roared and wanted to pounce on Gracier.

It was at that moment, Gracier said,

''Blossom Fire Lotus.''

Under the astonished eyes of the audience, the whole platform was transformed into a huge Fire Lotus before,


It exploded with the girls inside it, Amy was so shocked that she couldn't react in time before getting swallowed by the Fire Lotus. Her water dragon got blasted into smithereens.

''What?" Eris exclaimed, she was already on her feet because two opposite elements clashed it resulted in a pretty big explosion.

The platform was almost destroyed.

Looking at Alex, Eris saw that he smiling not showing any concerns while looking at the flaming platform.

''Why are you smiling? You don't look concerned about your sister at all. What if all injuries can be healed? I don't think-"

Alex pointed his finger at the sky, Eris was forced to stop talking and look, she was surprised, Gracier was flying in the air, behind her was beautiful pair of flame wings.

In Gracier's hands was a figure in a sorry state. Amy, her clothes were almost destroyed leaving her in her underwear, her pink hair turned into Afro style. Currently, she was unconscious, the shock of being swallowed alive in a big explosion scared the hell out of her so much that she became unconscious.

Gently flapping her wings Gracier descended on the ground, she placed Amy on the ground before taking out a blanket from her space ring to cover her.

[Final winner of Group H: Gracier Alexander Touch]

Gracier searched for her brother and when she saw him, she smiled at him as if to say I have won. Alex smiled back before asking her to come to join them to watch the remaining matches.

While he was waiting for his sister to join them, Alex heard Leon say, ''Your sister is scary on her own. Almost like Maria, to think she would be that scheming, she has already laid a trap since the beginning, how scary. I wonder why women are so scheming?"

''To that question, I don't have an answer. Concerning Gracier's trap, this was not the first time she did it, the first time I was so surprised that I couldn't talk.'' Alex said while thinking about the first time Gracier used that technique, it was on Sebastian. Talking about Sebastian, Alex wondered how he and the other were doing, he had expected to see them here in the academy, but he didn't see them. Even though he asked about them, nobody heard about them, it seemed that they weren't able to join the academy.

'I hope you four are doing fine.' Alex hoped.

Seeing his friend became lost in thoughts, Leon inquired,

''Alex what's going on? You look so worried all of the sudden.''

Scratching his head Alex said, ''Ah! It's nothing I was thinking about some friends. I thought I will see them here but they are not in the academy.''

Tapping his friend's shoulder to comfort him, Leon said, ''Don't worry, they must be busy with something else. They are fine, you will see them again.''

Alex nodded his head, Gracier joined them at that time and after greeting the other she sat near her brother.

''Big brother look over there, sister in law is about to fight the bad guy,'' Gracier said pointing her finger in a certain direction.

Following that direction, Alex saw Luna facing Leonardo, Leonardo seemed to be saying something.

''Luna, why are you wasting your time with that loser? It is true that somehow he unsealed his Gift but compared to us, his Gift is nothing. You deserved a better man than that. So open your eyes.'' Leonardo said.

Luna looked at him as if she was looking at a fool.

''What with that look?' Leonardo was displeased, what he said was for her good, and yet she was looking at him strangely.

''You will always walk in his shadow. Instead of finding a way of getting rid of your inferiority complex, you only know how to slander him. Did you think by doing such things, by going after his woman that you will be able to surpass him? I truly pity you. Use your brain a little.'' Luna said not hiding her disdain.

Leonardo's face darkened, however, Luna's next words infuriated him even more.

''Even if you are the only male remaining in the universe I will never date you. Let's start.'' Luna added.

''Hehehe, hahahaha! Well, I was planning to go easy on you but now I change my mind.''

Leonardo said before summoning his sword Excalibur.

Luna readied her staff using the staff butt she tapped on the ground twice.

Hundred small water balls were created, the water balls were transformed into water needles before being sent to attack Leonardo.

Leonardo harrumphed before moving his sword, his sword was so fast that it leaves afterimage being, he cut down all the water needles before he appeared in front of Luna with his sword thrust forward.

''It is the end.'' He declared.

Titling her head sideway Luna dodged the blade,

''I wonder about that.'' She said.

The moment Leonardo heard these words, he felt a sudden sense of imminent danger, so without wasting any more time, he jumped back.

Fswoosh! Fswoosh!!!

Numerous water needles were shot out of the ground, if Leonardo had not jumped back he would be injured even if he managed to defend against the water needles.

Luna kicked the ground and appeared in front of Leonardo, she threw her staff high into the sky earning Leonardo's confusion, however, what happened next made Leonardo's eyes widened.

Luna threw a punch toward him. Leonardo snickered before retaliating with his punch.

However, just as the two punches were about to clash, Luna's hand became covered in water like a glove.


As the two fists clashed, Leonardo was astonished to see that he got pushed back, it was like he hit something soft.

And because of the momentary surprise, Leonardo's response face of Luna's next attack was delayed.

Catching the staff she had previously thrown into the sky, Luna used to strike Leonardo, the latter hastily defended using his sword, he was blasted back by a powerful force.

Again, Leonardo was surprised by how strong Luna's physical strength is, however, he didn't have the time to think about such a thing because, like an enraged leopard, Luna was already in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Punch after punch was sent, it was so fast that Leonardo felt like it was a professional boxer who was in front of him. He had trouble defending against Luna's punches, no, it was Luna who didn't give him any time to think.

Outside, the audience was dumbfounded, some were wondering if they were not dreaming, a woman boxing like a man.

Elseria was laughing hard while Freya was sighing. How she wouldn't know her student's true nature? Underneath her gentle exterior is hiding a tomboy princess, she likes fighting.

On Alex's side, Gracier, Eris, and Ferris couldn't believe what they were seeing. Meanwhile, Leon,

''Slap me, please. It's that really your girl Alex? Are you sure someone else did not switch place with her?"

Holding his face in his arms because of the embarrassment, Alex said.

''I can assure you that it's Luna. This is the real her.''

''No way. The gap between the gentle Luna and this crazy battle girl who is sending punch after punch with a smile it's too much.'' Leon said while looking at Leonardo who was getting cornered.

In her world, Silveria was laughing hard while holding her belly.

~Back on the stage.

Leonardo's face darkened, even though none of the punches deal him any sufficient damage, it still left a bad aftertaste in his mouth, he felt like he would become a laughingstock if he continues to stay passive.

So, his body turned into a flash of golden lightning, he appeared behind Luna and sent a kick at her.

Suddenly, Luna spun around and crossed her arms to defend against the kick.


Luna's back collided against the wall, she became momentarily dizzy, even so, she quickly rolled on the ground when she sensed Leonardo's next attack.

Using her Light element, she healed herself before she sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from her face.

Leonardo's figure disappeared and turned into three, it was because he was moving at extremely fast speed using his lightning element, Luna couldn't defend against all the attacks, she got knocked back and before she couldn't stabilize her posture she feels the cold sensation of a blade against her throat.

''Surrender, you're not my match,'' Leonardo said.

Only a chuckle answered Leonardo's words, followed by the sound of something bursting.

The Luna in front of Leonardo burst into water bubbles, those water bubbles turned into chain that momentarily restrained Leonardo's movement.

The real Luna appeared in front of Leonardo and punched him in the face, he was shot back like a cannonball, he crashed against the wall and was embedded in it.

At the same time, Luna puked blood, surprised she looked down to see Leonardo's sword run through her stomach.

'He must have thrown it.' She thought.

Suddenly, Luna crouched down while puking a mouthful of blood, her face was pale before she couldn't retire the sword there was a rumbling sound coming from the other side, Leonardo was standing there with a half-broken nose, golden lightning was dancing around him.

Luna knew that she couldn't win, since the start, she knew that her goal wasn't to win but to punch this asshole who loves to harass her man once in the face. She succeeds, so after retiring the sword, she surrenders.

Even though he won, Leonardo was furious, glaring at Alex he decided to make in pay. Alex was thinking the same thing.

200: Maria Vs Kuina

After her ended, Luna went to join Alex and others.

''It was a nice fight, especially that last blow right into his face. I like it.'' Alex said to her.

''Indeed, it was nicely done.'' Leon, Alex's new friend said. Ferris, Eris, and Gracier congratulated her.

Luna who was sitting on Alex's lap put on a sweet smile. After getting her fill of Alexium, Luna got up and went to sit beside Gracier.

Few minutes passed, and finally, it was time for the last match to start.

Maria and Kuina were facing each other.

They were looking at each other without saying anything and soon the signal to start the match was given. It was then Maria said,

''I don't like you.''

''Oh? What a coincidence me neither.'' Kuina replied with a smile.

''It's a good thing it's mutual. Let's begin shall we?" Maria said while she readied her two daggers.

Kuina nodded before summoning her sword, it was a red sword. The moment she summoned her sword, the temperature on the stage increased becoming extremely hot.


As if feeling provoked extremely chilly energy was emitted from the two daggers and clashed against the heat coming from the red sword.

Outside, the audience was dumfounded, the two contestants have not started fighting yet their weapons were already clashing against each other.

''Who do you think will win?" Ferris asked.

''Hard to tell.,' Eris said, Alex was surprised as he thought she would say Kuina because they were friends and she knew how powerful the latter is.

''Alexia will win.,' Luna said sure of her assumption.

''The two are strong, in my opinion, the best will win.,' Alex said. Luna smiled not saying anything, she was not upset that Alex didn't share the same thought like her, it was understandable as he doesn't know Maria as she does.

''They begin.'' Someone said it was Leon, he didn't offer his opinion but like Alex, the best will win.

On the stage it Maria that attacked first, flicking her fingers twenty Ice arrows were created before being shot at Kuina.

In front of the incoming ice arrows Kuina showed no sign of panic, calmy she flickered her fingers and twenty flame arrows were sent crashing against the incoming fire arrows.


An explosion occurred when the two opposite elements clashed.

Maria disappeared to reappear in front of Kuina and swung her crystal blue sword down, Kuina blocked the blow before attacking Maria with one of her tails.

As if she had expected something like this, Maria used her free hand to shoot an ice beam at the tail.


Flame was shot out of the tip of the tail. More tails attacked Maria from different angles, Maria dodged them calmy without breaking a sweat.

''As I thought you have perfect control over your element. It almost makes one jealous.'' Kuina commented when she saw how Maria was dealing with her attacks, she controlled the cold element in the air to reduce the speed of her attacks.

'This girl is a monster. Given enough time she would able to stop time with her element like her teacher. No, I believe she will surpass her, surpass the Witch of Frozen Time.' Kuina thought.

Witch of Frozen Time is one of Freya nicknames, the Headmistress of the Imperial Magic Academy, Maria's, Sakuya, and Luna teacher.

Suddenly, Kuina jumped back, and under the astonished eyes of the crowd, a seventh tail sprouted from her back.

''No good, Kuina became serious.,' Leon announced.

Before Alex could ask Leon a question, he was surprised to find Kuina divided into twelve identical Kuina.

[Phantom Steps]

She said before the twelve Kuina attacked Maria at the same time, Maria tried defending against the twelve Kuina by trying to figure which one was the real one, unfortunately, she failed.


Maria was sent flying back, she quickly stabilized her body before standing, she wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, she muttered.

''Interesting movement skill. Time to taste mine.''

Before she knew it Maria appeared in front of her with her sword slashing toward her neck, when Kuina wanted to defend, herself she became aware that her movement slowed down, snorting her body emitted heat, with this, she was able to regain control of her body before slashing at Maria.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

When they were exchanging moves, Kuina's movement suddenly faltered, it was because Maria used Glaciate, some kind of eye power on her.

Using this chance Maria punched Kuina in the stomach, sending her tumbling back, she followed with a horizontal slash, however, halfway through her attack, Maria jumped back because flame erupted from Kuina and turned into a gigantic seven tails firefox.


Maria was sent spiraling into the sky before,

Bang! Crack!

She got pummeled back onto the ground by another tail.

Silence descended upon the whole stadium. Everyone was waiting to see what will happen.

Kuina was sitting on the Firefox commending it. Her expression changed

*Rumble* Boom!

An explosion occurred where Maria was, the ground became frozen, the temperature plummeted.

Standing on frozen ground was Maria, her clothe was rigged in different places, her head was bleeding. However, currently, none of that mattered as Maria was emitting a bone-chilling aura that could make one shiver, behind her was half materialized beautiful gigantic phoenix bird.

''Phoenix? Impossible.'' Elseria shouted as she couldn't believe was she was seeing, Freya was surprised as well.

''What is that?'' Alex asked not recognizing the Ice Phoenix.

〖Ice Phoenix〗Silveria responded.

'So does this mean Maria's Gift spirit is phoenix?' Alex asked.

〖You can say that, Twin Ice Phoenix, also known as Ice Fairies.〗Silveria explained.

'I see. A dragon, a Ice Phoenix. I wonder if there is White tiger and Black tortoise?' Alex wondered. Silveria chuckled not commenting.

Meanwhile, on the stage,

Suddenly, the half-materialized bird behind Maria vanished, no to be more accurate it entered her body. Maria's hair became white, her face became emotionless.

Kuina who was sitting on the Firefox flinched, she was feeling scared. Biting her lips she decided to gamble, with her current level it will suicidal to try spirit possession but she knew that if she doesn't gamble she would lose as the current her couldn't hope fighting equally against Maria who was now in a spirit possession state.

What Maria did just now is called Spirit Possession, only Gifts that has spirit and were special can perform spirit possession. When you use this skill you can let your weapon spirit merge with you. It's temporary, the time you can use for depends on how strong your connection with your weapon spirit is and more importantly your body, the amount of MP you possess.

''Spirit Possession,'' Kuina shouted, the Firefox disappeared and entered her body, Kuina's hair turned red, her fox tails turned into flame foxtails, there was a half-moon symbol on her forehead.

Maria and Kuina stared at each other and grinned before disappearing, the ground under their feet cracked, they appeared in the sky and exchanged hundreds of moves using their bare hands.

Nobody managed to win, they got separated, now at the edge of the platform both looked at each other.

Kuina flicked her finger muttered, ''Purgatory Flame.''

A small black small appeared, the moment it appeared the ground started melting.

The black flame was shot toward Maria, its speed was neither slow nor fast, whenever the flame passed, the ground would melt.

Clapping her hands, Maria said, ''Absolute Beginning Flame.''

A small blue flame appeared in front of her before disappearing, when it reappeared it was already in front of the black flame.


A mega explosion occurred creating a blinding light.

Everyone was blinded and deafened by the flash of light and the explosion. The wind, stirring and blowing everything away. The heat mixed with cold was so intense that people were already sweating and freezing at the same time.

The explosion was so intense that casualties seemed inevitable but, thankfully, fail-safes, in the form of large glowing blue barriers, that were created to protect the crowd in case of a dangerous situation activated at full power, thereby avoiding the worst situation.

Finally, as the light abated only one question filled the mind of everyone still awake.

Who was the winner?

A gust of wind stirred the dust away, revealing the state of the platform.

Everything was blown away. Nothing was left. Only one word could describe this scene.

Apocalypse. There was a big hole on the ground where the stage was used to be.

Finally, the two fighters could be seen, one was standing while the other was half-kneeling.

It was Maria who was standing, Kuina was the one-half kneeling, she had already lost consciousness.

The result?

It was Maria's win. Even though she was gravely injured and tired she was still awake. She lifted her hand in sign of victory.


"Beautiful fight."

Luna murmured in happiness. She knew how much Maria trained. She was happy that Maria won.

''Indeed, a beautiful fight.'' Sakuya who just joined Alex and the others commented.

The others acquiesced.

A team of teachers moved and evacuated Maria and Kuina. They received treatment.

Half of an hour passed, Chris was standing in front of his students, not everyone was present only the winners. Alex, Gracier, Leon, Leonardo, Ferris, Artemia, Damien and Maria.

''Well done everyone. The quarterfinals will start with you eight tomorrow. The first match will be between Alexander and Leonardo.''

The moment this was announced Leonardo grinned, he couldn't wait to teach Alex a lesson, to show him the difference between the two.

Alex was happy with this news as well as he couldn't wait to thrash the so-called Hero.

201: Magic Gunslinger Vs Hero 1

After announcing the name of the participants of tomorrow's first match, Chris continued by announcing the name of the other participants.

''The second match will be between Ferris Wolfang and Leon Lionheart, third match: Artemia Eretria Von Havens Vs Maria Alexa Rosares, and lastly Damien Constantine Crux Vs Gracier Alexandra Touch.''

Leon grinned flashing you are doomed smile at Ferris, the latter grinned.

Maria and Gracier couldn't help but sigh as none of their enemies is weak.

''Don't worry, just do your best. If it doesn't work you will at least learn from this failure.'' Alex petted Gracier's head.

''Well said.'' Artemia who overheard Alex's words said.

''Maybe we will face each other in the next match,'' Alex said.

''I don't think so. Like I said it, it will in the final.'' Artemia said while smiling, she seemed sure of her words.

Alex couldn't only shrug his shoulders not saying anything.

Leonardo was pissed when he heard Alex's words.

''Did you think you can beat me just be you are two levels ahead of me? What a joke. I'll show you your place tomorrow.'' Leonardo said.

Alex didn't even spare him a glance before departing with his sister and others.

''You talk too much.'' Damien chided Leonardo before leaving.

''I will trample everyone of you under my feet.'' Leonardo spat out before leaving, he didn't wait for Camilla and others.


The next morning. Alex and others have already arrived ready to start the quarter-finals.

After exchanging greetings with Leon and others, Alex said.

''It seems that today you will be able to watch me fight, unlike yesterday where the matches took place simultaneously.''

''Yeah! I'll see what kind of Gift you have and how you fight.'' Leon said.

''Fufufu! Alex go beat that lecher for Onee-san'' Sakuya who was sitting beside Eris and Kuina raised her fist in the air and shouted.

Alex almost shouted 'You and I have the same age.' however, he chose not to say that as she may use it to start teasing him. Sakuya is a bit of a sadist after all.

Shaking his head Alex went on the arena, facing him in the opposite direction was Leonardo clad in golden armor.

Alex was also wearing Loki, instead of wearing it like armor, he used Loki's special ability to shapeshift into anything to transform it into a black long coat (black shirt) and black pant style.

''Ready to lose?" Leonardo provoked Alex the moment he saw him.

''I may lose facing a strong opponent but not when facing you. You're strong but not strong enough to beat me.'' Alex returned Leonardo's provocation with a smile.

'Tch... Ever the prim bastard, always full of himself, I see. Whatever. Today is my stage to shine. I'll beat him and show them all how pathetic he is.'

Leonardo's sneered viciously, his will to fight intensifying. Today, he must win, or else Alex would be forever ahead of him. He's like his heart demon, he must win to overcome his heart demon. Camilla said.

Ignoring Leonardo, Alex checked his status, he had trained until late in the night, so, he didn't check how much he had gained.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 64

Experience Value (XP): 800/18700

Magic Power: 5010

Magic: None

Attack: 1070 (+20) 1090

Defense: 960 (+20) ✒ 980

Agility: 1100 (+20) ✒ 1120

Intelligence: 960 (+20) ✒ 980

Luck: 750 (+20) ✒ 770

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

'20 points huh?! Not bad. I need to train harder, Leon and Artemia won't be easy opponent.' Alex thought.

''Ready? Start!" Chris announced.


Alex appeared in front of Leonardo and threw a punch straight toward his head. It was so sudden that most people wouldn't be able to react against it, however, Leonardo titled his head sideway dodging Alex's punch.

Even though he dodged he was inwardly surprised at how fast Alex was. He quickly jumped back to avoid Alex's kick.

Bang! Bang!!!

Before he could stabilize himself bullets were fired at him, pissed Leonardo shouted.


He swung his sword down, cutting all the bullets. His figure disappeared to reappear behind Alex before his sword could strike Alex's back, it was pushed back by a bullet fired by Alex. He didn't even look back before shooting.

The two moved at fast speed exchanging moves,

Bang! Bang! Clangs !!!!


Alex rolled back dodging a fireball thrown at him.

Boom! Boom!

Another two fireballs were thrown at him. Alex's figure vanished to reappear behind Leonardo with his Silveria armed at him.

Leonardo spun around and blocked the gun with his sword, he was planning to use his finger's skill: Extinction Ray, however before he could, Alex created another gun and shot him in the stomach.

''Guh!" Leonardo was blasted back, his face twisted in pain. He rolled on the ground a couple of times with a blank look on his face.

'If he remembers correctly, Alex possesses two guns, one black while the other is silver. So from where does, he get that second silver gun from?' Leonardo thought before roaring, golden lightning appeared around his body.

Like a bolt of lightning his figure disappeared, he was able to dodge Alex's bullets. His eyes turned more golden, pointing his sword at Alex, he shouted.

[Fire bolt]

Fire and lightning mixed were shot at Alex at extremely fast speed, because it was two destructive elements combined their might could not be underestimated.

Not only that, this attack seemed to possess some kind of special power that lock its target in place.

Outside, most people thought that Alex wouldn't be able to deal with this attack.

However, Alex never showed signs of panic facing such a destructive attack, aiming the real Silveria at the incoming firebolt, he said.

[Ice Bullet]

Swooosh! Kaboom!

Ice Bullet clashed against Leonardo's Firebolt creating a big explosion that swept the whole arena.

Meanwhile, in the audience.

''What? I thought it is said that he can't use magic?" Sakuya asked surprised, she was not the only one, though. Luna, Leon, Maria, and others were surprised.

They turned their heads in Gracier's direction wanting some answers, unfortunately, she was clueless as them.

''Don't look at me like that because I don't know anything,'' Gracier said.

''As thought, he still has them,'' Lilith murmured. This didn't go unnoticed by Artemia, so she asked.

''From your words. He used them yesterday?"

Lilith nodded her head. Artemia stayed silent for a moment before she speculated.

''If himself can't use magic, maybe with his Gift he can. If this is true then I wonder how many elements he can use apart from the Ice element?''

Lilith stayed silent as she didn't have the answer to that question.

Damien's expression changed when he saw Alex shooting the Ice bullet. 'This man is too unusual. What is that Gift? Never heard of it.

Such a Gift is not recorded in our archives. Alexander not being able to not use magic can be ruled out. To win against him I must not give him the time to attack. Close range combat will be his weakness.'

Damien started preparing countermeasures against Alex in his head unaware that hadn't displayed his real cards yet. The real fight was about to begin.

202: Magic Gunslinger Vs Hero 2

Back on the arena.

Leonardo was astonished when he saw Alex use magic, unconsciously he almost rubbed his eyes to check if he wasn't dreaming.

He sighed while trying to calm down his racing heart. As Camilla had said he must not underestimate his opponent, especially someone like Alex.

Truth be told Leonardo knew Alexander was special, even on Earth he was different, however because of his pride Leonardo wouldn't acknowledge such a fact, because if he to do that he would be admitting that he was inferior to Alex. Something he couldn't do as to Leonardo admitting he's inferior to someone means he will never catch up to that person.

'I must acknowledge that you're not half bad, however, I haven't gotten serious yet.'

Leonardo mumbled before removing the golden ring he was wearing. Immediately, it was as if his level had risen, however, it wasn't the case, he removed the restraint he had put on his body.


The figure of Leonardo disappeared, Alex switched one of his weapons with Reaper, using it he blocked Leonardo's sword strike.


Alex was surprised to see that he was pushed a couple of steps back, before he could counterattack, Leonardo, vanished again and appeared on his left slashing at him.

Grinning, Alex easily blocked the strike before shooting at Leonardo with his left hand, the latter shifted his sword to block the bullet before disappearing again.

When he reappeared again Leonardo was on the other side of the arena looking at Alex.

''You are not bad.'' He offered honest praise.

After he removed the restraint he put on his body, his speed has increased, he had thought maybe Alex wouldn't be able to keep up with him, surprisingly he was able to, he didn't even sweat.

Alex cracked his neck in response while he secretly checked Leonardo's status, this time it worked probably because the latter had removed the ring he was wearing.

[Leonardo Dixor]

Class: Hero

Age: 17


Level 62

Experience Value: 7800/18500

Magic Power: 700 (+610 (+400 BP) 1710

Magic: Holy Magic, Fire Magic, Lightning

Attack: 100 (+610 (+400 BP) ✒ 1110

Defense: 80 (+610 (120 BP) ✒ 810

Agility: 90 (+610 (400 BP) ✒ 1100

Intelligence: 80 (+610 (+10 BP) ✒ 700

Luck: 90 (+610) ✒ 700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Holy Sword Excalibur

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 5] [Holy Extinction Ray Level 5] [Holy Slash Level 5] [Kick Boxer Level 4] [Sword Art Level Level 8] [Flash Sword Level Max ✒ Phantom Sword Level 5] [Fire bolt Level Level Max]

Special abilities: {Lightning Body} {White Nova}

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The Holy sword wielder] [ Le Sauveur] [Lady Killer] [Slaughterer]

'Wow! He's sure strong. His ATK is even above mine. He sure possesses some nice skill.' Alex mumbled.

〖Well, his class is not a joke. It's one of the strongest classes. Though, compared to yours isn't worth mentioning. Compared to the last holder of Arthur, this one is pretty weak.〗Silveria said.

'From your standpoint that is. To others, he's pretty strong, and don't forget he's still growing. After this match I want you to tell me what power Maria and Kuina used yesterday.'

Alex said before he readied his weapons as Leonardo lowered his body, his hand on the hilt of his sword (already sheathed).

〖Understood.〗Silveria replied.

Leonardo muttered,

[Phantom Sword]

Alex didn't even see Leonardo's sword moving, he just felt extreme danger, so unconsciously he put reaper in front of his throat.

Clang! Boom!

He was blasted back, he quickly rolled on the ground dodging the next sword attacks. After he managed to distance himself from Alex touched his cheek to see there was a small cut over there. He was injured, the wound healed in an instant as it was only a small cut.

While Alex was feeling surprised because he was not able to follow Leonard's sword, the latter was also surprised his sword wasn't able to seriously injure Alex, what was more astonishing was that Alex got healed in instant.

'This guy is full of surprise. To end this fight I must seriously injure him.' Leonardo thought.

Calming down his breathing, he executed his Phantom Sword skill again, when his sword left its scabbard it got multiplied into five, those five swords moved toward Alex at a frightening speed.

On the other side facing those incoming swords, Alex removed his eyes patch, this astonished the audience, they wondered what he was up to.

However, they ended up disappointed when they saw him closing his eyes.

The next moment, what happened left them speechless.

Using the two guns, Alex was able to shot down the incoming swords.

Leonardo was surprised mouth agape.

[Finish him before he opens his eyes. I can assure you that you wouldn't want to look at him in the eyes.] Arthur, the weapon's spirit of his Gift warned him.

Even though he was surprised by Arthur's warning as the latter seldom talk to him, Leonardo decided to follow Arthur's advice.

The moment Alex removed his eyes patch, a dreadful feeling assaulted him, he was not the only one though, Leon, Artemia, Maria, Eris, and others with exception of the stronger Rankers felt fear.

''What going on?" Ferris asked.

Naturally, nobody was able to answer him as they all have their eyes fixed on the arena.

Golden lightning mixed with a bit of blue appeared around Leonardo's body.

It was as if his body was transformed into lightning itself, the weather changed, the sky darkened as if it was about to rain, strikes of lightning flashed in the sky.

Holding his sword, Leonardo who was using one of his Special abilities: Lightning Body moved. He used it with his strongest sword skill: Phantom Sword.

His sword appeared slow yet at the same time fast, it was a deadly sword strike that was able to cut through space.

''What a deadly sword strike.'' Elseria complimented. Freya nodded her head.

Leon and the others gulped as they were not sure if they could dodge such an attack.

Back on the arena.

Leonardo suddenly feared that this attack might end up killing Alex. However, he couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, Alex stepped forward of his own accord. Most people thought he had a death wish. But it wasn't as though Alex intended on dying, either. He was sure of himself.

Alex opened his heterochromia eyes, time seemed to have stopped, he was able to see the incoming sword moving at a slow speed. He extended his hands.

Outside people were shouting at him, however, what happened next shocked them to their core.

Alex caught Leonardo's sword between his hands.

It was the god-like move you often see in movies or novels. An impossible acrobatic feat that nobody sane would attempt in a real battle. Yet currently, someone performed it.

"Shirahadori?!" Sakuya yelled from the spectator seats. As a japanese person, she knew this move, however, knowing doesn't mean being able to execute it.

Maria, Luna, and the group who had come from Earth—as well as Leon, Artemia, Ferris, Eris, Kuina, and Damien, were horrified.

''What?" Even Freya stood up from her seat, not believing what she was seeing. Elseria's mouth was wide open.

"Urgh!" When the movement of the blade stopped, Leonardo's body stiffened when he looked in those heterochromia eyes, especially the blue eye, it was as if he was staring at death in the air.

Alex took the chance to twist his wrists and arms to steal Leonardo's sword. He then threw it on the ground beside them.

Leonardo started to feel dizzy.

[Immediately close your eyes.] Arthur shouted as he knew how deadly that blue eye is.

Leonardo immediately closed his eyes, however, the next moment he felt a strong impact in his stomach, he vomited blood and he was blasted back.

Bang! Boom!

He crashed against the wall on the opposite side before falling to the ground, like a ghost Alex appeared in front of him and kicked him.

Crossing his arms Leonardo managed to kill some of the force behind Alex's kick, even so, he was still blasted back, almost losing consciousness. Alex did not give him any respite as he kept attacking him.

And because he couldn't open his eyes, meaning he couldn't properly dodge, Leonardo was beaten black and blue.


Like a furious dragon, Leonardo roared, his hair turned white, small white bolts of lightning appeared around him.

Alex jumped back as he could immense threat coming from those white lightning.

Pointing his finger in Alex direction, Leonardo said, [Destroy White Nova]

Immediately, the white bolts of lightning transformed into a small ball that shot toward Alex.

〖Master, that attack is dangerous, please-〗

'I know.' Alex said, stopping Silveria's before she could finish.

He then decided to end the match for good. Aiming his gun at the incoming white ball he said.



White bullet clashed against the white ball.

Then something astonishing happened, the white ball disappeared, as if he had never existed, to begin with.

Silence descended upon the whole stadium because something incomprehensible just happened.

203: A Second Round?

Silence descended upon the whole stadium.

''What just happened?" Someone asked.

Elseria and Freya had a serious expression on their faces, they exchanged looks with each other. No word was needed. If their assumption was right then, this boy is ban to magicians, his Gift is the strongest.

'Even I didn't expect such surprise. Won't any magic can get canceled when fighting you?'

Artemia thought.

As if she was reading her mind Lilith said,

''There must be a limit. This time of ability must consume a huge amount of MP. I think it's not something he can use as it please.''

''I guess you're, however, that guy possesses a huge amount of MP. Even I feel envious.''

Artemia said while looking at her current MP.

If Alex was here and saw the amount of MP Artemia possesses, he would be astonished. It's 4000, 1000 less than him.

Leon was silent, however, his blood was boiling, he wants to fight Alex, to see if he could beat someone with such an absurd Gift.

Maria, Luna, and Sakuya exchanged looks, they seemed to have secretly decided something. As for the kind of decision it was, it's unknown.

On the gray robbed men's side, when they saw what Alex was able to do, the leader said.

''We must kill him.''

A bit of killing intent was leaked out by one of the members in a gray robe.

Their leader glared at the one responsible for this blunder who may cost them their lives. Fortunately, the leader made hand signs to further hide their presence.

It was what he thought. Unbeknownst to them some people took notice of this and marked them. It could be said that previously even though they were sitting around the other spectators, their presence was masked, almost like they were sitting in a different dimension.


Back in the arena.

The moment Alex used Silveria's special ability: Erase, to cancel Leonardo's White Nova, the latter mind turned white, he froze still.

[Tch! This ability is annoying as ever.] Arthur spat out.

Alex appeared in front of the frozen Leonardo and gave him an uppercut that sends him to the sky. He didn't stop there, using his left leg, Alex kicked Leonardo further into the sky.


Leonardo was sent into the sky like a rocket.

Standing on the stage, Alex aimed his guns toward the ground. Confused Silveria raised a question,

〖Master, what are you doing?〗

Alex only chuckled in response not answering Silveria's question. Action speaks louder than words, some said.

Like a child who was about to play with his favorite toy, Alex smiled, his smile was evil. It sends goosebumps to those who looked in his way.

[Phantom Bullet]

Bang! Bang!

Alex fired a phantom bullet toward the ground with Silveria, while with the second gun he used a normal bullet. The two got mixed as they strike the ground gouging it.


A big explosion occurred that sent Alex into the sky like a rocket.

'Don't tell he is going to strike Leonardo from the sky?'

This is what running through most people's minds when they saw Alex flying in the sky.

Indeed it's what Alex was going to do.

After passing Leonardo, he did a backflip in the air before kicking Leonardo toward the ground.

Leonardo was sent toward the ground like a bullet.

Crack! Boom!

The platform cracked, Leonardo got embedded in it. He lost consciousness, everything happened too fast, so fast he couldn't react.

Alex softly landed on the ground, his guns aimed at where Leonardo was, because of the dust in the air, it was impossible to see his figure.

Somewhere in a dark place, a voice could be heard.

''I can't accept it, I will not accept it. How can he have such an ability? It's a cheat. I will not accept it, never.''

Leonardo roared, refusing to accept reality.


Someone sighed startling Leonardo, he had thought he was the only one here, he appeared in this dark place the moment he lost consciousness, he doesn't even where this is.

''Who are you? Show yourself,'' he said.

''Quite shouting, you little shit. It seems you don't recognize my voice.'' Arthur said.

''Arthur?" Leonardo asked as he was not sure if it was the latter.

''Yeah, yeah it's me your sovereign. Do you wish to win?" Arthur asked.

''Yes, I want to win. I want to trample Alexander under my feet. Help me please, I will do anything.'' Leonardo pleaded.

Normally, he would have ignored Arthur because of his pride that wouldn't allow begging someone, however, decided to beg as he didn't wish to lose, especially not to his heart demon as it was what Alex is to him, his heart demon.

''Hahaha! Well said. I shall lend you a hand. Do not resist. I'll take control of your body.'' Arthur said before taking control of Leonardo's body.

Before losing consciousness for the second time, Leonardo saw an extremely handsome man wearing golden armor sitting on a golden throne, a sword in hand said,

'I shall play a little.'

~Back in reality.

Only a few seconds passed since Leonardo got embedded in the ground.

Alex who was planning to finish him stopped because a sudden chill assaulted him.

〖No good Master, please jump back〗

Silveria shouted as she could feel something fishy was going on Leonardo's side.

Alex did as he was told and jumped back as far he could.

Just after he left, there was a big explosion that destroyed what remains of the arena.

From the other side, a silhouette came out, it was Leonardo, even though his armor was cracked all over with blood on it, it didn't change the fact that he was giving Alex a pretty dangerous feeling, he was like an unsheathed blade.


A commotion started because Leonardo was floating in the air, the current Leonardo was different from the past one as his hair got elongated, it was purer.

Leon and the others were surprised.

'What's going on?' They thought.

Freya and Elseria stood up and activated the formation placed under the arena, immediately Alex and Leonardo got teleported somewhere else, it was a miniature world.

Freya and Elseria did this because they feel like this fight was going to be extremely dangerous. To ensure the safety of the spectators better relocate the fight elsewhere.

Leonardo (Arthur) looked around before saying,

''Shall we begin the second round?"

Alex gulped, truth be told the current Leonardo was giving an immense pressure.

〖Master, let me-〗

Alex, forestalling what she was about to suggest, spoke calmly.

'I know what you want to say but let me test him first. I can't handle him. I will listen to you.'

Silveria could only sigh as she knew once Alex decides on something, it will be hard to dissuade him not to do it.

In a way, this can be seen as a kind of training.

Looking at the floating Leonardo (Arthur) Alex said.

''Let's begin.''

204: The Second Round

Alex readied his weapons while cautiously watching Leonardo (Arthur) every action.

Leonardo (Arthur) smiled when he saw this, however, while outwardly he was smiling inwardly he was sighing.

'This body can support my soul for too long or else it will explode. Gotta finish this match fast.'

Extending his right arm, Excalibur appeared inside it, Leonardo swung down, it was just a casual swing, however, this casual swing was able to split the ground into two.

Fortunately, Alex had accel-ed from where he stood thus dodging the sword strike.

Leonardo disappeared,


Making use of his six senses, Alex dodged the sword and counterattack. His bullet was cleaved into two.

Leonardo (Arthur) sheathed his sword before performing a quick draw.

Instinctively, Alex crossed the two guns in the front of his chest.

Clangs! Boom!

Alex was blasted back, he rolled on the ground while vomiting blood. Leonardo (Arthur) appeared behind him like a ghost, his speed was almost as if he just teleported.

Ten sword strikes were sent toward him because he was still recovering from the last attack, he couldn't avoid the strikes, so he was sent spiraling into the air again.

Even though most of the damages were reduced thanks to Loki, it still hurts like hell.

As if he had anticipated where Alex would appear, Leonardo (Arthur) was already there waiting for him, however, he switched stance from attacking to defending as Alex let go of his guns and launched ten knives while still in the air.

Clangs! Clangs!

Using this chance Alex distanced himself from Leonardo and started his counterattack.


Leonardo (Arthur) got hit on his left shoulder, this surprised him as he thought he was cut the bullet, however, it seemed it wasn't in the case.


He got hit again, he started wondering what going on, how he wasn't able to cut, nor dodge the bullet in time, almost like the bullet was too fast. Wait too fast? Don't tell.

A certain hypothesis appeared Leonardo's (Arthur), so decided to check it.

He carefully observed Alex's attack through his senses as since the moment he appeared, his eyes were closed. Leonardo did this simply because, it will be hard to fight Alex if he was looking at him, (because of Alex's death eye).

Leonardo (Arthur) was surprised as it was what he thought, after shooting the first bullet with fake Silveria, Alex used the real Silveria to shoot twice, he aimed the two bullets at the first bullet to boost its speed. It was a God-like technique that not everyone could perform.

Outside, Gracier raised a question.

''Why big brother is now able to touch Leonardo without the latter being able to react?"

There was a silence before Maria explained that what Alex did.

''Big brother is sure awesome to be able to pull out such a move,'' Gracier said, proud of her big brother.

''Indeed, he's awesome, however, he needs to do more than that if he wants to win because I believe Leonardo has not gotten serious yet. Let not forget that Leonardo is currently using spirit possession while Alex is not.'' Artemia said while looking at the two moving at fast speed exchanging blows.

The others nodded their heads as they could only feel that Leonardo not being serious yet.

''Why, Leonardo's eyes are closed?" Eris couldn't help but ask this as she noticed this detail a while ago.

Touching his chin, Ferris said, ''Isn't it because this way he will be able to control his sword better?"

Because Alex only swiftly uses his right before closing it, none of them was able to see it, except for those who were already aware of him possessing a special eye.

''Maybe, it is as you said but I doubt it's the case. They must be something we are overlooking. Not only, Leonardo, have his eyes closed, but even Alex is also doing the same, well, in his case it's only his right eye. I wonder why.'' Sakuya said.

''Well, doesn't matter let's focus on the match. It's becoming interesting.'' Maria cut Sakuya off and said.

Sakuya couldn't only drop the matter and watch the match.

With his new technique, Alex was able to fight on equal ground, however, he knew the other party was not fighting seriously yet.

Leonardo (Arthur) smiled while thinking, 'This guy is not bad. You got yourself a pretty decent master.' he said.

〖Indeed, he is a good Master.〗Silveria replied as if she could hear what Arthur said.

Looking at Alex, Leonardo decided to end the match with one last attack.

〖He is about to use one of his strongest moves, even though he couldn't bring out its full power due to his host body weak. This attack is still, deadly, should we switch places?〗

Silveria proposed because from Leonardo's expression, she knew he was going to use one of his abilities, not Leonardo's abilities.

'No need I believe I still can handle it. Tell me Sil, is it possible to use this method?' Alex said before explaining to Silveria what he had in mind to counter Arthur's attack.

〖Are you serious?〗Silveria couldn't help but ask just to be sure.

'I'm pretty serious.' Alex said.

While thinking about her master's proposition, Silveria couldn't help but smile. It was a pretty dangerous idea but with it, they may be able to win.

〖Let's do it.〗She said. Feeling excited at the prospect of creating a new ability even though it may be dangerous. No risk no gain, some says.

Suddenly, Leonardo who had not opened his eyes since the start of the second round finally opened them, it was pure gold, lightning seemed to be dancing in them.

Raising Excalibur into the sky, space started trembling, a majestic came out the golden longsword wanting everything in his way to bow, even gods should bow.

For a moment Alex couldn't move, not even lift a finger, he felt frustrated, roaring in his mind he ordered his body to move, however, his body refused to listen to his command.

Bitting his lips he tried again, somehow he was able to move, this surprised Leonardo (Arthur), he chuckled.

Suddenly, Alex's right eye twitched uncontrollably, so Alex was forced to open his eye, he was astonished to find that the pressure on his body disappeared like it wasn't there in the first place.

'I shouldn't have done this since the start.' He thought.

The moment, Alex opened his right eye, Leonardo (Arthur) sensed it, he could only sigh before saying.

[3rd Chronicles: God's Fall]

The moment he muttered his sword technique move, he swung it,

The world seemed to have been cut into two, space cracked, the mini-world became unstable, a golden sword strike moved toward Alex at extremely slow speed, and yet he found it impossible to move.

Sweating Alex decided to gamble,

Pointing Silveria at the incoming golden sword strike, he said.

[Chaos Bullet]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

First, an Ice bullet was fired followed by a Fire bullet and a Phantom Bullet. The three bullets got mixed, turning into a black bullet darker than the night itself.

The moment the black bullet appeared, the whole stadium shook, space cracks appeared.

Elseria and Freya looked at each, their expressions were grave, they disappeared.

Leonardo's (Arthur) froze still his mouth agape.

His God's Fall seemed to be afraid of the black bullet.


The mini-word was destroyed, Alex and Leonardo were blasted back. Alex started losing consciousness, he saw Leonardo being thrown in one of the space cracks, one of his arms and legs were missing, a white hand appeared and wrapped around his body.

Leonardo was not the only one injured, Alex could feel fresh blood dripping his mouth, he couldn't feel his right arm, the one he used to shoot the bullet.

'It's my win.' This was his last thought.

205: Damien Vs Gracier 1

The moment Alex's Chaos Bullet clashed against Leonardo's God's Fall and annihilated it, a true storm of mana began to fill the mini-world creating numerous space cracks, it started to slowly destroy the mini-world, Alex and Leonardo were thrown toward the space cracks due to the big explosion. The explosion shook the whole stadium.

Outside, some of the spectators began to flee from their place as they couldn't support the pressure while some others who were too close, fainted. It was a frightening scene, that left a lot of people shivering.

Due to Freya and Elseria timely intervention, the worst situation had been avoided. Both Alex and Leonardo were gravely injured, especially Leonardo, he lost one arm and one leg while Alex only lost an arm.

It has been decided that Alex was the victor as he fell unconscious after Leonardo.

''Seriously, please do not use such dangerous ability. You can't even control it. Even I almost failed to cancel it.'' Elseria flicked Alex's forehead and said.

Freya sighed while looking at the mini-word who was now ruined. Elseria started treating Leonardo before moving on Alex.


''I thought I was going to die. What great fight it was.'' Leon said while wiping away his sweat. His body was trembling not only because of fear but because of excitement. It was An intoxicating brew of fear, awe and ecstasy.

Being what he is, seeing a strong opponent makes his blood boil.

Kuina and Eris looked at Leon with a sigh.

'A battle junkie.'

Shaking their heads, they looked in Alex's direction while thinking how strong the latter is. Indeed, it was a beautiful fight.

''I'm not sure if I can do anything if Alex were to use that ability,'' Artemia mumbled.

''If you can't you will lose,'' Lilith said.

''We will see.'' Artemia said with a giggle.

On the other side, Maria, Sakuya, Luna, and Gracier were feeling happy about Alex's victory.

However, not everyone was happy, Camilla, Kevin, and Dodolus's expressions were gloomy.

Kevin felt the jittery spike of adrenaline shoot through him and his heart banging against his ribs. To hide his fear he said,

''Damn it. When did he become so strong? Or someone is impersonating him?"

Camilla didn't say anything, however, she was boiling inside. She felt a lump in her throat and a tightening knot in her stomach, she was unhappy. How could she not be? Alex beat her brother and her man, while Alex's woman beat her. It was a total defeat.

''Next time we will do better.'' Even Dodolus who rarely speak, talked when he saw the heavy atmosphere.

Camilla sighed and looked in Katherina's direction, the latter eyes were shinning, she was staring at Alex. She was worried about their future.

''Yes, we ought to do better or else-"

''Or else what?" Kevin cut his sister off and asked.

''No, it's nothing,'' Camilla said.

Kevin observed his sister for a moment before dropping the matter, as he knew she won't tell him anything even if he kept asking her.

Sitting on the opposite side was Damien, currently, he was biting his lips in frustration.

'How can I win against someone who can cancel magic? Can he do such a thing?'

'What can I do to win? Attack him before he does? Overwhelming attack?'

Damien ground his molars, then he started to think about different measures to win if he were to face Alex in the next round.

One hour passed. Alex and Leonardo received treatment, they were both resting in the infirmary, no visit was authorized.

''Next match: Damien Constantine Crux Vs Gracier Alexandra Touch.''

Suddenly, Chris announced.

Damien who was lost in his thoughts was brought back into reality by the sudden announcement.

Before he could say anything, he got teleported somewhere, it was a big arena in another mini-world.

Standing in front of him on the opposite side was Gracier.

Looking at her, Damien's face darkened, sighing he said,

''Let's get over it.'' He said. Gracier ignored him.

''Match start.''

The signal to start the match has been given.

Damien summoned his Gift, it was two meters long white spear.

Pointing his spear toward Gracier's face, Damien said.

''Hundred Spears Light.''

A hundred spears made of Light appeared and were shot at Gracier at fast speed.

Transforming Ignia's bracelet into scythe form. Gracier waved her hand scythe upwards and fiercely struck it towards the ground.


An ear-deafening explosion sounded out as an overwhelming blast of flame from her weapon and body channeled outwards, towards all sides, and even dissipated

the incoming attacks because of the pure force behind her blast.

Craters formed on the ground as shockwaves passed through it, and he felt the ground shaking fiercely.

Clicking his tongue, Damien jump as not to be caught in the explosion, however, the enormous thrusting and explosive force rammed Damien flying.

''What a brute.'' He mumbled thinking about a certain someone. Controlling his body, he softly landed on the ground. He saw how the ground was completely wasted from the blast.

Damien thrust his spear forward a few times, white light was shot out from the tip, and clashed against Gracier's fireballs.

Boom! Boom!

Gracier's brows creased as Damien in front of her disappeared and turned into two, both come attacking her from left and right.

She jumped and spun her body in the air as she hurled her scythe towards Damien coming from the right, meanwhile she shot a fireball at the one coming from the left.

This should have ended them, however, a sudden chill assaulted her, so without thinking she created three flame shields around her body which was still in the air.


A white spear made of Light clashed against the flame shield at Gracier back creating an explosion that sent her flying.

''Gah!" Gracier vomited a mouthful of blood while rolling on the ground, few of her ribs have been broken. It was her carelessness that caused her to be injured. For a moment she hadn't considered maybe the two Damien was fake, she two with her attacks she would be able to deal with them.

Unfortunately, the real Damien was hiding elsewhere, after seeing that Gracier had fallen into his trap, he attacked.

Damien wanted to use this chance to finish Gracier for good as he had more pressing matter to deal with (Find a strategy to win against Alex as he was sure to face him in the semifinals.), however, he had not taken his third step before being frozen.

Outside, people were surprised to see Damien stood still, they wondered what happened.

They got the answer, Gracier was standing there after the dust got cleared, she was bleeding from the head, however, it wasn't what the others were looking at.

Currently, Gracier wasn't wearing her eye patch, she lost it when she was rolling on the ground.

Her beautiful heterochromia eyes were full on the display.

''What beautiful eyes,'' Artemia said.

''Indeed. I have trouble looking into them, almost like I'm standing in front of a dragon.'' Lilith said.

''I will not go down so easily you know?''

Gracier said she had already zoomed near Damien.

206: Damien Vs Gracier 2

Let's rewind time a little.

It happened the moment Gracier was sent flying by Damien's light spear. While rolling on the ground she recalled a piece of advice her brother Alex gave her.

'In a fight you know you can't win, just go all out, doesn't matter the result, just fight to your heart's content, maybe a miracle can happen.' He had said.

'Damien isn't it an opponent I can fight while holding back. He is strong. I will go all out and fight with no regret.' Gracier said to herself before removing her eye patch, somehow she felt free.

'I shall check how MP I have left.' She murmured.

Like her brother, she kept training every night. Especially last night, she trained like a madman.

'Status' Gracier murmured.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 6」

Level 52

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 1500/7500

Magic Power: 1760 (+25) ✒ 1785


Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 705 (+15) ✒ 730

Defense: 470 (+25) ✒ 495

Agility: 370 (+25) ✒ 395

Intelligence: 360 (+25) ✒ 385

Luck: 370 (+25) ✒ 395

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Flame Shield Level 5] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 8] [Fire Lotus Level 5] [Archery Level 5] [Blaze Steps Level 5]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 10 Max] [Flame Wings Level 3] [Dragon's Breath Level Level 2]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

'1650 MP left. Huh! That's not bad.' Gracier said.

By now the dust hiding her figure was cleared, she immediately used Dragon's eye on Damien who stopped moving.

She flashed next to him and said,

''I will not go down so easily you know?"

At the end of her words, she drove her knee into Damien's stomach sending him flying in the air.

''Kuh!" Pain assaulted Damien.

Gracier switched her weapon from scythe mode to bow mode.

Aiming the golden bow at Damien, she pulled the bowstring.


A fire arrow was shot toward Damien. Twisting his body midair he dodged the arrow, before landing on the ground.

Just as he landed, Gracier had executed her next attack.

''Double shots.'' She said before pulling her bowstring.

Two fire arrows were sent toward Damien, he quickly rotated his spear deflecting the arrows.

Kicking the ground he tried to approach Gracier, however, the latter jumped back and kept shooting fire arrows after at him, making it impossible to approach her.

Damien pressed his lips together, he started to feel frustrated as he couldn't approach Gracier, he must approach her to deal serious damage that could end the fight.

Sighing he pointed his finger at the sky while shouting:

''Arrows of Judgement''

A white sphere was shot out from his body to the sky before expanding and transforming into countless blades of light. Those blades of light rained down on Gracier.

Tapping her foot on the ground thrice, Gracier chanted,

''Blossom and protect: Fire lotus.''

A big fire lotus came out from the ground and protected Gracier by wrapping its leaves around her.

Outside, a lot of people's eyes and mouth opened wide, the eyebrows raised, they hadn't thought Gracier's Fire lotus could be used this way.

Even though he was also surprised, Damien didn't lose his composure, he disappeared to reappear in front of Gracier, he sent five spear thrusts at her.

Gracier dodged the first ones and with her bow, she blocked the remaining.

Clangs! Clangs !!

Both pointed their fingers at each other and said,


''Light Ball.''


They got pushed back.

Damien used his skill movement to jump back before rolling on the ground to dodge, Gracier's dragon breath.


Clank! Clank! Clank!

Using his spear he deflected all the fire arrows hurled at him.

''Damn it.'' Damien roared as he was feeling insulted. If he continues being played with like this by Alex's sister, who's weaker than him, wouldn't this mean Alex will play his to death?

This is unacceptable, he must teach the little girl a good lesson which she will remember forever.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his emotions, Damien closed his eyes and haughtily shouted.

''Absolute Monarch of Light.''

A blinding light enveloped his body for a moment before disappearing.

Just after the light disappeared, Damien appeared in what seemed to be paladin armor with a red cross on it. The current him was emitting an immense pressure that could be felt miles away.

Gracier gulped audibly, her head throbbed steadily and her throat was rough and dry, sweat was pouring off her forehead. She knew this sensation pretty well, it was fear.

The Damien in front of her was making her feel fear, absolute fear. It was like he must not be could not be challenged.

Biting her lips to regain control of her body, Gracier was astonished to find her body flying in the air.

Since when? She wondered before an excruciating pain assaulted her all over her body. With her left eye she saw numerous spear rain down on her, she couldn't dodge as those spear lights were too fast.

''Divine Severance,'' Damien muttered.

More than fifty spear lights were shot toward Gracier in the air, they punctured her body.

Gracier puked a mouthful of blood while feeling dizzy, she knew she was about to lose and she didn't like it, not in the slightest.

'I mustn't lose. I need to find a way to get out of this situation.' She murmured before trying to twist her body to dodge Damien's attacks, however, no matter what she does she couldn't escape Damien's grape, he kept appearing in front of her and attack her without giving her any rest.

To Gracier this feels like an eternity, however, in reality, only minutes passed since Damien used his domain: Absolute Monarch of Light.

Because it was daytime and light was everywhere, Damien could move faster, almost at the speed of light.

''This match is set.'' Someone among the spectators said.

Nobody said anything as they were too focused on the fight not blinking an eye, afraid of losing even the smallest detail as most of them did not believe that the match will end like this.

Indeed it was what happened.

Gracier fell to the ground with a thud sound, silence descended upon the whole stadium.

While fighting against the drowsiness assaulting her,

'Move, move. I said move.' Gracier kept shouting this in her mind.

However, her body refused to listen as she was too injured.

Suddenly, she heard a voice she longed for so much. It was Ignia's voice.

[Sigh! Just I'm back I'm seeing my child being beaten up this badly. Hah! This won't do. Little Alexandra we will use spirit possession ahead of schedule. You can only control it for three seconds. You will be extremely tired afterward, you may sleep for a month. Even knowing this do you wish to use it?]

'Yes, I do.' Gracier answered without hesitation.

Ignia smiled, [Very good. Don't worry, your current injury will disappear when using spirit possession, say after me...]

''1st Dragon mode.''


A big fire vortex appeared around Gracier pushing Damien back.

Not waiting for the fire vortex to disappear before attacking as he could feel extreme danger coming from it. Damien executed,

"Divine Severance.''

A hundred small spears made of light were shot at the fire vortex.

However, something astonishing happened from the other side a white hand appeared and knocked all the small light spears flying.

''Too weak.'' said an alluring voice.

Damien was gobsmacked, the audience was gobsmacked by the figure that appeared from the fire vortex.

It was an extremely beautiful woman, the men's mouth felt dry when they saw the hot figure that appeared. This type of woman could turn any man into a beast.

She was dressed in a long red robe with an opening on both sides that clung tightly to her body, cascading long flaming hair, golden dragon pupils, and pair of curved horns on her head, she had a pair of big breasts.

''Little cier?" Elseria muttered in disbelief as the woman in red even though mature looks exactly like Gracier, a twenty years Gracier.


Gracier who was in dragon mode appeared in front of Damien, the arena cracked under the sheer force of her speed.

Damien couldn't move due to the pressure put on him by the dragon mode (dragon eyes) and how fast she was.


Like a rocket, he was shot in the air, his armor cracked, he vomited a large mouthful of blood.


As if she teleported, Gracier appeared under Damien and kicked in into the sky like a cannonball.

He vomited another mouthful of blood, his right arm was broken.

Looking at the flying Damien, Gracier lowered her body before jumping high into the sky.

''Flaming Meteor Fist.''

Her right hand turned red as if there was flame around it, fire appeared on the sole of her foot that propulsed her toward Damien.

Just as her flaming meteor fist was about to collide with Damien, the latter opened his eyes and thrust his spear forward with his uninjured arm.

Both attacks passed each.

Boom! Crack! Puh!

Damien was shot further into the sky, his armor was destroyed his uninjured arm got twisted into a weird angle, meanwhile, Gracier got pierced Damien's spear and fall toward the ground, her dragon mode had just ended.

207: The Disappearances Inside The Dungeons

After both exchanged attacks, Gracier was the one to fall on the ground first with a thud sound, she had already removed the spear piercing her body. She had reverted to her original form, her Loli form.

And due to the side effect of using dragon mode, she couldn't move, slowly she started losing consciousness, just before losing consciousness she heard the sound of something crashing against the ground.


Even without checking she knew it was Damien. Indeed, it was Damien, laying in five meters diameter crater he constantly puked blood, he tried to stand up but unfortunately, his body didn't listen to him, Gracier's Flaming meteor fist did a lot of damage to his body. He felt like all his bones were broken.

He couldn't help but sigh as he knew it would be impossible to continue the competition even if he got completely healed as he was too tired. Closing his eyes he lost consciousness.

Everything happened fast, even some people had trouble believing what happened.

Chris appeared beside Gracier and checked her body, he couldn't help but sigh at how gravely injured she's, she can't continue the competition even after receiving treatment, because of the overuse of her muscles, she needs a lot of rest, stressing stuff should be avoided.

After done Gracier's check-up, Chris moved to Damien's side, the diagnosis wasn't too different, Damien's case was even worse, most of his ribs were broken, his arms were broken as well.

Chris heaved a sigh before standing up, he looked at Freya and whispered something.

Freya nodded and Chris suddenly announced,

''This match is a draw. Both contestants are gravely injured, making it impossible for them to continue the mock battles any longer. The third match will start in half of an hour.''

After his announcement, two clerics appeared and took Gracier and Damien with them.

On the audience side, even though most of the spectators were surprised by the result of the match, they found it logical as none of the contestants was able to stand up after the last attack.

Leon and the others were surprised by the outcome of the match. Seriously speaking none of them had expected such an outcome, not even Artemia, who seemed sure of everything.

''What a surprise. To think Gracier was this strong. I want to fight her.'' Leon said thinking how he feels fighting against a strong opponent such as Gracier.

''I share the same thought. I wonder which one of us will win?" Kuina said while imagining her fight against Gracier.

''Obviously little Gracier as she is more competent than you.'' Leon didn't forget to provoke Kuina.

The latter smiled, it was a dangerous smile,

''Do you wish to be beaten up? If you do then tell me. I will happily comply.''

''Tch! Don't get full of yourself just because you beat me once.'' Leon spat out.

''Once?" Kuina asked amused. Leon snorted refusing to answer.

Eris and Ferris shook their heads and focused on Maria's and others' discussion.

''Great match as expected of my imouto,'' Sakuya said.

Both Luna and Maria rolled their eyes at her.

''Indeed, it was a great match. However, what surprised me it's Gracier's eyes, her left eye. It's special.'' Maria said recalling the sensation she felt when she looked at that gold eye, she was momentarily stunned.

Sakuya, Luna, the Wolfang siblings nodded their heads as they have all seen Gracier heterochromia eyes.

''Alexender seemed to possess a special eye as well.''

It was Artemia who said this. Lilith nodded her head as, unlike the others, she had experienced Alex's special eye.

Leon was excited at the prospect of fighting against Alex while the latter unleashes his eye's power.

Kuina was wondering what kind of special eye Alex has.

While Artemia and the others were having their little discussion on the Touch's siblings' special eyes, elsewhere another interesting conversation was taking place.

''As expected it ended up in a draw.'' One of the spectators said he was the one who talked previously when Gracier was attacked by Damien's Divine severance.

Sitting not too far from the man who just talked was a petite girl with black long hair tied into twins' tails, she rolled her eyes when she heard the man shamelessly proclaim that.

''Weren't you the one saying that the match was set just a moment ago?" The Loli asked.

The man started to whistle not replying.

Normally he would have chided the girl for not minding her own business, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to do it when facing this girl. She may appear petite and vulnerable to others, however, from her body the man could feel a dangerous aura. It was why he decided to stay silent.

Seeing the man's attitude the girl couldn't help but chuckle.

Another spectator said it was a middle-aged man with a long scar traversing his face. From his getups, you could know that he was an adventurer.

''Let's him be. Well, it's surprising to find Berserker here.'' the man with the scar on his face said while glancing at the petite girl surnamed berserker.

Berserker chuckled, ''Likewise, I'm surprised to find you here as well Scarface.''

A commotion started when people heard those two names because they are famous A-Rank adventurers, especially the Loli, the berserker, nobody like to mess with her as she is like a walking catastrophe, one wrong word you may end up dead.

The man who talked previously shivered when he learned the Loli real identity.

Ignoring the stares of adoration mixed with fear she was receiving, Berserker said.

''You are here for scouting isn't it?"

Scarface chuckled neither denying nor acknowledging Berserker's claim.


Berserker clicked her tongue in annoyance,

''Insociable as always.''

Scarface shrugged his shoulders and said,

''That little girl is sure something, to be able to fight someone 12 levels ahead of her isn't something everyone can do. She is a genius. If only we can- Well, forget it. Berserker, the guild master invited you to be one of the supervisors in the exploration of the dungeons isn't it?"

Berserker nodded her head, while leaning against her seat she explained the reason behind their summon,

''Well, you know it's kinda more like babysitting than a supervising because of the disappearance of some students and adventurers lately, some may have died due to their carelessness, however, most of them got kidnapped, if all of them were dead inside the dungeons, they should be some traces left, even if the dungeons swallowed the dead bodies, some traces should be found while investigating, however, none has been found, this suggested that there is someone or an organization behind this. The truth is that even though the dungeons are under strict monitoring, this doesn't mean that the responsible know everything happening in them, dungeons are and will remain mysterious, unpredictable. The people responsible for the kidnapping must have found a way to access the dungeons undetected.''

Suddenly, her expression turned cold, she released a bit of killing intent,

''Those damn maggots if I ever face one of them I will tear him/her to pieces.''

''I hope you never face them as they must be pretty strong to go and come into monitored dungeons and kidnap people as they want,'' Scarface said.

He knew the reason for Berserker's current behavior. It was because one of their recruits, a promising seed disappeared while exploring a dungeon, he got probably kidnaped by the unknown organization behind the disappearances.

Marie is the name of the petite girl, the berserker. Sighing she tried controlling her emotions. What most people didn't know is that the recruit who disappeared was none other than her half-brother. They just reunited and yet he now he was gone, his fate unknown.

'Ah! I hope everything goes well during this babysitting mission.' Marie prayed as she could feel a storm brewing.

208: The Last Two Matches

''Next match begins, Leon Lionheart Vs Ferris Wolfang.''

The moment Leon and Ferris heard this they knew it was their turn to fight so they moved, afterward they got teleported in a big arena.

Facing each other, Leon twisted his neck until it produced cracking sounds,

''Ready to lose little cub?"

Ferris was pissed being called a little cub, he almost started cussing at Leon, however, he managed to control himself as he knew Leon was provoking him.

Smiling he said, ''I won't go down without a fight.''

Leon let out a chuckle, ''We will see.''

''Match start.'' Chris's voice was heard announcing the start of the match.

Immediately, Ferris summoned his Gift, it was a white longsword.

While he readied his weapon, Ferris looked in front of him to his astonishment Leon had disappeared.

''Wind Shield.'' Ferris instantly created a shield made of wind not at his back but in front of him.

Leon appeared in front of him while trying to kick him. His foot was already glowing with yellow light.

"Kh!" But because of the momentum, Ferris could barely block his attack. Although there was no damage to him, the force of this attack alone managed to blow him away.

Leon punched the air thrice, three fireballs of the side of volleyball were shot out of his fists toward Ferris.

The latter nimbly dodged the first two fireballs while the last one was cleaved into two.

Just as Ferris finished cutting down the last fireball, he pointed his finger at Leon and said,

''Wind arrow.''

An invisible wind arrow was shot toward Leon at incredible speed and as if he could see the incoming attack, Leon in turn pointed his finger at it and said,

''Fire arrow.''


Both attacks immediately exploded when they collided creating a beautiful fire in the sky.

Ferris used this chance to immediately charged Leon with his sword. He swung his sword toward the Leon, but the latter suddenly disappeared.

Feeling of extreme danger assaulted him.

"!!!" Ferris immediately summoned another longsword (borrow his sister's sword due to the special link the two share), using this second sword, he swung it toward his back. Leon finally appeared behind him.

Grinning Leon punched the incoming sword,


Ferris was pushed back a couple of steps back, quickly putting his two swords in front of him, he managed to defend against Leon's kicks.

''Seriously,'' Ferris mumbled while fighting the numbness in his arms. Leon possesses monstrous physical strength.

Ferris decided to end the match with his strongest attack. However, just as he decided to end the match, Leon's next attack was upon him.

''Heavenly Punches.''

Leon just threw one punch and yet it became fifty.

No matter how many times he saw it, he still couldn't defend against it no matter how fast he moved his swords, he thought with how much he had trained he would be able to last a little longer in their next fight, however, the reality is harsh. He couldn't even last half of an hour.

Clangs! Clangs! Bang!


He got blown in the air, Leon appeared and finished him with a spin kick. Ferris was ko-ed.

Nobody said anything when they saw the result as most of them had heard the rumor that Ferris has never won against Leon in a fight. Most of the spectators present were waiting for the last match, the match between the second princess and Freya's protègé.

''Sigh! Big brother, I thought you will last long with how much you have bragged.'' Eris said with a sigh.

Kuina chuckled, ''Don't say that, Leon isn't it an easy opponent.''

''Well, I'm more interested in the next match. I wonder who will win. Eris, tell me who will win?" Kuina switched the subject.

''The Princess.'' It was Sakuya who answered, just after she said this she cried of pain.


''Why did you pinch my beautiful cheek?" Sakuya glared at Luna.

Snorting, Luna said, ''You should at least support your sister.''

''I know, but what I said it's the truth,'' Sakuya said.

When Luna wanted to say something, she was stopped by Maria, the latter stood up and left, it was time to start today last match, Artemia had already left.

''Quarterfinal last match: Artemia Eretria Von Havens Vs Maria Alexa Rosares.''

Both girls appeared in a big arena standing opposite each other.

''Match start.'' the signal to start the match has been given.

Maria summoned her two daggers, hurled one toward Artemia, the latter was a little bit surprised as she wasn't expecting such a move at the start of the match, however, she still dodge the dagger by tilting her head sideways.

Maria seized this moment of distraction to make her move. Her toes tapped lightly against the ground, and she shot forward like a streak of lightning. In an instant, her second dagger arrowed towards Artemia's eyes.

Facing a strong opponent such as Artemia where you are not sure if you can win better go all out at the start, it was what Maria was doing.

However, two inches from Artemia's face, her dagger stopped.

Two fingers clasped the crystal blue dagger in place. It was God-like a move Alex executed recently. What Artemia did was simple, she used her lightning element to accelerate her fingers movement until it was almost like Maria's dagger slowed down, then covering her fingers with a little bit of lightning she caught the dagger.

Maria was stunned, she momentarily stopped. Her opponent flicked her fingers.

An incomparable wave of power surged toward her.

Maria was pushed back using this momentum she did a backflip, her beautiful legs became visible, she used them as a weapon.

Her long legs rose like powerful dragons, instantly sending several dozen strikes towards Artemia.

Artemia used both her arms and legs to fend off this dazzling series of blows, she was smiling.

When she found the opportunity to strike back, Maria had already pulled back to create some distance between them. She stared at her vigilantly. She had switched her Gift into her slender sword form.

''Maria you're pretty. Can we become friends?" Artemia suddenly said this.

Maria was left speechless not knowing what to say as she didn't expect such a question in a fight.

Having noticed that it wasn't the time to ask such a thing, Artemia apologize.

''Sorry it was pretty rude of me, let's talk about this later. For now, let's finish our fight.''

Maria nodded her head while she readied her sword.

The next instant, two short silver swords with a chain appeared in Artemia's hands, she attacked.

Her movements weren't fast—at least that's how it seemed on the surface. She looked just like an ordinary girl executing sword strikes. However, a streak of afterimages trailed behind her.

Maria knew that this was the result of the Artemia being so fast that even the surrounding light and shadows had become distorted.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Maria opened them against but this time, her eyes were most focused, she moved her sword while controlling the frost in the air.

Clangs! Clangs!

She deflected all the attacks before counterattacking, dozens of sword strikes were sent toward her.

''Interesting.'' Artemia continuously deflected these incoming sword strikes.

Maria was feeling upset as she couldn't land a blow on Artemia no matter how hard she tried,


Halfway through her words, Maria was cut short as a sword was held against her neck.

''Let's end the match.'' Artemia's voice came from behind her, Maria was so surprised that her soul almost flew out of her body. She didn't even see when Artemia moved most people hadn't seen it.

Only a few powerful individuals saw how Artemia moved. Her body flashed and appeared behind Maria in a second, almost like teleportation, her speed was too fast when she used her lightning element.

The last match ended in Artemia's victory, even though most of the spectators were dissatisfied because they were expecting an epic fight, there was nothing they could do as the match had already ended.

However, they got a little bit of consolation, the semifinal, there will be only one match, Alexander Kael Touch Vs Leon Lionheart.

Artemia went straight to the final as there is no opponent to fight her.

The semifinal will take place the day after tomorrow.

Alex and his sister were escorted back to their villa, it was to protect them against any ambush. The two were still unconscious, Luna followed the siblings to take care of them.

209: Prelude To Their Second Date

Gracier woke up the next day evening. She was surprised to find Luna beside her bed.

''Big sister Luna? What are you doing here?"

Instead of answering Gracier's question, Luna flicked her forehead.


Gracier cried of pain, pouting she looked at Luna like a bullied child.

Luna couldn't help chuckle finding Gracier's gesture cute.

''What a silly question are you asking. Do I need a reason to look after my sister-in-law?" Luna said.

Gracier was lost of words, she stayed silent, however, inwardly she couldn't hide her happiness. It took her some time before saying,

''Thank you.''

''No need for a thanks. By the way, your big brother still sleeping. I think he will probably wake up in another hour or two.'' Luna said while petting Gracier.

''Big brother,'' Gracier muttered full of worries.

''Don't worry. He is fine, I have checked him myself. If you're still not convinced you can visit him after taking a shower and eating. I'll be leaving.'' Luna suggested before leaving Gracier room.

Gracier nodded her before proceeding toward the bathroom.


On the other side, Luna appeared inside Alex's room, the latter was sleeping in his bed.

Caressing his face for a moment, Luna said,

''I hope you will wake up soon, we are all worried. I'm worried. I miss you too much.''

After giving him a light kiss on the forehead, she decided to lay down next to him, to observe his sleeping face, however, it didn't take five minutes for her to fall asleep as she was really tired, she didn't sleep too much because she was looking after the siblings, she may have left this task to the maid to carry but she decided to do it. She is capable of taking care of her man and his sister.

Seeing how devoted she's, the maids and butlers were happy, some say she will make a good wife. Even Luna's faction was formed, their goal is to make Luna the first wife. She has the qualities of a good wife, gentle, virtuous. Know how to take care of his man and his family, also a good cook.

Unaware of what happening inside his villa, Alex sleeps for another half of an hour before waking up.

He yawned before feeling a weight on his left arm, looking over he was surprised to find Luna sleeping beside him, she was using his arm as a pillow.

A gentle smile found its way to his face, he knew she must look after him while he was in an unconscious state. He felt loved, warmth surged inside his heart. Gently he removed his arm while placing a pillow under her head and covered her body with the blanket.

He stopped a moment to look at his lover.

As he watches Luna sleeping contentedly with eyes filled with affection, he couldn't help but move away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and give her a soft peck on the forehead while whispering sweet words.

''I love you, I will never let you go.''

As if she had heard Alex's words, Luna smiled before resuming her sleep.

A look of determination flashed through his eyes followed by a smile.

He went to take a bath before leaving his room, coincidentally he meets his sister.

Gracier jumped in his chest.

''Big brother, I'm happy to see you.''

''I'm happy to see you two. Have you eaten?" Alex asked while carrying his sister behind his back.

While leaning against her brother broad back, Gracier answered,

''No, I haven't. I just came out of the bath. I decided to visit you first before eating.''

''I see. Let's go eat together then.''

''Where is Big sister Luna?'' Gracier asked as she didn't find Luna walking together with her brother.

''She is sleeping.'' He said.

''I see. Big I couldn't win against Damien.'' Gracier said.

''Don't worry, he is stronger than you to begin with. Next time you will do better.''

Not knowing the details of the match, Alex said trying to console his sister thinking maybe she lost.

Grinning Gracier dropped a bomb.

''I know Big brother. Next time I will beat him. This time it was a draw.''

Alex who was walking momentarily paused, like a robot he turned his head and asked,

''Can you repeat what you just said?"

Giggling Gracier recounted how her match went.

Alex swallowed hard, he was beyond surprised. Doesn't this mean if he is careless, he may lose?

He gulped once again. 'I need to train hard. My dignity as big brother is at stake here.'

While Alex was thinking he should keep training, Gracier was surprised by his silence therefore she asked.

''Big brother what's up?"

''Ah! Nothing. I'm just surprised at how strong my sister has become. It's great but you shouldn't slack off as they exist more strong opponents than Damien, stronger than me. One day we will stand at the top.''

Facing her brother's declaration, Gracier blood boiled, she declared in turn.

''Wherever brother goes I'll be there. If you stand at the top, I'll stand by you right. I'm your sister, after all, a proud Touch.''

''Very well. Your brother is happy with your answer.'' Alex said pleased.

The two went to eat before leaving for their rooms.

When Alex entered his room, Luna was still sleeping.

After taking a sit, Alex called out to Silveria. The latter appeared after a moment. She was yawning, she was dressed in lascivious négligé. Not knowing where to look as he could partially see her mature underwear, Alex said exasperated.

''Please wear something proper before we talk.''

Silveria chuckled before saying, ''I think we will need to postpone this talk because madam is waking up.''


Silveria disappeared leaving Alex confused.

Shortly after she left, Luna woke up.

''Where I am?" She said while rubbing her eyes.

It took her something before behind aware of her surrounding.


''I'm here Lû.'' Alex said before sitting next to her on the bed.

Smiling Luna said, ''It's good that you woke up. I missed you.''

She then gave him a light kiss on the lips and who Alex will be satisfied with just that? He caught hold of her and went for a french kiss.

After ten minutes, he stopped, Luna was gasping for breath, her ears reddened, her face flushed red, she was too shy to look at Alex in the face, her heart was beating like drums.

Seeing her current state, Alex almost lost control, fortunately, he managed to control himself in the end.

''Tell me what happened after I lost consciousness,'' Alex said, switching the subject.

Luna heaved a sigh before starting to recount what happened.

Alex wasn't surprised by the results as he had more or less guessed things would end up like that, well except for Gracier's and Damien's match.

Suddenly, Luna remembered something hence she asked.

''Alex can I look at your eyes?"

For a moment Alex felt troubled not because he couldn't show them but because he was afraid to harm her.

After a moment he decided to gamble, maybe he can control it. Taking a deep breath Alex removed his eye patch.

Luna was mesmerized at the momentary fear and pressure that assaulted her.

Caressing Alex's right cheek she said,

''Beautiful. You can put your eye patch back as I know how hard is for you to control it.''

She noticed Alex's struggle. Alex heaved a sigh before putting his eye patch back.

Suddenly, Luna kissed his cheek.

''What's that for?" He asked.

''Just now you look cute while doing your best to control your right eye,'' Luna responded.

Alex's lips twitched being called cute. Seeing this Luna giggled.

''Let's go on a date tomorrow.'' Alex suddenly said.

Luna was momentarily stunned as she had thought, Alex would use the two remaining days to train, none of his opponents are weak.

However, instead of training, Alex wants to invite her to go on a date. She couldn't be happier, which girl wouldn't be happy to spend some time with her lover? There is none. So, her answer was a sweet smile.

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