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26.51% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 127: 160-168

Chapter 127: 160-168

159: An Interesting Fellow

Alex was looking at Leon speechless, just as he sat down, he started acting as if they were bosom friends.

''Hahaha, Alex well done, ignoring that bastard when he tried to act arrogantly was the best. He's always been like that, acting as if he is some kind of chosen. It makes me sick.''

''You seem to not like him,'' Alex said.

''Indeed, I don't like him but you, you are different even if we don't know each other, the moment I saw you I knew that you and I will get along well, I trust my instinct. It's why I approached you, I want to become a friend with you. Can we become friends?" Leon straightforwardly said that.

Alex was surprised by Leon's straightforwardness. Truth be told he also the same thing, Leon held no malice, unlike Damien.

''Well, we can I do not mind.''

Hearing Alex's response, Leon laughed joyfully while slapping him on the shoulder repeatedly.


It was Alex's evaluation after being slapped by Leon, even though the latter held back, it still hurts a little.

''Hahaha, that's how a real man should act. From now on we friends. As a friend I give you a piece of advice, do not take Damien lightly, I do not know what you did but he holds malice toward you. You should be careful when dealing with him.'' Leon warned.

''Thank you, Leon. I appreciate your advice.'' Alex thanked Leon while thinking, 'This fellow is pretty sharp.'

''Hahaha, no need for thanks, as a friend it's the least I can do.'' Leon laughed as if what he said was not a big deal, for him what he said did not deserve a thank you as he only gave his friend a piece of advice.

Alex couldn't help but shake his head hearing Leon's answer. 'This fellow is sure interesting and unique.'

''Big brother, what Big brother Leon said, is that true?" Gracier suddenly asked because she was too focused on how to escape from Sakuya clutch she had not noticed anything.

''Big brother Leon?" Leon was surprised to be suddenly called like that. He smiled, he was happy to be called big brother, it reminds him of his little sister back home.

Shaking his head Leon observed Gracier, the first impression Gracier gave others was like a harmless animal in the need of protection, you would want to protect her, Leon was not an exception, he also feels like protecting this cute little animal.

Unaware of what Leon was currently thinking, Alex decided to answer his sister's question.

''Well, it's true.''

''Why?" Gracier asked not understanding why Damien would hold malice toward her brother as they had never seen each other before, tonight was their first time meeting each other.

''I don't even know why,'' Alex said he was clueless about why Damien think of him as an enemy.

Alex stayed silent and went into contemplation, even after some time he was not able to find any reason for Damien's unusual behavior, when he was about to drop the matter and think about it later he heard Leon's question that made his eyes widened.

''Isn't it because of a girl?"

''A girl? What girl are you talking about?" Alex asked him while searching in his mind about any possible girl that may be the cause of Damien's behavior.

Gracier was also interested in the answer Leon would give.

Scratching his head, Leon explained.

''At first, I haven't thought deeply into it, however, after analyzing for a while I concluded that Damien's behavior was due to a woman. I'm good at observing people you see, when you're talking with your former classmates, that girl Luna was sneaking peek at you. The atmosphere around you two was as if there's an inexplicable bond between you. I don't know what relationship you two have but I guess that Damien noticed it and became furious because he is trying to court Luna, maybe he felt threatened especially when his demand got refused.''

Facing Leon's analysis, Alex thought it makes sense, this should explain Damien's hostility toward him. How unexpected. This Leon was sure interesting, he managed to understand the reason why Damien became hostile toward Alex.

''I see, what you said makes sense, however, Luna and I are just classmates nothing more.''

Alex explained, saying there's nothing between him and Luna. Sure, Luna was beautiful but the one he was interested in more at the moment was Maria, he wants her, this feeling did not just spout, since the day they reincarnated he felt attracted to her, he had decided to make Maria his, as for other two he was not sure how Maria would react so he was planning to not make a move, at least not now as Maria come first.

While was lost in thought Gracier and Silveria who hadn't spoken a word since the start, started talking to each other. Leon was astonished by this scene, for him Silveria was aloof when dealing with others, however, currently, she looks like a benevolent sister.

'Alex's sister must be talented to be able to make such a proud Master willingly take her as her sister. How interesting, as expected of my friend, he is not simple, neither his sister. The eye patch they are both wearing are not simply, they must be hiding something because it's impossible for two individuals to have the same injury, it is too much of a coincidence, so those eye patches must be used to conceal something. I wonder what's their history, an otherworlder adopting a half-elf as his sister. I will know in the future only if Alex chooses to tell me, I won't pry into what he went through since he came into our world. It will be disrespectful toward him, he's my friend.'

Leon suddenly remembered Alex's words where he said that there was nothing between Luna and him. 'Hahaha, Alex, my friend you forget to add at least now because I have the feeling that it will change soon. My instinct has never failed me.'

He decided to tease Alex.

''Alex, my friend you said there is nothing between you two, am I right?"

Even though he was surprised by this sudden question, Alex chose to answer.

''Indeed, you're right.''

''Then you forget to add something.''

''I'm all ears.''

Laughing Leon said, ''You forgot to add, 'there is nothing between us at least now'.''

Alex was dumbfounded by Leon's words, he couldn't help but smile thinking how wild Leon's imagination was.

Seeing Alex's skeptical look, Leon added,

''Well, believe me, it will change in the future, not now but I'm sure it will in the future you'll become more than just classmates. If you don't believe me why not make a bet?"

''A bet? What kind of bet?'' Alex asked, he was interested in what kind of bet Leon would propose.

''It's like this, if you start going out with Luna it will be my win, you will own me a fight, a fight where you go all out.''

''Interesting, I accept, and what if you lose, if I don't get in a couple with Luna?" Alex asked not hiding his smile, he was sure of his victory.

Likely sure of his victory, Leon said, ''If I lose let's see.''

While saying so, Leon brought out a Black armor from his space ring.

''I'll give this armor. By the way, it's called Loki.'' Leon informed him.

'Loki? Like the Norse god? If he remembers correctly, Loki is the god of chaos and mischief. It seems that he's particularly fond of shapeshifting and could take any shape that he wanted. So, why this armor is named after him, because it can shapeshift?' Alex wondered.

The moment the black armor appeared a powerful force burst from within it startling the whole hall.

''Interesting armor,'' Silveria said as she observed the armor.

''Eh? Isn't the famous armor Loki? One of the national treasures of the Lionheart Empire? Why Crown Prince Leon bring the armor out?'' someone asked.

''How should I know? I don't know what they are talking about for him to bring out an SS Rank treasure, a relic.'' another one said.

Everybody was curious about Leon's action. Even Katherina was not an exception, Leonardo was about to erupt.

'It's him again. Damn it, why everybody is looking at him while normally all their stares should be directed at me? Why? Why did you come back? Why are you trying to act cool by wearing an eye patch? You should have stayed in that village where you was, this is my stage, nobody has the right to snatch it from me.'

Leonardo was so furious that unconsciously he started releasing a small amount of golden lightning. It seemed that he had acquired another element, Alex was not the only one how have evolved.

Camilla noticed Leonardo's state, she quickly calmed him.

''Hubby, calm down. Now is not the time to deal with him, soon you'll show him, the difference between you two. Until then bear it.''

Camilla's words seemed to have worked because Leonardo managed to calm down.

''Thank you Camilla I'm now calm. I wonder why the Crown prince-"

As if she knew what her man was about to say, Camilla cut him mid-sentence and said. Her expression at the moment was malicious.

''Doesn't matter. If he gifts Alex that armor it will become yours.''


Thinking about such a scenario, Leonardo couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

On the other side, Damien's expression sank when he saw the black armor, ''What that brute is up to?" He wondered.

Kuina was also wondering the same thing while Ferris and Eris decided to approach Alex's table, they were interested in what going on.

160: The Emperor's Arrival

Hearing all the commotion that started the moment Leon brought Loki out, Alex decided to appraise it.

'Appraisal.' he mumbled inside his mind.

[Black Armor Loki

Grade: SS

Special Ability: Able to shapeshift into any type of armor that the wearer desire.

✒ Auto repair: Able to repair itself after suffering damage.

Can turn the wearer invisible at night.

Duration: 1 minute, consume 500 MP.

Usable twice a day.]

''Holy Moly,'' Alex shouted.

It was to be expected that Alex would react as he did. In this world, items are classified by grade with E being the lowest and SS being the highest. To top it, Loki is a relic, relics are from dungeons, nobody knows who forged them, relics are exceptional, known for possessing special abilities.

Looking at Alex who just exclaimed after appraising Loki, Leon smiled.

''Even though I don't know what the word you just uttered means, I'm sure you have read Loki Special Ability. If you wear it you can change into whatever you desire, it has the auto-repair ability.''

''I see. It seems that you know that I have the Appraisal skill.'' Alex said as he had the feeling that Leon knew it had the appraisal skill.

Indeed Leon's next words confirmed that.

''Ah, it seems that you don't know so I will tell you. It's an open secret that all Otherworlders who appear in this world possess the Appraisal skill, this is known only by the royalties, powerful families and organizations.''

''I see no wonder.'' Alex nodded his head before his expression turned serious.

''Leo, Loki is considered a national treasure, why are you using it for"

''Aren't you looking down on me, my friend?" Leon asked displeased.

This left Alex confused, Leon sighed before asking, ''Alex do you remember what I said you'll do if I win?"

''I do remember. You said I will have to fight you going all out.'' Alex answered.

''Exactly, I said you will go all out meaning you won't hold back, no hide any of your abilities, you will use them all. By doing something like that most of your abilities will be known. As someone who asked you something like that, it is normal that I must also bring out something of equal value if not it will be like I'm looking down on you, as if I'm not being sincere when you accepted my condition. If you win I'll be giving you this armor, don't worry it's mine I have more than one armor.'' Leon explained.

'That's not the point. Forget it, I can't say no if you want to gifts me an armor because I'm sure that I'll win.' Alex thought while looking at Loki.

''Sigh! It's a deal. Prepare yourself to lose, I'll be taking Loki soon, in the meantime keep it.'' Alex announced sure of his victory.

''Oh? Such confidence, don't worry our battle will be exceptional I guarantee you that.'' Leon also responded likely sure of his victory.

Alex only smiles in response, unaware of the fact that at the moment Gracier and Silveria were looking at him with a mysterious smile.

Seeing them smiles Leon mistakenly thought that the two were supporting Alex, so he felt a bit dispirited.

'Sad, nobody supporting me. Well, even so, I will still win.'

Suddenly a voice called out to him.

''I say you wild cat, what are you planning to do with Loki?"

Leon's face twitched being called wild cat while Alex observed the two-person who came, it was the twins from Wolfang Empire, Ferris, and Eris Wolfang, just now it was Ferris who spoke.

''Greetings Alexander, greetings ladies, I'm Eris Wolfang and this my brother Ferris.'' Eris greeted them before asking,

''Can we sit-"

''I was wondering who it was but it's just a wild dog. Finally, it seems you've gathered your courage to approach us I have to congratulate you on this. Well, it's must be Eris' doing if not a coward like you, afraid of the crowd would not make a move.'' Leon cut Eris off and said.

Ferris was glaring at him, however, there was no hatred inside his eyes just a little bit of annoyance, without doubt, those two were used to bickering with each other, they were childhood friends.

Eris massaged her temple feeling a headache coming, ''I say you two can you act like adults for once? Are you still kids?"

The two harrumphed not saying anything.

Alex was looking at their interactions with interest while Gracier and Silveria had resumed their talk ignoring what was happening.

''Please sit,'' Alex said stopping the two from continuing any further. They were drawing too much attention.

''Thank you, Alex, can I call you Alex?" Eris asked while sitting not too far from Gracier.

Alex waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem.

''Feel free to do so, everybody calls me Alex anyway.''

''Greetings Alex, can you tell me what you two have been talking about?" Ferris asked, his eyes were shining.

''Tch! Stop wagging your tail like a dog you wild dog. What Alex and I said are none of your concern, it's between real men, go man up a bit before coming to ask.'' Leon spat out.

''Shut up you muscle brain,'' Ferris said as the two glared at each other.

Shaking his head Alex smiled,

''You two are good friends it seems.''

The two harrumphed, Eris was already talking with Gracier, she decided to ignore them.

Just as Leon was about to speak a voice suddenly announced,

''The Emperor has arrived.''

Immediately from another side of the hall a door was opened, numerous silhouettes walked in, a handsome man in his forty wearing an imperial gown with a golden crown on top of his head walked forward, he had long blue hair, and eyes of the same hue, he had the aura of a monarch around him. This man's current Emperor of the Drexia empire, Julius Von Havens.

Behind him stood numerous high-ranked nobles, the headmistress of the Imperial Magic Academy, Freya Frost, an ice beauty, white hair, and blue eyes, standing on her left was her friend, Liliana Elseria L. Crawford.

Everybody curtsied to pay their respects to the emperor.

''You may all rise.'' the emperor said after taking a sit. He did not say anything else.

His eyes scanned the whole room in search of something, not having seen what he was searching for, the emperor sighed when suddenly his eyes landed on Alex, he smiled and said.

'So, it is him.' he mumbled and tried to probe Alex's level, however just as he was about to do it, he felt a sudden chill, a sudden dangerous feeling that he must not continue whatever he had planned to do. Searching for the culprit of the current situation he saw a beautiful silver-haired woman looking at him.

'This woman is not simple. I feel threatened just by looking at her. She must be the boy master. This boy is interesting more than that Leonardo. My daughter is too impulsive. I wonder how she's going to salvage the situation with the boy. Come to think, Elseria said that the boy is under her protection. Katherina will be too shocked when she learns this.' Julius thought as he watched his daughter.

The First Prince, the second, and the third princess were not present tonight. The First Prince and the Second Prince went on diplomatic missions while the third princess was inside her mansion, refusing to show up.

Thinking about it, Julius couldn't help but sigh, he had expected to see her tonight unfortunately she didn't come.

While the emperor was lost in thoughts.

Elseria was looking at Silveria surprised, she had never expected to see the latter appears here, this must be Alex's plan, finally, she remembered what Alex said, 'You'll know soon enough.'

''So, it is what you meant. Nice plan,'' she mumbled while looking at Alex.

''What are you mumbling on your own?" Freya asked.

''Nothing, I just remembered something.''

''I see,'' Freya said before standing up and said,

''Hello, everyone, I am your principal. My name is Freya Frost. I welcome you to Imperial Magic Academy. First of all, I would like to thank you for…"

The principal began her speech. The speech was a bit boring since it was just the usual speech. After a few minutes, the speech was finally over. Alex was looking at Freya, she's the master of Maria, Luna, and Sakuya, from what Leon said, she was a powerful Ice user.

Then after observing her for a moment, he turned to look at the emperor, coincidentally the emperor did the same thing, when their eyes met, the emperor smiled before continuing to chat with the man on his right.

Alex thought that as the Emperor, Julius would have said a few words as encouragement, however, the latter didn't say anything else after sitting.

''Why didn't the emperor say anything?" Alex asked Leon.

''Ah! He is just a guest, it is the tradition for the emperor to appear when a banquet is being held to welcome the new students, besides the current Emperor is a man of few words.''

It was Eris who explained.

''I see,'' Alex said when suddenly the left side of his lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his handsome-like face seeing that someone was approaching their table.

''What is it?" Leon asked as he noticed Alex's unusual behavior.

''Just something interesting,'' Alex said pointing his finger at the incoming young man, accompanying him were four other, young men.

Leon, Ferris, Eris, and Gracier followed Alex's finger to see five men approaching them, in front of the four men was a brown-haired man.

''A Firshburns huh?" Leon muttered.

161: Roman Fishburns

Let's rewind time back a bit.

As Alex was observing Freya.

On the other side where Leonardo and the others were seated, Katherina had already left to go to the emperor's side.

Leonardo was whispering something into the ear of one of the nobles sitting beside him.

This noble had brown hair and brown eyes, he was a little bit handsome. If Alex were to see this man, he would've identified him as being related to Larry Fishburns, because the two look alike, however, this man was more mature, more handsome than Larry, Roman Fishburns, Larry's Fishburns big brother.

''Roman, that man is the one that crippled your brother. To humiliate him, from what I see is currently Rank 5 at the best. Challenge him and beat him, the princess will allocate more resources to you.''

Hearing Leonardo's words, Roman went into contemplation for a moment before raising a question,

''What about that silver-haired woman beside him? It seems that she's her master, won't she gets mad if I-"

''No need to worry about her, she won't be able to do anything. Remember this is the princess order. To ensure that there is no problem she went to stay beside the Emperor. In case that woman will try something, the princess will ask the emperor to intervene.'' Leonardo cut Roman off and explained, he sent a glance to others besides him, having understood what this meant they nodded their heads as though to reassure Roman.

And as expected it worked, Roman did not doubt anything, he was too focused on the resources he would receive after completing this mission so much that he had not thought for a moment that he was being used by Leonardo, for him it was the Princess's order.

By the way, getting more resources meant he would have the right to dive into more dungeons, he would receive 30% of what he brings back. Because dungeons were under tight supervision it was impossible to trick the Princess. Only death awaits you if you were to try it.

As a member of the Second Princess faction, he was able to receive 20 % of what he brings back, an increase of 10% will help him to greatly amass wealth to further stabilize his position of next head of the Fishburns family and also to help him quickly increase his level.

Unlike the outside world, monsters inside dungeons respawn after some time when they are killed, this meant an endless supply of monsters.

Considering all these facts, Roman got easily tempted and forgot to think carefully about what he was trying to do implies.

Truth be told, Roman didn't feel hatred toward Alex for what he had done, on the contrary, it was gratitude, gratitude because Roman was planning to deal with his brother after he retrieves the money from one of their branch restaurant (Golden Nuggets, the restaurant visited by Alex and Leena (Elseria) when they were on their date).

Roman had already planned to send a bunch of bandits after his brother after the latter left the city, he was doing all of this because Larry was threatening his position even when being a thrash.

Roman and Larry did not have the same mother, Larry's mother was the legitimate wife of the Barron, now viscount. This meant Larry would be the next family head, however because of Roman's talent, he became the favorite to be the next family head. Not everyone supported this decision, naturally, Larry's mother was included in this category, she was trying everything to the viscount chose her son, unfortunately, it became an impossible feat as Larry turned into a retard, no, worse than retard he was like an empty shell.

'Sorry, if you want to blame someone blame yourself for offending people you shouldn't have. I will beat you and complete two objectives at the same time, one being the rewards I'll get and the latter being the favor madam asked me, she said she will support me if I thrash you and cripple you.' Roman mumbled and stood up, four young men followed him. They were slowly walking in Alex's direction.

Looking at the Roman's leaving back,

Leonardo smiled.

''What are you planning? The princess has never made that kind of promise. What if she gets angry?" Camilla asked in a low voice, she didn't understand Leonardo's action.

Smiling as if this was nothing serious, Leonardo explained,

''Don't worry she won't, that fool is just a sacrificial pawn. I'm using him to gauge Alex. The current him is giving me an uneasy feeling. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I have a bad feeling. Let's wait and see, I think Katherina will want to know Alex's current level. Like this, she will know how to deal with him.''

Camilla thought about Leonardo's words but she was feeling uneasy for some reason, she looked at Katherina to see her chatting with the emperor, suddenly, the emperor glanced at Alex.

'That it is.' Camilla inwardly exclaimed, she now knows why she was feeling uneasy, it was the way Katherina looks at Alex, it was not because the latter fell in love but most likely she wants Alex,

''Eh?" This time Camilla exclaimed aloud.

''What it is?" Leonardo stopped observing Roman and his men who were about to reach Alex's table and asked.

''What if the princess tries to recruit Alex into her faction?" Camilla asked fearful of this possibility.

''Impossible, why would she? She has me and you three, it is already enough. I'm the Hero, why would she need a thrash for? Alex may have changed but he is still too far from us. Our talents are a world apart, what if he became a little bit handsome? What if he became a little bit powerful? All of this doesn't matter because he can never be a dragon-like us. Doesn't matter if he has some kind of mysterious master. Did you think that a snake will suddenly turn into a dragon after two months? Not to say him a crippled snake it is impossible. You're also forgetting an absolutely important matter, isn't it Alex is Katherina's enemy. Did you think she'd forgotten that and bring him into her faction?"

Camila thought for a moment before shaking her head, she had a hard time imagining that prideful princess lowering her head to take someone in, someone she had previously discarded, will Alex even accept? Unlikely, but just the fact that Katherina may think about approaching Alex makes her feel uneasy. Even with all the arguments Leonardo advanced, she was still feeling uneasy, call this woman's intuition.

Suddenly, Kevin who was watching from the side decided to step in as he knew his little sister was still not convinced.

''Little Camilla, no need to think so much about it. There is no way the princess will want Alex back. They are enemies, knowing the two of them I can assure you that none of them will try to become the other party's friend, so don't worry. Even if he progressed a bit, Alexander is still a nobody without any backing like us.''

''I understand. I hope that I'm just being paranoid.'' Camilla decided to drop the matter when she saw everyone trying to convince her that she was overthinking. Even the silent Dodolus seemed to share the same thought as Leonardo and Kevin.

''Let watch, things are about to become interesting. Roman and his men have already arrived in front of Alex. Let's see what you will do, will you cower or will you fight?" Leonardo wondered while observing Alex. He was smiling.

The others also stayed silent to observe what would happen.


~Back to Alex's table.

Roman arrived in front of Alex, coldly looking down on the latter while completely ignoring the others present.

''Are you Alexander, the Rookie from Eria's city?"

''Introduce yourself first before asking me a question. It's the basic of etiquette.'' Alex replied nonchalantly.

The four men behind Roman became furious, when one of them was planning to insult Alex, Roman stopped him, he smiled and he said.

''I'm Roman Fishburns, eldest son of the Viscount Gareth Fishburns. I'm also the next head of the Fishburns family.''

While saying so, Roman's smile widened, he waiting to see the awe inside Alex's eyes, however, Alex's words froze him in place.

Clap Clap!

''How wonderful, I'm in awe. So, mister future head what did you want with this humble one?" Alex clapped his hands before asking with a sarcastic smile on his face.

By now, everyone had stopped talking and were focusing their attention on what was happening. Even the Emperor was looking with interest, the happiest about the current situation was Elseria, she leaned against her chair legs crossed, her lips were curved upward.

Freya, the headmistress of the Imperial Magic Academy stared at Elseria for a moment, being Elseria long-time friends, she knew when the latter smile like this, it meant she was up to something, that someone was about to suffer under her schemes. She decided to observe a bit, previously she was not interested, however now she decided to watch.

Katherina was surprised seeing Roman standing in front of Alex, judging by the latter behavior she knew what he was planning, he was planning to challenge Alex and there was only one person besides her that could make Roman go challenge Alex, it's Leonardo.

Staring at Leonardo for a moment, Katherina shook her head and thought that she may use this chance to gauge Alex's strength, she had tried numerous times appraising him since the moment he entered but wasn't able to. Something seemed to be obstructing her, when she appraised Gracier she was able to only see her Level, Level 45, nothing more.

She became more interested in Alex after noticing that she could not appraise him.

While everyone besides the Emperor was eager to know what going on the younger generation's side, there was someone who was not happy at all, it was the current head of the Fishburns' Family, the Viscount Gareth Fishburns, he was currently furious as he knew nobody good gonna happen if they mess up with that young man named.

Remembering the warning he received, Gareth glared at his son,

'What that idiot is thinking about?'

Unfortunately, at the moment, Roman was too focused on Alex to notice this.

162: Let's Make A Bet

''So you are the one that crippled my brother?" Roman asked in a cold tone.

''If you're talking about the guy I helped to have a peaceful life from now on then it is yes,'' Alex responded with a smile.

Roman's eyes became cold. Scowling at Alex he said,

''It is that so? I challenge you to a duel.''

The hall turned silent, everybody was waiting for Alex's response.

Alex was still smiling as he said, ''I refuse, I will on-"

One of the four men behind Roman shouted at Alex not giving him the time to finish when he heard the first part of Alex's words.

''What are you acting smug for? If it is not because you are Otherworlder, nobody would look at you. You are nothing, have no backing yet you're acting smug when a noble lowered his head and asked you something.''

Alex shook his head and looked at the man who talked as if he was a fool, Leon's expression sank, Alex's gestured to him to not intervene, he did the same thing to Silveria acting as his master and Gracier who was about to erupt. Ferris and Eris were glaring at the man.

When Alex tried to speak, he was stopped by enchanting laughter coming from the Emperor's side.

Everybody turned their heads in that direction to see a beautiful woman with golden hair laughing, it was the Guild master of the Adventurer Guild, one of the strongest organization in the world. Her status is not beneath that of an Emperor, she was also really powerful, one of the Saints in Mystia's world.

''Hahaha, to think youngster nowadays still know how to crack a joke.''

Abruptly she stopped laughing and her expression turned cold, ''You, the second son of a mere Barron's house dare to treat him like he is nobody?"

The man who was looking down on Alex, face turned pale, started shivering. He was doing his best to not flee.

Roman was also feeling fear, while Katherina had an unusual expression on her face, Leonardo couldn't shake off the bad feeling that was growing inside his chest, for some reason he had the feeling that what the Guild master would say next, he will not like it.

Leon, Ferris, Eris, Kuina, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya were looking at the smiling Alex with an incredible expression on their faces.

''You said that he has no backing? That's incorrect, he didn't like to flaunt his background unlike you. Dare to look down on someone I'm backing? You have a death wish, I will let you off for this time because of your mother.''


The hall became noisy all of sudden, Leonardo's face was dark as charcoal, he ground his teeth, Camilla, Kevin, and Dodolus were gobsmacked, they did not know what to say. To say they had expected something like this would be a lie. This news was too shocking. Alex's status is above them.

As for Katherina, her mouth was wide open,

'No way.' she thought not believing in what she just heard.

''As expected of my friend,'' Leon said trying to regain his cool. He was too surprised.

''No good, things will become difficult if she's backing him,'' Damien muttered while lowering his head to not show his frustration. He was planning to deal with Alex, however, he needs to carefully think before making any move, or else even the Pope won't save him.

The Pope had said to him once that he was more afraid of this woman than any other person in this world. He was afraid of her, it was the first time Damien has seen the Pope behave like that, so he decided to think before moving against Alex.

''As for you child from Fishburns house. I thought I-"

''Please calm down Godmother. Let's me deal with it.'' Alex cut Elseria off and talked, Gareth looks at him eyes filled with gratitude.

''You say you challenge me is that right?" Alex asked.

Roman, too shocked by what happened took some time before nodding his head, he was scared, regretting his early decision. If he knew he wouldn't have come to challenge Alex, to become enemy with one responsible for almost all the dungeons was a bad move.

''Great, I will accept your challenge but let's make it more profitable for both of us.''

Hearing Alex's words Roman had a bad feeling, his father had the same feeling too.

''What do you propose?" Roman asked.

Smiling as if he had won millions of dollars, Alex said, ''Oh nothing grandiose. Let's make a bet.''

While saying so Alex brought out the jade box Elseria had given him, earlier Elseria had sent him a secret message informing him that Roman just became the owner of the Main Branch of the Golden Nuggets, a famous restaurant. Alex's eyes turned into gold (money) when he heard this news, in fact, he started planning how he should acquire this restaurant, having thought about this Elseria had already prepared something in the advance, the mysterious jade box. The jade box contains an Advanced-Grade Healing potion, an extremely valuable potion capable of regrowing lost limbs.

''Let's say if you win. I'll give you this Advanced-Grade Healing potion.'' Alex announced.


''Did you heard him?" Someone asked.

''Yes, I heard him. Fuck, Advanced-Grade Healing potion, there are only a few of them in the world. To think that he will own one. It's like having some kind of extra life.'' another said.

''It's must be his Godmother who gave it to him. How lucky I want to replace him.'' another one said not hiding how envious he felt.

Leonardo was about to explode, he had never once seen that kind of potion, to think that Alex would own one. His hatred for Alex was growing. He wants to kill him right now.

''You are so generous Else. I remember that I had asked you to sell me this potion back in the past but you refused yet now you went to give it to him?" Freya asked, she was surprised by her friend's action.

One should know that this type of potion is really valuable, no alchemist can't produce a potion like this.

Shrugging her shoulders, Elseria said, ''I can't be helped, he is too precious after all.''

The emperor could not help but sigh hearing Elseria's words. This confirmed his speculation that Alex was not simple.

~Back to Alex's table.

Roman was too shocked by Alex's words that his jaw almost hit the floor. Eyes filled with greed he said, he ignored his father who was shaking his head to tell him to back down.

''And what if I lose?" he asked.

''I heard that you just became the owner of the Golden Nuggets located in the commercial district. I want it, if you lose I'll become the owner of the Golden Nuggets. By the way, I will only own the Golden Nuggets located in the commercial district, as for other branches I do not care. You should know how valuable this Advanced-Grade Healing potion is, I can buy a small kingdom with it. So it's not an unfair deal. Well, I wonder if you will have the courage to accept?"

Nobody said anything because they knew how valuable Advanced-grade healing potion is. Indeed it can buy a small kingdom.

The Emperor chuckled when he heard Alex's words, ''This young man is sure cunning.'' he said while glancing at his daughter who seemed lost in thoughts.

''So, that is your plan? No wonder. This young man is sure interesting. Or it's you who come up with this plan?" Freya glanced at her friend.

''Who knows,'' Elseria said while the corners of her lips moved slightly upwards.

''Forget it,'' Freya said before looking in Alex's direction to see how things would unfold.

''Scared?" Alex asked seeing Roman who became mute.

''I accept.'' Roman finally announced.

''Let's start then,'' Alex said looking in Elseria's direction, the latter look at Freya.

Sighing Freya ordered one of the teachers beside her to act referee for this match.

Coincidentally there was a small inside the big hall.

Alex stood on top of the ring, opposite to him was Roman, the two had changed their clothes to something more casual fitting for a fight.

The referee was a middle-aged man with gray hair and brown eyes.

Standing in the middle of the two he observed them for a moment before declaring.

''This is a friendly match. It's forbidden to cripple your opponents, understood?"

Both Alex and Roman nodded their heads, however inwardly Roman was feeling regretful as he won't be able to cripple Alex's as the Madam suggested.

'Shame, however, I need to win and get this Advanced-Grade Healing potion, with it I can become independent. If I present this to her Highness she would be able to bestow upon me a title, I can become a Barron and have my fief. Hehehe, I will not need to fear anybody, who knows I may be able to become Viscount, same as father.'

While Roman was daydreaming about his unknown future the teacher acting as the referee continued,

''Good, as you both agreed upon if Alexander wins he will become the owner of the Golden Nuggets and in the case, Roman wins he will get the Advanced-Grade Healing potion. Nobody is allowed to go back on his words or else he will be sentenced to death.''

Everybody gulped when they heard the referee's last words.

Seeing the two nodded their heads the referee announced,


The teacher jumped back while Alex and Roman didn't move for a moment.

Roman summoned his Gift, a two meters long blue spear, he decided to not underestimate his opponent, the other party may be weaker than him but he was not going to go easy on him, Roman decided to quickly finish the match.

Quickly chanting numerous water balls appeared in front of him,

''Pierce him,'' he shouted before he readied his spear.

Suddenly, Alex vanished, and when he reappears he was already in front of Roman.

''What?" Someone exclaimed.

Roman's eyes bulged, he was surprised.

Alex threw a casual punch toward his face, even so, it was fast, Roman was not to be trifled with. Even though he was surprised, he still managed to dodge Alex's punch and try to counterattack by using the butt of his spear to strick Alex's leg before following with another attack.

Unfortunately, Alex smiled before disappearing again before Roman could turn around, he felt a cold sensation against his throat followed by Alex's cold voice.

''Do you wish to continue?"

163: The End Of The Banquet

A strange silence fell upon the main hall.

Nobody had expected the match that just started to quickly end like this, nobody except few individuals who were aware of Alex's strength, Gracier and Silveria knew that Alex would win, Elseria too. Leon expected Alex to win but not this quickly, he was truly surprised.

''As I said do you wish to continue? I do not mind however the outcome won't change no matter how many times you will try.'' Alex said to Roman.

The latter was trembling not believing that he lost like this, he knew that he would lose even if they were to restart again. Roman sighed dejectedly and said,

''I lost.''

''Good,'' Alex said before removing his knife from Roman's neck, he stored it away and looked at the referee who was still surprised.

''The match ends in Alexander's overwhelming victory. From now on Alexander becomes the owner of the Golden Nuggets.'' the referee announced.

''Eh? What? It is ended just like that?" Someone suddenly asked bewildered.

''Incredible, that Alexander he was too fast I didn't see anything until he placed the knife around Roman's neck. He is stronger than Roman, there is no doubt about it.'' someone said.

While others were discussing how the match had quickly ended, some fewer people had an ugly expression on their faces.

Leonardo was one of those people, he couldn't believe that a Rank 6, a Level 55 to be more accurate just lost like that without being able to put up a fight. From the outcome of the match, there was no doubt that Alex was stronger than Roman by few levels.

''Impossible.'' He mumbled.

''How did he became so powerful? I bet he is at least Level 60? How? This shouldn't be possible, he, trash with useless Gift.''

Leonardo said while staring at Alex as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Camilla, Kevin, and Dodolus did not know what to say, Alex had surpassed all their expectations. Camilla glanced at Katherina just by reflex but what she saw made her heart sunk, instead of being angry at her enemy's progress somehow she seemed elated as if she was finally able to confirm something she had expected.

'No good.' Camilla thought while sneaking peeks at Leonardo, the latter was too focused on Alex to have noticed anything.

On the other hand, Damien was thinking about something, his expression was serious, unlike Leonardo who was only feeling rage after seeing Alex's prowess, Damien became cautious thinking that he must carefully plan before making a move, not only Alex had a strong master, and extremely strong backer, himself was not a weakling to be able to dispatch a Level 55 so easily meant he was at least four or five levels above the latter.

Even Damien knew that he wouldn't be able to quickly end the match as Alex did. This doesn't mean that Alex was stronger than him, he still thinks that he was stronger than Alex, he may be stronger than Alex in Level but the latter speed must be above his, meaning Alex possesses higher Agility than him.

''I have a way to deal with your quick speed,'' Damien mumbled while glancing at Alex who was returning toward his table.

On the emperor's side.

''Excellent. Even I did not expect the match to end so quickly. As expected of some you selected. His level must be the same as Leonardo's. I'm not wrong Leonardo just became Level 62?" The Emperor asked his daughter.

''Yes,'' Katherina answered.

''I see.''

It was the only thing the Emperor said, he didn't say anything else.

Elseria smiled, Freya decided to pay attention to this youngster whom her disciplines often talk about.

Viscount Gareth's face was pale as a sheet, he was trembling, if it wasn't because of the presence of the Emperor, he would have rushed over there and beaten his son to death.

~Back to Alex

Just before leaving Alex said.

''I thought that you were more intelligent than your brother but I guess I was wrong. Like your brother who got easily manipulated by me, you also got manipulated. It's without a doubt Leonardo doing. Instead of coming himself, he sent you to probe. Well, it doesn't matter, thank you for the gift.''

Roman almost spurted blood when he heard Alex's words. It was now that he knew he had been used not by the princess but by Leonardo because the Princess was looking at Alex like someone who got a treasure.

Roman was thinking about what he would say to his father to be able to keep his life. He didn't doubt he would be stripped of his status as future family head. He had brought this upon himself. If only he had been more careful, thinking deeply before making move things might be different.

''Well done Big brother.'' Gracier complimented her brother when he came back.

Smiling Alex said down next to Leon who was staring at him, he was not the only one though, Ferris and Eris were also doing the same thing.

''What it is?" Alex asked because he started to feel uncomfortable with all these stares.

''Hahaha, nothing as expected of my friend. You're too cunning, you acted as though you were not interested to further provoke them forcing your Godmother to intervene, using this chance you proposed a bet, bringing out something the other party won't refuse, and because of your Godmother silent consent, the other party fell for your trick and bam you are now the owner of a Restaurant. A pretty famous restaurant that has numerous branches across the empire.'' Leon explained.

Alex could not help but think once again that Leon was not simple. To be able to quickly analysis everything so accurately it's scary.

'It's a good thing. We became friends. Does who thinks he's only muscle brain will suffer. Alex thought. He smiled, he neither affirmed nor he denied Leon's claim.

''You are fast. I almost couldn't follow your movement.'' Ferris said, Eris nodded her head.

Alex smiled not saying anything.

'' Alex, you must be prudent. That Roman may try something now that he lost.'' Eris warned him.

''Thank you, I will be careful but I doubt I will do anything. He must be thinking about how to deal with his father.'' Alex said while looking at Roman's father.

Even though he was silent the rage he was feeling could be seen on his face.

''I thought I would be able to see the third princess tonight however she didn't come,'' Ferris said with a sigh.

''Now that you said it, I didn't see her. Most of the males present tonight came just to be able to see her.'' Leon said.

''Why?" Alex asked not understanding why everyone was so eager to see that princess.

''Ah? I forgot you just arrived. It was natural for you to not know. The third princess is the most beautiful woman of the empire, she is like a goddess.'' Ferris said, his eyes became unfocused as if he was in a trance when he remembers the first time he saw the princess.

''I see it's because of her beauty,'' Alex mumbled.

''You won't understand until you see her. Well, maybe you're already immune because of your master.'' Leon said while sneaking peeks at Silveria, the latter glared at him, Leon quickly looks elsewhere.

Alex chooses to not comment. Eris was glaring at her brother and Leon, the two acted as though they had not seen anything.

The banquet continued for another two hours before Alex and Gracier decided to leave.

''Goodnight, See you three tomorrow.''

''Goodnight my friend.''


Leon, Ferris, and Eris said before leaving.

Just as Alex and Gracier turned around, they saw Maria, Luna, and Sakuya coming towards them.

''You are leaving already?" Maria asked while standing not too far from Alex.

Alex nodded, Sakuya had already disappeared and caught Gracier.

''Come sleep with us tonight. Let talk between women. I want to know more about you.'' Sakuya said while stroking Gracier's hair.

Gracier did not say anything, she looked at Alex as if to ask his opinion.

''You can go if you want,'' Alex said.

Sakuya was surprised by Alex's response, she had expected that he would refuse.

Gracier stayed silent for a moment before saying, ''I will go.''


To Sakuya's question, Gracier nodded.

Maria said in teasing manner, ''You have become stronger. I can't even see through you. I bet Leonardo must be enraged.''

''Hahaha, let him rage all he wants I do not care.'' Alex shrugged his shoulders not giving a damn about Leonardo's feelings.

''You must go through a lot of things. I would like to know what you went through if you desire to share them that is.'' Luna said with a smile.

Surprisingly it was Luna who talked, Maria did not seem surprised.

Looking at the smiling blond girl Alex was awe-struck for a moment, if Maria's beauty was described as impactful one that could stop one's heart short, Luna's beauty would be one of elegance and grandeur, reminiscent of an untouchable being that mortals dared not to approach, less have dirty thoughts towards it, she was pure, like her class, a Saintess.

Quickly shaking his head Alex replied, ''We'll see.''

Luna nodded her head not saying anything else, Maria observed her friend for a moment, she could not help but sigh, turning to face Alex she said, ''Be wary of Damien, he didn't like you. See you tomorrow.''

Maria, Luna, Sakuya, and Gracier left, leaving Alex alone.

''Be wary of Damien huh? I will.'' Alex mumbled before disappearing.

Just as Alex left, a black shadow appeared and looked in Alex's direction before blending into the darkness.

164: Girl's Talk 3

Somewhere in Avalon, a man could be seen breaking everything inside a room, this man seemed upset, a woman was standing not too far from the man.

''Damn it. Why? Why? why? How can't he become so strong? Tonight was my night to shine and yet, damn it.'' Leonardo said before breaking another painting yet again.

Suddenly, Camilla who was standing behind appeared before Leonardo and slapped him hard.


The room turned silent, Leonardo's mind turned blank, he couldn't believe what just happened, he has been slapped, he touched his right cheek before looking at Camilla wanting to say something, however, he couldn't bring himself to talk when he saw how furious Camilla was, he unconsciously flinched, he had never seen Camilla so angry.

''Shut up will you? Are you a child? Throwing tantrum since two hours ago. It's enough already. What good it will bring if you keep up? Will Alex disappear? I don't think so. Your problems won't disappear either. You need to calm down and think.''

Leonardo nodded his head before sitting on the bed. Having finally calmed down he saw how much destruction he had caused, he couldn't help but lower his head feeling ashamed.

Camilla heaved a sigh before sitting next to him. She cupped his face in her hands and brushed his lips lightly with her own. Feeling each other breath, she said.

''Alexender is not simple. We may have mocked him but it was simply because we were scared, scared because he was the only one with a different Gift than the rest of us, his Gift was only one sealed. The Goddess had said if one's Gift does not emit any pressure it was either because it's low ranked Gift or simply because it's sealed. We have all seen Alex's status, his Gift was sealed. It doesn't take a genius to understand that his Gift was not simple.''

Leonardo did not say anything because he was fully aware that everything Camilla was saying was true. He was scared of Alex's unknown Gift, his Gift must be so dangerous that it was sealed, which meant his Gift's rank was not different from his, maybe above. This thought scared him, it was why he mocked him to hide his insecurities, he did everything he could to drive him away, he felt like he would not shine with Alex being near, the spotlight would be stolen by him.

It was always like that, even back when they were still on Earth, all eyes were on Alex whenever he comes to school, it doesn't matter if he was absent most of the time when he appears everybody would start talking of him as if he was the center of the universe. Leonardo would become a background character, it was because of that he comes to hate Alexander even though the latter did nothing, no, it was his lack of response when he tried to show off that made Leonardo more furious, Alex looked at him as though he was nothing, as if he was not worth his time, in truth Alex was too tired to say anything it was why he didn't bother entertaining Leonardo.

Fearing the same thing happening here he did what he must and pushed Alex out, he had hoped he may die or choose to live a simple life, unfortunately, Alex did none of that, instead, he reappeared, not only he changed physically, he became stronger, strong peoples are now backing him. Once more he became a background character, Leonardo couldn't help but explode.

Camilla quietly listened to her man spilled all his frustrations before saying.

''I understand how you feel but you must calmly think before acting. As I said Alex is not simple, from his actions tonight I can say he deliberately ignored you, he knew you'd send something to probe him and he had already prepared a trap for that person. He's too scary, an enemy like him must never be underestimated or else you'll suffer before knowing it. I suggest that you quickly make Katherina yours or else you'll regret it.''

Leonardo's eyes widened, he was looking at his woman with incredible eyes not believing that she would push him to get another woman, he wouldn't deny that it was what he wanted but -

''It's not that I'm happy with it but it is because it's necessary for our plan, for your dream to be above Alex, to not be a background character anymore. Making Katherina yours is the first step. We will talk about the second step later. Let's sleep, for now, we will talk tomorrow.'' Camilla announced before leaving the room, Leonardo stood up and follow after her.

He did not know that Camilla was pushing him to make Katherina his because she was fearing that the latter may bring Alex into her faction, if this happened it wouldn't do them any good, they may be discarded because of Alex. For this to not happen Leonardo must make Katherina his, and force her to drop the idea of getting Alex as she had the feeling that Katherina would try anything to get Alex on her side even if the latter disagree.


At the same time in another location, Katherina's mansion.

In her bedroom, laying on bed Katherina couldn't fall asleep. She was dressed in a lascivious negligee. A see-through cloth that made heavy use of lace! The white skin was slightly seen underneath it! And the black underwear could be seen.

Katherina lifted her upper body before sitting on the bed, she was thinking about how she will approach Alex.

''I want him. With him, under me, I will be able to have that person's help. I mustn't let my sister take him away. I don't know why but I have the feeling that she will appear now that Alexander shows up. I never thought that he would become so strong. If only-"

Katherina said eyes filled with regret before suddenly her eyes turned cold for a moment before she heaved a sigh.

''It's because of Leonardo, it was because of what he said. Ah! How naïve of me. He must've done that because of jealousy. Forget it, he is now working for me. I will let him off this time, however, if he tries to make things difficult for me, I won't forgive him. Alex will be mine.''

She then let herself fall back on the bed, she started kicking her legs in the air while thinking about how to approach Alex before her sister does as she was sure that she will approach Alex, not only her, a lot of people will try to approach him.


In another mansion located not too far from the Imperial Magic Academy.

Four beautiful girls could be seen chatting happily inside a big room, in front of those four girls was snack and midnight tea.

''Gracier how did you know Alex?"

Sakuya wearing a black see-through negligee asked.

Maria dressed in a light blue negligee and Luna in a white negligee stopped eating and decided to listen to Gracier's history.

Gracier told them what happened, how she had been rescued by Alex, how they became siblings, how she went back to get her revenge on the monsters. Naturally, she did not tell them everything, she kept a lot of things for herself.

''Don't worry anymore we are here now. We will protect you from now on.'' Sakuya said while stroking Gracier's hair.

Gracier smiled feeling warm inside.

''Big sister Maria you are an Ice user aren't you?" Gracier suddenly raised this question.

Maria was caught off because she was not expecting this question, still, she nodded her head.

''Indeed, how do you know?" She asked.

''Hehehe, it's because I can sense it. I'm a Fire user, when I saw you it's like I'm seeing an enemy. I feel uncomfortable, however, it's now fine.'' Gracier explained.

''Ah! That's why. I also feel uncomfortable, however, I thought that it was because I'm feeling unwell.'' Maria said recalling how she felt when Alex and Gracier approached them.

''Did Alex date, someone, when you were in Eria's city?" Someone suddenly asked.

Gracier turned her head in Luna's direction as it was her who raised this question.

''Not really.''

Gracier didn't know who it was but she could have sworn that someone sighed.

''However, there was a beautiful girl named Sera, she gets along pretty well with Big brother. She often visits us, they almost went on date. Big brother is interested in her however because of how busy he was he hasn't made a move until the girl left.''

Another sigh.

''It seems that she is also here. Maybe the two may accidentally encounter each other who knows.'' Gracier smiled before looking at the three girls, she couldn't read Maria and Sakuya, however she was able to sense something from Luna's eyes, she seemed somehow relieved. Gracier decided to probe her.

''Big sister Luna, how do you know Big brother? Can you tell me about it?"

Gracier had expected that Luna would start talking about Alex, however, when the latter heard Gracier's question she turned gloomy all of sudden startling Gracier.

''Fufufu, you see Luna know Alex since-"

Sakuya started talking to be stopped by Maria.

''Stop it Sakuya. She's uncomfortable don't you see it?"

Sakuya was forced to shut up as she could feel Luna's mood plummeting, 'Ah! Lû is too stubborn. Why not tell him everything?' she wondered before shaking her head.

Gracier did not say anything. Maria chuckled before saying,

''You know, your Big brother was really impressive. He was one of the richest people in our world.''

''Really?" Gracier asked eyes filled with stars.

Maria nodded her head, Sakuya also joined in, they started talking about Alex, how much money he had, about his cars, about his grandmother, it was Luna who talked about more about her, it was if she knew her.

When Gracier learned that Alex had lost his parents at 10, she couldn't help but shed tears.

The four girls continued talking until late in the night before deciding to sleep and continue another day.

165: Class

The next day.

Alex arrived at his assigned classroom.

Fortunately, the teacher had yet to arrive.

Scanning the classroom Alex spotted few regular faces, Maria, Luna, Sakuya and Gracier were sitting together. The four waved at Alex to greet him.

Alex greeted them back and continued to scan the classroom. In the classroom, the tables were not one-person tables. Instead, it was a two-people table.

The students were observing Alex with interest, it was because most of them were present last night and saw how Alex easily handled Roman, as for those who were not present they heard the tale of Alex's exceptional prowess.

Ignoring the stares directed at him, Alex went to seat in the back.

After he took his seat, Alex greeted Leon,

''Hi! Leo. Thanks for reserving me a seat.''

''Hi! Alex. No need to thank me. I do what I must.'' Leon replied with a smile.

Alex also smiled having expected this kind of answer, suddenly he asked after not seeing Ferris and Eris.

''Where are the twins? Not in this class?"

''Ah! Now that you asked I haven't seen them. Maybe they-"

Leon stopped talking as Ferris, Eris, Kuina, Leonardo, Camilla, Kevin, Dodolus and Damien walked in.

Alex and Leonardo stared at each other before Leonardo looks elsewhere not saying anything, not showing any kind of emotion.

''Interesting!" Alex mumbled when he saw Leonardo's reaction, he had expected some kind of reaction, some kind of insult but Leonardo did none of that.

''What is it?" Leon asked as he heard Alex's word.

''Nothing, I was just thinking aloud,'' Alex responded, he did not want to drag Leon into his problem, not yet.

Ferris and Eris greeted the two before taking a seat not too far from them.

Not long after, Kuina suddenly came toward him and greeted him. Everyone was surprised to see that.

''Hello, Alexander I'm Kuina Foxia. Nice to meet you. I would like to chat with you later if you have the time.''

Alex was surprised, nevertheless, he still replied, ''Nice to meet you too. There is no problem, we will talk when I have the time.''

Leonardo's face darkened when he heard Kuina's words, however, he quickly concealed it. Maria was glaring at Kuina, while Sakuya had a mysterious smile on her face, Luna seemed pensive. Gracier was watching everything with interest.

Leon suddenly clicked his tongue in annoyance, Kuina looks at him for a moment before chuckling.

''Fufufu! Little Leo do you need a beating?"

Leon harrumphed, displeased with the way he had been called.

''Humph! Don't get cocky. I just lost once, next time I will beat you.''

''Fufufu, we'll see. See you later Alex, can I call you Alex?" Kuina asked.

''Feel free to do so,'' Alex said.

''Okay, I call you Alex from now on then. See you later.'' Kuina left after waving at Eris, the latter smiled.

Alex looked at Leon wondering what was the story between the two.

Leon was pretty strong, a Level 64, same as him, he was one level ahead of Kuina, however from their earlier interactions it seemed that Leon lost when they fought.

'I wonder why?' Alex wondered because each one was probably wearing an item that helps them to conceal most of their status, he was not able to see anything other than their level.

By the way, Ferris, and Eris were at the same level, 62, just like Leonardo and Maria. Sakuya and Luna: Level 61.

〖This girl is not simple. She possesses the Fox race innate ability, Illusion, the level is pretty high. Same with her charm's skill. Do not underestimate her. Well, you are pretty much immune to illusion.〗Silveria suddenly explained to him.

''I guess it's because of my right eye. Isn't it?' Alex asked her, he was pretty sure of his guess.

As expected Silveria's words confirmed it.

〖Indeed. You should know that the first seal of your Death eye, let you create an illusion to torment your enemies, so, normally, Illusion magic will not work on you.〗

'I guess it makes sense if you explain it like that. I wonder what kind of illusion Leon experienced-'

〖If you only think that it's all she knows then you'll lose. She's a dual Elementalist, Wind and Fire.〗Silveria cut Alex off and explained to him.

'I see. Well, I'll know what she's capable of once we fight.' Alex said looking forward to the day they will fight.

Leon was expecting Alex to ask him what happened between the two however, Alex didn't ask anything, chuckling Leon said,

''I thought you would have asked me what happened.''

Alex shrugged his shoulders and said, ''I won't. Tell me when you are ready to share it.''

''Hahaha, don't worry I'll tell you later. However, I have noticed something.'' Leon said while slapping Alex's shoulder.

''What did you notice?" Alex asked curious.

''You are interested in Maria isn't it?" Leon asked with a knowing smile.

''Yeah, I'm interested in her. Why did you ask?" Alex asked him, he did not deny that he was interested in Maria.

''Well, you must quickly make her yours. You are not the only one interested in her. I was one of her admirers, I was planning to try my luck however now I decided not to because my friend is interested in her. You must make her yours. Understood?" Leon told Alex, not hiding anything.

Alex was astonished by Leon's declaration, he smiled,

''Thank you, Leo. Don't worry I'll make Maria mine.'' he declared.

''Good, that's the spirit,'' Leon said.

Suddenly, the two stopped because the teacher just walked in.

The teacher was a pretty young man. His age seemed to be around 24 or 25. In other words, he was in his prime. He had dark green hair and his eyes were of the same hue. His eyes were strict. He scanned the classroom, looking at his new students.

In this room, there were only forty-five students. But the tables were enough for fifty students.

"All right. I welcome you to my class. I will be the one to teach you about general knowledge for a year. My name is Chris Hellard.''

Alex and others greeted their teacher.

Chris nodded his head before announcing,

''Alright. I will start calling your names first to know you as my obligation,"

"After I call your names, please stand up and raise your hand so others can know you. First, Amy Stone."

"Here," A pretty student with pink hair rose from her seat and raised her hand.

Chris nodded his head, "You can sit down. Next, Gracier Alexandra Touch."

"Here." Gracier stood up and raised her hand.

''Good. You can sit down, next Luna Heart.'' Chris said and continued.

After few minutes everybody was introduced.

''Okay, now I'll start. Can you remind me how many Ranks there are?" Chris asked.

''There are 15 Ranks.'' It was Emy, the pink-haired girl who answered.

''Indeed there are 15 Ranks. These 15 Ranks are classed into 6 Realms: Beginner Realm, Intermediate Realm, Master Realm, Grandmaster Realm, Saint Realm, and Demi-God Realm. To explain it more clearly it's like this:

✒ Beginner Realm (Rank 1-Rank 3)

✒ Intermediate Realm (Rank 4-Rank 6)

✒ Master Realm (Rank 7-Rank 9)

✒ Grandmaster Realm (Rank 10-Rank 12)

✒ Saint Realm (Rank 13- Rank 14)

✒ Demi-God Realm (Rank 15).''

'So, I'm at Master Realm. Gracier Intermediate Realm huh!' Alex thought.

''We all possess something called status. As for why it was called like that nobody knows. I will not talk about Attack, Defense, Agility, but I will talk about Intelligence and Luck, Luck is needed in dungeons. What Intelligence do then?"

Nobody talked as they started to think about it, Alex raised his hand,

''Do share your answer with us, Alexander.''

Alex nodded before he rose and started to explain, ''I think that higher intelligence means your brain is more developed, your reaction speed will be faster, you can coordinate faster when executing some moves.''

''Excellent.'' Chris praised Alex for his answer.

''It's as Alexander said, Intelligence is related to your reaction speed, how well you can synchronize with your weapons, your Gifts. Higher intelligence helps you to coordinate your body better. Most people think that Higher intelligence is a waste and put all their BP on Attack, Defense, Agility, or either Luck. This thinking is wrong, if you possess Higher intelligence you will know how to better attack, how to better use your Speed (Agility), you won't waste too much energy. While fighting your mind will be clear, thinking about the optimal solution to quickly end the fight. For me, one should possess higher intelligence than.''

Hearing their teacher's words, Alex and others thought deeply about it, indeed what he said was not wrong, Alex had noticed this fact after his INT became higher, he was able to perfectly control his body.

While some were thinking deeply about Chris's explanation, some students didn't share the same feeling, for them, one should only think about increasing one's Attack's stat or Agility, Defense and lastly Luck, Intelligence was not a necessity.

Chris did not try to persuade those students.

166: Cursed

Chris observed his students and saw that some did not share his idea, he couldn't help but shake his head thinking they will understand in the future, to fully utilize your other stats an appropriate amount of intelligence was needed.

''Let's move on the amount of XP needed per Realm.'' Chris suddenly said before moving towards the blackboard, Alex and others decided to listen attentively.

''To Level from Level 1 to 2, you will need 100 XP. Each level will increase by 100 XP. It's to say Level from Level 1 to 31 (Rank 1-3: Beginner Realm) you will need 3100 XP, however, started from Intermediate Realm, this amount of XP will be doubled thus becoming 6200 XP, each level it will increase by 100, at Level 61 it will become 9200 XP, starting from the next realm: Master Realm, the 9200 XP will be doubled becoming 18400, for each level it will increase by 100, becoming 21400 XP at Level 91 (peak Master Realm). Starting from the next Realm, the amount of XP needed at the peak of the previous realm will be doubled, Grandmaster Realm: 42800 (+3000 XP)= 45800. However starting from the Saint Realm, the 45800 XP instead of multiplying by two as it was, will be multiplied by three. Saint Realm: 137 400 XP (1900 XP (the 19 levels of the Saint Realm (Lv 122 to 141) at peak Saint Realm you'll have 139300 XP. From the Demi-God Realm, the 139300 XP will be multiplied by 5 becoming 696 500 XP.''

Everybody sucked a mouthful of air when they saw what was written on the blackboard.

Chris did not wait for them to raise a question before saying, ''This system existed since the bygone era, maybe it was the creator God's decision. They must have created this system to make it difficult to advance, just imagine the amount of XP needed for the Saint Realm make one despair, one should know that killing the same monsters a number of times will decrease the original amount of XP that monster offered at the start. You will be forced to move on to stronger monsters.''

Indeed what Chris said was right, all of them were aware of this truth. Suddenly, Damien raised his hand to ask a question.

''Damien, do you have a question?" Chris asked, Damien nodded.


''Teacher, in the past we have Gods, however nowadays Gods disappeared, the same thing with the God Realm, it became now impossible to step into that realm. I wonder why? What happened?"

Everybody was interested in what happened as there was no record of what happened in the past. It was as if all the records of what happened had been erased, as for why nobody knows.

Chris did not immediately answer, he stayed silent, he seemed to be trouble over something, after few seconds he heaved a sigh before saying, ''For your own good stop digging, at least for now. Your level is not suitable to hear what happened. All I can say is that there was a battle, a battle so intense that an entire continent was erased, things changed after that battle. Do not ask, do not try to dig, focus on becoming stronger, once stronger enough you'll get the answers you are after.''

''I understand, teacher,'' Damien said before sitting back. He had expected this kind of answer because it was the same answer he got when he asked the Holy Father (The Pope). The Pope seemed afraid of something. Damien couldn't help but sigh.

Meanwhile, Alex was also sighing, 'Another secret.'

'Sil, do you know something?' Alex decided to probe Silveria, maybe he'd get some answers.

As expected Silveria had the answer. However, she didn't go into the details,

〖I do have an answer. As he had said there was a battle, this battle was too devastating, even I can feel the aftermath of that fight, the enemy cast a curse upon this world making it impossible to advance into the God Realm. This world is cursed. How hateful, to think it is them.〗

'Who can be so powerful to cast a curse upon a whole world?' Alex wondered, he felt a shiver down his spine just by imagining it.

Shaking his head Alex decided to concentrate on Silveria's words, her last words.

When Silveria was talking about 'them' her voice was full of hatred, Alex knew that she would not answer him if he were to ask her right now, he decided to not ask for now. Silveria greatly appreciated Alex's decision. She went completely silent afterward.

''Let's stop here for today. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll warn you. Mock battles will be held soon to test your strength. I'm looking forward to it.'' Chris announced before leaving.

Leonardo looked at Alex when he heard the announcement, it as if he was saying, 'Wait till I take care of you, you will see the difference between us.' Alex looked at him with a smile, he was not afraid. He was looking forward to the day they will fight.

Leon seemed also eager. Gracier sent a message saying she'd gone to the library to read, Luna, followed her. Maria left to go somewhere on her own, Sakuya also disappeared. After chatting with Leon, Ferris, and Eris, Alex excused himself saying that he needed some air.


After leaving Leon and the others, Alex who was wandering crossed paths with Maria who happened to be also doing the same thing.

''Oh? It's you, Alex. What are you doing?" Maria asked with a light smile on her face. If others were to see, they would be astonished because, in the capital, Maria was known as the Ice Goddess, she rarely smiles. Her expression was almost cold making it hard for others to approach her. However, it changes when she is with her friends namely Luna and Sakuya, and recently around Alex and Gracier.

Dazzled by her smile, it had taken Alex a few seconds before he was able to reply.

''Nothing, as you can see I'm just wandering, thinking about something. What about you?" Alex asked.

''Same here,'' Maria responded.

''I see. Shall we walk to the cafeteria? I've something I want to discuss with you.''

Facing Alex's abrupt words, Maria was caught off guard, nevertheless, she quickly recovered and nodded her head.

The two moved toward the cafeteria while chatting. Inwardly Alex was thinking about how he should proceed. Indeed it was as he said, he had something to tell Maria, it was of the utmost importance. He doesn't know how to start, however, he decided to go for the direct approach, he was not the one to cower.

If you want something no need to be shy just say it, either it works or it doesn't.

''Alex, Alex did you hear me we are here.''

Maria's voice snapped Alex back to awareness.

''Yeah, let go for the private room,'' Alex said before moving to ask for a private room and soon it was done.

The two ignored the stares they were receiving from others students and entered the private room. Unbeknownst to them, there was a pair of black eyes that saw the two enterings, the beautiful girl with black eyes smiled before moving.

In the private room, Alex and Maria sat across from each other.

After ordering something simple, they waited until Maria suddenly asked.

''So Alex what do you want to tell me?"

Her blue eyes stared into Alex left green eye.

'Want me to go straight to the point? Well, I was planning to do that anyway.' Alex thought.

Clearing his throat he said with a serious expression.

''What I want to tell is the utmost importance. At least for me. Maria, no Alexa I'm interested in you and I want to date you can you give me a chance?"

Maria was surprised, saying that she was expecting this direction declaration would be a lie, she looked at the boy in front of her, that green eye, there was no lie indicating that he was joking, he was damn serious. She signed.

Most men would have started with a date in some kind of luxurious hotel, a beautiful dinner, a romantic atmosphere before declaring.

Personally, for her she likes the direct approach, Alex's approach was direct. Something she likes.

Smiling, Maria decided to probe before answering the boy.

''Can I know when you start liking me?"

''I became interested in you when we were about to reincarnate. Maybe even before but I became aware of it on that day. Did you remember what I said to you back then?"

Maria nodded at Alex's question. How could she not? She was surprised and at the same time she laughed, her mood improved hearing Alex declaring to be there for her.

''Well, I may be joking to cheer you up but it was not a joke. It was my inner feeling, I want to be your pillar. I want you to be part of my life, to be with me forever.'' Alex declared, he was not shy, he told her what he wanted.

Maria stayed silent for a moment before saying.

''I'm happy that you have feelings for me. Truth be told I'm also interested in you.''

Hearing Maria's words, Alex overjoyed, nevertheless, he still decided to listen to Maria's words till the end.

Maria nodded pleased with his reaction. She then continued.

''As you may have noticed. I showed some obvious signs. I'm the type of woman that says what she thinks or takes what I desire. As I said I'm interested in you, you're my type, I will gladly accept starting a relationship with you however that won't do.''

Alex turned crestfallen when he heard Maria's last words, he was confident that he had his chances with Maria, he was not a greenhorn, even if he was not an expert when it comes to relationship, he had few successful relationships under his belt. Thus he knows when a woman is interested in him, from his analysis and Maria's behaviors, she was indeed interested in him, it was why he thought he had a chance, however now it seems that.

Shaking his head Alex decided to ask what she meant by saying it won't do.

''Can I know what you meant by saying that?"

''Good, at least you didn't choose to leave,'' Maria said with a smile.

''Hell, no, my determination isn't it that shallow,'' Alex shouted.

''Good. You will need it. Let me correct myself or I should I say let me continue what I meant to say. That won't do did not mean I'm rejecting you. It is just that I have a condition.'' Maria announced.

Alex was surprised. Condition? What condition? Let's hear her first.

167: Maria's Condition

Alex was surprised. Condition? What condition? Let's hear her first.

Nodding his head he asked. ''What kind of condition?"

''I'll become your woman only after you make Luna and Sakuya yours,'' Maria announced her condition with the most dazzling smile she ever put.

However, Alex was too preoccupied at the moment to appreciate it.

When he heard Maria's condition, there was a booming sound inside his head, his head turned dizzy. He was beyond surprised, no word could be used to describe what he was currently feeling. Just imagine that you gather your courage and asked a girl to become your girlfriend but this girl put forth the condition that she'd only accept if you accept to date her best friend, no if you manage to make her best friend yours. What your reaction would be?

Finally, Alex was able to calm down, he looked at Maria with an incredible look on his face.

''Tell me that you are joking?"

''Surely you jest. I'll never joke about something like that.'' Maria said.

Alex rubbed his head, having a hard time processing what she meant.

''So you are saying you'll only become my woman after I make Luna and Sakuya mine?"

He asked again just to be sure.

''Indeed. It's what I said.''

''Aren't you jealous? You are from Earth. From America where there's only monogamy and yet you are saying that you are ready to share your man with other women? Even if you are good sisters, you should think about your happiness first. What you are suggesting is pushing your man to have a Harem. Is it that what you want?" Alex lectured her before asking.

Maria was happy hearing Alex's lecture, she could feel his concern through his words, nonetheless, she had her reason for putting forth that condition. She decided to explain it.

''Indeed. We are from a monogamous society but we all know that it was just a facade. A man may have one legal wife at home, but it doesn't mean that he is faithful, he will have a lot of mistresses outside. Let's drop that matter. As you know we are not on Earth anymore. Here a polygamous relationship is accepted, no it's the norm. As the saying goes when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I think that this saying should be applied here. Besides you talked about thinking about my happiness, I agree with that, just that my happiness is tightly tied to their happiness. I'll be happy to have them beside me. Do not lecture me on whether or not I have taken into account their feelings, no need to concern yourself over such a thing. You only have to know that, sharing the same man with my sisters I'll gladly welcome it as I know them, I can con- no I meant we can get along with each other.''

Alex could swear that he almost hear a dangerous word there, however, he decided to think it as if it was his imagination, there was no way that the dignified Maria would say easy to control them.

While Alex was lost in thought, Maria dropped a bomb that left him sweating.

''It's good that you lectured me but aren't you playing the hypocrite here? I heard about your little date. What is her name again? Ah! I think it's Sera. Aren't you going after her? You are already planning about your little harem and yet you want to act like a saint hearing my condition.'' Maria said with a sarcastic smile.

Alex got punctured in the heart by numerous invisible arrows at the same time, if it was an anime he would be making giku giku sounds after being pierced through by those arrows.

'Who told her that? Ah! I remember it's must be Gracier's doing, so it was what the four talked about yesterday. That traitor. I'll spank her later.' Alex decided while outwardly he put on a smile, doing his best to not make a cramped face.

Elsewhere, Gracier who was reading a book felt goosebumps rising all over her body. She quickly scanned her surrounding, alas she found nothing. She attributed this to her imagination before she continued reading.

''What it is Little Lexa?" Luna closed the book she was reading and asked as she noticed Gracier unusual behavior.

''Ah, nothing. I just thought about something. It's nothing serious let continue reading.'' Gracier answered.

Luna nodded her head she reopened her book and started reading. She was wearing glasses that suit her well. Her beautiful face stands out more with the glasses.

By the way, she started to call Gracier little Lexa (Lexa from Alexandra.) Gracier did not seem against this nickname, she was rather pleased with it.

~Back to Alex's Location.

Maria was looking at Alex with an 'I dare you to refute my word. kind of face.

Finally unable to endure it any longer Alex admitted defeat.

''You win. I indeed plan to have multiple women.''

''Oh? And when are you planning to tell me this?" Maria asked with a sweet smile, yet to Alex that smile wasn't sweet at all.

''Well, aren't I'm telling you now?" Alex asked back.

Maria sighed, ''Forget it. What is your answer gonna be? Will you or,-"

''I accept.'' Alex cut Maria off and announced. He would be a fool not to accept such a juicy offer.

''Good, then it decided. I'm almost yours however to have access to the goods you must complete two tasks, namely Luna and Sakuya. My man must be great. Complete the assigned tasks and I'll be yours.'' Maria declared.

Alex was smiling, eyes filled with determination. He was already seeing a future where he slept in the same bed with the three sleeping beside him. He was completely unaware of the troubles he was going to go through just to get this girl.

''Oh! As the future head of the Harem. I ought to help my man. I suggest you start with Luna first.''

Hearing Maria's words Alex pondered for a moment before nodding his head, what she said does make sense, there was something unclear about Luna, he had that feeling that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Everything would be clear if he interacts with her. Alex set his first target as Luna. As her being the head of the Harem, Alex only chuckled not saying anything.

''Also concerning the asset you got. I'll gladly manage it for you. If you want that is, you can hire me.'' Maria suddenly suggested.

Alex was surprised, he looked at her as if sensing something she quickly announced.

''Don't worry. I promise that I don't have any nefarious ideas. I just want to help you manage as if have the feeling that this is not your forte. I swear upon my Gift that I'll never harm you, I will only think about what is good for you. If I ever go back on my words my soul shall perish.''

Alex was surprised by Maria's oath, it was not a joking matter, if she goes against what she said she would disappear forever, not being able to ever reincarnate.

Previously Alex did not say anything as he was pondering about something not because he thought that Maria's had a nefarious plan in her head when she suggested that. She must have a plan but that plan must take an account his wellbeing. As she had said, managing the Golden Nuggets was not something he was sure he could do. He decided to think about Maria's proposal later.

Sighing on how things have turned Alex said.

''I'll think about it. I will give you my answer later.''

''Good.'' Maria nodded her head, she was pleased with Alex's decision if he had immediately accepted she would have looked down on him, fortunately, something like that did not happen.

The two chatted for a while before Alex excused himself.

Soon as Alex left, Maria leaned against her chair and sighed softly before mumbling.

''I understood how you feel Lû. It seems that he doesn't even remember me. Hah! It was to be expected, we have only met once. Lû, I've already done what I can to help you. Do your best, be strong, and more importantly, stop running.''

She then turned her eyes toward the door as though she was able to see past it.

''Sakuya, don't know it is rude to spy on others when they are discussing?"

''Fufufu! It just to make sure that no harm befalls you, my princess.'' Sakuya who was outside of the private using the wind element to spy on their conversation appeared and sat across Maria while declaring with a smile.

'Bullshit.' Maria thought, however, she didn't say anything. She was too tired to deal with Sakuya.

''So, you are ready to share him? Are you sure about it? Others may snatch him away.''

''They can try if they want. As you heard it, I was not joking. I will only fully accept him if he managed to make you two his. Besides I'm helping you two. If not you stand no chance and you know it. If not for my condition, Luna aside, did you think that you have a chance? With that personality of yours? Are you sure he will still want you after knowing the truth about you?" Maria asked with a smile.

However, to Sakuya this smile looked demonic, she was defeated, she couldn't retort at all.

Maria smiled pleased with Sakuya's reaction, she stood up and left the private room, and before leaving she said.

''You know I have a complete grape of you two. Having you under me is a must. With us three who are the others to threaten our position?"

Leaving these words behind Maria departed.

Watching the leaving Maria's back, Sakuya sighed while mumbling, 'This woman is too cunning. Never get on her bad side. Ah! The dice have been cast. Fufufu! Let's wait and see. I can't wait to h- My bad I can't wait to see how you will conquer me.'

168: The Third Princess 1

Blue Haven Villa, Alex's chamber.

Laying on his bed Alex was lost in thoughts.

Suddenly, Silveria appeared,

''You appeared troubled master." She said.

''Indeed I am.''

''Fufufu! I was quite surprised when I heard Maria's. The three must-have talked about it beforehand, this is not her decision alone. Somehow, I can understand her, with her two friends she will have more power confronting the others rivals. Become how outstanding you are, you'll become, you're bound to attract lots of women around you, it will be foolish for only one woman to think about monopolizing you. She understood this fact, reason why she is building her faction, sisters she can count on later. This is my hypothesis, though.'' Silveria explained.

''I see. It doesn't matter, as I agreed upon I'll start with Luna, I have the feeling that we knew each other, however, no matter how hard I've tried it seems I can't remember where and when. Let's find while we will be on a date.'' Alex decided.

''Eager aren't we? Already planning your date. It's almost like you've been waiting for this. Well, who can blame you if you consider how beautiful Luna is. Ah! That fellow is sure interesting, he had foreseen that you two would end up together, you didn't accept yet now.'' Silveria said while looking at Alex with a smile.

''Ugh! It's his wins.'' Alex said dejected, he wasn't expecting Maria's Condition, even so, he couldn't decline it just for the sake of gaining an SS grade armor.

Silveria only smiled not saying anything.

''I will go visit the Golden Nuggets later, I'll change the name.'' Alex decided before closing his eyes, he decided to take an afternoon nap.

Silveria left the room to let her master sleep.


Evening came.

Just as Alex woke up, someone came to the villa, it was a messenger.

''Evening Mr. Alexander. I came to invite you, my mistress wishes to see you.'' the messenger said after bowing his head.

''May I know who's your mistress?" Alex asked, Gracier and Silveria were also interested.

''The third princess. Her Highness wishes to see you. It's for an escort mission, as for the details you will ask her Highness.'' the messenger responded.

Alex exchanged glances with Gracier and Silveria, the three were surprised. It was said that the princess rarely goes out, she doesn't like to interact with others, even when all her other siblings were competing for the throne, she did not make any move, she didn't appear at the banquet, meaning she hadn't seen Alex fight and yet she was inviting him. Alex could not help but wonder why.

Sighing he decided to go, Gracier wanted to accompany him, however, Alex refused.

''Lead the way,'' Alex ordered.

The messenger bowed before with Alex they left. Instead of using a carriage, they used a teleportation circle to appear inside what seemed to be a mansion.

''This way.'' the messenger said before starting to walk forward. Alex followed after him, jars and paintings were displayed in the passage they were taking. He was curiously looking at the items that decorated the passageway.

After 10 minutes, a door with exquisite carvings came into view.

And when the two people arrived at the door, the messenger knocked on the wall beside the door with a door knocker.

''Come in.'' a woman's voice could be heard.

''Please excuse me.''

Hearing those words, the messenger reached out for the door. He grabbed the handle but touched as little of the carvings as possible as he opened the door.

''Your Highness, I've brought Mr. Alexander, the D Rank Adventurer for the matter about the nominated request.''

'So it's because of a nominated request?' Alex thought. D Rank Adventurer can start receiving a nominated request from clients who wish to employ them.

''Mm, it's been hard work for you. I've been waiting. Well, come in.'' it was the same voice who spoke earlier.

Hearing this from inside, Alex entered the room as prompted by the messenger.


And the moment he stepped foot into the room. He heard a sharp sound and felt blood lust to his side. He immediately kicked against the ground, jumped forward, and rolled. After rolling once on the floor, he reflexively took out Reaper from the item box and readied it.

In front of Alex was a person wearing silver armor, this person's head was also covered in a metal helmet. Alex's eyes were attracted to the sword in that person's hand. It was giving the same vibe as Golfak's sword, it was to say this sword was like Golfak's sword, a magic sword, however, the grade of this magic sword was higher than Golfak's magic sword.

Alex disappeared to reappears in front of the person in the silver armor, he slashed toward the person in the silver armor neck, however, the blow was intercepted by the Magic sword.


Expecting this outcome, Alex used his leg like a whip and struck the person in the silver armor. This move was unexpected so, the person in the silver armor couldn't avoid it, hence got blasted away. This person grunted in pain.


''A woman?" Alex exclaimed because it was a woman's voice coming from the other side of the helmet.

Even after knowing that the other party was a woman Alex did not stop, he kicked the ground and appeared in front of the woman in silver armor.

Seeing the silver blade coming towards her face at fast speed, even though she knew she was wearing a helmet, the woman in silver armor shivered, she quickly jumped back to evade it.


The silver knife passed in front of her by a few cm away. It made a sharp sound as if tearing space apart as it cut through the air. The assailant broke out in cold sweat inside her helmet.

(Impossible, I'm being easily handled like this? I bet it's because I'm not using my full power. I refuse to believe I can't beat him.)

When meeting with a person that exceeded one's imagination, most people would either choose to fight them or receive them nicely. In other words, their mind would either move to eliminate the existence or build an amicable relationship to obtain protection. And this woman immediately selected the former. No, she had even forgotten the reason why she had attacked Alex because her pride was hurt, Alex did not give her the time to attack, so she was frustrated.

(I'll use my Gift and show him.)

While the woman in the silver armor was decided what to do, Alex was finally able to understand why he was attacked. It was some kind of test because he was going to escort the third princess, as to where he had no idea.

The other party must have decided to test him to see what he was capable of, nobody was going to assign you an escort mission if you don't have the power to protect your escort.

(Testing my skill as an it. Then maybe this woman is an attendant of the Third Princess or something.)

Even after knowing the reason why he was attacked, Alex was a little bit pissed off. He decided to teach the other party a lesson, at the same time showing some of his skills.

''Here I come,'' Alex mumbled.

Shortly after saying that, Alex kicked against the ground and closed the distance to the woman.

As for the woman in the silver armor, she smiled before shouting.

''Take this.''

With a sharp cry, the woman in the silver armor thrust forward with the sword in her hand. As she usually used a spear (her Gift is a spear), the speed and power were different. However, the sword thrust still carried a decent amount of power.

Alex avoided the thrust at his face by moving his neck slightly.

''Not yet!'' she shouted.

The blade that had shot forth returned to the woman in the silver armor in an instant.

And In a flash, one, two, and three stabs were sent out. Alex narrowed the distance while avoiding the attacks with the minimum amount of movement. He was smiling, he was excited.

〖Again, he started with this smile again.〗

Silveria mumbled exasperated when she saw Alex's smile, he was enjoying the fight.

(This man must be at least Rank 7. Impressive, however, you're bound to lose.)

The woman wearing the silver armor commented.

Suddenly, she threw her sword at Alex, Alex who was planning to attack her stopped and shifted his position a little bit on the opposite side to avoid the sword.

Just as he was about to counter-attack, he was surprised because he felt a sudden gravity, shocked he looked in front of him to see the woman in the silver armor holding a two meters long earthen spear, he knew that it was her Gift and from the gravity, he was feeling, she must possess the Earth element.

The woman in the silver armor was pleased seeing Alex's reaction.


With a sharp cry, she sent five consecutive thrusts at Alex, her attacks were fast, coupled with the use of gravity magic she was sure of Alex's defeat, how wrong she was.

Silveria in her world could not help but chuckle when she saw that the woman in the silver armor seemed sure of her victory.

Next, something incomprehensible happened. Alex who should be frozen under her gravity (200 kg) moved, he dodged the five consecutive thrusts as if there were nothing.

''What?" Facing such an incomprehensible feat, the woman in the silver armor exclaimed.

Alex vanished from her sight when he reappeared in front of her, he punched her in the stomach.


She was blown away crashing against the sofa, destroying it. Alex appeared in front of her his right leg raised high, he was planning to finish her by bringing down his leg, however, he was stopped by a sudden voice.

''That's enough. It's Alexander's victory.''

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