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25.88% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 124: 131-140

Chapter 124: 131-140

131: The Sliver-haired Maiden 1

When Alex, Gracier, and Eleonora were fighting against the two-headed mutated ogre in another location far from their location was Conrad, he was fighting against the demon both were gravely injured. No matter what Conrad did the demon refused to let him go rescue Alex and others.

Not being able to escape no matter what, the two continued to fight while Conrad was hoping for Leena to quickly come.

It happened the moment when Alex and Eleonora were blasted away after receiving the monster's kick, Leena just arrived at the previous location where Conrad had fought the demon, stopping for a moment, her expression suddenly changed as if she had noticed something.

''No good.'' She said looking in Alex's location. She could have come sooner but to be able to do that she would have to unseal her full power however by doing such a thing, the afterward would be disastrous as now wasn't the time for her to make an entrance, reason why she instructed Conrad to help the Alex and others, especially the siblings before she'd come.

However not everything goes as she hoped, the siblings were in danger. There was currently thirty kilometers of distance between her and Alex, however, she knew she would be able to arrive in time therefore she moved toward the siblings at an extremely fast speed.


Back to Alex's and others' location.

As Alex finally lose consciousness, the two-headed mutated ogre was slowly walking toward him, he decided to finish Alex before moving to the other two unaware of the incoming crisis, the monster was too focused on the excitement he would feel as he kills the three.

Meanwhile, in another dimension shrouded entirely in darkness, a maiden dressed in a white robe, her face was shrouded by a black mist therefore it was not possible to see her features, however, her beautiful long silver hair could be seen.

Currently, this silver-haired maiden was chained against a black throne by a bunch of black chains that was slowly breaking apart.

At the moment the silver-haired maiden was shouting at someone.

''Big sister please help.''

Nobody responded to the maiden's shout.

Unbothered, the silver-haired maiden continued shouting.

''Big sister please help him or else it will be too late.''

Still, no response.

Suddenly, the silver-haired maiden became furious and a powerful aura was released from her body that shook the whole space and breaking numerous chains in the process, however, there was still one black chain that stubbornly refused to break, this chain was peculiar with a shimmering black lock.

''*******, do not make me angry. Stop being stubborn and move. I know the consequence you'll suffer if you choose to intervene, even so, it's not a reason not to move. You know I can't move because I'm using the little bit of energy I have to repair his body.''

Indeed as the silver-haired maiden had said, she was sending strands of silver energy into Alex's body to repair the damaged tissues, the backlash from using Overdrive and Alex's injuries when they were blasted back was truly severe.

''So, move I won't ask you again. Do not move if you want, however, I will never speak to you again. Both you and I know that I have never spoken empty words. Try me if you want.''

As the silver-haired maiden said this, she calmed down and started sending more energy inside Alex's body, repairing his damaged tissues and mending his broken bones.

Silence hung in the air for a couple of seconds before suddenly a sigh could be heard before everything disappeared.

Back to Alex's location.

Only a few seconds passed in reality, the two-headed mutated ogre was still slowly walking towards Alex.

When suddenly Alex who should be laying on the ground abruptly stood up startling the incoming monster.

Alex previously shut eyes opened however instead of his usual green eyes, his current eyes were blue, bone-chilling blue.

The moment Alex opened his eyes, time stopped radius fifty kilometers, every beings present felt a suffocating pressure descending upon them, they felt like they were in presence of the Death God.

On her way toward Alex and Gracier, Leena stopped, no she was forced to stop, her eyes were wide open feeling this pressure, considering how powerful she is, she was beyond surprised that even she couldn't move, not even lift a finger. Even though she was interested in the being who could even make a strong person such as her stop moving, she knew when better not to probe, curiosity kills the cat after all.

Inwardly sighing she decided to go check on Conrad whose presence she felt not too far from here. With someone so powerful near the boy, nothing bad could happen.


Back to Alex's location.

The two-headed mutated ogre was trembling, he felt like an ant under those deadly blue eyes devoid of any emotions. Even when that hateful demon with purple eyes subdued him after a good beating he hasn't felt so scared as he is currently. He felt like no matter what he would do he would end up dying, death was the only solution awaiting him and he didn't have any say in the matter.

Suddenly, time restarted to normally work because Alex had closed his eyes and glanced at Gracier for a moment, then moved on to Eleonora. He stopped on Eleonora for a moment.

On the other side the two-headed mutated ogre felt like he was being looked down upon, he had forgotten about his early fear that left him trembling, only rage and humiliation were the emotions he was currently feeling.

Even though it is an intelligent monster, his intelligence was limited even before rage and pride clouded his judgment, if it was a human who was in his shoes he would have fled the moment everything restarted working unfortunately it was not a human but a monster.


Roaring the two-headed mutated ogre charged at Alex like a maddened bull, he finally couldn't take it anymore as Alex kept ignoring him only staring at the unconscious Eleonora with his eyes still closed.

Finally, Alex turned his head in direction of the incoming monster, his eyes were still closed and for the first time since he stood up, he spoke.

''Too noisy.''

However, it was not a man voice that came out of Alex's mouth, instead, it was a woman's voice, an extremely cold voice that could freeze one's bones, a voice devoid of any emotions.

The incoming monster froze for a moment when he heard the voice coming from Alex's mouth, confusion was shown on his face however it quickly disappeared as it came, the monster continued his mad dash with his club raised high.

Sighing, Alex directed his unarmed hand at the incoming monster and a black gun suddenly materialized inside his hand.

Once again the monster was surprised, however, even so, he sneered at he was sure that this unusual object even though different from the silver one could not harm him in the slightest.


The black gun in Alex's hand fired, the sneer on the monster froze as life slowly left his eyes after the bullet which was so fast that it was invisible to naked eyes went inside his body not even leaving an injury behind. On his final moments, the two headed mutated ogre regretted not fleeing when he could have.


The monster's lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud sound.

On the other side, Alex still has his eyes closed, suddenly his complexion paled, he puked mouthful of blood, staggering he almost falls.

''Weak.'' he (she) muttered in an emotionless tone before the black gun disappeared and was replaced by Silveria.

Aiming Silveria at the monster albeit with a little bit of difficulty, the person controlling Alex's body fired a red bullet at the dead monster.


Then something astonishing happened, the monster's body transformed into a red smoke that entered Alex's body.

And it the place where the monster was previously laying on, twenty small objects, a mix of blue and red appeared.

Flicking his fingers, those twenty small objects disappeared.

Giving Gracier one final glance, Alex slowly slumped toward the ground like a puppet whose string had been cut.

Suddenly, just as Alex's body touched the ground, a figure manifested near him.

132: The Sliver-haired Maiden 2

It happened the moment when Alex (the person who was controlling his unconscious body) closed his eyes and everything restarted working normally, Leena had flashed next to the still surprised demon (surprised by what happened) and gave him a hard chop and the back of his head.


The demon got pummelled to the ground and lost consciousness.

Conrad's eyes widened so much that they were almost out of their socket, first it was time that stopped freezing everything, but just as everything restarted working it was Leena's turn to appear like a ghost and insta KO-ed the demon.

''What are you acting surprised for? Quickly drink a Healing and go check on the others. Bring them back to the city once you found all of them.''

Leaving these words behind Leena disappeared with the unconscious demon.

''I understand.''

By the time Conrad replied Leena was already gone, Conrad couldn't only smile bitterly, drinking a healing potion and a recovery potion before sprinting in Meera's direction.


Back to Alex's location.

Just as Alex's body falls to the ground. Someone manifested near him.

It was a girl dressed in a one-piece robe, her age was around 18 years old, she had beautiful silver hair, height around 1,68 m (5.51 feet.). The silver-haired girl possesses a beautiful face, the one that seemed to be created by the Gods themselves, her eyes were silver same as her hair. This beautiful girl was barefooted, her beautiful white small feet were visible.

''Thank you, Big sister.'' the silver-haired maiden said.

If Alex was awake he would have identified this voice, it was that annoying voice that often teased him, it was Silveria's voice.

Silveria crouched down to check Alex's overalls condition, his complexion was paler, however currently something magical was happening, Alex's injuries were slowly healing themselves. Yet, his left arm was still bent at an unnatural angle.

Silveria heaved a sigh before flicking her fingers.


Alex's arm who was bent unnaturally was back into place. Even though Alex was unconscious, his body still feels the pain, his body trembled, his eyelids twitched when Silveria repaired his broken arm. Little bit by a little Alex's complexion started to regain its usual color.

Caressing Alex's face, Silveria muttered,

''Didn't I promised it that you will not die? I always honor my promise. Sleep well, my dear Master, Silveria is here to watch over you. And thank you.''

By the time she said the last part she was already standing and while thanking Alex she slightly bowed her head. The expression on her face was sincere. Usually, she may appear like she was messing with Alex but it was not completely the case, one's part was because it was fun to tease Alex, the other part was because some restrictions having been put on them not say some things they shouldn't before it was the time.

More importantly, she may call Alex her master but she didn't acknowledge him as one until recently as things started changing. They have their pride, after all, they will not immediately acknowledge anybody as their master without being sure of this person's personality and potential. Even though Alex's potential couldn't be compared to their former master's, it was still higher than his peers' potential.

Silveria and others were not simple sentient weapons, they are not a robot that would blindly follow their master every whim. They have personalities, they could think by themselves, only after a complete acknowledgment will their master have complete control over them, even so, they are still some restrictions.

And more importantly Silveria and other's real origins went back to the creation of the first world: The Original world. They were one of the Original races, therefore prideful to begin with, even before that tragedy happened. As for what happened, it was a story of another time.

~Back to reality.

Silveria disappeared to reappears next to Gracier who was unconscious with a bleeding head, her breathing was erratic, there was a small bump on her forehead, crouching down Silveria send strands of silver energy inside Gracier's body treating her injuries, soon the bump on her head disappeared and her complexion became rosy, her breathing became normal and she started sleeping.

As she watches Gracier sleeping without a care in the world, Silveria couldn't help but chuckle as she moved away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and she said, ''How cute. I'm envious of master to have such a cute little sister.''

[Oh? Don't you also have a sister? Well, in your case it's your Big sister.]

Suddenly, someone said to Silveria, the voice was directly transmitted to her head. Smiling Silveria responded, ''It's little Ignia.''

[Only you can call me little Ignia. I wonder where I'm little? I have the perfect body unlike some-]

''I dare you to continue,'' Silveria said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Even from her flame dimension, Ignia could feel a chill running down her spine, she didn't dare to continue because it was Silveria's taboo, they all know that. Even though she was a Goddess class beauty, in the breast department she was a bit lacking, only B cup. Compared to others and more importantly her sister she was lacking, thus it became her complex and taboo.

''Well, I've indeed a sister but she's like an iceberg. Hard to tell what she is thinking. If I could trade that emotionless doll with little Alexandra, I will gladly do it.'' Silveria said.

[It's not for me to say this but are you sure you should be saying these words so openly? Those words are better not to be uttered. If she heard you, hell await you.] Ignia warned Silveria, the latter started sweating.

Eyes darting left and right she said in a not so sure tone, ''Don't worry, she won't hear anything. She's too busy at the moment to even care.''

[I hope so.] Ignia said while doing her best not to remember those blue eyes that look at you as if you are nothing, that makes you feel like you could die at any moment.

[It's good that you are now out. How envious.] Ignia said, changing the subject.

''Yeah, however, they are still few seals inside my body,'' Silveria said before lifting Gracier and carry her toward Alex.

As for Eleonora, she had disappeared awhile ago, someone dressed in Butler clothes came and picked up, before leaving this person bowed to Silveria. Because that person had not shown any hostility and because this person was working for Eleonora or someone related to her, Silveria let them go considering what Eleonora had done.

[Yeah, I can sense them. We have all seals placed upon us, however, for you two it was different because of how powerful you are and because of the other reason. Forget it, do you think that those things seals are broken now? I asked because I sensed their presence in this world, even it was extremely weak. I can't be mistaken.]

To Ignia's words, Silveria stopped walking.

''We both sensed it. Let's not dwell on this matter, for now, we better concentrate on making our host stronger for the incoming calamity. It may be extremely far by eventually it will come because for us to reappear again mean nothing good, they are about to come back again.''

After speaking she restarted walking forward until she finally stopped in front of Alex, laying Gracier beside her brother, Silveria couldn't help but sigh as she knew what awaits the two in the future.

[Let's do our best and make things different this time.] Ignia said she was talking about not only the three present here but to every other who were not present here.

133: Their First Meeting

After placing Gracier near Alex, Silveria created a white chair which she used to sit on, crossing her legs she patiently waited.

[I say, why are you idling here instead of going back? You know those two needed rest.] Ignia asked after a long moment of silence.

''Oh?! Don't worry I'm not idling I'm waiting for that little girl to come over. The one using the name Leena.''

Hearing Silveria's explanation, Ignia finally understood that she was waiting for someone and as for why she was clueless, hence her next question.

[I see, however even If I found her interesting with big potential, I don't understand why you would wait for her here. Is there a particular reason?]

''Reason you ask? Indeed there's a reason. I forget that you can't use your sense as I can therefore you won't know. The little girl is coming back with something interesting. Even if I have my little idea of what going on, I need confirmation and that little girl is bringing me that confirmation. You may sleep all time to replenish your energy to work on the seals but I know you saw what happened to those two. Aren't you wondering why that monster seemed to be especially targeting our hosts?"

Silveria ended her explanation with a question.

[Naturally, I asked myself this. However, I couldn't find the answer as I'm missing some pieces of the puzzle.] Ignia responded.

''The missing pieces are about to come together once that girl brings what she caught with her.''

[I shall wait then.] Ignia said silence descended as none of them continued speaking.

In her flame dimension Ignia was meditating while some strands of red energy were sent to Gracier body, strengthening her body for the sole purpose of increasing her magic reservoir, the more MP she'll have the more powerful skills (spells) she could cast. And also to strengthen Gracier's body, Mage's body is weak after all, if a swordsman bypasses their spells and arrives in front of a mage it was a checkmate, however, a powerful body (e.i Defense) can survive close combat for a moment before the Mage complete the next spell.

Outside Silveria whose eyes were closed suddenly opened them and stared at Gracier, she saw Ignia's flame essences slowly strengthening Gracier's body.

''You are sure generous,'' Silveria said with a smile on her lips because she knew how precious those things are.

[You are being sarcastic here. I'm not the one that gift skills like candy, though. You gave the boy two of your divine abilities, if I remember correctly it's Divine Sense and Accel, even that Danger Sense's skill was your doing. I'm poor, I can only do this much.] Ignia responded while continuing to do her job.

Silveria's lips twitched when she heard Ignia mentioned how poor she's.

''Touché. However, I don't give one of my eyes like it's nothing.'' Silveria counterattacked.

[Ugh! I didn't have a choice. It would have been unfair if I haven't done that. Besides, the boy a-]

''Finally, she's here.'' Silveria cut Ignia mid-sentence and announced.

Indeed as she said, Leena appeared with the unconscious demon floating not too far from her.

Stopping thirty meters from the silver-haired girl whose beauty was out of this world, Leena cautiously stared at the mysterious girl whose presence she couldn't feel even this close.

The girl didn't emit anything as if she was a simple mortal which was strange considering what happened earlier, a simple mortal couldn't do that.

''Welcome, I was waiting for your arrival, ********," Silveria said still sitting one leg crossed over another.

Immediately as she heard Silveria's words, Leena loses her cool and released powerful energy and killing intent that makes the surrounding space quake, the poor demon was flung away like a ragdoll destroying few trees in the process.

Flicking her fingers, Silveria created a barrier around Alex and Gracier to shield them before saying in an amused tone, ''So, you can also lose your cool? Interesting, however, you should keep your calm or else some people may take notice of, Well, you know what I'm talking about anyway.''

Seeing the silver-haired girl talk so nonchalantly as she was not the one at fault, Leena calmed down, hearing words she was not expecting she momentarily lost her cool and acted in a way normally she would never do.

Even before they started talking she had already lost the initiative as the other party said that word. She knew that she could regain the initiative anymore, hence,

Taking a deep breath, Leena asked, ''Who are you and what do you want?"

''Little Leena no need to act so cold,'' Silveria said with an amused grin on her face.

Even when she was being called Little Leena, Leena was unfazed, her expression didn't change as she kept staring at Silveria waiting for the latter answer.

Pouting as if to say, you are not fun at all, Silveria said.

''Alexander is my master.''

Leena's eyes widened when she heard this, she alternatively glanced between the unconscious Alex then at Silveria for a moment while inwardly thinking how Alex could have someone so powerful and she had never heard about. She had never sensed this girl's presence even when she probed Alex.

So, where did this mysterious and powerful girl popped from? Considering that Alex was otherworlder, the hypothesis of this girl being his ancestor, no protector can be ruled out. Besides, the girl said Alex was her master, how can someone so powerful be a weakling (considering his current level) servant? It doesn't make any sense unless-

Thinking of a certain possibility, Leena's eyes widened again for the second time since her arrival, she stared at Silveria's not daring to believe her assumption, she had never heard of something like that.

Having been observing Leena as she was lost in thoughts, Silveria couldn't help but smile as she saw her reaction that indicates that she concluded something, however, she dared not to believe it.

Silveria finds her reaction entertaining therefore she said, ''Indeed it's as you think. I'm what you are thinking am I.''

''Eh?" Leena exclaimed mouth agape as she heard Silveria's confirmation.

''Fufufu, that's some nice reaction you have there,'' Silveria said amused before, her expression turned solemn all sudden and she said.

''As for my goal, it's pretty simple, it's to ensure my master's wellbeing. I hope you are not planning to use my master and discard him? I hope you not plotting something harmful in his back? That you'll not betray him? Not drag in into something that will cost his life?'' She stopped there before continuing, however this time she released a powerful killing intent that was so dense that it was materialized into a world of slaughter full of corpses. Leena didn't even want to know how many people or monsters she'd killed to possesses this kind of killing intent that could twist reality.

''I do hope, you will not harm him, not scheme against him, not put him into a dangerous situation or else I swear I'll obliterate you alongside those dear to you. And do not doubt my words, you know how powerful am I, you have felt it earlier. Freezing everything radius fifty kilometers is one fraction of what I can do, and I do hope you'll never do something that would warrant me using my full power.''

Leena unconsciously nodded her head, she felt scared, something she had not felt since that battle a long time ago. This girl was giving her a dangerous vibe not different from that monster.

Meanwhile, Ignia who was meditating in her flame dimension fell into the hot lava beneath her as she heard Silveria's shameless words, swimming back up, she asked.

[I say, Silveria, is shamelessness contagious?]

'I don't know what you are talking about.'

Silveria answered, acting innocently.

Ignia facepalmed.

[Indeed, it's contagious. For you claim another person's achievement as yours even without a change in your voice, it was so natural that if I didn't know the truth I would have fallen for it. Truly shameless, acting all mighty when-]

'Shut up little Ignia. Even if I lied, it was not false. Even though it was not me, it was my Big sister who did it, it doesn't change anything because the little girl doesn't know about it. So shut up and let me pl- do my job.' Silveria shouted at Ignia in her mind.

[You never change, do you? Aren't you planning to say let me play?] Ignia asked.

'I dunno what you are talking about.' Silveria said refusing to acknowledge that she was trying to say that.

[Whatever] Ignia said before restarting her to meditate as she sent more flame essences into Gracier's body. Gracier's hair became redder, her physical was getting strengthened.

~Back to Leena.

She had managed to calm down, looking directly at Silveria in the eyes she spoke.

''I promise not to scheme against him, not to betray him. As I said to even himself, I have been waiting for him. A long time ago an oracle predicted the arrival of Otherworlders and among them would be a person that could help us. I wouldn't deny that what I need him for is dangerous but it's not like he will be the only one participating, I'll also participate alongside numerous other individuals.''

Leena stopped and observed Silveria who was still coldly staring at her.

Sighing, Leena continued.

''It won't happen too soon, in the meantime, I'll help him grow and shelter him. He's essential for what is about to happen, after all, it won't work without him so I'll gain nothing if I'm on his bad side, you don't have to worry, even without your warning I've never planned to harm. If I were to do, all I believe in, all have sacrificed to come this far would be for naught, I'm not that foolish.''

After saying that Leena waited for Silveria's reply, however, only silence answered her, glancing at Silveria she was astonished when suddenly the latter vanished and reappeared in front of her with a smile on her lips.

''You pass.'' She said.

134: Girl's Talk 2

Even when Leena heard Silveria's words she did not immediately register them as she was thinking about how fast can this girl switch expressions, one moment she was smiling the next moment she turns into an Asura, then again into a smiling angel. Which one is her real self?

Leena wondered before inwardly shaking her head, moving on to the next thing that left her astonished, it was the move used by Silveria, that movement skill was similar to the one used by Alex, however, this one was more refined.

One should know that Leena even when conversing with Silveria, she was on a full alert, her senses were stretched to the limit, nothing radius of Five kilometers (3,107 miles) could be able to escape her see sights, and yet she didn't notice when Silveria moved, she disappeared and reappears in front of her, only at that moment she noticed, this couldn't help but leave her bewildered.

''Like I said you passed my test.'' Silveria reiterated however Leena was too lost in her thoughts to answer her.

Pouting Silveria who was floating in the air in front of Leena because of the height difference, Leena's height (1.72m (5.64 ft)) 4 centimeters more than Silveria, therefore Silveria floated to be at eye's level with her.

Finally, Leena took a step back as she came back to herself.

''What?" She asked in confusion.

''I said you passed my test as I detected no falseness in what you said. Know that it's impossible to lie to me. If what you've said had been a lie we wouldn't be having such a nice chat.''

To Silveria's words Leena nodded before smiling, she finally understood what Silveria meant.

''I'm Silveria by the way.'' Silveria introduced herself while stretching her hand.

Leena immediately took it and said, ''I'm ********, but you already know that. You can call me Leena instead.''

Leena also introduced herself with a smile. After the introduction, they distanced themselves from each other when suddenly Silveria who was returning to sit on her chair stopped and said.

''On the behalf of my master, thank you for all the help you have provided. My master may appear dumb but he is intelligent and knows what you've been doing for him. Continue providing your help but do not overdo it, if he's too sheltered it won't do him any good.'' Silveria said.

''Indeed, it's why I never do more than I should. Once in the capital, I'll only lend him my name, as for the others troubles, he would have to fend them off by himself.'' Leena explained.

Nodding her head as she was pleased with Leena's decision Silveria suddenly said with a mysterious smile on her lips.

''I'm liking you more and more. Why not become Alex's woman? With a woman like you beside him, it would greatly help him. It will make him whole if not perfect.''

To Silveria's words, Leena smiled mysteriously in turn before answering. ''I think I'll pass. At the moment I'm not interested in a romance. I have things I must accomplish. Besides, he has work to do, others women are waiting to be conquered by him. If he doesn't manage to get those then there's no way he will get the final boss.''

''Oho? So you consider yourself as the final boss?" Silveria asked amused.

Leena only shrugged her shoulders not saying anything. Silveria smiled as she asked,

''So, you don't mind him having another woman?"

''Why would I? A strong man will have three to four women testimony to his strength. Besides I'm not his woman, to begin with.''

Hearing Leena's last words Silveria immediately counterattacked, ''But you gonna be soon.''

''Fufufu! I doubt it. You can try me if you want.'' Leena answered arms crossed, her eyes were filled with confidence, confidence in herself.

''I'll take the challenge then,'' Silveria announced proudly lifting her chest.

[Don't talk like it would be you conquering her.] Ignia chime in and said.

'Shut up. My master's honor is at stake here. I must not cower. He would be proud of me if he knew.'

[There will come a day, that boy will spank you for all you have done. You're just doing this because you feel it would be fun.]

Silveria ignored Ignia's words and focused on Leena, the two stared at each other for a moment, sparks fly in the air as the two gazes clashed to determine who was the winner, unfortunately, it ended in a draw.

''You know, At the start seeing concentrating only on becoming stronger it came a time when I even asked myself if he doesn't have a problem. However, recently he showed a side I'm pleased with, his target is well chosen. That boy, if I don't know I swear I would have said that he chose that girl intentionally. Do you know something?" Leena asked when she remembered her latest information. Alex's timing seemed perfect as if he had chosen that time to strike. What if it was true?

Leena observed Silveria's expression to see what she thinks, however, Silveria's expression showed that she didn't understand Leena's question.

Sighing Leena continued, ''It's a good thing. He wants to be the strongest, to be truly the strongest he will need to be surrounded by strong individuals, having one or two strong women whose potentials are not less than his it's a must. It would boost his overall strength people will think twice before making move on him. It's what I think.''

''I also share the same thought. And if I'm not wrong, my master thinks the same thing.'' Silveria affirmed.

''It's good. I will see how he will fare in the capital. Fufufu! I can't wait and see how he will pass my test that is about to come. Will he cower or will he." Leena stopped talking until there as she kept smiling.

''Oh? I'm interested in this test thing. Care to share it? From woman to woman. From sister to sister. Sisters must share everything.'' Silveria said shamelessly.

Leena's lips twitched when she heard Silveria's words, since when did we become sisters? She had the impulse to ask this. However, she refrained from asking.

''Sorry, I'm not sharing. You'll tell him if I do.'' Leena said refusing Silveria's suggestion.

Pouting Silveria said with her arms crossed, she looked elsewhere refusing to look at Leena any longer, ''Petty.''

'Are you a kid?' Leena wondered as she finds Silveria's reaction somehow cute. However, she didn't dare to voice this out.

[I say, you two. It's good that you are fraternizing very well but aren't you forgetting something more important here?] Finally, Ignia couldn't take any longer as the two kept talking nonstop forgetting something essential, the demon.

Finally aware that they have been lost in the discussion as to have totally forgotten about the demon, Silveria said. ''Opsie! My bad, I forgot about the gift you bring to us.''

Leena was confused at first hearing Silveria's words.

''Gift? Us?" She asked.

''No, I'm meant me. As for the gift I'm talking about that thing that looks like a worm over there.'' Silveria corrected herself as she had included Ignia in us she said earlier. She pointed her finger in a certain direction, over there was something that looks like a worm crawling.

However, it was not a worm but instead the demon caught by Leena. Because he had been blown away into the distance and because he was tightly bound, he could not escape using his legs, he could only crawl, his magic power seemed to have been sealed by the rope binding him, because Leena had removed all he could use to kill himself and even preventing him from accidentally biting his tongue, the demon decided to crawl away in despair, hoping to somehow escape those two monsters who were busy chatting.

However, just he was about to gain a little bit of distance from those two, he heard the grim reaper voice (from his perspective).

''Little worm where do you think you are going? Did I permitted you to crawl away?" Silveria asked.

Even though some may find this voice beautiful and soothing currently, the demon felt like it was the voice of the Death God who was about to decide on his fate, earlier he experienced the girl killing intent, he was so scared that he almost peed in his pants. Even that person back home wasn't this scary, he had never thought he would one day be afraid of someone other than that monster.

Earlier he had overhead a little bit of their conversation, knowing that the girl who just spoke introduced herself as their target servant filled him with despair.

Who was the fool that thought that there could eliminate the targets without an issue? If he could go back, he would have slapped that person to death, an easy job they said. Nothing gonna happen with the AA monster they said. What a bunches of bullshits those words were. If only he could go back, he would have never accepted this mission, alas there was no if in this world. You suffer the consequence of your actions, the demon couldn't help but smile bitterly thinking that however, what brought him a little bit of relief was that he knew that hell was about to break loose on the real culprits, knowing this brought smile upon his lips.

''I'll be going. See you in hell.'' the demon murmured in the direction of his soon to be hell's mates as he was brought toward the two smiling Demons (from his perspective).

He prayed not to suffer too much because he knew what awaits in those two hands.

135: The Interrogation 1

After Silveria flicked her fingers, the demon was brought toward them.

Finally, the demon was able to see their faces, because back then Leena had appeared like a ghost behind him and insta KO-ed him he was not able to see her features and now that he was able to have a look at her face, she was indeed a beauty, however, her beauty was lacking compared to the silver-haired maiden on the left, if Leena's beauty was comparable to top-grade mortal beauty than Silveria's beauty was on another level, she transcends the mortal realm to stand at the God realm, she was like a Goddess.

However, she was the most dangerous among the two, the demon was more afraid of her than the elf lady.

''Let's start the fu- I mean interrogation.'' Silveria started talking but corrected herself midway.

Both Leena and the demon rolled their eyes as they knew that she was planning to say fun instead of an interrogation.

''Torture me all you want. I won't say anything.'' the demon announced acting tough.

''Well, I knew you would say some cliché line. However, you don't have to worry, they all said that but in the end they spill everything they know, believe me.'' Silveria said while wearing a wicked grin on her lips, the demon shuddered when he saw this.

As Silveria was about to start her interrogation she was stopped by Leena who approached her and whispered something into her ear.

''I see. However, we don't know know if what that demon said before dying was true. We must interrogate this one first to hear his story. His version plus the one you've heard will help us understand more what's going on.''

''Indeed.'' Leena nodded her head at Silveria's words.

Meanwhile, as the two were talking, the demon overhead them, especially the part where Silveria said the other demon was killed, even though he was expecting this outcome, somehow he had hoped that the other demon, the leader of this mission to be alive to go tell their leaders to better rethink twice before making another move, unfortunately, the other demon was slain probably alongside the other demons they have brought, this mission was a total failure.

''Let's start shall we?" Silveria said before scanning the demon's body, the latter shuddered as he felt naked in front of these silver eyes.

Smirking Silveria flicked her fingers and a silver small ball was created and launched at the demon, being tied up the demon could only helplessly watch as the small silver ball entered his body, however, the pain he thought would feel never came, bewildered he asked.

''What did you do to me?"

''That? Well, you will find out soon enough.''

Silveria said not going into the details, even though Leena who was standing beside her was also interested, she decided not to ask because she knew she'd get the answer soon.

Flicking her fingers once more, a silver light manifested into Silveria's hand, this time it was not a ball instead the silver light transformed into a small sliver lighting dragon (Eastern type).

Leena and the demon were both surprised as they had never heard about silver lightning before, it was their first time seeing something like this.

Suddenly, the small silver lightning dragon disappeared, and when it reappeared it was already in front of the demon's chest.


The small silver lightning dragon entered the demon's body through his chest when abruptly the demon's whole body became covered in silver lightning.



The demon's started muttered some incoherent words as his body kept twitching incessantly, foam started to come out of the demon's mouth.

Leena was looking at the scene interestedly as she had probed the silver lightning strength, although it was stronger than regular lightning, it was not to the extent that could make a Rank 8 expert screaming of pain with just that, they must be something else at work that was making the demon feel more pain. Leena thought as she glanced at Silveria, the latter smiled as though she had been waiting for Leena, she said.

''You seem curious. Allow me to quench your curiosity. I multiplied his pain receptor by Ten and prevented his brain from stopping his heart when he deems the level of pain beyond bearable. He will not die he will suffer unbearable pain until I decided otherwise.''

Hearing Silveria's explanation, Leena finally understood what going on she could only look at the writhing demon with pity.

Unbeknownst to her, Silveria hadn't told her the whole truth, not only the demon's pain receptor had been multiplied by ten but every pain he received would be sent toward his soul as well but by a reduced amount not to inadvertently destroyed it. It was to say that he would feel the pain even with his soul.

[Cruel as ever with that fake angelic smile of yours.] Ignia commented as she knew what Silveria had done.

'I'll take it as a compliment.' Silveria responded in her head while outwardly maintain her smiling face.

Even though the demon was suffering he still refused to speak, grinning evilly Silveria licked her rosy lower lip.

''Let's get started. Serious things shall start as the warm-up is enough.''

''Stop playing around little Silvie and do your job properly,'' Silveria added.

Leena looked at her questioningly as she didn't understand what Silveria meant.

However before she could ask, something astonishing happened, the silver lightning covering the demon's body transformed into small sliver lighting dragons as though following Silveria's words, those lightning dragons started to enter the demon's arms, legs, and chest, they started wriggling under his skin like worms sending small silver lightning to the whole body, even toward the bones.

Biri~ Biri~



The demon was feeling unbearable pain, he tried to bear it hoping for his brain to send the signal to stop his heart that would put a stop to this torture, unfortunately, his wishes never come true as the pain kept wreaking havoc inside his body until it he reached his tolerance limit.

''Hiyaah- ababaaba- makes... stop... I'm begging you.'' the demon pleaded while rolling on the ground trying to find some kind of relief against what's happening to him, alas the more he struggled the more pain he felt, his body had started emitting smoke, his clothes were destroyed but strangely his underwear was still perfectly fine however the things underneath it were also suffering, his balls have been cooked.

''Sigh! It seems that I must increase the level of pain a little. This demon is a tough nut to crack. Who would have thought, I even started doubting myself. It seems that I've become somehow rusty.'' Silveria said with a pensive look on her face, she acted as if she hadn't heard the demon's pleas.

Leena was dumbfounded by this, this Silveria is sure interesting she thought.

''Oh?! I can use that idea and I hope this will work or else I'll need to come up with another idea.'' Silveria announced loudly after making a pon sounds using her hands.

The demon shuddered when he heard Silveria's cruel words, he started violently thrashing.

'' I... no more.'' the demon shouted amidst the cries of pain.


Silveria clicked her tongue in disappointment as the demon easily abandoned. She thought he would struggle a little bit more.

Leena could helplessly shake her head at Silveria's antics.

''Why are you after these two?" She asked.

Silveria had ordered her little Silvie (the original small silver lightning dragon who first entered the demon's body) to lessen her attacks.

''Ah-ah! Ah!''

While panting heavily the demon started talking.

''At first, it was because of that little girl sleeping over there, the Irregular.''

Leena's eyes widened when she heard this while Silveria was confused she had never heard of this hence her question.

''What is an Irregular?"

Leena almost looks at her strangely however she stopped doing so as she remembered that she was not from this world hence she won't know.

Sighing she decided to explain it.

''An Irregular is a someone who can step into the Demi-God Realm (i.e: Rank 15).''

Tilting her head sideways Silveria asked,


Sighing Leena decided to further explain things for Silveria to understand.

''You know there are 15 Ranks known and Rank 15 is the Demi-God Realm. Starting from Rank 10 onwards it becomes harder to level up because the amount of XP is ridiculous and because of another factor which I won't name. Currently, only the Saint Realm is attainable if you work hard and are lucky. And those who can step into the Demi-God Realm are called Irregular. One should know that the amount of Demi-God present in this world can be counted on one's hand, this shows how rare they are and how difficult it is to advance into that realm.''

Hearing Leena's explanation Silveria understood what Irregular means.

Meanwhile, Leena had a melancholic expression as she murmured under her breath.

''How unfortunate, it was not like that in the past, we are one of the strongest of the Middle Realm's worlds with few Gods in our ranks, however because of that tragedy we fall back and all our Gods and Goddesses disappeared. And it becomes impossible to-" she stopped talking until there as she shakes her head with a sorrowful expression on her head.

Even if it wasn't meant for her to hear it, because of her good hearing, Silveria heard Leena's words she could only sigh as she felt her pain and had also noticed the curse present in this world.

'Those damned things.' she cursed before deciding to continue the Interrogation on her own, Leena doesn't seem capable of continuing in her current state.

136: The Interrogation 2, Back To The City

As Silveria had decided to continue the interrogation in Leena's stead, she inquired.

''So at first, you were after the Irregular? What changed to make you go after the boy?"

''It's because the oracle said we missed our assassination attempt and the Irregular's fate changed and got entwined with someone more dangerous. That we must quickly eliminate the two before they could mature.''

The demon immediately replied fearing the level of pain increasing further if he didn't reply faster.

Both Silveria and Leena nodded their heads before Silveria asked.

''I do understand that it's because of some sort of oracle you went after the two but why they are considered dangerous in the first place? There must reason for your oracle to consider dangerous in the first place. So, state it.''

To Silveria's question, the demon stayed silent until he received another attack from Silveria's little silver dragon.

''It's because they would endanger that person's plans.'' the demon finally answered, when he said this he was smirking inside, he grinned for instant however he quickly concealed it, he thought that nobody had seen it as he waited for the fated question.

Contrary to his expectations, Silveria saw it, same with Leena, having understood the demon's purpose, Silveria grinned and asked a question completely out of the demon's expectation.

''How so?"

Sighing heavily the demon explained,

''It's because they will help that traitorous bitch later. It was stated that in the first place it was that traitor who would have rescued the Irregular after our failed assassination attempt, however, it was that boy who rescued her and their fates got entwined.''

Hearing the demon's explanation both girls nodded their heads with a thoughtful expression on their faces. So, even if Alex had not saved Gracier another person would have saved her? The traitor as the demon said, judging by the way he called her, must be a woman. If this mysterious woman had managed to save Gracier, the latter feeling graceful would have helped her in stopping whatever plans 'that person' was hatching because of her limitless talent, she, the Irregular. Having a future Demi-God as helper was indeed a plus and something any enemy would be wary of.

However, it was not the mysterious woman who saved Gracier instead it was Alex, even so, they are still targeted because of the reason sole reason that they would be helping the mysterious woman in the future.

Both Silveria and Leena looked at each other as they were thinking about something, a certain someone. Both girls chuckled as they found this hilarious, normally after the first failed assassination attempt, 'that person' mustn't have tried assassinating Alex and Gracier using the clearing the rampaging monsters as a cover, because oracle or not, this individual whoever it was had brought this upon himself/herself.

Simply because now that Alex and his sister hadn't died, they would want to have their revenge against the culprit of the assassination attempt, by confronting this person, inadvertently they would be helping the mysterious woman even it was not their initial goal. At that moment, 'that person' would come to know that he/she had made a mistake that would be costly. Maybe without this second intervention, Alex and Gracier may help this mysterious woman, however, the chance was slim as Silveria isn't seeing Alex doing this without a reason, maybe he would if this mysterious woman somehow becomes his woman or have some kind of connection with him. However this time without these reasons he would because they tried to assassinate his sister and him included. He will take revenge for sure.

Silveria imagined Alex's reaction as he learned this, she couldn't help but smile. She decided to continue with her interrogation, she had a last question.

''So, because this person he/she fearing the two helpings that bitch that why he/she sends you to kill the two at the cost of offending the humans?''

Leena looks questioningly at Silveria, not immediately catching up on what the latter goal was for asking a question to which they already had the answer.

Even though confused the demon still responded, ''Yeah, that person's plans must not fall-"

''Indeed, it is must be an impressive plan, that concerns the whole demon's continent, something so grand that he/she must not accept failure as an option. am I wrong?" Silveria cut the demon off and said, her voice was full of praise when she mentioned that person's impressive plan.

The demon's eyes shined when he heard this, eyes full of reverence he blurted out,

''Indeed it is as you said, that person, his plans are-"

Suddenly, the demon's eyes widened as he became aware that he had been tricked, he let slip something he shouldn't have, he looked at Silveria with a look of resentment, the latter grinned and said, ''Thank you, that was my last question.''

The demon could only smile bitterly as he was thinking that Silveria would have asked about the identity of that person or what that person's plans were, by doing so, it would have triggered the hidden curse placed inside his heart. Normally, it was these kinds of questions one would ask when interrogating a prisoner, however, Silveria never asked this as if she was not interested.

How could she not? Far from that, she wants to know however the first she scanned the demon she had seen the curse placed on him, inside his heart. She instantly knew it was done to prevent the individual caught from spilling out something useful. Placing herself in the person behind all of this stead she wondered which questions would I use as keywords that will trigger the hidden curse placed in my men's heart?

The first question would be: About my real identity, on my background.

And the second would be about my plans.

These two questions would be the top priority, they might some other questions but by paying attention not to ask these two questions you will not trigger the hidden curse.

More importantly, Silveria knew that even the other party forbids his men from telling his real identity, he didn't specify in the curse not to tell his gender because he was more focused on keeping his real identity secret (i.e: I'm the First Prince xxx or the Prime minister yyy and so on) these kinds of information.

Even she may have forgotten to specify it.

Leena was finally aware why Silveria was asking these kinds of questions earlier, it was just to know that person's gender, even without knowing his real identity, his goals, knowing his gender was not a bad start. She couldn't help but sigh as she finally noticed the curse inside the demon's heart, even so, Leena wasn't sure if she was in Silveria's shoes she wouldn't have inadvertently asked a question that would have blown the demon up.

Smiling like an angel that was about to perform a good action. Silveria started to open her mouth to announce something.

The demon's back was drenched in a cold sweat when he saw that smile, before he could talk, Silveria ordered.

''Little Silvie please send our guest off, peacefully as you can.''

''Better back off and erect a barrier to protect yourself,'' Silveria announced.

Feeling that something bad was about to happen, Leena quickly erected a green barrier around herself after taking a couple of steps back, Silveria on the other hand had already erected one around herself, Alex, and Gracier.

Suddenly as if she had finally registered Silveria's order, little Silvie, the small silver lightning dragon who was inside the demon's body made a move.

Immediately, the demon's genes started combusting, and from every pore of his body, dazzling silver beams flashed out. The demon was like a miniature violent silver sun, emitting a threatening might that seemed to want to destroy everything.


The demon opened his mouth to emit a sharp cry that was chilling to the soul. It was as if what happening to his body was also happening to his soul. Beside the soul-chilling scream, the demon's body erupted with a bright column of silver light.

Everything happened in a matter of seconds. A period of time that didn't even warrant a mention.

In a flicker of a second, the demon's body cracked apart and he exploded in a radiant mass of silver energy.


It shook the region and created a small crater where the demon's body was.

Both girl's shields were violently shaken, however, they did not break.

Finally, everything calmed down, a small silver lightning dragon flew and landed on Silveria's hand, the latter caressed it before flicking her fingers, making little Silvie disappear.

''Be on your way and don't worry. Others will follow soon enough you will not be lonely over there. Those who scheme against my master, trying to kill him or any of his family members deserve a fate worse than death. I've been too lenient. I should have used the Soul Fire on you.'' Silveria spat without any emotions.

Even though she was not emitting any killing intent nor her words were directed at Leena, the latter still feel a chill running down her spine. Better not become this girl enemy, she thought.

Silveria spun around and faced Leena, with a smiling face she announced.

''Time to go back. Everything is settled for now. Shall we go?"

Leena could only sigh seeing how fast Silveria changes expressions, she said while pointing at the barefooted Silveria.

"Let's go, however first why don't you wear shoes?"

Finally aware that she was still barefooted, Silveria flicked her fingers and create shoes of the same hue as her white robe.

After she was done, she helped Leena place Alex and Gracier inside the Magic carriage Leena summoned. This Magic carriage is powered by magic stone and doesn't need horses to pull it. It was like a car but not classy as a real car.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Leena started driving the carriage back towards the city.

Before it was evening they were already in front of the city that was how fast the Magic carriage was.

Silveria stayed inside the carriage looking after Alex and Gracier, Alex's complexion was looking better however he was not showing any signs of waking up. Gracier had woken up once and after confirming that Alex was okay she falls asleep again. She didn't even ask who Silveria was because she was still sleepy.

After entering the town, Leena drove them to the Moonlight Inn and after making sure that the two were brought toward their room, Leena left for now because she had some reports to make. Silveria disappeared saying she had something to do.

In the same evening, the adventurers who were gone to clean the monsters in the Zilya's Mountain range came back with huge casualties. However, they managed to slay every monster present there, it was a good thing. New villages would rise soon again and who knows maybe a city or two may be created in the process.

The mission in Zilya's mountain had come to an end.

137: Gracier Waking Up

Although Silveria had said she had something to take care of before leaving it was not the case, she was just exhausted. Even though most of the seals have been removed and she could materialize in real life it was quite tiring to stay outside in her current weakened state coupled with the fact that she had used her power, all of this made her more exhausted, therefore she needed to rest to recuperate.

As Silveria vanished from the real world she appeared inside her dimension which was by the way not dark as it's used to be, there was a huge black mansion present and a pale moon hung in the sky illuminating this dark world. Numerous mountains were present in the distance with forests.

Before she could enter her mansion she was locked in place by a powerful pressure and at the same time in the sky, a pair of chilling blue eyes appeared.

''Big sister.'' Silveria could only mutter helplessly as she was forced to bear that bone-chilling pressure.

The one Silveria just called Big sister sneered and said in a cold and emotionless tone.

''So, I'm your Big sister now? I thought you said you would greatly accept exchange an emotionless doll such as myself to get a cute little sister.''

Silveria's body shivered when she heard her sister's words, her back was drenched in sweat. Trying her best not to let her Big sister notice her trembling body Silveria tried bootlicking her.

''What? Never that was a joke to make Ignia feel proud about her new host. You know how unlucky she is. This time it is different, I said that to cheer her up. You are my only family, the last of my family. I will never exchange you against the universe even if it was offered to me. I love you more than anything and you know it.''

Hearing Silveria's words, that Big sister lessened the pressure Silveria was feeling, overjoyed Silveria wanted to speak however she was ruthlessly smacked in the face and she was sent spiraling into the air, she crashed against the door of her mansion completely destroying it.


''I know that but that's doesn't mean you'll be excused. For daring to shout at me while ordering me around you deserve a few beatings.'' the Big sister said with her cold and emotionless voice.

Standing, Silveria dusted herself and couldn't help but bitterly smile as she knew what awaits her when her sister become like this.

Sighing she decided to not let herself beaten without doing anything, so she Accel-ed to reappear a hundred kilometers (62,137 miles) away.

She didn't even try to wait for a millisecond as she knew her sister's strength, she summoned hundred silver bullets around herself ready to defend herself.

However, the next moment, Silveria along with her bullets were frozen as the blue eyes looked at them, then a smacking sound was heard.

Silveria's body was sent hurtling back, she violently crashed against the black mansion.

Crack! Kaboooom!

The whole mansion cracked like fragile glass.

Laying amidst the now destroyed mansion's debris Silveria muttered, voice filled with complaints,

''Seriously that was a cheat. Big sister, you are bullying me. I'll tell Master once he wakes up.''

Suddenly, numerous black bullets appeared and flew toward Silveria at astonishing speed.

Smiling Silveria muttered, ''Erase''


A powerful energy was emitted from Silveria's body and clashed against the incoming black bullets completely erasing them.

Silveria did not seem happy at all as she knew nothing could stop her sister.

Once again Silveria was locked in place before getting blasted away.


She destroyed a mountain in the distance and before she could stand she was again blasted away, this keeps repeating for hours until her sister judged the punishment to be enough.

Silveria's newly created world was destroyed, no mountains were spared.

Laying on the ground with heavy breathing, Silveria whose clothes were completely tattered and even her white lace panties could be seen said.

''Seriously, that was too harsh Big sister. I hope now you have vented enough.''

Nobody answered Silveria's words, the blue eyes in the sky had disappeared however Silveria knew that her sister was still present.

Sighing she continued, ''Thank you for stepping out to help Master, I've finally acknowledged him as one.''


Finally, there was a reaction. Silveria's sister sighed and asked.

''How's he doing?"

Smiling because her sister had finally spoken Silveria responded, ''He still unconscious however he's fine. He will sleep for a day or two. He suffered a lot after all.''

''I see.'' That was the only thing Silveria's sister said before going completely silent.

This time Silveria knew that she was gone for good as she could not feel her presence any longer.

Shaking her head she stood up, her tattered clothes were restored, clapping her hands everything that got destroyed was restored. After restoring everything Silveria entered the mansion.


The next day.

The warm ball of light filtered through her thin eyelids awoke her. Rays of brightness cast squares onto the glossy stone floor, reflecting onto several objects in the room which decorated its otherwise simplicity. She blinked a few times, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the illumination directed right at her defenseless figure.

Finally aware that it was the start of a new day, Gracier stood up from her bed and unconsciously looked in Alex's direction.

Sleeping on a bed was Alex with his handsome face, his eyes were perfectly closed and his breathing even.

Quietly approaching her brother Gracier caressed his face.

''Morning, Big brother. We did not die. We are still alive. I'm grateful for this. Thank you a lot. Truly thank you as I know it's must be your doing if we manage to survive. Even though I don't know what you did. I know without a doubt that it was your doing. I'll become stronger to protect you one day as you keep doing it.''

Gracier announced eyes filled with determination before lowering her head to give Alex a soft peck on the forehead.

After doing this she left to the bathroom. And after finishing she looked at the still sleeping Alex for a moment before she decided to descend on the first floor to greet Ms. Lana and her daughter Lea. They must be worried as they saw how the siblings were brought back.

Indeed as she descended on the first floor and greeted the mother-daughter pair, she was barraged with questions.

She explained what happened to them, both Ms. Lana and Lea become pale as they learned that.

"You have been lucky to have survived. It's good that none of you are dead. You didn't lose any of your members contrary to the group of Adventurers that went to clean up the rampaging monsters in the depths of the Zilya's Mountain. They have lost more than half of their men." Ms. Lana said.

"What?" Gracier exclaimed as she was currently learning what happened to the group of Adventurers that went ahead of them.

"Indeed it is as mother said. A true tragedy. The survivor's adventurers said that there were a lot of rare species monsters and even some AA monsters mixed in, reason why they have lost so many men. However, they still managed to clean all the monsters. Those adventurers who have died didn't die for nothing I guess." Lea added.

"I see," Gracier said thinking that those adventurers have done a good job slaying all the monsters even with so many casualties.

Unbeknownst to them, it was a lie, few adventurers have indeed died because of the monsters, however, the real reason for these heavy casualties was because of the demons. Their ambush. Gale and others choose not to divulge this information because it will cause panic and unnecessary troubles.

To avoid this, they decided to alter the truth.

"Little Gracier let me cook something for you to eat. You must be hungry. Maybe before I finished your Big brother may wake up." Ms. Lana said before going to the kitchen to cook something for Gracier and Alex.

Gracier smiled when she heard Ms. Lana's words, indeed it was as she said, she was hungry, and before she could ask Ms. Lana had proposed cooking as if she saw through her.

Meanwhile, as Ms. Lana was busy cooking the siblings' meal, Lea was enthusiastically chatting with Gracier, she left someone else to take her place hence she was now free. Using this time to chat with Gracier with whom she hadn't talked since they left for the final part of the rank-up test.

"So, you can be considered D Rank Adventurer now?" Lea curiously asked.

"Yeah, I'm now D Rank Adventurer. Same with Big brother and the others." Gracier responded with a smile.

"I see. That's good. Let's celebrate once Alex comes. After celebrating let's force him to take us to go shopping. He's now D Rank Adventurer after all. He must be rich." Lea announced with shining eyes.

Gracier could only smile helplessly as she heard this.

"Tell me did you kill that monster who kept chasing after you?"

To Lea's question, Gracier shook her head.

"No, when I woke up I only saw a silver-haired girl and heard Leena's voice," Gracier explained as she was already unconscious when the possessed Alex slew the ogre.

"I see. I only see Leena, however, I did not see any silver-haired girl. Where did you think this person go?" Lea asked as she remembered only seeing Leena bringing the two not any silver-haired girl accompanying her.

"I don't know." Gracier shrugged her shoulders.

The two kept chatting until Ms. Lana finished, Gracier had tried to contact her brother, however, the latter didn't respond, he was still sleeping.

"Big brother won't be coming soon, let's eat." Gracier suddenly announced.

Lea nodded her head and started to eat not asking Gracier how she knew this.

138: Still Unconscious

After finishing to eat with the mother-daughter pair, Gracier excused herself and went upstairs to check Alex's condition.

Just as she entered their room, she was startled because sitting on a chair near Alex was a Silver-haired beauty, the one she saw when she woke up at that time before sleeping again, the one, she and Lea have just been talking about.

Vigilantly looking at the silver-haired girl, Gracier asked ready to attack at any moment.

''It was you I saw yesterday evening. Who are you?"

Having noticed the hostility in Gracier's voice, Silveria chuckled and spoke.

''Calm down little Alexandra. I'm Silveria, master's weapon.'' Silveria calmly stated her identity.

''What?" Gracier exclaimed before creating five fire arrows around herself, her vigilance increased to the highest level when she heard the silver-haired girl calling her given name, a name her brother bestowed upon her after their contract. Something the girl normally shouldn't have known as she was not present that day when Gracier introduced herself in the meeting room.

Because she was too focused on the first part of Silveria's words, she didn't hear the last part.

Looking at the fire arrows pointed in her direction, Silveria sighed and said while massaging her temple.

''Little Alexandra, one should carefully listen when someone is talking to you not to miss important information. Got it?"

At the end of her words, Silveria flicked her fingers and, Gracier's fire arrows vanished.

This turn of events left Gracier speechless, she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly unable to say anything until Silveria reintroduced herself.

''I'm Silveria, master's weapon.''

Finally registering Silveria's words in its entirety, Gracier had a sense of déjà vu, no mostly a feeling of déjà heard. She had once heard Alex utter that name, if she was not wrong it was the name of the silver unusual weapon.

''No way, you're Silveria, Big brother silver weapon,'' Gracier said face full of surprises as realization hit her.

''Indeed,'' Silveria confirmed.

''Eh?" Gracier exclaimed and quickly thought about a certain possibility.

''Does it means Ignia can also materialize like you?"

To Gracier's question, Silveria rolled her eyes and did not offer any answer as she knew Ignia would answer in her stead.

[Do not compare us. Silveria and her sister are in a different realm than us, so what applies to them will not necessarily work for us. So, do not get your hope too high.] Ignia said.

''I see,'' Gracier said not continuing to ask because judging by Ignia's answer, Silveria and her Big sister (probably big brother second gun she heard about but never seen it) are exceptionals, however, there was still hope that Ignia could also materialize even it's slim.

Approaching the bed where Alex was sleeping, Gracier sat down and checked his condition. His breathing was even, there was no visible problem, not that she would know if there was because she was not a cleric. Alex seemed to be only sleeping after an exhausting work however Gracier felt that there was more than that.

Not finding the answer on her own because she doesn't know the whole story, she turned to face the only person present who might have the answer to why her brother was still sleeping.

''Silveria, what is happening to Big brother? Why he is still sleeping?"

''Call me Big sister Silveria,'' Silveria asked.

The only answer she got was Gracier rolling her eyes at her. Silveria could only sigh thinking Gracier was cute.

Unknown to her the moment Gracier saw her she had the feeling that she and Silveria would not get along well. Ask her why she felt like that, even she doesn't know why however it was how she felt.

Smiling bitterly Silveria told Gracier was happened, naturally, she didn't explain everything like how she begged her sister, or how Alex already lost consciousness and it was her sister who killed that monster using Alex's body.

''Waouh! Big brother is exceptional. As expected of him. It's a good thing. He must have suffered a lot to slay that monster. And after killing it, he falls unconscious because of the injuries and exhaustion. We just need to wait for a while. I think he will wake up soon.''

Looking at Gracier whose eyes were shining and were filled with admiration as she spoke, Silveria smiled bitterly finding her cute.

The two continued to wait for Alex to wake up, sometimes they would exchange few words, and sometimes not as silence would descend.

Like that evening arrived yet Alex showed no signs of waking up, Gracier was becoming more worried as more time passed.

''Calm down. He will eventually wake up. He just needs more rest.'' Silveria said, calming the about to start panicking girl.

''Okay, I understand. Let's wait some more.'' Gracier calmed down and said.

''Just go take some air. I will look after master.'' Silveria advised but Gracier shook her head to indicate that she'd stay.

Suddenly, there were knocking sounds on their door followed by Lea's voice.

''Gracier, there some people here that want to say Hi to you, siblings. I know you are in, can they come in?"

Gracier didn't immediately answer Lea's question, she exchanged look with Silveria, the latter shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she should do as she sees fit before vanishing. She chose not to stay because it will be troublesome to start explaining things and more importantly she didn't want to stay as she had something to do.

Sighing Gracier decided to invite the group in. It went without saying that it was Sebastian and others who came to check on them.

Standing up, Gracier went to the door and unlocked it.

''Come in.'' and invited them in.

''Evening Miss Gracier.''

''Good Evening leader's sister.''

''Evening Miss Gracier.''

''Good evening Gracier. It's good that you are fine, where is Alex?''

As she expected, it was Sebastian, Lucien Golfak, and Meera who greeted her as they entered the room, Meera asked about Alex, however, she quickly got the answer to her question as she saw him sleeping.

''How is he?"

Sebastian was the one who asked.

''Fine but too tired after that battle,'' Gracier said while offering them to sit. Sebastian and Golfak sat on the two chairs available in the room while, Meera, Lucien in addition to Lea, who decided to stay sat on Gracier's bed.

''I see. I hope he will wake up soon. He's our Hero and a good leader.'' Golfak said, eyes filled with admiration.

''Indeed. If not for his action, we would have died. Even if some may have survived, at most it would be one or two.'' Lucien nodded his head, the others also seemed to share the same feeling.

Lea who had heard about how Alex handled things during their expedition started to see Alex in a new light.

Gracier was smiling when she saw how everybody was talking about her brother, eyes filled with respect. They even called him, Hero.

The truth is, it was not Golfak and others who came up with that title, it was how everybody started to call him after they learned about the whole story.

If Alex was awake he would have scratched his head not knowing whether he should laugh or cry if he heard this. He didn't want to be the Hero, the others mistakenly thought that, as the two-headed mutated ogre didn't chase the others and went after them. The monster did this because his real target was not the others but Alex and Gracier, and not knowing this fact it was normal to think that Alex had drawn the monster away from others to give them the chance to flee as he was stronger and was sure to flee from the monster's pursuit, how wrong this assumption was.

''It's good that we have all survived thank to Alex but Gracier did you know what happened to that monster?" Meera asked a question to which everyone (Sebastian, Lucien, and Golfak) wanted the answer.

Due to their injuries and exhaustions, they directly came here after waking up and taking care of some of their matters, hence they don't know anything just what Conrad had told them after he rescued them, he said ''You are alive because you temporary leader choose to sacrifice himself for you to be able to live.

Don't look at me like that, he is still alive and kicks in, both him and his sister, even Eleonora. I said sacrificed because he draws the monster's attention on himself, by doing this you lots managed to safely escape.''

~Back to the present.

''The monster has been killed by Leena who was passing by.'' Gracier lied through her teeth. There is no way she would tell them that it was killed by Alex. They would not believe her anyway, thinking that maybe she was playing some kind of prank on them because of how absurd it's for Rank 5 to contend against Rank 9 and worst say that he/she killed it.

''Leena, the Elf receptionist? I know that she's strong but not to this extent. Ah! I finally understood why she seemed so special, her status in the Guild. Everybody respects her.''

Meera said as realization dawned upon her why Leena's status inside the Guild seemed somehow exceptional, some say she's the Guild branch master's right hand. It seems it's true.

Golfak and others were also surprised hearing that it was Leena who killed the Rank 9 monster. After chatting with Gracier and Lea for a while, the four left promising to visit again.

Lea also left just after the four left, however, she came back with food. After eating, she slept with Gracier on the latter bed.

Alex did not show any signs of waking up, Silveria in her world was sending strands of silver energy into his body, treating any hidden injuries.

The first day after their rank-up test passed just like that.

139: Leena's Visit (Morning)

The morning sun had kissed her awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her angelic face. She opened her eyes and slowly, drowsily, and lopped sidedly she smiled before glancing in her brother's direction hoping to see the latter already awake. However, her smile died and got replaced by a sigh when Gracier saw her brother still sleeping, there was nothing that indicates he would be waking soon.

After standing and going to the bathroom, Gracier comes back after some time with a washbowl and towel.

Suddenly, Silveria appeared and helped Gracier to remove Alex's clothes, she then holds him as Gracier cleaned his body. After finishing, the two helped Alex to get dressed again before laying him back in the bed.

''How long did you think he will stay in the coma for?" Gracier asked worry written all over her face.

Silveria took a sit on the other side of the bed and pondered for a moment before answering.

''Maybe for another two or even a week. His body suffered a lot and was currently undergoing evolution, therefore it would take some time for it to be done. Let's wait, no need to worry he's fine, he will eventually wake up I can assure you that.''

Hearing Silveria's words, Gracier felt a little bit reassured. She decided to sit and watch her brother for a while before deciding on what to do in the meantime.

Suddenly, Silveria who was observing Gracier suggested.

''In the meantime why not use this chance to train, to level up. You know the gap between you is wide even before he killed that ogre. So, imagine what he levels gonna be once he wakes up?"

Gracier's body trembled when imagining it, somehow she felt frustrated, she doesn't want the gap between them to further increase until it would become impossible to catch up.

Being always protected left a bad aftertaste in Gracier's mouth, somehow it gave the impression of she was one-sidedly taking advantage of Alex like she was using him. The more correct would be, she was a burden slowing him down as he kept continually saving her.

The frustration she was feeling when thinking that could not be described with words. Not liking feeling this way, she declared eyes filled with blazing determination.

''I don't like this feeling. I need to change.''

Suddenly, a powerful pressure was released from Gracier's body when she declared that, her right eye was shining, even her dragon eye was emitting golden light, if not for the special eye patch blocking it, the room would be filled with golden brilliance. Everything returned to normal after a second, however, Gracier's determination didn't lessen in the slightest.

Silveria who was watching everything from the start nodded her head with a pleasing smile. However, her smile vanished in the next second when she heard Ignia annoying voice.

[That's the spirit, my child. As expected of someone chosen by me. Show them whose child you are. I know my words will-]

'Shameless. You did nothing and now that I suggested something and she decided to follow it. You want to take the credit. How thick is your skin? Ah! I forgot that you are a dragon, hence your skin is naturally thicker, no wonder you are that shameless.' Silveria cut Ignia off and said in a mocking tone.

In her flame dimension, Ignia was pissed.

[How dare you, you flat-]

'I dare you to finish what you are planning to say. Hehehe! Go and say it. I need something to release the accumulated stress lately and I think you'll do fine. So, finish your words.'

Silveria's words send a chill down Ignia's spine, she didn't dare to continue knowing well the fate awaiting her if she were to finish that sentence.

Seeing Ignia cower, Silveria inwardly smiled before turning in Gracier's direction. The latter hadn't heard the exchange between the two except for Ignia's first sentence that brought a smile upon her face even though she didn't hear the whole thing as Ignia stopped midway before finishing. 'I wonder why?' Gracier thought before shaking her head.

''Good, what is your current level?" Silveria asked even when she could have checked using her appraisal skill, however, she didn't as she sensed Gracier being wary of her, not wanting to give her any more reason to be warier than she is, Silveria decided to directly ask.

''Level 33.'' Gracier immediately answered.

''I see. Let's aim to get to Level 50 within a month. If you don't succeed at least you should be Level 45.'' Silveria declared.

Gracier pondered for a moment, 'level 33 to 50 or at least 45 within a month is doable.' she thought, lifting her head she nodded her head to indicate that she accepted.

''Great, immediately get to work.''

''I know. I'll be going, please take care of brother why I'm not here.'' Gracier said and went to prepare.

''Don't worry I will,'' Silveria said.

After a moment Gracier was dressed in her adventurer gear (the one Leena gifted to her), just when she was about to open the door and leave she coincidentally encounters Leena who was about to knock. Startled the two looked at each other for a second before Leena smiled.

''Morning little Cier. How are you doing?"

''Fine Leena. Thanks for the help. Come in and sorry I won't be able to stay because I have something to do. Silveria is in. See you.'' Gracier invited Leena in before leaving.

Leena watched the retreating Gracier's back with a smile. 'She seems more determined than ever. I wonder what happens? Maybe it's the doing of that silver-haired girl?'

Leena wondered as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. Immediately she locks eyes with Silveria, both women smiled.

''Morning Silveria. How is the boy?'' Leena asked while sitting on a chair offered by Silveria.

Crossing her legs, Silveria responded.

''Unconscious as you can see.''

To Silveria's words, Leena observed Alex and did not found any problems, at least not on the outside, she did not dare to do an in-depth examination as Silveria's silver eyes were locked on her.

''Why is he still unconscious?" She asked.

''The damage he took is heavy. He is slowly healing. It will take some time. He will surely wake up after that.'' Silveria explained.

''I see. Let's wait and hope he will wake up before the start of the new year at the Imperial Magic Academy.'' Leena said with a sigh.

''Don't worry he will. There's still one month and few days.''

''Indeed. Silveria, there is something I was meaning to ask but?"


''Where is that monster's corpse? I was too focused back then to ask.''

Silveria had an 'I expect this question.' kind of face when she heard Leena's words.

Smiling Silveria cooked a lie that even a five-year-old would not believe.

''Ah? That monster is sure intelligent. The moment he felt my arrival he fled at an unthinkable speed. I was left speechless and by the time I recover he was already far away. Furious I released a little bit of my power, however, I stopped from giving a chase when I saw my master's state. His wellbeing is important than anything, therefore I decided to treat him first before later go punish the monster along with the perpetrators.''

Rolling her eyes at Silveria who was spouting bullshit with an angelic smile, Leena thought 'Can you be more persuasive?', shaking her head she said with a deadpan face.

''It's that so?"

Leena couldn't help but smile bitterly as she knew Silveria was lying, as for why that, only she can know. Even though she was disappointed not to be able to buy such a special monster's corpse, there is nothing she could do as the other's party did not seem to want to sell it.

Seeing Leena's expression, Silveria could only sigh. There's no way she would say the monster's body disappeared and was transformed into- Well, no need to think about it.

''Excuse me for a minute. I'll be right back.''

Silveria said before disappearing leaving only Leena inside the room to look after Alex.

Approaching Alex, Leena caressed his head for a moment.

''Boy, stay strong. I know that you will come back stronger and make them pay. Don't worry, I'll help you. They must have a death wish, daring to touch someone under my protection. They never learn, don't they? I thought that the last one was wiser, however, it seems that I'm wrong or something must have happened. I've something more important why I never paid too much attention. I guess now it will change. I'm becoming rusty as time goes on.''

She stopped talking for a moment before mumbling, ''Zero, I have a mission for you.''

Just after Leena finished talking, a shadow materialized near her, this shadow was shrouded in darkness thus making it impossible to see its features.

Zero asked with a genderless voice.

''Informations gathering, isn't it?"

''Indeed. I'm not up to date concerning them. Go, you know what to do. Before leaving bring this to that girl. Didn't she think I'll let her go score free? I didn't want to do anything at the start just simply watch from the sideline however now things are different.''

After done speaking, Leena threw a letter in Zero's direction, the latter caught it before vanishing not saying anything else.

Looking at the spot where Zero vanished from, Leena could not help but chuckle while muttering.

''What unsociable fella. Well, only when in work mode. How interesting. Sigh! That aside, I must prepare to go back, things will become hectic once I'm back. Just thinking about seeing that annoying man leave me in a bad mood. Ah! It can't be helped. 'My taking it slow life' come to an end.''

Leena feels depressed just by thinking about a certain annoying man's face, he will be the first to visit him once she went back. How annoying.

While heaving another sigh Leena closed her eyes and decided to wait for Silveria to come back.

140: Eleonora's Visit (Evening)

Silveria came back after few minutes with two boxes of Ice cream, she gave one to Leena who was dumbfounded because she was not expecting something like that. She almost asked her where she found the money and how does she know where the Ice cream store is, however she refrained from asking, for the money's part she judged that it has to be Gracier's doing, and indeed it was as she guessed.

Looking at Leena who seemed lost in thoughts for a moment before staring at the box Ice cream with a predatory's eyes as she had almost finished her Ice cream.

Upon noticing Silveria's stare directed toward her Ice cream, Leena rolled before starting to eat it.

As they almost finished eating their ice creams, Silveria asked, ''Why didn't you come earlier?"

Leena didn't immediately answer, she finished the last piece of ice cream before answering.

''Well, I was busy.''

''Busy for what?" Silveria asked before adding with a smile.

''Ah! I see, You are busy cooking up a lie for the populace.''

Leena's lips twitched hearing Silveria's words. This girl.

''The truth would have done more harm than good. We hide the truth to prevent people from panicking and go do something stupid.''

''I know, I know, I said that just to tease you,'' Silveria said.

Leena could not help but sigh, even though they just met, Leena could say what type of person Silveria is, her guess may not be accurate but it would not be far from the truth. Silveria is mischievous and sadistic on top of that. Remembering her smile as she kept torturing that demon back then sends a chill running down Leena's spine.

Shaking her head, Leena observed the silver-haired girl.

Noticing Leena's stare, Silveria pretended to blush.

''Even I, will blush if you keep staring so intensely at me ya know.''

Looking at the smiling Silveria who uttered such words, Leena wanted to slap her, unfortunately, she knew it was an impossible feat to accomplish, she could only sigh.

Suddenly, Silveria's face turned serious and she asked.

''I hope you will collect some information on the other side. We will need it.''

''I'll take care of it,'' Leena replied.

''Good.'' Silveria nodded.

The two kept chatting until evening came and Gracier walked in.

''Welcome back, little Alexandra.''

''Evening everyone.''

Gracier greeted them before dragging her tired body toward the bathroom.

After finishing cleaning herself she came back and sat on her bed.

''How is big brother?" She asked.

''Still unconscious as you can see.'' Silveria replied while Leena asked, ''Little Cier, how was your day?"

''Not bad, I managed to level once.''

''That's good. Keep up. Well, do excuse me it's time for me to go back, I'll come back tomorrow if I have the time.'' Leena said before standing, prepared to leave.

''Oh! I thought you'll sleepover.'' Silveria asked with a mysterious smile.

Rolling her eyes, Leena didn't bother to entertain the mischievous girl. After exchanging few words with Gracier she left.

Just after Leena left, someone else came. Surprisingly it was Sera.

''Evening Gracier. How is your brother doing?"

Sera who was invited in asked Gracier while looking at the sleeping Alex.

''Fine, but because of his injuries he will need more time to wake up but don't worry the priest said he will wake soon,'' Gracier replied with a lie.

''I see, that's good then. I won't stay long. I closed the shop to come to visit, nobody is there so I'll go back. And tell him once he wakes up that I'll be going to the capital, I hope he will not forget our date. Tell him that I said I'm looking forward to it. Bye, have a nice evening.''

''Bye too. Don't worry I'll tell him.'' Gracier replied with a smile.

Sera left. Silveria who was in her dimension smiled when she heard Sera's words.

Not fifteen minutes passed after Sera left, there was someone else who visited the siblings. It was Eleonora.

''Howdy~ Little Gracier?" Eleonora who just entered the room greeted Gracier, after offering her a chair, Gracier finally had time to answer.

''I'm fine. Thank you for your help. You helped us a lot.''

Eleonora waved her hands to indicate that it was not a big deal, she scanned the room as if trying to search for something, after a moment she stopped as she found nothing besides the siblings. Looking at the sleeping Alex, she asked,

''How is Alex? It's because of his serious injuries that he is still sleeping?"

''Yes, he is slowly recovering,'' Gracier answered.

''I see. Take these things and use them for his recovery.''

Eleonora gave Gracier a few bottles of healing potions and recovery potions.

''Thank you.'' Gracier thanked Eleonora before storing the potions into her space ring.

''Gracier did you know what happens to the two-headed mutated ogre?" Eleonora asked, she was trying to gain information on someone, even though she knew that Gracier was fallen unconscious before them, she asked this in the hope that maybe Gracier have encountered that mysterious silver girl.

Unfortunately, Gracier's answer left her disappointed.

''No, I know nothing. When I woke up, I was already here. So, sorry.''

''No worry. I just wanted to know what happened to that monster who almost killed us. Guess I will never found out.'' Eleonora said with a sigh.

After a few casual jokes, she excused herself and promised to visit another time.

Just after she left, Silveria materialized and said.

''Good job, little Alexandra. Go eat, I'll look after master. Don't worry, take your time.''

Nodding her head Gracier descended to the first floor. She came back after few hours, after checking his brother and a small talk with Silveria, she went to sleep. Silveria returned to her dimension.


In a small mansion located somewhere in the city, in one of the chambers a girl could be seen reading a book, she wore glasses, it would have been perfect if this girl was a beauty, unfortunately, her face was plain as the words plain mean. If Alex or Gracier were present they would have identified this plain-looking girl as Eleonora.

Suddenly, an old man in butler clothes entered the room with a cup of tea.

After placing the cup on the table, the old butler bowed and said, ''Your tea has been served, P- My Lady.''

''Thank you Sebas,'' Eleonora said before stopping reading to drink her tea.

The old butler who was called Sebas, full name Sebastian suddenly asked.

''My Lady why not reconsider our options? It's wise-"

''Sebastian'' Eleonora glared at him forcing the latter to stop whatever he was planning to say.

Sebastian could only sigh as he knew how stubborn his young lady can be once she decided on something. Suddenly, as if he remembers something, Sebastian brought a letter out of his pocket and presented it to Eleonora.

''What is this?" Eleonora asked as she took the white envelope.

''That person sends it,'' Sebastian answered with a short sentence.

Eleonora's expression turned serious when she heard this, quickly unsealing the letter, she scanned through the content, her brows creased the more she read until the letter burst into black flame.

''Damn that shameless woman. Why not go rob a bank instead. I swear I'll-"

Eleonora stopped talking and her aura becomes chaotic, Sebastian's expression did not change as he calmly muttered.

''Calm down my lady. You will not want to provoke that person. With all our problems it will be unwise, besides if you do that, all our efforts will be for naught, we need her help.''

''I know, Sebas, but it still pisses me off when I recall all of her demands,'' Eleonora said while passing the letter to Sebastian who read it.

Even himself who has perfect control over his emotions couldn't help but frown upon reading the letter. Well, it was their fault, to begin with, there is nothing they can do, they will only need to suffer this due to their carelessness.

''Sebas, tell me, is there any other method besides using your domain to cancel someone's domain?" Eleonora suddenly asked as remembered something.

Sebastian pondered for a moment before shaking his head.

''I never heard about any method other than using your domain. Even with that, you will not cancel the order party domain just that you won't be overwhelmed.''

''I see.''

''My Lady, why did you ask this? Did you find a method?" Sebastian couldn't help but ask.

''No, nothing. I'm just curious that's all.''

Eleonora replied while smiling. Inwardly she was thinking, 'As I thought you're indeed special and interesting Alex. If I stayed there I would have met you.'

Looking at the smiling Eleonora, Sebastian's thoughts went back into the past when everything was still fine and after that tragedy, the young lady stopped smiling and her expression becomes cold, she rarely smiles however recently all have changed due to a certain someone. Thinking about that boy whose face he only saw recently, Sebastian got to say that his first impression even in that situation was the boy was interesting, he didn't dare to tarry back then because he was afraid of that silver-haired maiden, just one glance and he was frozen, remembering that feeling, the feeling of fear, the feeling of powerlessness he felt back then sends chill running down his spine.

'That silver-haired girl is dangerous better not offend her.' It was what he thought, fortunately, the silver-haired girl did not do anything and let them go.

Shaking his head to discard the lingering fear he was still feeling, Sebastian asked.

''Pardon my rudeness My Lady but I hope you are not planning to go there with that plain, you know I'm trying to say.''

''You mean with this plain face, isn't it? Hell, no. I choose this because it will be troublesome if I became an adventurer with my original face. These brainless idiots will not leave me alone. It will be too troublesome to deal with.''

''It's good then. I will take my leave.'' Sebastian announced with a bow before leaving however different from the time he comes in, this time he had a faint smile on his face because of Eleonora's decision, things are going to become interesting, he thought.

Looking at Sebastian who left with a faint smile, Eleonora also smiled before continuing to read her book.

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