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25.05% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 120: 91-100

Chapter 120: 91-100

91: Leave All Your Valuables Behind

Back to Alex's Location.

Larry's eyes narrowed as he started thinking about a possible solution to have things under control before things spiraling out of his control.

Meanwhile, Alex was also thinking about how to decrease the number of men in front of him, sincerely speaking he had not anticipated this number, he was expecting 6 or 7 men at the most, not ten men.

'I guess I've to thin them out and I have the perfect plan for this.' Alex thought.

Chuckling he said, ''Say Diaz never thought you'd fall this low. What did he offer you to come here fully knowing what would happen in case your identity goes out?''

The four at the back tensed up, especially the one in the middle, it was Diaz, the leader of the E Adventurers group Alex had fought against a few days ago.

Larry's complexion turned ashen, he hastily glanced at the concealed Diaz to tell him not to say anything with his eyes. Alas, Alex wasn't going to let this go by, hence he continued.

''To think you'll sell information on me and yet you even have the gal to follow. What were you expecting? Were you expecting things going acting to your employer's plan? Are you that dumb? Do you know what will happen afterward if your employer accomplishes tonight goal? I bet you didn't because if you did you won't be here. If I die you'll be the next because no witnesses no problem arising afterward.''

Diaz and his men trembled and they looked at Larry with fear as if to confirm what Alex had just said.

Frowning Larry tried to reassure them, however he failed miserably.

''T- that's not true. Don't believe in his nonsense. Nothing going to happen to you. I'm a man of word, let quickly take care of this man.''

Diaz and his men hesitate for a moment because they were not reassured by Larry's early words, not in the slightest, the dude just stuttered when talking, meaning what Alex said was right, Larry had planned to deal with them after taking care of Alex. They glared at Larry eyes filled with hatred, the latter flinched before glancing at the two men on his left and right.

Before they could make a move, one of Diaz's men shouted. From his voice, it should be the bowman with a magic bow.

''You evil spawn. Isn't it your fault? You forced us into doing this. It's all your fault.''

''My fault you said? How hilarious. Quit shifting blame onto others will you? You pathetic fool. You brought what happened upon you by yourself. I won't waste my breath on you lowlife like you. You aren't worth it.'' Alex said shutting the man down, he then turned in Diaz' direction.

''You know Diaz even if you manage to leave tonight alive. Did you think you and your men will live happily afterward? No, you will be hunted down day and night? You will become the most wanted men in the world by both the Guild because they will know it was your doing after investigating and more importantly my family will hunt you down now that your saw my real face, Or do you perhaps believe there will be no consequence after seeing my real face?''

Alex lied through his teeth.

〖If I didn't know what happened I would have believed in the bullshit you are spouting.〗Silveria said, trying to not laugh hearing Alex blatant lie.

Indeed after hearing Alex's last words, Diaz and his men started shaking, even Larry and his men hesitated for a moment.

Diaz and his men did not doubt Alex's words because the current Alex was completely different from the Alex they had fought against a few days ago, if the previous Alex was Earth then the current Alex was Heaven, his demeanor had changed as well, he gives the demeanor of the one standing above normies like them. So, it means this was the real Alex, he looks like a young Master, maybe he is the prince from some kingdom previously disguised and if it was the case then they were in trouble if they proceed as they had intended.

'''I'm quitting, I don't want to die because of some stupid reason. Stay if you want, me I'm a goner.'' Suddenly, the swordman said before starting to retreat after a moment of contemplation. It was Bolt, the swordsman.

Alex's lips curved up, while Larry became angry.

''Come back here, I paid you. Come back.''

He shouted to no avail, the other party continued to walk not even glancing back, Larry couldn't attack him because he fears Alex taking this advantage to strike him and his men, Alex must not be a weakling because he seemed confident in facing them.

Soon, Diaz and his remaining men started to slowly back off, following Bolt's example.

''You-'' Larry pointed his trembling finger at the retreating men.

''Nice decision, but you seem to be forgetting something important here,'' Alex said arms crossed while his eyes narrowed dangerously as if to bore through Diaz and his men.

Their bodies trembled for a moment and they stopped retreating, gritting his teeth till it bleeds because whatever Alex was planning to say it wasn't going to be something nice for them, Diaz asked in a barely audible voice.

''W-what do you want?''

Nodding his head as if pleased with Diaz's question, Alex said with a wide smile.

''Leave all your valuables behind. I mean leave the money you received as compensation when you sell me out and I will act as if I've never seen you tonight.''

Everybody present was astounded by Alex's words, some even blinked few times to make sure that they weren't dreaming. Alas, reality slapped them back confirming that indeed they weren't dreaming, an handsome man just talked like some road thug. No, he was doing a daylight robbery, well it was night, though.

〖You know Master, you should quit being Adventurer and start road robbery. It will suit you more.〗Silveria said after a moment of consideration.

'Shut up. They need to compensate for making me speak for so long. I feel thirsty, at least I can use their money to buy something to drink.' Alex said with a straight face.


Rolling his eyes, Alex glared at Diaz and his men who quickly deposed the money they received onto the ground.

''I hope it is everything?'' Alex asked to be sure.

Diaz and his men nodded their heads, their expressions (they removed their masks after they decided to retire) were as if they have eaten shit.

Nodding his head as if pleased, Alex advised,

''Next time leave your valuable at home or go store it in a Bank.''

Indeed there is a Bank system in this world, Alex had never seen one, they said there is one in the capital, it was a pretty recent system, hence only bigger cities have a Bank in them.

The four men walked out of the alley with dropped shoulders, they came tonight for revenge, in the hope of witnessing Alex's fall as they laugh gleefully, unfortunately, they hope scattered in the winds as swiftly as it had come, and instead of accomplishing their goal, they got robbed instead, to make matters worse, their robber advised them to leave their money at home or to store it in a bank next time.

They wondered what meaning their lives held? Was it to serve as Alex's golden goose laying gold coins? They felt like banging their heads against a wall and die. Never in their lives would they try to take revenge against Alex ever again, every time they had done it, it was followed by a loss on their side, no to be more accurate they lost everything.

This time he has taken pity on them and did not ask for their clothes or else they would have walked back completely naked.

In their eyes, he was like a demon better not provoke. They would have liked to witness Larry and his men demises as they get robbed clean, unfortunately, they have a more important matter at hand, they must flee from this town as quickly as possible because no matter what tonight outcome was, it doesn't spell anything good for them. They need to disappears and lay low and pray not to get their license as Adventurers removed or worse become wanted men.

Their lives from now on would be filled with hardships, it quite hilarious when one bad decision can send your life spiraling into hell.

If there was one thing the four learned it was to not provoke anybody you shouldn't, nor blindly dance on someone else's tune.

92: First Time Killing Another Human

Alex smiled while looking at Diaz and his men's desolate backs. He was not fearing them trying something because they will not, they had a more important matter to do, instead of plotting against him. Alex was sure that Diaz and his men will be leaving town tonight, they did not have any other choice than to flee and lay low.

Sometimes it was better to crush your enemies' psychologies than directly killing them, you made them believe that they had no other choice than to do what you suggest.

Diaz and his men were going to have a life full of hardships where every day they will running trying not to stay in one place because there were wanted by both the Guild and Alex's family, naturally, in the latter case it was a lie, a lie there were unaware of.

Shaking his head Alex decided that it was time to focus on the main issue.

Then his eyes zeroed right into Larry, and when his eyes and Larry's eyes met, the latter felt goosebumps rise over all his body. These were the eyes of a predator that deprive you of everything. Diaz and his men had been an example of the man atrocity, for a moment Larry gulped.

However, how could he, a dignified young Master of a baronet house cower in front of a little gangster? That would be putting stain onto the dignified Fishburns family, gathering his courage Larry glared at Alex in defiance.

Alex smiled in amusement while inwardly praising the young man, early he had tried to intimidate him, not that he used any skill, he just pressured him with his level, not his full strength, though.

It should be noted that Larry's level was 25, while his four men's level was hovering between 22 to 24. As for the remaining two-man flanking Larry on his left and right, they should be the real star of tonight's show, they were respectfully Level 33 and 34.

''I should praise for coming up with that ingenious plan. Without fighting you made those four retreats. Bravo, however, do you think it does change something? Your fate tonight isn't going to change even with those fools out of the picture.'' Larry spat out viciously.

Smiling in front of the obvious threat Alex asked, ''So, what my fate tonight gonna be?''

''You will be beaten by my men until you will grovel in front of me begging for forgiveness. Then I will cripple you, before going after your woman and sister.''

Larry stopped talking and advanced a few steps forward, eyes tainted in madness he added,

''What was her name again? I think it's Gracier, what a lovely name for a half-elf, I shall taste her alongside your lovely girlfriend.''

''Indeed, it's a lovely name, not for the like of you to pronounce.'' Alex spat with a cruel smile forming on his handsome face. He looked like a demon ready for slaughter.

Then, he disappeared.

''Attention, Young Master.'' shouted the two men.

However, it was already too late for Larry to retreat or for the two men to come to his rescue because they got stuck in place by a powerful and suffocating pressure, it was Alex's skill Intimidation. The other four men couldn't also move because they were also feeling the brunt of the skill even though it wasn't aimed at them.

Meanwhile, Larry stood frozen in place, fear gripping his heart, he had spoken those words earlier in the hope to force Alex to recklessly attack him and his men will take care of him, yet what currently happening wasn't what he expected, he knew Alex had unusual movement skill, he had countermeasure for it(the two men) however he did not expect him to freeze two Rank 4 so easily.

Appearing in front of the frozen Larry, Alex punched him in the face broking his nose in the process, Larry's body was thrown back.


Alex appeared in front of still flying Larry, the latter hadn't even recovered from the last attack to be attacked again, however, this time Alex smacked the recovering Larry across the cheek, sending him spiraling across the air like twirling ballerinas. Ignoring his subordinates' astonishing look, he summoned Silveria and aimed at Larry who was still in the air.

''Don't you dare.'' Roared the level 34 swordsman, when Alex summoned that silver thing, the man knew their master would be in trouble, hence he roared breaking free from the skill, he dashed toward Alex to abruptly stop midway because Alex was now aiming the silver unusual object at him with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

The man heard, followed by blueish projectiles moving towards him at an extremely fast speed, he quickly brought his sword down cutting two of these projectiles, the last one was avoided by air breath.

However, before he could heave a sigh of relief he heard his young Master squealing like a pig.


Hastily glancing in direction of where the scream was coming from, the man found to his horror, Larry being nailed against a nearby wall by what he judged to be three shining blades.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds and before the man couldn't move toward Larry his heard Alex's voice coming from his back.

''Where do you think you are going?''

When the man heard these words, he could not help but gulp in fear because of Alex's insane speed, Alex's speed could rival that of Rank 5 top assassin. He hastily brought his sword behind his back to defend against Alex's attack.


The sound of metal colliding against metal could be heard. The man was astonished to be pushed back by the force behind Alex's attack.

'There is no doubt that the man level is above me? How this possible? Wasn't those four said he could at the most be level 25? What's going on here?'

All these questions were running through the man's head, however, he did not have the leisure to dwell in these matters for now because Alex had already aimed the strange silver object at him again.

Preparing to defend against the extremely speed projectiles that come out from the Silver object, the man saw that midway through his attack Alex abruptly switched target, he was now aiming the silver object at the other Level 33 who was by now freed of the influence of Alex's skill.

'Fireball' the man muttered and instantly a fireball the size of a soccer ball was created and sent in Alex's direction.

'Phantom Bullet.' Alex mumbled on his side.

The invisible bullet clashed against the incoming fireball.


An explosion occurred that send shockwaves in all directions, the Level 33 Fire mage was caught in the blast.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, he quickly jumped back to find himself in front of incoming silvers objects, his instinct screamed for him to dive down, so he did. He barely managed to avoid the face of being skewed by Alex Silver Bettie's.

Clicking his tongue Alex defended against the swordsman slash. He decided to finish this man because he was the more dangerous,

'Intimidation' Alex murmured.

Automatically, the swordsman feels suffocating feeling assaulted him all of a sudden, this was the second time he was experiencing this sensation.

''No good.'' The man mumbled as he tried to break free from the second, alas he needed seconds for this, and how could Alex give him that.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Alex fired three bullets incapacitating the man by shooting into his legs and in his sword hand. The swordsman was now laying powerless in the ground groaning of pain in his blood.

After finishing the swordman Alex moved toward the Mage who by now choose the safest option for himself, 'flee' beside the instant casting fireball spell, his other skills (spells) need a long chant, and having witnesses from the first row Alex's insane speed, and more importantly that dangerous object in his hand, the mage decided the best outcome for him was to flee.

Without looking back, he dashed out of the alley at a full speed in the hope of escaping.

However, his hope was going to be crushed.

Smiling Alex aimed Silveria at the fleeing man and fired.

Bang! Bang!!


The fleeing man fell and started moaning in pain.

Turning his green eyes toward the four men who stood frozen since the start because of surprise and fear, Alex smiled evilly.

Gulping audibly, one of the men said, ''We beg for your forgiveness Young Master Alex-?

''No forgiveness here.'' Alex cut the man short before incapacitating the four men in few seconds.

After finishing Alex started walking toward Larry who by now was pale looking, his earlier naughty expression was nowhere to be found, what was present was only fear of the man coming towards him.

''Don't come closer. Do you know who I'm am? I'm the second son of Baron Elton Fishburns you-''

''Noisy'' Alex muttered while ordering the Silver Bettie's to return.

Larry's body fell to the ground forcing him to moan in pain. Crouching down near the fallen Larry, he lifted his upper and slapped the man few times.


''Sthap, do- yhou- ple... please sthap, I'll dou anything.'' Larry pleaded after few resounding slaps, both his cheeks were swollen beyond recognition.

''Good, I want your storage ring. Remove your ownership and I will let you live.'' Alex said while placing Razor against Larry's neck.

The latter gulped eyes filled with nothing but hatred for the man in front of him. He was planning to do the same thing to Alex after thrashing him, yet he now going to suffer the same fate, how hilarious.

Smiling bitterly while planning to take his revenge in the future with the help of his Big brother who was going to study at the Imperial Magic Academy, Larry decided to remove his ownership from the storage ring.

However, right at that moment, something astonishing happened, Larry noticed the fallen Swordman winking at him before launching a small blade at Alex. Larry overjoyed because he had foreseen Alex's end. Unfortunately, as if he had an eye on his back, Alex dropped Larry and rolled on the other side avoiding the blade aimed at his heart.


Larry heard this sound and to his horror, the swordsman was now dead with eyes wide open because he did not expect his sneak attack to fall, blood was coming out of his forehead where the bullet went through.

Alex had killed him, it was an instinctual response, after avoiding the small knife, Alex automatically fired into the direction of where the attack came from to eliminate the threat.

Silent descended upon the whole alley, Alex's hand trembled, he almost dropped Silveria, he had business to finish first.

Larry, on the other hand, was trembling in fear, after witnessing one of his men's death.

''S-spare me, young lord,'' he said not daring to look at Alex in the eyes.

It should be noted that he had never killed somebody, not directly at least, nor he had seen death up this close. Others were the ones doing the killing for him, at best the most horrifying thing he had seen was when one of his men thrashed a poor lad almost to death, on his order of course. So, currently, internally he was breaking down because he was a sheltered boy.

Not saying a word Alex stared at him with dead eyes, Larry hastily removes the ownership from the space ring and threw it in Alex's direction, the latter caught it and check it. After making sure he could check the content inside the ring, Alex smiled before pocketing it.

He approached Larry who was drawing back,

''W-what do you want? I have given you what you asked. My Big brother is now a student at the Imperial Magic Academy, he won't let you off if you c-"


Alex slapped him before locking eyes with the poor man as he muttered.


Instantly Larry's world shattered, he felt like he has been thrown into hell where there was endless suffering, endless grotesque monsters who had only one goal in mind, which was to eat his flesh.


With cracking sound, something within Larry's mind broke, his eyes turned like that of retard, someone that had lost his mind.

Dropping Larry's body as if he was garbage, Alex spat, ''Never have a design on my sister, and never have a design on my soon to be woman. From your way of doing things, this mustn't be the first you did something like this. Today you're got your retribution for all your past misdeeds.''

Alex stood up and gave one last glance at Larry who was vacantly staring into space as if he had lost his soul before leaving the alley full of moans of pain after collecting Diaz and his men money, none of Larry's fallen men dare to look at him in the eyes.

Once outside the alley, Alex didn't saw any passerby, suddenly he almost fell, using the nearby wall as support, he started puking now that everything was finished, he was feeling dizzy for a while, just after killing the swordsman.

〖Are you alright, Master?〗Silveria asked after the long silence. You could feel the concerns in her voice.

''I'm fine, I'm just feeling dizzy, it must be the aftermath of the fight. Sigh! I need something strong to calm down my raging emotions. Also, I need to contact Leena to inform her of what happened. She'll take care of the aftermath.''

Alex said before standing up albeit with difficulty, he was still feeling dizzy, he started walking in another direction, his new destination was a tavern.


Nickaido's here, for those of you who are wondering about the details on Alex's skill [Intimidation]

Here are the details.

Intimidation Level 5:

Duration: 15 seconds

Cost: 350 MP

93: I Do Not Regret It

Just after Alex left there was a flash and an old man dressed in Butler's clothes appeared, he stared in the direction Alex left to, before moving towards the men groaning on the ground.

He didn't even glance at them twice as he continued walking and finally stopped in front of Larry, crouching down he checked the latter condition. After few seconds the old butler couldn't help but sigh heavily.

''There is no hope anymore for the second young Master. From now on he will live as a retard. Sigh! Just a simple task yet you have been incapable of doing it. I must understand what happened here.''

Then the old butler stood and glanced at men on the ground, more specifically at the Fire mage, throwing a bottle of healing potion at the man who was now sitting after a long-struggling, the old butler said, ''Tell me exactly what happened here, Kuros' explanation was a little bit vague. I want all of the details.''

Nodding his head, the Fire mage drunk the healing potion directly before starting to recount what happened.

After hearing the whole history, the old butler couldn't help but praise Alex's wits.

''What interesting young man. It would have been heaven's blessing if the second young Master was like this young man, alas he isn't it. Well, young man you have brought what is about to happen upon yourself, the mistress will be furious after learning what happened to her child. She dotes on him too much. Sigh! this must have been the root of the problem. Guess, she would calm down after knowing the culprit of her son's condition has been taken care of.'' the old butler mumbled as he glanced in the direction of the Moonlight Inn before ordering the Fire mage to take care of the other injured men as he left with Larry.


Meanwhile, in another district a lone figure could be seen walking toward a bar, this lone figure of course was none other than Alex, shortly he appeared in front of a bar.

From the outside, it looks cozy, homey, and pleasant. Plastered walls and carved pillars make up most of the building's outer structure.

It was hard to see through the closed windows, but the music and songs from within could be felt outside.

Sighing Alex entered the bar through the old, metal door, once inside he was welcomed by clapping hands and strong alcohol scents drifting through the air.

The bartender was buried in orders but still manages to welcome him with a short wave.

It was as lovely inside as it was on the outside. Tree logs support the upper floor and the chandeliers attached to them. The walls are loaded with hundreds of memorabilia, all signed and most likely donated by customers.

The bar itself was packed. Travelers and Adventurers seemed to be the primary clientele here.

Several long tables were occupied by separate groups who, after having had quite a few drinks, seem to be trying to prove which group was best. The other, smaller tables were also occupied by people who are probably starting to reach the point of having drunk too much, though nobody seems to mind. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Alex walked forward under the scrutiny of curious folks, he sat near the counter and lock eyes with the bartender.

''Your strongest drink please.''

''Right away.'' the bartender replied before getting himself busy.

Being a former mercenary before becoming bartender, the middle-aged had come to learn to read emotions on his clients' faces, and currently looking at the handsome young man, the bartender knew Alex had killed another human for the first time, it could be seen from the latter expression.

The bartender shook his head and served Alex's his drink.

After being served Alex tries to drown the entire glass, however, he heard the bartender's warning, ''I won't do that if I were you. It's not called strongest drink for anything, drink it slowly to savor it.''

Nodding his head Alex took a sip of the drink, indeed the drink was strong, this drink reminds him of Pincer Shanghai Strength he had drunk once. This brought back some memories, he and some of his friends tried it because of some sort of competition. Pincer Shanghai Strength (88.88% Alcohol) is a vodka that can get you drunk in no time, so naturally, they got drunk in no time, afterward, they started doing unthinkable things, it was one of his darkest pasts.

Remembering those things brought a smile upon Alex's face, for a moment he forgot the gloomy feeling he was feeling.

〖It's good to see you smile. What happened today would have happened sooner or later. You will have to kill someday even though you don't want to. Or were you planning to never kill?〗Silveria asked him.

'It is unrealistic because I'll necessarily kill someday. I'm no Saint, I will kill you if you are planning to kill me. I will only kill when necessary, I do not regret killing that man, not one bit. It's just that I didn't know I will feel something after killing another human for the first time. I thought that after my first time killing a monster and continuous kills if I were to kill another human, I will not feel anything as I had killed before, guess I was wrong.' Alex explained.

〖It's understandable for you to think that way, however, you should know that monsters are different from humans, even humanoid monsters. Let's me put it more simple for you to understand, when you kill a chicken you'll think of it as natural even if you feel remorse, however, once you kill another human being, you'll feel awful, revulsed because human's psychology has been molded in a way normally you will not kill another human as you can normally kill animals. There is a defensive mechanic that prevents you from doing it, and once you kill another human for the first time, this mechanic broke and you change forever because something had been removed from you. Some individuals felt nothing after killing another human while some felt remorse after doing it by accident or by necessity. The former individuals didn't consider human life different from chicken, they will kill easily as if slaughtering a chicken, while the latter will value life more, only kill when necessary.〗

After hearing Silveria's lengthy explanation Alex understood, it does make sense what she said.

〖Why did you leave witnesses behind?〗Silviria inquired.

Sighing as he was expecting this question, Alex, hence he explained himself.

''Let say I could have killed everyone or turned them to retard. Then so what? Or did you think it will stop troubles coming in my way? No, I don't think so. Larry did some research on me, he will let someone behind knowing what he was going to do in the case trouble befall him, they will come to his rescue. Also, that person will have information on me, in case Larry died, the blame will be put on me. I let the others live because I saw no need to massacre them. I bet just after I left someone must have arrived to take care of Larry and his men. As what they going to do after seeing their young master turned into retard, it's not hard to guess, they will try to get revenge.''

〖So, you knew this, still-〗

Alex cut Silveria off and said, ''Let me finish first. I'm well aware of this fact, why I informed Leena about it. She will take care of the aftermath. I do not know her real background but I think it's stronger enough to scare a baronet house to not mess with me. I have a strong backer, it will be foolish not to make use of it. It will right if I don't abuse it.''

〖If you've thought that far there's nothing I can't say, just don't trust her blindly without knowing her real motivation.〗Silveria advised.


Alex said before finishing his drink and asked for another one, shortly after being served, he heard a woman's voice coming from his left.

''Evening handsome. May I sit here with you?" the woman asked.

''Suit yourself.''

Smiling the woman sat down on his left, finally observing the woman Alex could say she was not bad, she could be considered a beauty by Earth's standard, everything could have been perfect if not for the heavy makeup and too provocative dress. She seemed to be in her late twenty, she had brown hair and light green eyes.

When Alex met eyes with the woman, she smiled seductively, ''What are you so worried about? Please share it, I'm a good listener.''

''Nothing. I'm just lost in thought.'' Alex responded with a smile before asking the bartender to serve the woman a drink.

The woman smiled seductively. She fixes him in a look that would make any character other than our hero shrivel. He meets her gaze with the smile of one who knows what she was up to. She folds one leg over the other, Alex could swear she did it on purpose, to let him caught a glimpse of what lay under that darkness.

〖Slut.〗Silveria spat.

'Do not be rude, Sil, everybody has different ways of achieving their goal, do not label her just because of this.' Alex chided her.

Smiling Alex stood up startling the woman who was already planning her next action.

''Sorry, I'm not in the mood. Maybe another time. The drinks will be on me.'' Alex said.

The woman could only smile bitterly at tonight perfect prey escaping her clutches, she knew she was not a great beauty, still, she had never fallen so miserably on catching the prey she had set her eyes upon. Guess Goddess of luck was on absence leave tonight.

''Don't worry, I understand. I hope I'll see you again.'' the woman said with her perpetual seductive smile.

Not saying anything other than smiling mysteriously, Alex went to sit in another corner and ordered another drink but this time it was a middle one. He decided to make use of this rare occasion to drink to his heart content, something he hadn't done since setting foot here.

94: Back To The Inn

Alex continued to drink, he had completely forgotten about his early feeling, he currently enjoying his drink.

Finally, Silveria couldn't contain her curiosity any longer thus she asked.

〖Why do leave that woman when you could have. Well, you know what I mean.〗

''I know what you mean. What were my last words before leaving?'' Alex asked while slowly enjoying his drink.

〖You said you were not in the mood. So what? I thought it was an excuse. I'm asking about your real reason, though.〗Silveria said not quite believing Alex's words.

Shrugging his shoulders as if it doesn't matter if she believes him or not, Alex continued to enjoy his drink.

Alex must say, this body alcohol tolerance was pretty high because of the amount of alcohol he had already ingested he was still not drunk, however, he starting to feel it pass.

[Big brother are you still busy?]

Suddenly, Alex heard the voice of his younger sister. It was filled with nothing but concern for not seeing her Big brother.Sighing Alex responded,

[Yeah, Alexandra. Don't worry I'll be on my way soon. Go to sleep, don't wait for me.]

[No, I will wait for you. Currently, I'm helping Ms. Lana in the kitchen because there is a lot of customers. Everybody is worried here so come back soon.]

Gracier said before cutting off the communication.

'I will.' Alex mumbled lost in thought.

Meanwhile, when Alex was talking with Gracier, the metallic door of the bar was pushed open and a young woman walked in.

She became the center of attention as all eyes bore through her as if to eat her whole.

''What a beautiful chick. She's the most beautiful woman I've seen.'' Someone suddenly said and most of the men present here tonight shared the same thought.

With long auburn hair and her head held high, the young woman waltzed on with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that played onward without pause. Her brown eyes scanned the room with determination in search of someone when her eyes finally landed on a figure with head lowered she smiled.

'So beautiful it was like the stars themselves, decided to rest behind the soft cushion of her lips.' Thought most men.

Then, she advanced and stopped just in front of the young handsome man with his head lowered.

Other men could only silently curse at the man wishing that they also had that kind of face.

''Here you are Alex.'' the young woman said.

Finally lifting his head Alex was surprised seeing the figure in front of him, they had just left each other it hasn't been too long.

Smiling Alex said,

''It seems somebody was missing me and couldn't wait to come to see me.''

Sera could only smile helplessly,

''You doing fine from what I see. You even have the time to joke like this.''

Shrugging his shoulders Alex asked,

''I'm just happy to see you. It's Leena doing isn't it?"

Sera nodded her head before sitting down next to Alex and ordered the same drink as him.

Smiling Alex said, ''Thank you. I needed a little bit of company and you are just offering me this, I know it's on Leena's order you came but it still makes me happy.''

Sera could only smile when she heard Alex's words, she acted as she hadn't heard Alex emphasizing the word Leena's order.

''How are you feeling?" she asked switching the subject.

''I'm fine, after killing that man, I was assaulted by a sudden feeling and puked but now I don't feel anything,'' Alex responded.

''I see''. That's good. Don't worry you'll get used to it pretty soon.''

''Oh? How many people do you kill for you to be able to speak like this?" Alex said but immediately regretted asking this question.

''Sorry, it was pretty insensible of me to ask that, I'm sorry.''

Waving her hand to indicate that she didn't take it to heart Sera then scanned the whole bar, one particular woman caught her interest, this woman seemed to be staring in their direction, particularly at Alex since she sat here, the woman did not seem pleased but she tried not to show it.

"Tell me Alex why are you alone when there are lots of women here waiting to be invited?" Sera asked amused.

''Why would I invite them when I was waiting for my lovely lady to come?" Alex immediately asked back.

Sera looked at Alex with 'I knew you'd said that' kind of smile.

''I see. However, why one of those women seems not pleased with my presence?'' she said looking in a certain direction.

Following the direction Sera was looking at, Alex said the previous woman with whom he exchanged few words earlier.

Smiling bitterly Alex explained, ''Oh! that one we exchanged few words earlier. She said I looked like her first love. A more handsome version of course. She wanted to know where I live and what I do in life, she was pretty open with what she wants, and naturally, as a gentleman, I refuse because I'm not interested.''

His expression as he was explaining looked like somebody who had done a good deed. If the woman were to hear what Alex just said she would have slapped him for his big lie. It was true that she is interested in him, however, she had not said any of what Alex said.

Sera giggled hearing Alex's story. Of course, it went without saying that she did not believe him one bit.

The two continued to chat exchanging jokes until one hour later they left.


It was past 9 p.m when the two returned to the Moonlight Inn, Sera had insisted on accompanying Alex until the Inn.

When the two entered the Inn, there were still lots of customers present on the first floor.

Naturally, they gathered all their attentions. Most of the usual customers knew Sera.

''Isn't it Sera?" Asked one of them.

''Yeah, it's her. However, I have never seen this young man before. I wonder who he is? Maybe a new customer?"

Another customer said everybody was staring at Alex's eyes tainted with curiosity.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound following by a blurry silhouette and before they could understand what happening they saw the handsome young man caught something in his arms, it was a red-haired half-Elf girl, the one everybody came to know as Red Devil as she likes to play pranks on the customers.

''Big brother Alex welcome back. I miss you so much.''

''I'm back Gracier. I miss you too.'' Alex responded while affectionately stroking the latter hair. It's only been three days, yet he missed her.

Naturally, the exchanges between the two had been heard by others, even Ms. Lana and Lea who chasing after Gracier were startled by the new Alex. He was like a different person, especially the air around him, he looks more confident.

''Holy shit. When did the Rookie become so handsome? Did he took a Beauty pill?" Asked a surprised customer, he got instantly chided by another customer.

''Are you blind. Does Beauty pill increase one height? No, I don't think so. And I doubt something like Beauty pill does exist.''

''That's true.''

The others nearby customers nodded their heads, Beauty Pill was just hearsay, nobody had seen it.

Meanwhile, Gracier was still clinging to her Big brother as if she was not planning to let go soon. She was not bothered by Alex reeking alcohol.

Finally, aware of Sera's presence she immediately greeted the latter.

''Hello, Big sister Sera. So, you were the reason why Big brother said he would be late? Hehehe! Thank you for taking good care of him.'' Gracier said with a smile.

''You welcome,''

Sera responded with a smile in turn, and after exchanging few words with the siblings and Ms. Lana and Lea who had joined them at some point she left the Inn.

En route, Sera remembered the look Gracier was giving her when she was talking with her big brother. Gracier would observe them from time to time before smiling mysteriously.

Sera couldn't help but find that action cute. She would like to have a sister like her.


Back to the Inn, after exchanging few words with Ms. Lana and Lea, Alex left saying he was tired, naturally, he did not forget to give the mother-daughter pair a little gift. The special Ice cream he had brought.

Once inside their chamber, Alex also gave his sister her Ice cream before leaving for the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later he had finished showering and was now dressed in gray short pants and a blue shirt. He directedly went to bed,

''Good night Alexandra. We will talk later I'm tired.''

''Good night Big brother,''

Gracier responded as she continued to eat her Ice cream.

Meanwhile, before closing his eyes Alex decided to appraise Gracier to see her progress, he was astonished by what he saw.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 2」

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 22

Experience Value: 700/2300

Magic Power: 1145 (+60 (+50 BP)) ✒ 1255

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 155 (+60 (+50 BP)) ✒ 265

Defense: 125 (+60 (+20 BP)) ✒ 205

Agility: 145 (+60) ✒ 205

Intelligence: 135 (+60) ✒ 195

Luck: 145 (+60) ✒ 205

BP: 0

SP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1 ✒ Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 1✒ Level 4] [Fire Shield Level 1✒ Level 4] [Presence Detection Level 1✒ Level 2] [Chantless Magic Level 3] (New)

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent] (New)』

'Not bad, she is Level 22 now, she even acquired new skill and title. As for some of her skills Level increasing it must due to her using the 10 SP she acquired after becoming Level 10 back then. Her newly acquired SP is still unused. Sigh! I must thank Eleonora when I will see her.'

Alex decided before closing his eyes and drift into sleep land.

95: Failed Attempt

Late in the night, Northern part of Eria's city.

A man shrouded in all black and with a mask with the same hue tiptoed to mimic the stillness of the night.

Only his blue eyes were visible, you could feel no emotion from within only eerie calmness that sends a chill down to one's spine.

The man would go slow at times and would flash silently like a cat jumping from one building to another.

After an indeterminate amount of time, he stopped on top of a certain three-story building with a signboard, drawn on the signboard was a Moon illuminating a black world『Moonlight』was written there.

It was now 2 hours past midnight and all people inside this building should be already asleep by now which made this specific time the best moment to attempt a perfect assassination.

Even so, he decided to be sure of his assumption.The man paused and listened for more than ten minutes to ascertain if his assumption was correct.

He then crouched down and steadied his breathing to the bare minimum as he tries to check through a certain window.

All this man's actions denoted trained expertise in the ways of night combat that could only be had after many successful kills in this kind of job. Indeed, this person was a master assassin. This is what he does for a living.

After the twenty-minute of careful observation to make sure his target sleeping, the seasoned murderer moved closer to the window giving access to his soon-to-be victim room.

He took out a dagger to help him open the lock of the window.

Of course, he could have punched his way in but that would defeat his purpose in coming.

After all, a full-fledged veteran assassin was at his best in remaining unseen and unheard. You come, you kill and you leave, all of these three things must be done silently as possible. This the Art of perfect killing.

The man in black was about to use the sharp weapon but was only halfway through the motion before he was stopped completely in place.

He felt a strong presence from behind him that was not there a second prior.

''It's quite late for a nightly visit don't you think?" Someone suddenly said the voice was genderless.

When the assassin heard these words, he could not help but shiver in fear.

To be able to arrive at his blind spot without him knowing when and how that happened was ridiculous!.

He knew this because he was a master in the arts of hiding and moving at speed.And a pretty accomplished one at that. He was not a weakling either, a Rank 7 assassin.

So, the man was astonished by what was currently happening.This kind of thing just doesn't happen unless there was a huge gap in strength or this unknown master has used some kind of advanced concealing technique beyond that of his understanding.

'Fight or flee!' the assassin thought briefly.

There was no reward to be had for any heroics or useless endeavor he might do if that would culminate in him losing his dear life for it.

That would be a funny thing for him to do because he was an expert assassin who loved slaying his targets throats as they sleep, he thus got the nickname 'Throat Cutter', he is famous among his peers and currently, he was in trouble.

Should he fight or Should he flee instead?! the assassin once again asked himself this question. To be a warrior and face a foe head-on was not one of his strengths.

Especially not against someone who was clearly more powerful than him.'FLEE!' the assassin finally decided, then he jumped and arrived on the rooftop like an agile monkey.

The assassin's steps became heavy and gone was the cover of silence that he had meticulously applied ever since his arrival.

Screw that, he was running for his dear life.

After all, what mattered most right now was to get away as fast as he possibly can of the unseen monster.

"Oh? You are leaving already without accomplishing your goal?"

The person with the genderless voice taunted the quickly escaping assassin.

'Like hell, I will wait to accomplish my goal. I'll be the one dying tonight if I stayed.' The assassin shouted in his mind as he continued his mad dash on top of the rooftop.

And soon he was about to jump onto another building like a cheetah, however suddenly he felt like he has been enveloped in darkness and,


Sound could be heard as a wrecked figure of a man dressed in all black bounced back as if it hit something so hard against when he tried to jump.

"Puh!!!" the assassin coughed a mouthful of blood.

He felt that he may have suffered internal bleeding just from that one attack alone which scared him silly.

In fact, he was sure of it with every hard breath he took.

"Hah! Hah!'' he exhaled his lungs out and there was more even more blood as a result of his efforts.

He was badly injured! The man looked around in hope of seeing the person who left him in this sorry state.

Alas, all he saw darkness and endless darkness.

''What the hell is this?!''

''What just happened?"

The assassin asked a bunch of questions to nobody in particular.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in utter terror when he came up with a possible explanation for the current phenomenon he was experiencing

.''An easy job it was said? What a joke!. I hate it when the information is faulty, to begin with. It makes the job a little more difficult than necessary.'' The assassin grumbled before adding,

''This may be my last mission. To think that the target has a powerful guardian who can deploy the famous Dom-"

Suddenly, the man stopped as he felt the world turning upside down, he was back in the real world, he witnesses a headless body falling onto the ground with a thud sound and without a doubt he knew it was his, he was dead with his head separated from his body.

Indeed a death befitting 'The Throat Cutter'.He didn't regret his death because, in the end, he got to witnesses something normally he wouldn't have never seen in his life, someone with Domain. It is extremely rare to find one.

''You talk too much, I guess with this tonight work is done.''

Said the person with the genderless voice before disappearing from the rooftop with the black assassin dead body, there was not even blood on the rooftop, everything was clean as if nothing took place here.

From the start until the end, no figure was seen except for the sound of a voice.

Soon, silence returned to the rooftop.


In another location, Guild branch of Eria's City, second floor.

In a room, on a bed a figure could be seen, it was a woman, a beautiful woman.

She was dressed in a lascivious neglige. A see-through cloth that made heavy use of lace! The white skin underneath it could be seen even the black underwear she was wearing.

Suddenly, a shadow materialized inside the room, it was had to see through this shadow feature.

The sleeping beauty woke up with a yawn, she was not surprised by the newcomer entrance, almost as if she had been waiting for its arrival.

Making herself comfortable on the bed she waited for the shadow report.

Finally, the shadow spoke with a genderless voice not different from the previous one.

''As you have expected, someone attacked and I have taken care of it. Nobody noticed anything.''

''Good. Did you do as I ordered once you finish taking care of the trouble?" the beautiful woman asked.

''Yes. I have already sent the gift back.'' the shadow responded.

''Good. You can go back and good job, good night by the way.'' the beautiful woman said while yawning.

Without responding the shadow left leaving the beautiful woman alone.

Sighing the latter mumbled, ''Already causing troubles and leaving me to take care of it, what a troubling boy.''

The beautiful woman went back to sleep.

If Alex was here he would have identified this beautiful woman as Leena, his backer and as he had said, when you have a backer, better make use of it when there's a problem you're incapable of taking care of, it was exactly what happened tonight.

96: Encounter With Eleonora

Early in the morning, in a small mansion located in the southern part of the city, in one of the chambers of the small mansion sat an old man dressed in Butler clothes.

Currently, this old man had a troubled expression on his aged face and the reason for his current expression was in front of him, it was none other than a box, not the box itself that troubled the old butler but the contents of the box.

Inside the box was a severed head and a letter written with blood, it was the head of the black assassin that failed his assassination attempt on Alex last night.

Upon reading the bloody letter, the old butler couldn't help but shiver in fear.

[Tell Gareth to teach his son and wife how to behave or next time there won't be only one head coming his way but a dozen of heads.]

Gareth was the second name of Baron, to think the other party even knew this, even knew it was Madam's doing. This could only mean one thing, that the other had information on the whole Fishburns' family.

The old butler couldn't only sigh helplessly, ''I guess it was foolish of us to have attempted anything. The young man's background is not small. The meaning of this message is clear, the young man must not be trifled with. Madam can only swallow her hatred or else it will be the end of the Fishburns family.''

''The time to leave this town has come.''

The old butler stored the box and letter before starting to order the other servants to back their things, they are leaving immediately.


In another location, the figure of Alex and Gracier could be seen in the guild as usual.

They just came in after eating their breakfasts with the mother-daughter pair.

En route, Alex had learned what happened, how Eleonora had kindly helped his sister. He even praised Gracier for accidentally meeting Eleonora.

'Shameless.' was the only word that came into Silveria's head when she heard Alex's praise.

As for Alex's mental condition after having killed another human for the first time, he was feeling okay as if he had done nothing in the first place. In this world where the strong rules, you kill or either be killed.

Alex was in peace with himself because he won't go on his way slaughtering people, he will only kill those who will be after his life.

~Back to the present.

As the two entered the Guild, they draw all the attention more than normal because of Alex's change.

So naturally, whispers starting flying here and there as curious eyes scanned Alex's body.

Alex and Gracier advanced toward Leena's counter unbothered.

''Morning Leena.''

The siblings said at the same time.

Having already noticed the early commotion Leena smiled and said,

''Morning Alex, morning Gracier.''

''Alex, I was expecting you to get few boons on your journey but I did not expect this change. You are like a different person. It's guarantee that you'll make a lot woman fall for you just with this look of yours.'' Leena added.

''Are you included?" Alex immediately asked back.

''You need more than just a look to get this Big sister,''

Leena responded with a smile.

''I thought so,''

Alex said before switching to another subject.

''Thank you for the help last night.''

''You welcome.''

Alex had learned what happened last night when he was dead asleep.

Silveria informed him of his late-night visitor.

Alex was too dead tired to notice anything and the alcohol in his blood didn't help too much either.

The assassin leaving (probably killed) was, without doubt, Leena's doing, hence why he thanked her.

He had expected Larry's men to make a move but not on the same day, it was good he had informed Leena in the advance or he would fend off whoever was sent his way all by himself and what would have happened if the other was too strong? He might die or worse Gracier, therefore he opted for using Leena's help.

After they exchanged few words with Leena and other receptionists, Alex left for the request border leaving his sister in the girls' company as she got dragged and bombarded with questions, questions about her Big brother, the change he went through.

As Alex was looking at the request board in the search for an appropriate request for the day, a person suddenly called out to him. When he turned to face the voice, he saw the figure of Eleonora, the plain looking girl who recently helped his sister.

''Seems like you're now back. Fufufu! You even become handsome all of sudden. I wonder what happened to you. Care to share it with this Big sister?" Eleonora said she couldn't conceal the growing curiosity inside her.

And it went without saying that Alex wasn't going to entertain the curious girl.

''Morning, Eleonora. Thank you for kindly helping my sister, I appreciate it. Maybe you two should do this often.'' Alex said with the corner of his lips lifted upwards.

'Not gonna happen. Sigh! I guess you two are not that different when it comes to taking advantage of others.' Eleonora thought inwardly while outwardly she maintains her smiling face not saying anything.

''I owe you one,'' Alex added.

''What kind of request are you planning to take today?" Eleonora asked.

''I'm still searching,'' Alex answered and continued to search for a request on the board.

''I see. Why don't we do a quest together?"

Eleonora asked. Naturally, she was doing this for a certain purpose. She wants to use this chance to get to learn more about Alex.

Realizing Eleonora's plan from her words and the look in her eyes, Alex gave a wry smile as he felt troubled, normally he would have immediately refused her, however this time it was hard to, because of what she had done.

''Eleonora, you shouldn't be so unreasonable to others. Every person has their circumstances.''

Seeing Alex's troubled face, the man standing behind Eleonora chided her.

Alex had seen the man earlier, however, he mistook him for another Adventurer waiting for his turn to choose a request. However, it seems it wasn't the case, this man was with Eleonora, they were going to complete a quest together.

''Shut up Marcus. Let me talk.'' Eleonora shouted back.

''You- I thought you said we going to complete a quest together,''

Marcus said with a flustered expression because blood was rushing toward his head, normal he had just been yelled at in front of a stranger.

''We will but with the brother-sister pair,'' Eleonora said.

''Why?" Marcus asked.

While those two were busy bickering, Alex finally stumbled upon a request.

The content of the request was the investigation of another forest near the Mira Forest, there was no rank requirement but it required a minimum of 4 people to accomplish it.

(Should I take this quest with them? Like this, I could repay her. I don't like to owe.) Alex mused over.

''What do you think about this quest?" Alex asked Eleonora pointing at the request he just read.

Eleonora hastily scanned the content of the request.

At first, she was smiling as if she had seen the completion of her plan, however, the more she read the quest the more her smile disappeared until she stopped to completely smile.

''A forest investigation, the reward is large for such a request, Four Gold coins, huh! However, because not much is know about that place, hence the investigation, I don't know what kind of monsters will appear there. It's tempting but dangerous at the same time.'' Eleonora thought with a clouded expression.

Alex also thinking the same thing why he tried to know what she thought about the matter.

One should know that requests that had no rank requirements, their rewards were often either extremely low or high with a matching risk.

In this case, concerning the investigation into the forest near the Mira Forest, if anything, it was the latter kind as what monsters would appear was unknown. The risk would be high.

After contemplating for a moment Eleonora shook her head because the risk in this quest was high, also she didn't want to show more than she should in the case of something unexpected happening. She just wants to get some pieces of information on Alex's skills.

''Sorry, this quest is filled with unknown variables. Search for another quest.'' Eleonora said.

''There isn't any other quest for us to take in a group. It was the only one I saw.'' Alex explained.

''I see. it's regrettable then. Well, we will have plenty of occasions to do quest together in the future.''

Eleonora said while letting out a sigh as she stared at the fuming Marcus.

''Let go. See you soon Alex. Greet your sister for me.''

''I will.''

Leaving these words behind Eleonora left with Marcus to complete a request they must have previously chosen.

Seeing their backs off, Alex started looking for a good request for two people.

When he was thinking about selecting an appropriate one, from the corner of his eyes he noticed someone approaching him.The approaching individual was obviously looking at Alex, anyone would understand that he was looking for him, and judging by the way he was arrogantly walking, Alex had an idea of what the other party's goal was going to be.

Flashing an evil grin, Alex thought, 'Another fool'〖Indeed〗Silveria also shared the same thought.

97: Another Fool

Alex observed the incoming man stride forward as if currently he was the most important person in the Guild.

The young man was in his late teens to early twenties. Gray hair and black-eyed, height around 1.78m.

For an adventurer, the equipment he was wearing wasn't particularly high quality.

However, the sword equipped at his waist was a different matter, it was something that attracted a lot of looks.

'A Magic sword huh!'

It was like the battle-ax which Diaz used or the bow of the Magic bowman, the ones he acquired after their duel. They were all weapons that help you channel your magic through it.

In other words, a magic item. Because of the magic small power they contained (to maintain the runes engraved on it to keep it functioning), they tended to attract looks from the public eye, that was why even Alex, who couldn't sense foreign magic power like elf or Mage, could tell if it was a magic item.

As for the sword at the waist of the incoming man, the sword gave off an atmosphere of a magic item, that was why he was able to judge that it was a magic sword.

Also, Alex had secretly appraised the sword.

[Magic Sword Akkal.Sword engraved with runes to strengthen the sword wielder when he/she channel his magic power through it.]

''You are Alex, right?"

Alex gave a small nod as the man stopped in front of him and asked.

''And you are?''

''I'm Golfak, A-rank E adventurer.''

Eh! Another Rank E adventurer. In other words, he was at the same rank as Alex. Alex almost laughed aloud when he heard the young man's name.

〖Master, one should laugh when the opportunity is given. Fufufu, this man's parents must have run out of names to have named their son like this.〗Silveria suddenly said almost making Alex burst into laughter.

Ignoring Silveria's comment, Alex focused on the man called Golfak.

''So, Golfak do you need me for something?''

''I had gone out of the city for a long time request, though I came back this morning, and I heard some strange rumors here and there,'' Golfak said.

''Humor please.''

Golfak did not like the tone Alex used to talk to him, nevertheless, he continued with his talk.

''Some crazy rumors, like you jumped from F to almost D in days, like all by yourself you killed 30 goblins and a rare species on top of it like you bested Diaz and his men by yourself.''

'You don't believe it?' Alex looked at him while thinking that. It was clear that he didn't believe Alex, the adventurer in the rumor that had done all these amazing feats.

'Jealousy, huh?! Well, either way, he's not a decent opponent for me.'

Muttering in his mind, Alex let out a heavy sigh.

''Hey, what's with the sigh?''

''You have a lot of time to waste. So, how can I help you, Golfak, the E Rank Adventurer?'' Alex asked with a bored look.

Golfak's face twitched when he saw the bored look Alex was giving him and blood rushed to his head.

But though the blood rushed to Golfak's head, after clicking his tongue as if he didn't care, he started to explain what he wants.

''What I want, it's pretty simple. I want you to have a match with me. I want to see your ability that defeated the rare species.''

'As I thought.'

〖This kind of person is too predictable.〗Silveria said.

Indeed it was as she said, the moment he saw Golfak walking toward him, Alex knew it was going to end with him saying he wants to duel against him.

As he had said it earlier, Golfak won't make a decent opponent for him because he was too much ahead of him in terms of Level.


Class: Swordsman

Age: 23


「 Rank 3」

Level 25

Experience Value: 600/2600

Magic Power: 900

Magic: None

Attack: 200

Defense: 170

Agility: 190

Intelligence: 150

Luck: 180

BP: 0

SP: 0

Skills: [Dash Level 3] [Sword Art Level 3] [Cross Slash Level 3]

Titles:[ Hardworker] [Braggart]

'His Level is not bad for an E Rank Adventurer.'

Alex honestly thought as he remembered the man's status.

Mistaking Alex's silence for him being afraid of accepting the challenge, Golfak had a smug expression on his face.

On the other hand, Alex turned his head back, and coincidentally it was in the direction of Gracier, Leena, and other Adventurers, seeing the evil grin on his face, they looked at Golfak with pity.

Again, mistaking the look directed at him to be directed at Alex, Golfak's smile widened, his confidence skyrocketed.

'Hehehe, I'll use you as a stepping stone to build my imminent ascension.' Golfak thought.

Meanwhile, Alex was amused by Golfak's confidence.

''And what benefits will I receive from this match?'' Alex suddenly asked.


'What's are you saying?'

Golfak's face seemed to say this as he looked at Alex. Golfak had planned to pick a fight and provoke Alex into an unconditional fight, however his plan had just failed.'

'Hehehe. Is that kid serious? Picking a fight with Alex when the man could kill a goblin Rare species and a Queen Ant?"

''Haven't you heard him speak earlier? That Wolfak whatever guy wasn't in the city for a while. Him, acting recklessly after coming back and heard Alex's accomplishments can't be helped when he did not witness them.''

''Ah well. It's understandable, though. Not knowing anything about Alex but picking a fight with him. At any rate, even you will react like him if you were in his shoes and saw a pretty looking man who the rumors said have accomplished exceptional feats. You will think, this handsome man must use all his time to take care of himself than seriously fighting monsters, it must be someone else accomplishing those feats in his stead.''

''I got it but that last part was your inner soul jealous of Alex's handsome face speaking.''

Alex's lips twitched when he heard the previous Adventurer's comment.

Though the noise of adventurers speaking in low voices echoed through the guild, Golfak was too focused on Alex so he didn't hear any of them.In the eyes of the adventurers, Golfak was like some sort of hero.

However, he was a hero in the sense that he was like a brave man attacking a dragon with a stick he just picked. He was bound to lose.

Anyhow, Alex had scored a clean victory against the E rank party lead by Diaz by himself a few days ago and because he took away all their money and equipment that they had on them, even if most of the Adventurers were dissatisfied with this, his behavior still stood out.

Everybody began to fear challenging him because they will lose their valuables in case they don't win.

Golfak only just returned to town and hearing the rumors, he went straight to Alex without understanding anything.

Anyway, he judged that Alex had just gone up to rank E because of an influential person while he was at the stage where he would soon be taking the rank up test to rank D.

In a sense, it could be said that this was one of the prices of fame.

''Anyway, you should just fight me. This way, I can properly access your ability. Or what is it? If you can defeat a Rare species, don't you have the confidence to fight an E rank Adventurer like me?" Golfak tried to taunt Alex.

Alex couldn't help but smile bitterly while thinking.

'So, you are going play it like this?'

Believing only what they wanted to believe in, this was the only reality visible to them. Golfak was this type of person.

''I'm trying to say, whether I can beat you or not is a different thing. I'm asking you to show me the benefits of having a match against you. Because believe me, I'm not fighting against you for free.'' Alex explained.

''What do you want then?"

''Offer something if you want to fight me or scram,''

Alex said he was already getting bored, and most importantly he was wasting his time here. He was planning to help his sister advance into the next Rank.

''Guh! but it's only checking your skills. Alright, if you beat me I'll give you 2 Gold coins. How about it?" Golfak finally said after a long consideration.

''Nah! That won't do. To make it fair let's say if Iwin I'll take that Magic Sword of yours and in the case, I lost I'll give you 10 Golden coins."

Alex automatically rejected Golfak proposal and suggested another one.

Golfak hesitated, his Magic sword was worth 8 Gold coins, if he wins he could buy another one but it was just that he became attached to his current one after the storms they went through even though he had other swords as well.

''Okay, I accept.''

Finally, Golfak accepted after a long analysis, his greed won over his so-called attachment.

''Well, it's great. It will be troublesome if we make any more noise here. So, where do you want to do it?'' Alex said glancing at Golfak.

Most of the Adventurers were looking at Golfak with eyes filled with pity, he was going to lose his Magic Sword because of his greed.

Smiling with a face full of confidence, Golfak turned his eyes in the direction of the guild door.

''Let's do it outside. It will be finished soon anyway.''

The nearby adventurers could not help smile as they couldn't wait to watch a good show.

98: One Hit

After Golfak uttered these words full of confidence in his victory, he started walking towards the outside of the guild.

Spitting out a sigh, Alex followed and went through the door to the outside.

On the way, Gracier joined him. Face full of smile, she said ''Big brother is going to get another sword for his collection.''

Hearing his sister's words, Alex's face couldn't help but twitch.


''You little girl, did you think I'm keeping these weapons as a collection?"

Alex asked after giving Gracier a light chop over her head.

Rubbing her head Gracier asked, ''Isn't that the case? Diaz and his men's weapons are still with you. So, I thought you might want to keep them as your trophies.''

''You are right. I haven't sell them. I will soon, I didn't sell them previously because I was busy.''

Alex explained before finally looking at Golfak who had already positioned himself ready for the duel.

'How eager are you to lose?' Alex asked himself while also taking a position not too far from Golfak.

''Now, ready your weapons.''

The receptionist acting as the referee said.

Surprisingly it was Nyora who was acting as referee today not Leena as Alex had thought.

Searching through the gathering crowd, Alex finally spotted the one he was looking for, Leena was sitting on the first row, Gracier was sitting beside her. The strange thing was Leena was brought out popcorn and the two were happily eating.

Noticing Alex's stare, Leena smiled before slowly muttered, ''Make it enjoyable.''

Alex's lips twitched when he read her lips.

Shaking his head Alex turned to face Golfak. He didn't summon any weapon, the crowd was astonished, Leena was looking at Alex with interest.

One must know that Golfak can't be called weakling because, among the E Rank Adventurers, he was one of the strongest, and currently Alex was planning to fight him barehanded.

Some Adventurers thought that Alex was getting full of himself while Leena had another opinion. She knew that Alex will win without any doubt even when fighting against Golfak, a Level 25 barehanded because if a seasoned veteran were to look at Alex in the eyes, he/she would see the power in them, a sleeping dragon in process of awakening.

And who could a dragon use its full power when fighting against a goblin? No, the dragon will disdain to do this.

Same with Alex, he saw no use in taking out a weapon to fight against Golfak.

Leena smiled in anticipation because since Alex's return from his three days expedition, he became more mysterious. Leena couldn't Appraise him any longer, it not that it was impossible to know if she wanted but she'll undo some seal if she wanted to, something she deemed unnecessary. Leena was well aware of the reason for her failure to Appraise Alex, it was due to the small earrings that appeared on him since his return.

'You are sure full of surprise. To think you'll have an artifact that can block Appraisal skill.'

Leena mumbled while enjoying her popcorn still waiting for the match to start.

~Back to Alex and Golfak.

Having seen that Alex was not planning to use a weapon against him, Golfak's face darkened, he felt insulted.

''Are you perhaps making fun of me?"

Golfak asked with visible anger on his face. Some of the Adventurers were also wondering this.

Smiling Alex just said three words ''Fight Or Scram.''

Gritting his teeth, Golfak readied his Magic sword he had previously taken out its sheat.

Alex took out a pouch containing 10 Gold coins and gave it to Nyora who confirmed the contain.

Passersby gathered around curiously, Golfak's original goal was to embarrass Alex in front of the crowd, this couldn't be more obvious.

However, because some people had heard of a similar exchange where Diaz and his men, an E group Adventurers had disgraced themselves, the looks that Golfak was expecting were directed at him instead of Alex.

''Ready? Go.''

Nyora gave the signal.

Nobody made a move. Staring at Alex's hand where there was the fake storage ring, Golfak's eyes shined with greed as he licked his lips.

''So, this is the famous storage ring?"

Alex ignored Golfak as he focused on the latter Magic sword while thinking.

'As expected, his excessive confidence is steamed from this magic sword. I do not think that it's a magic sword that a rank E adventurer should have. Where did he obtain it?'

As for the magic sword that Golfak had, the black blade suddenly gave a crimson glow. Golfak must have activated it by pouring his magic power into it.

''Here I come.''

Giving a short cry, Golfak kicked the ground and swung down his magic sword.

However, the speed at which the sword was handled was slow, no, it was to the extent it could be called sluggish. It wasn't skillful (compared to Larry's swordsman who died) and had no strength behind it.

It was certainly powerful enough if you considered an E rank adventurer. However, compared to the time Alex fought with the rare species goblin who was wielding a normal sword, Golfak current attacks, Alex could easily evade them while yawning.

Alex dodged Golfak's attack with a minimum maneuver, the crowd was astonished.

Golfak's expression turned ugly, others may have not noticed it, but he who was fighting against Alex knew that the latter was dodging his attacks without any effort, it was like a child play to him, he was even yawning as if to tell Golfak to work harder if he wants to make him go serious.

'I may have made a mistake. However too late to go back. I much use my special move to finish this up.' Golfak thought before pouring more MP into the Magic sword who greedily sucked it.

[Cross Slash]

Golfak shouted and activated his skill, a crossed shaped red lights were sent in Alex's direction.

Smiling Alex kicked the ground and disappeared, everyone was astonished.

Alex reappeared behind the shocked Golfak and when the latter became aware of Alex's presence it was already too late. He heard Alex's cold voice.


Only one word and,


Golfak received a hard chop on his neck, he got pummeled onto the ground, he instantly blacked out.

Silence filled the venue. The crowd was still trying to comprehend what just happened, Alex disappeared and bam! Golfak was Koed with one hit.

''Alex must have used that mysterious movement skill again.'' One of the Adventurers shouted and most of them shared this thought.

However, someone refuted this theory.''You're wrong. He did not use any skill. It's just his speed alone.'' It was Gale, one of Eria's City B Rank Adventurer.

"What? Unbelievable. This guy is a monster. How fast does he progress?" another Adventurer asked.

Being told that by the famous Gale, most Adventurers nearby believed in his words.

'I wonder as well, this young man is sleeping dragon in the process of awakening, I wonder what he went through to become like this.' Gale asked himself.

Leena and Gracier were happy with Alex's swift victory. The former smile widened because with this fight she judged Alex's Rank to be Rank 4, his Level between 35 and 38.

If Alex were to hear Leena's conclusion he would be surprised because she was not fair from the guess.

After storing Golfak's Magic sword and the Gold coins he gave Nyora earlier into his Item box, Alex left with his sister to complete a Wind Wolves subjugation request.

Before leaving Alex was forced to gave Nyora and Karen money to buy something. They wouldn't have let him go otherwise, they said it was to celebrate his overwhelming victory.

By the way, Golfak was still unconscious when the two left, maybe it was because the loss of his prided Magic sword was too hard to swallow reason why he refused to wake up, refused to face the cruel reality where his Magic sword was no more.


It was late in the afternoon when Alex and Gracier returned to the Moonlight after completing the Wind Wolves subjugation request.

Alex's Level went to 38 while Gracier became Rank 3, Level 25 to be more accurate.

Alex had gifted Larry's storage ring to his sister and before gifting it away he stored the content away, inside his Item box. He was happy with the content of the storage ring, Larry was sure Young Master, a healthy one at that. Alex saw two White gold coins (400 Gold coins), 40 Gold coins, and more than a hundred Silver coins. Alex had a small fortune at the moment. There also a bunch of stuff inside the ring, High-grade Healing potion, and High-grade Recovery Potion, a medium-grade Magic sword, and a bunch of clothes, Alex threw them away while conserving the other things.

When Silveria remember what excuse Alex used when his sister asked him where the ring came from, she couldn't help but pity Larry, if he was present and heard Alex's shameless words he would have coughed blood and die from a heart attack on the spot.

Alex's story went on like this.

'On the second day of his expedition, he encounters a kindred spirit gifted him the storage ring. At the start he vehemently refused, however, the latter party insisted, he still refused until he was forced to accept against his will because the other party started weeping, tears of blood started to fall from the other eyes as he continued to cry. Scared to see the man die of blood loss, Alex finally accepted. Alex said that Gracier must have seen the other party's face when he accepted, he was so happy that he hugged him and even thanked him.

Whether Gracier believes Alex or not was another story, however, Silveria had the feeling that Gracier did believe in her Big brother nonsense.

〖What an interesting brother-sister pair.〗Silveria thought.


A/N: Here are Alex and Gracier status currently looks like.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17

Male「 Rank 4」

Level 38

Experience Value (XP): 100/7500

Magic Power: 2350 (+10) ✒2360

Magic: None

Attack: 630 (+10 (20 BP)) ✒ 660

Defense: 620 (+10) ✒ 630

Agility: 695 (+10) ✒ 705

Intelligence: 620 (+10) ✒ 630

Luck: 420 (+10) ✒ 430

BP: 0

SP: 10

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』


『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 3」

Level 25

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Experience Value: 1000/2600

Magic Power: 1255 (+15) ✒ 1270

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 265 (+15 (+30 BP)) ✒ 320

Defense: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

Agility: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

Intelligence: 195 (+15) ✒ 210

Luck: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

BP: 0

SP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Fire Shield Level 4] [Presence Detection Level 2] [Chantless Magic Level 3]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

99: The Meeting Room

It had been 3 days since the fight against Golfak or rather the farcical show. During these three days, Alex and Gracier took quest after quest to Level up in preparation for the incoming Test. Currently, Alex was Level 40 while his sister was Level 28.

In the afternoon on this day, the figures of the siblings could be seen in the meeting room located on the 2nd floor of the guild.

It was the first time both had set foot in this room. The room was pretty big with a big table with lots of chairs around in the middle of the room.

Other than Alex and Gracier, the figures of 6 other adventurers could be seen in the meeting room. A total of 7 people, including the two.

These were the people taking the Rank up test to rank D.

Also, among them, the figure of Golfak could be seen, his original plan of spreading his name had been carried out in the opposite meaning after the farce with Alex, he lost miserably while also losing his Magic sword on top of it.

The moment their eyes met, as Alex walked into the meeting room with his sister, if you observed Golfak's expression he quickly glanced away while gritting his teeth, you could understand his feelings about Alex.

Alex was not expecting to see him here either after he lost his Magic sword, however, he still came and Alex understood why he did after looking at the sword hanging at Golfak's waist, surprisingly it was another Magic sword.

'This guy? Does he have a collection of Magic swords? Or it is just that he is rich? Either way this Magic sword had the same characteristics as his former one just that the quality is lower. He must like strengthening type Magic sword.' Alex inwardly thought while stared at the other familiar face in the meeting room, it was Eleonora.

As the two lock eyes, Eleonora smiled while winking at him and Gracier, Gracier put on her most dazzling smile and greeted Eleonora.

''Evening Big sister Eleonora. We haven't seen each other it has been a while. I was expecting to acc-, I mean encounter you to say thank you again for helping me back then.''

〖Sigh! Your sister was planning to say accidentally but stopped midway.〗Silveria said.

Alex only smiles not giving any reply.

Meanwhile, Eleonora's smile turned stiff when she almost heard Gracier says accidentally again. Doing her best to maintain her smile, she waved her hand to indicate that there was no need for another thank.

While the two were talking Alex was remembering his conversation with Leena yesterday.

Leena had called out as he finished selling the monster's materials.

'Alex, the rank up Test will start tomorrow. They will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Your presence is required, Gracier should also participate in the rank up Test and more importantly because you will be going into the Zilya mountain where her village was previously located at.' Leena announced.

It should be noted that Gracier was currently E Rank however thanks Leena pulling some strings it became possible for her to take the rank-up Test.

'Understood. We will be there.' Alex responded before adding after sighing.

'She can now take revenge against those monsters. Responsible for her village demise.'

'That's true however you should watch over her, to not let her act recklessly. It's good to take revenge but it's dangerous when you are blinded by it.' Leena advised.

'I will, I promise, she's my sister after all I will not let any harm befall her.'

'I know. It's just to be sure.' Leena replied with a smile, she learned that Alex had taken Gracier as his real sister sharing his family name. She was happy with the news.

While recalling such a conversation, Alex turned his eyes to the other people who were also taking the rank up test.

Apart from him, Gracier there was Eleonora.

Needless to say, there was Golfak, the fourth individual in the room.

Nevertheless, even if he disgraced himself in that event the other day and was a fool who acts without doing proper checking of the person he was going to challenge, he had a magic sword (a New one). His skill aside, since he had a magic sword, he liked to fight by pushing forward with raw power.

The fifth person was a man in his early twenties. This man was wearing a robe on his body, he held a cane in his hand. This man was a typical mage and had a plain face. As Alex was looking around, the man smiled at him when their eyes met before closing his eyes to rest.

Moving on the sixth person: It was a male Swordsman who had a sharp gaze. His equipment was overwhelmingly inferior when compared to Golfak's Magic sword, it was a common long sword that could be bought in the city, However, Alex felt that his ability as a Swordsman was better than Golfak. His age was similar to Golfak's, probably in his early twenties, their Level was also the same.

As for the last person taking this rank up Test, it was a woman. She was sitting on a chair eyes closed. If anything, it could be said that she was a little beauty. What should be mentioned specially about her were her ears. She had ears with a much sharper point compared with ordinary humans, which showed that the woman was an elf. Seeing the large bow placed on the table in front of her, she was probably an archer. She appeared to be in her late teens, however, considered how long-lived her race was, she may be 50 years old while looking like she was in her late teens from the human standard.

Silence hangs inside the meeting room as nobody was talking, they were waiting for one of the responsible to show up. Alex and Gracier both sat down and closed their eyes waiting patiently.

Suddenly, Golfak couldn't take it anymore so he said. "How long does the guild plan to let us wait for?"

''You can go back if it bothers you to wait. Just shut it, we are resting here.'' Eleonora chided Golfak.

The others seemed to share the same thought. Alex did not bother opening his eyes. Gracier on the other side was looking at Golfak with naked disdain.

'To think you can't even patiently wait 20 minutes without making a ruckus.' Gracier murmured.

Meanwhile, Golfak's face darkened when Eleonora chided him.

''How dare you? Do you know who am I?"

''My servant,'' Eleonora said with her eyes still closed.

The others except for Alex, the second Swordsman and the Elf burst into laughter.


Being called servant, blood rushed to Golfak's head and he pointed his trembling finger at Eleonora who wasn't even looking his way.

''Hmmph! Just wait and you'll see.'' Golfak said after glaring at Eleonora.

Suddenly, a voice sounded amidst Golfak's noisy voices.

Aside from Alex, Gracier, Eleonora, who had felt a person coming towards the meeting room, the others reflectively turned their eyes to the voice.

A man in his mid-forties could be seen. However, with his trained body, it would be fair to say he was comparable to an active adventurer.

"Evening young un's, I will begin the explanation of the rank up Test. Ready to listen?" The man spoke with a firm and powerful voice.

After observing the man, Alex had a strong sense of déjà vu.

'I should have seen his face somewhere. If I'm not mistaken. Ahhh, I remember now, it was during the dispute with the simpletons (Diaz and his men).' Alex thought.

That was right, this person was present on that day, he was chatting with Leena when Alex was fighting, Alex remembers him because the man would listen to Leena's words before staring intensely at him afterward as if it was to confirm what Leena said. Conrad was his name.

While remembering these past events, Alex turned towards Golfak who was still trying to pick a fight with Eleonora who kept ignoring him as if he doesn't even exist.

'This man has a lot of time to waste. Well, he is also suffering from a symptom-' While Alex was thinking this, Silveria who had not talked since the moment Alex and Gracier came in finally spoke. It seemed that she was interested in what Alex was planning to say.

〖What syndrome?〗

Smiling Alex answered, 'I call it the syndrome of the Attention Seeker.'

〖It suit him well.〗Silveria said.

Alex couldn't only smile, it was just a name he came up with. Shaking his head, he decided to wait for the man who just entered to begin explaining how things should proceed. Gracier also decided to patiently wait beside her brother.



『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 4」

Level 40

Experience Value (XP): 60/7800

Magic Power: 2360 (+20 (+20 BP)) ✒2400

Magic: None

Attack: 660 (+20 (20 BP)) ✒ 700

Defense: 630 (+50) ✒ 680

Agility: 705 (+20) ✒ 725

Intelligence: 630 (+20) ✒ 650

Luck: 430 (+20) ✒ 450

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5 (+10 SP) ✒ Level 10 (Max) upgraded to Advanced Appraisal Level 1 (New)] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 5 (+10 SP)✒ Level 10 (Max) Upgraded to Accel Level 1 (New)] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』


『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 3」

Level 28

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Experience Value: 400/2900

Magic Power: 1270 (+15 (+20 BP)) ✒ 1305

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 320 (+15 (+10 BP)) ✒ 335

Defense: 220 (+15) ✒ 235

Agility: 220 (+15) ✒ 235

Intelligence: 210 (+15) ✒ 225

Luck: 220 (+15) ✒ 235

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Fire Shield Level 4] [Presence Detection Level 2 (+3 SP) ✒ Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 3 (+ 2 SP) ✒ Level 5] [Fire Lotus Level 1] (+ 4 SP) ✒ Level 5 (New)

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』


A/N: Alex has used his previous unused SP and the new he gained after becoming Level 40. Remember, you gain 10 SP every ten Levels.

Gracier finally used her 10 SP she was preserving.

P.S: Do not forget that usually, you will need 1 SP to upgrade your skill from Level 1 until Level 5, however starting from the Master Level (Level 5) you'll need 2 SP instead of 1 SP. Let say you your skill: A is currently at Level 5 and you want to upgrade to max (Lv 10) you'll spend 10 SP to be to upgrade to max Lv.

Sometimes after upgrading a skill to the Max level it can evolve into a new skill.

e.i: Alex's previous skill Blink now Accel.

100: The Mock Battle Before The Start Of The Test 1

Finally noticing that the tense atmosphere inside the meeting room had finally calmed down, Conrad started to speak.

''Now then, it seems that everyone is ready to listen. Then I'll begin the explanation of the rank up test to rank D immediately. First of all, I'll have you fight each other.''

The moment Conrad said that Golfak secretly glanced at Alex, he was startled when his eyes met Alex's green eyes, he quickly glanced away.

It had only been 3 days since he had been reminded of the difference in fighting strength, he lost so miserably that it was ashaming.

The color slowly drained from his face, if he had to fight Alex, he had no chance of winning. He was panicking inside.

However, Conrad's next words reassured him.

''That said, you won't be disqualified immediately just because you lose the fight. Well, I won't deny that it will be referred to during the assessment. However, the main purpose of fighting each other is to learn each other's abilities. So, for the compulsory part of the rank up test, you will have to clear a village occupied by monsters in Zilya's mountain, the Gato village. You all heard the tragedy that befalls the villages around the mountain don't you?"

Everybody nodded their heads, meanwhile, Gracier's body turned tense at the mention of that tragedy and especially the village they will be clearing, the Gato's village, her former hometown. However, she calmed down when she felt a sudden warmness, her brother had taken her hand in his own as though to tell her to not worry he will always be there.

Their exchange did not go unnoticed by Eleonora, who wondered what was Gracier's story.

Conrad continued after confirming that everyone knew about the tragedy, about the monster's rampage.

''You don't have to worry, nobody is asking to kill all the monsters, especially their leader because that one is beyond your current level. You just need to clean up one occupied village, occupied by goblins and orcs. As for subjugating the main force, it will be done by Expert Adventurers. Do note that you must complete this subjugation to have the right to rank up, so work hard. Being a D Rank Adventurer is not a joke, so naturally completing this task will not be easy, one should note that D Rank is entirely different than E Rank, the gap between the two is not small, a D Rank Adventurer is already a full-fledged Adventurer, not a novice anymore.''

Indeed what Conrad said was not wrong, there is a big difference between an E Rank Adventurer and a D Rank, D Rank quests are harder to complete.

Everyone present here was aware of this fact, they had more or less only received requests up to E rank. Though tentatively speaking, it was possible to receive a request one rank higher, hearing about the barrier between rank's E and D from senior adventurers, there were very few adventurers who would take rank D requests at rank E. Well, there was an exception like Alex, however, those are rare.

Also from D Rank, it became possible to take bandits subjugation request. One should know that fighting against humans was harder than fighting against monsters, humans are cunning creature after all.

''Now then, that's all the information. Then I'll have you fight each other at once. Since you have come to take the rank up test, I assume you've naturally brought your weapons you use with you? Follow me then.''

Saying that Conrad left the meeting room going toward the training ground located on the first floor. The others followed next.

Once on the first floor, Alex's eyes met Leena's eyes, she smiled and waved at him and Gracier. A wry smile floated on to Alex's face at the scene of Karen and Nyora bickering, they both stopped when they noticed Alex looking in their way.

Continuing walking for a few minutes, they arrived at the training.

This place brought back some memories. Alex thought as he remembered when he would come here to train after he just became Adventurer.

The training ground had considerable size, it was at the size where a simulation battle between knights could be carried out.

And currently, there were about 10 people scattered around, training.

''Huh? Hey, what's that group over there?'' One of the Adventurers training asked wiping his sweat away.

''Ah! you know. With Conrad leading the rookies, it's probably the rank up test which is about to begin.'' Another Adventurer nearby responded.

''So, it's like that.'

The voices of the adventurers who were exchanging blows with sword and spear could be heard by Alex and the others. Maybe the other people were also interested in the training, all their eyes were focused on the group.

Whether or not Conrad noticed those looks he ignored them as he moved to the center of the training ground.

However, there was no wonder. This happens every rank up test. After all, if they could add a promising rookie to their parties, the possibility of surviving a dangerous request would increase. The number of parties who wanted rookies, who were like uncut gems, were endless.

Conrad observed the group before suddenly clapping his hands as he announced.

''Hey now, you lot. Don't get distracted by all the looks around you, you are not here for that purpose. Even though I said the results of the mock battle won't be directly linked to the results of the test, it doesn't change the fact that they will be referred to, so focus and do your best. First of all, introduce yourselves. First, your name, then your occupation, then all the skills you have that you want to make known. First, starting from you.''

The person who Conrad pointed out, or should it be said arranged beforehand, was naturally Alex.

To Conrad's grin, Alex could only give a wry smile and started to speak.

''I'm Alexander Touch. My class is Magic Gunman.''

It became all noisy all of sudden because none of the people present knew was this class mean. Well, except for Gracier, the others were curiously looking at Alex in hope of him telling them what his class means.

''It's related to my Gift. You'll understand when you will see me using it. At the moment I won't be using it because it's only a mock battle to learn a bit about our skills.'' Alex explained as he was not planning to use his Gift today in the first place.

Immediately another commotion started.

''So, the Rookie does really possess a Gift? No wonder he became so powerful.''

''That's true. However, nobody has seen his Gift. I wonder how does it look like?"

Other Adventurers were also wondering this. However, Alex did not summon Silveria to their utter disappointment, especially Conrad and Eleonora, they were expecting to see Alex's mysterious Gift, but it won't be today.

Unfazed by the looks of disappointment directed at him, Alex continued.

''I'm proficient with Knife and throwing knives.''

After finishing he turned in his sister's direction, the latter immediately understood her brother's intention, so she started introducing herself.

''I'm Gracier Alexandra Touch. I don't wield any weapon at the moment, however, I'm proficient with Fire magic.''

''Another noble! Alex's sister to boot. Isn't she a half-elf?" Someone asked.

Hearing Gracier full brought some questions and curious as they were, they wanted some answers, Eleonora included, even the Elf girl showed an interest upon hearing Gracier introduction, she knew Gracier was half-elf the moment she saw her.

''Hey!! quiet down, the rest of the self-introductions still haven't finished. Next, you.''

Clapping his hands Conrad caught everyone's attention before pointing to the next person. It was Golfak.

''I'm Golfak, my class is Swordman. I have a Magic sword as a weapon and I'm confident in my skill concerning direct attack power.''

Next, after Golfak was the second Swordman.

''Sebastian, I'm also a Swordsman. My weapon had no particular background, unlike the one Golfak showed. It's a long sword. I have no particular skills aside from my ability as a swordsman.''

''Good introduction. Don't worry you will be able to have one soon. Next,'' Conrad consoled Sebastian.

The next to introduce himself was the Mage.

''I'm Lucien Colton. My Class is a mage, there are no weapons I'm particularly proficient at. As for magic, I can use Water, Wind, and a bit of Healing magic.''

'A noble huh?' Alex thought.

Lucien finished the self-introduction somewhat tensely because of the observation from not only the rank up test participants but also from the other adventurers.

Conrad turned his eyes to Lucien with admiration after his self-introduction.

''You are pretty interesting. To think you can use Healing magic. Your future is quite promising.''

Lucien was extremely happy after hearing Conrad's words, he couldn't fight against the grin forming on his face.

Looking around him, he added, ''Well, a simple self-introduction is good enough. The next step is to get to know each other's respective abilities in a mock battle.''

It was normal, though. Considering that it was extremely rare for a Mage to be able to use three magics, and even extremely rare magic like Healing magic. Lucien must descend from a big family of powerful Mage.

''Our party has been keeping an eye on him.'' One of the Adventurers that was previously training there announced.

''Ohe? Are you trying to steal a march?'' Another Adventurer asked not wanting to lose this chance of obtaining a promising party member.

''As they say, first come, first serve.'' The previous Adventurer responded with a shrug.

Hearing such voices, Lucien was glad to hear himself being evaluated as such, he became happier and he looked down with a smile.

''Next,'' Conrad ordered not paying any attention to the bickering adventurers.

Finally, it was Eleonora's turn to introduce herself. Alex was interested in knowing her class because he couldn't Appraise the girl, he had tried several times and failed miserably.

''I'm Eleonora. My Class is Thief. My main weapons, as you can see, are daggers. As for my skills. Well, I'm good at scouting and placing traps. I can use Wind magic and Water magic to some extent.''

''Great. A thief with dual elements. Your help will be needed during this test.''

Conrad said before moving his eyes on the last member yet to be introduced.

The Elf girl finally opened her mouth to speak, she had a nice voice.

''I'm Meera Leaf. My main weapon is a bow as you have seen. My Class is Range or Spirit mage. As for skills, I can use spirit magic to some extent.''

Another commotion started, Spirit Magic is magic only Elves can use, even among the Elves, users of this magic are few. So, it was normal for the crowd to react like that.

With a smile on his face, Conrad said,

''It's pretty rare to see an Elf with Spirit Magic. Well, this batch of Adventurers for the rank up test sure contains some interesting seeds.''

He then added, ''Well, enough with the self-introduction. Time to move toward the interesting part.''

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