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24.63% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 118: 71-80

Chapter 118: 71-80

71: The Covenant Part 1

Night fell.

The last radiance of the sun vanished underneath the horizon, only to be replaced by the darkness that enfolded the world. The clouds drifting in the air were also smeared in a dark hue.

Alex was slowly walking back to his Inn. He was smiling as if he was amused by something.

〖Master why are you smiling like a fool since a while ago? Or it's because of what Leena said?〗Silveria isn't one who let go of a chance to tease her master.

'Indeed it's because of that.' Alex replied.

〖Happy are we? You are all fired up now you got her acknowledgment. She said you can try to win her heart. It's normal that you are happy. Please don't be because it won't be easy.〗Silveria said.

Alex heaved a sigh before he said, ''You don't get it, do you? I'm not smiling because of that. Sure it will be hard, extremely hard if not impossible but that not the point. You act as if you haven't seen the look in her eyes when she spoke. She spoke these words but inwardly she believes it's not possible, she felt amused as if it was some kind of game to her. Why is that? I'm not sure, maybe because of her status or background. Either way, I bet she was thinking it will be fun to watch me try. For her, it's must be like an adult watching a child try to gain something the former was sure it was impossible to gain. It's the feeling I get from her. I vow I'll make her mine one day.' Alex explained before ending with a vow, he seemed serious when talking.

In a black space, an extremely beautiful girl sat on a black chair, black chains were wrapped all over her body, some of those black chains were slowly breaking apart. This girl's expression was ice cold. She had been observing Alex and when she heard Alex's words her lips curled up a little to form something that looks like a smile, it was beautiful.

On the other side, Silveria smiled and said,

〖That is the spirit. I'm sure you will win her heart one day with this lady's help.〗

Alex's lips twitched, he refused to comment because he was sure Silveria will start bragging non-stop if he were to gave her the opportunity. She will say she was giving him a lesson on how to woo a girl. No, thanks.

Shortly later he arrived at the Inn, pushing the door open he went inside and as usual, it was crowded.

''Looks who is back so late." said a regular customer, a man with a scarf, he was in his late thirty. Alex had often exchanged few words with him, this man was also an Adventurer and he was aware of Alex's date with Leena.

''Isn't our dear Rookie? His date must have gone well for him to come home this late. How lucky, come share with your brothers here some juicy stuff on your date. Maybe we will use your experience as an example. Come on.''

''Come on''

A friend of that man said, he was also a regular customer, an Adventurer as well. The other Adventurers nearby started shouting asking Alex to share some of the details and obviously he wasn't going to do that.

In that case, to be left alone there was only one thing to do,

''These gentlemen drink will be on me,'' Alex announced before slipping away.

''Ohhh!! That's what a real man should do. Cheers to our Rookie, may you last longer.'' the Adventurer who had talked first said while raising his cup.

''May you always stay so generous.'' Another man said with his cup raised high.


They cheered before downing their entire cups. Alex shook his head when he heard the man that wished for him to always stay generous.

Alex went toward the kitchen and saw Gracier working beside Ms. Lana, without turning back she said, ''Welcome back Big brother how was your date?"

''Evening Gracier. My date was wonderful. You seem busy. By the way, that apron suit you well.'' Alex praised Gracier.

''Thank you, Big brother.''

She smiled feeling extremely happy to be praised. Alex then turned to face Ms. Lana who had a smile on her face, whenever she saw him she always has a smile on her face, Alex wonders why.

''Welcome back Alex.''

''Evening Lana. Busy as always.''

''Yeah, extremely busy thank to Gracier it's easy to handle. She is a hardworking girl.'' Ms. Lana caressed Gracier's smooth red hair.

''That's good to know. Where is Lea I haven't seen her?" Alex asked while looking around. Since he entered he didn't see Lea.

''Oh Lea? I sent her on an errand. She should be back in a few minutes.'' Ms. Lana responded.

''I see. I'll be leaving I'm not eating tonight, I'm already full. See you tomorrow morning. Good night.'' Alex announced then added before leaving.

''Gracier take your time. I'll be waiting for you, come once you finish.''

''I will,'' Gracier replied before continuing her work.

''Good night Alex.'' Ms. Lana said as she watched the retreating Alex's back.


One hour later Gracier entered and saw Alex sitting on his bed eyes closed, he seemed to be meditating.

''Welcome back.'' Alex reacted to her presence.

''I'm back Big brother. Time to tell me how your date went. You must go into the details if possible. I hope you scored some points.'' Gracier said as she sat on her bed. It seems that she came directly from Lea's room because she was wearing the latter nighties.

''Here take this. It's my gift to you.'' Alex said first, passing her a big teddy bear.

''Yeah, it's a teddy bear. Thank you, Big brother. Now I can sleep holding it.'' Gracier was extremely happy.

''You welcome. It's great that you are happy.''

Alex replied with a smile while also thinking,

'The teddy bear should be able to take my place. I can sleep peacefully now.'

''But I'm still waiting for your story.'' She still hasn't given up.

Alex heaved a sigh before starting to recount how his date with Leena went.

A few minutes later he had finished recounting, Gracier was pleased with Alex accepting Leena's offers. Now he had a powerful backer and someone she knew, she was glad.

''Huh! So Big brother was not from this world. This confirms my suspicion that you are not from here. You gave that vibe after all. I wonder how is your world. Is it beautiful than our world?" Gracier asked curious about Earth.

''Even if I haven't explored this world yet I can say my world is more beautiful because of its countries and advanced technologies. Earth is really beautiful.'' Alex said thinking about those beautiful countries on Earth.

''That great. It would be wonderful if I was able to visit it someday.'' Gracier said hopefully.

''I doubt if it is possible,'' Alex said broking Gracier's hope. Back then Goddess Mea had said it was impossible to ever go back. She may be lying but he doubts it was the case.

''I thought so. So, the others are already in the capital. Why did you stay behind?" Gracier asked.

''It was because I had something to do first. I'll be leaving for the capital soon.''

''I see. I hope I'll follow you there.'' Gracier said hoping to follow him to the capital.

''You will first we need to talk,'' Alex said in a serious tone.

72: The Covenant Part 2

''What do you want to talk about?" Gracier asked curiously because Alex seemed serious when he said they needed to talk.

Taking a deep breath Alex looked at Gracier right into the eyes before asking, ''Gracier why did you decide to take me as your Big brother? Is it that because you feel indebted to me?"

''As I thought. Indeed I feel indebted to you for all you have done for me but that isn't the sole reason for me to take you as my Big brother. The first time I saw you, you look like a Big brother saving his little sister instead of the Hero savings the damsel in distress, at least for me that the feeling I've got. Therefore I vowed to myself to become your sister, to follow you everywhere you'll go to repay you."

She stopped for a moment before continuing,

''Pardon my frankness but you seemed lonely, like someone in a foreign land without any attachments, without any family, I want to be that attachment, that family. Even myself I feel lonely (after what happened) until you came into my life and then I thought why not become your sister to support you from the back. You are the Big brother I always want to have.''

She finished firmly by adding,

''It's selfish to decide this without consulting you first but I want to be your sister. We will protect each other until death separates us. It's what I have decided and nothing going to change my decision.''

Alex couldn't retort for a while, the girl had taken her decision so it was his turn to do the same. Honestly speaking, he had saved her on a whim not because he was playing the Hero, as he had previously told Silveria he couldn't look elsewhere when those gangsters were trying to abduct the girl right before his eyes therefore he saved the girl.

Never he would have thought that the girl would get attached to him, pleasantly she was talented, she had seen him as her Big brother, and truth be told recently Alex was starting to see her as a real sister. He couldn't deny that what the girl said held some truths in it, he was feeling lonely since he set foot into this world where he didn't have neither family nor friends properly speaking. He was all alone until he encounters her.

Even if they knew each other for a few days only, unmistakably they existed a special bond between them. Alex would gladly accept taking Gracier as his sister, a part of his family, the first member of his family in this new world.

'Grandma would be proud to have a granddaughter like her. I hope you doing well over there. I'm trying my best here, I'm about to have a little sister. Live well and don't worry about me, I'll take care of myself and my soon to be sister. Our family will continue prospering here, the world shall tremble hearing our names.' Alex murmured eyes filled with determination and a bit of longing when he remembers his grandmother.

''I'm happy you have decided that. I have also decided to acknowledge you as my sister a member of my family but to complete this process there is something we must do.''

Alex's words made Gracier happy but she was curious by his last words so she asked,

''What do we need to do then?"

''There is a ritual we must undergo, to be more accurate you and I will sign a covenant that will acknowledge us as siblings'' Alex explained.

''Is there any consequences after signing this covenant?" Gracier asked.

''None'' Alex answered immediately. Silveria had assured him that there was no drawback signing this kind of contract.

It was a simple sibling's contract with few advantages, Silveria said this contract must be signed willingly by both parties, they must exist a bond between them before it works. After signing this covenant the concerned parties will feel like real siblings sharing the same bloodline, it doesn't mean after signing the contract Alex would transform into a half-elf nor Gracier would become human, their races will stay the same just that their bloodlines will be mixed forming a new bloodline proper to them, their racial physical features will stay the same outside while inside their bloodline will change.

After hearing Alex's summary, Gracier said,

''That's good. I don't want a covenant that will tie our lives together and when one dies the other will follow. That will be the end of our family.''

Alex smiled, feeling happy because she mentioned the words 'Our family',

Gracier asked, ''When do we start? What should be done?"

After summoning an old parchment he had brought on his way back, Alex placed it on the table near the window before bringing out a needle that will be used to prick their fingers. He explained to Gracier how they going to proceed before ordering her to come closer.

'It is your turn.' He said in his head, Silveria immediately answered.

〖I know, excuse me then〗She said, immediately Alex's conscious blackened and he lost possession of his body, he was going to watch everything from the sidelines.

''Your thumb first, sweety.'' Alex (Silveria) said with a mysterious smile.

Gracier did not move, she observed Alex because she felt strangeness from the way he talked, it was like last time. She had the feeling that Alex who was in front of her was not the real Alex, her Big brother, it must be someone else.

''Come on, sweety we don't have all the night you know?" Alex (Silveria) said interrupting her.

Sighing heavily Gracier approached Alex (Silveria) and did as she was instructed.

Immediately, Alex (Silveria) prick her thumb and dropped a bit of blood on the old parchment before doing the same thing to himself.

Then, he (she) started chanting in an obscure language that neither the two could understand. Shortly after something magical happened, the old parchment changed color, it became bloody red before transforming into two drops of blood. Those two drops of blood stayed floating in the air.

''Awesome'' Gracier mumbled, Alex on the other side shared the same feeling as well.

''I know, with this, my work is done.'' Alex (Silveria) said before letting Alex regains control of his body.

Before Gracier could ask what he (she) meant Alex stared at her, he approached her and whispered something into her ears. After he finished he declared,

"I, Alexander Kael Touch hereby declare that starting from today I take Gracier as my sister, my blood, and a member of my family whom I will cherish, will protect, forgive until death separates us. May the gods be the witnesses of this promise."

One of the drop of blood hovering in the air approached Alex, it's stayed in front of him, as though waiting for something.

Gracier took a deep breath and started declaring in turn,

''I, Gracier daughter of Miranda declare I'm acknowledging Alexander Kael Touch as my Big brother, a member of my family whom I will cherish, support, protect and forgive until death separates us. May the Gods be the witnesses of this pledge and bless us.''

Immediately the second drop of blood came in front of her and at the same time, the two drops of blood entered their bodies through their chests. The two had a painful expression on their faces for a moment before it quickly disappeared.

Sweating Alex announced, ''From today onwards you'll be called Gracier Alexandra Touch. Welcome to the Touch's family.''

Alexandra was the name of his deceased mother whom he loved more than anything, he thought of giving Gracier the same name.

Gracier smiled sweetly, she was happy with the name given to her by her Big brother with whom she started to feel a strange closeness, ''Thank you Big brother Alex. Please take care of me from now on.''


The two went to bed shortly after, they started to feel drowsy and a little bit hot, surely it was because of the covenant they just signed. They would have to wait for tomorrow before knowing what change happened inside their bodies and what they have gained.

73: The Following Morning

At the march of dawn besieging the stars, the sun rose victoriously into the atmosphere. The light consumed the sky with ferocity. Thus, returning it to its uplifting powder blue appearance. Wispy cotton clouds gradually accumulated high above, only adding to the blissful ambiance of the morning.

At the Moonlight Inn, the morning sun had kissed her awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her angelic face. Gracier opened her eyes and slowly, drowsily, and lopped sidedly as she smiled before glancing at the bed on her left, there was her new family member, her Big brother, he was napping peacefully.

Suddenly, Alex awoke when the sunlight stroked his eyes into squints. He glanced sideways to see his little sister staring foolishly at him thus he asked,

''Morning little sister, why are you staring at me like that?"

Instead of replying, Gracier went to fetch a small mirror and gave it to him,

''Look at yourself.'' She said.

Alex took the mirror and looked, somehow he had become handsome.

''I'm handsome so what?"

Rolling her eyes Gracier said, ''You've become handsome. Previously you were just above average and today you stepped into the handsome category. It's astonishing who it's happened, it's must be because of yesterday covenant.''

〖She is right you have become handsome and her face became angelic all thanks to this lady.〗Silveria proudly pointed out.

Now that Silveria had said it, it was true Gracier's physical had changed as well, she became more beautiful.

''You are right, however, I'm not the only one,'' Alex said before giving back the mirror, Gracier took it and check her appearance, indeed it was true she had changed as well, her skin had become fairer, more smooth.

''Indeed it's true. Big brother these changes are part of the few advantages you were talking about?" She asked.

''I'm not sure myself,'' Alex responded while inwardly he questioned Silveria.

'Sil, I thought you said there will be no change in our physicals that only our bloodline will change but now how come I've become handsome, my skin became smoother, the same thing happened to Gracier. What happened?'

〖It's because after your bloodline changed inside, your facial features and skins evolved to keep up with your new bloodline. You're still human while she still a half-Elf. Seriously, I haven't thought this would happen. Well, I had never performed this covenant before. I just heard about it.〗Silveria explained.

Listening to her explanation Alex understood but it came to the last part of her words he wasn't pleased. How could he? The girl just said she had made them do something she hasn't personally experienced or someone close to her had. What if it was harmful?

Noticing the displeased expression on her master's face Silveria quickly explained herself.

〖For my defense I can't perform this lost spell on myself but I'm sure it isn't something harmful. This covenant was something from a lost civilization, someone had used it, it's how I knew it isn't harmful. The person who performed it had gained few advantages but none were like this, so I'm a little perplexed, this covenant works depending on your race or level maybe.〗

'I see, it does make sense. So, what is the other boon you are talking about?' He asked.

Gracier who was observing Alex noticed him lost in thought. 'He must be thinking about something, better let him for now.' She thought before silently leaving for the bathroom.

On the other side, Silveria was responding to Alex's question.

〖Check your status〗She said.

'Status' He mumbled and a blue panel appeared right before his eyes.


[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 15

Experience Value (XP): 1380/1600

Magic Power: 1350 (+ 100) ✒ 1450

Magic: None

Attack: 250

Defense: 215

Agility: 250

Intelligence: 250

Luck: 200

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2] [Intimidation Level 1] (New skill)

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

Alex was pleasantly surprised after seeing his status, his MP had increased by 100, while he gained a new skill called Intimidation. He was sure that this skill has something to do with Gracier's left eye, the Dragon eye. He will check the skill's description later.

〖Indeed they are related, it's a weak version of her skill, you gained this skill because of your bond, your new bloodline, your MP increased because Elves are closer to mana than human. Too bad you can't use magic, if you could you will have gained a magic skill, if you were a Fire magician you'll have gained one or two of Gracier's skills.〗Silveria explained.

'I see. What are the other advantages we have gained after the contract?' he asked.

Sighing to how hasty her master could be Silveria answered,

〖Close your eyes and try to feel your sister's presence.〗

Alex closed his eyes and try to feel Gracier's presence, he was astonished to know where she was, she was in the bathroom. She probably went in when he was speaking with Silveria. Even he couldn't see her, what she was doing exactly he knew she was inside the bathroom.

〖From your expression it seems that you noticed, what just happened is that you used your connection with her to know her location, she can do the same thing. You two can sense each other presence in a certain range, I'm not sure to which extends but let's say, radius 30km for now. You will test the range limits later. This ability enables you to know each other general location, a pretty useful ability I must say. If either of you gets kidnapped the other will know and follow after if the kidnappers didn't exceed your abilitie's range, not that I wish for one of you to get kidnapped to test it. The last advantage it's more wonderful, this one I like it and I'm sure you will as well.〗Silveria explained, she seemed excited when she spoke about the last boon.

'Tell me quickly' Alex said impatiently.

Chuckling Silveria said,

〖Women do not like hasty men. Well, talk to Gracier as you usually talk with me.〗

Alex did not immediately get what she meant however it quickly changed, grinning he decided to test out and at the same time tease his sister.

{Alexandra what are you doing?} he asked telepathically.


On the other side, inside the bathroom Gracier who was cleaning herself suddenly fell into the bathtub. She couldn't be blamed she just heard a voice, it was her big brother's voice, she hastily hides inside the bathtub before shouting.

''Big brother where are you?"

Outside Alex laughed, he could feel Gracier panicking so he said.

{Do not panic I'm still in the bedroom. I'm talking to you telepathically. It's one of the advantages of the covenant we have signed.} he explained.

''Eh? Then you're talking directly into my head?" she asked.

{Yes. No need to speak so loud, just speak using your mind.} Alex suggested.

''Okay,'' Gracier said before trying to talk directly into Alex's head.

{Big brother did it work?} She asked telepathically.

{Yeah it worked}

{Great. So we can communicate like this from now on. It's a great ability, it will be useful in a situation where we don't want anyone to listen to our conversation.} Gracier said already anticipating the subject of communication they will have.

{You're right. Time to cut off the communication, I'll let you continue what you are doing, we will continue once you finish.} Alex said before cutting the communication.

Gracier continued what she was doing while outside in the bedroom Alex was chatting with Silveria until his little sister come back.

74: One Day She'll Be Mine

A/N: Nickaido's here, as you have seen it in the previous chapter conversation between Alex and Gracier when they are talking using mental transmission will be put in {}.


Half of an hour later Gracier came out fully dressed, she placed the chair in front of her Big brother before sitting on it.

''So big brother what are the other benefits we gained beside the mental transmission?"

Alex snapped open his eyes and stopped meditating.

''You should check your status first,'' he suggested and Gracier did exactly as she was told, at the same time Alex was also appraising her.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Level 10

Experience Value: 400/1100

Magic Power: 1045 (+100) ✒ 1145

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 155

Defense: 125

Agility: 145

Intelligence: 135

Luck: 145

BP: 10

SP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 1] [Meteor (???)] [Dragon Eye Level 3] [Fire Snake Level 1] [Fire Shield Level 1] [Presence Detection Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened]』

''Eh? my magic power increased while I also acquired a new skill. It's a nice surprise, with this increase I can cast more spell. My new skill is related to you isn't it?"

''Why did you think so?" Alex asked while doing a stretch up to loosen his tensed muscles.

''If you think about it logically it's the only answer. After signing the covenant we obtain something from each other apart from the increase of MP. I bet this skill was be derived from one of your skills, you must have acquired one from me as well.''

Alex stared intensely at his sister who looks so confident in her analysis, she looked so smart when explaining things, not that her analysis was wrong.

''Smart. As expected of this awesome Big brother's little sis.''

Gracier rolled her eyes while inside she was feeling happy, she almost grinned.

''You analysis could not be wrong. The last boon we received after signing the covenant is the ability to know each other general location.'' Alex said wiping away his sweat.

''Another wonderful ability. Apart from knowing each other general location is there anything else? Like if this ability can enable one to see what the other party is doing?"

Gracier inquired not hiding how concerned she was about their privacy, taking into account that she was a girl who doesn't want his Big brother to see some things. If this ability enables one to spy on the other, she will be the first person to disagree on its utilization. However, Alex next calmed down her fear.

''Don't worry apart from knowing each other general location there is nothing else this ability can do, so rest assured.''

''That's good then,'' she said,

''Big brother please bring out the things Leena gave you.''

''Sorry, that will wait because I'm going after our breakfast I have something urgent to take care of. I'll let you check them later.'' Alex refused as he had something already planned, he couldn't delay it.

''I see, too bad then. I guess I'll check them another time.'' Gracier was disappointed, however, her mood quickly enliven as she asked,

''I will not ask where you are going but at least can I tag along?"

''Sorry, but you can't. I want to be alone to be able to concentrate on what I'm going to do.''

Another instant refusal, Gracier mood plummet once again, she started pouting. She had thought she would be spending time with her Big brother today but it seems it's not going to happen.

Noticing his sister's mood, Alex approached her and caressed her smooth red hair before lowering his head to plant a kiss on her forehead.

''Sorry, Alexandra. What I'm going to do is a little bit special. Don't worry I'll explain the details to you later.''

''Okay. I understand.'' She became cheerful again.

Chuckling Alex left for the bathroom. On his way, he recalls how Gracier called Leena earlier in their conversation. She said Leena, not Big sister Leena as she usually does. She was being considerate because if she continues calling her Big sister Leena after what happened last night it will be awkward for him. He may drop the idea of conquering the mysterious girl because it will feel like an incestuous relationship. Well, it's good that Gracier corrected her way of addressing Leena because he was going to get her no matter what it will take. He became aware of his desire to possess this unattainable flower. One day she going to be his. Alex vowed once again but this time he was determined. Smiling lightly he entered the bathroom.


A few minutes later, the siblings were on the first floor and as usual, customers were taking their breakfast before setting out towards their works.

Immediately silence fell, everybody turned their heads in the direction of the siblings, to be more accurate their eyes zeroed right into Alex, surprise-filled their eyes shortly after. Who could blame them? Nobody going to stay unaffected after witnessing the astonishing change Alex went through overnight, from an average appearance he became handsome, naturally people would be surprised. Some among them were rubbing their eyes to make sure they weren't dreaming, alas reality slapped them back into their right mind as if to say 'Heh! I'm still up and working so naturally it's real.'

''Sigh! Sometimes falling in love does bring some astonishing change so I heard. However to think that I'll witness this one day. Even if Artemia was present and told me it was possible I wouldn't believe it.'' A customer said while studying Alex from head to toe.

The other customers nodded their heads as if to say they shared similar thoughts.

''The guy became handsome just after his first date. He's too much into the girl. I wonder what will happen if they do the did, will he transform into a woman because he can't be any more handsome.'' the Adventurer who had greeted Alex last night said with a grin.

Gracier started giggling covering her mouth, the other customers started laughing.

''Go find yourself a nice chick and maybe you'll experience the same thing. However for you, it's not going to work 'cause your ugly genes will not permit it, hahaha.'' another customer teased that Adventurer in turn prompting everyone to laugh.

Shaking his head Alex left with Gracier they choose their previous table, the one they used last time.

Shortly Lea came but when she saw the handsome Alex she dropped whatever she was holding and stood still for few seconds before asking, ''Who are you?"

''Morning Lea. It's me, Alex.''

''No way. What happened to you? There is no way that ugly Alex will become handsome overnight.''

''I heard you, you know? So I'm ugly?'' Alex asked but Lea did not answer that question.

''You are not Alex, you are deceiving me. Are you perhaps his Big brother?" Lea asked not believing Alex.

''Umu. It must be the case.''

''If you already know the answer then please do not ask.'' Alex sighed.


Gracier burst into laughter, she couldn't control herself anymore. To think Lea would mistake the handsome Alex for Alex's Big brother, how hilarious.

After calming down she decided to help her brother.

''Morning Lea. Indeed it's my brother, it's Alex.''


Lea was surprised, ''Is that true?" she still asked. Gracier nodded her head, Lea approached Alex and started touching his face as if to verify something.

''Stop it. It's rude to touch someone's face without his permission. You won't be pleased if I do the same thing.'' Alex said removing Lea's hand from his face to the latter displeasure.

{Well, you can touch her face back as retribution or tell her to take responsibility after touching your virgin face.} Gracier sent Alex a message that left his mouth twitching.

{Where do you learn to speak like that? I'll spank you if you continue. Children shouldn't talk like that.} Alex rebuked her before adding.

{You can also let her study your face, you have become beautiful as well.}

{Correction, I was beautiful even before, it just that my beauty increased. Comparing us people will go after you because your change is too eye-catching.}

Indeed she was not wrong, sighing Alex forced Lea to leave, she left reluctantly before bringing back their breakfast. She sat down and started talking with Gracier but from time to time she glanced at Alex and when Alex look back at her she will lower her head with a flushed expression.

Alex quickly finishes his breakfast and left, before leaving he lowered his head and muttered into Lea's ear ''By the way your breakfast was amazing. Greet your mother once she returns from her errands. I'll be on my way.''

Lea's face reddens, she lowered her head, Alex smiled before disappearing while thinking 'Being handsome have some perk.'

Gracier stared at her leaving brother's back and shook her head. Her brother became a tease now that he is handsome.

{Please take care and don't be too reckless} She warned him.


*A/N: Artemia is the name of the Goddess of Human.

75: Level 20

Sunlight streamed through the thick foliages and made the forest glow.

At this current moment somewhere in the depths of the forest, at a place that was roughly 7 km away from a waterfall. This place was revolved around by trees, sounds of birds chirping rang out, and the fragrance of fragrant flowers drifted around the air. This place was a pretty good secluded paradise, but the precondition was that if there weren't any people here.

Currently, the sound of a fight could be heard, naturally, it was Alex fighting against monsters, against wolves, Wind wolves to be more accurate, it is a D Rank monster. As its name suggests it is a monster extremely fast and swift when attacking. They are faster but have a weak defense, it was because of their speed they got classified as D Rank monster.

Alex's blade clashed against the claw of the monster. Blood flew and so did a severed limb.


That Wind wolf howled in pain before jumping back.

''I have already seen you coming,'' Alex said with a grin before dodging a claw coming straight toward his head from the back. He jumped and while at the same time he threw two Black Bettie's at the monster who just attacked him, however that monster jumped back in turn avoiding the knives.

''I knew you'll do that,'' Alex said before summoning Silveria and fired,

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three bullets, one each in the monster's front legs while the last one bullet went straight to its head, killing it.

Alex spun around to face the last injured wolf, the injured wolf looked at the dead wolves and howled in sorrow. Turning in Alex's direction and glared at him before charging while limping.

Sighing Alex aimed his silver gun at the incoming monster and pulled the trigger,


One bullet was all it took for the monster to lay down forever.

Alex took out a healing potion, sprinkled some on his injuries, before drinking it.

''No matter how many times I've drunk it, it's still unpalatable,'' he complained.

〖Don't get injured then.〗Silveria said.

Alex's lips twitched, as if it was possible, he was fighting against a pack of Wind wolves, ten to be more specific. Never he would have thought he would encounter this many when advancing into the depth of the forest.

It has been three hours since he left the Inn. When he first entered the forest he had killed twenty goblins and further ahead, he killed Five Soldier Ants. It seems that the Soldier Ants got scattered after the death of their Queen.

''These Wind wolves are pretty hard to deal with,'' Alex muttered while cleansing his cheek where he received a cut earlier when fighting against the wolves. He will be more injured if he wasn't wearing the gear he received from Leena.

〖Well they are pretty fast but their defense is extremely weak. Normally they should be a pack leader leading them, however, we haven't seen none until far, So better be cautious.〗Silveria warned.

''I will, but lets me check my status,'' Alex said before mumbling status.

『 [Status]

[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 20

Experience Value (XP): 130/2100

Magic Power: 1450 (+ 50) ✒ 1500

Magic: None

Attack: 250 (+50) ✒ 300

Defense: 215 (+50) ✒ 275

Agility: 250 (+50) ✒ 300

Intelligence: 250 (+50) ✒ 300

Luck: 200 (+50) ✒ 250

BP: 100

SP: 10

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2] [Link Level 1] [Intimidation Level 1]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

''I have been waiting for this.'' He said his eyes fixed on his SP (Skill Point). SP is gained every Ten levels, why is that? He couldn't tell. Before coming here he was almost Level 16 (missing 220 XP), now he became Level 20, 3 more levels and he will step into Rank 3, he was slowly catching up to others, he must work harder and surpass them.

Alex had leveled up fifth times, he used 7620 XP for that, he was not left with 130 XP. One should note that he killed 20 goblins (3000 XP), 5 Soldier Ants (750 XP), and 10 Wind wolves (4000 XP, roughly 400 XP per Wind wolf), his kills earned him 7750 XP, extracting 7620 XP from it, he was left with 130 XP.

''If it's possible I want to advance into the next Rank before going back.'' He muttered while using his newly acquired SP and BP.

『 [Status]

[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 20

Experience Value (XP): 130/2100

Magic Power: 1500 (+50 BP) ✒ 1550

Magic: None

Attack: 300

Defense: 275 (+25 BP) ✒ 300

Agility: 300 (+25 BP) ✒ 325

Intelligence: 300

Luck: 250

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2 (+2 SP) ✒ Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1 (+2 SP) ✒ Level 3] [Knife Art Level 2 (+2 SP) ✒ Level 4] [Link Level 1 (+2 SP) ✒ Level 3] [Intimidation Level 1 (+2 SP) ✒ Level 3]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』


At the same time in another location, somewhere in a mansion located in the capital, there was a garden.

This garden could be described as a formal garden. The bonsai trees lined the perfect lawn in their wooden boxes. In the center, there was a pond as large as a small lake with flowering lily pads and a wooden bridge that crossed the middle so you could look down at the koi carp. The flower beds were a riot of May color and even on close inspection, they were weed-free.

Currently, standing on this pond was a girl, she had beautiful blue long hair, her eyes were of the same hue, she had a beautiful face. If Alex was present he would have identified her as the bitch Princess whom he insulted back in the temple, Katherina Von Havens, the second Princess of the Drexia Empire. One of the prétendants to the throne, the second Princess was feeding the fishes in the pond with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, a shadow manifested near her, undisturbed she continued feeding the fishes.

''Greetings your Highness.'' the shadow said with a genderless voice.

''What bring you here?" she asked.

''I'm here to report something.''

''Go on.''

''That man you asked us to take care of, he's still alive.''

''Why is that?'' she asked not stopping what she was doing.

The shadow explained how the Adventurers hired couldn't accomplish their jobs, nobody was willing to do it, as if they were afraid of someone. Who was this person? It remains a mystery even for them.

''It seems someone is protecting him. He's pretty lucky. If I'm not wrong you don't even know who is it, isn't it?"

''Indeed. We haven't found anything, nobody talked even after our peaceful talk with them.'' the shadow said in an emotionless tone.

The second Princess was amused, she knew how her Shadows peaceful talk work's well, how frightening their peaceful talk could be, to think nobody spilled the beans after that.

The mysterious person protecting Alex must be strong and extremely feared. She doubts it was the doing of her Big sister Priscilla, maybe it's one of her friends. Well, it doesn't matter, Alex was coming to the capital, she will have all the time to deal with him. He must not be left unpunished.

''Tell me how are his progress,'' she asked, she was a bit interested in how he was doing, considering his Gift was sealed, deemed useless the last time she saw him.

''He is advancing pretty quickly for someone with useless Gift. In just two weeks, he went from F to almost D Rank (waiting for the test). It is said he killed thirty goblins and a rare species alone.'' the shadow said.


Katherina's curiosity was piqued, she waited for her Shadows to continue.

''A few days ago he fought a group of Adventurers, a group of E Rank Adventurers. There was bet at stake.'' the Shadow explained the details to her.

''So, who won at the end?"

''It's was the Otherworlder. The fight did not last long. He dispatched them one by one. He won everything, he took everything, even the losers weapons, he only left them with their clothes.''

''Interesting. Pretty ruthless but interesting. Not bad for someone with a useless Gift. Compared to my Leo, he's nothing but he's interesting. Maybe his Gift not useless after all.'' Katherina said smiling.

''Your highness nobody saw him use his Gift, not even once. Even that day he had used Knife and throwing knives only. He was pretty good at throwing knives they said.''

''There is a red-haired girl following him recently. We don't know her relationship with him. Maybe she's his temporary party. After the girl shows up, it becomes hard to monitor him or get any information on them. Our men are eliminated, by whom, we don't know.'' the shadow added.

''Oh! Even more interesting. Well, we will let him come to the capital before planning something. Maybe he can be used.'' Katherina said with a dangerous glint inside her eyes.

''Stop monitoring him. Do not attempt anything for now. You should go and monitor my sister's actions. Is she still inside her mansion doing nothing?"

''Yes, the Third Princess hasn't made any move yet.'' the shadow responded.

''I see. You can go back now.'' Katherina said her eyes narrowed, that sister of her is unpredictable, even now she hadn't confirmed not denied to participate in the race for the crown. She stays howled inside her mansion, Katherina was extremely wary of her, even with her advantage, who can blame her, that sister of her was too popular, the most beautiful of all Empire, the pearl of the empire. All she needs to do is to say she was going to be a candidate and a hell of supporters will come flooding in her way.


Katherina heaved a long sigh, praying to Goddess Artemia that the bad feeling she was having recently to not come true.

''I shall take my leave then.'' the shadow said, trying to leave.

''Wait.'' Katherina stopped the shadow and asked.

''Did you found the whereabouts of that person yet?"

''Unfortunately, we haven't found anything, it was as if she disappeared totally. She isn't in none of the Empires, or other continents. Knowing her she'll come back once she finishes with what she's doing.'' the shadow explained.

''I see, you are right. Leave, I want to be alone. Nobody is allowed to disturb me.''

''Certainly your highness.'' the shadow said before disappearing leaving the second Princess alone, she stared into the distance lost in thoughts.

76: Against The Alpha Wolf

Back to Alex's location.

Alex had just finished allocating his BP and SP unaware of the Second Princess's plot.

His skill Blink range has increased to 400 meters (1312 ft) and he only needs 250 MP per usage. He had not tested the new skill Intimidation he gained from Gracier but he was sure he will be using it soon. As its name suggests, it's a skill used on a weaker monster to intimidate them, making them fear you, the weaker monster will freeze when under this skill for a few seconds, it can also work on a little bit stronger than the skill's user, but the duration will be shortened due to their strong willpower.

Alex decided finally to remove the materials from the dead wolves, however at that moment he felt a sudden sense of crisis coming from his back, so without waiting he blinked and appeared 100 meters away.

Then he saw something that left his spine chilling. Almost after he left a long vertical Wind blade cut through the place he was previously standing at until it reached the trees 70 meters away from his current location.

If he has been slower by a half-beat he would have been seriously injured, or worst he may even lose a limb or two. Fear assaulted him, Alex quickly shook his head and focused on the culprit of the current situation.

It was a Wind wolf, not your typical one, this one's height was higher than the previous wolves, around 8 meters, a normal Wind wolf's height was around 3 meters and their fur color was grey. However, this Big wolf color was White, It was without a doubt an alpha, the leader of the pack he had just slain.


The Alpha howled in frustration, never would have thought this human could avoid an attack that was so fast. It seems this human does have some skill, for him to have killed his subordinates while he was busy somewhere else. It doesn't matter because he was going to make this human pay, with a vicious glint inside its eyes, the Alpha glared at Alex.

〖Carefull Master, this one is dangerous and faster than the others. He's stronger than any monsters you ever faced.〗Silveria advised.

''I know, Sil,'' Alex said, sweat dripping from his forehead. He could not know when he just appraised the damned monster. He was restraining himself not to shout 'Wtf'

『 Alpha Wind wolf

Level: 35

Magic: Wind

Magic Power: 1900/2000

Attack: 400

Defense: 200

Agility: 500

Intelligence: 190

Luck: 40

Skills: Wind blades Level 3, Wind Bullet Level 3, Wind Barrier Level 4, Wind Tornado Level 5』

''Shit for real? 500 points in Agility, you gotta be kidding me. He has almost twice my AGI, and what with those ridiculous skills? None of them are low levels, especially the last one, it sounds too dangerous. Well, his defense is low, though. I just need to touch him with my knives or bullets, I doubt it will be that easy. This fight isn't going to be easy at all.''

Alex cursed under his breath before bringing out the pendant with the eagle design his sister had gifted him. He felt lighter all of sudden, checking his status quickly, Alex saw that he was left with 1300 MP and 50 points has been added to his AGI stat, surely because of the pendant he just worn.

Suddenly, the Alpha vanished and reappeared in Alex's back slashing at his back with its claws, Alex spun around and quickly brought out his knives, Razor and Reaper.

Reaper was the name of his last knife. When the Alpha saw the shining silver blade (Reaper) he quickly retreated his claw, he felt threatened by the blade, he will be injured by it, his instinct was screaming at him. It was why he chose to retreat, he then opened his mouth to shot a Wind bullet at Alex in point-blank range.

Alex quickly bounced away, appearing ten meters away, he counterattacks by launching Five Silver Bettie's (the new throwing knives) successively.

Normally, he should have been caught off guard because everything happened too fast, unfortunately, the Alpha swiftly dodged the Five knives and in turn, he attacked by tapping twice on the ground.

Two Wind blades were sent in Alex's direction, he quickly avoided by jumping on his left, at the same time he aimed Silveria at the Alpha and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

The Alpha was surprised by the silver gun that appeared suddenly, he felt threatened by it, especially those blue projectiles that were coming his way, suddenly he howled.


Suddenly, a shield made of Wind appeared right before the Alpha blocking the bullets.

Alex was surprised even if he had expected something like this, he hadn't thought the shield could block his bullets. Shaking his head he blinked and appeared right behind the Alpha his gun aimed at his rear, however the moment he wanted to shot he heard Silveria's panicked voice.

〖Master, watch out,〗


Sensing the wind coming from his left, Alex wanted to avoid it but it was already too late, he brought his hands in front of him to protect his head.


He got smacked and was sent spiraling across the air, he crashed against a tree.


He grunted in pain, he was feeling dizzy, he was bleeding from his head, if he were to listen to his body he would rest, however, he got no time for rest, he quickly rolled on the ground escaping another Wind blades.

Before the Alpha could come attacking at close range Alex used his Divine Sense to keep him as far as possible until he recovered enough to stand, both human and monster glared at each other.

Alex was sure he would have at least left an injury or two when he blinked and appeared on the monster rear, unfortunately, it didn't go as he planned, he had forgotten about the wolf's tail, if he hadn't brought his hands in front of his head he would be dead by now, thanks to his high defense he didn't suffer a heavy injury, nevertheless, he was frustrated.

So was the Alpha, he was sure to kill the human when he appeared behind him, unfortunately, the weak human survived, no he must acknowledge that this human was stronger than the humans he had faced until now because he got injured, it happened when Alex was shooting randomly to keep him at a distance. One of the Alpha rear legs was pierced when he was also firing a Wind bullet at Alex. The Alpha did not move because he didn't want Alex to notice its injury. Speed being his main advantage he lost it now because of that injury, he must come up with a way to deal with this human before he took notice of his injury and take advantage of it, humans are devious by nature, he knew it.

A stablemate was installed now that both of them were injured, Alex on the head, one of his eyes was closed, blood got in and he had trouble seeing so he decided to close it. The Alpha on its rear leg.

Alex downed a High-grade recovery potion to recover his MP, then he held Razor in his left hand while Silveria was aimed at the Alpha. They both stared at each other, blue eyes clashed against green eye, suddenly the Alpha howled, a Wind shield appeared in front of him, then one on his left, then right and finally behind him to form a perfect Shield.

Alex's eyes widened, however, his surprise got replaced by fear when he saw Wind started to gather in front of Alpha.

''No good.''

Alex knew instantly what the wolf was planning and he couldn't let him cast that dangerous spell thus he threw Razor at the wolf in the hope it works, however it got deviated.

Wind slowly continued to gather in the front of the Wind shields trying to form a small tornado, the trees in the vicinity started shaking losing their leaves.

''What to do?" Alex asked himself, it will be suicidal to appear behind the wolf because the knife could not pierce the shield, same thing with his bullets, he was out of solutions, if the wolf manages to complete the spell, he would be died for sure, everything will be erased in kilometers. Even the wolf will be swept in it, reason why he created that perfect shield.

Alex Intimidation skill will not work on this monster, the difference in level was too high, he was lost.



Alex was too focused on thinking about a plausible solution thus he didn't hear Silveria's calls.

〖Master, I have a solution.〗Silveria shouted Alex felt dizzy all of sudden.

''No need to shout like that, or are you planning to finish me before the wolf does?" Alex asked dishearten.

〖It is not my fault, I was calling for a while already but you aren't answering, so I shouted to draw your attention.〗

''My bad. You said you have a solution don't you?''

〖Yes, I do have a solution〗Silveria affirmed.

''Explain quickly.'' Alex urged her because the small tornado was increasing, even from where he stood he was started to feel the Wind.

〖You are too weak to use it, but well I guess you will not die.〗Silveria murmured.


〖No, nothing. Let me take control of your body for a second, be ready to act just after me.〗She said not going into the details.

Even if he wanted more details he decided to follow Silveria's advice first.

By now the Wind tornado was grown up, destroying the trees in the vicinity. The Alpha howled before glaring at Alex ready to unleash its spell, he was expecting to see the fear on the human's face, however what he saw made him pause for a second, and it was what sealed its fate.

Alex's eye shined silvery, even the cross shape tattoo on his arm shined. He was grinning when he pointed his silver gun at the Wind tornado,

[I Am Master of all creation, Unleash Judgement]

A silver bullet was fired from the gun and went straight toward the Wind tornado and shield, then something astonishing happened, the Wind tornado and Wind Shield disappeared, no, to be more accurate, they got canceled.

The Alpha's eyes widened until they were almost out of their socket, Alex regained control of his body, he summoned his Reaper and threw with all his strength.


The knife went straight toward the Alpha and pierced its head, instantly killing it. Until his death, the Alpha's eyes remained widened because he didn't understand how his spells got canceled.

After confirming the wolf death Alex heaved a sigh, ''What fuck was that bul-"

He did not manage to finish his phrase before being assaulted by an intense pain that makes him lose consciousness.

〖I thought this would happen.〗Silveria said exhaustion filled in her voice.

77: As If It Would Be That Easy

It happened the moment Alex fired that Silver bullet, a mysterious power was released and several individuals felt it in their dimensions.

In a world made of flame, an extremely beautiful woman could be seen taking bath in hot lava, when she sensed the mysterious power she smiled, ''Friend it seems you used that ability. Your master must have been in trouble for you to unleash it. I sensed it through the connection you shared with my host.''

''Sigh! Child, you must work harder to not be left behind. I believe in you.'' the red-haired woman murmured before continuing to relax in the Lava bath.


In another location in a world entirely made of Ice, snow was continuously falling, two silhouettes were exchanging moves at an extremely fast speed, it was almost impossible to follow.

Suddenly, both silhouettes stopped because they also sensed that power, they both looked in a certain direction. It became possible to see their features.

The two silhouettes were girls around seventeen, they were both dressed in short pants and sleeveless shirts, their had long white hair and blue eyes. Their faces look perfect like dolls, however, their expression was colder than the coldest Ice.

The two maidens who look identical like twins exchanged glances before they restarted exchanging blows on more as if the apparition of that power meant nothing to them, however, on their expressionless faces a small grin could be spotted, something which wasn't there previously.


At the same time in another location, in a palace entirely made of gold was a throne made of the same material, and sitting on the golden throne was a man of tall stature, his features could not be seen because it was hidden by golden light but he had a long golden hair, he was dressed in golden and silver armor, in his hand was a golden longsword.

This man also sensed that power, he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

''That girl with her annoying ability. I truly hate it, however, I'm waiting and see what will happen if the two were to clash. Well, soon we will know.''

''I hope you will not disappoint me, Boy.''

This message was addressed to someone in particular. Who was it? Only the man and the concerned party know. However, one thing was sure, the other party had received the message because he decided to go on an exploration.


Like this in several locations, different individuals reacted to the mysterious power released after the silver bullet was fired.

A green-haired busty woman fighting against a horde of monsters with her Kodachi stopped and mumbled, ''Guess he can make a good knight.'' before restarting her fight, no it should be called massacres instead.

However, no matter how many monsters were cut down, they keep coming like brainless idiots. Nevertheless, the green-haired woman seemed unbothered as she continued massacre monsters with a savage grin on her face, it was quite frightening but at the same time, it was quite beautiful.


In another location, a beautiful woman fighting a monster barehanded said without stopping,

''Little Lû, you were right, he unlocked his Gift already. Sigh! to think that he got those two. It seems isn't going to peaceful as I thought, better be prepared.''

This woman had golden hair and heterochromia eyes, one gold and other red, she was wearing a heavy shield who had crossed shaped tattoo on it, on her back. This shield seemed heavy yet the woman was moving nimbly with that on her back.

The strangest thing was that the woman was dressed like a cleric yet she was pummelling monsters left and right.


Back in the forest, Alex, the culprit of the different reactions was unaware of it. He was lying unconscious on the ground, not far from him was the Alpha Wind wolf corpse who still had its eyes wide open.

It has been thirty minutes since he lost consciousness and yet he was not showing any signs of waking up, he just lay there resting peacefully, it was a good thing that no monsters showed up.

Another thirty minutes went by before Alex finally woke up with a groan. Lifting his upper body he said, ''I felt like I have been run over by a truck.''

〖If it was the case you will be dead, not alive joking as you did.〗Silveria commented.

Alex's lips twitched ''It was just a way of speaking, and for starters tell me how do you know about truck?"

〖Do you think that it's only your world that has technologies? Do not be delusional, there was a world with higher technologies than yours.〗

''Oh? Can you tell me about the world in question?" Alex asked half expecting an answer.

〖Not telling. I'm exhausted after using that ability, I need to rest to recover. I've broken all my seals to be able to use that ability, it wasn't without consequences.〗

Seeing Silveria not planning to talk about it, for now, he decided to focus on that awesome ability, he was more interested in the ability anyway.

''I see. However, at least explain it to me what was that ridiculous ability. How come I haven't heard about it?"

Silveria heaved a long before answering,

〖It's one of my Unique abilities. I call it: Erase. As you have seen it, it can cancel any Magic.〗

''Awesome.'' Alex praised, his eyes shining like a child who just heard about a new toy.

''With this ability, no need to fear any magic fired in my way.''

〖Calm your horses. Do you think it's easy to use it. You are too weak to currently use it. You were able to use it because it was an extreme case. Don't hope it will happen again. You'll use it only after you are powerful enough. Using currently was impossible and it will not be without a consequence, you have experienced it. You should check your status first.〗

Alex sighed and decided to check his status, he had the feeling that ability could not be easily used.

'Status' he mumbled as a window containing his status information appeared right before his eyes. What he saw left him speechless.


[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 19

Experience Value (XP): ?????/2100

Magic Power: 50/1550

Magic: None

Attack: 300

Defense: 300

Agility: 325 (+50)

Intelligence: 300

Luck: 250

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 3]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

''What happened to my Status?" He asked, confusion growing inside him.

〖It's the consequences of using an ability above your current level. You have lost one level, don't worry you'll recover it soon, however, the XP gained after killing the Alpha will not come back because it has been used as compensation, normally you'll have gained one level with his XP, however, it has been used.〗

Silveria sighed and added,

〖Master, you are too lucky, if not you would have lost most than one level.〗

Alex's expression darkened, he was happy to learn about one of Silveria's Unique abilities but he got frightened by the cost of forcibly using it. He didn't want to lose levels on top of feeling like someone who received a rest after working in a carrier for one month without rest.

''As if it would be that easy to use it. I guess it's too sweet to be eaten so often,'' he murmured.

〖It's good you know that. Once level 45, you'll be able to use it, until then do not ask about it and do not try to forcibly use it or you'll lose more than what I have said.〗Silveria warned him in a serious tone.

Alex nodded his head, ''Guess we should move towards today's goal.''

〖Exactly, there is a waterfall 7 km North of your current location. I know there is a cave hidden there, go there and we will start.〗

Alex stood after with a bit of difficulty, sighing he closed his eyes and brought a Physical recovery Potion and drink it. The taste was still unpalatable, however, it worked, he regained some strength, kicking the ground he dashed in the direction of the waterfall.

Time to complete today's real goal.

78: A Chatty Silveria

Currently Alex was running at full speed toward the waterfall, en route he had been thinking about Silveria's Unique ability: Erase. It was an awesome ability except for the chuunibyo like a line.

〖What does Chuunibyo means?〗Silveria asked curiously.

''Nothing, I'll tell you later.''

Seeing Alex not answering, she pouted.

Alex shook his head then increased his pace towards the waterfall Silveria told him about.

After half of an hour, he finally reached the place in question.

The waterfall was too big from what he had imagined, all the area below him was covered in water. The water was very clear, it didn't seem to have any visible impurities, one could even see the ground at the bottom, even the rocks, the small fishes swimming, It was beautiful, and as for how it was a waterfall, there was a long crack in the ground and the water was falling inside it from above the cliff.

The crack was pitch black because of the darkness inside, even after Alex used Divine Sense he could still not sense its bottom, when the water fell inside of the crack Rex couldn't hear the sound of the water hitting the ground at all, the crack felt like the entrance to the abyss.

For a moment Alex considered whether to just sit here or to go inside the cave he was sure it was in that abyss. Who knows what the abyss contained. He didn't find anything after using his Divine Sense, but it doesn't necessarily mean there's nothing down there.

〖Don't worry I have checked and there is no dangerous beast inside it. Just dive down, the cave is on the other side of the abyssal crack.〗Silveria explained.

Alex nodded and followed Silveria instruction and soon found a hidden cave on one of the cliff-like inner sides of the abyssal crack, it was around a fifty meters below the surface level, the falling water was perfectly hiding the small entrance of the cave. It was too hidden to be seen from above.

When Alex entered the cave he realized that it was more like an underground tunnel leading further inside, after walking for around 100 meters he finally made it to the area Silveria pointed at.

The tunnel led him to a spacious place, the place was big enough for 50 people to share it, there was even a small pond on the side, the area didn't have any time of light, he did not sense any monsters presences, nonetheless, Alex still used his Divine Sense to check the place just to be sure.

〖Eh! Master's sure cautious. I thought I've said there was nothing here?〗Silveria asked amused.

''I know, it's just to be sure. Now I'm sure there's nothing here.''

Seeing that the place was so big devoid of any presence except his, Alex sighed in relief.

Truth be told he knew that the place would be desert as Silveria said but he still checked, just to pissed her off, because he was currently angry. She had this bad habit of not telling him anything using the pretext that he was weak. One time or twice may pass but continuously doing it will pissed off even the most calmest of men. She call him Master yet there are lots of things she refused to tell him, he was just Master in name because he can't force her to do anything, it was not a slave contract linked them.

Silveria in her dimension noticed her Master's mood, she heaved a long before and glanced in certain direction for a while before chuckling.

〖Master you are right but you should try to place yourself in my shoes. It's not that I don't want to tell you everything but it's I can't because of the seals and restrictions placed on me by the previous Master before his death. He did this because of safety purpose and also to not burden you before you are prepared. You know, to use us it's not easy for even the most talented. We are too powerful, our abilities are. Just remember that ability I used earlier, I shouldn't have used it before you reach level 50, at least level 45, yet I used it at level 20 forcing you to suffer, but you are unaware of what me on my side went through. I'm weakened, my previous seals who were slowly falling apart got reinforced because I went against an order. By the way, their seals are black chains tightly wrapped around us making it impossible to move. Mine was almost broken, it remained on my feet level, yet now it's back on my waist level. It takes time to break them. Also the more powerful you become, the easier it became for us to break them. Mine will be broken completely soon. We can break them forcibly as I did when using one of my Unique ability, however, the backlash that would follow will be harsher for you and more specifically for us.〗

Alex was surprised by this news, especially about the seals. ''Why did your Master placed seals on you?"

〖He did it to protect us from that enemy after losing that fight. Sorry, I will not go into the details, I've already said too much, and knowing about it in advance will do more harm than good. Just learning about it at your current level will draw bad karma upon you.〗Silveria said refusing to say more.

Alex sighed, he had the feeling that there was a complicated story behind all these things and it also smell trouble for him, as if he will be dragged into something big. No, he has already been dragged into it just by being the owner of these two unusual guns with unusual abilities (ref. to Silveria Erase). Well, he was already dragged into something he doesn't even know, the best thing he can do is to become the strongest of all, his ultimate goal haven't changed. Now he had another goal, the goal of having extremely strong allies to watch his back as he does the same, only fool will think of facing an incoming threat of unknown level alone. He must train his sister to be OP as him because she got the potential, all his future women will be stronger as well, strong women on their own.

Alex's green eyes shined as he started planning.

〖Good mentality. My sister and I will make sure that tragedy will not happen ever again.〗Silveria said pleased, however the last part of her words was mumbled slowly that Alex wasn't able to hear it.

〖I'm sure that when I used Erase, the others must have felt it. I bet that bastard that like to play the King must be gritting his teeth in frustration and probably planning a revenge using his host. That sounds like him.〗Silveria suddenly said.

''Are you talking about the other Divine weapons spirits,'' Alex asked as his curiosity got piqued.

〖Yeah, all your former classmates weapons are divine weapon, but only four have spirit like ours. Leonardo, Maria, Sakuya, and Luna. Their weapons have spirit dwelling inside. By the way, my sister and I, are the top of the top, the apex is to say.〗Silveria boasted.

''I see.'' Alex said rolling his eyes at her last words.

〖Master, time to get to business but before that, I'll tell you something. I have three uniques abilities besides my other abilities. Today you have seen one of my Unique abilities, the most powerful, as for the remaining two, it's surprise, I won't tell you but you'll see them soon enough, until then be patient. As I said previously, my sister only has two abilities, one less than me, however none of them are weak. Sigh! sometimes I'm even envious of her abilities, I have lots of abilities apart from my three uniques abilities however compared to my sister, I'm nothing. Even my title paled in comparison, I'm called Mage Nemesis while my sister got a cool Nickname the- Ahhhhhh~〗

Suddenly, Silveria began to cry of pain,

〖Ahh! Stop it Big sister, it's my bad, Ahhh please stop I promise I'll not say anything anymore, I swear so please stop it hurts too much. Ahhh~〗

Alex's lips twitched as Silveria and her unknown Big sister continued their drama. That Big sister must be hard to deal with considering that she forbade her sister from speaking. From their interaction until now, Alex had noticed the respect and fear in Silveria's voice every time she talked about her sister, she was more afraid. Alex wonders what the other weapon personality gonna be.

Shaking his head Alex decided to wait for Silveria, without her there is nothing he can do.

A few minutes later Silveria managed to come back.

〖Sigh! Big sister is such a bully.〗

'No comment.' Alex thought.

〖Let's start. Take out the box.〗Silveria ordered.

79: Using The Wyvern's Heart

〖Let's start. Take out the box〗Silveria ordered.

Alex nodded before bringing out the box that contains the Wyvern's heart. He then opened it and instantly powerful energy was burst from within and covered the whole cave, the energy was so powerful that it made a ripple in the air. If he had opened it outside he was sure it would have drawn all the monsters in the vicinity toward him. They would want a piece of this heart at all costs and a bloodbath will soon follow with him dying in the middle of it or worse a human passing by, maybe drawn by its energy.

Finally, he understood why Leena had warned not to open it where there were people or monsters. It was a good thing Silveria found this cave.

Shaking his head Alex focused his attention on what was inside the box, it was a heart not different from a human's heart if not for the size. It was twice the size of a human's heart and it was crystal red, emitting enticing energy.

Alex almost took a bit of it, however, he knew it would be a suicidal thing to do. Silveria must works on it before he will eat it raw. Thinking about eating raw, he was still against the idea even after feeling the enticing smell coming from the crystal heart.

''Let start and quickly get over it.''

Silveria chuckled before taking control of Alex's body. Flicking his fingers, the Wyvern's heart left the box and started floating in the air. Staring at the hovering Wyvern's heart Alex (Silveria) chuckled.

''That Leena girl is sure generous.''

The real Alex on the other side sighed. When he appraised the heart earlier all he saw was a single line. 'Wyvern's Heart.' However, currently, Silveria observed the same heart and said Leena is generous. It was to say this Wyvern's heart was somehow special. If he had advanced Appraisal he may have learned more, he thought.

Alex (Silveria) on the other hand started chanting in an obscure language as usual, however, this time his (her) chant was accompanied by hand gestures.

After a few minutes, he (she) stopped and said, ''Master it's time.''

Alex on the other side gulped as he looked at the Wyvern's heart who had become redder and crystal-like. To think he will be eating it raw, well its current appearance seemed more bearable than its previous one.

When Alex wanted to regain control of his body to eat the Wyvern's heart, he was stopped by Silveria, she was giggling.

''Fufufu, No need to be that hesitant. I was joking with you. There is no way I'll let you eat it raw. It's a prank on my part. Okay, here we go.''

Then Alex (Silveria) clapped his hands, then the crystal heart shined brightly and after the light went off, it was a red pill hovering in the air instead of the crystal heart.

''Now you can eat and beware that after taking it, you'll suffer an unbearable pain until you have ingested the energy the pill contains. For how long, even I can't say it. You have been warned.'' Alex (Silveria) warned be giving him back the control of his body.

After regaining control of his body Alex immediately took the red pill in his hand, it was hot. He then swallowed it in one gulp, it was not that he wasn't afraid of pain but because to become the strongest, he will face many hardships, and to not falter he mustn't hesitate today.

〖Good resolution but you'll need more than that to face what is about to start.〗Silveria praised before adding.

Alex did not have time to ask what she meant before,


An intense pain assaulted him. His entire body felt hot as if he had been thrown into boiling water.

As if all the cells inside his body were being turned into ash one by one. The pain traveled through his entire body.

''Gah!... when's... this going to...end...?" He asked himself because it was starting to become unbearable. He had the feeling that it has been an eternity he was suffering this intense pain that was wreaking havoc inside his body.

However, in reality only mere 60 seconds passed.

〖It's just the start.〗Silveria adds to his growing despair.

Alex didn't even have the energy to question her before the next attack begun.

He sensed a powerful force bursting from the depth of his body toward his heart.


The violent attack left him trembling as though an invisible hammer smashed his heart. Previously, he half knelt on the ground but now he was laying down clutching his heart.


Alex screamed and gashed his teeth till it bleeds. He refused to close his eyes and let himself drift into sleep. The level of pain increased, every cell inside his body got destroyed, then repaired and then again destroyed, repaired...

All his five have been completely cut off, Alex felt like he was thrown into a dark space where he was observing every change happening inside his body, yet at the same time he was feeling all the pain, he could even hear the pounding of his heart.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump~

The pain increased to another level until it becomes impossible for Alex to maintain his consciousness.

〖Well, he had endured more than I thought. This Wyvern's heart is sure powerful. The benefits he will gain will be awesome.〗Silveria said after sighing.

Suddenly, Silveria heard a panicked voice, it was Gracier's voice.

[Big brother what happened to you?]

[Big brother?]

[Gracier don't worry I'm fine. Do not try to find me. I'll come back once I'm done with what I'm doing here. In the meantime use this time to train.] Alex finally responded. Gracier accepted even though she wants to check on her Big brother.

[I understand. Take care, Big brother. See you soon.] she said before cutting off the communication.

〖Ah! That was close. It's a good thing I can imitate Master's voice or else I bet that little girl will come here in flash.〗Silveria heaved a sigh of relief after taking care of Gracier. Then she decided to check on Alex's situation.

〖Let's see how he doing. What? It is still going on?〗

Silveria was really surprised, she thought it would end shortly after Alex lost consciousness but it was not the case.

Alex's unconscious did not stop whatever wrecking his body. From the other side, Silveria could only watch, helpless as purple veins bulged and pulsed across Alex's body. His heart rate was still pounding fast and his breathing turned erratic, his body temperature increased to the point where the inside of the cave become hot as well.

Silveria sighed before taking temporary control of Alex's body until he (she) jumped into the small pond located in the middle of the cave.

Back to her dimension Silveria could not help but comment.

〖This unusual. This level of pain is too much and unnatural. Sigh! There's nothing I can't do, let's wait until he woke up. I hope it won't be long.〗

When she took control of Alex's body until the pond she experienced the pain he was experiencing. It was unnatural, it was not like after taking the red pill (Wyvern's heart transformed) he will not suffer any pain but it wouldn't have lasted this long, nor it should be this violent. This Wyvern's heart was indeed higher grade and high level (the Wyvern possessing this heart) for its energy to be this violent.

Now that she thought about it, normally she should have split up the pill into two to be taken twice. It was a miscommunication on her part. Well, it has already happened, all she could do was to wait in the hopes it will not last too long until Alex woke up.

Alex's suffering continued for another two whole days.

Three days later, he finally woke up from his slumber.

80: Status Check

Unnamed Waterfall in the core zone of Mira Forest.

In a hidden cave.

A young man with long black hair could be seen lying in a pit on the ground. Previously this was a pond but now it has dried up.

Suddenly this young man opened his eyes, the moment he woke up, Alex felt a painful headache assaulting him, he wanted to scream but no voice came out, the headache was so painful that he wasn't even able to hear or focus on the notification windows that started popping up the second he woke up.

Fortunately, after about half an hour later the headache finally came to an end, but just after it ended and Alex was collecting his thoughts he smelled an extremely bad smell from his surrounding.

Alex wasn't able to take it and stopped his breathing, he then ran out of the tunnel, the second he came out, the cold water falling over the cave entrance cleaned his body.

Although his body was now clean but thanks to his enhanced senses (because of his evolution) he could still smell that bad smell coming from inside the cave, so after changing his clothes he left the cave and went outside.

The second the sunlight fell on him, Alex subconsciously used his hand to block the sun rays falling on his eyes, he felt like a prisoner who was had now come in contact with light after being locked up in a dark room for a long time.

He found that the sunlight was extremely annoying today. He who usually likes to bathe in sunlight.

After his pupils adjusted themselves to the sunlight, Alex was finally able to observe the changes in his body.

He looked slightly taller than before.

Previously, his height was around 1.75m same height as Kevin Asmar, but now it increased to 1.80m, the same height as Leonardo Dixor.

His black hair became longer as well reaching his back, even without checking he knew his abs were well defined. He was brimming with energy after suffering that hellish pain, thinking about it sends a shiver down his spine.

Alex shook his head before asking, ''Sil, how long I have been out for?''

〖3 days.〗

''I see. Sigh! Alexandra must be worried sick.'' Alex said thinking about his sister who must be worried after not seeing him for three days.

〖Don't worry. I have kept contact with her, she suspects nothing, to her you have been training on your own.〗Silveria explained.

''I see. Thank you, Silveria. You saved me from a lot of troubles.''

〖You welcome. Still, you must contact her, just to make her less worried.〗Silveria suggested.

''You are right,'' Alex responded before contacting his sister using their special ability.

[Hello Alexandra. How are you doing?]

There was a silence before Gracier responded,

[Ah, Ah!, Hello Big brother I'm fine. I hope you are fine over there as well. Leena asked about you. I said you went training. She said to say hello when I'll saw you and also to inform you that the test will be taking place soon.]

[I see. I'm doing fine over here. Greet Leena for me as well. By the way, what are you currently doing?]

There was another silence before she replied.

[I'm training] She seemed a little bit out of breath.

[Alone?] Alex asked. It must have been Silveria that told her to do so. She said training but he was sure she was doing it outside, not in the Guild training ground. She must be killing monsters to train. The problem was, with whom?

[I'm training with a sister you know. Sorry, Big brother I'll contact you again I'm a little busy. Hope you will be coming home today.] She said before cutting off the communication.

Alex's lips twitched, she had done this because she doesn't want to tell him with whom she was training.

'Well, I hope she isn't being taken advantage of.'

〖Fufufu! Do you think she is dumb? She too clever. I bet she's the one taking advantage of the other girl. As with who she's currently training, I have my little idea. Sorry, I will not tell you anything even if you plead me.〗Silveria said.

Alex shook his head not offering any reply. The girl in question must be that plain-looking girl Eleonora. As for how it started between them, he will know once he went back. Alex chuckled before starting to advance until he saw a big tree, he sat down near it and then leaned against it.

〖Check your status. I assure you that you will be greatly surprised.〗Silveria said, prompting Alex to quickly check his status.

'Status' Alex mumbled and what followed was,

''Eh?'' A voice filled with surprise and more importantly overwhelming happiness. The surprise was too much, he wasn't expecting such a gain, he almost couldn't believe it until he double-checked. If he had won the jackpot he wouldn't be this happy. His status went through an overwhelming change.


[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 4」

Level 35

Experience Value (XP): 0/7200

Magic Power: 1550 (+650) ✒2200

Magic: None

Attack: 300 (+250) ✒ 550

Defense: 300 (+250) ✒550 (+50)

Agility: 325 (+ 300) ✒ 625 (+50)

Intelligence: 300 (+150) ✒ 450

Luck: 250 (+150) ✒ 400

BP: 300

SP: 10

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 5] (New) [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5] (New)

Special Abilities: [Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] (New)』

''My previous level got restored (Level 20). And I even got a leap of fifteen levels? Seriously I was not expecting something like this. Well, considering the hellish pain I went through for three days, I guess it's well-deserved rewards. I understand that it's because of the Wyvern's heart but can you explain to me how I get a boost of fifteen levels?'' Alex asked for more in-depth explanation.

Previously he was only expecting a boost on his MP level but not only he got that, he even get an increase in level as well. Not that he was dissatisfied with this surprise. It's a pleasant surprise nevertheless he needs to know how it happened and who was more qualified for this? Silveria.

Alex needs explanations, not only for what happened but also concerning several other things about his skills. Especially that Special Ability that appeared.

There was a temporary silence before finally, Silveria spoke.

〖I'd like to, however, you should eat first. It has been three days already since you have eat something. Do not be fooled by the feeling of you brimming with energy, it's temporary, it's the adrenaline making you feel that way better eat before you'll start feeling an overwhelming hunger attacking you.〗

Now that she said this, Alex finally noticed the feeling of hunger he was feeling since a while ago.

''Okay, I'll eat. We will talk after I'm done.''

Alex said before taking out two sandwiches made by Lea. They were still fresh because he had placed them inside his item box. Smelling the scent of the sandwiches, Alex's stomach growled with impatience. Alex looked at the two sandwichs for while before deciding that they would not be enough. He then brought out another two, increasing their numbers to four.

Back then when he was leaving the Moonlight Inn Alex had ordered 6 sandwiches, as for why it's because he was too fond of them. He ate two before the arrival of the Alpha, the remaining four will be eaten today. To make his lunch perfect, Alex also brings out a bottle of iced orange juice.

'Time to dig in.' Alex mumbled before starting to eat.

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