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75% The Majin / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Unexpected newcomers

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Unexpected newcomers


I think with trembling hands. The shock of hitting metal on whatever that sword was made of felt like punching a metal beam with your hands. The pain and grinding of the bone is something else!

"hehe" laughed the young man in schendfruede. The room still filled with some sounds of sword strikes on the dummies yet the subtle glances show the attention I'm getting.

I like attention as much as the next guy but not like this! And this guy is really getting on my nerves. I peek over at Jaggedmouth and he is silently looking in my direction.

He points with his chin at the wooden sword a small distance away from me. I walk over to pick it up and head back towards the dummy. The annoying guy is still standing a short distance away...


Getting into a stance, I once again deliver a strong blow at the dummy. Only this time I ease my grip and let the weapon 'ricochet' at the annoying guy.

[hehe ricochet with air quotes]

"AWh!" yelled the guy ducking quickly. His smile left his face and became only panic. That's what you get for making fun of a kid who never swung a sword in his life.

Trying hard to maintain a poker face, I walk past the guy still crouching down with his hands covering his head and pick up the sword.

Walking back to the dummy, I slow my steps to glance at him and our eyes meet...It becomes increasingly hard not to laugh and my poker face falters with a smirk. I guess the guy noticed his situation and the embarrassment hit him very quickly with the realization.

He stands up, "YOU!" staring daggers at me in contempt.

"What. It slipped." I state out loud, once again in control of my face. That's what you get for making fun of me. I mean come on, you're just gonna stand there and watch me hit a dummy?

[Don't you have better things to do]

"Don't you have better things to do"


[Oh Crap! I said that out loud] I internally scream while still glancing at the guy.

Needless to say, the guy is furious. If this was a cartoon then he'd have smoke coming out of his ears. Hmm now that I think about it, doesn't Buu do that too?

Back to the topic at hand. Even in his anger and embarrassment, the guy glances at Jaggedmouth. Seeing how he didn't say anything, the guys confidence soars.

"Real cheeky brat! I'll show you to respect me, David!" He said as he goes and grabs a regular wooden sword from the weapons rack. Oh, now we have a name to annoying guy number two. Number one being that one kid that pulled a dagger on me.

Coming back, David quickly rushes at me. This gets the attention of everyone in the pit and soon stops all action to watch. Even Thorvald stopped, which would be the first time since the drama began.

My senses seem to improve by the day without me doing anything. I don't know what that 'God' in the lake did to me but it doesn't seem to prevent whatever is inside me from seeping out.

Watching closely, the action slows down. I can see in perfect clarity where he will step, how he will swing his sword and where the sword will hit me. If I don't do anything that is.

I bring my wooden sword up with two hands to his attack path while having my feet offset the other to brace for impact.


The sound of wood clashing rings out as I block the attack.

"wooow" murmurs are coming out of the other kids. Some more visibly impressed than others.

"How!?" said David in denial.

"Can you please stop attacking me? It was just an accident, no need to get violent." I state in protest. Unnoticeably making Jaggedmouth crease his brows in the distance.

"ARHHA!", David continues his offense and relentlessly attacks. Though he knows how to hold a sword and attack, his movements are easy for me to read and I block everything.

In desperation, David sends a sideways slash without setting his footing, sidestepping him, I leave my sword in the way of his lower thigh. This effectively makes him fall on his face due to the inertia of his attack.

"So, we are done now right?"

David looks at me from the ground shooting daggers at me, while trying to hurry to his feet. His full attention is on me now and doesn't seem like he is gonna let the matter go. sigh.

Getting ready once again, I raise my sword and make a kendo stance. Keep in mind I have no actual experience with this other than shows I've seen.

*thump thump crAsh*

Dirt is kicked up in the air as two figures crash hurriedly into the ground. This gathers the attention of everyone and even me but I make sure to keep David at least in my peripheral vision.

As the dust and disappears, it reveals the two girls that where in the cage with me! With some weariness the two stand up supporting each other. Looking carefully, I can see some red splatters on their grey rags and visible bruises. Seeing this, Thorvald who was about to go back to hitting the dummies looks dumbstruck.

Seeing him amongst us, the older girl calls out, "Thorvald!". Both have small tears in the eyes as happiness seems to take hold of them before another interruption occurs.


The sound of heavy footsteps becomes increasingly closer to us. The girls hastily stand up and make their way to Thorvald who happens to be in the back of the crowd. I'm in the front of the crowd with David just now standing up from the commotion.

"JAGGEDMOUTH YOU SWINE!" belches a man in a fancy tunic with an intricate design. This man leads 4 men, all in armor resembling Spartans.

Before I know it, Jaggedmouth is standing beside me as he looks on. His face crunches up slightly in clear agitation of what the situation is devolving into.

"There better be a good explanation for why these two slaves decided to come to you after killing their new masters!"

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