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Chapter 6 Temporary job?

Dog Notes: Dog is sorry for not posting for 3 years and will hereby pledge that Dog has an entire arc worth of chapters from when Dog was away. You will the very least get double the amount of current chapters if you remember the novel before Dog left.

Dog has a full explanation in the review section of the novel and doesn't want to take away from dogs novel to much. The update schedule will be one chapter a week till dog gets an editor. Then it will be two chapters a week until my patreon goals are met. More info about this on dogs patreon site.

Finally, if you see any first-person writing that I somehow missed please tell me also if you see anything in italics.


In the end, I have returned to watch over the once little kid who has grown up. There is so much to view out there but it's so hard to find one that's good.

I found another candidate to state out the uncontrollable urge to view someone's adventures, but things have been going slow with him right now.

Enough about what I've been up to let's go and look at the current Ghost and wonder about what happened to him after we left!

"Sister don't worry! Your little brother won't disappear again, I promise. I'll take care of you and make you as good as new. If only you could see me now, I've changed so much I wonder if you would even recognize me."

Ghost talks with his corpse like sister, who still hasn't recovered after all these years. Her body, on the other hand, is still aging even in her current state. Most of her muscles are probably extremely regressed, but she still has a healthy pink glow on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry but I have grown taller than you. I know how you were always complaining about you being short and how I will eventually outgrow you. Well, you grew a little I think." She twitches a little or it could just be the light playing tricks on everyone.

"Look I even made this cabin here. In the middle of these beautiful woods and in front of a lake, with a waterfall just like you always wanted."

Ghost waves his hand and the sound of rushing water starts to enter the room drowning out his fresh tears.

-I will find a way to make you, you again! I swear it on my very soul!-

He exits her room to enter an almost empty living room and then leaves the small cabin to go out and find some food.

-I tell her the same thing everyday yet no response happens. I really should find a healer or at least an expert in some medical field, but who can I trust in this familiar yet foreign world.-

He starts to leave the area knowing that no beasts would dare come here, because his aura and killing intent has been permanently marked in the area.

Ghost continues onward to look for some animal tracks to maybe catch a deer or some other game. A loud roar comes from the direction of the cabin.

Ghost starts to sprint towards the cabin, he moves so fast he that he seems to vanish and appears in front of the cabin instantly.

"Who goes there?"

A grey grizzly is hitting the side of the cabin, but luckily it's being reinforced by a magic formation that Ghost learned from another world years ago.

"Stop!" He yells fearing for his poor sister's life. Blood comes out of one of his pockets where some containers are hidden, while others are strapped to his body or under his cloak. He Immediately sends it at the bear to distract it.

The bear turns revealing its bloodshot eyes that don't look to have any intelligence. The blood immediately scatters before it can even touch the bear.

It slashes out towards Ghost who barely manages to dodge based off of instinct away from it. The trees that were behind him explode into splinters.

"What was that?!" Ghost can't help but yell out being shocked that the insane bear can use magic! He would have been sliced into pieces if he didn't instinctively dodge away from it.

Seeing how the bear's surprise attack failed it charges right at him. Not knowing what almost killed him he sends a half thought out attacks at it to test the waters.

After the second poorly made spear shatters before touching it he pulls himself together and pull out his old but trusted weapons.

When his master first gave them to him he didn't exactly like the feeling of using them, but over time he learned some the unique qualities of them. Most of the flaws he also learned how to fix with blood. Is the feeling I get from his body and mind.

Even so, they aren't the same weapons that his master gave him all those years ago. Over the years he had to modify them bit by bit battle after battle. There are many different changes to the dagger, but I have no way of knowing what they do.

He launches one last attack of blood at the bear. This time he concentrates most of the blood onto one point so it ends up clashing with an invisible barrier and almost pierces it.

-I see so it can control wind much like how I can control blood.-

He then starts to urge all the blood that has splattered the floor red, from all of his failed attempts, to form a wall in between him and the bear.

The bear then lets out a ferocious roar that can probably be heard throughout the forest and then slams straight against his wall with its wind barrier, but his wall barely wins until it slams its body into it completely destroying the blood wall.

It slashes at Ghost and another wind blade comes out at him. This time Ghost uses his blade to stop it instead of dodging. He also uses the force from it to push himself backwards away from the beast.

Ghost charges at the bear and stabs out towards its eye, but the bear manages to dodge it without being hurt.

Suddenly the second blade comes lower towards its neck chopping in an upwards position. The blade is covered in blood that vibrates like a chainsaw and once it hits the bears neck it cuts right rough like a hot knife through butter. The head goes flying and the strange bear is finally dead.

"Pant! I wonder if this is edible. Also, that completely took me by surprise. If I knew it could do that I would of just instantly killed it. My training is still lacking almost dying to a beast that couldn't think."

Ghost stares at the beast wondering if the grey fur means that it can control wind.

-The wind attacks were shocking but were not as strong as they could have been. I guess that's what happens when you give power to an animal. If other animals also have these types of powers it will be bothersome if they all became hostile or gained human intelligence.-

"Sis are you ok?" Ghost yells towards the cabin forgetting that even if she was ok, she wouldn't be able to reply to him. He rushes into the cabin hoping for the best "Sister don't scare me like that. I thought that somehow the bear might have hurt you."

"Knock, knock!"

"Who's there?" He asks while moving towards the window to see who is knocking on his door in the middle of nowhere.

Outside is a man wearing a suit and tie. He looks strangely formal. He looks very feminine and is of Asian descent. He also has glasses which his long black hair almost covers.

"Come on out. You don't have to be scared I will not hurt you. I just want to ask you a few questions and then possibly recruit you to a school for people like you." His high pitched voice answers.

"People like me? I don't understand what you are saying so leave. If you don't leave don't blame me for what I might do to you." Ghost replies back worrying for Jana's safety.

"Now, now you don't have to suddenly become hostile. If you are that worried about your safety it would really be for the best that you join my academy. It's really the safest place for people like you. You might have heard about it before the hero academy?"

The feminine man tries to seem as harmless as possible. "You may have heard me before my name is Hiro. I was one of the first people to come back so you can trust me. I'm like you."

"I told you to leave." Ghost opens the door and slashes out with his trusted weapons and then he suddenly falls towards the ground before they get close to Hiro.

"Feisty one." Ghost hears before sleep forces itself onto him.

-Ugg, where am I?- He opens his eyes and looks around to only see white. Even the chair Ghost is tied to is a white chair.

He immediately tries to break whatever is preventing him from leaving the chair but it doesn't budge at all, obviously, brute strength still isn't his strong suit.

He then tries to sense for the blood that he usually keeps on him, but he can't find any trace of it anywhere. He then tries to breathe out fire but finally realizes that his mouth is gagged with an anti-magic lock.

Seconds or minutes pass by as time seems to halt while Ghost just sits there waiting. He thought about trying to count the seconds that went by, but the stillness and emptiness of the room keep his mind from focusing on one thing.

The white door that reminds everyone of the purity of a baby's soul opens up and a man walks in. Long black hair, feminine face that almost screams women.

Skinny upper and lower body. If he tried to pretend to be a female he probably would look cute. The only thing that tells you his gender is that his shirt is unbuttoned. Displaying his flat weak looking male chest.

"Welcome to my favorite room. I just call it the white room. I've seen people go crazy for staying in here too long."

He stops talking for a second and then continues on ramblings while pacing back and forth.

"Your gagged as of right now because I have things to say and I can't be troubled by you interrupting me. Also, some people can kill others with just a word or do other annoying stuff like mages chanting spells that could destroy my school."

He leaves for a second, maybe for a minute, then comes back with a black chair and a table! He puts both in front of Ghost with the back of the chair facing him. Then he sits down in it backwards and continues,

"So I brought you here because people like us are dangerous to the old world. Luckily, we are useful to the new one, but to sort through all of the people that have come back is a pain. My job is to bring everyone to this... let's call it an academy."

He then takes out the gag and Ghost proceeds to start to rapid fire of questions like Sophia did all of those years ago. "Where is my sister? Why couldn't you just let me live my life in peace? Haven't I done enough for other people?"

He puts his fingers to Ghosts lips and then says, "Shh, I'll answer your questions but one at a time. Your sister is fine, well nothing has changed with her. You have a gift that's best be used to help people not hide in some handmade house."

"You said that this was an academy?" Ghost questions him about his whereabouts and the reason he is here.

"Yes, it's an academy to teach you how to survive in the new world. We can teach you the basics of what the old world wanted but we limited on education on reading and writing with some basic math on the side."

"Our main focus is letting protection agencies find talented people to help protect the few places that humanity can still call home."

"The more people who come back the safer the cities can become. If there is enough we can even create more cities for the future as well."

He then puts his hands on Ghost's shoulders stares straight into his eyes and says, "All of this doesn't mean much to you. I want to hire you since you killed the wind bear."

"Your pay will be free room and food, but mainly I'll ask everyone that knows healing arts to try to fix your sister."

"And what will I have to do during this job?" He asks seeing a ray of hope in the pitch black darkness that is his current life.

"You will have to pretend to be the worst student ever to enroll into this academy, while secretly being its guardian!"

"Pretty much I don't want you to get recruited while you do most of the dirty work to keep this place running."

"Wouldn't the agencies want to protect the school." He asks him a very obvious question while wondering why the teachers don't protect the school as well.

"They created an excuse saying that the teachers and I should be enough in case of an emergency. Also, they couldn't find a neutral agency that won't poach members from the school early."

"They are even against us having our students go hunt the beasts that are right next door to the school. They say that we can't risk hurting their future comrades. It really makes zero sense to me." He complains and complains.

"Wait if students aren't even allowed to hunt then how are they supposed to protect people from monsters?"

"The agencies cover that. They probably each have their own way to show the newbies the ropes. And well you all fought for a good portion of your life. I mean you were summoned to be heroes."

"The only reason why this school exists is to gather up all of you and show the lower students who were summoned to lower worlds how to actually fight."

"Some students show remarkable growth just by showing them all the knowledge they could have learned if they were just summoned to a better world."

"So, how am I supposed to pretend to be a terrible student?"

"Well, there as four types of students knights, magicians, rogues, and archers."

"Knights are mostly close combat and thick defense with their armor and even worse their very skin. Some knights' skin is even stronger than their armor."

"Thanks to their thick defense and usually slow movement, but strong offense and strangely quick attacks. Their symbol is the black turtle snake Genbu."

He takes out a white medal and puts it on the table in front of Ghost. The medal has a black turtle on it with a snake as its tail.

"Magicians are pretty much people who rely on magic. Their magic defense is top of the line, but their regular defense isn't even half as good as even a rogue."

"Their spells vastly outweigh their weak physical defense. Since their magical defense is so strong their spells have to be just as fierce."

If you let a mage chant magic for long enough then a vast amount of lives will be lost. Also, healers belong to the mage class so high amounts of damage and the power to save lives. Their symbol is of the vermilion bird Suzaku."

He places another metal on the table this time it has a blue background and a red bird that looks like a phoenix.

"Which brings me to the rogue. They tend to act more along the lines of assassins. They are fast and hit hard, but they usually can't take a hit."

"Light armor and most of their magic are put into making them go faster and hit harder. They usually completely ignore defense."

"It's not that their defense is bad per se some of them are harder to kill than a knight. their defense is of a different category dodging."

"So the area of effect mages are pretty dangerous to them. Their symbol is the white tiger Byakko." He puts the third medal on the table with a black background and a white tiger that almost seems alive.

"The last is the archer who uses a bow and arrow to kill. Long range like magic, but not nearly as strong. Their defense is lacking and agility is slower than a rogue but still the second fastest."

"The arrows don't do much unless the archer is skilled. Personally only the talented are of any use the rest you can't really call a hero. Their symbol is the azure dragon Seiryū."

"I guess the creator wanted to keep with the theme of the four guardians when they choose this as their symbol."

"I just blatantly copied it from the world I was in and the world accepted it as their system and here names so. *Shrug* " He puts a medal with a crimson red background and an azure blue wingless dragon.

"Choose which one you think you can act being a sub-par hero. It can't be something that you can't do, but at least choose something you can be decent at."

Ghost immediately pick up the azure dragon medallion which is the only one he is truly bad at.

"Archery I shouldn't be too bad at it. If I had to choose which I would be rogue I guess. I'll take you up on your offer."

"Fantastic! Know there are a few more things that you have to go through before you can be admitted as a student."

"Such as?"

"Nothing much you have up to 4 years to graduate. Graduating is finding a group that will take you in by the way. The students are ranked from F to S, in reality, there are zero people that are ranked F and zero of the S rank as students."

"You are the first F ranker to ever appear in the academy congrats. I put a loophole saying you have to be at least a D rank to get a group and you can't leave till you are a D rank." He pauses for a second and takes out a golden pocket watch. Then looks at the time.

"There is more than you will have to learn but most of that can be taught by your homeroom teacher. So, I'll just let the normal teacher tell you about it. Follow me." He then takes out of the white room, to Ghost's relief, and he follows him down a long hallway till the last room.

"Is that my classroom?"


"Shouldn't you give me back the items you took from me first?"

"Oh right! I forgot sorry. Here you go your two small blades, one black cloak, and one strange mask. Wait you can hide those blades well right? I mean an archer would carry those but they look more like rouges."

"Can you leave the cloak at my room and as for these you wouldn't have found them if they weren't in my hand when you knocked me unconscious." He says as he puts on his mask then his body starts to magically shine bright white.

After the blinding light disappears and Ghost looks at a glass window to check his new appearance. It changed into normal colored, brown eyes and blonde shoulder length hair. HIs face also looks completely different in structure to his real face. The perfect disguise.

"Nifty mask you have there. To bad your aura doesn't change. Anyone that knows your aura signature might be able to recognize you. If a monster was attacking I'm sure no one would be calm enough to recognize your signature."

"Yeah, that was the plan. What about the blood you took from me?"

"We are studying it to see if they can be used for magic formations. After we finish than I'll give it back to you. So, I entered the white room just after class had started."

"I think thirty minutes to an hour has gone by congrats it's your first day yet you already tardy." After he says that he opens the door and pushes Ghost while loudly saying, in an annoyed tone, "get in there you punk."

Inside the room is a normal classroom that Ghost sometimes peeked into when he was younger all those years ago.

With a blackboard and, "Ahem!" An elegant yet stern voice rushes through the classroom and Ghost's ears and interrupting his train of thoughts. "So, you finally decided to arrive Mr. Shinigami."

A younger girl who has to stand on a step to be above her podium who appears to be his teacher.

"Sorry for being late miss I really didn't mean it." Ghost tries to convince the female teacher whose chest area looks like the only thing that's really matured.

She looks deep into his eyes with her emerald green eyes and then sternly says, "Don't lie to me I know a troublemaker when I see one. Even having the guts to lie to me, I'm your teacher and no matter how 'weak' I look I won't hesitate to punish you!"

A flash of joy can be barely seen when she says punish. She then cracks her small knuckles.

- This teacher is insane. What's with the people working at this school? First, a principal that wants his student to do his work for him and now a teacher that enjoys bullying students.-

She slams her hands on the podium. Her two brown pigtails shake from the impact and rhetorically says, "now that we have a new student do you all know what that means?"

Almost all of the students groan and complain in protest. "Ghost go find a seat it doesn't really matter where you sit in this class. Oh, and you got a badge when you came in right? Put that on and it will be your uniform while you are here."

Ghost takes out the azure dragon crested badge and put it in front of his shirt. It then magically embeds itself through the shirt and directly onto his very skin.

He then starts to scream in burning pain as a strange magic force the badge onto his body, while the teacher can barely hold back her sadistic grin.

"Now that badge is part of you, no matter what you wear it will be shown through it. It's your identifier as a hero."

She explains while carefully hiding the sadistic grin back away from her childish jade white face.

"Also if you so happen to die it shall serve as your identifier. The most important function is your rank will be embedded into its aura."

So he goes to sit where there aren't many other archers are to avoid making any more trouble. "Now I shall explain to all of you yet again what happened around 10 years ago."

More groans can be heard. With a smile, she continues talking, "after children suddenly started to vanish strange things started to occur. Magical beasts started to emerge."

"Some of the average animals started to be able to do strange things. Like a wolf that could breathe fire. Some of the simple day to day animals suddenly became creatures that you wouldn't want to provoke."

"As more and more time went by animals got increasingly stronger. A pigeon with a flap of its could destroy a building. Of course, cases like this were rare. Even stranger things started appearing that weren't normal monsters."

She stops for a second to throw a piece of chalk at a sleeping student sitting near a couple other students away from Ghost.

"I know you have probably heard this before already, but don't you know my rules about sleeping in class?"

"Yes, ma'am we aren't allowed to sleep unless we are knocked unconscious." The sleeping student hastily replies.

"So, do you want to be knocked unconscious or?" She shows him a devious smile.

"No ma'am I'll stay awake." He already looks wide awake.

"Good, as I was saying creatures out of fairy tales started to appear such as slimes and someone even claimed to see a dragon. Around this time the children started to reappear."

"Even our proud founder was one of the first. They started to feel safer once they found out how much stronger we had gotten."

"Some feared us, while others thought it would be a good opportunity to protect themselves." She writes on the chalkboard monsters appeared and the saviors came back.

"The worst thing is that The monsters hated us and started to hunt our parents while we were gone. This causes most of the cities to collapse and the birth records to disappear."

"To this day we don't know why they suddenly started to hate humanity. The heroes took a stand to protect the select few major cities that they returned to."

"Skyscrapers started to become a common sight because of the lack of space for us to live. Humanity's population took a hit thanks to that day."

"It was as if it was planned by the monsters because they targeted the most important places for humanity."

"We have made attempts to establish more cities, but no one wants to live in a city that might be destroyed." She then writes on the board massive amounts of deaths and humanity's territories shrinks.

"The savage lands that we didn't really pay any attention to started to grow more and more advanced. The savages couldn't really be called savages any more thanks to their children coming back with new knowledge."

"As of right now the nine tribes are at war with each other to find the one true tribe, but after that, we don't know what they will do."

"They haven't expanded enough to really notice us yet, but some scholars say that after the one true tribe appears they will target us and another war will happen."

"The strangest thing is that the beasts never targeted them. Maybe it's only our continents monsters that are targeting humans." Lastly, she writes on the board threats to humanity savages and monsters.

"Now most monsters are just animals that can use magic. The lowest can use weak magic while the stronger can use magic that could probably destroy this entire school."

"What magic they can use usually depends on the area you are in. You probably won't see a scorpion that can use ice magic in the middle of a desert."

"It doesn't matter the size of your opponent never underestimate them. As I said before even a pigeon can be strong enough to kill you. There is no way to know the exact strength of any monster. Trust your own instinct."

"Class Is dismissed you can go train or find your other party members I don't care!"

"New kid, what rank are you?" A female archer with silver like hair and hazel eyes asks Ghost.

"F." Ghost says with a wry grin.

"Very funny, now seriously what rank are you." The flat female archer asks again.

"I wasn't joking my rank is F." He seriously replies to her.

"Uhh, you sure you didn't hear wrong? I mean I know F rank exists but that was just rumors. lowest is always D! Only a normal person would get an F rank after training for a long time."

"How about this I will show you to the range and you show me your archery skills." She grabs him by the hand and then pulls him away to another building.

Inside are human targets, regular archery targets and even various shaped animal targets.

"This is the archery range. It was built inside because of the agencies requesting it to be. Seeing how you don't have your bow on you, here the school has some for students to use." She hands Ghost a bow and a quiver.

"This is where most of the archery students spend their class time. The only ones that don't come here are the A rankers."

"The S rankers, on the other hand, are too important to even be near this school. If you're tested as an S ranker after you come back you are immediately put to work."

As he looks around most of the archers are staring at the female archer and him. Well, it's really only her. Ghost thinks she might have above average looks but doesn't get why she is so staring worthy.

"You see that target over there?" She asks him. He nods his head. Ghost isn't sure of the exact distance but it is barely visible with his eyesight.

"Shoot at it." He puts the arm guard on and then nocks the arrow. Pull back the string, closes his right eye and secretly cut the string with a drop of his blood that he prepared during the lecture.

"Are the school's bows really that bad? I only put that much force onto it and the string snaps?" He arrogantly exclaims.

"Sorry, it was my fault for picking a bad bow here use mine." The female archer says and then hands him her bow.

He sighs then knowing that he couldn't possibly hit that target or break her bowstring. He angles the bow at a point where he's confident it will realistically hit the ceiling and shoots the arrow. Bang! The arrow hits the ceiling like planned.

The group of archers laughs at his incompetence. Everyone besides the female archer.

-She hopefully doesn't expect anything out of me anymore.-

"That shot would have hit if there wasn't the ceiling." She mutters to herself.

"Sorry I couldn't really hear you. Can you repeat what you said?"

"It's not really important looks like you really do belong to the F rank I'm sorry for bothering you. My bow please." He gives her back her bow and she then leaves while still muttering incomprehensible things.

After she leaves he arrogantly say, "will you all stop laughing that arrow would have hit if I was outside. Archery isn't just about pointing your bow and aiming straight."

"Yeah, sure it would have hit. You're just spouting bullshit to hide your incompetence." A masculine voice replies.

Ghost immediately leaves the range fulfilling his goal of looking like an incompetent ass. He then goes to his specially prepared dorm to see if Jana is all right.

"I'm going to find you!" An angry girl can be heard behind Ghost. So he turns and looks behind himself and sees a bunch of girls rampaging like a herd of angry bulls. So he hides in a nearby storage room to not get trampled.

"Kyahaha." A feminine laugh is heard inside the room. "I must have flashed for a second. I didn't expect them to become so violent tho."

He looks for the source of the voice and sees a nearly transparent girl. Her entire body is almost see through. Shoulder length black hair, pale skin, brown eyes, flat chest, and a petite waist.

"Who are you?" He questions this strange woman.

"Thou shouldst state thy name first." She replies suddenly changing her accent to an older one, instead of the more normal fairy-like voice she previously had.

-Great that accent will start hurting my head if it's constant.-

"My name is Ghost Shinigami and you?"

"Mine name is Rainte. 'Tis mine pleasure to meet thou. Anon, can thou prithee not bewray mine hiding place? Those girls art vicious." She says with her accent.

"Wait those girls are after you?"

"Ay." She says with a straight face.

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to tell them." Mainly because your accent is hurting everyone's head.

If her accent is too hard to read then I can translate it for you like I normally do with their language!

"Prithee doth not so that. They cannot doth ought to me."

"If they can't do anything to you then why are you begging me to not tell on you?"

"If thou betoken than it shall be harder to peek again. They shall cause a plan to stop me. If thou attempts to betoken on me I shall stop thou!" She threatens me.

He then proceeds to tie her up with some rope made of blood that he summoned as she was hurting his head.

She then lets out a blissful moan. He tightens it and she moans louder. Her pale face actually started to have blush on it.

mclaindog mclaindog

So this is were the real story starts to kick off and the School arc begins!

Fun facts with Doggo!

This was supposed to be posted three hours ago, but the other site that Dog used to post to has a weird problem with copy and pasting from word Docs. This lead Dog to spend 3 hours fixing them ;-;

Everything about Rainte's accent will be answered in the next chapter so hold off the questions.

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