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76.43% Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System / Chapter 146: Chapter 146: The Awakening (II)

Chapter 146: Chapter 146: The Awakening (II)

The bandits' hideout lay nestled at the foot of the towering mountain. It was a cunningly concealed structure, cunningly built to blend into the natural surroundings and avoid detection.

Hidden beneath the thick canopy of ancient trees, the entrance to the hideout was cleverly concealed by hanging vines and moss-covered boulders. A narrow path, barely wide enough for two people to walk abreast, wound its way through the dense underbrush and led to the hidden lair.

The hideout itself was carved into the base of the mountain, with its stone walls seamlessly merging with the rugged terrain. The entrance was framed by jagged rocks and led into a dark tunnel that seemed to extend deep into the mountain's bowels.

As Yun Che and the others approached from above, the air grew cooler, and a sense of foreboding settled upon them. The natural rock formations of the mountain loomed overhead, casting elongated shadows that stretched ominously across the path.

Although the hideout was designed to remain concealed, there was an undeniable sense of malevolence that radiated from its vicinity. The occasional rustling of leaves and the distant cries of nocturnal creatures added to the eerie ambiance, creating an unsettling backdrop to their impending confrontation with the bandits.

"This is the place, and it's too quiet," Yun Che whispered, his senses on high alert as they cautiously entered the hideout. The eerie silence sent shivers down their spines, a telltale sign that something was amiss. They all knew what it meant – the bandits had prepared a trap, and they were walking right into it.

"They were ready for us. It seems they're concentrated on the inside," Retsu remarked, her keen instincts picking up several hostile auras lurking within.

Lin Xin, consumed by worry for her daughter, couldn't help but voice her concerns. "Yun Che, what kind of ritual is she conducting by kidnapping Xueli? Why would these bandits go to such lengths to ensure she reaches that woman?"

"I don't know," Yun Che admitted with a furrowed brow. He then turned to Lin Xin and said, "You stay here with Cang Yue and Little White. Use the apple if it's necessary. If you get overwhelmed, Little White will take you away. Kon, I need you to watch over Lin Xin. I sense an ambush ahead, and they've probably been lying in wait for us this whole time."

"Aye, sir! Don't worry, Lin Xin nee-san. Kon-sama will protect you and Little Yue," Kon declared, despite the humorous contrast between his cuddly appearance and his determined tone.

"Please do, Kon," Lin Xin replied with gratitude, though her thoughts were still with her daughter's well-being. With their plan in place, Yun Che, Retsu, and Kon prepared to face the impending danger that lay ahead, hoping to rescue Xueli and unravel the mystery behind the sinister ritual.

They stood at the entrance, a gaping maw of darkness that seemed to challenge them. Torches mounted on the walls nearby remained unlit, intensifying the feeling of dread that hung in the air.

As they prepared to enter the hideout, they understood that they were on the cusp of a perilous journey. The hideout held untold dangers and secrets within its depths, but their resolve to rescue Xueli remained unwavering. 

With unwavering determination, Yun Che, Retsu, and Mio ventured deeper into the hideout, where the ominous silence hung thick in the air. They knew that danger awaited them, but the urgency of rescuing Xueli and putting an end to the sinister ritual drove them forward.

As they moved further into the bandits' hideout, the tunnel they traversed gradually widened, revealing a large, cavernous chamber with multiple branching pathways leading in various directions. It was an intricate labyrinth of stone passages, a deliberate trap designed to ensnare intruders and eliminate them with ruthless efficiency.

Tension hung heavy in the air as they cautiously advanced through the chamber, their movements as calculated and stealthy as tigers stalking their prey, rather than mere sheep led to the slaughter. Shadows danced ominously on the walls, and their footsteps echoed in the eerie silence. Using their Haki and Eagle Visions to detect threats and navigate the darkness, they proceeded with the utmost confidence and determination, ready to turn the tables on their would-be assailants.

Eventually, they arrived at a circular chamber, and it became apparent that they had entered what seemed to be an arena, a place where the bandits likely intended to confront and overpower intruders like them.

Suddenly, from both the front and rear of the chamber, the bandits emerged with weapons drawn, surrounding Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu. They had been herded into the very center of the killbox, an ambush that left them with limited options for escape.

The bandits' expressions were grim, their eyes filled with cruel anticipation. It was clear that they had meticulously planned this ambush, and their numbers far outnumbered the trio. It was a dire situation, one that demanded quick thinking and decisive action.

"Well, well… It seems that the guardian of the devil's spawn is here. Pretty bold for you to show yourself like this," one of the current bandit leaders taunted from an elevated position. The trio found themselves surrounded by hundreds of bandits, all armed with bows and arrows, their hostile intent palpable in the air.

Yun Che remained unfazed, his sole concern being Xueli's whereabouts. "Where is she?"

The bandit leader continued to mock them. "I don't think you quite understand the situation you're in."

Yun Che sighed as he surveyed their surroundings. The bandits' threats didn't concern him. Even if they were to endure the damage, it wouldn't make a dent in their experience points. However, Mio seemed to have a plan in mind, and Yun Che simply muttered, "A pointless situation."

The bandit leader, clearly underestimating them, began to gloat. "You don't think we didn't ready anything to stop you and your women? Such beautiful women. Lads, make sure to not kill the women. Oh, don't bother about warning the spawn's whore of a …"

Before the bandit leader could finish his derogatory statement, a throwing knife pierced through his head, stunning the men around him. It was Retsu who had thrown the knife, and her aim had been true. She had silenced the leader for his disrespectful comment about Lin Xin.

"You!!" Another bandit shouted, his anger flaring, and soon, all the bandits aimed their bows and arrows toward Yun Che, Retsu, and Mio

"You dare call the sweetest mother to her child a whore?" Yun Che raised an eyebrow, his patience wearing thin.

"We have almost one hundred men out there! You really think we don't dare to do anything to her?!" the other leader shouted, attempting to assert dominance in the situation.

"That's it! Kill them!" With that command, the bandits released a barrage of arrows, filling the enclosed space with deadly projectiles. It seemed like an insurmountable attack that would leave the trio with no chance of survival.

However, as the smoke from the arrow barrage cleared, the bandits were left dumbfounded. Yun Che, Retsu, and Mio still stood unharmed.

"What are these people?" the bandits wondered, bewildered by the trio's resilience.

Mio's lips curled into a chilling smile. "Ufufufu… Can I give them back to you?" With a wave of her hand, the air itself shattered like glass, and all the arrows the bandits had loosed were sent hurtling back toward their original owners. Mio had harnessed her mirror spatial dimension to seize the countless arrows and rain them down upon the bandits. In a single gesture, she took out almost half of their enemies, leaving the rest severely wounded.

Yun Che's smirk sent chills down the spines of those who dared to oppose him. He extended both of his hands, pointing one to the left and the other to the right, his eyes filled with a fiery determination. "Way of Destruction #33 Blue Fire Crash Down!" With those words, he unleashed a torrent of azure flames that erupted from his palms, engulfing the adversaries on both sides in a devastating conflagration. The bandits' screams of agony filled the chamber as they were consumed by the searing inferno, their forms reduced to ashes in mere moments.

Mio's agility and deadly precision came to the forefront as she skillfully employed her web-like abilities to ensnare the remaining bandits. Like helpless insects caught in a spider's web, they struggled futilely against her ethereal threads, their movements growing more frantic by the second.

Retsu, with a lethal finesse born of her mastery of Water bending, activated her Yin mode, unlocking a potent new technique within her arsenal—the Water Jet Burst. With a precise motion of her arms, she directed pressurized jets of water toward her adversaries, each surge striking them with unrelenting force. In the blink of an eye, her foes found themselves incapacitated and at her mercy.

But Retsu wasn't finished yet. With a swift and calculated move, she reformed the water jets, shaping them into Water Burst Bombs. She bent the water, transforming it into a compact sphere before allowing it to burst forth in a devastating explosion. The bandits who had managed to avoid the initial water jets were caught off guard as the explosive water spheres engulfed them.

Meanwhile, Mio exhibited her mastery of air bending as she conjured a powerful twister that swept through the bandits with ease. They were helplessly caught within the spiraling vortex, becoming easy targets for her next technique. With remarkable control, Mio compressed the twister instantly, creating a pressurized burst of air that tore through the bandits, leaving chaos and incapacitation in its wake.

A triumphant smile graced both Retsu and Mio's faces as they marveled at the sheer destructive power of their newly acquired techniques. Yun Che couldn't help but be impressed by their swift mastery of these formidable bending techniques, which had elevated them to masterful killers in their respective bending arts.

With a knowing grin, Yun Che seized the moment, taking the opportunity to unleash his own devastating fire bending attacks. He extended his arms and conjured a massive fireball using the torch on the hideout's wall. With a swift motion, he hurled the fiery orb toward their adversaries. The flames erupted in a spectacular display, engulfing the area and threatening to consume their foes. Taking advantage of Mio's wind manipulation, Yun Che skillfully manipulated the flames, transforming them into a spinning wheel of fiery spikes that he sent hurtling toward the bandits with the highest level of Earth Profound Realm strength.

As the flames threatened to wreak further havoc, Retsu sprang into action, employing her newly acquired Water Burst Bombs technique. Swiftly, she generated explosive water spheres that collided with the roaring flames, resulting in a chaotic burst of steam and water that diffused the impending disaster. This seamless display of teamwork between Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu demonstrated their mastery of bending abilities, showcasing their perfect synchronization. They had not only honed their elemental powers but also harnessed the mysterious Haki's bending enhancements bestowed upon them by the system.

The bandits, overwhelmed and outmatched, had no chance to defend against this onslaught. They fell one by one, unable to withstand the combined might of Yun Che and his two formidable partners. As they systematically eliminated the last remnants of the bandits, the other leader's desperate bellow echoed through the cavern, "Kill them, and send word to the men outside to execute the spawn's mother!"

However, what they didn't anticipate was the impending retaliation from the determined mother, Lin Xin.


"Xueli, just hold on a little longer. Mama's coming to rescue you," Lin Xin's voice quivered with determination as she spoke into the empty air. Her gaze remained fixed on the uncertain and perilous path ahead, her heart pounding in her chest. The impending confrontation with her formidable mother-in-law weighed heavily on her mind. Behind her, Cang Yue was in the process of recuperating, having fainted from the intense outburst of her Haoshoku.

As Lin Xin's determined words echoed in the air, a chilling reality dawned upon her. An army of ruthless bandits materialized from the shadows, surrounding them like vultures closing in on their helpless prey. Lin Xin's heart raced, and she knew that the odds were stacked against them. She called upon Kon, her only ally in this dire situation, aside from Cang Yue's vigilant white eagle, which had become increasingly wary of the looming threat.

The bandits, initially focused on the imminent confrontation, were taken aback by the sight of the majestic white eagle that accompanied Lin Xin. Greed gleamed in their eyes as they saw the potential riches this magnificent creature could bring them.

"Korra! What do you want with us?" Kon's voice carried a mixture of indignation and defiance. Despite his plushy appearance, his resolve to protect Lin Xin and Cang Yue was unwavering.

"A doll? A talking doll?" The bandits mocked, their laughter laced with disbelief as they contemplated the animated lion doll.

"Kon-sama is not a doll!" Kon's protest was fierce, defending his honor even in the face of danger.

"What's with that doll? What can it do? Crush us to death?" The bandits' taunts filled the air, their arrogance momentarily overshadowing the imminent threat they posed.

Yet, their focus soon shifted to Lin Xin, whose beauty captured their attention. Lustful thoughts danced in their heads as they regarded her.

"A ripe woman ripe for the taking. We'll have our way with her. Is this the beggar from a few years ago? She's a real beauty," one of the bandits leered, his intentions unmistakably sinister.

"Boss, there's another beauty behind her," one of the bandits observed, alerting his comrades to Cang Yue's presence. Lin Xin instinctively moved to shield the unconscious girl from their predatory gazes.

"Fiend," Lin Xin whispered under her breath, her voice filled with disdain for the vile men who surrounded them.

"Get them and take that doll. It might provide some amusement. Restrain the eagle!" The bandits closed in, their malicious intentions plain for all to see. Lin Xin knew they were in grave danger.

"You'll regret underestimating Kon-sama!" Kon's transformation was nothing short of spectacular. He morphed into a streak of light with swirling rocks orbiting him, resembling a blazing comet. As he shot through the bandits, their widened eyes bore witness to his devastating power. Each strike he delivered caused them to crumple before him.

"Who's the doll now, you bastards!?" Kon's triumphant shout reverberated through the cavern as he continued his relentless assault on the bandits. His mastery over Earthbending was on full display, sending his foes hurtling through the air like ragdolls. With impressive finesse, he even manipulated the earth beneath their feet, creating spiked rocks that launched the bandits skyward, leaving them utterly defenseless.

Meanwhile, Cang Yue's eagle, Little White, descended upon her attackers like a guardian angel. The intelligent creature swooped down, seizing the bandits and tossing them through the air with ease. Her determination to protect her unconscious master was evident in every graceful motion.

As the remaining bandits witnessed their comrades falling one by one, a sense of dread washed over them. Some chose the path of survival, fleeing from the chaotic battlefield. However, a few harbored a burning desire for revenge against Lin Xin, their faces twisted with rage.

Heeding Yun Che's advice, Lin Xin activated the Apple as Kon continued to battle fiercely. In an instant, ten golden shadows emerged from the Apple, their forms feminine but without any discernible faces. These mysterious, ethereal figures moved with silent determination to shield Lin Xin. Her trust in them was absolute, and her intention was clear: to incapacitate her assailants without resorting to taking their lives.

The golden shadows, with an eerie gracefulness, flowed around Lin Xin. Instead of relying on their hands, they extended their feminine limbs into sharp spikes or blunt clubs, reminiscent of the techniques from the Moon Empress's tomb. Their touch seemed gentle, but the consequences were far from it. With each contact, the bandits were rendered helpless, their limbs frozen, and their movements stilled. It was incapacitation in its truest form, as these shadows ensured that their foes would never pose a threat again.

Kon marveled at the power of the Apple, his plushy form radiating a newfound respect for the protective shadows that the system had activated. Lin Xin clutched the Apple tightly, the weight of her actions weighing on her conscience. Deep down, she didn't want to kill any of the bandits, and she hadn't given specific instructions to the shadows on how to deal with them. At least she had shown them mercy by not brutally ending their lives, unlike Little White and Kon.

The bandits who had ambushed Lin Xin, Cang Yue, and Kon were no longer a threat, their bodies incapacitated by the mysterious golden shadows. These ethereal figures, with their feminine forms and enigmatic presence, had proven to be a formidable force in safeguarding the two women and the plush lion doll.

Kon, in his comet-like form, gradually returned to his plushy self, gazing proudly at the incapacitated bandits. "Yare... yare... Don't worry, Lin Xin nee-san. As long as Kon-sama is here, you are safe," he proclaimed triumphantly, his voice filled with satisfaction. He refused to remain helpless, remembering his attempts to protect both Little Fairy and Cang Yue back then.

Cang Yue's majestic white eagle, Little White, descended from the skies, its talons and wings bearing testament to the fierce struggle it had endured to protect its master. With a soft hoot, it perched beside Lin Xin, its vigilant eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

Lin Xin, still clutching the Apple of Eden, slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze fell upon the incapacitated bandits, and although she had refrained from taking their lives, she couldn't deny the sense of relief and security that washed over her. Her daughter's kidnapping had ignited a fierce protective instinct within her, and she had channeled it into ensuring the safety of both herself and Cang Yue.

"Thank you," she whispered to the golden shadows, her voice filled with gratitude. The shadows obediently returned to the Apple, leaving behind a serene atmosphere. Yet, despite the moment of respite, Lin Xin couldn't help but wonder about the fate of Yun Che, Retsu, and Mio.


After following the map's directions, the rider finally arrived at the Huan Clan estate, his eyes widening in awe at the sight before him. The grandeur and opulence of the estate were beyond anything he had ever seen, resembling a piece of heaven on earth. However, his amazement was short-lived as he was swiftly surrounded by a formidable contingent of guards and an elderly woman who regarded him with undisguised contempt. It was Huan Ling, the matriarch of the Huan Clan.

Dismounting his boar, the rider nervously presented the bound and gagged Xueli to her. "Mistress, here she is," he stammered.

Xueli, upon seeing the intimidating figure of Huan Ling, let out a muffled scream as the gag around her mouth loosened. "Let me go! I don't want to be here! I don't want to!"

Huan Ling's response was swift and brutal. With a harsh backhand, she struck Xueli so hard that the young girl tumbled to the cold marble floor. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she lay helpless on the unforgiving stone surface, her pleas for her family echoing in the opulent halls. "Mama... Mama... Onii-chan... Onee-chan..."

"Insolent," Huan Ling muttered, her face contorted with disdain as she grabbed Xueli by the waist, silencing her protests.

The bandit, still trying to make sense of the situation, interjected. "Mistress, the boss mentioned payment..."

Huan Ling turned her icy gaze toward him, her smirk oozing with malice. "Oh... I lied. I only wanted this devil's spawn. Did you really think I would strike a deal with the likes of you filth?"

The bandit's expression shifted from bewilderment to sheer horror as he realized the gravity of his predicament. "What..." he managed to utter before the surrounding guards leveled their spears at him.

Without hesitation, Huan Ling issued her deadly command. "Kill him."

The bandit's pleas fell on deaf ears as the guards swiftly and mercilessly executed him. The promised bounty had become a cruel and fatal deception, and now he lay lifeless in a pool of his own blood, a victim of Huan Ling's ruthless quest of absolute power.


"Really? You didn't bother to do your research before attacking us?" Yun Che's voice dripped with irritation as he pressed his foot against the heavily injured bandit's chest back at the now-devastated hideout. The aftermath of their battle was evident, with hundreds of bandits either vaporized, burned to ash, or sliced apart by the devastating bending techniques. The cave leader, realizing his predicament, was about to make a run for it, but Yun Che shot a fireball that seared his chest, leaving him heavily injured and immobilized.

Despite his injuries, the bandit wore a smirk as he replied defiantly, "You're too late. She's probably arrived at the Huan Family by now. We were here just to buy her enough time to get there."

"Danna-sama, Yuu-kun, what do you say we pay the Huan Family a visit and wipe them out?" Mio and Retsu suggested, their expressions resolute.

But Yun Che had a different idea. He reached into the pocket of the previous bandit's clothes and pulled out a pill. He read its description aloud, his brow furrowing in confusion. "A Temporarily Profound Boost Pill. It instantly grants mortals the strength of an Earth Profound Realm cultivator for a few hours, but the aftereffects age the user rapidly, draining their life span. Abusing it can lead to death within minutes after the effects wear off. She gave this to her men to match our strength?"

The bandit leader nodded weakly. "She was prepared to do whatever it took. My men were willing to die to delay you long enough."

Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu exchanged glances, their thoughts racing. Before they could react, the cave around them began to crumble, blocking the entrance.


[The cave is collapsing. The leader has collapsed the tunnel system leads to the city.] 


The leader smirked as he watched the rocks fall around him burying the tunnel leads to the Huan Family. "You're going down with us."

Yun Che, however, remained calm and composed. He nodded at Mio, and they both understood what needed to be done. Mio punched the air beside her, creating a spatial rift. In unison, they stepped into it, leaving behind the dying bandits and the collapsing hideout. The cave sealed itself, burying the bandits deep within the mountain.

As they emerged on the other side of the rift, they knew one thing for certain—Xueli was now within the Huan Family estate.


"Xueli is in the Huan Family estate," Yun Che announced as he emerged from Mio's mirror dimension, reuniting with Lin Xin and Kon. Their confrontation with the bandits had been ruthless, and it was clear that Lin Xin had used the protective golden shadows to incapacitate the attackers, but their fate was far from merciful. Lin Xin had left the specifics of their incapacitation vague, and the shadows had carried out a form of inhuman disablement, leaving the bandits in a horrific state. Yun Che didn't intervene, allowing their fates to unfold.

Lin Xin's eyes widened with a mixture of relief and concern as she processed the situation. "I've been there before. That estate is enormous. She could be anywhere... Wait..." Lin Xin's voice trailed off as she experienced an inexplicable awakening within herself. It was as if a dormant power had stirred to life. She could feel her daughter's anguish and cries, along with an uncanny sense of her location. "I can feel her..."

Yun Che and the others turned their attention to Lin Xin, their expressions filled with curiosity and concern.

Confused by her newfound abilities, Lin Xin described what she was experiencing. "She's underground. Deep underground, alongside others, many others... I don't understand what's happening to me."

Yun Che realized that Lin Xin was slowly awakening due to his restoration of her powers. He decided to address this later and focused on the urgent matter at hand. "We can discuss this later. Where is she?"

"Hmm..." A groan interrupted their conversation, and they turned to find Cang Yue's Nezuko form slowly regaining consciousness.

"Little Yue!" Lin Xin rushed to Cang Yue's side, displaying a motherly concern.

Cang Yue apologized for her earlier unconsciousness and explained, "I'm sorry, everyone. Yuyun slapped the living hell out of me. I'm awake now, but I need a moment to rest." She then consumed a health potion and a mana potion to restore her strength to its full capacity.

"It's good to have you back," Yun Che said with relief. 

Cang Yue's heart sank as she recalled her recent memories and the realization that Xueli had been taken. She turned to Lin Xin, her head bowed in guilt.

"Xin'er, I'm so sorry. I tried to rescue her," Cang Yue apologized, but Lin Xin stopped her, gently petting her head and offering reassurance.

"Yun Che, there's something more... something deeply unsettling. I can sense it around Xueli," Lin Xin uttered, her voice laced with concern. As she delved deeper into her newfound sensations, a palpable tension grew.

Retsu and Mio exchanged glances, their brows furrowed. While they were both adept in their own ways, this particular energy seemed to elude their senses. Lin Xin's sudden affinity to this dark force was intriguing and alarming.

"Whatever this energy is, it feels... malevolent," Lin Xin continued, her eyes clouded with unease.

Mio placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's strange that we can't sense it. But we trust your instincts, Lin Xin."

As Lin Xin continued to share her visions and the sense of impending darkness, Retsu and Mio were left puzzled by their inability to perceive such energies. It was as though Lin Xin possessed a unique sensitivity to this malevolent force, an ability that neither of them possessed. Even Yun Che didn't sense anything.

Lin Xin's voice trembled as she shared her visions, her words painting a chilling picture. "It's a malevolent force, like something demonic, but it's... imprisoned." She struggled to find words to describe the unsettling sight she had witnessed. "In my vision, I saw a massive pyramid, and around it, people were worshipping, as if they were part of some sinister cult."

"A demonic energy, locked up in a massive pyramid?" Retsu mused, her expression thoughtful.

Mio nodded in agreement, her curiosity piqued. "This sounds like something out of a nightmare."

The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air as her companions exchanged concerned glances. The revelation of such a malevolent power lurking beneath the Huan Family estate sent shivers down their spines.

"Demons?!" Kon exclaimed fearfully.

Yun Che's expression darkened as he pieced together the puzzle. "That old witch... she intends to use Xueli to unlock whatever's sealed within that pyramid. We need to get to her before it's too late."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them all. They now had a clear understanding of the dire threat they faced and the urgency of rescuing Xueli before the old witch could carry out her sinister plan.

"Why her?" Lin Xin demanded, her protective instincts in full force. "She's just a child."

Yun Che hesitated for a moment before deciding it was time to reveal a crucial part of Lin Xin's identity. "Xin'er, it's time you learned the truth about yourself. You are not just a former cultivator. You are a former Divine cultivator." 

"Divine?" Lin Xin's voice quivered as she absorbed the startling revelation of her hidden heritage. For years, she had lived without the knowledge of her true nature.

Yun Che continued to unravel the secrets. "Yes, divine. Xueli possesses a unique condition that demands an immense amount of energy to awaken her divine powers. Unbeknownst to her, her power core was like a dormant beast, silently absorbing energy to stir its awakening. And you, Lin Xin, happened to be the nearest and most abundant source of energy."

The weight of the truth began to settle in as Yun Che clarified further. "That's why you fell into a deep slumber. Xueli had been unintentionally siphoning your energy for nearly a decade since she was born. I've restored your energy and repaired Xueli's core, but now her power core is a reservoir of unimaginable potential. It absorbed your energy along with the ancestral powers, without her knowledge. She likely doesn't even realize that she's the reason you fell asleep."

Tears welled up in Lin Xin's eyes as she grappled with the revelation. The guilt of causing her daughter's suffering was overwhelming should she knew, but the priority now was to rescue her beloved child.

"Your powers are gradually awakening as I've restored your divine core," Yun Che explained gently. "That's why you can sense Xueli and whatever malevolent force is lurking. Even I couldn't sense it, but somehow you can."

The gravity of the situation didn't escape them. Yun Che continued, "Xueli's energy, combined with the precursor heritage within her, has awakened nearly half of her divine core. In the next ten years, she'll be ready to enter the Divine Realms. Whatever sinister force is at play, it's aware of her potential and likely aims to harness it to free itself. It's been hidden on this island all along. Probably sealed by Huan Xuyi."

Determination surged within Lin Xin, her maternal instincts overriding any concern about their original identities or her own newfound heritage. "Yun Che, let's hurry. I don't care about our original identities. I just want my baby back." Lin Xin's voice was filled with unwavering resolve. Regardless of the complexities surrounding her divine heritage and Xueli's precursor lineage, her sole focus was on rescuing her daughter, no matter the cost.


"A giant eagle!" The cry reverberated through the onlookers who had gathered in the square, their voices filled with awe and astonishment as they witnessed the majestic landing of Little White. It was an extraordinary sight, unlike anything they had ever seen before, and it drew curious and amazed spectators from the inner zone.

"Can that truly be real?" Another onlooker questioned the validity of their own eyes, unable to believe the existence of such a massive white eagle.

The realization struck another bystander like a lightning bolt. "Wait a moment... isn't that...?"

The recognition dawned upon them as they connected the dots. The eagle's arrival was not just an extraordinary spectacle; it heralded the presence of Lin Xin, Yun Che, and their companions. These individuals, who had caused quite a commotion in the inner zone before, were back, and this time, they made no effort to conceal their formidable capabilities.

The commotion attracted the attention of Huan Bei, who swiftly made his way to the square upon hearing of a massive white eagle's appearance. He approached Yun Che, perplexed and inquisitive about the unfolding situation.

"Yun Che, what are you..." Huan Bei began to question, but his words fell on deaf ears as Yun Che remained singularly focused.

Before him stood the formidable Huan Family gate, an emblem of power and authority in this realm. It was a colossal structure, its golden frame intricately adorned with shimmering patterns and the family's emblem—an eagle in majestic flight. These embellishments spoke of wealth, prestige, and dominance within the inner zone. Towering doors, etched with tales of heroic deeds, offered entry into the estate, further emphasizing the family's rule. The gate emitted an aura of regal authority, demanding reverence from all who approached.

Now, this imposing gate was the sole barrier between him and the rescue of Xueli.

Without uttering a word in response, Yun Che extended his palm towards the imposing gateway of the Huan Family estate, directing his power. In a low murmur, he invoked a destructive technique. "Way of Destruction #33, Blue Fire Crash Down!"

The result was an explosive manifestation of azure flames, a colossal missile of destruction that shattered the Huan Family's main gate into oblivion. The golden gate, once a symbol of the family's prestige and power, was now reduced to a smoldering trench, the remnants of its glory.

Huan Bei was taken aback, his eyes widening as he beheld the devastation wrought by Yun Che's actions. He attempted to intervene and question Yun Che's motives, but the latter paid him no heed. Yun Che strode through the shattered gateway, entering the Huan Family estate, and soon found himself surrounded by the surviving Huan Family guards.

"Seize him!" The guards attempted to attack Yun Che, but he reacted swiftly by releasing a burst of Haoshoku No Haki. The tremendous wave of his willpower caused dozens of men to crumple and fall to the ground, incapacitated and overwhelmed by the sheer force of his presence.

"Yun Che! What are you..." Huan Bei once again attempted to intervene, only to be met with a stern and unwavering glare from Yun Che.

"Xueli has been kidnapped," Yun Che growled with a fierce determination in his voice, his gaze locked onto Huan Bei. The inner zone residents and onlookers began to retreat, their expressions filled with trepidation. "I told you that if the Huan Family ever dared to harm her or Lin Xin, I would bury them, no matter the consequences. I meant every word of it, whether you people like it or not." 

"I apologize, Huan Bei," Lin Xin spoke on Yun Che's behalf, her voice laden with urgency and determination. Without wasting a moment, they soared into the heart of the Huan Family estate. Huan Bei, understanding the gravity of the situation, immediately rallied the city's soldiers to join the pursuit, driven by the shared goal of rescuing the young girl.

Riding atop Little White, the group made their way swiftly through the Huan Family estate. Any guards who attempted to engage them found themselves collapsing under the relentless waves of Haoshoku No Haki that emanated from Yun Che. The pulsing energy incapacitated those who had initially been unaffected, ensuring their unhindered advance.

Lin Xin's voice resonated with urgency as they reached a crucial point in the estate. "We're directly above it, right now," she declared, her tone filled with determination and impatience. The astonished onlookers and fallen guards bore witness to the unfolding events, unaware of the impending rescue mission about to unfold.

"The depth must be immense," Yun Che mused as he considered the situation. Turning to Mio, he inquired, "Mio, can you create a portal?"

Mio's brow furrowed as she focused on sensing the area below. With a frustrated shake of her head, she replied, "I'm sorry, Danna-sama. Something is blocking my senses, and I can't form a portal."

Retsu's eyes glinted with determination. "Yuu-kun, I can create an entrance using my cero," she proposed.

Yun Che assessed the situation, his mind rapidly weighing the risks. If Retsu unleashed the full power of her cero, it might endanger the very person they sought to rescue. But the system, always calculating, had mapped out a trajectory that would ensure minimal damage. "Just ensure Xueli remains unharmed," he instructed.

The group retreated to a safer distance aboard Little White, Lin Xin's eyes widening in awe as Retsu underwent her transformation. Her body adopted a fox-like shape, three tails unfurling, and a haunting mask materialized on her face. Her usually braided hair cascaded freely.

"Don't worry, Xin'er. This is a part of me," Retsu assured, sensing Lin Xin's surprise upon gazing her hollowed form.

Raising her hand, Retsu focused her energy, creating a pulsating red orb. With a determined yell, she unleashed a beam of concentrated cero, drilling a tunnel straight down.

The spectacle left the onlookers - Huan Family members, inner zone residents, and Huan Bei - in stunned silence. They watched as the cero beam pierced the ground, a beacon of their determination, even if it risked tearing through the very foundation of the floating island.


Huan Ling, her face twisted in a malevolent grin, led the terrified Xueli deep into the bowels of the Huan Family estate. The girl's hands were bound, and a gag muffled her cries for help, rendering her completely vulnerable to her captor's whims.

As they descended further into the underground labyrinth, Xueli's heart raced, her wide eyes taking in the eerie surroundings. Dimly lit torches lined the damp, stone corridor, casting eerie shadows that danced and flickered, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

Finally, they reached a vast, cavernous chamber, and Xueli's fear intensified. In the center of the chamber stood an immense pyramid, its black stone surface adorned with sinister hieroglyphs that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Surrounding the pyramid were hooded cultists, their faces hidden in the shadows of their cloaks, chanting in an eerie, rhythmic unison.

Huan Ling pushed Xueli toward the pyramid, her voice dripping with malice. "You will play your part, devil spawn. The key to unlocking this ancient power lies within you, and today, we shall set it free."

Amidst the eerie glow and the haunting chants of the cultists, Xueli's small voice quivered with fear and desperation. She called out again and again, her words muffled by the cloth gagging her, but her cries for help and her yearning for her mother and older brother were heart-wrenchingly clear.

"Mama! Onii-chan!" she whimpered, the tears streaming down her face as she strained against her bindings, feeling utterly helpless in the face of the malevolent forces at play. But her calls seemed to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the ominous ritual unfolding around her.

As Huan Ling and Xueli approached the massive, obsidian pyramid, an ominous sight greeted them. The ancient structure began to emanate a dim, otherworldly glow, casting eerie shadows across the chamber. The hieroglyphs etched onto its surface seemed to come to life, shimmering with an unnatural energy that pulsed in time with the cultists' chants.

The glow grew steadily brighter, bathing the chamber in an eerie, unearthly light. Xueli's bound hands trembled as she felt a powerful force within her resonate with the pyramid's energy. She couldn't comprehend the full extent of the danger she was in, but the palpable malevolence of the situation sent shivers down her spine.

Huan Ling's triumphant grin widened as she witnessed the pyramid's glow intensify. The moment she had longed for, the unlocking of an ancient and dreadful power, was drawing near, and Xueli was an unwitting participant in this dark ritual.

A deep, disembodied voice echoed from within the glowing pyramid, its tone dripping with anticipation. "Ah, at last. You've brought the girl to me."

Huan Ling, standing tall and proud, responded with a smirk, "It was no easy feat. Many fell in the pursuit of this moment."

The voice grew impatient, "Give her to me."

Huan Ling raised an eyebrow, a challenging glint in her eye, "And our agreement?"

A chilling laughter reverberated around the chamber. "Your thirst for revenge will be quenched, and your lineage will be protected for all eternity."

A triumphant smile curved Huan Ling's lips. This realm was on the brink of witnessing a new dawn, and she would be the one to usher it in. Huan Ling knew that the fate of this realm was soon to be rewritten, and the ruler would be none other than herself. The pieces of her twisted plan were falling into place, and nothing could stop her now.

As soon as Xueli detected the ominous presence inside the pyramid, a wave of paralyzing fear washed over her like an icy tide. Her heart raced, and her breath quickened as she realized the depth of the malevolence surrounding her. It was an energy unlike anything she had ever encountered, and it suffocated her with its maleficence. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and a chill ran down her spine, causing her to shiver uncontrollably despite the oppressive heat of the chamber.

As Xueli's fear grew, eerie whispers seemed to seep from the very walls of the pyramid, echoing through the chamber like haunting melodies from the abyss. These ghostly murmurs, indistinct but laden with malice, crawled into her ears and danced through her mind.

"Mama... Onii-chan...Onee-chan…Yue-chan" Xueli's trembling voice called out, tears streaming down her cheeks as she sought solace in their names. 

"Do not be afraid, child. You will set me free." The eerie voiced sounded.

Xueli's panic escalated as she felt herself being lifted off the ground, her body defying gravity as she slowly floated toward the ominous pyramid. Her wide eyes scanned the chamber for any sign of salvation, but there was none to be found. The sinister presence grew stronger, its oppressive weight bearing down on her fragile form.

The gag on her mouth, which had kept her silent throughout her ordeal, began to loosen. Desperation coursed through her, and she tried to cry out for her mother once more. Her muffled pleas were a symphony of fear, and she hoped against hope that her voice would reach Lin Xin, her loving and protective mother.

"Mama! Mama!" Xueli's voice quivered as the cloth finally slipped away, allowing her desperate calls to pierce the chamber's eerie silence. Tears streamed down her face as she continued to cry out, her pleas a mixture of terror and longing. All she could do was hope that her mother and onii-chan were close enough to hear her cries and come to her rescue.


The underground cavern reverberated with a deafening explosion, as a searing red energy beam descended from above, causing the ceiling to crumble. Rocks rained down, striking several of the cultists, while the rest scattered in panic. Amidst the rising dust and chaos, Huan Ling shielded herself beside the pyramid, her eyes wide with shock.

From the gaping hole above, a magnificent eagle soared down, carrying with it a determined Yun Che, the fierce Mio, Cang Yue in her formidable Nezuko form, and a resolute Lin Xin. Moments later, an ethereal fox woman materialized beside them, completing their formidable ensemble.

"Mama!" Xueli's voice cried out in desperation.

"Xueli!" Lin Xin and Yun Che shouted simultaneously.

"You're too late! She will soon become one with Wrath, and all of you will bow before me!" Huan Ling yelled defiantly. But her confidence quickly faded as Yun Che transformed into his Tensa Zangetsu and Visored mode. Ignoring everything, he teleported to Xueli, whose body was already halfway phased into the pyramid.

Yun Che reached out and grabbed her hand. "Onii-chan!"

"Xueli, hold on!" Yun Che strained with all his might to pull the young girl back, but she remained immovable, slowly being drawn into the pyramid. Even with his Visored powers and Heretic God arts, it was not enough. Desperation filled Yun Che's voice as he pleaded, "Let her go!"

"Puny mortal! Do you defy me?" the voice from within the pyramid thundered. It released a massive surge of energy in an attempt to push Yun Che away.

"Onii-chan! Save me!" Xueli clung to his hand desperately.

"Xueli, don't let go!" Yun Che shouted, his face etched with determination.

"Onii-chan, I'm scared..." Xueli's grip began to wane, her strength sapped by the pyramid's power.

"Hold on, Xueli!" Yun Che's plea echoed in the chamber, but it was in vain. Her grip slipped, and with a heart-wrenching cry, she was pulled deeper into the pyramid. Lin Xin's face contorted in horror as the realization hit her - her daughter was consumed by the malevolent force within. Retsu, Mio, and Cang Yue could only watch in despair, the weight of the moment pressing down on them all.

Lin Xin's heart shattered as she witnessed her daughter being inexorably pulled into the pulsating pyramid's malevolent maw. Her anguished cries mixed with Xueli's desperate pleas for help filled the underground chamber, creating a haunting symphony of despair.

Tears streamed down Lin Xin's face, and her entire body trembled with helplessness and fear. Her maternal instincts raged within her, demanding that she save her precious daughter from this nightmarish fate. Her hands reached out, fingers stretched towards Xueli, as if she could will her daughter back from the clutches of the pyramid with sheer maternal determination.


[Ding… Xueli is now absorbed by the pyramid.]


Yun Che's heart sank as he watched Xueli being absorbed before his eyes. A torrent of guilt, anger, and anguish surged within him, overwhelming his senses. The weight of responsibility and a burning determination to free her from this nightmarish fate bore down on him, igniting an unwavering resolve to save the girl who had become like family to him.

"Getsuga Tenshou!!!" Yun Che unleashed a desperate, full-power Getsuga Tenshou at the pyramid, but it merely flickered against the structure, leaving no dent or scratch.

"Hahahahaha…" Huan Ling's crazed laughter filled the underground chamber as she witnessed their futile attempts to destroy the pyramid. Retsu, Mio and Kon tried their own attacks, but nothing seemed to make a dent in the mysterious structure.

"You old witch! What have you done?!" Lin Xin, consumed by anger and despair, shouted at Huan Ling.

"Arrrghhh… ahahaha... You defy me repeatedly. Now, face the consequences as that spawn sets free the god under my control," Huan Ling taunted, her voice dripping with malice.

In a surge of rage, Lin Xin shoved Huan Ling and placed her in a chokehold, overriding her fear of the Huan Family's patriarch. Her anguish and desperation for her kidnapped daughter had taken over. "You witch! Give me back my daughter!" Lin Xin's voice trembled with a mix of anger and sorrow as she tightened her grip.

Before Lin Xin's grip could tighten further, Cang Yue sprang into action. With a swift and graceful movement, she managed to pull Lin Xin away from Huan Ling. "Xin'er!" she pleaded, her eyes filled with a mix of desperation and understanding. "This isn't the way! We need to focus on getting Xueli back."

Lin Xin's strength waned, and the weight of her emotions overwhelmed her. Collapsing into Cang Yue's arms, she sobbed uncontrollably. Her heart ached, and the reality of her daughter being taken felt like a sharp dagger through her very soul. Cang Yue held her tightly, offering a comforting shoulder to cry on, whispering words of solace, and trying to console a mother's broken heart.

Cang Yue, after ensuring Lin Xin was in a slightly more stable emotional state, turned her attention to Huan Ling. With a determined look in her eyes, she summoned her Haki. A surge of invisible force emanated from her, crashing into Huan Ling and sending her sprawling backward. The wicked matriarch was forcibly removed from their immediate vicinity, allowing them some breathing room as they contemplated their next course of action.


As Xueli was drawn deeper into the malevolent pyramid, its ominous presence grew even more palpable. A pulsating glow emanated from its ancient surface, casting eerie shadows that danced ominously across the chamber. The very air seemed to tremble with malevolence, and the pyramid's energy sent shockwaves throughout the underground chamber.

Outside, on the island above, the earth itself quaked in response to the pyramid's awakening. Buildings swayed perilously, and the inhabitants of the floating city were thrown into panic as the ground beneath them shook violently. The earthquake radiated from the heart of the Huan Family estate, spreading like a web of chaos across the entire island.

Houses crumbled, bridges buckled, and the very foundations of the island were tested by the relentless tremors. It was as if the entire realm itself was convulsing in response to the dark power within the pyramid.

Amidst the turmoil, the island's residents, the Huan Family, and even Huan Bei's soldiers were forced to their knees, struggling to maintain their balance. Fear and despair washed over them as they witnessed the catastrophic events unfolding beneath the estate.

Amid their relentless assault on the pyramid, Yun Che and the others suddenly received a notification from the system, causing a brief pause in their actions.


[Warning… warning... The containment pyramid failed. Projecting containment unit through the Apple.]


As the apple slipped from Lin Xin's trembling hand, it cast a haunting projection from within the pyramid. The scene that unfolded before them sent shivers down their spines: Xueli, her form suspended in eerie stillness, floated within the oppressive structure. Lin Xin's heart ached as she sensed her daughter's life energy, but the young girl was trapped in a coma-like state. The Apple's vision had them all transfixed, their hearts heavy with dread, as they watched the unfolding nightmare.

"Xueli!!" Lin Xin's anguished cry reverberated through the chamber, but it was a futile plea, lost in the abyss of the pyramid.

"No, they couldn't have been that stupid," Yun Che muttered as it seemed that the Huan Family was manipulated into releasing this thing.


[Warning… Wrath containment failed.]


Suddenly, an imposing shadow resembling a serpentine dragon rose within the projected vision. It loomed menacingly, defying the laws of reality, casting an eerie and oppressive atmosphere. Its four enigmatic eyes radiated an otherworldly light that pierced through the projection's boundaries. Three serpentine tentacles writhed and swayed with hypnotic grace, captivating those who beheld the surreal spectacle.

Though a mere projection, the dragon's ominous presence sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it, a stark reminder of the ancient and unfathomable forces beyond human comprehension.

"What the hell is that!?" Kon's voice trembled with fear as he gazed at the ominous projection.

"A dragon?" Retsu's hollow voice held a note of uncertainty.

"What is it going to do with Xueli?!" Mio's voice quivered with anxiety.

"Wrath!" Yun Che's declaration was filled with urgency as he watched the shadowy form envelop Xueli, her radiant form gradually fading into the colossal entity. The shadow, as if sensing their presence, opened its maw and unleashed a surge of energy, abruptly cutting off the visions.

In that moment of chaos and dread, they knew they had to act swiftly.


[Ding… Xueli is now absorbed, and the dragon will use her divine core as its source of power. The host must find a way to free her.]


The notification appeared before Yun Che, Mio, Kon and Retsu, its urgency weighing on them like a heavy burden.


[Ding… Secret Quest Initiated: Break Xueli out of the dragon's body and sever the link between her divine core and the dragon.

Failed criteria: If Xueli's core fails to sustain the necessary energy, it will detonate, leading to the destruction of this entire realm and half of the Blue Wind Empire.

Reward: XP: 250000 SP: 75000


The quest's dire consequences loomed over them, and they knew they had to act swiftly to save Xueli and prevent catastrophe.


[Ding… Wrath containment failed. Massive surge of energy detected.]

[Warning, unstable seismic activity detected.]

[Evacuate immediately!]


"Girls, run!" Yun Che's voice brimmed with unwavering determination. Their singular focus remained on saving Xueli. Lin Xin continued to plead for her daughter, but they now faced an imposing challenge: to liberate her from the clutches of the malevolent entity.

Yun Che, his resolve steeled by the urgency of the situation, caught sight of Huan Ling in the distance. She was hysterically laughing, a chilling sound that echoed in the chaos around them. In that moment, he made a fateful decision: to abandon Huan Ling to her grim destiny. With her, he left the frenzied cultists, leaving them to their own devices.

Panic and chaos swept through the underground chamber as rocks tumbled and crushed those unfortunate enough to be caught in the deadly downpour. Desperate souls attempted to flee through the tunnel, but it swiftly collapsed, sealing their fate in a tomb of earth and stone.

A few desperate cultists made a futile attempt to board Cang Yue's eagle, hoping for salvation, but Mio's swift and calculated air flick sent them plummeting to their doom. In the face of the impending disaster of their own making, there was no mercy to be found for the Huan Family.

Yun Che acted decisively, pushing Lin Xin and the apple together in a bridal carry. Without a moment's hesitation, Retsu, Mio, and Cang Yue took to the skies aboard the eagle, skillfully clearing away any falling rocks that obstructed their path. Cang Yue guided her loyal companion through the trembling tunnel, desperately searching for an exit amidst the tumultuous quaking of the earth.

With remarkable agility, Retsu soared ahead, expertly diverting any falling rocks that dared to impede their escape. Mio mirrored her actions, ensuring their path remained clear of obstacles.

As they raced against time and cataclysmic forces, the fate of Xueli hung in the balance, and the weight of their mission pressed heavily upon them all.





[Containment breached. Ascended Dragon detected]

[Disengage immediately]


Yun Che and the others stood frozen in shock as the notifications continued to blare in their ears. It wasn't the dragon, it was the level.


[Warning. Fifth Level Divine Origin Realm, Ascended Dragon, Wrath detected.]

Nora_Danish Nora_Danish

Finally, finish with the next part of the chapter.

I will soon release another mid-story chapter after fixing the Phoenix Trial chapter. Stay tuned and check it out later.

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