The test of power is going to be tomorrow, so I think I going to sleep sometime. In the morning of next day all slaves start to organizing a line for make the test a need to wait some time for make the test, like always the old slaves are the first to realized the test, when the old slaves make the test like always the result still the same some slaves have progress their essence of power in 1 some of them make no progress. Then is time for the mid-age slaves make the test some people have advance in cultivate like always some one pass to mid-grade mine and receive some compensation, now is time for the young-age slaves make the test, the slaves start going to stage for make the test, I stay in the line wait for my time, when my time comes a unexpected person show up, this person is Zircon Ray, he look at me and smile, then I put my hand in the level-stone and my essence of power show up: 1000, then Zircon Ray start to laugh and said:
― Trash slave, after 10 years without make the test you don't make none advance. I have a good use for a useless person like you, you know my cousin servant have an interesting essence of power and my cousin ask me to find someone to help him cultivate fast, his essence of power have a relationship with torture, so slave because you don't make a single advance in your cultivate a grant this big honor for you.
Some guards came and take me for a dark-room, in this room a person show up after a few minutes I enter in the room, the person look at me and said:
― Slave, I appreciate your cooperation, now you will a great pleasure in all the moments us pass together, so you don't need to worry about anything, this is going to be a new experience for both of us. You know my master really appreciate my essence of power and he asked for his cousin for a slave for me became strong and you are the privileged person, so I congratulate you for this. Now I'm going to start the procedure, don't worry you going to survive, I need 100 years for make a progress in my essence of power, so relax and feel the pleasure I'm going to give for you.
Then the he start to take some tool of his bag, the first thing he take out is a scissors, then he start to cut of my fingers, when the first things was cut off, I feel so much pain he not cut just my finger he cut of a part of my bone too, this going to be a new way of cultivate, because they not know what was my essence of power they don't have any idea of how stronger I can became with this torture, this is win-win situation my essence of power is going to increase, but the essence of power of the torturer going to increase too, then he cut off another finger and say:
―You can feel this pleasure right, this feeling is great right, my essence of power start to increase, but I don't have hurry, I'll do this slowly.
Then he cut of all my fingers of my hand and feet, during this process my will, bones are growing fast, and my hatred increase too, but this is a great opportunity and I'll not miss this chance. My essence of power has increase quickly from 1000 to 500, this is a faster way to cultivate too, in this 100 year of torture I going to became stronger, my bones will become stronger and my revenge is going to became closer than never, I really must thank Darkstone family. After he finish off with my fingers, he takes out a blade and start to chop part of my body, the pain is something horrible, but like the torturer have said "this is really having a great pleasure", my essence is growing super faster. A few hours late the torture have end and some guards come to take me for a bath in Asura River. The guards threw me in the river and the heal process start again, my essence of power increase again, in a day a have make 2 full cycles of cultivate and my essence of power became stronger, my essence now is 100. The guards take me out of the river and put me back in that dark room, the torturer is waiting for me, so he smiles and said:
― Let's start again the entertainment.
He repeats the process over again, then 10 years have pass and my essence of power now is good, I have completed 100.000 full cycles of cultivate, if this continue in 100 years my essence is going to break the law of Asura Realm again and I'll become stronger and my revenge is going to became closer. The time have passed quickly now I have 64 years-old and my essence of power have completed 500.000 cycles. The torture start to became worry the tools started to not have effect in my bones, so he ask for better tools for torture more, the young-master have give him better tools, this tools are stronger like weapons of combat and the torture continue for more 50 years now I have a total of 114 years and I became a mid-age person, the torture look at me and smile, he going to start the torture again when he took the blade to strike me the blade have passed for my meat but the blade stop as if it had reached a wall, this wall was my bones, during this 100 years of torture my essence have cultivate for 1.000.000 cycles and now my essence of power: "What's mine belong only to me, and no one can break my bones" have became -1 too, but is not simple my Will grow up too now my Will is -2, like Grann have said, "if the essence of power have a connection between them, they can increase together", thanks to the great pain a suffer during this 100 years my will two essences became stronger.
After the blade stop at my finger's bone the torturer looks at me surprised, and he think how this is possible, how he bones not break this is a high-grade weapon young-master have said this weapon its better tool for torture people. Then I smile and said:
― What up? Why you stop?
The torturer looks at me my eyes and my Will show up the prestige I have hide all those years, so I said to him:
―Don't worry about anything you need just let me go and don't tell about this situation for your young-master, if you say anything I'm going after you too.
The torturer looks at me with a paled face and nodded. The guards come to take me for work in the mines now. After coming back to the mine, I go directly to my base. It's time to cultivate a new essence of power, then I start to cultivate my new essence of power: "What's mine belong only to me, and no one can cut muscles".