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Steven could still remember his school days at Earth, and he could even consider himself as lucky beyond measure as he still got the chance to live his teenage again. While thinking of such things he sat at the table in a daze.

When Ray found that Steven was in a daze, he elbowed him to wake him up. This got him his desired result as Steven woke up with a jerk.

"So which chick did you like more?" Ray asked seven while giving out a horny and weird smile from his face.

"No man, you are mistaken. I did not notice them but was thinking about something else" answered Steven in a slightly flushed face.

Steven found that Ray was still watching him with the same weird smile while saying "Hmm-hmmm okay, okay carry on with your dreams."

"Man I told you the truth already. I was just lost in some thoughts" clarified Steven.

"Okay okay let's leave it at that, so what do you think about Sherry she is the most beautiful among the fresher's and Chelsey is also a good catch, don't ya think?" asked Ray while pointing at the girls.

"I find Jennifer more gullible, but she did not come today, I guess she went someplace else" Ray pointed out while continuing "Here are the most beautiful girls of the latest batch of DFHS. Even the others are not bad but well these three girls are far better than the others. So whom ya going to pursue, found someone?" asked Ray.

"No man, I am not that confident about this but yes let's see what happens the year has just begun, there's lots of time for pursuing" replied Steven with a usual smile.

When Ray and Steven were talking, Frank had gone off to Sherrie's table for a chat, seeing this Ray commented "See that bastard, he is always after Sherry, he thinks just because he is rich and powerful all girls would just fall heads and heels over for him. I hate that bastard."

"But it is a fact that most girls prefer rich guys more than broke guys like me" replied Steven. He also knew the truth of the situation and had seen several such issues in previous Earth. Girls in Earth used to say that they do not care for money but when the time for actual decision came it was always based on money or stability at least this had made him realize that it was that girls prefer a more stable partner than guys whom they personally like, it was like their subconscious action.

"Do you like Sherry?" Suddenly Steven asked Ray.

"It's not the like, like situation. More like a crush, you can't blame me though Sherry is very beautiful. But I don't have the courage to approach her" confessed Ray.

"You know, you are not a bad guy and maybe Sherry will like you. Just because you are slightly fat you don't have to be down about it. Why don't you do one thing, you should start approaching Sherry slowly and show your face to her and try to make her remember your face."

"Afterwards you could approach her and have casual chats and slowly but steadily build an impression on her. This may be effective, but well don't be too positive about this. I too do not know how to pursue someone and this procedure may not give results as expected" Steven advised so that Ray is not depressed about this. In the teenage most of the times, depression is worse than a slight hope, this was why Steven had advised Ray such a method where at least it will take time if Sherry at all rejects him.

"Okay man, do ya really think I have a chance?" asked Ray with a spark in his eyes. Steven could feel some sadness but it was hidden deep in his eyes and he lied "Yes just don't give up hope."

But there was something that Steven could never imagine. It was this hope that let Ray to continuously try to get Sherry and had actually let him win her over, but that was for considering in the future, not a story for now.

Steven had finished his lunch by now and continued "Okay Ray, I have to go now, I have some work in the library, and let's meet up tomorrow again."

Steven had found his way to the Library after coming out of the Cafeteria. He was just entering when a middle-aged woman who was the librarian informed him about the Library and its rules.

The Library was divided into 5 Levels, where fresher's were only allowed the first level in the beginning. They had to first complete their Body Cultivation and enter the first star of Qi Sensing Realm for entry to the 2nd Level. Well, he did not have any problem with this as he had only arrived to revise the historical and basic knowledge anyways. He wanted to invigorate his knowledge again.

Thus he proceeded to the Library and went to the shelf with the section on history first. He found a lot of books but the book he took was the book named "Catastrophe and its effect in Modern Times". He also took some more books about cultivation books and found a quiet space for reading and sat down.

The moment he was about to open the book on the Catastrophe he was distracted due to a voice saying "Do you still need to read something about the Catastrophe even in you High School huh?"

Steven raised his head to find the speaker and found a beautiful girl who had spoken the sentence just 2 seats away from him. She was still looking at him in a puzzled look in her eyes.

The moment Steven saw her he was flustered and could remember who she was, this was Jennifer Ryan one of the beauties that Ray was speaking off and most importantly she was also a previous classmate and class representative of Steven in Junior High so they had some interactions before. But they were mostly formal interactions and he did not remember meeting her out of class ever, this confused him, why would she even care to speak with him? And most importantly what was such a beautiful girl doing in the Library which was mostly for nerds?

"Oh it is you, Jennifer, I was just going through it to invigorate my knowledge again before starting to cultivate, nothing exceptional or special. Thought a little bit of history and basics of cultivation will only help me while cultivating, you know to make lesser mistakes" replied Steven while calming down from his fluster.

"Oh okay, I just asked out of curiosity. In junior high, you were one of the best in remembering things and when you took a book about Catastrophe which has been taught to us from primary class, I got confused about your intentions. You can start with your book though" replied Jennifer in a casual voice.

Steven also looked towards his book, while in mind he was still thinking about Jennifer. She was really beautiful with blonde hair, black eyes, and a sharp face. She had an amiable aura and was friendly in his memories. He remembered that Jennifer was of a common background which may have led her to grow up with a more down to earth personality.

Even her clothes were normal and nothing too eye-catching and she had one of the sweetest smiles he had seen among beautiful girls or namely popular girls. But well everything apart he was not interested in her so everything he remembered was not relevant. He may not even meet her for years to follow, why bother about her.

After his thoughts were clearer he got back to his own stuff.

He had started reading the books and had found a lot of information they were mostly basic but it would help him greatly.

He found that the planet he was currently in had been similar to Earth itself before the catastrophe had taken place, there was no cultivation or beasts and monsters roaming about the world. The humans were in their peaks of technological breakthrough and infrastructure when fate took a turn for them and the catastrophe took place.

This was 1500 years before the present time; this catastrophe had caused the changes that are there today. Steven even felt that maybe he was not on another planet or dimension but the future of the earth, but something caused his mind to change from this theory. The countries and ethnicity of the humans before the catastrophe did not resemble the Earths at all.

Now he knew that his conjecture about transmigration was true. He also found information about various other things before catastrophe which resembled Earths. But this all changed when the Catastrophe came. The flora and fauna of the planet changed drastically, whereas the animals and other organisms went through rapid evolution and became fierce beasts and monsters.

They became stronger and stronger while their reproduction also increased. This caused rapid destruction of humans and their settlements, many countries faced destruction and humans were facing a situation which could finally cause the creatures that ruled the planet for centuries to become extinct.

But the evolution was not limited to just flora or fauna. Even humans had transformed but their instincts had developed a habit of only believing in the Science that they discovered but not in nature. But this was proven when some of the intelligent humans noticed that human's reproductive cycle had changed. Babies were being born within 4 to 5 months of conceiving and this led to intense human population to be born as well.

These intelligent humans then formed a group to study the changes that occurred in humans. After many years of struggle for survival and study of the human body, they found the new addition in the environment called "Energon", these were particles which contained a new type of energy and could be absorbed by the body and change it.

Repeated experiments and trials over a decade finally brought cultivation to light much to the relief of the human population at the time. The humans then started changing and within 50 years of the catastrophe the humans had established their own settlements and could now hunt the beasts.

The founding group of "Energon" and their families later became the main members of the World Alliance with some additions later. Today's planet was due to the efforts of the humans of that time and everyone was aware of this fact. Even though there were some issues regarding the Family Clans of the World Alliance and their arrogance, people still remember their ancestor's contribution and thus do not go against them in full wrath if the family clans did not cause excessive damage.

This was mostly about the history that Steven got to know apart from this he also found about cultivation and their levels. The basic book gave him the knowledge of the three Realms next to Body cultivation, which were Qi Sensing or Qi conversion realm, Qi Condensation Realm, and Core Formation Realm.

He also read some other things and body cultivation theories for better understanding. By the time he finished reading the books, it was already evening and dinner was in some time. He saw that Jennifer had already left the library, so he also got up and kept the books in their right places.

He got out of the library to go to his room to start his journey in cultivation. Without forgetting to grab something for dinner he went on his way towards his dorm, with high hopes about cultivation as he would be the first person from Earth to actually cultivate. His legs started moving quicker in excitement and expectations.

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