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Duckford City, DFHS Cafeteria.

Steven and Ray had just entered the cafeteria when someone called them "Hey Ray, we are here" this was the call from three of Ray's friends who had seated on themselves one of the corner tables of the Cafeteria.

Both Ray and Steven went to that corner and took a seat on the table. Ray was the first to start speaking. Ray started introducing me to his friends "Friends this here is Steven, we met in class today and hit it off. And Steven, they are my friends Joshua, Michael, and Adam."

"Hey Michael, have they come?" Ray quietly asked Michael a well-built boy who was quite fair.

"Nope, wait for some more time they should be arriving within some time" answered Michael in a similar voice.

"Oi Ray, what's up with you all? What are you waiting for, let me in too?" asked Steven in a more audible voice.

"Shusshh, keep the voice down, we don't want others to know what we are doing. Well, the thing is, we have news that this year there are three superbly beautiful girls who have joined DFHS as freshers. We are waiting to soothe our eyes with their fair skin and curvy waists" answered Ray quietly while having a weird and horny smile.

Seeing this Steven could roughly understand what they were up to at the cafeteria. He did not think anything else and felt hunger in his belly with growling sounds coming from it. He asked Ray and friends "Hey, I am going to bring lunch, do you all need something?"

All the others suddenly turned more serious when he had asked the question and looked at him like one watches a fool. While Ray spoke to him in a more serious way "Steven remember always, always okay, lunch in the cafeteria is always..... boxed so just get 5 for all of us, hurry we are starving?" finishing off in a funny way.

"Hahahaha" Steven laughed while going towards the serving place for everyone's food.

When he was taking the food, Steven suddenly heard a boy's taunting voice from behind.

"Oi Chef, do you guys serve beggars and scums too, we should place a complaint to the Schools Nutrition board to check if there are any bacteria or virus in your food. Any place that has this virus and bacteria prone people touching stuff you would have to be reassured otherwise who knows what kind of disease we would catch?" this voice was full of a mocking tone and Steven could easily recognize the voice. It was Frank who was responsible for the previous Stevens death.

Steven did not even feel anything and turned around calmly while replying in an equally mocking tone "Well yes chef we do need to place a complaint. If rabid dogs could so easily enter a cafeteria that what will happen to the student's health. You see here this street dog here has been spreading virus all over this place, please pass over some sanitizer for us otherwise we may have a bad stomach after this meal."

"Hey Steven, you are going out of bounds there, who do you think you are to even speak in such language to Frank. Do you even realize your own status you are nothing but a Fucking Scum, Scum you get it? Now help yourself and scram this instant if you do not want to be kicked off" replied one of the underlings behind Frank.

By this time a commotion had been caused due to this and many crowded around them to watch the show. Even Ray had just reached and when he heard the lackey speaking such he could not control himself.

"Oi Jones, did you think you could even speak in such tone with my bro. I am telling you this and listen carefully, Scram" suddenly Ray intercepted in between the conversation that was already going haywire.

"Hey Ray, should you be involved in this matter, this has got nothing to do with you. You should at-least give face to our Walton Family and stay out of this matter" interjected Frank in a calm voice while observing Steven and Ray thinking about their relation.

"Huh, you wish, you think that I will give face to your Walton Family when you are practically insulting one of my best buddies. Don't ya dream of this, I will stop you as many times as needed" replied Ray in a more direct and loud voice.

Next, Ray turned to Steven and asked: "So what's going on, why ya having an argument with this dumb ass anyway?"

Steven explained the previous situation leaving the earth and his transmigration and saying that he was lucky that he could control his anger and calm down after what had happened yesterday night. Ray's eyes turned red hearing about this and he turned to Frank and retorted "Does the mighty Walton Family have the strength to only bully the weaker sections of the society, why can't you prove your strength in front of Eric?"

"You are crossing your boundaries now Ray, don't think that just because you are a member of Evan's Family I will not take action against you. And what about Eric, do you think I won't be able to do anything to him don't think too much." retorted back Frank.

"Hey, leave it, Ray. You know right that dogs are not able to think with their brains they only have their noses and mouths to depend on." Steven said to Ray and tried to cool him down. He did not want the situation to go out of control as now even the other friends of Ray had come to the serving counter seeing this commotion.

When all were on the verge of creating a ruckus, a new boy had entered the cafeteria and shouted: "Oi guys, Sherry and Chelsey are coming to the cafeteria." As soon as this news was announced a whole lot of guys suddenly departed the crowd that was watching the show.

"Oi guys lets go" this was said by Frank who was trying to win the situation over till now. This sudden change bewildered Steven, he turned towards Ray in a questioning manner.

"The school beauties are coming and you may not know, but Frank has a crush on one of them called Sherry. This was why he left so quickly, no one wants to leave a bad impression on girls they like" answered Ray and caught Steven's hand while dragging him towards their own seat, their targets were close at hand.

What followed next was simple where a group of girls entered and stole the show of all boys. Even Ray and his friends were drooling while looking at the girls and Steven could only sigh at their behavior.

He had once passed teenage and knew what kind of things even he did once.

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