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You Are My Everything You Are My Everything original

You Are My Everything

Author: shona_

© WebNovel

Surprise! Surprise!

Stories aren't supposed to start with the main character waking up. It's a rule that she learned in her creative writing class in college. Something about boring the reader or being a cliche. But that is exactly how her story started when she woke up and found herself surrounded by a doctor and two nurses.

"What's your name?" the doctor asked.

"Mei Lin, Yang Mei Lin." she replied in croaked voice, "Water." she demanded, her throat felt dry as if she had been deprived of water.

A nurse helped her drink a few sips of water as the doctor kept on asking her ridiculous questions like her parents' names, her birthday, her sister's birthday, her dog's name. It was starting to get annoying.

"Do you know the date?" asked the doctor.

Mei Lin shifted in the bed slightly and found herself wincing in pain, "I am sure that there must be a reason you asking me about all this stuff but can you please tell me why am I here?"

The doctor looked at her with a small smile on his face, "You had an accident, a very severe accident." that was all he said before he again asked about what date it was today and the last thing that she remembered.

"I remember drinking with my friends, we were partying late because I had gotten a job. And about the date, well I am not sure, is it 10 days from 16th of July?"

The doctor frowned, "What year do you think it is?" he asked.

"2017 of-course."

Both the nurses looked at the doctor while the doctor stared at her as if she had grown horns, "What? What's wrong?"

Before the doctor could reply they were disturbed by the sound of the door of the hospital room opening as Mei Lin's elder brother Yang Yang barged inside followed by their parents. "Hey" Mei Lin smiled weakly, she teared up feeling emotional as if she was seeing them after a while. How long was she in the hospital?

Her brother hugged her, being careful of her injuries, "Finally the beauty woke up from her sleep, hhmm." he said.

She raised her head and looked at her parents who were staring at her lovingly and with tears in their eyes while the doctor had that worried look on his face, the look that clearly said that there was something seriously wrong with her.

"Can you please tell me about what date it is today?" the doctor asked. Yang Yang finally let go of his sister and looked at the doctor with questioning eyes.

"I think it's July 2017 or it could be August depending on how long I was unconscious." she replied and now everybody in the room was looking at her as if she had said something wrong.

"What? What it is?" she frowned and once again before anybody could reply they were disturbed by someone again.

"I heard that she is awake. Is it true?" standing at the door, looking handsome as ever was the man of her dreams, Huang Li Wei. He was panting hard as if he had run on his way here and when his gaze settled on Mei Lin, he was immediately by her side, kissing her forehead.

"Thank God you are fine!" he said and now Mei Lin was sure that something definitely was wrong. Huang Li Wei had never been this much affectionate towards her, like never ever!

"What? What's happening? Can someone please explain?" Mei Lin asked.

"I was worried that this may happen. You had hit your head pretty hard after all. And sometimes with head injuries, you can experience a degree of amnesia." the doctor said.

"Eh, what?!" Mei Lin cried out.

"Amnesia?" the way Li Wei said the word was kinda heartbreaking, "Baby, don't you remember me?" he asked cupping her cheeks.

Mei Lin blushed, 'Baby?' since when did he start to address her by the endearment? "I do remember you." she muttered.

"She thinks that it's July of the year 2017." her mother said.

"So?" Mei Lin was expecting an answer. Amnesia? What date it is exactly?

"Miss Yang today is 1st December 2018. You don't remember more than a year of your life. You are suffering from retrograde amnesia." the doctor explained.

Mei Lin's eyes widened in surprise, her head started feeling heavy, her gaze blurred and she fell unconscious.

shona_ shona_

So this story is inspired by a book I had read years ago. This novel is going to have many x-rated scenes ;) so read at your own risk :P

And I am hoping that you will like the novel, as this is my first on Webnovel.

Thanks a lot!

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