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60.6% Accidental rebirth in Naruto World. / Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

"Third POV"

The Uzu shinobi were currently imitating a fish. mouth opening and closing, without uttering a single word. That is how gobsmacked they were by kyoshi's words.

The Uzukage tower was most secure place in their village. That's why most of the sensitive documents were stored on this very building. even the entrance and exit plans of safehouses were stored here. though To know a person in one day could infiltrate the village and steal such vital info was worthy reason to be shocked.

After few silent minutes, the Uzukage recovered his bearing and adopted a serious face," (cough) Ah yes! we will need your warnings. But if you don't mind answering, how did you enter the tower without anybody's knowledge?"

"Oh that, I don't mind! to tell the truth, the entire floor was littered with complex seals. I think I could have unraveled them all but it was to much work, so....." kyoshi trailed off.

"So?" the Uzukage was on edge of his seat eager to hear how he infiltrated without triggering a single alarm.

' What extraordinary method could he have used to accomplish this task?' the Uzukage thought excitedly.

"soo I walked up to the ceiling and entered the room." everyone fell down hearing the ridiculous method but kyoshi ignored this and continued his speech," I found those four staring intently at the window. I slowly crept closer and knocked them out."

The Uzukage rubbed his head. The headache from this one encounter made him questions his reasons to become the leader of this village. So he smartly decided to ignore this incident for now and focus on the matter at hand."Ahem let's leave this conversation for later date shall we? I would like to discuss our cooperation for the upcoming event, Mr...?"

"Ah! you can call me Shikyo. and about the problem you are facing I can give you an exact date for now before you decide." kyoshi introduced his masked persona.

"The invasion is going to happen in few days short of a month. before you plan your counter, let me inform you something. I best course of action for this invasion is you don't inform konoha of this event." kyoshi warned the uzu shinobis.

"But why? konoha and uzu have been allies for very long. are you suggesting konoha has betrayed us?" the bodyguard of uzukage shouted out frustrated.

" silence 'Beta' and return to your post." the Uzukage ordered the offender and turned to kyoshi," but he is correct in questioning your advice. has konoha betrayed us?"

Kyoshi shook his head," Not konoha per say but I think someone has betrayed uzu's entry route plans to enemy. I found those in their planning room. and I know how secretive uzu is about those."

kyoshi paused for dramatic effect and continued, "so now answer me this who has the route plans other than uzushio, unless you are also suspecting uzushio residents as well?"

The Uzukage was now in serious peril. He was now stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Not having any plan for action without alerting the enemy, who knew if someone in uzushio maybe a spy.

Seeing the troubled faces of the occupants in the room, kyoshi stepped up with one more suggestions, " If you don't mind! I do have a suggestion for your safety."

Uzukage and the rest of shinobis lifted their head and looked at him expectantly. so kyoshi began to explain.

" so first thing you have to do is secure the supplies for the war. if the war extends for a long time, even if you can fight back the enemy, you will still die of starvation. so better increase the storage of food and other supplies. during the war, the safety of women and children is paramount. so you better collect the troops and develop good strategy to tackle the situation." the shinobis perked up at that plan until they heard later words," But the problem is uzushio doesnot seem to have a large fighting force. without enough manpower, you won't be able to cover their escape."

The Uzukage was at the end of the rope.

'It seems the uzushio will be extinct following this war. if only we could save our children. as long as they live, I would be happy to die here for them.' The sullen thoughts kept appearing on his minds mirroring everyone in the room bar one.

Kyoshi was reading their expression. Their expression seem to change from sad to desperate to angry then finally determination flashed their eyes.

"so what have you planned, Uzukage?" kyoshi asked the million dollar question.

The Uzukage silent until now got up from his seat and got down on the floor. He bowed his head to kyoshi.

"Uzukage Sama!!!" the jonins in the room exclaimed.

the Uzukage ignored their voices, and continued to bow his head to floor. kyoshi wondered what request uzukage will ask. but then the uzukage pleaded with almost broken voice.

"Thank you for all your help until now, Shikyo San. even with this life, I cannot pay your grace in this lifetime. but please accept my heartfelt request. Please save our children, they are innocent, and still have a lot of their lives to live. they are unaware of worldly affairs, without us in their life they will suffer. we will give you everything we have, all the knowledge our ancestor accumulated, the treasures of our village even this very village but in exchange please look after them in the future, ONEGAI!!!!" The tears flowed out of his eyes.

Rest of the jonin mashed their teeth seeing their kage on the floor. Tears began to fall from their eyes as well. Soon they also joined Uzukage on the floor and bowed their head. they all screamed in frustrated words"ONEGAI!!" AND SCREAMED TOGETHER.

Kyoshi was shocked from the scene in front of his eyes. He thought the Uzukage would have asked his help for some money in exchange, to fight in war for them. to help them win in this war at all cost. But to see them ready to die but unwilling to let their children suffer even at the expense of their own was heartwarming.

"Are you sure? I could help you. as long as you live you could rebuild your village later?" Kyoshi's voice was like devils whisper enticing the fallen. But the requesting party didn't get up. just kept on repeating the request, bowing their heads. kyoshi was amazed by their dedication.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha" Kyoshi unable to suppress the happiness from bubbling out of himself laughed out loudly. the Uzukage and jonin were shocked thinking he was laughing at them. but then kyoshi's next words cleared their minds of the doubt.

"Good good. this is Marvelous. you went beyond my expectations. I was always going to save some children but your words were going to determine if I was going to help your village or not. and you exceeded

my expectations, foregoing your life and sacrificing your own for your progeny is admirable."

The bowing party looked up from their position and asked hopefully," then are you going to accept our request."

"Yes of course." cue excitement "BUT"

And raised eyebrows,"it is going to cost you a lot."

"Yes whatever you ask as long as we can fulfill it." the Uzukage answered.

"Then from now on this village belongs to me. the land, the buildings, the nature even the people."

"you mean we are your slaves from now on even our children." the occupants of the room shouted angrily.

"No no! you are not my slaves. I'm your ruler, your king and your Daimyo. If you accept this, I will of course save your village. from this catastrophe and the next. I will lead this village to prosperity and peace. I will make this village stronger than all others combined. so what do you think? is it acceptable?" kyoshi offered them the choice.

"So then we will be your subjects and you our king. then as long as you don't harm this country we will accept you request." The Uzukage answered seriously. the rest just nodded their head.

"Oh no need to be so serious. think about it talk with your village council. inform your residents. you can even tell them of the invasion. no need to worry about the spies I will take care of them all. so, talk among yourselves and decide. this will decide your future as well as your children's. choose wisely."[AN:: and they chose 'Wisely'😏]

After saying all he had to say, kyoshi directly teleported out. the group in the room were shocked but then kyoshi returned back to the room.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot to give you this.I will give you a week to decide. throw this kunai when you are done deciding. ok?" then kyoshi disappeared again in a flash.

The Uzukage asked the occupants," Is he really gone? how did he escape front his room? did anyone see how he did it?"

"No Uzukage Sama . he just vanished in an instant. one moment he was here then gone the next. even outside of our sensing range."

"Uzukage sama, we just found out he was seen in wave country by the jonin stationed there. he waved his hand and told them to inform us something." one of the bodyguard quickly informed the Uzukage.

"Well what did he say?" the Uzukage quickly asked.

" Uzukage sama! He said that he will be waiting and will be coming after the week for the decision."

This cleared their mind if they were two different person. now they quickly needed to think of a counter plan for this invasion even if the masked stranger named Shikyo rejected.

the Uzukage quickly called a council meeting and there he explained the situation to the rest. He also told them of shikyo's offer but was met with negative response. he explained the prowess of the Mysterious stranger the ability in infiltrate high security locations, retreat instantly and even the information Shikyo has gathered. all this pointed out shikyo's strength to which none of them could find a counter. most of the method were either done simply or with unknown method so they all asked for a proof that Shikyo could save them.

Then suddenly the bodyguard entered the room and whispered something in uzukage's ear. it was something absurd as the uzukage's eyes widened and he checked the table.after checking Infront of himself. he addressed the rest.

"You asked some sort of proof of his prowess right?" he asked.

The rest of the council voiced their agreement.

"Then before that tell me what you have been writing in that paper Infront of you?"

one councilman said out loud," Huh what I'm not writing anything? hey what is happening my hand if moving on its own?" He panicked but still checked what he was writing.

"Shikyo Sama is a god and I'm an idiot for questioning him." was what was written multiple times. The councilman looked around the room seeing rest of the council mirroring his expression.

The room was filled with murmurs when suddenly one of them screamed out. The rest of the room looked at the source of the scream only to find him lifting a kunai and putting it below his chin.

The council was shocked out of their mind. then slowly the rest of them followed suit. they all were scared and checked on their kage for help only to find him doing the same.

This continued for few seconds then the previous guy who whispered in uzukage's ear entered again and whispered something again. the Uzukage sighed and called out to the council again.

"Everyone please check retreat from your chair and move closer to the wall"

All of the councilmen retreated from their chair and stood against the wall.only to find themselves unable to move again.

The Uzukage this time called out to the jonin commander standing behind him," commander now that you can move as well. can you check what everyone wrote on their hands before coming here and arrest the accused can start with your own and then mine."

The jonin commander checked his hand to see the Kanji for 'FRIEND' written there.

He then checked his leader's palm only to find the same. He slowly moved around the room and checked all the occupants, even the guards.

There were total twenty people in the room. He quickly arrested four out of them and put some chakra inhibitors on them. the councilmen raised their voices asking for reasons for their arrest. The jonin commander answered their curiosity.

"Well on everyone's hand something was written as you know. but what you may not know is that you yourself wrote this before entering the room and swiftly forgot about it. Now you know this please check what is written there."

They all found 'FRIEND' written on their palms.

"Now as you may have guessed why those were arrested. I know you must be wondering what their offence was, right? check what you have been writing since you entered the room."

'TRAITORS WHI SOLD INFO TO THE ENEMIES' was written there along with the names of the four arrested councilmen.

"But how can we trust his reasons? he could be lying for all we know?"

The Uzukage answered him quickly," you were asking for proof of his power. this is it."

"As for the arrest for those four, check what I was writing unknowingly."

It was written as,

'This is going to be my kingdom so why would I remove helpful people. those were traitors so they will only harm my village in the future. so removing them now is the best course of action.'

The conversation after that didn't extend for a long time and all of them accepted Shikyo's offer but inauguration was postponed until the end of invasion.

Kyoshi was quickly called after that and informed of the decision. Kyoshi accepted their reasons and began to plan for the evacuation of the residents with the rest. He decided that a deep underground facing toward the wave they will make a shelter lined by thick metal plate. there they will cover the inside with seals that regulate air, humidity and temperature. Kyoshi also donated his new invention the space expansion seal which worked similar to extending charm of Harry potter. Inside he made a large teleportation seal and distributed large amount of one way teleportation seal to the council to be given to the villagers. they stocked the shelter with all the supplies.

Shortly after, the one way seals were distributed to each and every villagers making this mandatory and the method to use was also explained. it worked when someone pushed chakra in it and teleported the person inside the shelter. the method was made to practice for a week for all villagers. Now everyone sported the seal proudly as it was a life saving grace for them.

The seal to summon the villagers outside was given to ten jonins without including the Uzukage and Kyoshi. the three of them were sent to konoha in the pretext of being the bodyguard of kushina. this seal can work two ways as the user could teleport in or out. so when all othe seal were charged with chakra the two way seal can act as a chain link and bind them all to summon them outside.

With the evacuation plan formed. kyoshi told all the ninja to stay with their family except for the Uzukage and few Jonins as witness. He told them about his plan to use the barrier surrounding uzushio. it sounded absurd but they accepted the plan nonetheless. Kyoshi found them looking at him like he was some sort of freak of nature. But kyoshi just ignored them as they were mostly right about that.

With all the preparations complete, the uzushiogakure waited for the day of the invasion.

for their home, their family and their motherland Uzushio was going to fight till they can fight no more....

AN:: so this is done.

Now I did say the war was going to happen this chapter but there was just so much crap to take care of before the fight happen. this was tiring to write. currently here is 0:40 and I have been writing for 3 hours straight. feel kind of rushed but this is it. the fight is going to be epic though. OP as fuck MC toying with kage like playing with puppies.

so anyway, I asked you guys for names but you guys..... ..... are shit at naming even than me.

there was this one guy a fan of loli chunni archmage called F1nal who wanted the guys to be named chunchunmaru. bro don't try so hard. I know how hard it is searching for authentic sounding Edo period Japanese name. but chunchunmaru, come on bro.

so anyway this chapter is done. let's rant in next chapter ok......

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