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chapter 2

It's been three years since I was reborn. My mother Sandra teaches krav maga at her family dojo in San Francisco. Recently she also started training me in basic stances and techniques. Due to my eidetic memory and Martial body I am able to comprehend the meaning behind each stance and technique far better than most children my age.Due to this she has been teaching me more enthusiastically than her regular students.

The only reason she's teaching me now instead of waiting till I'm six is because a month ago she took me to the dojo with her because she couldn't find a babysitter, and saw me copying the techniques she was teaching the

other students. Since then she's been teaching me everything I know. "Very good Danielle your footwork is spot-on." she praises me.

(7 years later)

Today is my birthday and I just turned 10. I am considered a high class disciple in krav maga. My mother says that it should be impossible for anyone my age to be as proficient as I am. You gotta give thanks to that that martial body perk. Due to my martial body accelerating my growth I've already reached the maximum height I've set for this body. "Danielle wake up you'll be late for school" "okay Mom" I get up out of bed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. "Morning Mom" "Morning sweetie" she replies "happy birthday. I made your favorite" In front of me on the table are strawberry pancakes "yay you're the best mom" I say is I start wolfing down my plate "slow down it's not going anywhere" she says

As I finish eating there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I say as I get up off the chair and run towards the front door. Behind the door is my childhood friend Barbara. "Hi Barb" I say "Hey Dani" she replies "Mom I'm going to school now!" I yell as I walk out the door "but sweetie you haven't finished your breakfast ye-" I couldn't hear her as I slam the door. "So Barb did you watch that new anime episode last night" I asked her she replies with "No I'm not a nerd" I brush off that statement as I tell her "what!? you should've seen it! it was awesome! turns out that Koga was the traitor all along and...." I start telling her. I think she's just pretending to listen but I still tell her all about what happened then suddenly "wait stop" she screams as she reaches for her bag "I forgot to give you this when I greeted you this morning" when she finishes digging through her bag she pulls out a white stuffed rabbit "happy birthday" she says "thank you Barb I love it" "I knew you would" when we finally got to class, we took our seats next to each other. At the end of the day Barbara walked me home. We said goodbye and parted ways. When I got home my mom was sitting at the table looking rather anxious. "Danielle could you come sit here" she says. I hesitantly make my way to the chair across from her "is there something you need to talk about Mom" I asked her. She look me in the eye and said "I think it's about time I tell you about your father" she says. I knew that this day was coming. A few years earlier, I asked her about my dad and she said "he's dead". I try my best at looking confused and say "What about him you told me he's dead" "well not exactly"




... "What do you mean not exactly" "Now Danielle I want you to calm down before I tell you this" I start to calm down "okay I'm calm" "okay Danielle your father is alive. He lives in Japan and his name is Sakaki Shio" she explains to me. I already knew who he was, but for some reason, I started crying "Danielle please don't cr-" "Why. Why didn't you tell me when I asked years ago? Why tell me now?" "Now Danielle under normal circumstances I never would have told you about him" "What do you mean you never would have told me!? He's my father! What do you mean special circumstances!? what do yo-" "Danielle Kane!" I immediately stop my rant "Please let me explain' I stay silent so that she can explain "I have cancer. I'm dying. The doctor says I have two years at best, and when I die I want you to go live with him" What she said absolutely floored me. Everything inside me was just a bundle of emotions

"d-dying?" "Yes. I am dying" "what about chemo? Can't you just do that!?" I asked hesitantly "The doctor said it's already too late. It would only prolong the inevitable. I'm so sorry" then and there I break down. I started sobbing big ugly sobs. She grabs me in a tight hug "shhh shhh it's okay" we stay like that for about half an hour "are you feeling better" No I'm not feeling better I just learned you're dying! "A little bit" "It's still your birthday you know.Do you want anything special for dinner?" "No thanks I'm not that hungry" "Come on you're a growing girl. You need to eat." can we just get Chinese" "Sure thing sweetie, sure thing."

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