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"My mind built up tangled strings of thoughts. My mouth is speechless. My soul wanted to escape my body because at this moment of my life I've become a stranger to my self... I am suddenly clueless. Why? How? When? I don't know what to think. I don't know how to explain it. Sorrow, grief, insecurity, jealousy, anger, confusion - I don't know which of these is the right word. but one thing's for sure... I love him... even at this moment of my insanity. Am I dreaming? No, This feeling is more than a dream. This feeling is either more unreal than dreams or more real than dreams. I expected this would happen... but I never knew how painful it is. I would never imagine this in my mind. In my world, a dream of the heart is more likely to happen. Now, I realized reality. How could my love so pure be exchanged with betrayal? Is this the price of having the best love of my life? More than anything in my life, this emotion is stronger than the bliss I felt when I entered the hidden garden... This is the deepest of all - a broken trust, a broken promise, and a broken heart. I wish there is someone out there who could save me from falling off this cliff of brokenness" Fae's thoughts ran through.

"Fae? " Dylan was confused when he was looking at Anna. He confused her with Fae. In his thought and heart, in front of him was Fae.

"No Dylan this is me, Anna. The one you love. Fae is our friend, remember?" Dylan kissed Anna back.

"There she is. Come over here!" Anna saw fae standing and staring blankly from afar. Excitedly, Anna waved her hands at Fae. She signaled her to come over. Dylan saw Fae and felt his head throbbing and aching.

Fae finally gathered herself together. She walked towards them and faced them.

"Dylan, can I talk to you?" Fae pulled his arms to go on a boulder nearby talk privately. Anna, just let them talk.

"Poor Fae, she will just hurt herself more. Well, I finally gained justice., How does it feel, Fae?" Anna smirked while telling herself.

"Do you want to tell me something? I will understand. Just please, explain?" Fae asked Dylan with watery eyes.

"I..I.. woke up this morning with a headache and saw that girl and I felt some strange beating of my heart. At first, I thought her name was Fae but is was Anna. I am so confused.. but I have to be honest with you. When she kissed me, I felt something in my heart. I usually would ignore it but now, I feel so attached to her. Something is uncontrollably wrong with me, Fae. But I have to be honest, I thought I love you Fae, but I realized today I might love, Anna. " Dylan said.

"A strong gush of the wind passes by. His words are powerful, like a thousand swords that stabbed me all at the same time. I will never forget this day and I know there will be more coming and I wonder how It feels every time. I will never forget. This is the day, I first died" Fae's heart failed from sorrow.

"I won't get mad at you because I love you. I want to let you know that you used to tell me that you love me more than anything. You hurt me before, but this time it's as if you stabbed me in the heart. You broke us apart. I guess this is part of being in love. People change. I knew you were double-minded of things. But I thought you were different from love. I was wrong. This is why I wore my slippers now. I love being barefoot because I want to feel the connection to nature and the earth. With barriers on my feet, I wouldn't touch the ground. It reminds me to detach myself from earthly things that are temporary... love and human relationships. This Garden has its magic, It has amazing things that mimic the feelings of love. There are things here that I can have and be happy. There's a way to forget the happiness and the memories you brought in my life. But I won't give up like that. I will spare time and a gift for you - a hundred chances. I will try to gain your love again because you don't anymore. If you love me, you would never find love in others. Love is supposed to be certain and unconditional. From those changes and times that I will give, I want you to see if you'll love me again. Know that I am fighting for it. For now, think of me as any other random girl who falls madly in love with you, but in the end, I couldn't win your heart after all," Fae removed her ring that Dylan gave her the last night. She reached for Dylan's hand and put it on his palm. Fae turned away and walked to the Dial she is looking into the ground. A huge amount of tears fell from her eyes.

Anna went back and saw Dylan staring at Fae walking away. He had a headache again. Anna saw Dylan is holding something in his hand. She reached his hand she took the ring and inserted into her finger.

"This looks nice. I'll keep it. " Anna said

"Did I gave her this ring? How come I can't remember? Why would I give her a ring? I keep on calling her name. Is she the one I really love? But why am I feeling this way?" Dylan told himself in his mind

"Fae..." Dylan said

" I want to go home," Fae facing the wall tearfully.

"My family is waiting for me... They are probably worried by now. Fae you should go home and rest, too. I will take care of Dylan. He is sick. I'll have him stay at my house for a while," Anna held Dylan's arms from behind.

Fae wiped her tears. Dialed on the wall and pushed her locket against it. It was getting dark. Fae walked home. She shut the door turned off all the lights went straight to her room and had a rest. She was tired of feeling too much.

Anna assisted Dylan in their guest room. She offered her a tea that could help him with his headache. Dylan took a rest too.

While Dylan is sleeping on a bed, Anna was sitting down on a bedside chair. Her head is leaning on the bed where Dylan is sleeping with her right arm holding Dylan's hand.

Dylan is having nightmares about Fae. In his dreams, Fae is changing her appearance. She is shifting into Anna, and Anna becoming Fae.

"Dylan. How could you do this?" He heard in his dream. Dylan woke up in the middle of the night and saw Anna beside her. He felt a strong emotion again and wanted to kiss Anna. But, he was interrupted when he saw Anna is wearing the ring that he gave to Fae. He then remembered the moment he gave Fae the ring last night and they were happy together.

"What is happening to me? Fae is the one I love, I even gave her a ring, but a why all of a sudden I am feeling like this towards Anna," Dylan told himself.

Anna woke up, look up, and saw Dylan sitting upright. He is wide awake and couldn't sleep. " Dylan, is there something that bothers you, dear?" Anna asked is a soft and low voice. " I couldn't sleep well with all the nightmares. "

"Let me comfort you, dear." Anna kissed him on the lips, and they made love for the whole night.

On the other hand...Chi was flying towards the Fairy palace where Pip is resting for a while. Fairy Palace has some energy that could alleviate them in the meantime. These energies were stored and gathered for a period of time by purple fairies of vitality and knowledge.

"Pip! Pip! Please forgive me, I'm so sorry. I did it because I think, it is the right thing to do," Chi was crying profusely and nonstop. Her words were unclear.

"What did you do? Can you calm down and say it clearly so that I could understand?" Pip was irritated.

"I did something bad against Fae. "

"Huh? What did you do!" Pip panicked and screamed at Chi.

"Calm down, I will explain," Chi said in a low tone.

"I was caught by Anna last night when I was flying towards Fae and Dylan. I was going to tell Fae something important, but before I can get to them. Anna caught me with her hands and then.."

" And then what?"

"She asked to make Dylan fall in love with her. If not, she will pluck my wings and I would die. So I did it when they were sleeping. Then the next day. I saw Fae crying. I guess it worked, but I felt so bad. I was guilty. I shouldn't have done that. " Chi cried again.

"Oh no! Why did you do that? You know you could've done better. You have powers. You would know how to trick her and escape" Pip confronted her.

"But, I was so scared and weak at that time. I also did so that Fae would hate Dylan and get rid of her. and we could convince Fae to stay here and focus on saving us, you said that she could cultivate her skills here for a certain time and heal us. Also, we cannot have a fairy get involve with a Goelet, right? "

"Right, but that is not how it should work. You do realize that you have dark energy now, right? Your abilities are altered. You are not a fairy of love now but a fairy of lust... impure and malicious... and who knows what dark energy you transferred to him? Sheez. This could be worse than it is, Chi. Purple fairies live for this exact reason, for others not to do stupid things. " Pip sighed in disappointment and frustration.

"So what are we going to do now? " Chi asked

"We need to wait for them to come back. I need to talk to Fae first," Pip got up and tried to fly, but couldn't. She needed to rest for some more to regain some energy.

"This sucks, I am a fairy for storing energy, but I can't even regain my own vitality. Good thing I still have the right knowledge of things. Although when I try to share them. They were confused about the information and having doubts. Fae still has doubts about her past as a fairy even though I already shared it with her. Because of the dark energy, it brought her confusion and doubts when I transferred her memories to her mind. I hope she won't get crazy out of that dark energy, " Pip murmured to Chi.

"Another thing, I have to say this to you. I saw Anna wearing a ring."

"what ring?"

"It looks like there is a stone in the middle, very similar to a Borrock stone. I think Dylan got it when we were trapped in the tunnel at the end of it was the ocean of treasures. He got it from there," Chi said.

"This is bad. This will give them a clue that there is a treasure here. The last time a treasure was taken out was when Dingo was here, and it almost got into trouble. " Pip closed her eyes in frustration.

"Anna, I have to go back to my house, I feel a lot better now. You can come by and visit if you want. I don't want your mother o think that I'm getting too comfortable here," Dylan told Anna.

"It's okay Dylan. you can get some rest here any day you want. She would like that too. My mother and Grandmother like you to be my husband. There will be no problem with that," Anna insisted.

"I know, But I have other things to take care of, right now. I have to go." Dylan swayed his blanket away from him. He stood up and left. He is a little better. He went home sat on his chair.

Mika knocked on the door, "Where have you been Dylan, I've been waiting for you to come home,"

"I am here to apologize for my attitude before. I know you're mad at me. I will give all the letters that you sent that I stole from Fae. I hope you would forgive and will treat me nicely like you did before," She lied about throwing them away. She kept all of them. Mika handed all of the letters and left. There were tons of them.

Dylan started reading one.



I am here at my Dad's Mansion. All of us finally got together. This doesn't happen often, so I took the opportunity and stayed for a while. Kevin is doing fine and was bailed out. This troublemaker does whatever he wants. I wonder when he will grow as a man. I am doing my best to be an example to him and talking to him. Maybe He just needs a brother to accompany him for a little while.

I introduced you to them. I told them you're the one I am going to marry someday. If you let me, of course. I know you will. Don't play hard to get. Just kidding.

My parents are kind of picky though. They asked me a lot of stupid questions about you, but don't worry whatever they say or if they try to stop me... I will fight for you. You are the only girl in my life and nothing will ever change that.

I love you, always and forever. I hope to hear from you, send me a letter okay? I will see you soon.



"I sent this letter to Fae. She is supposed to be the one I am loving, not Anna. I have to talk to Fae. I have to fix this." Dylan told himself.

But as he tries to think about Fae. His head starting to ache very badly as if it's going to explode. He lifted his hands pushed his palms against his forehead while still holding the letter. His face looks like he is a terrible suffering. He couldn't take the pain.

"Ahhhh" He crumpled the letter and threw it on the ground. Anna was outside the house. She actually followed Dylan's home, as she is worried. She heard his voice from the outside and rushed to go inside to see Dylan. "Dylan are you okay?"

Dylan saw Anna's face and the pain slowly fades away.

Anna hugged him. Dylan was relieved Anna was there.

"I was having a headache but when I saw you. It strangely went away."

"That stupid brat didn't tell me there will be bad effects with the magic" Anna mumbled to herself

"What did you say?" Dylan asked

"Oh nothing, I meant I brought some herbs to give you for your headache. It might have been the reason. If you inhale this it could alleviate the pain," Anna said as an excuse but she knows that It is her intimate presence that took it away.

"Thank you, Anna. What would I do if you're not here?" Dylan smiled at her, Anna smiled back.

Dylan saw the Borrock ring on Anna's finger again.

But he ignored it, anyway.

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