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Love Fairy

Fae and Dylan went back to their favorite place near the cave shelter. Pip and the 3 other Fairies -Chi, Wanda, and Olah, were tired of using their powers to hold and make the rocks float on top of Fae and Dylan's head. Their energy was drained while doing so. The Fairies flew away with the struggle to go back to their nests and regain their energy back. Chi's glow is turning dark red - it used to be pink. Now, it worries the fairy kingdom especially the fairy queen. It is forbidden for the fairies and all the other creatures in the hidden garden to enter the forbidden tunnel because of it's bad effects such as alteration of abilities, appearance, and thoughts if they happen to inhale the fumes in the land of tunnels. Meanwhile, while the fairies were resting, Fae was bothered by what she had heard from Pip. She wants to tell it Dylan, but she wants to find out more about what Pip said to her and be more cautious about it. Fae confronted Dylan about hiding the Fireflies inside the Jar.

"Are you okay, Fae? We should head back to the village and rest for a while," Dylan asked

"How could you, Dylan? I thought you promised me you won't take anything out of this hidden garden? We were supposed to protect it, not harm it. "

"I know, I didn't take anything don't worry. " Dylan defended himself.

" What about the jar?"

" How did you know about that?" Dylan was surprised that Fae knows about what he did.

"It doesn't matter. I thought I could trust you?"

Dylan was speechless for while.

"I did it before we told our promise. I caught them inside a jar because I wanted others to see how amazing it is, but after you saw me pluck up a plant, I gave up my plan not to bring it out. I left it inside my bag and totally forgot about it. Fortunately, when we came back. They were still alive... Anyway, If not for them we might not make it out of the dark tunnel."

"But still a promise is a promise" Fae looked away.

"Why is it affecting you so much? It's only 4 different fireflies that I took. There are millions out there. "

"You don't understand, Dylan"

After arguing, Fae ignored Dylan and went straight ahead to the dial on the wall and used her locket to open the portal to go back to the backlot maze garden. Dylan followed her and trying to convince her that he doesn't have any bad intentions. Fae was worried and ignored him after all.

At the backlot maze garden, they did not expect that Anna is waiting and standing a few steps away from them. Fae and Dylan were startled and speechless when Anna saw them.

"I figured this is what you've been doing all along. Dylan, you've been persistent on visiting my place," Anna smirked and shook her head. "Now I know, all you want is to sneak in and go here without even letting me know,"

" Anna, I know it's hard to believe it. There is a mysterious garden in your backlot. You saw how we magically appeared. If you're upset, I am sorry. We kept it as a secret because we're trying to protect it," Dylan explained to Anna while Fae is just listening.

"Well, I want to see the mysterious garden with my own eyes. If you really want to protect it, you would let me go with you. If not, you know what will happen, Dylan. This is our place, and If I don't want to let you in, I won't. I had the workmen secured the maze garden so that no one can enter in or sneak out. If ever you ever insist I will turn you over to the patrol. It is not lawful to trespass. " Anna was fierce and in an angry tone of voice.

Anna found out about it when she was about to go fishing with her mother, but she realized and questioned her mind why Dylan is so concerned with his survival stuff. She wondered where he is planning to go that he needed to bring those things. She canceled the fishing trip with her mom and sneaked on Fae and Dylan and found out what they were doing.

They were gone for a day and Anna was pissed. She realized they might go out from another portal so she decided to have her workers secure the place so that no one can go out and no one can go inside the mansion's backlot maze garden.

"Don't worry, Dylan. I am a good friend of mine. You can trust me." Anna persuaded Dylan.

"Can we talk about this later? We were seriously attacked and Fae inhaled some bad air. She is not feeling well. I'll take her home first. I will get back to you about this" Dylan assisted Fae to walk past Anna. Anna stared at them while on their way out.

Fae was sent home by Dylan. Fae is still upset with what he did.

"Fae, I know you're mad, I'm sorry about the fireflies. I'm sorry about Anna, we have no choice but to let her see it. She is my friend. We can trust her. She won't do any harm. I will make sure she won't, " Dylan sincerely apologized to Fae while looking straight into her eyes.

"No matter what you say, I don't trust her... but I don't have a choice. She is right, It is her place. I can't do anything about it," Fae looking down, paused and she remembered to ask "Dylan please be honest with me. Do you really not know anything about the hidden garden before you even met me?"

"That's ridiculous, how would I possibly know?" Dylan questioned

"You told me a story before that your ancestor always visit here to see a garden. Don't you think It might be related to this mystery garden?"

"Well, It might be... but I am not sure about that. All I know is that my ancestor has been called a lunatic because of that. I just happen to move here to unwind. It is good some people I know live here like Lory and Mika who are my childhood friends, I wouldn't feel like I am out of place. They just moved here just like me because they didn't like the crowded city. I just accidentally found out about that mysterious place with you. Why do you ask these questions all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, I am just curious. Dylan." Fae took a deep breath. "I..uhm. I am not feeling well., Dylan. You can go home now, we can meet tomorrow at Anna's."

"Do you want me to stay with you for the night? I don't want to leave you Ill like this. "

"No, I am fine. I also need some time alone " Fae resisted.

"If that is what will make you feel better, I will go then." Dylan stood up. "Please, try your best to communicate with me.. you know... in your head... If anything happens. " Dylan tapped Fae's shoulder. Fae nodded. Dylan left.

Fae continuously thought of all the things that happened recently. "Did my greatest fear happened? Anna taking Dylan away from me... It that ever happens. It's over. " Fae told herself and eventually fell asleep.

Fae dreamt a moment from the past.

"Pip! watch out!" with buzzing sounds of fairy wings. Cynthia, a fairy, shouted to Pip.

"Cynthia, how many times do I have to tell you that you cannot just bug me around If I am trying to .. Ouch that hurt!" Pip was hit a petal ball thrown by Cynthia another purple fairy just like her. Cynthia wanted to play around.

"Hey, let's go have some fun loser. " Cynthia told Pip

"Yeah.. yeah.. but I want to go with Fae. She doesn't spend time with me anymore.. look at her" Pip complained

"I will never get tired of looking at your best friend walking on the ground. It's just so funny. She has these huge wings that she can use to fly and she never does. Look at that. Why is she walking? Tell me. Why?" Cynthia made fun of Fae.

"It's simply because some young creatures couldn't fly and they envy us. She wants to walk with them. It's just her personality that's all. She's so stupid I know, but she does flies from time to time through" Pip told Cynthia.

They were on top of a huge bloomed yellow flower looking down. There were tons of small Ill-looking creatures falling in line and there was Fae standing beside. Fae assisted an old small creature and guided their way to her own built refuge.

"Fae. What are you doing? Let's go... to the treetop and have some fun?" Pip shouted to get Fae's attention

"I'll go with you next time. I am trying to help these little creatures. They are sick and I will try my abilities to heal all of them. " Fae answered.

"Why do you always, bring your best friend down? You spend so little time with me nowadays," Pip sighed.

"Pip. This is more meaningful. We have all the time to do that later, anyway. We can't just have fun all the time. We have to help others too," Fae pulled the leaf to open the entrance "You know what, it would be great If you help me with your vitality and your other abilities like storing energy and information. You can even transfer it to others. You are a fairy of knowledge so your help would really be appreciated. You can record and advise me if you can for which skill I did to heal or which herb to use for a certain disease, in that way we will accomplish faster and efficient. What do you think? " Fae happily suggested

"Bruhh.. that is too boring... I guess I can do that for now," Pip added and hunched her back.

"You're the best!" Fae cheered her up

A strong flash of light appeared inside Fae's mind. Pip's face appeared in front of her in a vast space. "I hope you remember everything now, Fae. I miss you so much,"

Fae woke up. A tear roll down her cheek. "It must have been a dream. It feels so real. I can remember it as a moment in the past. Me? A Fairy? How could that be? Pip must have telepathically brought this in my mind. Is this fairy playing only with my mind? I need to find out the truth myself, "

Dylan knocked on the door. Fae opened the door. It was Dylan standing in front of her house. He looks worried and has a dark circle under his eyes. Dylan reached for Fae's hand.

"Do you feel alright Fae, I wasn't able to sleep properly last night. I kept thinking of you. It feels like you have been distant recently. be honest, is everything alright?

"I am just... overthinking...but, nothing to worry about" Fae cupped Dylan's cheek with her hand and smiled. "We should head to Anna's place before she does something bad," Dylan nodded.

All three of them were standing in front of the dial wall. "Anna please don't tell this completely to anyone,"

"Of course, but may I know an exact reason why?" Anna asked.

"Trust me. bad things will happen if more people know. Also, this locket is very personal to Fae. She can't tell anyone the code. Even I do not know. It's hers to keep. I'll count on you, Anna"

A moment later, Anna couldn't believe what she saw. Everyone felt this when they first saw the garden. Everyone was struck in awe. She explored all over the crystals of different colors, the millions of fairies flying around divided into 4 different glowing colors (pink, white, red, and orange), the whimsical features of these surrounding creatures, the warm springs, the mattress fields, the magical forests, the dancing colors in the gloomy sky, the music they make, the fruits of fantasy, all the good energy and every other magical thing continuously happening in the garden. It was a dream come true for every human being to experience. She was fascinated and wanted to stay there for a day. The night comes and the stars started to appear. Fae and Dylan sat on a Mattress field which is where they usually watch the night sky. The glow of the creatures and fireflies kept the night alive and bright. Dylan also set a campfire near them to keep them warm. Anna explored for some more of the garden and played with thousand of ET fireflies surrounding her, she accidentally stepped on excretion and made her float. She saw one Dark reddish fairy glow that was flying fast towards Fae and Dylan. It was different from the others which caught her attention. Before It can reach Fae and Dylan she slotted and caught it with her hands. Her eyes sparkled in awe with this unique firefly that glows dark red.

"Woah, I never Imagined that there will be a place like this. This is unearthly. "Anna told herself. She sat down beneath a tree not very far Dylan.

Narrator: Dylan and Fae were seemed to be happy having a conversation. Anna saw how Fae leaned her head on Dylan's shoulder. Anna's eyebrows crossed. She felt a strong emotion and ended up talking to the fairy she caught while holding its wings with her 2 fingers.

"Did you know you're so lucky you aren't human? You won't experience the pain I am feeling right now. Isn't it fun just to fly around and never have any issues in life? What if I pluck your wings so you can also feel the same?" Anna threatened the firefly and did not realize that it has feelings and it could talk.

"No, please!" The fairy said.

"You can talk?" Anna asked.

"Please, don't hurt me, I accidentally entered the forbidden place. That is why I can talk to humans. My glow also became dark red," Chi begged for her life.

"You're in my hands now. What would you do to make me stop?" Anna intimidated the fairy.

"I will do anything you ask. Just don't hurt me! I am weak right now and can't do much, but I will see what I can do. Just tell me," Chi offered

" I can even make wishes now..." Anna thought of something, she looked at Dylan and Fae being sweet to each other.

"Then make him fall Inlove with me. Make Dylan forget about Fae... " Anna glared at them.

Meanwhile, Dylan pulled something out of his pocket. It is a ring gold ring with a diamond-like substance in the middle. It is much harder than diamonds and transparent. That stone is called Borrock stones. It is more precious than diamonds. Those were extracted from the oldest borrock creatures in the Forbiddenland. It cannot be found anywhere in the world other than the Forbiddenland

"Fae.. this is for you. Can you be mine forever? and I am yours," Dylan proposed to Fae.

Anna smiled and nodded hysterically in joy. Dylan inserted the ring into Fae's Ring Finger.

"I am forever yours" Fae leaned on his shoulders. "But I'm gotta ask you. Where did you get this kind of ring? I haven't seen any of this kind before, and it seems very rare"

"To tell you the truth, I got that from the oceans of treasures in the forbidden tunnels where we hid before. As a souvenir, I took it to remember our adventure together. I know you will get mad. You'll get over it. It looks good on you " Dylan laughed

"You know I will get mad, but you did it anyway... " Fae pouted. "I will let this pass since you're such a sweet talker and did this with a meaningful reason behind. It's hard to let you down. This is also a day of our promise together. We should only feel happiness and nothing else. I like it, too," Fae kissed him on the cheeks.

Chi is nervous about her agreement with Anna, but she has no choice. Chi instructed Anna to go near Dylan while he was in deep sleep in order for it to work. When Fae and Dylan were asleep in the soft mattress field under the night sky, Anna sneaks and approached near Dylan. Chi lifted her hands and faced each of her palms towards Anna and Dylan. She started doing the magic.

"I am sorry Fae, but I have to do this to save my self and for the good cause of the kingdom of Fairyland. Fae must not fall in love with Dylan, Dylan is a Goelet. We were told to avoid Goelets. He must not be involved with a fairy-like Fae. He is also the reason why we got the dark energy, anyway. If Fae finds out about Anna and Dylan, she will change her mind about Dylan. If Dylan fells in love with Anna, Fae will eventually stay away from him and probably get to her senses. She should stay away from him and stay here to protect the kingdom. I am one of the pink fairies that have the power of love. I can do Anna's request without any hardship, but I am worried that I won't succeed and I don't have any idea what the result will be because of the dark energy that I got from the Forbiddenland, but I must try. I already talked to Pip and she knows that Fae could possibly help us. She also knows what might happen if we don't do anything about this dark energy. Sooner or later, all of the fairies will lose their glow because all of us are connected to each other, if one of us impurified the powers, then the rest of our own kind will lose their glow and powers also. We got so unlucky that Pip, Olah and Wanda and I are of different kind of fairies that was accidentally brought inside the forbidden land. This means every Fairy in the Fairyland will lose the glow or worse lose our abilities. It is just a matter of time before this dark energy consumes us. I don't know how much time we have left. Fae can still save us. She is the only green fairy left in the entire kingdom who has the ability to heal. She became a human and her soul protected her from getting the dark energy when entering the Forbidden Land. The dark energy didn't recognize her as a fairy. She is lucky. I believe there is still a way to fix all of this. Fae, help us. " Chi told herself in her mind while she is doing the magic.

Next morning. Dylan woke up in the morning with a headache that he almost couldn't bear.

"Dylan? are you okay? " Fae woke up too and saw Dylan in pain.

" I am having a bad headache right now." Dylan stood up and stand and hold against a tree Looking weak.

Fae ran to Dylan." Dylan! are you alright? I will get you some water. Ok?"

Fae picked a plant that looks like a cup. She shouted to find pip to get some help. "Pip! Pip!" Pip is a Fairy of knowledge and she knows most things. Especially about Fae's past and everything about the fairyland. She looked for Pip because she also wants to clear things up with her to ask her about Fae's questions in her mind.

Fae was nervous and worried she feels uneasy about Dylan. She saw a spring nearby and fetched some water. She gave up looking for Pip and hurriedly ran back to Dylan.

From a Far, she shouted "Dylan!" Everything was blurry from afar. Dylan did not hear her.

Fae runs, approaching him. She is getting nearer... and nearer. Suddenly, she dropped the cup of water she is holding to the ground. Fae saw Anna below a tree.

Anna is kissing Dylan.

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