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Chapter 18: Forbidden

"Dylan! Can you go with me inside that tunnel? I wonder what's beyond there. There are a lot of amazing things out there that we will never imagine. I just can't get enough out of this amazing garden. Don't you want to go?"

"But I am busy collecting some wood. It's going to be colder tonight. We need to make a fire." Dylan refused her request

"Please? I don't want to go by myself, "Fae insisted,

"Who says you'll go? That tunnel looks pretty dangerous. We shouldn't risk it."Dylan refused one more time.

"Just a quick look. I'm just curious, I don't want any more what-ifs. I don't want to regret it. I also don't want to look at it every time and wonder what it is on the other side. I don't think there is such a bad thing in this garden. Is there? Let's give it a chance. This garden is meant to be explored." Fae added.

"Yeah, but you also feel like nobody has to know about this garden right? As you have said before. This is also meant to be kept a secret. We should be satisfied with the paradise that is offered. It gave us more than enough." Dylan said while grabbing the woods. Fae frowned with lowly spirit. Dylan noticed her being quiet. He held her shoulder.

Dylan sighed. "Ok. Ok. Be careful. You must not leave my side" Dylan gave up stopping her. Fae jumps onto Dylan because of her excitement. Dylan grabbed his bag and wood. Fae grabbed Dylan's arms and pulled him to go inside the tunnel. They fired some torches since it is pretty dark inside. It was a long tunnel. Dylan scratched some marking on the walls so that there will be a guide for them on the way back.

At the end of the tunnel, there were rocks that that is blocking the way but there is some enough space for them to go through. Fae went through the rock boulders and stepped on each rock that is on top of another until they made it to the top. They have reached a flat area. Dylan saw some "x" marks on the walls, while he was hiking meaning that it could be forbidden area of the garden. "It's much darker and eerie in here. I guess this mysterious garden isn't all heaven but also has it's a dark side too. They walked furthermore to explore. Then suddenly Fae felt a little nauseous and anxious at the same time.

"Dylan? I think we should head back. I started not to feel good about this. I can't breathe. It is foggy here and it seems like there are fumes in the air. " Fae was nervous. Dylan shook his head.

"Alright. Enough with your adventures. Let's head back" They walked back to the tunnel but before they can make it, an angry and giant creature that looks like a boar with skin-like rocks appeared out of nowhere. It was out to get Fae. Fae screamed for help. Dylan went to her to dodge the creature's heavy slap. Luckily, It only hit Dylan's bag and hit the right arm. It was injured. They heard a loud crash inside the bag. The Jar inside broke the ET fireflies were loose inside the bag. Dylan and Fae were weak but Dylan saw another tunnel nearby across the giant's huge feet. They ran between the feet of the giant. They hurriedly went inside the tunnel. The giant cannot fit inside so the creature eventually left them alone. Fae was crying profusely. Dylan was feeling weak and in pain, he leaned his back on the wall holding his right arm that was injured. It was bleeding so he removed his shirt to wrap his wound and to stop the bleeding. He then closed his eyes for a bit. Fae assisted him and sat on his right side. She continued to cry and clings to Dylan. Her face and eyes is leaning on his shoulders. Her arms wrapped around his head. Her tears fell down to his shoulders all the way down to his arms. Without realizing her tears were glowing green while she was crying. Dylan's pain went away and it was healed. Dylan's regained his energy immediately after her tears contacted his wound.

"Fae, Stop crying. Since when did Fae become a Fairy? You can heal wounds now?" Dylan smiled teasing her, without realizing the truth behind what he is saying.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that just to make me feel better? I know I should be at fault. I'm sorry for bringing you here. I should have listened. I don't know what I will do if something happens to you," Fae was sobbing.

"I'm serious. I'm always okay when you're with me." Dylan kissed her on the lips. Dylan removed the shirt around his arms. It was healed, although it left a scar. Fae saw it and her eyes widened in surprise. Her eyebrows crossed as questions mark on her head. She was confused about what have happened.

Dylan stood up. Still aware and alarmed. They were still unsafe. He checked his bag to see how the Et fireflies/ Fairies doing inside his bag. They were still alive but sleeping due to fatigue and the fumes that were inhaled. They don't look too good. He then walks all the way at the end of the curvy tunnel to find a way out. Fae sat still on a corner staring on one area, frowned up and confused. Dylan reached the end of the curvy tunnel and saw that the end was the edge of a cliff, he saw the skies above and there's with no way out. He looked below the cliff and was amazed by what he saw. There was an ocean of treasures below shining through, the amount was unimaginable. He saw a rope that extends to the ground. He went back to Fae sat down on her side and told her what he saw.

"You could not believe what I saw there are treasures hidden in here. At the end of the tunnel was nowhere but a dead end. However, there's a humongous amount of treasures under. the cliff. There is even a rope that extends downwards. I. I think you might want to check it out? " Dylan cheered her up a little bit.

"That would be nice. No, Dylan" Fae held his arms. " I realized you were right. I should have been satisfied with what we have when we were on the other side. We are at our happiest. I don't know if we will make it out alive. I was too greedy to experience more, and end up in this land full of tunnels of nowhere. I am not interested in this anymore. I already had what's far more precious than the ocean of treasures. You are enough. I don't want to keep looking if I will end up losing you, Dylan," Dylan held both of her shoulders.

"Hey cheer up. It's not the end yet. We will stay here for a while, but I will find a way to sneak out. This is an adventure, and isn't it funny that we get to experience this that probably no one in the world ever has? We are doing good so far. If something happens it's because we took risks and we had courage. A life without taking risks isn't living a life at all. Although, some mistakes can be made. That is alright. We can learn from it. We are young," Fae agreed to him. She fell asleep on Dylan's shoulder.

The next morning. "We have to run away as quickly as possible but we cannot leave Fae. We have to tell her everything.

"Pip told Chi. Pip, Chi, Wanda, and Olah managed to escaped from the backpack of Dylan. They are the fairies that have been inside the jar for a long time and their energy was drained inside but since the jar was broken they can easily escape from the bag. The fumes in the forbidden made them weak but later on, their powers were altered and gained strength from it. and by the fumes also, Fae was able to make her tears heal Dylan. Fae and Dylan were sleeping. They woke up when they heard a rock fell. " Pip, be careful," Chi said to her fellow fairy.

" Huh? look, Dylan, there are ET fireflies here too," Fae pointed out to the four fairies. " The 4 fairies stopped with what they are doing and stared at them.

"uhh.. hmm.. It seems like they are trying to do something. " Dylan said, he startled since he doesn't want Fae to know that he hid them inside the jar. " The four fairies tried to lift up 2 big rocks with their powers. There were two Fairies on each rock lifted. " They brought it at the entrance while still holding the rocks high with their powers. " It's like they are trying to help us. Let's follow them. " Dylan said. They followed the fairies and hid under the floating rocks. They did this to disguise themselves as forbidden creatures. So that it will be hard for other creatures to notice them. Fae and the two fairies were behind Dylan and the other two.

"Psst. Psst," Pip whispered to Fae's ear. " Fae, this is bad you guys shouldn't have gone here in this place, and see what you saw. " Pip said.

"Huh? You can talk?" Fae said."Shh. Don't let Dylan know. We inhaled fumes when that jar was broken, it altered our abilities in a bad way. It also made us be able to talk to humans. But you can help us fix this, Fae,"

Pip said. "Me? Why? How? I don't understand" Fae questioned. "Yes, can't you remember me?" Pip added. "How can I remember you? I am a human. I've never been to this place anymore. "Fae was confused with the fairies' statement. They were implying to her that she had been in the hidden garden a long time before.

"Fae, listen. Dylan hid us in a jar for a long time. We are lucky we are still alive. Four of us helped each other to survive. Luckily, the jar was broken yesterday when the Borrock hit his bag. It helped us escape," Pip said.

"Huh, how could he? He will never do that. I actually talked to him about that because I felt that it was the right thing to do," Fae explained to the fairies,

"Fae, believe me. You're a fairy before. You're one of us. Dylan is a Goelet. You can't trust him! You have to stop him..." Pip warned Fae about Dylan being a Goelet which had a bad history regarding the hidden garden. The fairies revealed to Fae about the truth that she was a Fairy before she became a human.

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