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I am sorry for not telling you that I will be out of town. I was looking forward to going to our favorite place and cannot wait to go back already. Something very important came up. I received a letter from the city. My younger and only brother, Kevin... was sent to jail. I wasn't told of the reason. He is a stubborn kid. He always does stupid things. He is a troublemaker. Not really sure how he's doing. But I'd take a bullet for him. My parents are out of the country for important business. They cannot go back just yet. Seems like they got sick of bailing my brother out. They aren't on good terms with him too. So, I am the only one who is there to help him. I am going to take care of this and I'll be back in no time. Wait for me...

Ps. Remember that I love you and nothing will change that. Even distance... Even time...



"I received a letter that I got in my mailbox. There was no stamp on the letter. Dylan probably left it in my mailbox and left early in the morning. I hope everything is ok with his brother. I want to meet this family, too. I am pretty sure they are as lovable as he is... as handsome as he is. I want to be a part of his family. I hope he asked me to go with him, then I could've met Kevin. When is he going back? I miss him even though we just parted our ways for just a day, not even an hour. I can't take this loneliness that bugs me every time I am not with him. I just have to believe that I will see him soon but my feeling is nagging me. Maybe because I thought he is the only one I had. He became the world that I had forgotten about my self. I am so happy whenever I am with him like I have everything. When he is gone like this, he takes my happiness away with him. I am slowly becoming a crazy lady who is attached to someone so bad and I can't even do anything about it. I know this is is not how it's supposed to be. I got very clingy, I guess. I used to be strong. Love made me weak. I feel like we have to stay near to each other. He became my strength. That is what my gut and my mind tell me. What my soul wants. I may be a desperate woman. Pathetic. But on the other hand, I sense that I seriously had to spend my time with him as much as I could. I may not make it in this life for a long time. I just couldn't see and picture my self in the future with him. I feel like I always run out of time. Life is too short. Life always goes on. I hate that. Can I just stay by his side and freeze time? or how do I do it? maybe I should try whispering in my head again to call him, and hear me from afar. Dylan..." Fae kept inside her head.

It has been 12 weeks since Dylan left the town to bail out his brother. Fae's eyes were looking tired as she did not take care of herself properly for the past week. She had a hard time sleeping. Her hair was greasy and all tangled up. Her dress is dirty. Her skin looks pale. She lost interest in most things. She was down and on her bed all the time. She never gets out like she used to. As she walks with her bare feet, she is just looking quietly on the ground with teary eyes like a homeless wanderer. The sun is about to set and Fae decided to get up and ask Dylan's friends.

"Uhm. Hi, Mika. I just came here to ask. Do you have any news about him? I am worried that is has been 12 weeks." Fae asked Mika while she was standing outside the door. It was cold and windy hugging her arms.

"Hi. are you okay? look at you... Do you want to come in and have dinner first?" Mika ignored her question and offered her to get inside the house. Fae was looking weak and chilly.

"Uhm. I am fine. I will come by sometime. I have to find him," Fae said. Mika was annoyed with Fae being like that.

"Silly you. I am sure Dylan would visit you if ever he does come back to town. I am sorry but he sent me a letter. Dylan never sent her a letter. But it seems like Mika had a collection of crushed papers on her table.

"He will be out for a couple of months. Never said when he'll come back. I'll see you later." Mika shut the door and lied to Fae about receiving a letter from Dylan. Fae walked along the street passing by Dylan's neighbor, Agnes. She was sitting outside wearing her robe tied around her. Her legs are crossed. She was calm. She was smoking tobacco,"

"What are you doing out here lady?" Agnes shouted to get Fae's attention. Agnes saw her before. She saw her before while sneaking on her window when Fae was with Dylan getting inside his house. She is one of the neighbors of Dylan.

The sun has set. The moon was up. The stars start appearing. "I am Fae, a friend of your neighbor, did you happen to see him around?" Fae was curled up because of the cold wind. Fae's breathe was visible due to the cold. "If I were you I would go home and eat some food to fill my self, pamper myself and forget the guy, my dear. There's a lot out there. He's gone. I've been there. But I am telling you... these guys never do as they promise. They always leave people behind,"

Fae smiled and left. "Poor girl," Agnes muttered to herself. Agnes was also waiting for someone to come back. It might be her neighbor or her lover. But the way she advises Fae, tells that her love story was also tragic. Fae continued to walk and her journey on finding Dylan. She thought of going to Chad's place believing that he knows anything about what happened Dylan.

"Fae? What is up? What are you doing in the darkness of the night?" Chad was surprised Fae was in front of his house.

"I miss him so bad. Can you take me to the city and help me find him? I will owe you this. I will pay. I just haven't seen him for a while, and I need to." Fae was all teary-eyed.

"I haven't received any letter. I just want to know how he is doing. If he is okay. If he met a new lover. If he is happy, then I would be fine. He's just like a family to me," Fae was looking on the ground and seems out of herself. Wiped her eyes that stopped her tear to roll on her cheeks

"Can you come in for a minute, and calm down for a while. It will all be fine. Alright? " Fae went inside Chad's house near the barn. Chad offered a heated soup. She tasted the soup that Chad made. It gave her warmth and calmed the heart. Chad was looking at her too worried about the gloominess surrounding. Chad became her friend throughout the night that helped her overcome the gloominess in her heart. Dylan would be happy that Chad does this as a friend. He talked to her for a few minutes, tried to make her laugh and comfort her spirit.

"Thank you for making my day a little better. I appreciate it. Forgot a little bit of the bitterness. hehe...but I have to go" Fae stood up and headed to go outside of Chad's house.

"Hey wait! are you sure you're going to be okay?" Fae opened the door and went outside the house. "I am completely sure, don't worry"

"Ok then. I'll see you later?" Chad watched her from behind as she was walking away. He was about to go inside and close the door, but he is thinking about Fae so he followed her sneakily without Fae knowing. Chad was confused and noticed that Fae was heading out of the way. She walked towards the road to the city. Chad was confused and continued to follow her. "Is she nuts? going to the city?"

Fae talked to herself and recited a poem, that she just thought of,

"time we have we do not know

we will wither under the soil below

every tick and every tock

spend the time with all you love

when the time arrives, love goes away

the price of regret you'll pay

though time's nice but hard to please

It's always stubborn and never cease

will make you fly as high as the sky

will take them back as time pass by

if time lends you, true love, better

memorize, recall, and remember

love as much as hard as you can

make most out of the time given

unfortunate the love's lost through time

and wait for love to look behind

but if time allows waiting forever

for love, in vain it will never

indeed a dream, perfect love story

Wait till time reveals the mystery

Time will always be a stranger

but a lover to those who linger"

Fae passed out after she recited the poem. She was thinking of Dylan too much that it drained her energy. Chad was following him when she was walking so Chad was startled that she passed out, he ran towards her. He whispered while he was tapping her cheeks "Hey! are you alright?" Chad tied his stuff behind his back to unload his hands and Carried Fae to her house.

He rang a bell hanging on the wall of the well nearby to call for help. A night patrol came by and called for a medic. "She looks tired, she needs some rest. Everything is well. Please take care of her." The doctor said and left. Chad was nervous but was relieved when it went fine. He didn't know what to do since he was aloof and this is the first time that he has to take care of a lady. He looked for a blanket and wrapped it on Fae who was freezing cold. He was going to bring her to the room but they stayed. It was warm in the living room because of the fireplace that he lit up beside. She was lying on the couch. He pulled a chair and sat beside Fae. Chad tried to fall asleep while sitting. It was quiet. there was no sound except the clock ticking. Chad was the type of person who ignores people. However, he is always down to help anyone who needs him. He might not be the best person to hang out with, because he gets annoyed easily. He is the person to call in time of need. A great friend to be. He also never likes to be around girls for a long time. He spends time with them, but just acquaintances. Being with Fae, changed his perspective. It allowed him to have a deeper understanding. He finally became interested and became curious. He liked how he felt when he made Fae happy when she needed it most. It had a deeper meaning. The next morning Fae was still sleeping deeply. Chad was too tired because of not sleeping properly and he had a long night being anxious around Fae. Someone knocked on the door. He opened It. It was Dylan.

"Fae?... What?" Dylan was confused "Chad? What are you doing here?" Dylan said in an angry voice. Dylan was about to push him to go inside but Chad moved fast and punched him in the head. Dylan was triggered and punched him back and fought back until Chad was on the floor. Chad stood up and pushed him down.

"Is this how you do it when I am away, ha, Chad? " the fighting and rolling continued. " You are an asshole, Dylan. This is not about me or Fae. This is about you. How could you do this girl? You don't choose who you want to mess with ha?" He punches him again, and they are rolling on the ground fighting outside near the door on the street. Dylan's face was sweaty and bruised up. He got bruises on the face and his arms. Chad had a bruise on his head. "

"What are you talking about? Where is she?" Dylan held chad's t-shirt. " You left her here for 3 months without a word and now, you are the one with the guts to act like this? I can't believe you.

" Dylan stopped. He realized his fault. He let go of Chad. Sighed. He sat on the ground and held his head in pain. "I sent her letters. She didn't get any of it?" Chad shook his head. Dylan was frustrated." She was looking for you. All this time. I can see the pain in her face. I can smell it. She is a mess. Last night, she came to my house asking if I could help her go to the city to see you. She passed out, I took care. Can you believe this? You're welcome, man. " Dylan went inside the house to see Fae. He had difficulty walking and his feet were limping. He was very happy to see her. She is still sleeping soundly. Dylan sat on the chair beside her and hugged her.

"Alright. You got this, Dylan. I will head out. " Chad waved and head out. Fae felt his tight hug and woke her up. "Dylan? Am I dreaming" Fae touched his face and felt it is real? She fully sat up and hugged Dylan's head

"What happened to you? Are you abused in the city? Did you have to do this for your brother?" Dylan smiled. "Yes, I had to. These gangs my brother fought with are too difficult, but I managed to help him take them all down. " Dylan joking lied to Fae. Chad looking at them and he shook his head. " I missed you" Fae cried and buried her face Dylan's chest. " I am sorry for being away for a long time. I missed you Fae. But are you reading the letters I sent? I wrote to you and told you to read it every time you're sad. "

"You sent me letters? I did not receive any of them. Not one of them. I was clueless about what was happening. I completely thought you have forgotten about me.

"I was supposed to stay there for a few more months... because my brother needs me. He became progressively rebellious when I was away. The next day when I bailed him out, was when my parents arrived from another country. They asked if I can stay for a while and spend more time with them. I agreed. I haven't seen them in a while. I thought of you and sent you a letter every day. Last night, I got worried when I heard your voice. In my head... I heard you loudly in my head that you were reciting a poem. I focused and tried to reach out to you, talked to you if you could hear me. after the poem, I can no longer feel the energy to kind of.. connect. I was hopeless. I was worried.. which explains why I am here."

"I did. I did say a poem. That is unbelievable.. for you to hear what I said last night... but that is what I am hoping for. I thought of you all the time... Hoping you could hear me as you did, and I am happy that it worked!. I came up with that poem. It was from my heart, because I was too sad. I want to know how you were doing at least. If you were happy or enjoying the night with someone else. I want to have an idea. It feels like you just... fade away. I was saddened when I heard from Mika that you were going to stay there for months, she's lucky to receive hers... "

"What do you mean? I didn't send her any letter. I wrote to you. how did she get those letters?" Dylan held his aching head with his fingers. "It doesn't matter to me anymore. As long as you are finally here. I thought I lost you. I feel secure. I am happy again. " Fae said. She smiled and squeezed Dylan's face. " it hurts.. stop... but seriously... I don't want this to happen again... Take care of yourself, Fae. You look like a mess than I do right now. What did I tell you before you leave? You look hopeless. I almost did not recognize you. You look thin as a bone. You look like those gangsters I met in the city." Dylan laughed. "Thank you for the insult, Dylan. I am insecure again. I admit. I am a loser. Nice talking to you..." Dylan smirked.. "but to be were totally right.. I was really a mess. It was bad. I was almost out of my mind when you left without showing up. Time only proved to me that... I seriously... cannot live without you, and it started when I met you. I am crazily... and madly... in love with you beyond distance and beyond time. Dylan swept her hair that covers her eyes and tucked behind her ear. He moved his head near her face almost touching her nose. He gazed at her eyes for a minute and smiled with his teeth showing. He held her waist and pulled her. Her body against his. He kissed her on the lips and made love out of the night...

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