"You son of a—"
Long Hui pounced on Lin Yehan over the table, but Jiang Ying Yue blocked him.
Both of the men's eyes widened at her actions.
Long Hui was in disbelief that she would blatantly protect another man in front of him.
Lin Yehan was also surprised at her quick reflexes, but his gaze on her softened. He never knew that being protected by his lady like this would feel so good. This kind of gender role reversal didn't bother him at all. On the contrary, his admiration for his girlfriend only grew because of this.
"You stopped me?" Long Hui asked Jiang Ying Yue.
Gone was her usual timid and submissive personality when in front of him. Right now, she was fierce. It wasn't only because of her usual cold bodyguard aura, either. She was really glaring at him with all her might. For a few seconds, Long Hui even felt scared that she might break the arm that she was holding.
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