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33.33% Lucrada Chronicles: Origins / Chapter 7: Chapter 8

Chapter 7: Chapter 8


At the Palace after the broadcast, Kana rushed through halls worriedly for Reo and Anko.

"I can't believe that they turned the entire world against them. I need to find a way to help Reo and Anko before thing gets worse. The Royal 13 might be call to end both Reo and Anko. I know that Reo and Anko are strong, but even they can't fight thirteen of the strongest people at once. Let alone my father. Speaking of which, why did he place the blame of the purge of Takayama on Reo and Anko and what is he planning?" Kana thinking to herself as she continue down the hall and up the stairs.

"Good afternoon, Princess Kana." The Head maid and her daughter said while bowing. Kana ignored them and continued to destination.

"Mama, There's something wrong with the princess." the daughter said.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" The Head maid asked.

"I saw tears coming the princess eyes. I think she's feeling sad about something." The daughter worriedly said.

"Okay, then how about we cheer her up by giving her some snacks and tea." Head maid said.

"Yeah, I bet she would love that." the daughter said excitedly.

"Then, let go to the kitchen and fix some." Head maid said.


Five minutes after roaming all around the castle, Kana decided to go find Reo and Anko, and try to convince them to not go to war with the world. Then, she rushed back to room to change clothes. On the way there, she ran into the head maid and her daughter carrying a tray of delicious snack, ranging from cakes to cookies, and a pot of hot tea.

"Good afternoon princess. We were wondering if you like some tea and snacks?" the head maid asked.

"I would love some, but only if you would join me Amelia and Sophia. " Kana said smiling.

"Yes, Princess." Amelia said.

"Well, let's enjoy them in my room. I have to change anyways." Kana said.

"Okay, Princess, would you be needing any help?" Amelia said.

"I'll be fine, but I'll be going out after tea. Would you like to join me?" Kana said.

"Yes, I want to. Please mama can we go?" Sophia asked.

"Okay, we'll go after tea."

"Yay. I get to go with Princess Kana out." Sophia excitedly said.

"Please settle down Sophia." Amelia said.

"It's alright. She just excited. Let her have her fun." Kana said smiling.

"Alright, princess." Amelia said.

After three minute of walking to Kana room, they sat down and enjoyed the tea and snacks they brought. Afterwards, Kana changed out of her clothes and put on some more comfortable clothes.

"Here you go." Kana handing over a roll of cloth to Amelia.

"What's this?" Amelia as she took it out of Kana hand. Then, it suddenly liquefied and formed clothing around Amelia body.

"This is a special kind of clothing that instantly forms around your body. It's was a birthday present from some friends." Kana said.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to wear this?" Amelia nervously asked.

"Of course. Besides you were going to attract a lot of attention wearing that maid uniform." Kana said.

"I guess you have a point." Amelia said disappointedly.

"Oh. By the way, Can you keep this little trip between us?" Kana asked.

"Yes, Milady. We'll keep this a secret." Amelia said.

"Alright, Let's go." Kana said as she walked out her room door headed for the main exit.

At the south side of the capital, Kana and company walked up to a strange building.

"Princess, What is this strange place?" Sophia asked.

"I don't know. I was following a familiar PWR Level, and it led here. However, I have a feeling it safe for us to go in." Kana said as she walked towards the gate.

As she tried to open the gate her hand went through it.

"Oh, that's how it is. Come on, it's just a really powerful illusion magic. We can walk right through it." Kana said as she walked through.

"Milady, Please don't leave without us." Amelia said concernedly as she grabbed Sophia and ran through.

Once inside, they saw room with different people. Then, a portal suddenly opened up beside them, and a bunch of kids walked out.

"Lady Kana, What a wonderful surprise. I didn't expect to see you here." Kasai said.

"Oh my god, That the world's Princess, Kana Hasegawa." Geikei said.

"Oh! You're the one that stopped mom and Auntie Asia temporarily with that gravity magic. What are you doing here?" Evee asked bluntly.

"I'm here to talk to your overpowered brother on the behalf of the world. I was hoping that we cou-

"Sorry to tell you this, but Reo and Anko aren't here." Lucie said as she and Maria appeared in front everybody.

"What! Where did they go? Don't tell me that they went into hiding."

"Of Course not, Why would they need to go into hiding? They're the most powerful people in the world. But if you need know, they went back home." Lucie said.

"Okay, to Hikojima then." Kana said as she walked towards the elevator.

"Where are you going human? You can't just roam around." Maria said.

"By the way, Lord Reo and Lady Anko isn't at Hikojima." Kasai said.

"What? If not there, where can they be?" Kana yelled.

"Kana, first you need to calm down. This isn't right attitude for a princess. Secondly, Why are you so anxious to find them?" Lucie asked calmly.

"How dare you talk to the Princ-"

"It's alright Amelia. She is right. I do need to calm down." Kana interrupted Amelia.

"I'm looking for Reo and Anko to convince them to turn themselves in, and wait for before this turn to a bloodbath nobody wants." Kana said. Kasai, Yuko, and Maria, shocked by Kana statement, showed killing intent towards Kana, but didn't act on it.

"Kasai, Maria, Yuko put a strong barrier up around me and Kana." Lucie said surprisingly calm while smiling.

"Yes Lady Lucie."

The three of them place the barrier around the two of them.

"Now Kana, Repeat what you just said." Lucie said smiling.

"I want Reo and Anko to turn themselves in to prevent bloodshe-

"Purgatory" Lucie said as she transformed.

"I think I have misspoken. I meant. I dare you to say that again." Lucie said giving off an immense killing intent.

"Lucie, calm down. I know how it sounds, but I'm trying to ensure that they both live because I know my father plan. Once they are found, my father is going to send all of the Royal 13 members to handle them. And, when I say handle, I mean kill on sight." Kana said with fear in her voice.

"How dumb do you have to be? Reo and Anko are immortal. They barely age, so they can't die."

"Even so they can't fi-

"Enough with all these excuses. I don't care if you want to try. You can, but I doubt they would agree to your plan. By the way, you're a horrible friend for suggesting that on today of all days." Lucie said as she powered down.

"I know today is the day when their hometown, and most of the people they care about got purged. And to make things worst they get blamed for it." Kana said.

"No, you idiot, today is their birthday, and for you to suggest that they turn themselves in for a something they didn't is what I call a horrible friend. But what can you do? It's not like you knew that this was going to happen on their birthday. You just knew what the king was going to do it. Anyway, don't come to me like we're friends cause apparently we're not in your eyes." Lucie said as the barrier collapsed. She turned around and walked off leaving Kana on her knees to think about her relationship with everybody.

"Princess, Are you okay?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kana said.

"Hey Meanie, what did you do the princess Kana, you meanie." Sophia yelled at Lucie.

"I did nothing to her, sweetheart. We only talked about something important. I didn't touch her at all." Lucie said.

"You sure you're okay, Princess?" Amelia asked concernedly.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. No need to worry."

"Hey, you still want to talk to Reo and Anko?" Lucie asked.

"Yeah." Kana said.

"Okay, Let's go. We're going there now."

"Where?" Kana and Amelia asked.

"The land of the Jan-gu, Eden." Kasai said.

"Where is that? I haven't heard of a place like that on earth." Amelia said.

"That's because there no such place ever existed. That's just a place that was written in the twenty-first century bible, The origin place of all mankind." Kana said.

"According to legend, It was a beautiful place where filled with every kind of animal and flowers. It was the place that god himself had made to be as his workshop. There, he made the human beings, the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. Together Adam and Eve became the guardians of Eden and lived freely, but they only had one rule given to them by their creator. Don't eat either of the two apples from the Tree of Knowledge. One of the apples grants unlimited knowledge, but in return you will have to lose your mind. The other apple grants immortality, but in return you will face unbelievable pain. They realized the dangers of the apples, and promised not to mess with them. However, one day there was a snake that tempted Eve to take one of the apples and eat it. She walked up to the tree, and grabbed both of the apples. Then she ran back to Adam to give him one. They each took a single bite from their apple, and something unimaginable happened. Adam, who bit into the apple of knowledge, gained the knowledge of the gods, but it was too much for him to bear. He went insane almost instantly. Eve, who bit into the apple of immortality, gained immortality, but felt a pain humans all know now as a woman's period. Later that day, the god, they served, saw the changes in his creations. They were radiating divine energy. When he their disobedience, and as punishment he banished them from Eden. But, he didn't stop there he supposedly ordered a subordinate of his to burn Eden down, and Adam and Eve was cursed to roam the earth. However, this story from the Bible is wrong." Kasai said.

"What do you mean? How can you go against a whole belief like that?" Amelia said.

"Hey, we aren't here to talk about religion? Where is Eden, Kasai?" Kana said excitedly.

"It's in another dimension. One that's exists above the rest. It'll take about a hour or two get there by our ship at its fastest."

"Okay, Let's go immediately." Lucie said.

"Hey big sis Lucie, can we go too?" Evee and Lacia asked excitedly.

"Huh, what did you call me?" Lucie said surprised.

"Oh, did we overstep our bounds?" Evee asked.

"No. No. No. I was just excited and surprised you called me that. Anyways, sure you can come with us. Now let's go to Eden together." Lucie said smiling.

"Her mood changes quickly." Kana and Amelia thought to herself.

"Gate." Maria said.

Then, a giant magic circle appeared under everyone's feet, and teleported them into a dark basement of the mansion, where they keep a variety of things that Reo and Anko made using their creation ability. The things in there ranged from vehicles to weapons to giant robots to clothing.

"Wow, leave it up to Reo to make a lot of amazing things and just lock it away." Evee said.

"Well, All of the things in here have some type of fault in its engineering." Lucie thought to herself.

"So, Lucie, what are we looking for anyway." Kana asked.

"One month before we started classes last year, Reo and Anko came out of the V-room, and created this place. Then, they started to transport a lot of things they created in the V-room. Apparently, they both don't have full control of their creation ability, because they create stuff while they sleep. Among those things, there was a vehicle that was capable of inter-dimensional travel. I think Reo called it 'Kuro'." Lucie said.

"Who dares to utter the name my master has bestowed upon me." A mysterious voice echoed.

"Who said that?" Amelia asked.

"I guess it was Kuro, but I don't see anybody though." Kana said.

"Foolish human, I'm right in front of your eyes. I'm Kuro, The Shadow Cart. Why have you come to see me?" Kuro said appearing in front of Lucie.

They saw a little spirit-like angel girl with pitch black wings.

"I'm Lucie Tachibana, future wife of Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze. I came here to ask you to take us to Eden, The land of Jan-gu." Lucie said.

"Wait! She's a Tachibana. Even more did she say future wife to Chronos and the Queen. What kind of monster is Chronos?" Amelia thought to herself.

"Lady Lucie. Please forgive for my rudeness. Of course, I will take you there immediately." Kuro said as she disappeared.

Then, the ground started to shake and rise up from beneath them.

"What's going on?" Amelia said as she wrapped her arms around Sophie.

Then, she and Sophie fell off the platform as the ground beneath them crumbled, but she was caught by a white tail.

"Be careful, human. Your the only bodyguard that is here for your princess. If you don't come, she will be in danger." Kasai said as she sat them down on the beside her.

"Thank you." Amelia said gratefully as Kasai pulled back up her tail.

Then walls formed around them making a box. Slowly the box deformed into a big jet-like vehicle.

"Please take a seat. We're about to take off into the dimension gate, and we'll arrive at Eden in thirty minutes." Kuro said.

Suddenly, a light shined revealing a path leading into a wall.

"Alright, let's go." Kuro said as she revved up her engines ready to zoom down the path.

"Wait, we haven't sat do-

Kuro suddenly propelled forward at sonic speed. Everyone screamed as they was flung into the back wall. Kuro gained speed gradually as she raced down the path.

"Kuro! Slow down! We're going to crash into the wall!" Lucie yelled as Kuro got closer to the wall.

"Don't worry Lady Lucie. We'll be just fine." Kuro said as she continued speed up.

Everybody screamed except for Kasai, Yuko, and Maria.

Then, the jet phased through the wall as if it was a phantom.

"What just happened?" Amelia asked as everybody went.

"We entered a dimensional vortex." Kasai said.

"D- men- si-on- al vortex? What's that nice lady?" Sophie asked with a confused look.

"Kasai Amagiri, and a dimensional vortex is like a highway that temporarily links the dimensions together. It similar what Lord Reo and Lady Anko do when they move to places instantly through portal." Kasai explained to Sophie.

"How do you know this?" Kana asked.

Kasai ignored her.

"Well, Kasai how do you know this?" Lucie asked.

"Well, As you know, there are abilities that granted to those who form familiar pacts with each other. One of those abilities is Mind Link. Mind Link allows us to learn everything about each other from our past. You can say it helps us understand our family better." Kasai said.

"But how does that answer our question?" Kana asked.

Kasai ignored her again.

"Oh come on! Why are you ignoring me?" Kana thought to herself.

"Big Brother Reo and Big Sister Anko have the memories of three people inside them. Big Brother Reo's Grandparents, his uncle's and Big Sister Anko's Aunt, and their own memories. That's how." Yuko said.

"Thanks Yuko." Kasai said.

"No problem, but why did you ignore the princess like that?" Yuko said.

"Because the pathetic human wants to convince Lord Reo and Lady Anko to turn themselves in to the World government for a crime they didn't commit." Kasai said.

"Yeah, but Big Brother won't accept that proposal easily." Yuko said smiled.

"I know, but to think she suggest something like that. It's unforgivable." Kasai said.

"Calm down. There's no point of getting angry about it. You know she'll fail." Yuko said.

"Still, How dare she have the nerve to even suggest that." Maria said.

"Enough you three. We can't be worried about that now. Reo and Anko are in another dimension. Who knows what going on there?" Lucie said worriedly.

"I doubt that Lord Reo and Lady Anko would cause trouble." Yuko said.

"Kuro, full speed. We have to get there before Lord Reo and Lady Anko get into trouble." Kasai said.

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