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50% Fairies and Ninja / Chapter 1: Where are we?
Fairies and Ninja Fairies and Ninja original

Fairies and Ninja

Author: Travel_X_Wolf

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Where are we?

"Over, and over, and over again you keep standing in my way just give up and let me cut you down" Sasuke scream smashing his fist against the cliff wall leaving huge dents.

Naruto smirked "I can't do that because I'm your one and only friend."

"Smartass" Sasuke whispered under his breath while simultaneously casting Chidori and Blaze release in his left hand. The fierce lightning combined with the unextinguishable black flames were the strongest move he was capable of at the moment and he poured every ounce of his chakra into it.

The two brothers simply stared at each other in silence for a moment before leaping at each other intending to finish things once and for all. Halfway through his leap Naruto summoned a Rasengan using the last bit of chakra that Kurama left for him.



They screamed out each others name one final time as their attacks clashed. However instead of a massive explosion a strange phenomenon occurred. Their attacks fused together creating a black sphere that silently expanded sucking in all the surrounding matter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Just outside of Magnolia Town

"Ah, finally were here "Lucy let out a sigh seeing the town in the distance.

"Watcha complaining about back there" Natsu questioned?

"I'm just tired alright! It's been days since we were chased out of Hargeon I need a rest!" Lucy huffed.

"Luara's just weak is all" Happy laughed.

Hearing that a vein bulged up on Lucy's brow and she shouted "For the dozenth time my name is LUCY you hear that Lucy! Say it with me L-U-C-Y!"

"Aye, I hear you loud and clear Larry" Happy cheered!

A second vein showed up on Lucy's forehead as her blood pressure spiked. "And I don't want to hear any insults about me being tired from the person who is literally FLYING right now!"

"Hehe" Happy laughed "What is Lenny jealous of my amazing wings" he postured spreading his wings wide.

"That's it!" Lucy charged at the little blue cat who responded by flying just high enough that he was out of her reach. "Get down here you jerk!"

"No" Happy pulled his eyelid and stuck his tongue out.

"Why you little-" Lucy was ready to shout but, was interrupted by Natsu placing his hand over her mouth. She pushed him away and was ready to scream at him too when he did it again.

"Quite" Natsu said.

Lucy was ready to blow up at her new "friend" but, she held back when she saw the look on his face.

"What's wrong" Happy flew back down feeling how serious Natsu was right now?

"I don't know" Natsu answered with a scowl on his face " but, somethin just doesn't feel right."

Before Natsu could say another word a they heard a massive explosion in the distance. They all turn to see a column of smoke rising up in the distance just as the shockwave reached them knocking Lucy and Happy to the ground. Even Natsu had to struggle to keep his footing in the face of the intense force.

As the shockwave passed and the rumbling sound was still fading away Lucy struggled to her feet and watched the smoke with fear in her eyes.

"T-that wasn't far from us" she stuttered.

"Yeah" Natsu agreed "come on" he yelled before running off towards the explosion.

"Aye" Happy followed after him

"What why" Lucy asked honestly shocked that there was someone who would run towards a massive explosion.

"Because" Natsu yelled without turning back "That town over there is my home and if someone is planning on messing with it they have to get through me first!"

Lucy was stunned by his answer "right" she thought "of course he wants to know what's going on when something crazy like that happens right outside his home." She hesitated a moment before grinding her teeth and cursing to herself. "Wait, for me" and running after them!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At the source of the explosion Naruto and Sasuke were lying in a massive crater surrounded by the remains of The Valley of the End.

"You awake" Naruto asked staring up at the blue sky and disappearing smoke.

"Yeah" Sasuke managed to choke out before slowly turning to see the blonde he knew was right beside him. But, his eyes soon widened in shock.

Naruto let out a wry smile "It's just as you see if we move too much, we'll bleed to death."

Sasuke sighed and straightened his head "Just look at you why do you always insist on getting in my way?

Naruto remained silent not answering Sasuke's question.

Hearing the silence Sasuke continued "I fell into darkness and gained the power to cut everything away. I didn't matter who it was I tried to cut my ties with everyone around me . . . but, no matter what I did you never thought of cutting ties with me. So I have to ask Naruto why do you care so much about me?"

"Heh he" Naruto laughed lightly "look at you talking so much just cause you can't move."

"Just shut up and answer" Sasuke snapped.

There was another moment of silence and then Naruto spoke "Don't you already know? It's because you're my friend.

" You've said that before but, what exactly does it mean to you?"

" . . . You want me to explain it to you but, I don't know exactly how to put it. It's like when I see you going on about taking everything onto your shoulders . . . I kind of feel the pain too."

Sasuke had a shocked expression on his face like he just understood stood something for the first time in his life.

"It hurts all over and there's no way I can ignore it and today it hurts so much that I can't stand it." Naruto turned to look at Sasuke with the same goofy smile that he always had.

Sasuke smirked and thought to himself after everything that happened that idiot is still exactly the same. Not long after that the two of them slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After sprinting through the woods Natsu andHappy as well as extremely out of breath Lucy came upon a massive crater filled with debris.

"What happened here" she wheezed?

"I don't know" Natsu replied "but, there is a thick scent of blood in the air."

The group carefully made their way down being careful not to be ambushed by any hidden enemies.

"Something's not right here" Natsu growled.

"What do you mean" Lucy whispered?

"I mean that none of this should be here. Look around the rubble here are clearly pieces of some kind of giant statues but, there is nothing like that anywhere near Magnolia."

Lucy nodded "Yeah I see what you mean this is strange what caused the explosion anyway? I mean something like that doesn't just hap-"

Lucy stopped talking half way through her sentence "What's wrong Lucy are you alright" Natsu asked concerned by her silence?

"Over there" she said as her face pale.

Natsu and Happy turn to where she was pointing and they jumped in shock. Laying there in a massive pool of blood were two people.

Seeing the pool of blood Natsu sprinted over to see if they were still alive, and as he neared them he was shocked by their injuries. Both of them were covered in massive bruises from head to toe and probably had dozens of broken bones but, that wasn't the worst of it both of them were missing their entire left and right arms respectively. Which is where the massive amounts of blood had come from.

Without any hesitation Natsu rushed up to them his feet splashing in the blood to check their pulses.

"Are they still alive" Happy nervously asked trying his best not to vomit at the grisly sight?

Natsu hesitated a moment before answering "they're still alive if only barely they have a pulse and I can still here them faintly breathing."

"We need to help them" Lucy gathered up her courage and stepped into the blood."They're bleeding to much we need to put a tourniquet on their arms."

"I can do you one better" Natsu answered her lighting a blazing flame in his palm.

"Are you going to cauterize their wounds" Lucy asked?

"I don't know anything about catering food but, I'm going to burn their arms so they stop bleeding."

Lucy facepalmed at his idiocy not sure if he was doing it on purpose or if he was really that dumb.

Natsu quickly used his dragon flames to close their wounds after he was done Happy came up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"They're still really hurt Natsu we need to get them to Porlyusica as soon as possible."

Natsu nodded "Right we need to hurry we don't have much time" he spoke while picking up the raven haired teen " Happy you carry the blonde one."

"Aye sir."

while Happy was picking Naruto up using his wings Lucy asked who this Porlyusica person was?

Natsu replied while shifting Sasuke into a position that wouldn't worsen his injury "She's kind of like Fairytail's official doctor. As long is a person isn't dead yet she can save them."

"Natsu I'm ready" Happy called holding Naruto up by his jacket collar.

"Great let's go" Natsu roared but, before they could move an inch something shot from the sky landing landing in front of them causing the ground to shake. A hulking figure rose up from with the dust cloud blocking the sun and casting the trio in its shadow.

"NATSU! How did I know it would be you do you know you just broke every single window in Magnolia!? You are in so much trouble this time!"

Seeing the massive monster in front of her Lucy nearly fell to her knees. She looked over at Natsu for comfort but, In contrast to her fear Natsu had an ecstatic look on his face.

"Master great timing we have wounded her and need to get them to Porlyusica as soon as possible."

The monster seemed confused for a moment but, squinted at them to get a better look through the dust and noticed the bloodied people they were carrying on their backs. With a look of enlightenment he instantly shrunk down and leap out of the dust.

Lucy who saw this happen was shocked to see the terrifying monster turn into a short old man in a jester costume.

When the old man rushed to their side and saw how serious their injuries were he grew in size again becoming a hulking behemoth again and took the two injured teens from Natsu and Happy.

"I'll take them to see Porlyusica I can get there far faster that you can. For now head to the guildhall and We'll talk about this later."

Natsu and Happy nodded while the hulking old man leapt into the air sending out another shock wave and in the blink of an eye he was only a speck in the distance.

"Wh-who was that" Lucy stuttered out.

"That" Natsu smiled "was the master of Fairytail!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As Naruto came to he slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. He laid there a moment not entirely sure what was going on. When it all suddenly came flooding back to him. The war, Kaguya, and his final fight with Sasuke.

He quick sat up to see exactly where he was and if everyone was ok. But, before he got a chance to his entire body was wracked in pain especially his right arm.

"Oh yeah" that's a thing now Naruto thought as he looked down at his new stump. He sighed a little but, quickly shook it off he had more important things to worry about like was Sasuke alright?

He quickly scanned his surroundings and quickly saw Sasuke laying unconscious on a bed to his left covered in an ungodly amount of bandages just like him.

"Well that was easy" Naruto laughed.

He turned his attention away from Sasuke knowing he was alright and took a closer look at the room he was it. He didn't know where he was but, he could tell it definitely wasn't the Leaf Village hospital. The walls were made of a dark colored wood and there were shelves full of books and all kinds of other medical equipment scattered around. Giving the place more of a small doctor's office feel as opposed to a massive hospital.

While Naruto was still looking around the door open and a pink haired girl walked in with her face buried in a book.

"Sakura" Naruto cried!

"Hm" the woman mumbled and looked up from her book?

Seeing her face Naruto screamed "Ahh, Sakura your so old! How long were we asleep for!? Ahhh!"

Porlyusica hearing her blonde haired patient calling her old and then start screaming was understandably pissed. She walk up to the boy who was currently pulling his hair out and smacked him on the head with her book.

"Ahh" Naruto screamed even louder!

Porlyusica's eyebrow twitched and she smacked him again and spoke in a calm yet terrifying voice "I'm only going to say this once. First I'm not this Sakura person my name is Porlyusica and I'm a doctor, second no screaming allowed in my home, and third and most importantly I Am Not Old! Nod if you understand."

Naruto still reeling from the pain nodded obediently not wanting to be hit again.

"Good" Porlyusica smiled and pulled up a seat to sit next to Naruto.

As she sat down Naruto got a better look at her appearance. Porlyusica had bright pink hair just like Sakura it was made up into a bun with a golden rod holding in place but, that wasn't the main thing that caught his attention. That was her cloak it was bright red with a high collar that went up past her chin and was lined with white fang looking spikes.

"So" Porlyusica began "what is your name?"

"Me? I'm Naruto Uzamaki Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf" he proudly stated.

"Shinobi" Porlyusica questioned with a confused look?

Naruto scratched his head with his remaining arm "You know a ninja."

"Ah, of course" Porlyusica nodded not showing any reaction."Now Naruto was it? Seeing as you seem to be healing well can you tell me how you ended up lying half dead in a crater outside of Magnolia?"


"The town you are currently in."

"Hm, Magnolia" Naruto scrunched his brow "never heard of it."

"Really" Porlyusica slightly raised an eyebrow "that's suprising Magnolia is a fairly famous city."

Naruto shrugged "Sorry never heard of it. Which of the Elemental Nations are we in right now by the way?"

At Naruto's question Porlyusica narrowed her eyes "We're getting off topic how did you end up in that hole?"

"Right, sorry me and my team had just finished sealing Kaguya when that idiot over there decided to be an asshole and take over the world. So I had to knock some sense into him we fought and the next thing I now I woke up here."

"I see" Porlyusica held her chin "so your saying that boy over there is dangerous?"

After she asked her question Porlyusica nearly fell from her chair because Naruto's whole demeanor changed in an instant Porlyusica felt like she was facing a terrible monster that could crush her like a bug.

"I know you helped us and I know Sasuke has done some bad things but, I really think I got to him this time. So can you please let it go because no matter what I won't let you lay a single finger on him."

Porlyusica's body was covered in sweat and she struggled to speak "You can relax young man as a doctor I have taken an oath to never harm any of my patients. So no matter what he has done in the past it is not my duty to judge him."

Once she was done speaking Naruto's attitude took a 180° degree turn and he returned to the happy go lucky goof ball he always was.

"Good" Naruto smiled "oh and sorry about scaring you like that it's just I can get a little over protective of my friends.

Porlyusica's sweat dropped "Ahem, well I suppose I can forgive you for that after all I know a lot of idiots who are exactly the same. Now I have some more work to do you can just rest here for now and I will bring you some food a little later."

"Wait" Naruto stopped her "How long have I been unconscious? What happened with the war? And was the Infinite Tsukuyomi completely undone when we sealed Kaguya?"

After hearing Naruto's question Porlyusica stopped leaving and turned around and looked deep into Naruto's eyes.

Naruto wanted to say something but, couldn't make any words come out. He was to embarrassed and confused about why this woman was staring at him like that.

The awkward silence dragged on for several more seconds when Porlyusica suddenly turned around and headed out the door."Rest for now Naruto I promise I will answer all of your questions later."

After the door closed behind Porlyusica let out a deep sigh "it looks like things are going to get complicated again." She gathered her things and headed down to Magnolia she needed to talk to Makarov about what she had just learned.

Meanwhile Naruto was mulling of the conversation he just had with the pink haired doctor. Now that he had time to think about it seemed like she was purposefully avoided answering his questions. He could tell with his powers that she didn't mean them any harm (AN: He can sense people's negative emotions). But, something wasn't right he just couldn't figure out what.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Kya, that was enough adventuring to last me a long time" Lucy stretched out in front of the bar while Mira was washing dishes.

"Thanks again for helping bring Macao back Lucy even though they don't show it everyone was really worried about him."

"No problem, Mira" Lucy smiled. "Even though I didn't actually do anything" she secretly thought.

Lucy wanted to keep talking to Mira but, before she could Gray flew into her knocking both of them to the ground.

"Damn it" Grey cursed "you wanna say that again bastard!"

"You heard me snowflake I said you should just quit Fairytail and go be a male stripper. After all we both know you can't fight for shit" Natsu egged him on.

"That's it" Grey raged before charging at Natsu for another brawl!

Lucy climbed out of the pile of destroyed furniture and whined to Mira "do they ever stop?"

Mira giggled "Sorry the only people who can stop them from fighting are Erza and Master and seeing as Erza is away on a request and Master is busy with paperwork getting ready for the guild masters summit. No one is going to be stopping them anytime soon."

Hearing that Lucy sighed in defeat.

However almost as if to answer her prayers two loud smacking sounds were heard followed by the cries of Grey an Natsu.

"Oh" Mira covered her mouth " I guess there is a third person who can stop them."

Lucy turned to see Porlyusica repeatedly smacking the idiot duo with her walking stick.

"Who is she" Lucy asked?

"That's Porlyusica she's our guild doctor."

"How come I haven't seen her around before?"

"Because she technically isn't an official member of our guild she lives outside of town and hardly ever comes to the guildhall. Since she's here now it must be about our two mysterious friends."

"Right them" Lucy whispered to herself remembering the bloody scene where she found them.

While Lucy was lost in her thoughts Porlyusica had just finished beating up Natsu and Grey

"Don't let me see you two fighting ever again it's too much work to have to fix you up all the time."

"But, you just beat us up way worse then what would have happened if you didn't show up" Natsu spat under his breath.

"I'm sorry did you say something" Porlyusica grinned while brandishing her walking stick like a club.

"I-I was just saying that your the best doctor ever and that we should never ever bother you."

"Good that's what I thought" she walked away leaving the two alone to lick their wounds.

"Hello Mira chan you look more beautiful every time I see you" Porlyusica greeted.

"Hello Porlyusica your here to see Master correct?"

"Indeed, I have something important to talk to him about regarding our two unconscious friends."

"Are they okay" Lucy interrupted!?

"You are" Porlyusica gave Lucy a sideways glance?

"She's Lucy a recent addition to our guild as well as the person who found your newest patients" Mira explained.

"Ah, I see well nice to meet you Lucy it's nice to see another woman joining the guild maybe you can bring a little more sanity to this place."

"Haha" Lucy laughed while thinking there was no way this place would ever be sane.

"As for your question "Porlyusica continued "the two of them have stabilized and are in to danger of death."

"That's good" Lucy let out a sigh of relief "It's just I feel a little responsible for them you see, because I was the one who found them."

"Quite admirable" Porlyusica complimented "seeing as that's how you feel then you can be the one to pay for their medical expenses. Now as I have important business to attend to I will go meet Makarov in his office."

As Porlyusica walked off Lucy looked to Mira "she was joking about that right Mira? Right?"

"W-who knows" Mira scratched her cheek.

In Makarov's office.

"Porlyusica nice to see you as always. I assume since you are here it means you have information about your guests" Makarov asked?

"Indeed I do" she answered "just moments ago one of them finally woke up."

"Oh" Makarov inquired "which one?"

"The blonde one" Porlyusica emotionlessly answered.

"Damn" Makarov cursed "I owe Cana 2,000 jewel (AN 100 jewel = 1 USD so twenty bucks)."

"That's hardly the point Makarov" Porlyusica sighed thinking that every boy in this guild was a complete idiot.

"Hehe" he snickered "sorry that's a bit off topic isn't it any what have you learned?"

"From what he told me I believe that they are from another world."

. . .

. . .

. . .

"Buah Haha, you really got me there Porlyusica I didn't think you had it in you so what really happened?"

. . .

. . .

. . .


"Is it truly that hard to believe? After all I am also not from this world."

"Yes, yes so you have said" Makarov casually waved causing a vein to pulse on Porlyusica forehead.

"Do you want me to hit you" she waved her walking stick at him?

"Okay, okay I believe you please don't hit me" Makarov screamed!

"Hmpf" Porlyusica calmed down.

"Sigh, truthfully if what you said is true it would clear up a lot of things I found strange. Like how there is no record of anyone like them being born in Fiore or those strange statues that appeared outside of town" Makarov conceded.

"Now that you believe me what do you want to do about them?"

"That depends on you Porlyusica what is your evaluation of them so far."

Porlyusica though for a moment "well the boy said his name is Naruto and apparently he and his friend are Ninja."

"Ninjas? Are you really not messing with me?"

"I'm being completely serious Makarov. From what I can gather there was some kind of war in their world and that the two of them were on opposite sides."

"So their enemies? Was it a good idea to leave them alone then?"

"I do not believe there will be any problems there seems to be some kind of complicated relationship between the two of them. At least even though they fought each other Naruto still see's the unconscious boy whose name is Sasuke to be a friend. He even went so far as to threaten me when he thought I had ill intents for his friend.

"Hoho, the boy has balls to threaten you I hope you didn't beat him too hard."

"That's another thing Makarov when he threatened me the pressure he was giving off was unimaginable. I can only compare it to the pressure you give off when you're angry."

Makarov started "are you saying?"

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying he is at least as strong as you are in fact I would go as far to say he is even stronger and the other boy is at least on the same level seeing as they were fighting each other."

Makarov had a pained expression on his face " That certainly complicates things I didn't want to involve the council in this but, if they are truly that strong then-."

"May I interject."

"Hm? Of course."

"I do not believe any intervention is neccessary I can virtually guarantee that the blonde boy is not a threat."

"How so?"

"He is well . . . the best way In can describe it is that he is like Natsu."

"You do realize that that doesn't make me any less nervous right? I mean can you imagine Natsu being as strong as me? He would probably blow up the entire country."

"That's not what I mean, he is like Natsu in the sense that he is innocent. He is definitely also an idiot like Natsu but, he is a smarter slightly more mature idiot. At least that's the feeling I got from him while looking into his eyes."

"Very well Porlyusica I'll trust you on this you have never been wrong about this kind of thing before. But, what about the other boy?"

"Yes, him. Well I can't give you an exact evaluation because he has yet to awake but, he seems to be someone who is constantly battling with his inner darkness."

"Do you think he is a threat?"

"No I do not believe so his friend Naruto seems to truly believe that after their recent battle that he has truly changed."

"Okay, then that settles that keep an eye on them for the time being and bring them here once both of them are awake I wish to speak to them myself."

"As you wish" Porlyusica answered him and left without any other words.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ah, where am I" Sasuke sat up holding his side in pain.

"So sleeping beauty is finally awake, huh" Naruto mocked.

"Shut up Naruto" Sasuke growled.

"Hehe" Naruto laughed.

. . .

"So are you still evil or what?"

"You have no tact do you Naruto?"

"Nope" Naruto proudly answered.

"I'm not planning on cutting all my bonds and becoming the shadow hokage anymore if that's what you're asking."

"Yes" Naruto pumped his arm "that means I win!"

"Like hell it does we clearly tied!"

"Nope you're a good guy now I won on moral grounds."

"Tch, whatever" Sasuke laid back down "so where are we anyway this doesn't seem like Konoha Hospital."

"No idea some place called Magnolia."

"Hm, never heard of it."

The two sat in silence until the sound of an opening door caught their attention. Porlyusica walked carrying a plate of food "oh your awake now too" she was mildly shocked to Sasuke up so soon.

"You are" Sasuke asked her while staring at her pink hair.

"My name is Porlyusica and if you don't stop staring at my hair right this second I'm going to cripple your other arm too."

"Sorry, you just have hair that's very similar to someone I know."

"That Sakura person right."

"Naruto how long have you been awake that you already talked to her about Sakura?"

"He only woke up a few hours before you did but, the first thing he did when he saw me was freak out and start screaming about the future and me being an old Sakura."

"Yeah" Sasuke nodded "that sounds like something he would do."

"What's that supposed to mean" Naruto raged!

"It means your an idiot."

"Shut up bastard or do you want me to go over there and punch you in the face!"

Sasuke smirked "good luck with that seeing as your right handed."

"Like your one to talk! Your left handed!"

"Maybe but, it least I'm not a cripple and an idiot."

"That's it" Naruto jumped out of bed and lunged at Sasuke!

But, before he could get far he was struck in the head by Porlyusica once again "no jumping around until your healed!"

Sasuke seeing the large bump on Naruto's head though to himself "she really is like Sakura."

Porlyusica sighed to herself "At least this proves that this Sasuke isn't a threat I swear these two are exactly like Natsu and Grey."

"Ouch" Naruto rubbed his bruise while getting back into the bed.

"Alright you two I have something important to tell you, you might not believe me at first but, it's something that you'll have to hear eventually so it might as well be now."

Hearing how serious she was Natsu and Sasuke perked up.

"I don't know how or why it happened but, you aren't in your old world anymore your in a place called Earthland."

Porlyusica waited with her hands on her hips expecting the two to blow up any second but, that never happened.

"Naruto" Sasuke said.

"On it" he answer while moving to sit crosslegged with his hand in his lap. He sat there motionlessly for a moment.

Porlyusica watched in surprise as a green shading slowly appeared over his eyes but, that wasn't what surprised her it was his presence. When that shading appeared she became completely unable to sense him if she didn't know any better she would think there was a rock in front of her instead of a boy.

With his Sage mode active Naruto began sensing the world and almost immediately he noticed something strange. Normally when he was like this he could connect to the world and send his senses out hundreds of miles but, now he could only sense a few dozen.

While trying to find the reason he noticed something weird there was a strange energy everywhere blocking his sight.

Naruto released the Nature Chakra and opened his eyes "I think she's telling the truth Sasuke."

"Explain" Sasuke asked.

"Well normally when I'm in Sage mode I can sense an entire country but, right now I can barely sense the entire city."

"What could block Nature Chakra" Sasuke asked in surprise?

Naruto held his chin in thought "Not so much block as obscure, it's like there some kind of energy everywhere hiding everything like dirt in water."

"I see I wonder if my Rinnegan had anything to do with sending us here?"

"But, you couldn't use it during are final clash right?"

"True but, it's still extremely new and I have no idea of it's full capabilities."

"Ok then-"

Porlyusica who was watching the two go back and forth was at a loss for words. Normally when someone was told they were sent to a different world they would panic or at the very least take some time to fully except it. But, not these two they were acting like all of this was completely normal and it was starting to get on her nerves.

"What is wrong with you two" she screamed "How can you be taking this so calmly!"

Both of them looked at her and started laughing.

"If this had happened a couple days ago I would be shock but, just recently we traveled to all kinds of different dimensions. There was a lava one, a snow one, that crazy gravity one" Naruto started counting off all the places they've been.

"I was also sent to a sand one plus didn't the Sage of Six Paths tell us Kaguya was from a different world" Sasuke added.

"Okay but, still shouldn't you be worried about getting back to you world" Porlyusica asked confused.

"Not really" Naruto Shrugged "Sasuke over there can open portals between dimensions."

Sasuke nodded "That's right I can easily . . . Naruto."

"Um, yeah?"

" . . . I can't open a portal."

The two started at each other for a moment before Naruto screamed.


(For those of you wondering the Infinite Tsukuyomi was slowly released after Kaguya was released. I did that because it would have been too depressing if it was just Sakura and kakashi alone there plus it will be better for the story if everyone is awake.)

Travel_X_Wolf Travel_X_Wolf

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