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100% Gates of Exodus / Chapter 1: Genesis
Gates of Exodus Gates of Exodus original

Gates of Exodus

Author: RealMastee

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Genesis

In a realm as vast as ours, on the planet Bazi, due to overpopulation and rising problems such as providing healthcare to food shortages and diminishing resources, humanity was forced to bind together and look at their only solution.. travel beyond the confines of their home planet. With the wide pool of talents from the vast population, technology advanced at a rapid rate. After 15 years of research, they finally they had a breakthrough in space travel enabling them to move a sizable group to establish a base on their neighbouring plant Natsur. Humanity had taken their first steps into the wide cosmos to explore the wonders and exploit the resources it holds. It started with the plans for colonization of their sister planet, despite all their research and theories, the harsh conditions of the planet ravaged with different weather conditions, radiation foreign to their native home caused countless challenges to them, ranging from illnesses to mutations. They were halted at their very first step.

Man as a relentless species braved this new challenge, taking steps ranging from the ethical and technological advances, then the unethical which included experimentation on their fellow brothers and sisters, all in the name of advancement. Through trial and error, years passed and finally a doctor named Latian, conscripted by the world government for her brilliant mind even among her fellow coworkers, came upon a substance on the planet Natsur while on an exploration trip outside their base, the substance was size of a fist, had the elasticity of a rubber band yet with the appearance of clear glass; her curiosity peaked and after experimenting she discovered that after the substance has been exposed to temperatures of 2800°c it transform into light particles, and these particles can pass through solid objects.

These particles drifted towards Dr. Latian and as she was mesmerized by the beauty of the particles, she didn't react in time to the foreign substances that invaded her pors. Woken by the intense pain that coursed through her veins, howls of agony were heard through her lab alerting her fellow researchers as they rushed in, only to see the doctor wriggling on the floor with eyes rolled to the back and veins expanded showing every direction her blood flowed with pigments of sand like lights. After being shocked for what felt like minutes they finally rushed her to an emergency room in the facility. Despite their attempts to settle Latian down she was showing abnormal strength that prevented the doctors from approaching her, Dr. #1 "Strap her down!!! she is experiencing seizures, heart rate are at abnormal levels, good Lord how is this possible?! we can't piece her skin!!" Dr. #2 "her heart rate is off the charts, how is she still alive, at this rate her heart might explode!! hold on she is going into cardiac arrest!!! Get me a defibrillator asap!!" Latian while still experiencing the seizures and convulsions suddenly fell limp, Nurse #1"Got it!" Dr. #1 "Give me 200v!" (volts) Nurse #1 "Clear!" *zhun*, Dr. #1 "her heart's still not responding, charge it again!!" Nurse #1 "Clear!" *zhun* Dr. #1 "still nothing! increase the voltage to 500v!" Nurse #1 "Clear!!" *zhun* Dr. #1 "still nothing?!" Dr. #1 "increase the voltage to 1000v!" Then suddenly Dr. #2 puts a hand on Dr. #1s shoulder and shook his head "she's lost all signs of life doctor, I've never seen anything like this before *sigh*" Dr. #1 "I know, the strength she had, it was far stronger than mine and I regularly workout to keep healthy on this God forsaken planet" Dr. #2 "well we need to report this to the higher ups, they'll handle this". On that day humanity lost one of their greatest minds.

Days after her death, doctors and scientists found particles of the substance Dr. Latian experimented with mostly focused on her brain, the discovered that these same particles were found on those that mutated in the past. This was a breakthrough in their research and in honour of that, they named the substance Latian particles. Ever since then, going through the video journals of Dr. Latian the reworked what happened but on a much smaller scale, through countless experiments they discovered Latian particles effects the brain on a molecular level and evolves it while improving the bodies constitution which allows greater strength. This started the age of the Latian era.

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