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Chapter 3: Life in a Prison

I did not feel any difference from my body. The Lightning Emperor Spirit did infused with me but why don't I feel any changes?

I think it is a little bit ironic, I died because of lightning and the first Battle spirit I chose was also lightning.

I just forget about that spirit right now as I continued to experiment my other skills.

<Perfect Creation> this skill enables me to create anything using magic, so what I created was a Golden Sword.

It has an appearance similar to the legendary sword Excalibur.

With the skill <Perfect Sword> it feels like I was using the sword for how many years. I casually made some difficult moves using the sword, after I was satisfied I stored it using the skill <Perfect Storage>.

I continued to create different things like, a bow and a lot of arrows, explosives similar to those on my original world, throwing knives, spear and many other weapons.

I also put some enchantments on the sword Excalibur which was the Golden sword I first made.

I used the skill <Perfect Enchanting> to put a spell <Rebound> and <Battle Healing>.

<Rebound> is a spell that deflects the enemies attacks back at them. It only deflects 50% of their attack.

<Battle Healing> is a spell that heals the user as long as it can damage the enemy. It heals 10% of the damage dealt to the enemy.

Although I don't need this spell <Battle Healing> because I have a skill <Perfect Regeneration> the can heal me quickly and <Perfect Recovery> that heals me instantly at the brink of death.

I also tried using the spear and because of my skill <Perfect Spear> it was the same with the sword. It feels like I was using spears since I was a child and I was extremely familiar with it. I also have other skills like <Perfect Archery>, <Perfect Dagger>, and other weapons.

I also used the skill <Perfect Navigation> and surprisingly I easily familiarize the places inside the castle, I even knew that there are three secret tunnels in the castle. One at the princess' room, at the King's room and at the main hall.

I also found out that I can bend the bars easily with the skill <Perfect Physique> but I decided not to escape.

I'm slightly interested about what will that spoiled princess do to me tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, what time is it?

Well, it doesn't matter.

"I should try <Perfect Disguise> to change my face. Hehe"

I decided to try using the skill <Perfect Disguise> which changes the form of my face and can also change my height, weight, skin color and others.

"Elementary spell, <Ice Mirror>."

I first created a mirror, although I can make one using <Perfect Creation> I was against using such skill.

If I use that skill all the time, I don't know what would happen.

Then I changed my face.

My hair turned silver in color, my face started to turn a little bit old and my eye's color turned slightly blue.

I disguised my self as Zeus, the God whom I met yesterday.

Then my face changed again.

This time my hair grew long and turned blonde in color, my breast also started to grow and I almost panic because of it. My blue eyes turned red in an instant.

After I finished my disguised, I pose very cute in front of the mirror.

"Aii, if only that spoiled princess did not treat me this way, I would have warn her."

When I used <Perfect Knowledge>, I found out that their was a large army heading this way. And they were from the enemy kingdom Rein.

Based on their route and with my <Perfect Prediction> they will surely succeed in their plans.

If she would have been kinder to me, I would have told her already. Aiya, never mind I will tell her after I leave this placed I guess that it will not be too late for that.

I keep on using the skill <Perfect Knowledge> and I learned a lot about this place during my stay at the prison.

In this world, almost all of the fictional characters on novels that I read exist.

There are elves, dark elves, dwarfs, lycanthrope, Cat person and others.

Oh!! I wonder how elves look like?

I guess they are very beautiful and they also have a long life so they will definitely look young.

Also, which is more sexier a dark elf or an elf?

Wait a minute, why am I getting horny??

As a matter of fact, why am I even thinking about all this things?

This must be the result of me staying here, It's kinda lonely.

It doesn't hurt to take a small walk right?

I mean, they won't even now that I'll be gone. But just to make sure I still left a proxy for me.

"Advanced Spell, <Doppelganger>."

A copy of me appeared in front of me, after telling it to just act asleep I used <Perfect Teleportation> to get out of this damn place.

I teleported to a small city called Pearl City.

The skill <Perfect Teleportation> has a problem, I can only teleport into places I've been before.

But with the skill <Perfect Knowledge>, there's nothing I don't about this world, if I use it.

The city was quite lively, I started walking like I'm some sort of native in that place.

I have already changed my clothes to that of a formal one but because of the skill <Perfect Charm> a lot of girls took the initiative to talk with me.

Good thing I have a skill like <Perfect Communication> and I was able to talk with them smoothly.

After escaping from them, I continued walking towards the market.

I was a little interested on what they will be selling in this place where technology, even electricity did not exist.

The street was pack with people, I also saw some dwarves on the way but I didn't get to see some elfs.

The Market was the most busiest place in the city and it was also the main source of income.

Their was a lot of merchants selling their products.

I was even approached by a lady whose face was covered with a lot of make up.

Hmmm. Make up already exist in this world?

I politely declined her offer to have tonight.

As I walked deeper into the Market, I noticed that the number of people began to decrease.

It seems like they were avoiding something but I did not bother about their actions.

While I was walking, I heard something disgusting.

"Hurry, hurry, we don't have much time."

"Idiot, can't you see that I'm already hurrying it."

It was two retards surrounding an unconscious young girl, although they were a few hundred meters away from me can still see what was really going on.

I did not hesitate one bit as I instantly teleported in between the young girl and this two uncles.

As I teleported the two were dumbfounded. Their trousers are already halfway down as they stopped their movements.


I didn't let him finish his words as I used <Perfect Teleportation> on them and teleported them to the prison. The same place as where I was kept but I keep their distance away from my prison cell.

I also did not forgot to silence their mouth using an advanced spell, <Mute>.

After finishing all of that, I used an intermediate spell, <Power Heal>. The young girl, whose eyes were closed earlier suddenly trembled and in the next moment it opened.

She did not noticed me at first as she looked around her and her body. I guess she was checking if she had lost her chastity or not.


She must have found out she was still a virgin cause I heard her let out a sigh of relief.

"Eh? Who are you!?"

She looked at me like I was some sort of a ghost. What's up with that exaggerated reaction.

"I was the one that saved you."

I showed her a gentle smile.

To be honest her looks are really not that bad, although she might be inferior to the princess in terms of looks. I bet that she must be kind several higher than the princess.

"Y-You saved me?"

"Yes. I just happen to pass by but I saw two guys surrounding you which was very suspicious cause I noticed that you were unconscious. So I decided to help you."

"I see. Thank you."

She bowed her head towards me.

"No, no, it's alright. It was nothing, I just happen to pass by so I really can't bear to see someone getting force to do what they don't want to."

"My father sold me to them."

Ehhhh?? There is such a father in this world?

I did not expect it to be like this. It seems like she was abandoned by her own family. Tsk tsk.

I casually took out a gold bar out of the storage, this gold bar was made using my skill <Perfect Creation> and is on the highest purity.

"Take it."

I handed the gold bar to her and she looked at me in a dumbfounded expression.

"Don't look at me like that. Just take it and continue to live normal. It's for you to decide what you will do with that money but I advice you not to return to your parents right now. If they can sell you once they can probably sell you again."

I saw her hesitating to take the money and I can vaguely guess what she was thinking.

Who would not hesitate if a total stranger gave you a gold bar in the middle of a deserted alley.

"Don't think about it too much. Just repay me in the future if you could breakthrough this hurdle in your life. My name is Max, Max Wefner."

She watched me with teary eyes but I can see that she is fighting not to cry in front of me. She looks so cute though.

"T-Thank you! I will surely repay this in the future."

With shaky hands she accepted the gold bar on my hand.

"Come on, I'll accompany you first before you deposit that bar to the bank."

Yep, that's right! Their is a bank in this world even though it was in the Medieval Period. This must be what Mr. God meant by not all are at the same level.

"Yes! Thank you very much."

Erika just didn't know what to say to the guy in front of her. Not only did he saved her but he even helped me. What a very kind man.

If I've known what she was thinking I would have laugh.


I did know what she was thinking cause I kinda like curiously used the skill <Perfect Mind Reading> on her. It was a bit embarrassing, hehe.

We quickly arrived at the bank since it was not that far from the place. After depositing the gold bar the receptionist was extremely polite to Erika.

She was given a gold card which she can use to withdraw some money. The gold bar that I've given her was equivalent to 10 Black gold coins.

1 Black gold coin = 100 gold coins.

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins.

1 silver coin = 100 copper coins.

So in total she has 1000 gold coins on her bank right now. With this much money she can probably live a luxurious for years.

After settling her problem, I returned to the prison.

What a hassling life, if only I was not pretending to be still a captive here.

But wait a minute. Why am I still staying in here? I guess I'm just bored?

It's so lonely in here there's no one to talked to with.

But at that moment, I suddenly had a great idea.

With my skill <Perfect Creation> and <Perfect Puppetry> I will make..

"A Magic Puppet."

UnknownPasserby UnknownPasserby

Gosh. Only one chapter. What a stingy author...

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