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71.42% Novel God

Forming A Bond

Eros had decided to master a few things, for one his swordsman ship he was now had such perfected swordsmanship so that a god of war where to spy him practicing they would instantly try to become his apprentice, he had now become the perfect swordsman having no equals. second was his observation being able so see the smallest detail and memorize it learning everything about it with no barriers, he thought that if he where to become a good magic user this would be necessary since he would need to know everything including the true name of a thing to copy it, and it would help him with learning the true name of a person. A few other notable things he had perfected was hand to hand combat he is now able to kill a person with his pinky if he choose to, exercise, he did after all want to become stronger and once he got hold of the power to change his body it would make it easier to make his body denser and therefor stronger, acrobatics, archery (he had made himself a medium grade bow to see if he liked it, turns out he did), climbing, reading (he had bought a few books from the shop to read in his spare time, and social skills to improve his relation to his future life partner who he had decided to name Obis.

Eros of course had no clue that he was this powerful since it all came naturally to him now, although he did notice that he had improved.

After about a weeks training and improving his body to the peak of the human level he had decided it was time to make and raise Obis.

Obis when fully grown would have scales to match his sword and his eyes would be a deep purple as would the dragons flames, with a serpentine neck and a smooth lizard like body although slightly thinner than any healthy lizard would be and an extremely long tail for air maneuvers.

(A/N: I don't really know how to describe a dragons body that well so here is what he would look like [but bigger much much bigger] )

he also made Obis learn faster, made his bones and muscles denser but they would be the same weight due to the systems magic, he also made his scales about as strong as his sword and he increased his wing span and tail length, and finally Obis would grow faster allowing him to reach sizes much bigger than a normal dragon would.

The now completed dragon egg appeared in the center of the small opening in the trees he had been reborn in.

He walked over to the smooth oval shaped object sat down and waited.

after about 3 hours the egg burst open, which was surprising since Saphira took quite a while to hatch almost a week to be precise and well it seemed that the egg had exploded with no remnants of the shell left with the explosion charring and vaporizing the grass around it in a two meter circle around what used to be the egg, in the middle of the charred grass was a snake like lizard with long bat like wings that moved with more grace than one would expect with beautiful deep purple eyes that carried an unparalleled intelligence for an animal and extremely dark almost black purple scales covering almost all of the dragon but its belly that was the weakest point of the beast with a tint of ruby. seeing this cute little creature Eros smiled and spoke soothingly to the small dragon "hello Obis" to which Obis replied with small squeaky roar.

//Time skip\\

Obis had grown and learned surprisingly fast although the learning part may have been affected by Eroses perfected teaching skill.

the now quite large dragon was able to speak through their connection, fly, breath a dark purple fire, hunt for himself, and apparently due to them bonding was able to instantly master anything that Eros had including but not limited to Arial combat, observation, hand to hand combat, intimidation, stealth, etc.

making him the most skilled dragon to ever live.

Eros had decided that it wasn't worth keeping it from Obis his origins of earth and the knowledge he carried of this world so he told him everything Obis was not very surprised he knew how he had been created so the fact that his partners back ground was so well odd was not anything new to him.

Eros had chosen to find the nearest settlement so he could find out what time period he was in which surprisingly was Eragons village Carvahall although it was about 50-60 miles away from where he had made his home which was on the side of one of the smaller peaks of the spine mountian range facing the vast frothy ocean, it was furnished to suit the needs of him and Obis he did make it look as good as possible though, it could be considered by anyone else a complete masterpiece of a home outclassing all other homes in Alagaësia, in fact it was more like a mountain castle than a simple home due to Obis's massive size requirements, Eros was quite proud of it actualy. he had already spent about 100 million on magic alone although making the rider sword and Obis where free making the supplies for them was costly costing about ten million each.

he only had about eight hundred and fifty million system points left.

spending about twenty five million system points on books about magic and related things almost filling up his vast library that he had built in his castle, he hadn't even after death lost his thirst for knowledge and books.

The other twenty five million he had spent was getting the materials to build the castle, refusing to make it out of anything but the best materials to make his home.

Eros had wandered in the village once or twice visiting the small tavern slowly building trust he found out it was September seventeenth of the year 7998 he had about a year till Eragon found Saphiras egg he had plans for Eragon great plans indeed.

In time he would earn the boys trust and eventualy befriend him.

But for now he would train and raise Obis who he knew would most likely destroy the ecosystem of the spine he needed to find a food source for him that was sustainable for his growth rate, he might even need to use magic to slow it so he wouldn't eat all the animals in Alagaesia.

"Maybe i can edit his digestive system to make it absorb more nutrients, maybe even make him an omnivore" Eros said with calculation.

He wouldn't lie he had a deep connection with Obis and loved him like a brother, but Obis must be able to support himself let alone support both of them.

Well that is a problem for another time.

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Hey Dudes i hoped you enjoy.

Now to get down to business, I have no defined upload schedule I will upload whenever I can. please though do not assume i have dropped the novel if i do I do i will tell you guys.

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