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77.77% Orphan / Chapter 63: Chapter 62: The Moat

Chapter 63: Chapter 62: The Moat

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Augustus's team were not the only ones that fell into the river. A dozen children followed them including the three that chased them from the tower.

The girl with the shield.

The handsome assassin.

And the heartless black and red devil!

These three individuals were close to them as well. Only five metres away.

But this was not the only the issues that the boys had to face. For starters, it was night time and they could barely see what was in front of them if it was not for the light that sparked on the bridge, and the green line that glowed across their chest.

There was another issue the moat was not still. For some reason, there was a current in the moat, and it felt like they were in a river with the current pushing them further and further away from the bridge.

Augustus was fat and round, if he lay on his back, his buoyance would keep him afloat. Not to mention that both Ethan and Evan were strong swimmers, they both came first in the previous test.

But even though they fell into the river together, they were apart. The first step the team needed to do was get back together and regroup.

Too many things were happening all at once, A million different thoughts were racing through Augustus's mind. He had to think fast.

Looking desperately around him, he saw the two dim-green lights in the moat. This must be Ethan and Evan as they were the only ones who also had the four coins.

Augustus acted fast, turning onto his belly, he started swimming doggy style towards them.

But could it really be that easy? For starters the moat's current was pushing against his body, bringing him closer and closer towards the bridge. The ten kids also zoomed towards him, yes, they were swimming to survive, but they were also taking advantage of the current and it allowed them to race towards Augustus.

Water splashed hard against Augustus's face, he could barely see, but with only three metres away from the bridge, and the dim light shining underneath the bridge.

His eyes went wide, his mouth dropped, at the site of the sharp wooden barricade in the shape of an X underneath the bridge.

Augustus acted quickly, desperately trying to swim against the current. It was at this moment, he saw the girl Ila who had chased him.

Her shield was gone, but her eyes stared straight at him, Her arms reached out, just as Augustus weaved to he right, dodging her.

What happened next, was something Augustus would never forget.

Ila's body smashed into the barricade, with wooden poles piercing through her back, pinning her down, her blood dripped into the moat.

She was still alive.

But that's when the first red belly fish shot out of the water, with razor-sharp teeth, it chomped onto her arm, Ila's screamed a most painful scream, and swung her arms, trying to get it off.

It was no use.

More and more hungry fish shot out of the water, each biting and chomping onto her body.

It lasted for 30 seconds, but her body was completely torn apart. Meat, guts, bones and blood oozed into the basin.


Augustus had been to shocked by the scene he forgot to move. The current had pushed him so close to the bridge now, that he realized that it was too late.

There was no way he was going to be able to move his body away.

Just as he was about to give up, a hand tapped onto his should.

"Need a hand boss?"

Without skipping a beat, Ethan placed both hands on Augustus's shoulder and kicked hard against the water, using him like a kickboard.

They moved fast.

Going further and further away from the awful bridge.

Evan also joined.

Augustus was safe from becoming fish food.

But it was not over, They still had to pass the ten kids that were swimming towards them in a single line, blocking out any escape route.

Thump, thump, thump!

The boys turned to see a stunning girl in a pink dress, run on top of the bridge, with two black swords in either hand.

And then she was gone.

Through the distraction, they never saw that a shadow of the black and red devil close in behind them.

A sharp pain shot through Ethan's arms, as the devil slashed him.

Ethan turned to search for his attacker, but the devil stayed behind him, clearly enjoying it.

He stabbed two more times into Ethan's body.

Making Ethan scream in agony. As saltwater covered his wounds.

And then a slash-cut through Ethan's beautiful face.

This infuriated Ethan.

Ethan loved his face, it was probably his most prized asset and knowing that someone had the balls to cut it, fired Ethan up.

Ethan elbowed backwards, hitting the devil, causing him to let out a gasp. But that was not all, Ethan turned fast adding two more kicks into the devil's chest, before wrapping his arm around the boy's neck, in a deadlock.

With the other hand, he punched again and again into the boy's head. It didn't stop there, he pushed the boy's head into the water, drowning him.

Ethan was out for revenge.

The devil tried to fight back, slashing a few times against Ethan's body, but it was no use, the hold only tightened, the devil's strength only got weaker, with each strike.

Until his body stopped moving.

Very still, Ethan let go of the body, and it washed away into the barricade where it became fish food.

Ignoring the pain, Ethan continued to swim towards the other side, with Evan and Augustus.

They could see a dim light at the other end.

Someone was waiting for them.

This only gave them more energy.

They reached the other side to see an outstretched hand, offering to pull them out of the river bank.

The team was pulled out to safety. But the two boys who saved them had their knives right next to their neck.

"Boy's we come in peace, thank you for saving us."

"We already have the four coins, there is no need for us to fight."

The boy closest to Ethan had stunning black eyes, a handsome face, short and spikey hair, with a thin muscular body. It was everything Ethan had dreamed off.

And standing behind him equally as attractive was a very tall boy. He was too tall for Ethan's liking.

"Why don't we form a team," Augustus said. "We will be stronger as a team, then if do this alone."


"What are your names?"

"Josh. And Joshua."

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