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60.49% Orphan / Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Survival

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Survival

It was go time. All I had to do was get one more coin, find the exit, and I would be free to go.

It was the stealth test, All I had to do was find someone. Anyone and just steal the coin off them. Xie Li had spent the whole day trying to teach us that. The other way of getting the coin would be to fight for it.

I couldn't do that, though. I mean, look at me, a silly seven-year-old girl, wearing a tight black dress in the middle of the night. I would freeze first, before being able to put up a fight.

How I regret wearing this black dress, the wind was practically climbing up my knees and sending chills down my spine.

I need to get warm, and what would be better than walking right next to the three lamps posted right outside the white medieval cottage that brought life to the tight streets.

It must be the dumbest thing I could do. I mean, once I was there, I would be a sitting duck. Anyone who walked past would be able to see me. But what the heck, it would be so warm, and I needed time to work out a plan.

I moved towards the closest building. It looked old, as I got closer, I could see the burnt marks against the wall, a broken window, and a broken door.

What could have possibly happened here?

As I turned around, I noticed that each of the buildings looked different, each had their own stories, some had broken roofs, others had walls that were smashed in, shattered windows, and even doors that had been bashed in. Not a single one of them looked the same as the other.

And in the distance, erecting high above all these buildings was a giant tower. This must be the bell tower where we had to go to leave.

It looked magical, it's roof was a tall green spire pointing to the sky, underneath a white marble-like chamber, and its shaft was made up of bricks which stretched high and beaming down to show its whole body were beautiful lights.

How on earth was I supposed to get there it? It would take me ages, and I still needed to get one more coin. Maybe I will be lucky and just find it on the floor. That would be perfect. On the bright side, I did have lovely shoes.

Taking a step forward, moving away from the building, I couldn't help but take a lamp with me. It must have been one of the most ridiculous things I could do, but if someone had seen me standing there, they would already know where I am. What's the worst that can happen?

The streets here were so tight, and each cottage was so small, it reminded me of the orphanage, walking down the hallway, between the different rooms. I passed one building after another. It felt like I was in a story. The main character walking down the street of what she once remembered was home, how things have changed, the buildings looking different from what she remembered.

Broken windows, smashed doors, ripped roofs, even walls with holes in them. Not a single house untouched!

Whoever came must have hated this place.

I must be at the bottom right of the city. There were elongated walls to the south and the right-hand side, each with of them closing the tight streets at a dead end.

I took a turn to the left and again, there was an endless number of cottages. It was like the whole city was filled with the same building. How boring.

Click. Click.


Blowing out the lamp, I stepped back, crouching low.

I slowly poked my head out.


Where did the sound disappear off too?

Click, Click.

There it was again. But different, the footsteps were quiet.

Click, Click.

It must be two different people. One of them wanted to disappear and hide, and the other must be the one hunting.

It was at this moment. There was a scream, followed by a loud thump, and the sound of a bell ringing which must have come from the bell tower.

What did they do to her? Why did she scream? Did she get attacked? If so, by who?

I thought this was a stealth test, not some crazy survival of the fittest contest. You just had to steal from another candidate, and you are good to go.

Unless…it was like what Augustus had said earlier. His team was going to kill whoever had an item to leave.

It was eerily quiet, did they kill her and leave her for dead?

Thinking about it sent chills down my back. Who was even in Augustus's team?


Could he be that cold and kill someone? He didn't seem to care when we were running for our lives in the first test. He didn't even turn around to have a look.

I have to be careful. Who knows what will happen to me if I meet someone else from Augustus's team.

I have to keep moving, find the coin, and leave.

I can't just sit here and wait. Picking up another lantern, I continued walking, closer to where the scream had disappeared.

Maria had always told me that we should face our fears. I was going to either meet someone I know or throw myself into the hands of someone I didn't. Either way, I was going to meet someone eventually, and maybe, I could persuade them to work with me.

There are 99 of us here. That's what the girl on the bus had told us. So if we were to each get four coins, just how many of us would manage to get out?

That's too hard for me. I continued walking, passing another two cottages. There was not a single soul here, not even a single footstep. Did they drop me that far away from everyone else?



"Is that you Charlotte?"


"This is perfect!" I can't believe it. I found someone I actually knew and to make it even better. She was the one I had trained with.

"Do you still have all your coins?"

"Yes, and you?"

"None. One moment the coins were in my pocket and then they were gone."

"That's terrible! Did you drop it? Why don't we look for them together?"

"No Evelyn, they were stolen from me, some rat must have stolen it from me."

"Don't worry. I am sure we can find some new coins."

"I have a better idea. Evelyn, I am going to ask you very nicely, please hand me your coins."

"Eh…you want me to give you my coins?"

"I am going to ask one more time." Her face was burning red, and her eyes were locked onto me as if I was her prey. What will she do if I say no?"

"We can work together; we can form a team. The terrible two. Side by side, working on getting the four…"

Her hand shot out. Grabbing onto my wrist. Tight.

I tried to pull, but her grip only tightened. Her nails dug into my skin.

"You're hurting me."

"The Coins."



My stomach felt like it was going to explode. Charlotte had hammered her knees into my chest.

Thump! Thump!

"I don't want to hurt you, Evelyn. Give me the bloody coins!"

"I will never it to you!"

"Have it your way."

Before I could even cry, I am thrown over her shoulder, falling hard on the floor.

Charlotte's fist comes down like lightning, hammering my face, again and again.

I hear a loud cracking noise, a taste of warm blood.

She wants to kill me. I want to scream, I want to cry, but I bite my lips. If someone hears us screaming, both of us are goners!

"Stop! Stop! I'll give you the coins."


Charlotte let's go of her grip.

I roll back, using the momentum to distance myself as far away from her as possible.

Standing, I bolt away from her. I pass one cottage. Two cottages. I twist and turn. Changing my direction. Three cottages.

She is screaming.

Her stomps were getting louder with every step.

Closer and closer. I can feel Charlotte warm breath against my neck.

What am I going to do? There has to be something I can do. I don't mind giving her the coins, but I hate her! She tried to kill me for those coins, who even does that?

I take another turn.


My face collides with a brick wall. Stopping me in my tracks.

Charlotte body crashes into mine.

Her hand clenched around my neck.

I can feel my breath starting to slow. I kick and throw punches at Charlotte, but it's no use.

She is too strong.

"Why couldn't you just give it to me? Was it that hard?"

I want to fight back, but I can't.

I can't even breathe. I don't know how much longer I can last.

If this continues, I am going to die.

Dipping my hands into my pockets, I drop the coins.

Her grip loosens. I can feel air coming into my lungs.

"Are you happy now?"

Charlotte doesn't reply. She is focused on the coins. She picks them up, and a green line appears on her chest.

"You lied! You said you lost all your coins!"

"I am sorry, Evelyn, I really am. I am not as fit as you, or as skinny as you, or even as fast and smart as you. All I am is brute force, and that is the only way I am going to survive."

"You, on the other hand, will find a way to get out, I know it."


"Thank you."

And she disappeared.

What was I supposed to do now?

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