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13.58% Orphan / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Liam

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Liam

Jolting awake, shivering I lunged forward, screaming at the top of my lungs.

Looking for who had done it.

Just what was the big idea?

My whole body was drenched from head to toe in icy cold water.

As my vision started to adjust, I could slowly make out that there were actually blocks of ice all over the bed.

And standing alone, in a black vest with salt and pepper hair, and a massive smirk spreading across his face was a tiny old man.

I was furious!

How did he even get into my room?

"Don't look at me with those eyes. Wash up, get dressed, and come outside."

"And just in case you wanted to know. I am Liam the butler. I have keys to every single room, and my one of my favourite activities in the morning is waking up children."

This man was crazy! He was actually holding a red bucket in his hand. And he looked proud like he had won the biggest award ever!

Who even enjoys waking up kids with buckets of water?

"Don't hate me. I am just doing my job and I'm probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet."

How could he even call himself nice, my face was burning, how much I wanted to grab that bucket and throw it back at him.

I didn't like him at all. We are never going to be friends and I was never ever going consider him to be nice in a million years.

"I am going to…"

"Tell your parents? I don't mind. You do you. But first, get dressed, brush your teeth and have a shower. You look disgusting."

It was as if it was his room, he moved around the room opening cupboards, and throwing things onto the bed. It didn't take long before there was a pile of clothes, a toothbrush and a block of soap.

"Wonderful! Your set. The showers are over there, relax and indulge. I'm sure you have never tried anything quite like it. But make it snappy because your late and I would hate it if you were not ready by the time I'm back."

And just as quick as he had appeared in my room, he had disappeared slamming the door shut behind him.

Was it a dream? It couldn't be.

I had his image engraved in my head. Short and was dressed in a slender black suit, with hair combed to the side, a large moustache and a pair of large round glasses.

Lifting myself off the bed, I moved towards the pile of clothes and froze.

Maybe it was fun, I mean I use to run around knocking on all the doors back at the orphanage.

He must have opened the blinds because I didn't realise the room was so big.

It was gigantic!

There were even two plush white seats, a table, and small lights that bought the room to life. And that was not all, I looked in the direction Liam had pointed to, the whole floor was covered with smooth white tiles, a vanity, a bathtub and a shower which overlooked…

I couldn't even find the words to describe it. It was completely magical, it was so surreal, and breath-taking.

In the centre was a long turquoise lake that stretched out endlessly, and as if chiselled by an artist on either side were mountains of green, it looked amazing, clean, beautiful, and at the back, I could just make out the snow-covered mountains.

I could shower here for days.

I must have stood there for ages because I only snapped back to reality after I heard a knock on the door before it opened.

"You're still not done. How slow are you? Am I going to have to throw your face under the sink and start scrubbing it with soap soon? And stab your mouth with the brush till you bleed."

"What is that place?"

"The backyard?"

"It looks so out of this…"

"I'm going to give you one more chance to clean up."

And he was out again.

I moved towards the shower, and turned on the water, it was like nothing I had experienced before, back at the orphanage I could only use the water in my cup but now, I had water gushing against my body.

I had always wished to try this but for the first time, I got to experience it.

Water smacked my back and trickled down, it was warm, and I could see the windows steaming up from the vapour that expanded out. I even used the wash to make tones of bubbles. It was so magical.

Even the towel felt soft, compared to what I had.

I grabbed the black dress on my bed and dressed up.

Sitting on my bed I waited for Liam to return to the room. This was the first time I had a long and warm shower. First time I had clean water to rinse and brush my teeth with paste that wasn't mouldy.

The door opened, rushing in, Liam stood in front of me. Looking at me from top to bottom.

"Excellent, you don't smell like a pile of dog poo no more."

Did I really smell that bad?

"Come on, follow me, you must see what it looks like outside!"

I followed him out of my room, the entire hall had changed, instead of the chocolate fountain at the centre of the room, there was a large tree that replaced it and it wasn't just any tree, but a large tree made of crystals, that dazzled under the light.

There were other children, standing outside their rooms, looking confused, I could see frowns on their faces, as they looked down at the great hall. And like me, not a single one of them had their parents with them.

"What happened to their parents?"

"You obviously do not know how school works, do you? Parents are sent home, only the children stay."

"On top of that, we are the best of the best school. Only the most talented, gifted, and lucky kids come here. Everyone who has managed to graduate from our school has lived amazing lives. It's worth dying for."

We moved down the staircase, and under the tree.

"Stay here."

"Where are you going?"

"I will be bringing the other kids down. The principle is coming. He always introduces himself to the new kids."

Slowly the room filled up. Liam went in and out bringing one or two kids each time. The kids were not much different from me, they were similarly aged, but some were much older.

He was not the only person bringing kids in either, there were others dressed similar to him doing exactly the same thing.


It was Zac, there were lines on his face, he was frowning as if he had lost something.

"What happened?"

"My parents disappeared, I looked everywhere and couldn't find them. It was like they vanished."

"My parents told me they had to go. Liam the housekeeper said this was a prestige school and that parents are not allowed to stay."

"Oh man. I wished my parents told me they were leaving, or at lease my housekeeper. She was so flimsy. I mean then at least I wouldn't have had to check the bins or visit the girl's toilet. I thought my parents were playing hide and seek."

He let out a sigh of relief, and transformed his mouth into a large smile, showing his beautifully clean white teeth. He looked like the happiest kid ever. I wished I could do that.

"We'll be alright Zac."

"Anyways, Liam said we are waiting for the principle. He said he likes to speak to all the new kids."

"Do you mean that guy up there?"

I follow his gaze.

Standing at the top of the stairs between a Chinese lady, with dark brown-black hair dropping down to her shoulders, and a tall white man, with short messy golden hair, and dressed in a grey suit was an old man.

He looked much older than any man I had ever seen, he had dark pupils, short brown and white hair, and the lines on his face were deep but I froze when I saw a massive scar straight down at the centre of his left eye.

I couldn't get my eyes off the scar, it looked so captivating. I wanted to know how did he got cut, did he fall down, did he accidentally get it from cooking, I really wanted to know.



"You've been staring at his scar for ages? His turning towards us."

"Shambles! I think he's looking at me!"

I must have made it too obvious! He's going to remember me! His eyes were locked onto mine.

"He's probably just looking at all of us. Anyways I think he's about to talk."

Looking back at him, I could see his hands raised as he did so the room quietened down. He finally stopped looking at me and drew his attention to everyone else instead. Phew!

"Children, welcome. You have all been selected from different places all around the world. You have all been given a chance to learn, to grow, to challenge yourselves to overcome obstacles that you never thought was possible."

"I am your principal, my name is Frederick Anderson. I will be your leader, I will give you food, I will give you clothes, and I will provide you with the facilities to train, develop and grow."

"If you are able to show me that your worth, I can give you everything you have ever dreamed of."

"But if you fail. You will pay the price."

The lady and the man standing next to him started clapping and all the other kids followed.

What did he mean that if we show our worth he will give us everything we ever dreamed of? How does he even know what we dream of? And if we fail we will pay a price? What kind of price?

I am thinking too much! Maria always said to focus on the positives! I'll do that instead.

There were so many wonderful things to think of, the food, the clothes, the beds and the private rooms!

When I looked back up he was gone. Where did he go? Was that all he was going to say?

"Our headmaster is a really busy man. It is lucky for you all to have met him, for some of you it will be the last time."

"But headmaster aside, are you ready for an adventure?"

"I have something installed for you all. Please turn around and go through the exit. There are buses stationed outside."

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