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Chapter 6.

Mark's POV:-

Sitting on the chair, as I began to read that paper in my hand my restlessness started growing.... It was containing all the details about Susan Green.

How come I never got to know come Catherine never told me about this.

I put that paper on the table and closed my eyes as I leaned backward on my chair.

Suddenly my mobile began to ring...

"Sir, Ms Green just left the house seems like she is going to meet someone...should I follow her?"

I pinched the center of the forehead and clamly said

"No..there is no need of following her anymore".

There is actually no need of spying on her anymore since I know everything about her... It's time to meet her in person again.

With that thought I asked my assistant to send a letter to her.

Does susan know about all this...maybe she don't..otherwise she wouldn't have behaved like that.. .. .however I have to ask her myself.

Susan's POV:-

With a little hesitation I reached the same office building from where my bad luck started.

I have no idea what is going to happen this time. This time I was even more nervous because last time I didn't even got to give the interview then why the hell did they send the call letter.

When I stepped out of the cab and started walking towards the front door of the office there were two men standing , and I don't know why but I was having this feeling that they were here for me but I decided to ignore them and continued to walk towards the door.

"Welcome miss green, please come with us" of them said while indicating towards another way rather than the way towards the lift.

"And why should I do that" I hesitantly said.

"Don't worry miss, we are just following the orders of the CEO"..... What else can go wrong with me.... and with that I followed them through a corridor and at the end of that corridor there was a lift.

"Was there anything wrong with that lift?"....I abruptly asked them while entering into the lift. But no one answered, I felt weird so I decided to keep quite. The door opened and it was just beside the cabin of the CEO. I knocked on the door but no one answered I again knocked but still nothing as I was about to knock for the third time the door opened and there was a man standing in front of me.

"Miss Green, please come in... Sir is waiting for you".. with that he left and closed the door behind him. I was a bit confused and intimidated at the same time, first I got the call letter even though I didn't gave the interview, then the different lift and now this man just said that sir is waiting for me....what the hell is going on.

As I turned towards the desk there was a man sitting on the chair on the other side of the chair with his back towards me. "Good morning sir" I said with all the confidence and courage left in me.

"Good morning miss Green, or should I just go with Susan"

"Oh my god, its YOU" I was really shocked...this was the same man who kidnapped me. I knew that there was something wrong... but I didn't expected this much wrong.

"Are you for real? First you kidnapped me and now you made me come here by a fake call letter." With that I turned to go back but then he said with a low firm voice "Don't you wanna know why did I kidnapped you and made you come here?"... I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him and with a sarcastic tone I said "Yes please, I would really like to know that, it would really help me to report a FIR against you for harassing me".

Hearing that he chuckled a little bit and pointed towards the chair "Please have a seat miss Green".. and passed the glass of water towards me "And don't worry I didn't spiked the water".

Without a word I did as he said.... as I put the glass on the desk and looked at him I found him already staring back at me with a serious look on his face. "Miss Green, what do you know about your family?" He said that with the same seriousness he had on his face.

"And why the hell do you wanna know about my family?" I said irritatingly.

"You will have your turns to ask questions, but first answer mine" he said with a strict voice.

"Well... I only have my father as my family, my mother died when I was a baby...that's all I know, other than that my father never mentioned about any other family member" I casually said.

Afrer hearing that he said "What would you say if I tell you that your mother is still alive"

I didn't know what to say because I wasn't sure whether he was telling the truth or he just made a really terrible joke.

"What kind of game are you trying to play" I said angrily.

Without saying a word or acknowledging me he just opened a drawer of the desk and took out some photographs and placed them on the desk. "Please have a look at them"...he said while sliding those photographs towards me.

I picked up one of those photographs and what I saw gave me a huge shock...I started looking into other photographs to see if they edited or not but to my surprise they were real.

Those were the photographs of him with me or someone who look like me.

I looked at him with the eyes full of questions.

"Don't worry, that's not you....that's Catherine your sister and my wife"

After hearing that I again looked at those picture.... I was still unable to believe that it was not me in those pictures...

"And this is your mother" he said while holding another photograph,it was of Catherine and my mother... I felt like my mind is going to blow up and without my realization few drops of tears rolled down on my cheek....

I instantly wiped out my tears.. "If...if whatever you are saying true..then why did my father hide... all these things from me for ..for..all these years" I said while chocking on my own words.

"This is the thing only your father can tell you" he sympathetically said while holding my hands.

With his touch my breathing stopped for few seconds but then I slowly pulled away my hands...

"I would like to meet them" I said demandingly.

On which he sighed and said "You can't" ...and before I could have said anything he continued "Catherine is missing and no one knows about this"..

"What!!Then we should find her"..I said almost shouting at him.

" What do you think?? I am not searching for my own wife and needs your suggestion for that... I am trying to find her for past two months" he got up from his chair and yelled at me.

On which I got startled. "Then what do you want me to do??"... I said and nervously looked up at him and continued " Otherwise you won't be telling me all these"...

He sighed and said "I want your help, it may be a little difficult for you"

"And that is?..."

"Can you take her place? Until I find her"....

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