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100% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 44: Confessions- Chapter 36

Chapter 44: Confessions- Chapter 36


We all stood there in silence, taking in what she had said. Subconsciously, I shifted away from her. Her eyes that once sparkled quickly returned to there dim glimmer as she shrunk herself down.

"And, their level?" I heard Ivy ask. Vikky slowly nodded. I rubbed my face and brushed my hair back before nodding. The others remained silent.

"Have you, used them on us before?" I asked slowly. She quickly shocked her head.

"No, I-I've never.," she said. I nodded once more. Suddenly, Alex cleared his throat.

"Well, we're gonna be late for school if we don't get going. Is everyone still going?" He spoke up. I was waiting for Violet to make a comment or joke but instead was met with silence. We were all still in shock at what Vikky had confessed.

"Yea, Adam, can you walk with Vikky? We'll walk in the front just in case." I said. I knew he would agree even despite her confession. What I wasn't expecting was what he said after.

"Well, it's time I admit my secret as well." He started. The group turned to face him, but all his attention was fixed on Vikky as he spoke.

"I think you're my mate." He stated. My eyes widened as I heard Ivy let out a small gasp. Violet groaned.

"Oh kill me now! I bet Ivy's gonna say she's in love with Alex next!" She exclaimed. I heard her words were quickly replaced with a yelp for help but I didn't bother looking over. Ivy had probably tied her to a tree somewhere. I turned to Adam with a frown. His timing was horrible! Vikky was sitting next to him frozen. I sighed.

"Let's go," Luke spoke up. I agreed before turning to follow behind him. I heard the others follow behind but didn't bother looking. It was a bit too much for one day. Hopefully, that was all there was for today. I highly doubt my sanity could take another confession.

We finally arrived at school, and after the long morning, we were all more than happy to finally split and go our separate ways. As I was about to walk to my class, a hand gripped my wrist. I turned around to see Vikky staring at me. She quickly released my arm.

"I- I'm sorry... I just-"

"There's no need to explain yourself Vikky, I think just a little time to think alone and we'll be good." I quickly said. She bit her lip before taking a step back. I noticed neither David or Jewel were with her.

"Did you drop them off already?" I asked. It took a moment for her to realize what I was talking about. She nodded once realizing. I gave her a tight smile.

"Alright, well I'll see you later? What class do you have last?" I asked her. She looked up at me in shock before collecting herself.

"I leave a bit early to get David and Jewel, I'll be in the nursery section of the school," She responded. I hummed in response before turning around. To my suprise, Luke was standing in front of me, his eyebrows pressing together.

"What did she need?" He said warily. I shocked my head.

"Nothing. Let's get going before we're late." I responded quickly. He stared at me before nodding. We headed for class.


The entire day, I couldn't help but feel incredibly nervous. I wondered what Sara and the others was thinking. She had ever right to kick me out of her house. In fact, She never had to take me in in the first place. I then remembered David and Jewel. My anxiety peeked. If she did kick us out, where would they stay? We most definitely could not go back to my parents house. And Garrett...

"Are you alright?" My thoughts were interrupted by Adam as he faced me. I turned to look at him but then remembered what he had said this morning. My face got hot as I glanced at the ground instead.

"Yea. Just thinking." I said meekly. He didn't budge any more. Instead he walked beside me silently. His tall and imposing figure which was being gawked at by passing student. I couldn't help but feel awkward around him. Stopping, I turned to face him. He quickly stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I frowned.

"Why are you following me?" I asked. I suppose he also didn't know the answer because he awkwardly scratched his neck. I sighed before turning to continue when he grabbed my arm. I flinched away from him.

Quickly, he retracted his grip.

"I-I'm, sorry about that." He said. I calmed myself down and held my arm, trying to stop it from trembling.

"It's fine." I responded. As I was about to continue walking, Adam spoke up.

"But, I truly meant what I said before." I turned to face him. A confused expression on my face.

"Adam, are you even sure yourself?" I said softly. He moved closer.

"Of course I am." He said confidently. I smiled bitterly.

"Adam, as much as I would love to tell you how I feel, I don't get the luxury of doing that. I have people I need to look after." I said to him. I gripped the edges of my skirt as I responded to him.

"Then let me help you, I can-"

"No, Adam. You can't. You shouldn't need to sacrifice yourself for my well being." I cut him off. He grabbed my hands. I looked up at him to see a frustrated but sorrowful expression on his face.

"I already told you Vikky, if you really are my mate then-"

I pulled my hands away from his grip. My jaw clenched tightly.

" then what? You throw your life away to help mind that's falling apart?" I scoffed. "Don't bother." He grabbed my hand again.

"Stop doing this to yourself! How long can you go pretending everything is alright? Let me help you!" His tone almost pleading. I glanced at him but quickly turned away. I pulled my hands back once more, placing them closer to my chest. I shook my head.

"I.. I can't." I said softly. I turned away from him and quickly stormed off, ignoring him as he called my name repeatedly. I glanced down at my hands. He had been nothing but nice to me. He had also saved me from trouble multiple times, I had no right to treat him like this. Clenching my hands into fists, I quickly folded them and crossed my arms before continuing to walk.

He had held them with such softness. In such a caring way that, that I had never been exposed to. It was terrifying.


Ivy and Violet walked next to me silently. After what happened this morning, we were all at a loss of words with what to do next. I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw Emily walking towards us, a sly and sinister smirk on her face. Violet groaned loudly and stomped her feet.

"Not now! Why!" She wined. I glared at Emily and crossed my arms.

"Your like a next level type of crazy, you know that?" I said. She only laughed.

"Bh the way, that little friend of yours, how's she doing? Probably not too scared, right?" She said. Ivy was shaking with anger.

"Your absolutely insane! How are you still allowed here? You could have killed her siblings! And why were you using your powers in broad daylight?" She scowled at her. Emily only shrugged. Her nonchalant demeanor only made me despise her even more than usual. I walked up to her, glaring nothing but pure hatred towards her.

"If you don't start learning how to control yourself. I'll ensure that I give you a reason to." I said coldly. She only glared back at me.

"Is that a threat?" She asked. I replicated her shrugged and smirked at her. She glanced at us once more before huffing and walking away. I watched as she left, Ivy rolled her eyes and Violet seeming just about ready to explode.

"God if I see her face again." She clenched her teeth together. "I think I might throw her into a locker."

I laughed and turned to face the two of them.

"Anyway, we should probably get to our next class before the bell rings." I said. Ivy looked at me in disbelief.

"Hold up, what happened to reporting to the school if anything goes wrong? Your sister would kill us if she found out what happened this morning." Ivy said. I pressed my lips in a stiff line before frowning. Sighing in defeat, I nodded at Ivy before looking back up at her.

"I suppose your right, but for now we need go to class and not get in any more trouble." I said. They nodded before we continued walking.

"Oh right, did you find out anything else on Vikky's locker situation?" Violet asked. I shook my head and sighed.

"Nope, but Sasha is still trying to look into it. For now, let's just try and focus on school." I paused. "Especially you Violet." She placed her hand on her chest and gasped dramatically.

"What are you talking about! I'll have you know that my grades are above average!" She exclaimed. I looked at her with my arms crossed smiling entertained.

"Really? Above average?" I said. She awkwardly rubbed her neck and coughed.

"Well, maybe just average."

I stared at her.

"In most classes."

Rolling my eyes, we finally continued walking to class. I ignored Violets flustered words as she tried to cover up her 'above' average grades.

"Seriously! It's only two classes!"


(I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thank you all for reading!)

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