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84.09% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 37: Late as Always - Chapter 30

Chapter 37: Late as Always - Chapter 30


Rushing in the building, I waited for a moment for the girls to catch up.

"Whew, your fast!" Violet said panting a bit once they had caught up.

"Sorry about that, I need to get them in class on time." I said. They all looked at me and smiled.

"No problem! You can go from here right? We'll see you at lunch!" Sara said waving. I waved back.

"Bye David!" Ivy yelled waving at him. He lifted his hand and gave a small shake before putting his hand down. The bright smile on Ivy's face assured me that she was satisfied with only that. I picked David up with one hand before continuing to the pre-kindergarten section of the school to drop them off.

I got there in a couple of seconds as I knocked on the classroom door, opening it was one of the assistant teachers asked to help manage the class. She smiled as soon as she saw me.

"Ms. Springfield! Nice to see you again." I said with a smile. Handing David over to her, as well as there bags. He smiled and rushed to her leg. She bent down to hug him before sending him into play with the other students, except he stood behind her waiting for me to leave first. I passed Jewel over to Ms. Springfield and she started to whine. Then salty tears streamed down her small cheeks. It always broke me hearing her cry, it hurt me even more knowing that it was because I was going.

"Princess, hey.. I'm coming back really soon okay? Just play with your friends for now, please." I was practically begging her. I was already about fifteen minutes late to class. Not to mention I hadn't even stopped by at my locker.

As if she saw and understood my pleading face, her cries softened into small sniffles. I kissed her forehead gently and then bent down to hug David goodbye. His small body ran into me as he hug me bye.

"See you later?" He said. I nodded while caressing his face. I sniffed slightly, not wanting to cry in front of them.

"Yeah, see you later." I responded. I pecked his forehead as well before waving bye to them and then rushed to my class. By the time I was standing outside my math class with my books, it had already been about twenty minutes since class started.

I opened the door and watched as everyone's eyes glanced over to me. My math class was filled with students who could have easily made it to AP math but were either to lazy too or didn't have the time. And about half of the class was staring at me. I sat in my usual seat somewhere in the middle of the room and as I took my work out, the teacher called my name.

"Vikky, can you please come up and solve this problem please." He said. I nodded slowly and got up from my chair even slower. I walked to the front of the class and grabbed the marker from the cup holding them. I tried to ignore how fast my heart was beating and read the problem but I couldn't when everyone was staring at me.

"Vikky, we don't have all day-

"Sorry" I interrupted my teacher and instantly began writing on the board. I solved the problem and took a small step back to ensure I had done my work correctly. After that, I put the marker back before taking a step to the side. The teacher looked at the board and then looked at me.

"How did you do that?" He said. I suddenly felt like shrinking.

"Sorry?" I said. He coughed slightly before fixing his tie.

"We covered this in the first fifteen minutes of class, so how do you know this?" He said clearer. I could practically hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears. I didn't respond but stared at the ground instead.

"You May sit." He said once realizing that I wouldn't answer him. I raced to my seat. I finally took a deep breath once realizing I was back in my seat. I opened my notebook and took out my pencil.


"You thinks she's mad at us?" Ivy asked worried. I shook my head before shrugging.

"I don't think so, at least I hope." I said. Violet rubbed her neck.

"Me too, I mean, we were only trying to help." She said. Ivy nodded in agreement.

"Yea, I hope she's okay though, do you think she ate the food we left for her?" Ivy said looking at me. I shrugged again.

"I don't know, when I get home I can check." I replied. "You guys staying over again?" I asked. Ivy shook her head as well as Violet.

"Sorry, my mom wants me back by tonight." She said.

"Same here, got to help mine with that one level." I raised a brow at her.

"Level on what?" I asked.

"Tetris." Violet replied. I blinked before rolling my eyes.

"Let's go to class." I said. Ivy yawned before nodding. I made my way to my next class, I had math next. Just as I was about to open the door, I saw the teacher talking with Vikky. I instantly stood to the side of the door, creaking it open.

"Look Vikky, your a wonderful student and your very smart. But I don't see why your always late to my class. Is there a reason for that you would like to tell me?" He said. I remembered back to how fast Vikky was rushing to class. I frowned.

We were slowing her down. I felt a pang of guilt and instantly knew I needed to do something. I first waited for Vikky to respond.

"I'm sorry sir, however I am simply late because of the distance from my house to the school. I do not have any way to come any quicker." She lied, her head still hanging down as she did so. Why did she have to lie though? I'm sure the teachers would understand her situation. I opened the door and walked in.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I said faking a shocked face. The teacher turned to me and smiled.

"Sara, it's okay, go ahead and get your things set up for class." He said. I nodded before sitting down and placing my things on the desk. He continued talking to Vikky in a hushed voice. After arranging my things on the next, I got up and headed for the door.

"Sara, where are you going?" The teacher asked looking up.

"Uh, bathroom?" I said quickly. He waved me of before returning to talk to Vikky with a stern look. I turned to corner and waited outside the classroom. A few seconds pasted and finally Vikky came out of the classroom. I walked up behind her.

"Why don't you just tell him the truth?" I asked. Vikky spun around surprised before realizing what I was talking about.

"I can't." She said, turning to walk away from me.

"But why? Why do you like bottling things up like that?" I asked. She turned around again, her fists clenched tightly. She was biting her lip harshly.

"Because then I have to face the risk of giving them away Sara! It's not like you would understand what I have to lose." She said. I stared at her. Tears were on the verge of spilling out of her eyes.

"Your going to hurt yourself if you keep doing this." I said. She looked down and unclenched her hands. Her shoulders relaxing a bit.

"It's okay." She said. " I'm sorry for yelling." And before I could respond, she walked off. I sighed deeply before brushing my hair back with my hand.

She was right, I had absolutely no clue what was going through her head.


I walked back to the children section of the school during my lunch break. The bright painted hallways decorated with stars and hearts. It was here on the way in, but now I that I took my time walking through the hall, it was very peaceful. I turned the corner and saw the classroom where I dropped them off. I smiled before rushing to the door. I knocked on it and a different teacher opened it.

"Hello?" She said. I waved slightly and looked around the room. "Are you looking for someone?" She asked.

"Yes, is Ms. Springfield here-"

"Vikky! Dear come in." I was interrupted by Ms.Springfield. She popped in from the corner and shooed the other teacher away while smiling at me.

"Come in, come in." She said. I stepped into the colorful room that had little kids running around, as well as babies crying loudly. I looked at Ms. Springfield who looked back at me still smiling. She turned to the classroom.

"David! Guess who's here!" She yelled. I stood there patiently waiting for him while trying my best to hide my grin. I heard tiny footsteps run across the wooden floor. David was running in the direction of the door while holding a cracker in one and and a block in the other.

"Kiki!" David yelled loudly before bursting out into a fit of giggles. I bent down with my arms wide as he ran towards me. Crashing into my arms, I picked him up while smiling myself. He hugged my neck and looked at me.

"Hi angel! Where's your sister?" I asked him, putting him down so he could show me. He led me to a quiet room where there was only a dim light. The room filled with baby cribs. He pointed to one near the back of the room. I peered in to see Jewel smiling while playing with a baby rattle. I gently put my arms underneath her and lifted her up. She looked at me and laughed before putting her hand in her mouth.

"Stop that!" I said tickling her stomach I bent down to David who looked over my arms to see his sister. His smile widened.

"Come on, let's go to the other room." I said to him. We walked back into the main room and I sat down on one of the many rainbow colored rugs scattered around the room. I looked up to check the clock. Putting Jewel in my lap, I watched David play with the blocks. As he occasionally came up to me to update me on what he was building. As well as trying to feed Jewel some of his cracker.

I heard a knock on the door but ignored it, expecting it to be another teacher that came back from break. Plus, I highly doubt David would like it if I stopped paying attention to his building skills. Another teacher soon came and opened the door. I was to focused on David's building to notice the tall figure that walked in. A cough interrupted Me as I tapped Jewel cheek. I looked up.

"Hey." Adam said smiling awkwardly.


(Whew! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading!)

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