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81.81% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 36: Ready for School - Chapter 29

Chapter 36: Ready for School - Chapter 29


The buzzing phone next to me instantly woke me up. I sighed before turning to face David and Jewel who were still sleeping peacefully next to me. I was surprised Jewel didn't cry at all during the night. I yawned before heading to the bathroom. After washing up and changing into my school uniform, I inspected the bruise on the side of my head more carefully. It bad turned a mustard yellow mixed with a rotting purple. Not a pretty sight at all. I sighed before quickly exiting the room. Walking downstairs, I found Sara's sisters study.

I only knew it was her seeing as she had a big photo of herself on the wall shaking hands with some famous person. Smaller ones with different people were scattered on the walls of her office. I slowly went in and looked around.

I knew she had to have a bandage somewhere, I just didn't know exactly where. Opening and closing drawers, I searched high and low for them but couldn't find any. I sighed before putting my hands on my hips. I have to hurry before David and Jewel woke up.

"What are you doing in here?" Sasha's voice boomed from behind me. I jumped slightly before spinning around. I saw the skeptical look in her face as she scanned me.

"I was, looking for a bandage." I said. She crossed her arms and frowned.

"For what?" She said. I bit my lip and silently shifted my gaze to the ground.

"Vikky? I need to know why you need a bandage, maybe I could help." She said. I looked back up at her before sighing. Slowly, I lifted my hair covering my ear to reveal the swollen lump on the side of my head. Sasha gasped. She gently held my hair back while inspecting the bump.

"Vikky, this is huge! What happened?" She said. I shrugged.

"I must have stumbled into something without knowing." I mumbled. Sasha pokes the lump and I hissed out in pain.

"Ow!" I flinched. She looked at me.

"That type of pain isn't just something you can sleep on Vikky." She said. "Mind telling me what actually happened?" She said. I shuddered slightly at the thought of telling her how I got the bruise. I shook my head before squeezing my eyes shit.

"I can't, I'm sorry." I said. Sighing deeply she pat my back.

"Baby, even if you feel like it's the safer choice, you can't keep bottling things to yourself." She said in a motherly tone. I flinched away from her pat and shifted to the side. She looked at me hurt.

"I didn't mean to- I just- I can't.." I stuttered. She frowned sadly before looked back at my head.

"Well, let me at least get that fixed for you, stay still okay?" She said. I nodded. Reaching her hand up, she covered my bruise with the palm of her hand. Although it stung for a moment, it was instantly replaced with a cool sensation as if someone had pressed an ice cube to the side of my face. Closing my eyes, I took in the warm feeling before she removed her hand.

"All done. Just make sure to take it easy okay? My magic affects everyone differently." She explained I nodded and thanked her before heading for her office door.

"And Vikky?" She said. I stopped and turned around to face her.


"I'm always here if you need me, okay?" She said. I shifted my gaze to the floor before nodding.

"Okay, thanks." I left her office without letting her reply. Rushing up the stairs, I entered the room to see David sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Kiki?" He said yawning. I smiled before going over to him and kissed his forehead.

"Morning angel," I said smiling at him. He reached his tiny hand up and wiped my face.

"you cry?" He said, attempting to say "are you crying" but it only came out as a mumbled mess. I wiped my face to realize that I was in fact, crying. The hot tears streaming down my face. David's own face twisted with sadness as he was also on the verge of crying simply from seeing me cry. I lifted him up and patted his back.

"Angle don't cry! I'm fine, see? I'm okay." I said, giving him my biggest smile as I peppered his face with kisses. His sad expression soon turned to laughter as he tried to run away from my kisses. Smiling, I put him down to check on Jewel. Lifting her up, I saw that she was awake but still yawning. I smiled and tapped her cheeks.

"Hello to you too princess ." I laughed. She giggled and started chewing her hand. Deciding not to do that, she took her wet fingers out of her mouth and waved her arms up and down. Occasionally rubbing her wet hand against my cheek. I groaned while laughing.

"Jewel! I told you to stop doing that!" I said laughing. As if she understood what I had said, she giggled softly. I carried her to the bathroom while David followed behind me, holding my leg while walking. I led them both to the bathroom were I changed Jewels diapers as well as changing both of there clothes. I finally brushed David's teeth before leaving the bathroom.

"David, go get your bag!" I said to him. Letting go of my leg, he ran towards one of the bags and pulled out his little book bag and put it on. He then returned his grip to my leg.

"Let's go downstairs, okay?" I said. He nodded with a grin. Jewel was too busy playing with her fingers to look at me.

Once we reach the the bottom, Jewel started to whine, her whines soon turned into cry's.

"Jewel, what's wrong?" I tapped her cheek and she looked at me still crying. I looked down at David before crouching down. He stared at her before looking at me.

"She wants food." He said. I sighed before rocking her slowly in my arms.

"David, do you remember the bag I put her formula in? As well as her bottles?" He nodded.

"I'll get it!" He said before climbing up the stairs.

"Slowly David!" I said. He didn't listen but instead went faster I sighed before walking into the kitchen, The girls were all sitting there eating while chatting. Violet looked up and smiled upon seeing me.

"Morning Vikky! Where's David?" She said. I put mine and jewels bag before responding.

"Good morning, He went back upstairs to help grab something for me." Just as I said so, David's small hand tapped my leg. I smiled then turned around.

"That was fast! You got it?" I asked. He handed me Jewel's bottles as well as her baby formula. Grabbing the things from him, I placed them on the table before pulling out a chair for David. Lifting him up with one arm, I sat him down before pushing the chair in. I handed Jewel to David.

"Don't drop her now." I said smiling before pecking him on the cheek. The girls looked at me in awe. I turned to face them.

"Is, something wrong?" I asked. Sara shook her head and laughed.

"No it's just, your so, so-

"Parent like!" Violet interrupted with a mouth filled with pizza. I laughed slightly before scratching my neck.

"I guess." I said. Walking over to the fridge I paused before opening it.

"Uh Sara?"


"Can I use some of your food?" I asked. The three of them stopped eating and stared at me. Sara started to laugh but stopped when she saw my serious face.

"O-oh, your serious? Yea of course!" She said. I nodded before taking out the milk and the cereal from the cupboard. Pouring a bowl for David, I gave it to him before picking Jewel up to hold her so he could eat. I was just about to start preparing Jewels bottle when Sara cleared her throat.

"Hey Vikky?" She said. I turned to face her while holding Jewel.


"We're gonna head out now, need some help?" She offered. I shook my head and smiled.

"It's okay, I got it." I said. Sara looked at the clock on her wall before looking back at me.

"You sure? Schools starting soon and we wouldn't want you to be late." She said. I shook my head and smiled again.

"No really, it's fine, you can go. See you around at school?" I said. Sara nodded uncertain but still left, Violet and Ivy following soon after. I started to pack two extra bottles of jewels food before thinking of what to pack for David. Taking the food out of the fridge that was left for me by Sara, I packed over half of it into David's lunchbox. Handing it to him, I grabbed my bag and Jewels before helping him out of the seat.

"You finished?" I asked him. He nodded slowly while patting his stomach. I smiled at him before leading him to the sink with his bowl, after he washed and dried his hands, I passed Jewel to him carefully, as well as her bottle.

"Can you help me feed her angel?" I asked. He smiled brightly before slowly walking towards the wall to sit down and feed her.

I washed the plates in the sink and cleaned the kitchen before adjusting the bags and washing my hands. I walked over to David who had helped me feed and was now helping Jewel to burp like he had seen me done multiple times. Except his small body was barely bigger than Jewel so it looked a bit awkward. I laughed before taking her from his arms.

"Okay, let me hold her, you grab your lunchbox." I said to him. Standing up, he grabbed his with his right hand and in his left hand held mine while I held Jewel with one hand.

"Do you have everything?" I said. He looked at me before nodding. I smiled and tapped Jewel's cheek with my thumb.

"And you?" I said grinning. He

Smiled before sticking her hand in her mouth. I laughed before walking towards the door. Letting go of David's hand briefly, I opened it. I gasped loudly when I did.

Sara, Ivy, and Violet stood outside the door with a smile.

"What are you guys doing? Your gonna be late! Class started five minutes ago!" I said. Violet shrugged.

"It's a four minute walk, we won't get I. That much trouble." Violet said. I frowned at there persistence but then sighed.

"We should hurry then." I said softly before walking past them quickly. David following my pace.

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