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77.27% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 34: The Truth - Chapter 27

Chapter 34: The Truth - Chapter 27


Vikky glanced at all of us before slowly crouching down, revealing the small, frightened boy behind her with bright violet eyes.

She held her hand in his before slowly walking towards us. Adam's eyes were wide with shock.

"Vikky.." he started. Vikky's gaze flickered between the small boy walking closely next to her or the little one in her arms.

Garrett started laughing like a maniac when he saw that Vikky had come out of the room.

"Oh your screwed now. You idiot-"

Before he could finish Adam had already lifted him off the ground and slammed him into the wall. I turned back to glare at him.

"Can you two take this outside please?" I said. Adam glared at Garrett with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Gladly." He said, before walking outside and slamming the door behind him. I turned back towards Vikky who was staring at all of us. I cleared my throat before looking at her.

"Sorry about him." I said. She shook her head and sniffed silently. Sasha looked at all of us and frowned.

"I don't think u all can fit in my car." She said. Luke smile and looked at her.

"That's alright, me and the guys can find our way back, you can just take the others." He said. Sasha glanced at him up and down before nodding satisfactorily.

"Sara," she said.

"Yes, Sasha?" Sara replied.

"I like this boy." Sasha said with a wink. Sara's face turned red instantly as Luke pretend to cough with an obvious blush on his face.

"Let's go, Violet, you bring Vikky, we'll wait in the car. alright?" Sasha said. I nodded before turning back to Vikky. The others left shortly and it was only Vikky and I in the room, as well as the little boy and infant she was holding.

"What's there names?" I said after a long pause. She held the boy's hand as he rapped himself around her leg. She didn't answer for a moment.

"David and Jewel." She said after a few seconds. I smiled at her.

"Siblings?" I asked. She looked up at be before nodding.

"May I ask, why?" I said slowly. She looked down before shaking her head vigorously. She began trembling. I started to panic.

"H-hey hey, it's okay, you don't have to respond if you don't want to okay?" I said to her. She crouched down closer to the wall, Her little brother moving closer to her. She hugged him tightly and whispered something in his ear. The little boy looked at me and I slowly smiled.

"I'm sorry," she said slowly once she stopped trembling. She stood up and nodded towards me.

"It's okay, really. But why don't we pack your things before we go, okay?" I said. She nodded. She looked at her little brother and then crouched to the ground again. She whispered softly in his ear and he ran off into the room they were hiding in and started to back their things. Vikky looked at me. I looked at her confused. She glanced down at the baby in her hands.

"Oh! Yes, yea I can help you." I said. I rushed into the room that the boy ran into. He stopped putting things into bags when he saw me walk in.

"Oh, um, hi! I'm Violet-"

Before I could finish the boy's eyes started to fog up, his face twisting into the saddest expression I'd ever seen. I quickly crouched down and waved my hands in my face.

"No no no! Hey, sweetheart. Don't cry," I said, trying my best to stop him. He ran back out of the room and in seconds I was left alone. I sighed before turning to the bag he had already started filling and continuing to fill it. Vikky soon came into the room with a small smile on her saddened face.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't like strangers much." She said. I turned to face her while stuffing the bag.

"That's fine! I completely get it." I said to her smiling. She sat on the ground next to her little brother.

The room was quiet for a couple of minutes except for the occasional sounds of bags zipping and unzipping. Vikky cleared her throat quietly.

"Um, Violet?" She said.


"Why was, um why was." Vikky paused, as if searching for the words to say. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Why was he here?" She asked. I smiled softly but continued packing the bags.

"Why was who here?" I said. I looked up to see her getting flustered.




"What? Jacob? Luke? Alex?" I said. My smile getting bigger. She bit her lip.

"Why was Adam here?" She said after a moment of silence. I turned to her.

"Why else?" I said. She looked to the floor with a mixed expression. I stoped packing and sat down in front of her. She looked up at me.

"Vikky, he's not gonna ask you to marry him anytime soon. He just came to help." I said. Her eyes flickered with an unexplainable sadness but her face changed to a smile quickly.

"I know I just, want to thank him properly. You know, without sounding, weird.." she trailed off. A soft cry echoed from the baby in her arms. Turning to the source of the sound, the little baby wailed louder. Vikky's face twisted into a frown.

"Shh shh shh, it's okay love." She said softly while rocking her in her arms delicately, as if the baby would break with the slightest amount of pressure.

"She doesn't like it when she doesn't have all the attention on her." Vikky said with a bright smile. I looked at her shocked. She looked up at me confused.

"What?" She said. I shook my head and laughed slightly.

"Nothing, it's just, I think that's the first time you've actually smiled." I said laughing. She widened her eyes in shock before her face heated slightly.

"Oh.." she said. Looking back at the baby, she took a finger and tapped her cheek. Jewel's gummy smile brightened Vikky's face. I smiled at the exchange before turning back around to finish packing the last bag.

"Alright, That's everything!" I said standing up with three bags, only two of them filled completely. Vikky looked at me with an apologetic smile before standing up. Her little brother still clinging behind her, gripping to her leg tightly.

"Sorry about this." She said slowly. I shook my head and looked at her sadly.

"It's not your fault this is happening to you Vikky." I said. The look on her face showed that she obviously didn't believe me. I sighed before heading towards the door.

Well, where the door once was.

I slowly turned around to face Vikky. Just as I was about to apologize, the little boy hidden behind her leg smiled at me. I widened my eyes in shock before looking up at Vikky.

"Did he just-"

"Ah! I'm sorry about him." She said. I looked at her confused.

"He can read minds." She said. I looked at the little boy bewildered.

"At, at his age?" I said. She nodded. I looked at the little boy to see him staring up at Vikky with a scared expression. My face saddened a bit.

"Sorry, it's just, I think that's the first I've seen someone so young master their powers already." I said to her. She smiled before shaking her head.

"I get it, it comes as a shock to some people." She replied while rubbing her brother's back with her hand.

"Well, let's go then." I said to her. She nodded before crouching down to lift her brother.

"Can't he walk?" I asked.

"Yes but, he walks slowly." She said smiling a bit. The boy rested his head on Vikky's shoulder, his eyes closing and opening slightly. I led them to the car where we dumped the bags into the trunk before I opened the car door for them.

Vikky had some trouble getting in but after a moment we were all in the car, Ivy to the right, Vikky and her siblings in the middle, and me on to the left. Sara was sitting in the passenger seat. Sasha turned around and smiled.

"Hey there love, ready to go?" She said. Vikky smiled nervously before nodding. Putting the car in reverse, Sasha pulled out of the driveway and headed back to her house.


Pulling into Sara's driveway. Sasha smiled before unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Here we are!" She said before hopping out of the car. Sara and Ivy followed after. Vikky unbuckled her belt before tapping my leg. I turned to look at her.

"Is this her house?" She asked, pointing to Sara. I smiled then nodded.

"It's huge right! We always have our sleep overs here." I said laughing a bit. Vikky stared out the window. I faced her with a concerned face.

"Are you okay with it? We can stay at my house instead if you'd like." I said. She shook her head vigorously.

"No no this is fine, I just don't want to inconvenience anybody anymore than I have." She said embarrassed. I frowned a bit before smiling.

"It's fine really, Sara has like a billion bedrooms, it won't be any trouble." I said to her, trying to comfort her. She gave a smile unconvincing smile before exiting the car. Her little brother eyed me for a moment before exiting after her. I sighed and scratched my head before leaving through my side. Walking into the house and up the stairs, Sara showed Vikky to there room.

"This is the guest room, we'll be across the hall if you need anything. It's that okay?" Sara said. Vikky nodded and smiled slightly.

"Yes! Thank you so much." She said. Sara smile and Ivy laughed.

"It's no problem, really!" Ivy said. Her blue eyes looked especially bright for some reason. I followed her gaze only to see she was staring at the small baby wrapped in Vikky's arms. I smacked her on the back of her head before hissing slightly.

"Ow! What the heck was that for!" She turned to glare at me.

"You look like your gonna eat the poor thing! Leave her be!" I said. Ivy rubbed the back of her head with a pout. Sara came from out of nowhere and jumped on Ivy, squeezing her tight.

"Awww it's okay Ivy I love you!!" She said. Ivy pushed Sara by her head trying to get away from her.

"Okay okay! Let go of me!!" She yelled. I sighed at the two before turning towards Vikky.

"Sorry, we'll go now." I said. Pushing Ivy and Sara out the door, I waved goodbye to Vikky before leaving.

Once inside Sara's room, Ivy instantly shoved Sara away from her. I grabbed two pillows off of the bed before throwing one at the both of them.

"Grow up you guys!" I groaned. They both got up and looked at me. I folded my arms.

"What??" I said. They both looked at each other before picking up the pillow I had throw at them. Glaring at them both, I slowly backed up.

"Don't you dare." I said. They smiled wickedly.


I could hear the yells and laughter from the girls next door. I sighed before placing Jewel down on the bed. She whined slightly but calmed down when David came to play with her. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the tap. Letting the tub fill with warm water. I turned off the tap just as the water reached halfway. Going back into the room. I pulled out pajamas for both Jewel and David. I looked at David before picking him up.

"Let her sleep for now let's go shower okay?" I said. Reaching the bathroom, I helped him get out of his clothes and enter the bathtub safely, one seeing him sit down in the tub, I turned back into the room to grab the soap from one of the bags. Frowning I returned into the bathroom. Crouching down, I sat next to the tub

"David, do you remember me packing soap?" I asked him. He looked at me then returned to splashing water. I sighed.

He's a three year old for crying out loud Vikky.

I sighed once more before rubbing his head slightly.

"Can you stay here while I go find some soap?" I said. He looked at me, then turned back to splashing the water.

"Good boy" I said smiling. Pecking him on the cheek, I stood up and walked back towards the bedroom door.

I walked up to the room actually the hall where the noise was still echoing from. I knocked on the door. The noise stopped for a moment and the door opened.

"Vikky! What's up!" Sara's bubbly self opened the door.

"Hi um, do you happen to have soap I could use for David? Like a non scented one perhaps-

"I got it!!" Ivy leper's from the bed and ran to the dresser before pulling out two soaps. Rushing over to the door, she heaved slightly while panting.

"Here! There's bubble bath soap and some regular non-scented shower gel! Want me to come and help? I'm like really good with kids." Ivy rambled a bit too fast but I was able to somehow understand her.

"Actual lay David is quite shy so-

"Ki ki!" I heard a child's yell from behind me and I saw my naked three year old brother racing down the hallway. I gasped horrified.

"David!! David comeback here!" Dropping the soaps that were in my hands, I chased after David who was still laughing while running away screaming. I groaned finally grabbing his arm and pulling him by the waist.

"Got you!" I said, lifting his wet body I tried my best to cover him. He laughed while smiling brightly and rested his head on my shoulder again. I sighed once more.

"You sure you don't need help?" Ivy's voice rang out from behind me. I turned around slowly.

"If you still don't mind.." I said. Her eyes glowed as she nodded.


(Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I will try my best to put more out!)

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