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75% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 33: Conditions - Chapter 26

Chapter 33: Conditions - Chapter 26


Ivy opened the door and greeted the three people standing outside in. Luke rushed inside panicked only calming down when his eyes met mine.

"Sara! Are you okay?" He said, shifting over to me. I stood up and scooted over slightly, making room for the three of them.

"Yea, I'm fine. Sorry I scared you guys like that." I said. Luke sighed before looking at me with a soft smile.

"Good." He said. I Violet and the others looked at him confused. His face quickly heated.

"I meant like good because she's not hurt ya know not like good because-"

"Okay! Okay we get it." Jacobs thick British accent cut off Luke's rambling. He rubbed his neck and sat down next to me.

"Anyways.." Alex said slowly turning away from Luke and I.

"That girl we saw coming here, Vikky right?" He asked. Ivy nodded her head before explaining what had happened after they dropped me off in the car. Alex's eyes widened.

"You mean Garrett did that? He seemed normal on the court." Luke questioned. Violet shrugged.

"My guess is that it's one of those family things. Her parents called earlier today too." She said. I squinted my eyes and glanced at Violet.

"Wait," I said. Violet turned to face me.

"How did they get your house number?" I asked. They all looked at me for a second before looking back at Violet. As if something clicked in her head, she covered her mouth and gasped.

"What?" Alex asked. Violet stood up.

"Crap, crap, crap oh my god." She yanked on her hair while running around the house, appearing every second or so with a bag. I stood up and grabbed her shoulder.

"Woah woah hey where are you going?" I asked. She looked at me and then the rest of us before dropping her bag and running her hands through her hair again.

"That guy, he said, he said that.. Ivy you remember right?" Her head flicked up as he rushed to Ivy.

"Remember what?" Ivy said staring at Violet confused.

"What guy?" Jacob said silently fuming.

"The guy we saw in the hallway, remember?" Violet said again. Ivy nodded slowly.

"Yea the one carrying Vikky, what about him?" She said. Jacob slowly started to calm down after that.

"He said that someone was beating her up right?" Violet said.

"Okay, so after we left her to get her bag he found her again, but what does that have to do with her parents?" Ivy said, still lost. A lightbulb went off in my head as I understood what Violet was trying to say.

"It was an inside job." I said. The others looked at me. I ran back into Violet's room to grab my phone. Taking it back into the living room, I showed the others the photos of Vikky's file from my sisters work folders.

"No parent would let there only daughter get brutally beaten up like that, especially after she was labeled a dancing prodigy." I said, zooming into the files description.

"There was something in it for them, something big." Violet paused. "And they can't get that unless Vikky stays with Garrett." She said. The guys stood up from the couch.

"But Violet, why are you packing a bag?" Alex asked. Violet picked up the bag again and slug it over her shoulder.

"Cause we just sent her back to him."


Sasha's baby blue pickup truck raced down the road. Sasha's hands gripping down on the steering wheel.

"I CANNOT believe you kids are getting into this much trouble, making me leave work so you can hunt down these crazy people." Sasha said pissed. I sat in the seat next to her and awkwardly smiled at her.

"I'm sorry.. I promise this won't happen again." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right! Two days from now your gonna be saying the same thing! You guys should seriously tell an adult about all this before it gets out of hand!" She scolded.

"Yes ma'am." The others said. well except for Jacob. He had already had his headphones plugged in the second we got into the car. I was pretty sure the only reason he was here was to make sure Violet doesn't die out here. Sasha's horn woke me up from my deep train of thought. She winded down her window and stuck her head out.

"GET OFF OF THE ROAD!!" She yelled as load as she could. I plugged my ears and winced at her. Luke wined loudly before tapping my shoulder. I smacked Sasha's leg.

"Ouch! What- oh.. sorry about that." She turned around and apologized to Luke who slowly nodded. I groaned before facepalming.

"By the way Sara, how do you know his address?" Ivy asked.

"I told her, he lives a few houses away from me." Luke interrupted. Ivy nodded before sitting back down. We slowly pulled up in front of His house before Luke got down.

"I'll go get him, you guys stay in the car, I don't think his family will appreciate the "new scents" he said.

Sasha glanced back at Luke weirdly.

"They think we smell?" She asked. Luke scratched his neck awkwardly seeing as we hadn't gotten the joke.

"He's a werewolf." He said.

"Ohhhh..." Sasha said. "Oh I get it-"

"Yea I'll just go now." Luke said before closing the car door. He rushed up to the house and before he even knocked the door swung open. Adam was a tall guy but was still only 17, buy the looks of it he was probably a couple of inches taller than Vikky. Adam and Luke talked for a moment before they rushed to the car door.

"So I caught him up on a few things-"

"Drive." Adam's commanding voice shut Luke up instantly. I turned towards him as my eyes went wide. Sasha slowly turned around.

"Excuse. me?" Sasha said, her eyes looking at him in disbelief. His glare only got stronger. Ivy and Violet sighed deeply before closing there eyes and plugging there ears. Luke looked at Adam and nudged him with his elbow.

"I said, drive." Adam repeated. Sasha turned back to face the steering wheel without responding. She let out a deadly laugh. I sighed once more before sinking deeper into my seat. In one swift movement, Sasha has taken off her shoe and was pointing it at Adam's throat.

"I'll repeat myself, one. more. time." She said to him. " excuse me?" She said. Adam's glare slowly simmered down as he gulped.

"Drive, please." He said. Sasha slid her shoe back on and readjusted her seat before smiling brightly as though nothing ever happened.

"Alright! Buckle up guys." And with that, she started the engine and drove off.


-Violet's POV-

"If I'm right, he lives a few blocks away from my house, I saw him and Emily leaving together when I was walking to school." Sara said to myself after a couple minutes of driving in silence.

"Sara! You telling me I'm driving you to someone's house who doesn't even know you?" Sasha exclaimed. I sunk into my seat prepared for her to make a U-Turn. Instead she smirked and started laughing.

"Ooh this is fun! Where we going next?" She said turning to me." Sasha looked back at her concerned before simply shaking my head.

"I just need you to say a speech or two about our family name, okay?" She said. Sasha nodded while pulling up to the house.

"Aright." She said. "File out!" She then hopped out of the car. We looked at her confused.

She rolled her eyes before opening the car door and staring at us. "That means get out of the car." She said. We made an 'oh' sound before getting down. We knocked on the door and stood there for a second before knocking again. Adam clicked his tongue before shifting his way to the front of the door.

"I don't have time for this." He said. He lifted his foot and was about to kick the door down when it opened. Garrett opened the door with a smile but instantly frowned when he saw who it was at the door he turned around trying to shut it when Adam pushed the door back harshly. Garrett fell to the ground.

"You can't just walk in here! I'll call the cops on you!" He yelled standing up. Sara smiled at him and waved her phone in his face.

"Go ahead, and the recording I have of you and Emily planning to kill me will be sent to them as well." She said. His face turned red in anger.

"Get out!" He yelled. Adam grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

"Where the hell is she." Adam asked. His voice deep and demanding. I heard a gasp from the corner of the room before hearing a door close. I rushed to the locked room.

"Vikky?" I said. She was on the other side of the door.

"Leave Violet! Now while you have the chance." She said, not in a threatening way but as if she was looking out for me. I turned towards the others to grab there attention.

"She's in here!!" I held. I heard Garrett yell before Adam's booming footsteps came closer. He walked towards the door and tried to open it before realizing it was locked.

"Vikky? Vikky are you in there?" He asked desperately. She didn't respond. Adam stood in front of the door and pressed his head against it.

"Vikky, open the door please." He said. We heard sniffles from the other side. Adams demeanor dropped as he suddenly seemed less, violent.

"Vikky, I, I wont hurt you, just please open the door." He said. She still didn't respond. I sighed. I put my arm up towards the door only to have Adam quickly block me. "What are you doing?" He said

"Calm it, I'm getting her out of there." I said. With one hand pressed onto the door, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes.

The door in front of us evaporated into nothing.

Vikky was standing in the corner of the room protectively hiding whatever it was behind her back. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was holding a small bundle in her arms.

"Vikky." Adam said. She stayed in the corner of the room. A small hand gripping tightly onto her legs. I suddenly realized what was going on. Adam who was about to walk forward was stopped when I put my hand out. I looked at Vikky shocked.

"Violet? What are you doing?" Ivy said. I looked back at all of them.

"Stay here." I said. Adam glared at me and I looked back at him.

"There's something she's obviously protecting and unless you want her to be terrified of you forever, stay back." I said seriously to him. He looked at Vikky before looking at me and nodding. I turned back toward Vikky.

"Vikky, we're only here to help." I said, slowly walking up to her. She flinched back again.

"We're here to help all of you." I said looking at her knowingly. A tear fell from her eye and she held the bundle in her arms closer to her chest.

"I'm- I'm just trying to keep them safe Violet." She said, her voice breaking. I walked closer to her, this time she didn't flinch back.

"I know, we can help you do that." I said to her. "Just let us help."

She glanced at all of us before slowly crouching down, revealing the small, frightened boy behind her with bright violet eyes.


(Thank you for reading! I am so sorry for not posting! School has resumed and it has been quite difficult for me to find time to write. I hope you enjoyed reading!)

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