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65.9% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 29: Anger - Chapter 22

Chapter 29: Anger - Chapter 22

(Warning! This book contains strong theme! Read at your own risk!)


We were all seated at a round table at lunch. Ivy and Violet seated next to me while the guys were seated across from us. We weren't necessarily eating the schools lunch but now a days more students would start to crowd around in the cafe a few blocks down. Which is where we usually ate.

I heard Violet groan loudly and smack her head into the table.

"Ughh.. I'm so hungry! Why does the school not upgrade there lunch menu!" She whined. Ivy pouted in agreement.

"Yea I'm really hungry too.. Sara you said you would buy us lunch!" Ivy complained. I rolled my eyes at the both of them before patting there backs.

"That was before I knew the cafe would be so crowded like this. It's it's kind of strange though." I said. Violet looked at me with droopy eyes. As if she would pass out any minute.

She could be very extra at times.

She put the back of her hand on her forehead and started panting heavily.

"Sara, don't let me die of starvation!" She choked out. Ivy snorted before flicking Violets forehead. Violet glared at Ivy before flicking her. Then they went on to have a flicking war.




By the end of it they both had noticeable red marks on there for heads. Ivy pouted and grabbed my uniform sleeve.

"Sara look what she did to me!!" She whined rubbing her forehead. Violet bubbled up in annoyance.

"What?! Look what you did to me!" Violet said pointing to her forehead which was red as well.

"You deserve it.." Ivy mumbled. Violets eyes went wide.

Suddenly she jumped up from the table and crossed her arms.

"Really?! Then fight me! Cmon let's go-"

Just then, a group of boys rushed behind Violet, knocking her off balance.

Violet fell straight on her butt.

Ivy snickered while I quickly got up and checked on her.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright!?" I said, carefully helping her up. She winced and rubbed her butt. I sighed and hit her head slightly.

"That's what you get for picking fights with people!" I scolded. She crossed her arms but didn't say anything. I turned to try and find the guy who knocked her down. I walked over the the group of guys.

"Excuse me," I said loudly, they all turned to look at me. I glanced over them before finding the one who pushed Violet.

"And you are..?" The boy said.

"You pushes my friend down while you were running, cam you watch where your going next time?" I said to him. His face turned awkward and he rubbed the back of he's neck.

"O-oh, Sorry about that-"

"Do we have a problem here?" Garret's voice boomed out. I jumped slightly but quickly turned to look at him. The boy who was just about to apologize turned to face Garret with a smile.

"Garret! No no we don't, it's my bad anyway I accidentally pushed her frie-"

"I didn't ask." Garret cut off. He looked at me, before his face turned red from anger. I frowned.

"Why are you so angry? Have I met you before?" I said. He didn't answer me but he just stood there. The guys with him slowly getting slightly uncomfortable from the awkward situation. A loud cough was heard from behind me. Everyone's eyes instantly turned to look at who the coughing belonged to.

"Do we have a problem here?" Luke's voice was heard. When I turned around I found that the others were behind me as well. I turned back to face Garret who hadn't spoken anything. He had his hands clenched into tight fists. My mind went back to the alleyway conversation between him and Emily. I looked at him to find his eyes looking at me as well.

Dark red eyes. Filed with anger.

Just anger. That was all I saw. His eyes were full of pure anger. The dark burgundy color and as it was was anger. I stumbled back while still looking at him.

"Sara?" Ivy's concerned voice rang out, but it went through one ear and came out the other. My eyes still fixated on Garret's.

He's angry, but why?

Did I do something to him?

I racked my brain for possible answers but my green orbs were still focused on him.

My lungs started to fill with non existent water as my brain began to fuzz, ignoring my friends calling my name.

Emily said he would,

He is going to kill me.

That's it.

He is here to kill me.

I started to breath heavier as my eyes got watery.

He is going to kill me.

Just like they killed her.

A single tear ran down my cheek.

He is going to kill me.

Than another.

Just like.

Then another

They killed her.

Then I ran.

I turned around and shoved past everyone. Running as fast as I could to god knows where. The tears still flowing down.

"I don't want to die" I cried out. Ignoring the rational part of my head and running to the same abandoned bathroom and hiding in it.

My shaky hands found a way to my ears and covered them. I tried to calm my breathing but the screaming of my name would come back each time.



"Sara!!" Her voice yelled.

"Help me!!" She screamed. crying, and clawing at me, begging me to help her. I glanced back at her.

Her warm brown hair, similar to mine but with no streaks of red running through it.

Her pale freckle-covered face and her beautiful, big, brown eyes.

I stayed silent as her loud cries for help faded, the sound of her hands clawing against the tile floor come to an end.

Silence. Nothing was heard except the small cries I let out. I held my hand over my mouth, forcing myself not to throw up.

"Is she-"


"Now if you ever try something like she did, You will be next." The dark sinister growled out. I didn't hear anything but the small ticking sounds of the clock.




"Is that understood Sara?"


"Sara! Can you hear me?!" Violets worried voice yelled while shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to Ivy's soft cries and Violets concerned face. I too in my surroundings before letting out a breath.

"I think," i started. They both looked at me, waiting for me to finish.

"I think I need to go home." I said


(Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!)

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