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52.27% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 23: Discovered- Chapter Eighteen

Chapter 23: Discovered- Chapter Eighteen


"Who is that?" Sasha asked curiously. I stared at her information.

"Vikky, by the looks of it." I said. Looking at the form.

"Application form?" Sasha read. "So she's a dancer? If she applied for Gracelyn's assistant position." She said. I nodded, still reading the information. "But how do you know her?"

"I met her on my way out of the gym, but she looked.. different." I said. My eyes narrowed.

In her pictures for the application, she look much more... "alive" than when I saw her at school. As if she was a different person. But she wasn't. Sasha coughed loudly waking me up again.

"Right well, you found what you needed hurry up and put everything back."she said, walking back out of the room to go back to watching TV. I packed all the folders away but stared at Vikky's folder.

Gracelyn won't notice if I borrow this, right?


The next morning, I quickly got ready for school, wanting to tell Ivy and Violet of my new discovery. I was walking out of the house when two familiar voices perked up.

"But why Garett! Why can't you do that for me! You said you loved me!" Emily's voice echoed. I followed it to a nearby ally.

"Because that too obvious Em! You know that! We're going to get our selves caught if we keep doing this! Just give up!" The person named Adam spoke up. My eyes widened when I realized who he was. The same guy from yesterday at cheer tryouts! I quickly rushed behind the wall to not get noticed. I also took out my phone and pressed the recording button.

"I don't get it! Why can't you do this small thing for me! You said you would do anything for me!" Emily shouted at him.

"Because Em my dear." He said, reaching to grab her hands. "That girl you want me to take down, comes from a VERY powerful and influential family. I'm not strong enough to-"

"No!" Emily yelled, snatching her hands back. " what's so hard in taking down one little fire user huh? I don't care about her family!! I just want Sara dead!!!" She kept yelling at him. I gasped and quickly covered my mouth.

"You said you loved me! Now prove it! I want this done in three weeks!! That's it! Or else never contact me again!!" She screamed. Just before turning around and coming to the opening of the ally.

Crap! I thought. And I quickly ran back to

My house. I stood at the door for a minute or two before looking through the door peephole.

Once I saw that the coast was clear, I quickly rushed to school, being extra careful of my surroundings.

Once I got to school I saw Ivy and Violet waiting for me at the entrance.

"Damn it Sara! We're gonna be late if you keep on coming late!" Violet said, rubbing the back of her neck and sighing. I shook my head quickly and looked at both of them seriously.

"We don't have time for that, follow me into the bathroom." I said rushing towards to one at the back of the school that nobody really goes to. Once we got there Ivy checked all the stalls And Violet wrote on a piece of paper "out of order" before putting it outside of the bathroom door.

"This better be good." Ivy said.

"Oh don't worry, it is." I said. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones. Giving one bud each to Ivy and Violet before playing the recording. At the end of it they both looked shocked. But Ivy looked more scared than shocked.

"What the hell??!!" Violet yelled. I quickly covered her mouth and shushed her. She moved my hand and scowled.

"She thinks she has the upper hand because of what she did to me! I'll show her-" Ivy quickly interrupted her.

"So, who is this Adam in here?" She asked. I pulled up a picture from last years yearbook. And showed it to her and Violet. Ivy gasped.

"Isn't that the guy from yesterday that we saw with that other girl!" Ivy exclaimed. "That's why he was giving you a funny look!" She said, piecing it all together. I nodded my head before putting my phone away.

"And that's not all." I said. Going into my backpack and pulling out the folder from Gracelyn's office.

"That says classified information Sara! Where did you get that!" Ivy whisper- shouted. I flipped to the page with the picture and showed it to them.

"That's not important, this is." I said. Point to the girl.

"That's the one we saw yesterday as well, she was walking into the gym." I explained to Violet. She nodded and started to read the paper.

"But how did you get a hand on this info?" Ivy asked looking at me.

"It was in Gracelyn's office, I remembered her going through it over the summer right before her and Sasha left for there business abroad." I explained to them. They nodded and kept reading.

Once they finished, I quickly put the folder back into my backpack. Zipping it up.

"So what do we do now? Go to the principal?" Violet asked. I thought about it and shook my head.

"Even though this recording should be solid evidence, I only voice recorded it. It doesn't show faces or anything. They could say we are lying and had voice actors. Then we could get in serious trouble." I said.

"We should just wait for now and stear clear of all three of them. Don't pay any attention to them." I said. They both nodded in agreement.

"But what about the guys? They don't know what's happening." Ivy said "they could be in danger as well."

I thought for a moment and shook my head.

"We can't tell them. Luke is really close to Emily and it will be our word against hers. And the other guys might not take it seriously. After all, we don't know them that well. For now, keeping them out of it is the best way to protect them." I said. There was a sickening silence that ripped through the air. Until the bell rung. We all quickly jumped up and rushed out of the bathroom. To rush to our first class.


Though we ran, we still were late to class and marked inexcusable tardy. It was fine because it was still the first week of school but I still hated the feeling of being late. Seconds later, someone tapped my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see who it was.

"Luke wanted me to pass this to you." The person sitting behind me whispered.

I took the note from there hands before saying a quick thank you. I turned back to the front of the room to read it.

"Are you okay? You usually come in early. Except for the first day of school that is" the note said. I smiled slightly before looking up to make sure the teacher wasn't coming my way. I wrote something on another tiny sheet of paper and passed it to the person behind me again to pass it to Luke. I heard him lightly laugh but try to cover it up with a cough. I snickered. The teacher turned around and stared at the classroom annoyed.

"Which ever one of you finds my lesson so funny, you can step out." She said seriously. Everyone looked around to try and find the culprit. I pretend to also look around just to not look as guilty. That was befor she called my name.

"Sara! You came in late, but hopefully you can answer this correctly and make up for it." She said sassily. She cleared her throat and ashes a question.

"What is the nova effect?" She asked looking at the board before looking at me." And give an example please."

"The nova effect miss, is the tragedy of good luck. An example would be, because you are on your way to pick up a friend. You get into a car crash with a drunk driver that ran a red light. Your car flips over and lands upside down. Your rushed to the hospital for proper treatment. Because of the scans run. On you, the doctors find out you have a brain tumor. That is luckily, still in its early stage. Meaning the doctors can take it out as a whole." I paused.

"You where unlucky enough to get into a car crash. But because of that car crash, the doctors were able to find a brain tumor that could have been deadly if not taken out. And by the time symptoms of the specific brain tumor came, it would have been too late as in most cases."

"That is why it's called the tragedy of good luck." I wrapped up. She didn't say anything for a minute, and at first I thought that my explanation was too long. But she nodded her head.

"Very good Sara, you may sit." She said. I quickly sat back down and sighed under my breath.

"You there! Emma is it?" The teacher called out.

"Emily." Emily said annoyed.

"Right well Emily. Can you please give another example of the nova effect?" Emily smirked.

"Well miss, another example of the nova affect would be life." Emily said. There were a few snickers and giggles around the class as what Emily said had made no sense. The teacher looked at her in confusion.

"Can you please... elaborate, on that?" She asked. Emily nodded.

"In life, there is always going to be a time where you are lucky, and unlucky, and there also will be a time where your misfortunes, cause good to come. As Sara stated earlier." She paused. Moving her gaze to around the room.

"But there also will be a time where your fortunes will cause bad to come." She said giving me a cold look before turning away.

"For example, in reference to the example Sara gave, yes. That brain tumor could have been lethal if not taken out. That would be the lucky part." Emily paused again, her smirk getting wider.

"But there is a chance that the doctors preforming the scan, weren't careful enough."

"Interesting, please continue." The teacher said taking a seat. Emily nodded.

"During the scans, the doctors main focus would be the brain, heart, and important organs that will affect the person without, lets say... that it's been a long day for all the doctors, each of them were exhausted, but they all still Cary out there job to the best of there abilities."

"But what if.. that wasn't enough." She said looking at me again. " the doctors preformed the surgery and take out nearly all of the tumor, that's a good thing, right? Except after the man leaves the hospital, he gets an extreme pain in his leg, as if someone's eating away at it." She stopped again, looking down.

"Due to the extreme pain, he passes out on the road just as a car is passing. The person driving the car immediately turns and runs off the road. The person who was in the car was killed on impact, and now the man is in a worse state than before." Emily says.

"The reason he got the tremendous amount of pain was because of a snake bite that was infected, he was bitten after the car crash when a snake made its way into the car, by the time the ambulance got there, the snake was long gone, there for they weren't treating for a snake bite, only a tumor. And to top that off, the person in the car was his friend, the same one he was going to meet that caused his car crash." Emily said, the class was silent as she spoke.

"Just because we see it from one point of view, does not necessarily mean that the other view is perfect ethier, and because of those doctors who decide not to take a full body scan, someone who was not involved in it died. THAT is the tragedy of good luck." She said smirking at me once again. I smiled and turned away.

"Thank you Emily for that, intriguing point of view, but we must continue with class, please take a seat." The teacher said, before turning to the board to continue our lesson, but I could barely focus, everything Emily said was right, but the way she projected it made it sound like, like...

A threat?


(Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I will try to put out longer and more interesting parts, I hope you enjoyed!)

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