Shirohime smiled as she watered the plants. Fei sat on a chair nearby humming a tune smiling. Just then his phone buzzed and he got a text.
*Trouble with the candy store*
He leaned back looking at the text with his head cocked and sent back a response,
Shirohime glanced at him and saw him texting and her face fell,
*One of the sweets went stale*
"Why don't you stop?"
Fei looked up and say Shiro looking at him sadly. He smiled and played it off,
"Stop what?"
Anger filled her face,
"You know what! Why are you still part of the yakuza?!"
And he was, Fei was part of clean up.
He's fingers sent a final message and he slide it in his pocket as he rose and walked toward her. He stopped in front of her so they stared at each other.
"My dear angel"
He reached out to touch her face but she pulled away glaring at him. But he smiled gently.
"Hell isn't as scary as you think"
In another place a man picked up his phone and looked at the screen.
*On my way*
Putting it away he began walking,
"Let's go"
Another guy walked beside him with a slouch,
"Do we have to?"
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review