" Hey! Earth to you?" An irritating voice disturbed Xiao Li's train of thought.
" What?" Xiao Li answered, exasperated by Li You.
Li You let out a hearty laugh and set out his sleeping bag, " Tomorrow there is going to be a play near the Ming Mansion, you should bring your little miss there."
Xiao Li raised her eyebrow, questioning whether Li You was being serious or not. Anyway, this is not the time to think about his words, tomorrow was the day she could be reunited with Miss! Thinking about Miss made her want to continue on the journey, but... she glanced over at Li You, 'Someone' refused to continue. She had a good mind to run off, after all, she could probably find her way to the Ming Mansion, she thought.
Li You, realising that Xiao Li was still reluctant about sleeping here, took out a map and called Xiao Li to discuss travel plans after tonight.
" Do you now understand why we are staying here? Night travel is always more dangerous than day travel, I wouldn't want us to get into unnecessary trouble, hear me?" Li You concluded.
Still reluctant but getting his point, Xiao Li took out her sleeping bag and nestled in.
Back in the Ming Mansion...
Mr Kun examined the sword Qia Yun brought over.
Mr Kun clapped his hands in excitement. Ming Jie indeed had left her daughter a treasure. He returned the sword to Qia Yun assuring her that her sword was Blue Lightning.
Qia Yun's eyes widened, no wonder her mother had pleaded with her to keep the sword. " When you need it, this sword will be of use for you, take it as a memory of me" her mother had told her. She almost wanted to hug the sword, her eyes started to water.
" Xiao Yun, come here, mother wants to gift you something," a mature voice sounded.
Full of energy and child-like innocence, Qia Yun ran to Ming Jie.
Her mother, her beautiful mother carried her onto her lap.
Producing a sharp looking sword and a luminous pearl that had hues of pink and blue perfectly blended together, Ming Jie showed them to Qia Yun.
" Keep these, I'm afraid I can't keep them for long," Ming Jie said, sounding downcast, " but, Xiao Yun, please help me take care of them, when you need it, this sword will be of use for you, take it as a memory of me, this pearl is special, I can't explain it to you, but you will understand when you are of age."
Qia Yun happily nodded, not knowing this would be the last time she would ever see her mother so healthy.
Ah... the innocence of a child.
Qia Yun's tears fell down as she remembered.
Btw, it's a flashback when she starts thinking about her mother, sorry to confuse!
Sorry for not posting recently, school started & I have an important exam coming up but I will try to continue posting