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66.66% The sin of Insanity / Chapter 2: Imprisonment

Chapter 2: Imprisonment

On a sunny summer day, on one of the lesser-known roads into the kingdom of Lione's capital city, there is a carriage being pulled by horses

From a distance, it might seem like an ordinary carriage used by peasants or merchants but upon closer inspection, it's true design is revealed

The carriage part is made out of solid steel, several inches thick, it has only 2 windows, one on each side but they are not normal windows, it's more accurate to call them holes in the wall with iron bars, the doors to enter the carriage are at the back, it is a double door also made out of solid steel

Because of the weight of the carriage, multiple horses have to pull it yet the horses can still only reach the speed of a walking human when pulling this carriage but that allows for soldiers to be stationed around it

On the carriage are 4 soldiers, they are holy knights, each with a different type of magic, around the carriage are 1000 soldiers marching alongside the carriage

If it was any other time there would not be so many soldiers and even holy knights, and even if there were this many they would all feel safe, chattering and clamoring amongst themselves but not this time

Right now the soldiers have cold sweat pouring down their backs, they are at their most agitated state ever, each and every soldier is ready to attack or defend at any time, they would sometimes look at the carriage for a quick moment before looking away as if afraid that whoever or whatever is inside will notice them, the holy knights are no exception

Inside the carriage, there are 7 prisoners, they are the most notorious, dangerous and ruthless criminals the world has to offer, they took dozens if nor hundreds of lives personally or by ordering people to be killed, while evading the military for years, some are former soldiers or knights, some are fallen nobles or kings, some are bandits and thugs but they are in the same frightened state as the soldiers outside, no that is wrong they are in an even worse state

If it were just those 7 criminals such security would not be necessary and the soldiers would not be as nervous as they are, the prisoners would be rowdy and loud while they wouldn't have to fear for their lives at each and every moment but today is different

The cause of all of that panic is the 8 prisoner, a young man seemingly is his middle 20is sitting in the corner of the carriage peacefully sleeping as if he is not aware of his surroundings

The soldiers and the criminals are trying to be as quiet as possible so that they don't wake up that young man or rather the sleeping monster, they fear that once he wakes up he will slaughter them all or do something even worse

The man in question looks very handsome with purple-red hair that falls to his lower back tied into a ponytail matching his sharp and handsome face, his looks are a solid 10/10 adding to that is his masculine body which reaches 187 cm in height, his muscles are very proportionate not looking like that of a bodybuilder nor like that of a swimmer, they are just perfect, and they are clearly exposed thanks to the fact that he is only wearing 3 articles of clothing

His hairband keeping his hair in a ponytail, his pants which hide his lower body and the steel cuffs around his arms that are tied to a chain which is connected the carriage, all in all, he has the bad boy image which would make any woman's mouth water for him but no woman would dare to approach him, neither would men at least if they are human they wouldn't

Suddenly one of his eyes opened and he looked at all of the people in the carriage sending a chill down their spines when his iris looked at any person said person would hope for his menacing gaze to pass him as soon as possible but because of their fear of him they couldn't retaliate in any way

'It seems I am a criminal.' That person is none other than Walter, our MC, who just woke up in his new body

He looked around everywhere and listened to the sounds from the outside which he can hear thanks to the 'windows' and thanks to his enhanced hearing which he got from his ghoul powers however he can't gather any information because of the silence of the soldiers

"Oi, you tell me where am I." Setting his thoughts straight Walter looks at the people and notices that they are afraid of him, it is not hard to notice really thanks to the fact that they are keeping a distance away from him while holding their breaths and you could even see the occasional trembles escaping their control

At this point, Walter is certain that he is a criminal and a very heinous one at that so he has to use that fact for the most that it is worth

Glaring at the person who seems the most intelligent Walter commanded him with a stern but not so loud voice, unfortunately, since everyone is as quiet as possible it was clearly heard even to the soldiers outside, it immediately sent them in high alert

"S-sir Butcher, you are in a carriage on the road to the capital of Liones." The man that Walter stared at panicked for a few moments before he composed himself again, he is a fallen noble that tried to overthrow the king so he knows how to read people and the look in Walter's eyes is telling him 'Answer me, now, if not I will kill you' so he answered as fast as possible or that is what he thinks that look means

Everybody held them breaths as they waited for the reaction of Walter, even the soldiers outside, it is one of their scariest moments ever and if they make it thru alive it will be one hell of a story to tell well at least the soldiers, the prisoners not so much

"How did I get here," Walter asked the next question, it seems that everything made some type of sense but there are pieces missing

What he knows right now is that he is an infamous criminal probably heading to die, that's probably the moment he will meet the Sins, it's the story of the meeting of the Sins in the anime and manga, at least for Ban, King, Diane, and Gowther

"We don't know, we only know that you were taken in while you were sleeping." The same man answered once again, he knows that most of his fellow prisoners would fuck up this conversation and even thou he will soon die he wants to die a clean and painless death by the guillotine, not by whatever torture The Butcher would make him go thru

"What happened in the past few days." Immediately after getting his answer Walter fired off another question, the pieces were starting to come and he will probably understand he got to where he is right now soon

"After you appeared and slaughtered the village of Sumra soldiers came hoping to get the remains of the villagers but they somehow brought you in." The man is now starting to get weirded out, what purpose do all these questions serve shouldn't he know best what is going on

Hearing no response after a while everyone looked at Walter once again only to be relieved with the fact that his eyes are closed and he seems to be sleeping but the truth is far from it

'Well from what I know, I am a criminal called Butcher or The Butcher, from what I can deduct I have slaughtered villages. I probably fell asleep in one of the villages and while I was dragged to the carriage the process of me entering this body commenced knocking me out cold. So I'm probably heading to my execution where I will meet the Sins after being locked up in a prison for 7 days.' Getting his thoughts back together Walter continued to come up with plans and Ideas

Before ha noticed it a few hours passed and they arrived into the heart of Liones the capital city but the mood is sober and turbulent

There is no presence of people in the area, the houses have been locked while the people of the country are hiding inside, the few people that are outside would cower in fear once they saw the carriage, they all know who resides within the carriage and they are afraid of even uttering his name in the presence if the carriage

A few minutes later the carriage arrived in front of a huge stone structure


"You have arrived, in front of you is the place you will spend the last few days of your life at, make yourself comfortable." A prison guard came and unlocked the door before unlocking the chains tied to the carriage

It is quite obvious that he feels safe and comfortable, why wouldn't he, Walter may be a dangerous prisoner but there are thousands of soldiers placed in and around the prison

Slowly out of the carriage come out the prisoners, they all have slouched backs and relieved eyes, but the dark aura around them makes it apparent that they still know that they are going to die

The sound of metal hitting metal can be heard as their chains fell upon the carriage and then later into the stone floor of the city

The 7 prisoners came out all in the same state and shape but then it came to Walters, he walks out if the carriage with his head held high, a puffed out chest and straight back while decorating his mouth is a crazy smile

When the guard saw this he first wanted to laugh, how can a soon to be a dead man so proud that is until he saw Walter looking his way

That menacing smile, those dangerous eyes, the huge body full of muscles towering over him, the guard can feel an invisible pressure pushing him down, it is suffocating it is as if he is looking at a demon incarnate

His blood froze, his pupils dilated, his scalp tingled and his muscles tightened, he wanted to run, it's almost as if there is a voice in his head telling him to run, it's like he met his natural predator

But that feeling soon went away as Walter continued on deeper into the prison, 3 months later there would be rumors of a guard at a prison committing suicide because one of the prisoners scared him too much, making him haunt his dreams and every day

But for now, Walter is trying to reach his cell while being flanked by guards, he still keeps his crazy grin, honestly, he doesn't want to grin like this, his body just naturally reacted like this

Although it is weird the grin is doing its wonders by frightening the guards around him into silence, after all the time the guards have spent at the prison they have yet to see a death row prisoner smile so broadly, it freaks them out so they kept their silence, the only things to be heard are the footsteps, the breathing, the clanking of chains and the droplets of sweat falling to the ground

Soon they reached a cell or rather Walters new home for the next few days until he gets executed


Going inside the cell Walter can hear the door closing, looking around the cell Walter doesn't notice anything of notice, a stone floor and walls, no window, a single bed, and toilet, the steel door he came thru and nothing else

'Well, I might as well experiment with my powers.' Setting his thoughts straight Walter decided to go ahead and try out his powers

Suddenly out of Walter's rib area and just above his shoulder blades sprout out a pair of blood wings seemingly made out of a red crystal-like structure while from his rib area sprout out 4 red tentacles while his eyes turn red and black

'So these are my kagune, it doesn't feel strange to wield them, they are like another limb.' Observing his kagune Walter tried flexing and bending them in different ways feeling how they move and how they change his center of balance

Looking at his bed Walter tries lifting it up with his kagune and it went up into the air no problem, so Walter put the bed down

Deciding he should truly test the strength of his kagune Walter went ahead and destroyed his cell, he swung his tentacles everywhere constantly creating slashes in the walls, while at the same time he shot out red ukaku crystals everywhere

'So it is magically enhanced.' Walter noticed that the walls are a lot harder and stronger than normal stone walls besides that the walls would regenerate, whenever Walter destroyed a part of a wall a few seconds later that part would regenerate back

'Well, then there is no need to hold back.' With a grin on his face, Walter went ahead and started to constantly destroy and damage the walls is as many ways as possible

'W-what is he doing in there?!' The guards stationed outside of his cell asked themselves as they heard the sounds of stone being destroyed and Walter's occasional maniac like laughter

That day a lot of prison guards would report strange noises coming out of the lower levels

The next morning when the guards were supposed to deliver breakfast one guard checked the eyeslit for the condition Walter was in the inside of the cell

But moments later the guard pulled out his breakfast as what he saw inside horrified him, the walls were damaged and scarred while there is blood everywhere creating puddles as if it is a slaughterhouse and not a prison cell

All the while Walter is in the middle of the cell peacefully sleeping with the blood puddle around him

'W-w what monster!' Those were the guard's thoughts as he got up and closed the eyeslit and opened the slit at the bottom of the door quickly putting the food tray inside of the cell and closing the slit once again but that second was enough time for some blood to escape from the cell terrifying the guard even more

'What a fine morning it is, at least I hope it's morning.' A few hours later as Walter woke up he stretched and yawned before looking around himself, or rather the walls that have healed from all the destruction he caused

That's when Walter noticed the blood-soaked tray with food on it, it's nothing special some white bread along with a cup of water just enough for Walter thankfully he doesn't have to eat human flesh to survive if he did a lot of problems would ensue

'Well then on to another day of testing.' Walter thought to himself as he ate the bread, it is quite honestly not good, it's way too hard and chewy while its taste is minimal

'Today ill try my decay and naruto abilities.' Though Walter, as he got up and went to a wall, placing his hand on the wall

He then flipped an imaginary switch and the stone started to decay, it turned yellow and brown before falling apart into dust but that still didn't destroy the wall

As if noticing it's faster than normal rate of destruction the wall started to heal faster and faster trying to keep up with Walter's Decay

'I wonder if this will work.' Thought Walter before he activated his Rinnegan power-sucking out the mana from within the walls into himself

That led to the wall slowing down in regeneration before it could not keep up with Walter's Decay and Walter just tunneled thru the wall

'Man how thick is this wall.' Thought Walter as he saw the hole he made being ever-extending, it has already reached over 10 meters yet the wall is still being continued, but if he wished he could easily escape, but that is not Walter's wish, he does, after all, want to meet the Sins

'Guess ill stop it here.' Thought Walter as he stopped his Decay, then Walter went on to test his powers in many more different ways

Before he noticed it 6 days have passed and it is the time of his execution

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