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The flight was without incident. Me, Thor and Tony were quite quick to become closer, and even Captain warm up a bit to me. And batman... Maybe... We can say that he is not very talkative. He and Natasha didn't take their eyes off me even for one second, paranoid people are annoying. Loki was mostly silent, sometimes a quick laugh is escaping his lips when we say some really good jokes. But when you know his plan, you can see that the god of lie and mischief is truly worthy of his name.

We quickly land on a huge platform and an escadron heavily armed is waiting for us. When Loki is escorted outside, over half of the soldiers encircle him... It's very funny to see so many people for just one man... Or god.

The other half is for me. I think it's overkill. With the avengers here, the soldiers are just useless. But let them entertain themselves if their find it funny.

The only problem is that there are all elite soldiers, so the only one under 1,70 meter are women. The splendid vue of this ship is completely blocked by all those men.

"Hi everyone, can I have some space to breath? I need some air, and I don't want to see only bald head."

Suddenly Fury approach the group.

"What did I say about bald head???"

He stare at me with a raised eyebrow, I don't think that anybody ever told him that.

Me :"Don't worry it's only a joke, I can say that I'm very happy to meet the director of shield, Nick Fury."

Fury: " I see that you are very well informed, I'm impressed."

" The best spy of the world impressed by my information??? It's like a dream coming true. "

Fury:" I'm mostly impressed because I didn't even heard of you, the only information that is a tiny bit exploitable is your suit, and you height. "

" Yes I know... It's the objective. "

" But knowing that you saved a lot of people in Germany, I will give you your chance. "

" Thanks a lot, you will not be disappointed. "

After this very light but tense dialogue, I return to the avenger side. Thor and Tony seem very happy that the job interview went well, even Captain smiles at me.

Natasha and Wayne are colder. I think it's their characters. We quickly go inside, and Loki is locked in his cell.

The scepter is quickly transported into the lab for more analysis.

I meet Banner there and we quickly talk about his last thesis that is about the different usage of connected objects and their effects on the human body. He is the most knowledgeable scientific about waves and my company uses them a lot. This was very instructive. I watch Banner and Stark working on the scepter.

Stark has already implanted the spy program in the computer. This is the beginning of Loki's plan. The seed of discord and mistrust is here. I don't know what my presence and Batman's will do to this first conflict between the avengers.

pierreleloup pierreleloup

Last chapter for today, starting from today I will comment and answer more questions, not just reading them. Don't hesitate to tell me if there is some grammatical errors, and sentences that are not formulated well.

Like always thanks for reading, voting and commenting. See you tomorrow for the next chapter.

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