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65.54% Pokemon - A Mystical Journey / Chapter 213: chapter 2 The meeting

Chapter 213: chapter 2 The meeting

The league had let the information about the top rankers to the spies hidden in themselves. Of course, the spies didn't get all of it in just a go. In the past few months they slowly passed on the information about the lower ranks so as not to cause any problem.

And just a few days ago, they finally got the ones about the top ten rankers too. Seeing the strength of the top five people, they decided to convene a group meeting between the top ten association together.

In a secret hideout,

There was a meeting going on between the top Leaders of the Devils Horn organisation.

There were a total of eight members in the meeting. The leader of the organization was the Devil who had a devil mask on.

There are seven other members too. There were only three members seated along with the leader while rest were standing.

The ones who sat on the chair wore a king mask, Queen one as well as Jack mask similar to the ones in the card deck.

They are the elite of the Devil's Horn who oversee different functions of the association.

The other members had a joker's mask, but each one had Ace mark of diamond, spade, heart and club on upper part center of the mask. They stood in front of them and awaited the orders of their leaders.

" Good evening, my friends. I hope everything is alright on your side." Devil greeted them.

" So why did you call us today, Devil? I was going out on the hunt today." Jack grumbled in a hoarse voice.

King and queen were angered by his disrespectful tone but Devil didn't pay any attention to it and said without any difference in his emotions from his tone," Calm down, my enthusiastic friend. I have a very special thing for you which will be liked by everyone here. Joker. "

Behind the leader stood another who wore a crying joker mask. He was the in charge of intelligence of the group.

He appeared from the shadows behind the Devil and startled everyone but they quickly calmed down their nerves and awaited him.

Joker was the intelligence head of the association. Interrogation and topics related to it are the forte of his. These things makes many people uneasy and so many don't want to be in his presence for long.

Yet his fear is present in everyone here except for the leader, Devil.

" We have received the top Ranking Trainers of the ones who get the most benefits out of this new regulation of the league. " Joker said and placed a bunch of papers on the table.

They all took the folder and saw the things inside it.

The folders had the picture of the trainer, ranking as well as some Pokemons they possess.

1) Alex Bart ( Kanto), electabuzz, Snorlax, claydol.

2)Cynthia Shirona ( Sinnoh) :Gabite, Lucario,

3) Steven Stone ( Hoenn) Metang, lairon,

4) Diantha ( Kalos) : Gardevoir, gourgeist

5) Lance ( johto) :Dragonair, Charmeleon,

6) Wallace ( Hoenn) :Milotic, whiscash,

7) Lucian ( Sinnoh) :Bronzong, Mr. Mime,

8) Caitlin ( Unova) : , reuniclus, musharna

9) Bruno ( johto) :Machoke, poliwrath,

10) Lorelei ( Kanto) : Lapras, dewgong

" So are these kids the strongest of this generation? They are barely even teenagers." Queen asked mockingly.

Other members have similar joking expression but joker and devil weren't such. Joker even said to them with a hint of warning," Don't underestimate them. Although it isn't their complete information, I know for a fact that the first ranker Alex and second ranker Cynthia are the undisputed strongest of their group with strength on par with the leader."

This brought an uproar in the members.

" You are joking. Leader is a master trainer. These brats had same strength then leader, don't fool us." Jack shouted.

" How can the kids who are barely fourteen have such strength." King said with a hint of disbelief.

All of them had their various levels of disbelief, devil came forward to support joker's statement and said," Be quiet and listen well. The strength of the strongest pokemons of the top five rankers are pseudo king level. But the strength of first two are undisputed in their place.

With Cynthia having a pseudo Legendary Gabite, so her second position being unchallenged is fine, but the first ranker doesn't have any known pseudo Legendary Pokemon yet he had his position meant only one thing." He became quiet and let everyone have their own assumption behind his strength.

" What does it mean, sir?" One of the aces asked nervously.

" I mean that just like me, he had two pseudo king pokemons under his belt making him as strong as me." He replied plainly.

Although some are too shocked by this news, they didn't dare to interrupt because their leader wouldn't joke about this matter. It showed these people that even these young people have such strength then what is the true strength of the Pokemon league which had dominated the world for thousand of years.

" So what are our plans now, sir?" Queen asked her boss.

" I have contacted the other association for a meeting to discuss about how to deal with them. These brats are powerful but only if they are dealt together as a group then thr league can suffer.

Out of all the top young trainers, the influence of dealing with top five is something we should yearn for.

But be cautious, until I have contacted them and reached a deal with them, these top five aren't to be touched." He ordered.

" Now let's move to the next order of business. We have a need for new recruits so..."

While the Devil's Horn and other organizations talked about the threat that Alex had over them, he was currently flying on his pidgeot with his cousin, Jim towards the Cerulean city.

Jim was enjoying his time flying on pidgeot and he decisively said," I will have a flying pokemon too who can take me to the sky. Alex, can he fly faster."

Pidgeot seemed to be angered by his words but Alex soothing hands calmed him down.

Alex smiled at his expression and said proudly," of course. He can fly ten times faster than now. At this speed we will reach Cerulean city in half an hour but if he goes at his top speed I can endure, it will take only ten minutes. "

" Then why so slow?" Jim asked puzzled.

" If you are stronger then I could go faster, but Jim, you are still young. Your body cannot handle that level of speed so we are going this slow. " This dimmed Jim but Alex knew it was necessary.

Young Trainer after getting pokemons felt they are invincible but if the doubts about strength is introduced early on, at least they would not jump into the danger head first.

After half an hour, they can see the outlines of the city and Alex had pidgeot stop him at the outskirts.

" Why did we stop here and not head inside directly?" Jim asked.

" Some places prohibit the entry in the city through flying. Once some people are exception and sadly we aren't in that exception group so we will be walking to the city." Alex said while returning pidgeot back into the pokeball

Alex took Jim towards the same Pokemon center, his father took him to get his official starter pokemon. It had been more than an year since Alex last came here.

By Alex side are Pikachu and Swablu still unmoved from their position and Growlithe following behind him loyally.

There are dozens of people who came today to get the starter for their children or relative so the area around the pokemon center was pretty crowded.

" Jim where did uncle Gray said he will be waiting?" Alex asked him.

" Dad said that he will be near the entrance."

Alex looked around but couldn't find his uncle so he had Growlithe find him and he did it within seconds.

Growlithe had found his uncle within a few minutes and then he came across a silver haired man who was his uncle Gray.

" Uncle, were you hiding from us?" Alex asked joking with a smile on his face.

" Of course not. I was making sure that the pokemon I prepared for Jim is ready. Anyway you all are right on time. Your turn is just round the corner, Jim. Be prepared. Your token number is....".

They all stood there waiting for Jim's turn and Swablu, Pikachu as well as Growlithe played among themselves to spend time with Jim too joining them in their games.

Their actions irritated some of the people who anxiously awaited their turn and wanted to give them a piece of his mind. But Haunter made sure before they could come forward to disrupt their fun, he would make them turn away.

Haunter action were secretive but it didn't escape Alex's eyes. He let things happen.

When Jim turn came he rushed inside while Alex and Gray patiently waited for his arrival.

" Alex what do you think of my choice?"

He answered without second thoughts, " I wouldn't let an absolute rookie start his journey with that Pokemon. They are proud and a bit wild borderline savage in the wild.

I worry it may take a long time to have him accept Jim , but."


" But if he gets his approval, then he had a loyal pokemon at his beck and call. "

As soon as he said that Jim had arrived back with a pokeball

" Why don't you let your partner out?" Alex told his cousin.

Jim shaking let out his Pokemon.

The pokemon that Jim got was...

Alex existence is known by his the devils horn but how will they traet him? Next chapter will reveal the starter of Ben, Clara and Jim. Stay tuned

To be continued...

Darthnorther Darthnorther

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soon Alex will battle In Cerulean gym, the current strongest gym of Kanto which will show his growth.

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