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New rules

"- I met him at Oasis Palace, all I have to do is to make the report look perfect, in return, I will receive money.

-I could not see his face. He was young 25-30 years old."

(For all virgins Oasis Palace is heaven. Did you get it?)

- How much money did you get?

-50,000 Koson

[Koson is the money of this world. 50,000 is the one-year salary of a noble teacher. But it's a small amount for an official.]

-What was wearing?

- A Zupan.

[Żupan is worn by noblemen and very wealthy merchants. ]

The information received didn't please Xavier.

They were too unimportant, but it was better than nothing.

As to what he had promised to Frederic in exchange for this information, there was little work to do.

Just had to send a letter to an insignificant general.

If he doesn't accept, he has achieved his part of the deal. If Xavier doesn't do his part of the deal, nobody knows. Neither does want to know.

After answering questions, Frederic returned to normal without even remembering his conversation.

-Frederic, I'm going to send a letter next month. I'll need you to pass the new administrative changes to all the libraries. Are you okay with that?

-Oh, yeah yeah. New rules?

- There a problem?

-No, No. I will do everything my lord says.

Xavier was afraid he couldn't do it. However, this was not his modern life. The library was his responsibility. He can make any decision without consulting anyone.

-Good. Xavier takes a more comfortable position

-First I want you to tell me, which family sent the maids?

Frederic's eyes didn't turn black, but the effect is the same.

-Arsames family. A noble family, of merchants. They have no power in the imperial palace.

-GOOD. I want, to be sent back. Before you do this, I want you to put on the forehead, with a hot iron, the word: Useless.

-I do not understand the Lord's order.

[It seems that the marking human with hot iron does not exist in this world.]

Xavier smile. Still, his smile expressed somewhat sadistic. He began to explain to Frederic every step of the process. Started to get so much into detail as a real BDSM master.

-Make sure the new servants can see them.

-No concerns. I'll take care of everything.


Xavier sat for a few seconds staring at the floor, then with a serious face:

"-The next week will be a general test, for all librarians teacher. Even, he teaches farmers or nobles. Those who get 60 points out of 100, can keep their jobs. For those who have taken less than 40 points they will have to give a new test next week, but only to be peasant teachers.

-Between 40 and 50 a 10,000 Koson salary reduction for noble teachers and 1,000 for those who teach farmers.

If a farmer teacher takes 80 points, he can teach nobility, but salary increases by only 500 Koson a year at his former salary. He will get the salary of a noble teacher if at the next exam he takes at least 60 points. If someone takes 100 points, they will receive the first teacher's title.

The exam room is guarded, by the guards. Those who try to cheat will be sent to jail and judged."

The salary of a librarian, who can teach the noble, is 50,000 Koson a year and for the teacher, the farmer is 10,000 per year.

-I need simple librarians to help me create tests. I need 30 of them.

Frederic began to take notes from the crowd of information.

-The teacher's identity will be, personally verified by me.

[In the future when the number of teachers increases, you will need to find a better method of verification. But now it is enough.]

-All this information I want to be submitted in writing. Those who do not accept the new rules will be able to leave.

-Tests will be corrected by me and displayed outside the library.

Xavier wants to create with this test a competition with farmer librarians and take some money from them, in order to finance the later projects. Hit two birds in a shot.

-I want to turn the banquet hall into the examination room. That's why I'll need 30 guards.

After Xavier finished speaking, he felt his lips dry.

-I'll start doing what the young master said.

Frederic was very excited, not for the new rules, but for getting free of this stupid job. Only if he knew this, stupid, job would become the most wanted, he would spit blood.

-If there are any problems, do not hesitate to call me.

These new rules will bring new purpose to education in the kingdom and will shock the world and Xavier's name, will be remembered as the one who put the foundation for education. But that's something in the future. More like a spoiler.

TheSlocker TheSlocker

Do not die stupid:

Żupan is a long garment, always lined, worn by almost all males of the noble social class.

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