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Death & Tea

To create an adequate sword essence, one must be able to use a sword to cut down a boulder 10 feet away. Of course without out the use of chakra too. To obtain the Wild Blade sword essence the same feat must be achieved with a small dry tree branch.

Gosura was building up to this by practicing every day. He started by swinging a branch to cut down a tree first. He didn't swing fast, nor did he use a lot of force, but he swung with intent.

"I am the blade and the world is my sword," Gosura repeated with every swing. The special mantra aided in the creation of sword essence by honing your will to achieve the impossible. After hours upon hours of practice, did a descent cut finally appeared on the tree. Still, this was not enough, so he continues to swing. In doing so, the cut would deepen every time.

"Damn it, took me 1000 swings per a tree this time." Gosura cursed, his progress was depressingly slow. Despite all his experience and hacked abilities, the difficultly of this skill proved to be formidable. But he pushed on, is perseverance was his strong point after all.

Gosura cleaned up the back yard by dragging the cut down trees off to sell them later. He wouldn't get much, but he didn't have anywhere else to put the wood. He then entered his house and made dinner. After concocting a hearty bowl of Porridge, he went to Agetha's room. This bowl wasn't for himself, as he had yet to master Form for the Sword Body technique, he is unable to eat or sleep until he has acquired Form. The bowl of food, however, did have a purpose. It was made for Agetha.

Opening the door, Gosura looked at Agetha sitting up in her bed, she was waiting for him. Gosu sat beside her and began feeding her slowly. Her paralysis had spread, sparing only her arms and head, as they still had the ability to move around. This allowed her to sit up, lay down, and eat... for now. Though she had, sadly, lost the precious ability to speak, and needed a lot of help with her personal hygiene.

"I finished my training today, Grandma." He spoke in a gentle manner. She nodded as she ate to show she understood.

"I've also decided to delay my entrance into the academy." Agetha gave Gosura a fierce look.

"I'm not going to leave you alone like this!" he countered her stare with resolution, "No matter what you say, I'm sticking with you. The academy isn't even necessary, as I know of others ways to become a ninja. For now, I'll get a nurse to take care of you because I'm planning to get a part-time job." Agetha gave him an even fiercer stare.

"What, I can't just waste all the money you saved up as a jonin." Agetha kept staring, but she eventually softens up. Her eyes were filled with sadness, self loathing, and a little pain.

Gosura in his past life was, ironically, also an orphan, because of that he never had a strong familial bond before. Now, however, everything was different. He could wholeheartedly say that Agetha had cemented herself has is his beloved maternal figure. After Agetha was done eating, Gosura gave her a pen and some giant sheets of paper as she would often draw or write in her spare time. Which, as of late, she has a lot to spare. He watched her until he had, accidentally, drifted asleep by her side.

Gosura eventually woke up to a bright sunrise.

"Oh, shit, that's going to slow down my training. Fuck!" Once he was done beating himself up about his lapse in discipline, his eyes wander over to the ~breathtaking~ scenes drawn out in Agetha's lap.

He looked all the ink that Agetha had splayed a crossed her papers, though it was just black and white, they were absolutely beautiful. Some depicting war and hate, others depicting love and peace. As he was flipping through them he came across the last drawing. It was a very detailed picture of Agetha and Gosura standing side by side, as if it was a black and white photo.

"We never did take a picture together. Man, I need to chill with all that training!" He thought as he smiled and flipped the last page over, only to find a cluster of works.

It was a letter addressed to him.

"I don't have much time left, no time at all actually. I've been using my chakra to push myself this far, but there isn't much you could do when your organs start failing. Now, as my chakra begins to thin, I've realized that I have been holding you back. I have already taught you everything I could. Now it's time for me to let go. I leave all of my belongings, and what's left of the clan, under your care.

I also hope you go and join the academy. You're undeniably a genius by your own right, but I wish for you to graduate normally as those so-called geniuses all tend to have weird quirks. Kakashi, Hiruzen, & Jiraiya are all perverts. Orochimaru and Itachi betrayed the leaf. I don't want you to end up like them.

Finally, I believe you have the ability and the drive to revive the clan. I will not force this on you, but if you deem yourself capable, please make a new family. Please don't let yourself be the last Araki, don't let yourself stay alone in this dark world, like I had for so long."

"I'm sorry."

Gosura eyes watered as he briefly rereads the letter. "Hey, Agetha this is a joke, right." He nudged at her body, trying to wake it up. The more he pushes Agetha's body, the more tears come out of his eye. When it finally hits him, he roars with anguish, tormented by his storm of sorrow. His howl of despair was so loud it woke up most of the surrounding neighbors. Several ninjas, who heard the shout, rushed in to find Gosura bawling on top of Agetha's body.

A week later Gosura has cleaned up the house and organizing much of the belongings, cleaning out his grandma's room to move into. The funeral for Agetha had been fast as the Hokage and a couple of Agetha's students were the only people that attended. The Hokage asked Gosura if he wanted to take over the Araki heritage and live by himself now, or if he wanted to go back to the orphanage. Gosura had chose to live alone in his house.

"It feels so empty," Gosura spoke as he sat on a chair at the dining table by himself. After lounging around for a few minutes, he got up and began hanging Agetha's paintings all around the house. He put Agetha's portrait of them in his room.

As he was doing so, he thought about how he doesn't want to just spend Agetha's hard earned money. He needed to find a way to earn some money back. Suddenly had idea popped into his head, I can rent out the rooms! This will help with(not completely cover) buying ninja tools, food pills, and other necessities. There should be a demand for this too because his place is near the academy and the mission office. Some one should eventually want a room, for the sake of convenience... right?

To prepare for this he buys another set of washer and dryer, buys an and extra fridge and freezer. Another rice cooker, and other pots and pans. Stocks up on toilet paper and buys a big box tv for the living room. All of this was an investment to aid in the comfort of his future clients. he also plans to provide food for the clients as well.

Gosura got all the requirements he needed to do for an official business (with the help of the Hokage). Then he sets up posters and places them all around. Now all he had to do is wait for the requests to come in.


After a couple of weeks of waiting, he found out this was much harder then it looked. Not many people wanted to rent a room under and 8-year-old landlord. And in this world of ninjas, there aren't any desperate college students hunting around for lodging.

"Not much I could do about it. I just have to wait it out." Gosura thought. He had just wrapped up his training for Form, which was evident due to a large boulder that had been spit in half beside him. Happy with his accomplishments, he left the his forest and went back home. The first thing he made after a month of not being able to eat was tea. He was in no hurry to bit down on meat, and he couldn't have any tea during his fasting as it wasn't pure water.

As the Godzilla franchise didn't existing in this world, nor any form of Kaiju like movies or shows. Gosura was some what down a hobby. Watch monster movies helped him relax, it healed him. But now, he needed a substitute. He then remembered tea making, something Agetha would indulge in, so he gave it a shot.

After making a batch of Iced Houjicha (farmers tea), he just sat down outside, and looked toward the sky. "It feels quite empty indeed."

After he finishes his tea, he finally goes to sleep.

Gosura's current stats.


Physical Strength: High Chunin

Chakra Level: 1.5 Tails


- Sage Chakra Generation [Atomic]

- Sage Body [Atomic]

- Regen G-1

- Monstrous Body Lv:1

- Adaptation

- Chromosomal Manipulation

- Sword Body Technique Lv: 1

- Near Photographic Memory

- Fatigue Denial (No longer require sleep)

- Self Sufficiency (Doesn't need sustenances to survive)

- Gentle Hands Lv: 4(Your ability to handle delicate thing increased)


- Kaiju Form (Godzilla X)-110m

- Atomic Sage Breath

- Beastly Intimidation

- Muay Thai Lv: 7

- Wild Blade Art Lv: 6

- Cooking Lv: 8

- Cleaning Lv: 13

- Art of Tea Making Lv: 7

- Masseuse Lv: 4

Spirit Essence: 0

Nublyss Nublyss


Yo, if their are any continuity errors in the chapters I have revamped. Please let me know.

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