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Chapter 3: Adoption & Sword

Gosura was raised in the orphanage since the day of the Kyubi attack. Despite being a healthy child, he was not adopted yet by any adults. It seems that most people feared the boy when they looked at him. As if to be rewarded for his ability to strike fear to the hearts of passing civilians looking to adopt, Gosura obtained the skill [Beastly Intimidation]. An active ability that strikes fear into anyone/anything who had a weak will. Most Chunins and Jonins could ignore it, but this was quite affective on most Genins and those who are lesser (bandits,civilian, etc).

He would also meet with the Hokage at times thanks to Naruto still being in the orphanage, and the fact he was a monster just like the kid.

Once Gosura was able to move around freely, he had plenty of time to train himself. He mostly practices Muay Thai in his free time, one of the few martial arts he learned in his past. He had done this for a couple of months until an orphanage employee, who is a very old Ex-Jonin, saw Gosura practice.

Thinking that he was quite the hard working kid, smiled when ever he started practicing his skills and help him in his training. Eventually she went and adopted Gosura due to his dedication and maturity. That was when Gosura was 6 roughly years old.

Two years had passed since then.

"Gosu! Did I say you could stop your studies? You better come back and finish reading those books after lunch!" Agetha Araki, the old woman who adopted the boy, shouted in the back yard.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Gosura, now dawning the last name Araki, stopped his training in the yard and walked towards the lady in a wheelchair on the porch. Surprisingly, he got to keep his old name Gosura, despite it being an oddity.

"You know, I did adopt you due to your dedication to training and self improvement, but you just train too much. You remind me of a certain green spandex, hehe." She chuckled at the thought. Then let out a sigh as he continued.

"Haaah, but you are young Gosu, you should take some time to hang out with your peers."

"You know my rate of growth and maturity, you think I could effectively blend in with those kids? Besides that, even if I wanted to, most kids run away when they see me." Gosu counters.

"Those kids will never understand your charm. Hmff, at least make sure you learn knowledge beyond just combat. I'd rather you not be just brawn. Make sure you maintain your brain too."


Grabbing the wheelchair Gosura pushed Agetha back into the house. Set her next to the dinning table, he then went to the stove and began to cook. After Agetha adopted him, she passed down the Araki family's [Wild Blade Arts] to him. Gosura, who had desired a form of kenjustu (who wouldn't, swords are cool) ever since he came to this world, happily accepted Agatha's teachings. A year after he was adopted, Agetha's legs had begun deteriorating due to a genetic disease. Luckily he had managed to learned almost everything from her (not mastered) before she became unable to demonstrate the Blade Arts.

Once Agetha had to start using a wheelchair, she thought of putting Gosura back into the orphanage, but he stubbornly claimed that he would stayed, forcefully took the Araki families last name (with the help of the Hokage) an began taking care of Agetha. Since then Agetha aided him in mastering the Wild Blade Arts and push him into properly educating himself. After a year of extreme studying, he had even adapted to the info cramming by developing near-photographic memory. This only aided in increasing his work load, but he did it with out a complaint.

By reading the news and learning/studying history, he found a few differences between what he remembered about the world of Naruto and the current world he is in.

First of all, the Senju clan is still alive, though they have been reduced to a family of five (not counting Tsunade). Most of them are nowhere near as powerful as Hashirama or Tobirama, this resulted in the Senju clans reputation to decline. Though this didn't mean that they are weak. Not a single one of the family members are at Genin or Chunin level. Well, except for the youngest who has yet to go to the academy. Rumors says the kid even has TWO kekkai-genkais. One of them being the famous wood release of the First Hokage.

Sasuke has an older sister (about a year older then Sasuke), who was born blind in one eye and had been treated as a defective Uchiha because of it. Sasuke, her own brother learned from the adults and treated her like garbage as well, despite Itachi's reprimand. This made her hate everyone in her own family, except Itachi and her mother, who were the only people to take care of her. Because of this, when the Uchiha massacre occurred, she only mourned for her loved ones but never got wrapped up in hate like Sasuke. She and Sasuke live separately from one another afterwards.

Sasuke had tried getting her to hate, Itachi as well but the sister would always respond against it. Mostly because she believed that Itachi had a reason for his actions. Also, their parents were strong Jonins, but the fact that they didn't struggle the slightest. Even as a method to gain attention for help, meant that they knew what was going on and excepted it. Sasuke cried out bullshit.

After after his studies, and dinner, it was time for them to go to sleep. As he wheeled Agetha to her bed, she began to speak.

"Gosu, I can feel it, I don't have much time left."

"Don't talk like that. I need you to stay, witness the moment I become a powerful ninja... atleast until I become a Jonin!"

"I only have a year left at most. I have some knowledge of medicine and medical ninjitsu and I am certain of my conditions." Agetha spoke with a heavy heart.


"Do you regret having such an old grandma."

"No, never. Despite only being with you for two years. All I have is gratitude, Mother." She smacks his head, and corrects him.

"Calling me mother doesn't fit well. As much as I'd like to pretend, I'm not nearly young enough. Stick with grandma." She said with tears fulfillment in her eyes. Gosu wipes them away, and give her a hug.

"Can't deny the fact that you liked it." Gosura quipped back.

"Enough tears," she cuts in while changing the topic, "Lets not bother ourselves with the inevitable. I still have one last bit of the Araki family's Wild Blade Art inheritance I have not passed down to you. It is a technique that no one has ever been able to complete within the Araki family."

The Araki family's Sword Art is Called Wild due to it's unpredictable and fast-paced attack style, but just like any good blade, is it a highly refined technique. Every cut would be smooth, clean, and calculated using this style.

"It's called [Sword Body] there are three levels to this technique. Named Form, Mastery and Fusion respectively. I have only mastered Form and I sadly couldn't handled anything after that."

"I'm down to try give it a go." He accepted the challenge, she then handed a book to him explaining the requirements for each level.

"I have tried to interpret what the technique is trying to achieve but I could never understand it." Agetha voiced her experience as Gosu read through the book. It was an old book at that, the pages were quite worn out. Several notes were written down from previous practitioners, but most only talked bout how much they had to suffer while practicing it.

All levels of the technique required a person to not sleep or eat or anything until that level is achieved, meaning that they had to fast while obtaining each form, but they could eat again once that level was complete.

Form shows the way to create/generate a new form of energy from the body. It's name fluctuates between sword essence to sword intent. Other ninjas have achieved this through training with the sword for years, one of the more famous ninjas with sword intent being Zabuza surprisingly! But the Sword Body technique vastly speeds up the process to obtain it. Not only that, but the sword essences from practicing this technique is different, far more "natural" compared to others.

Mastery builds on top of Form as it requires you to master the sword essence and make it as close to emulating the "natural essence" in our as possible.

Last, but not at all least, Fusion attempts something insane, the fusion of chakra and sword essence.

"This is trying to create a new form of sage mode!" Gosura thought. A sage mode is formed through merging energy from nature with you own body, through, radiation, wood, toad oil, or snake venom. But sage mode is always formed through nature. This is a technique that defies all of this by creating something not unlike and artificial sage mode. As the sword essence would be generated from your own body, it would naturally make you obtain a sage body... no a Sword Body. Now the technique made sense. The reason why Agetha never figured this out was because she had no idea about how sage mode was formed.

"This is an insane technique."

"Yep, a crazy one at that, the old Araki's had made this technique as sound as possible, making the technique achievable in theory, but no one has ever attained Fusion. The farthest anyone has ever reached is the beginning stage of Mastery, but he died of starvation soon after."

"Was this technique created around the time of the First Hokage?"

"Yes, the Araki who made this was a close friend of Hashirama, how did you know?"

"Makes sense, I think I know what Fusion is supposed to do."

Nublyss Nublyss

3/18 Revised, this surprisingly took a long time to edit.

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