HP: The Life Point Number for existed in reality, the more powerful the creature is more powerful.
Vitality (Vit): Vitality is the warmth of the body life that allows you to regenerate faster, if it falls to zero means death.For the sacrifice / resurrection spells such as the Rinnegan outward path, you must Sacrifice 10000 of Vitality, every hour that the target is dead plus it takes Vitality.
1 hour=10000 Vitality
2 hours=20000 Vitality
5 hours=50000 Vitality
Strength (STR): Strength is the ability to counteract gravity.
Agility (AGI): Agility is the ability to quickly change the position of one's body. This requires a combination of balance, psychomotor coordination and reflexes.
Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity is the level of fluency in performing a manual movement. [Human Adult Normal: 50]
Endurance (STM): Endurance is the ability to maintain a certain level of intensity over time.
Intelligence (INT): intelligence is the ability to learn and apply complex knowledge, increases the Thought, Memory and Mana Stock. Increase the efficiency of certain spells.5 INT = 10 Mana.10 INT all 10 Levels.
Wisdom (WIS): Wisdom is the ability to make good and healthy decisions. Use energy to condense a prayer or ritual with great faith into a Divine being. Increasingly regenerating Mana. Wisdom = 1% MP per hour
Defense (DEF): The Physical Defense is a statistic for withstanding the physical, magical, mental force of a person or heavy object.
Attack (ATT): The Physical Attack is a statistic that aims to harm a person / creature or object physically, magically, mentally.
Charm: Charm is the quality of attracting and seducing people. (Human charm is limited to 100) [More than 100% is a love]
Charisma: Charisma is the quality of a person or a group that seduces, influences, even fascinates, others by his speeches, his attitudes, his temperament, his actions. A powerful charisma disturbs and neutralizes the judgment of others; charisma helps steer, even manipulate, others.
LUCK: Chance is a probability of having events that advantage or disadvantage people (Normal Human Chance 50)
Iguva Lich Dress: Luxurious dress, enchant with Black Magic, White, Increase Mana regeneration and reinforce Black Magic Spell and Low Magic.
https: //www.google.fr/search hl = en & DCR = 0 & biw = 1278 & bih = 872 & tbm = isch & sa = 1 & ei = Si9iXMmqL-HjgweIr6-4Aw & q = overlord + lich + iguva & oq = overlord + lich + iguva & gs_l = img.3 ... 57937.74560..75331 1.0..0.89.965.11 ... ... 1 .... 1..gws-wiz-img .... 35i39j0j0i67j0i30j0i8i30.XCvZVVozGqs # imgrc = r9unS3J9e80AIM:
Wand of the Elements: Wand made by an unknown being, Transcend the Elemental Laws, Gives a little understanding of the Elemental Law. Transferred from generation to generation in the Otsutsuki family.
Appearance: Wand made with Dark Elderberry wood, 40 cm in length, In Three Heart Darkhair in Violet enchant with a seal that amplifies the elemental spells:
Effect: + 50% Attack For Spells 8 Elements: Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Lightning, Ice, Light, Shadow.
https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&dcr=0&biw=1278&bih=871&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=BFpgXJqZD7uajLsPqrOPMA&q=baguette+Liselle&oq=baguette+Liselle&gs_l=img.3...27149.27149..27733...0.0 .. ... 1 .... 2j1..gws-wiz-img.n-8BV1bKZbo # imgrc = Vs1lUwGu5AjXOM:
https: //www.google.fr/search hl = en & DCR = 0 & biw = 1278 & bih = 871 & tbm = isch & sa = 1 & ei = 2lZgXJaMJ4OtgweR-5-QBQ & q = Naruto +% C3% A9lements & oq = Naruto +% C3% A9lements & gs_l = img.3 ... 9194.14408..14697 0.0..0.128.1270.12j2 ... ... 1 .... 1..gws-wiz-img .... 35i39j0j0i8i30j0i30.DsXggiPNvZg # imgrc = 6ZekWIxx1UwV8M:
Book of the Dead: Changed race by becoming an Elder Lich for 24 hours.
Effect: Race <Human> changes to <Lichy Elder> for 24 hours.Transforms the body into a living creature that has white skin and more visible bone and a harmful aura that destroys weak life forms such as birds, crows, rats, foxes ....
Advantages: Infinite Stamina + Passive Levitation + Undead Invocation Medium Level Every 5 minutes + High Magical Resistance + High Mana Reserve + Negative Touch + Absolute Gas / Smoke / Smell / Ice Resistance + Low Magic Barrier that regenerates automatically .Affinities: + 5% Magic Black / + 5% Darkness / + 5% Hex / + 5% Occlumency /
Low Magic Barrier: HP(8000) ÷ 4 = 2000/2000
Medium Magic Barrier: HP(2000) ÷ 2 = 4000/4000
Great Magic Barrier:HP(8000) × 2 =16000 / 16000
Disadvantages: Low Physical Resistance + Increased Light Damage -10% + Increased Sacred Damage -10% + Increased Fire Damage -10%.
Skills: Levels 1-10 = Basic
Skills: Levels 11-20 = Intermediate
Skills: Levels 21-30 = High
Skills: Levels 31-40 = Superior
Skills: Levels 41-50 = Master
Skills: Levels 51-60 = Elite
Skills: Levels 61-70 = King
Skills: Levels 71-80 = Emperor
Skills: Levels 81-90 = Tyrant
Skills: Levels 91-100 = Sovereign
Skills: Levels 101-110 = Divine